Sie sind auf Seite 1von 4

Class -10

Week 1:
Chemical reactions and chemical equations: Writing and balancing chemical
Types of chemical reactions: Combinations, Decomposition, Displacement, Double
displacement, Oxidation, reduction and redox reactions
Common reactions for determination of unknown substances
Week 2 :
Acids bases and salts :
Chemical properties of acids and bases: Metals , Metal carbonates , oxides
Neutralization reactions
Hydrolysis of acids and bases
Strength of acids and bases: pH scale
Hydrolysis of salts
Preparation of NaOH from salt , manufacture of bleaching powder , Baking soda ,
washing soda
Water of crystallization, Gypsum , plaster of paris
Acidic rain
Electrolysis and electrochemical cells

Week 3:
Metals and non- metals:
Physical properties of metals and non metals
Chemical properties of metals: Reaction with air, water, acids, solutions of other
metal salts , reactivity series

Reactions of metals with nonmetals: properties of ionic compounds

Metals: Occurrence, enrichment, extraction and Refining techniques
Corrosion and prevention of corrosion
Week 4:
Carbon and its Compounds:
Covalent bond and Lewis structures in common molecules
Different types of bonding in carbon
Introduction to types of organic compounds and bonding in them
Homologous series, IUPAC nomenclature
Combustion, Oxidation, Addition, substitution
Preparation and properties of Ethanol and Ethanoic acid
Soaps and detergents, Cleaning action of soap
Week 5:
Periodic classification of elements
Initial attempts: Dobereiners triads, Newlands law of octaves, Mendeleevs periodic
table merits and demerits
Modern periodic table, characteristics of long form of periodic table, s, p, d and f
Trends in atomic size, Valency, Metallic and non metallic nature
Week 6:
Thermodynamic equilibrium
Absolute temperature
Ideal gas law
Isothermal , isochoric and isobaric processes
Hesss law, combustion cycles

Class -9

Matter: Characteristics of particles in matter
States of matter: Solids, Liquids, gases and plasma
Properties of matter: Density , volume , conductivity, elastic behavior, thermal
expansion, heat capacity
Lattice structures
Conversion from one state to another: effect of temperature and pressure - phase
Water and its different phases
Evaporation and factors affecting evaporation
Week 2 :
Mixture and Types of mixtures
Measures of concentration
Suspension, colloids
Separating the components: Techniques ( Diffusion , osmosis, Surface tension, Thin
layer and paper chromatography)
Physical changes and chemical changes
Elements and compounds: Differences between mixtures and compounds
Week 3:
(Significant figures??)
Laws of Chemical combination: Law of conservation of mass, Law of constant
Atom: Atomic number, Mass number, atomic weight, Symbols of elements
Molecule: Need for existence, Molecules of elements and molecules of compounds

Empirical and molecular formulae
Molecular weight and formula weight
Mole, formula for number of moles
Week 4:
Structure of atom:
Daltons model
Thomsons model
Rutherfords alpha ray scattering experiment and Rutherfords model of an atom
Bohrs model
Writing electronic configuration for simple elements
Valency of elements
Atomic number, Mass number, isotopes, isobars, isotones
Week 5:
Types of chemical bonding- Nature structure and strength
Week 6:
Rate of reaction and factors affecting the rate of reactions
Chemical equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium and Le Chateliers principle
Ionic equilibrium (Buffer, solubility product ??)
Common ion effect

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