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Ford shorthand

Shorthand Made Easy -

Do you want to learn shorthand in 15 minutes instead of taking weeks
of classes?
Do you want to write in your journal in an encrypted way so the
meaning is obfuscated?
Do you want to take notes or just write in a cool way? Then the Ford
Improved Shorthand is what you are looking for and it is free too

I developed Ford Improved Shorthand when I wanted a fast way to write

in my journal that kept my writing private.
I searched for various simple cypher systems including pig-pen
encryption and others, but they were hard to read and difficult to learn.
I then looked into shorthand. I quickly discovered that existing
shorthand methods were outdated and imprecise. That is when I
decided to develop my own modernized and easy to learn shorthand
Gregg is the most common type of shorthand and is the scrolling type
most people recognize as shorthand. This method is difficult to learn
and very hard to read. It was never meant to be used to record
information for storage. It was meant to be used for dictation that would

then be immediately transcribed. If someone were to write notes in

Gregg shorthand and try to read them six months later it would be very
difficult. The writing method is also imprecise because it uses sounds,
not letters. Many of the symbols also vary in size so one slash means one
sound and a slightly longer slash another and an even longer slash
means yet something else. If you do not keep your writing scaled the
same it becomes hard to read. It also omits vowels. Try writing down a
password this way! Gregg was not going to meet my needs.

Greeg Shorthand Example

Pittman is another well-known method. It is similar to Gregg in that it is
a scrolling style which omits vowels. It also requires the use of a fountain
pen to make thin and thick lines. Again, unusable today.
Teeline is a method that is still taught to journalists in the UK and widely
used. It has the advantage of using every letter, but that makes it a little
slower. It is easier to learn, however it is also confusing as I will cover
later. Teeline was invented by James Hill in 1968. It is actually a
derrivative of earlier versions. When you compare it to Gregg you see
many similar shapes such as the sounds for O, T, M. Vowels are
eliminated unless they are the first letter of the word or the last letter.
Ford Improved Shorthand looks similar to Teeline but that is only
because I used the same concept in my letter development. Teeline also
omits vowels and has some other tricks that are taught in the classes for
this method which make it complicated. That is something I did not like.
When you take out the vowels you speed up writing but you also take
out precision and readability.

Teeline Shorthand Alphabet

Ford Improved Shorthand solves the problems of older systems. It is
easy to learn and write. The average person can learn the complete
system in 15 minutes with no classes. It is also free for personal use. It is
easy to read even months or years after it is written. It uses every letter
so there is never any ambiguity about what is written.
Ford Improved Shorthand is effective for students. The other systems for
shorthand are not useful for students because you spend too much time
trying to figure out your notes and not learning. You are better off
recording the class while using Ford Improved Shorthand to write down
highlights, lists, etc. The Ford version is a modernized version which is
redesigned to be easy to use, easy to learn, easy to read, easy to write,
accurate and fast.
The average speed most people write is around 20 words per minute.
Your speed when using the Ford Improved Shorthand method depends
on your ability, but 40 words per minute is pretty good and faster than
many people type and claims of 150 words are not uncommon. The
average person speaks around 200 words per minute so this speed
would allow a reasonable dictation rate.
The Ford Improved Shorthand method is meant as both shorthand and
coding for personal journals.
This method allows you to take rapidly written notes anywhere without
the average person being able to read what you have written.

Advantages of Ford Improved Shorthand

50% faster than regular cursive writing on average

no dependence on placement above or below centerline

no additional marks are needed

no special writing instruments are needed(such as thick or thin

lines as in the Pittman system)

works with languages other than English

every character is drawn as efficiently as possible

not dependant on character spacing or scale

easy to read even after time has passed

easy to write

easy to learn

can be written with any pen or pencil

Ford Improved Shorthand Features

You may notice that Ford shorthand and Teeline are similar. This is
because the same methodology was used for both. Teeline is based on
the idea of using the first stroke or defining stroke to identify a character.
The same idea was used for some other earlier shorthand versions which
are seen in the Teeline system too. For example the Ford Improved
Shorthand A is the outside stroke of the capital A. The E symbol is the
back and bottom stroke of the capital E. The I symbol is the dot and line
of the lower case i drawn in one stroke without lifting the pen. W and
M are simplified by omitting the middle strokes just as was done in
Gregg and other systems. F is the first stroke of the lower case "f". S can
be written either as shown or in mirror image, both ways are still S and
are a faster way of making a similar stroke. O is drawn as an alpha which
is faster because the ends do not have to connect. Q(the defining top
and spine stroke with serif) is differentiated from N(the second defining
stroke of the lower case letter) by the serif and straight top line. You can
figure out an easy way to remember each of them because almost every
character is a representative stroke of the original letter. Some
characters are the same as the original because they were easy to write
quickly in one or two strokes so there was no reason to change those.
Teeline also used strokes from Pittman and Gregg methods. The method
used in the Ford Improved Shorthand system is similar which means
many characters are similar. The Ford method uses the first stroke, a
defining stroke or motion, or the character itself for the Ford Improved
Shorthand character.
However, there are also many important differences between Ford
Improved Shorthand and other systems. There are almost no rules to
remember for the Ford Improved Shorthand method. With Teeline you
have to remember to omit vowels unless they are the first or last

