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1 (i) a. 'The war to end wars'means the men that fight

against the existing war to stop it from
happening it again.

b. 'The war to end wars'means someone fights

within himself the battle of self-consciousness
c. 'The war to end wars' means citizens battle their
own prejudices and hatred by learning to care
about one another despite the differents in race,
religion or nationality
d. 'The war to end wars' means someone
interprets to correct others' opinion

e. 'The war to end wars means someone does

activities to end fighting between people

(ii) Yes, because all of the mankind need a peaceful and harmony life! War is a state of army con
between society. It truly characterized by extreme collective aggresion, destruction and high
An absence of war is called 'peace'. Just like Americans and Britains start the war to end the e
war because ending a cruel war just like giving a new peaceful and harmony life.

(iii) There are many types of wars. For example, cold war among countries, even cities, cyber wa
of internet sexual harrasment or cyber bulling and politics war that involves of races, religion
more. With the statement above , we can know that anykind of wars starting a other war. But
start a war to end a war, the war will continue and cannot stop, it will harm our peaceful life.
fact, today's society is a modern world. Everyone is linked to each other by the an incredible
Internet. There are many types of modern war that we couldn't stop it such as cyber war, cold
politics war. We must make strong ourselves to fight against and stop the war we ever have b
knowledgeable and rational

Germans are attacking other countries and they'll
plan to take over the world if they haven't been
stopped by others. Hence, Americans would join
the fighting and had declared war on Germany to
stop it.
Richard braces himself and makes a poem in front
of all the students in the class
Citizens in Turtle Greek use their caring hearts to
help Hannah's parents who were involved in many
Mr. Higby does an explanation about the allies are
fighting the Central Powers, not the Huns so that
the way that students look about the allies is
Mrs. Hansen does a writing essay competition to
choose a Lady Liberty and a Doughboy to stop the
dispute between students.

aceful and harmony life! War is a state of army conflict

xtreme collective aggresion, destruction and high martality.
e Americans and Britains start the war to end the existing
ving a new peaceful and harmony life.

e, cold war among countries, even cities, cyber war among

ing and politics war that involves of races, religion and even
now that anykind of wars starting a other war. But, when
nue and cannot stop, it will harm our peaceful life. In the
eryone is linked to each other by the an incredible line,
war that we couldn't stop it such as cyber war, cold war and
es to fight against and stop the war we ever have by being

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