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Published on Bonita Documentation (http://documentation.bonitasoft.


Create your first project with the Engine

APIs and Maven
Product version:
7.2, 7.1, 7.0
Product edition:
This page contains an example of to set up a Maven project to create a client that uses the
Bonita BPM client APIs to communicate with the Bonita BPM Engine and run a process. It
assumes that you are a Java programmer familiar with using Maven.
Bonita BPM Client APIs
Maven dependencies
Bonita home
Log in
Example of a client program

Bonita BPM Client APIs

In this example, we use the following APIs:
LoginAPI: Manages the login on tenants. Using this API you can obtain an APISession,
which is required for access to the tenant APIs, such as the IdentityAPI and the
ProcessAPI: Manages processes. Using this API you can handle process execution (for
example, start a process, retrieve a task, execute a task, or retrieve data) and process
management (for example, deploy, undeploy, enable or disable a process).

Maven dependencies
In order to use the client APIs, you need to add a dependency to the bonita-client artifact
in your Maven pom.xml file:
7.0.0 ... org.bonitasoft.enginebonita-client${bonita.bpm.version}

Bonita home
In order to execute this client example you need to set the Java system property

, for example -Dbonita.home=, and configure a Bonita Home for the client. The bonita
home used must have the same version as the Bonita BPM Engine, which is configured in
bonita.bpm.version (here 7.0.0).

Log in
The first action of the client must be to log in. This example shows how to log in when
accessing the server over HTTP:
Map settings = new HashMap
(); settings.put("server.url", "http://localhost:8080");
settings.put("", "bonita");
APITypeManager.setAPITypeAndParams(ApiAccessType.HTTP, settings); //
get the LoginAPI using the TenantAPIAccessor LoginAPI loginAPI =
TenantAPIAccessor.getLoginAPI(); // log in to the tenant to create a
session APISession apiSession = loginAPI.login(username, password);

Example of a client program

In this example, a user interacts with a Bonita BPM process by choosing actions from a
command-line client program written in Java.
The user can choose one of the following actions:
start a process
list open process instances: process instances that have not yet completed
list archived process instances: process instances that have completed
list pending tasks
execute a task
The program displays a menu presented by the getMenutTextContent method:
private static String getMenutTextContent() { StringBuilder stb =
new StringBuilder("\nChoose the action to be executed:\n");
stb.append("0 - exit\n"); stb.append("1 - start a process\n");
stb.append("2 - list open process instances\n"); stb.append("3 list archived process instances\n"); stb.append("4 - list pending
tasks \n"); stb.append("5 - execute a task\n");
stb.append("Choice:"); String message = stb.toString(); return
message; }
These choices are interpreted by the following code:
private static void executeActions(ProcessDefinition
processDefinition) throws IOException, BonitaException { String
message = getMenutTextContent(); String choice = null; do { // show
the menu and read the action chosen by the user choice =
readLine(message); if ("1".equals(choice)) { // if user chooses 1,
start a new process instance startProcess(processDefinition); } else
if ("2".equals(choice)) { // if user chooses 2, list open process
instances listOpenedProcessInstances(); } else if
("3".equals(choice)) { // if user chooses 3, list archived process
instances listArchivedProcessInstances(); } else if
("4".equals(choice)) { // if user chooses 4, list pending tasks
listPendingTasks(); } else if ("5".equals(choice)) { // if user
chooses 5, execute the task chosen by the user executeATask(); }
else if (!"0".equals(choice)) { System.out.println("Invalid

choice!"); } } while (!"0".equals(choice)); }

Start a process
private static void startProcess(ProcessDefinition
processDefinition) { ProcessAPI processAPI =
TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(apiSession); ProcessInstance
processInstance =
processAPI.startProcess(processDefinition.getId()); }

List open process instances

All Bonita BPM Engine API methods that deal with collections are paged to avoid having too
many entries in memory. For these methods, if you want to retrieve all results you need
handle this page by page. This the case with the searchProcessInstances method used here
to retrieve open process instances. In the example, each page will contain up to 5
(PAGE_SIZE) elements:
private static void listOpenedProcessInstances() { // the result
will be retrieved by pages of PAGE_SIZE size int startIndex = 0; int
page = 1; SearchResult result = null; do { // get the current page
of open process instances result =
getOpenProcessInstancePage(session, startIndex); // print the
current page printOpenedProcessIntancesPage(page, result); // go to
next page startIndex += PAGE_SIZE; page++; } while
(result.getResult().size() == PAGE_SIZE); } private static
SearchResult getOpenProcessInstancePage(APISession apiSession, int
startIndex) throws BonitaException { // create a new SeachOptions
with given start index and PAGE_SIZE as max number of elements
SearchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder = new
SearchOptionsBuilder(startIndex, PAGE_SIZE); // sort the result by
the process instance id in ascending order
optionsBuilder.sort(ProcessInstanceSearchDescriptor.ID, Order.ASC);
// perform the request and return the result ProcessAPI processAPI =
TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(apiSession); return
processAPI.searchProcessInstances(optionsBuilder.done()); }

List archived process instances

In order to retrieve all archived process instances you also need to iterate page by page:

private static void listArchivedProcessInstances() { // the result

will be retrieved by pages of PAGE_SIZE size int startIndex = 0; int
page = 1; SearchResult result = null; do { // get the current page
of opened process instances result =
getArchivedProcessInstancePage(session, startIndex); // print the
current page printArchivedProcessInstancePage(page, result); // go
to the next page startIndex += PAGE_SIZE; page++; } while
(result.getResult().size() == PAGE_SIZE); } private static
getArchivedProcessInstancePage(APISession apiSession, int
startIndex) throws BonitaException { // create a new SeachOptions
with given start index and PAGE_SIZE as max number of elements
SearchOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder = new
SearchOptionsBuilder(startIndex, PAGE_SIZE); // when process
instances are archived the original process instance id is supplied
by SOURCE_OBJECT_ID, // so the result will be sort by the
Order.ASC); // perform the request and return the result; ProcessAPI
processAPI = TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(apiSession); return

List pending tasks

To get the pending tasks for the logged user, you use the method
private static void listPendingTasks() { ProcessAPI processAPI =
TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(apiSession); // the result will be
retrieved by pages of PAGE_SIZE size int startIndex = 0; int page =
1; List pendingTasks = null; do { // get the current page
pendingTasks =
startIndex, PAGE_SIZE, ActivityInstanceCriterion.LAST_UPDATE_ASC);
// print the current page printTasksPage(page, pendingTasks); // got
to next page startIndex += PAGE_SIZE; page++; } while
(pendingTasks.size() == PAGE_SIZE); }

Execute a task
Before a user can execute a task, the task needs to be assigned to the user. The
assignUserTask method assigns the task to the user. The executeFlowNode method
executes the task.
private static void executeATask() {
processAPI.executeFlowNode(taskToExecute.getId()); }

2016 Bonitasoft, Inc. All rights reserved.

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