character and you combine some characters and there are other
methods taught with Teeline.
In my testing I found that these simply were not worth learning and were
unnecessary. The speed advantage was not that significant when
compared to the difficulty of reading what was written later. That is why
the Ford system has no similar rules. Teeline has some other issues, like
using one character or character-appearing-symbol to represent a
different character or using a symbol that is not related to the character.
For example, in Teeline the alternate __ for D is similar to T but depends
on placement relative to the baseline. The Teeline F looks like D or a
deflated balloon, O looked like U but so did U and Q, S looked like O(so
why have O looking like U and S looking like O?). In Teeline Q, O, U and
Y look basically the same with Q looking like a big U that had nothing
to do with the form of Q. These character choices meant that you could
never use the actual letter if you forgot when writing what the Teeline
character was because it would look like another letter. It also made it
much harder to learn the alphabet because some letters are replaced
with other letters without rhyme or reason. If you forgot the symbol for
O and just wrote "o" it would look like S when you read it back in Teeline.
Teeline also combines characters even when there is no speed
advantage to doing this so a simple set of characters suddenly becomes
complex and hard to understand. There were a lot of problems with
Teeline which is why I set out to make my own alphabet.
In the Ford method you do not omit vowels. The Ford method speeds
up writing and allows you to keep your writing relatively private(as long
as no one looking over your shoulder knows this method). It is not meant
to be as fast as Gregg. It is meant to be easier to understand and write.
There is no difference between upper and lower case in the Ford system.
Punctuation and numbers are the same as in regular writing. You can
combine characters, but it is not necessary to do so. For example, THE
would be three marks combined and LIKE would be those shorthand
marks combined into one symbol, with the IK into one. Common words
can be abbreviated. For common words like and, the, you, you can use
a simple line so write the first letter then draw a line which symbolizes
the word.
Write y-- for you. You can develop your own abbreviations and make a
list of them in your journal. This will make your writing even faster.

Speed Considerations
Let's not forget that we live in a modern world. Shorthand was
developed to take dictation. I guarantee you if they had dictaphones or
smartphones with recording apps or even voice recognition software
there would have been no need for shorthand and it would have never
been developed. If speed is really that important and you need to
capture every word use a pocket voice recorder. Modern shorthand is
not about taking down dictation, it is about making notes quickly and
keeping your writing private. You do not have to write as fast as
someone can speak anymore.
Learning Ford Improved Shorthand
You dont need to take a course to learn the Ford Improved Shorthand
system. Just start using it.
1. Write the alphabet a couple of times and you will have it firmly
established in your head. It is really very simple. Look at how the
characters in the Ford alphabet are similar to, representative of,
or strokes from the original lower or upper-case letters. That will
make it easy to remember. Spend five minutes doing this.
2. Pick a random magazine article or page from a book and write it
using the Ford method. It must be something you have not
memorized. At first it will be a slow process.
3. When you have written a couple of paragraphs up to a page read
it back. Start at random places in the text and begin reading too.
It will take some practice to get good at reading it back. At first
you will have to pronounce the characters in your head and that

will turn into words. Sound out the words slowly. You will quickly
develop confidence in your ability to read it back, though it will
take some time while you are learning. With practice you will be
able to read your writing back as fast as you can read regular
writing and write it as well. Spend 10 minutes practicing your
reading. That is all you need to learn to read and write this
system. Beyond that it is a matter of practice.
Congratulations! You have just learned the Ford Improved Shorthand
method in 15 minutes or less.
If you would like a course in the Ford Improved Shorthand Method, then
you just got it. Re-read 1, 2 and 3. That is it. It really is that simple. For
numbers, special characters or punctuation use the regular shapes. If you
would still like to take a seven day intensive course in this method,
repeat the above for seven days. Really, that is all there is to it. This is a
simple method and I am not selling courses on how to do it.

Be classy and use a fountain pen. This is not really related to shorthand,
but it looks cool to write with a fountain pen and it is a great way to
differentiate your writing from other's writings. Do some web surfing on
fountain pens and you will find lots of people enjoy using them over
common ballpoint pens.
If you want to write languages other than English you can simply add
the pronunciation marks or use the actual character for non-standard

If you forget a letter, you can use the regular letter. You can figure out
what you wrote even if you dont remember every letter because your
mind will fill in the blanks when you recognize most letters.

You may want to make your writing even harder to read if you are writing
in a diary or journal. There is something personal about writing with your
own hand rather than using a computer. Journals are still very popular,
but no one wants just anyone to read a private diary or journal. Writing
in code is impractical and difficult. Plus, what if you forget the code? The
Ford method makes it easy.
The Ford method allows obfuscation, not encryption. It is not secure and
anyone who can read Ford Improved Shorthand can read what you write.
But, let's face it, how many people around you can read Ford Improved

If you want to obfuscate more, add pronunciation marks randomly or

other marks such as underlining or overlining, umlaut or dots over a
character, or carets over a character, or circling a character. This has no
meaning but will make it harder to understand by the casual viewer.
When reading, you will know they are not actually part of the text but
those extra bits are just there to throw off anyone trying to read your
Move characters up or down on the line so they are not all aligned the
Combine characters or place them close together.
Make up dummy characters and insert them between characters.
Insert pig-pen encryption characters to break up words.
Start each paragraph with dummy characters or a nonsense sentence.
Even if someone can ready Ford Improved Shorthand they will assume
they cannot read any more of your writing when they are confounded
by the first line.
You can make it harder to read even for someone who knows what the
letters mean by writing in Pig Latin or Carnie Talk.

The Ford Improved Shorthand method is free for personal or business
use as long as it is not sold and no money is charged for the system or
materials. If you teach this system or make any materials from it available
as part of another product or course then you must obtain permission.
The image showing the Ford Improved Shorthand characters may be
used on other websites as long as it is not altered or cropped. It may be
resized as long as all text is readable.
Speed Reading
If you are interested in speed writing, then you will also be interested in
Speed Reading. Find out more.

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