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Ghees central role in Ayurvedic treatment

Ghee is sweet in taste and cooling in energy, rejuvenating, good for the
eyes and vision, kindles digestion, bestows luster and beauty, enhances
memory and stamina, increases intellect, promotes longevity, is an
aphrodisiac and protects the body from various diseases. (Bhavaprakasha
No other substance is as widely used to prepare Ayurvedic medicines as
ghee. Ghee is also cited as the best substance for preparing the body for
Ayurvedas internal detoxification (Panchakarma). One reason for this is
that ghee is given as the best remedy for diseases due to aggravated Pitta
and Vata doshas. Ghee alleviates Pitta dosha by its cold, sweet properties
and Vata by its oiliness. Ghee is hence recommended in autumn when
Pittas hot nature can get aggravated after summer. But there is more to
ghee than its dosha balancing properties. This article explores ghees role
in working alongside Ayurvedic herbs, as well as its own inherent healing
abilities not found in other fats.
Ghee is ideal for massage and detoxification
A unique aspect of Ayurveda is its use of large amounts of oily substances
in treatment. Anyone who has had an Ayurvedic massage in India will have
experienced this! External massage with sesame oil or ghee balances Vata
dosha by countering its rough, dry properties. As such, oil massage can be
very effective in Vata problems such as osteoarthritis, stress, insomnia and
paralysis. However, ghee is more often used internally than for external
massage. In Ayurvedic detoxification (Panchakarma) increasing doses of
ghee are given each morning to prepare the body. Patients are also given a
daily oil massage which brings toxins out of fatty tissues, followed by
steam therapy to bring toxins to the surface. After several days, these are
eliminated with different techniques such as emesis (vomiting), purgatives,
enemas and nasal therapy to cleanse the body.
Maharishi Ayurveda research has shown that Panchakarma greatly reduces
14 important fat soluble toxic and carcinogenic chemicals. These would
otherwise remain in the body for a long time as the body usually excretes
only water soluble chemicals. The daily doses of ghee have the capacity to
dissolve the lipid soluble toxins and bring them to the alimentary tract for

elimination by purification procedures. With an increasingly polluted

internal and external environment, Ayurveda offers a unique way to
remove these harmful fat soluble chemicals. This powerful means to detox
the body merits further research.
Ghee is used in most Ayurvedic formulations
Ghee is the unctuous substance par- excellence because of its power to
assimilate effectively the properties of other substances it increases,
thousand times in potency and develops manifold qualities (Charaka Su
trasthana 13/13).
Ghee is widely used in medicinal formulations due to its unusual ability to
assimilate the properties of herbs it is mixed with, without losing its own
qualities. For example, if ghee is mixed with a drying, heating herb, it
doesnt sacrifice its own oily, cold nature. Ayurveda considers honey to be
the best in this regard. This is explained by it being made from many
different species of flowers, each having different properties themselves.
However, Ayurveda views honey is a living substance that must not be
heated or it ferments acting like a poison in the body (Charaka Sutrasthana
27/248). As most Ayurvedic formulations require heating in their
preparation, ghee is favored.
However, ghee is no mere inert filler for formulations. Its own therapeutic
powers work to help cure disease, as well as increasing the effect of other
herbs. For example, ghees effect of increasing the digestive fire (agni)
allows other herbs to be more easily absorbed. More fundamentally,
impaired digestion is also a cause, symptom and part of the pathogenesis
of many chronic degenerative diseases. Ghee is invaluable as it not only
increases digestive capacity, but simultaneously nourishes a weakened
body. This is especially true when ghee is given with milk. Ghee also brings
many other healing powers to a medicine.
Ghee rejuvenates the mind
Beyond rejuvenating the body, Ayurveda has specific tonics for the mind.
These have ghee as a key ingredient as its sweet taste nourishes the
nerve tissue and brain. Brahmi ghee is prescribed in the fifth month of
pregnancy for mental development of the fetus as both Brahmi and ghee

aid the development of consciousness and intellect. The newborn is also

fed honey and ghee to stimulate intellect and ojas (the essence of all
tissues) in an important ritual.
Beyond maintaining a healthy mind, ghee is also prescribed for anxiety,
depression, dementia, insanity, epilepsy and other disorders of
consciousness. Ghee older than one year is especially good for healing the
mind. It is more heating and bitter, properties which enable it to remove
blockages in the minds subtle channels. It is also considered auspicious
and is given in mental disorders with no clear physical cause, along with
Sanskrit mantras. The Ayurvedic masters of ancient India believed old ghee
could regenerate brain cells, and this is an area worthy of further study
with the rise of Alzheimers today. Panchagavya ghee is also useful as, like
old ghee, it is sharp in nature. This foul smelling, but powerful, medicine is
made by adding cow dung juice, yoghurt, milk and cows urine to ghee.
The effectiveness of such ghee formulations in mental disorders has been
researched and shown to be effective (Chandre, 2004; Girish 2004; Shekha
1999). Disappointedly, most studies focus on the herbs which are added to
the ghee but ghee itself is a powerful brain tonic. One study does look at
ghees inherent properties for treating Alzheimers via its insertion in the
nose (Madhavikutty 2000). Such Nasya therapy is part of Panchakarma,
and is a natural route for delivering rejuvenating substances to the brain.
Beyond treating serious mental disorders ghee can be used to pacify mild
anxiety (due to aggravated Vata). This is done by dipping a clean finger in
ghee and inserting into each nostril, lubricating the nasal passage with
gentle massage.
Ghee is useful in wound healing
Ghees regenerative properties are also useful for healing wounds and
promoting the growth of healthy cells. This wound healing ability has also
been clinically proven (Prasad and Dorle, 2006). Ghee formulations,
containing bees wax, honey and herbs are also referenced in regards to
treating all degrees of burns, due to it pacifying excessively deranged Pitta
dosha. Shatadhouta ghee is described as the best medicine with which to
dress burns and scalds. This ghee is softer and colder than normal ghee
due to it being washed in water a hundred times. Even more cooling is
Sahastradhouta ghee, washed 1000 times but it is rather time consuming

to make and hence more expensive! Ghees ability to pacify the burning
nature of aggravated Pitta is also beneficial in treating gastro intestinal
inflammation and ulcers. Ghees cold, oily qualities help protect the bodys
mucous membranes and ensure its usefulness in any condition with
burning sensations.
Ghee is highly beneficial for the eyes
Ghee is especially good for the eyes and helps the functioning of the extra
ocular muscles, eyelids and tear. Internal and external use of Mahatriphala
ghee has been shown to play a significant role in the treatment of eye
disorders, such as glaucoma. This formulation is made up of ghee, milk
and thirteen herbs, all predominantly sweet in taste and cold in nature and
beneficial to the eyes. Dr Vasant Lad recommends putting one drop of
lukewarm liquid ghee in each eye at bedtime for burning sensations. It not
only soothes, but also strengthens the eyes and can help improve vision
along with Yoga eye exercises.
Ghees widespread prevalence in Ayurvedic medicines and treatments is
due to its beneficial effects on the digestion, absorption and delivery of
Ayurvedic herbs, as well as its own healing properties. When the digestive
capacity (agni) and life-essence (ojas) are weakened, the doshas are
disturbed causing disease. Ghees actions on both agni and ojas are hence
at the heart of all Ayurvedic chikitsa. Ghee also nourishes and regenerates
the body and mind, improving the overall quality of treatment. Finally, on
a practical level, ghee is rich in antioxidants and hence does not go rancid
for a long time. In the days before refrigeration, this would have been
invaluable in allowing formulations to be used for up to 16 months.

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