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And I really dont know how we are going to teach this today because it is one of
those lectures that isnt suppose to be spoken. The work that we have been given for
1969 is very simple. We have been given the goal of realizing One Self. Now I find
that to realize the One Self does not come with words, neither to speak them nor to
think them. And if you are prepared to follow, it means a change in your work habits.
But I can assure you that the change is all for the better.
Now One SelfInner-selfis a phrase that is speaking of an Infinite-being.
And so when you try to take the finite mind and understand the meaning of the One
Infinite Being, you can see that instantly, it is going to be impossible with a finite mind.
The very nature of the finite mind is such that it cannot comprehend the infinite. And so
you must be prepared to transcend your own human finite mind.
Now One Infinite Being was what Isaiah spoke of when he said, Come unto
me all ye ends of the earth and be saved. And this revelation, this One that you come
unto, is the revelation that there must be an understanding that you are this One. A
realization that God is One being, indivisible. And that for God to be One being
without opposite, there can be no other being. And there cannot be God and anything.
There can only be God. And you have to find your place in that picture. As long as
there is God and you, you have God being one, and you being another. And as long as
there is God and you, you have duality. You have a mentally divided household, and in
that division is the human problem.
Now each one of us here is living on another level unknown to the human mind.
And on this other level, call it the 4th Dimension if you will, we are all in a state of being


the One being. To come into that realization is to know thyself arightto know God
aright. To know that One SelfOne being, is the sum and substance of the infinite
Selfhood of God.
Now to help you, you must see that there is a moment when you must not shrink
from truth; however, upsetting: it may be to your way of life, to your attitude, or to your
comfort. You can attain as much of the power of God functioning in your being as you
are willing to work for. And if you have no holes barred, no place where you say, that is
as far as I want to go, but can find the way to say, that I want to go as far as the spirit
wants me to go, then you can take another step. God is One being, and that being is
infinite; and therefore, whatever appears finite is a false appearance. There can be
nothing finite in an Infinite being.
Now as you look around you everything you see is finite. Your body is finite.
Your age is finite. Your bank account is finite. The amount of air you can hold in your
lungs is finite. But God is the only being and God is infinite. Where does that leave you?
Well! If you are facing reality, it leaves you looking up higher than your human
experience to find your infinite self. It leaves you willing to not cling to the mental
images you have of yourself; willing to let the human personality be dissolved in the truth
of the infinite nature of your being.
But the human mind is the barrier. It is the natural mind. The natural man, it
receiveth not. It rejects all that is infinite. It knows only threescore and ten. It knows
that twenty million people had the Hong Kong flu. It knows that when you get it, you are
uncomfortable for a week and you have a sense of lassitude. And although you had
thought you were very spiritual, you cannot find an answer in your vocabulary to tell you


why it penetrated your god. Now you must know the reasons this can occur. And you
must see that every human problem is a blessing in disguise. For as it awakens you
to your vulnerability, it gives you an opportunity to repair your fences, and To sin no
more less a greater evil come upon you. Now then the flu could be a very minor evil
and a great blessing if it prevents the greater evil coming upon us. And if we had
children who couldnt be protected from it, or brothers and sisters, and husbands and
wives, or ourselves, it behooves us to face the fact that we as finite, physical, human
beings are not under the law of God, neither indeed can we be. God certainly created
no being that can suffer the flu. God created no being that can suffer pain, or suffer
death, or suffer any form of evil; and as long as we are such beings, we are not the divine
image and likeness which we would like to believe that we are.
Now, today I would like you to make one exception to the rule that sometimes it
is best not to make notes. And I would like you to make a note. I would like you to put
down somewhere that: God is the only being. And later transfer it to a big card that you
carry with you. God is the only being. (And underneath it put down four more words.)
God is here now. God is here now.
Now once you are mentally alert to the fact that God is here now, these four
words: God is here now begin to go to work like Alka-Seltzer. They begin to vibrate.
They begin to do things. God is here now. Now first let us see if we can accept that
God is here now. Ask yourself if you can accept it. If you can, if this is your conviction
that God is here now, then you must know that there is no time or place where that is not
true for youwherever you are God is here now.


Now once this becomes conviction, you must find the strength never to deny that
which you are declaringGod is here now. Now in Gods presence what else can be
there if God is the only being? Can there be a thief, or is that not the false appearance
that comes when we are not aware that: God is here now and God is the only being
here now. Where then is the thief? Now your mind will find it difficult to follow this;
but a level above your mind there will a recognition of a higher truth because we are
being released to a higher mind.
God is invisible. And God is the only being. Now what visible then can be
God? What could you see with your eyes can be invisible God? Nothing! God is
invisible. And your eyes are conditioned to show you a visible world. And, therefore,
the world that you see visibly cannot be the invisible God. And that is why the world is
not your Fathers kingdom. And as long as you believe that you can see something real
in the world, you do not believe that God is the only being. You believe God is a being
but there are others; and this will always be your barrier to the attainment of your, Self.
You can never have another being beside God. You can never have a visible being
because God is invisible. And so you must train yourself to know that that which is
visible is termed an appearance in the Bible. And you are to judge not after that which is
Now God will never speak on the radio. God will never speak on television. God
will never speak to you from the mouth of another human being. And, therefore, what
you hear is not God. And, therefore, is not real for onlyGod is real.
But where were you all this time? There is a place in Matthew where it is said,
That the son of man shall sit upon his throne and separate the sheep from the goats.


One on his left and one on his right. The sheep to the right the goats to the left! Now
this is allegedly a Day of Judgment. And I for one know that we have been the goat for
a long time. Now what is a sheep and what is a goat spiritually? Those who have
attained a knowledge of their self as one with the Father are the sheep. Those who still
believe that there is a human being in spite of the fact that with their mouths, they say
God is the only beingthese are the goats.
Those who are illumined and those who are not! Those who live in material
consciousness believing appearances arethe goats. And those who have risen by the
renewal of the mind, who have been transformed into the realization that I am invisible
beingI am spirit, Itself. My life is spirit life. I am not of the fleshfor the flesh
profited nothing. It is the spirit that gives life. It is the spirit that quickeneth. And it is
the spirit that I must be in order to be the One being. For certainly God is not a human
being. And if God is the only being, then the human being has no validity in the
kingdom of God.
And as I still identify as human being, physical being, finite being, I will then see
a human finite, physical world; and the laws of this world will be the laws under which I
must function. And if those law include flu I must have it. If they include death I must
have it. If they include any form of human discord or deprivation, if they include war, if
they include pain, I must have my share of these things for I live under the law of matter.
Not until I have declared myself out of the law of Karma, out of the law of matter,
out of the law of physical being, by accepting God as the only beingthe One being
and that being and I are One; then I must abide in that realization, rejecting every
appearance in my life that testifies to the very opposite of the truth of my oneness with


spirit. And I must remain vigilant. And I must work quietly with my self all day long
rejecting the appearances, the sounds, the sights, the conditions of this world for, Man
who loveth the world loveth not the Father.
And I must learn the meaning that John gave us when he said, And they shall all
be taught of the Father. They shall all be taught of God. For unless I learn from God,
who can teach me? Who is there that can teach you about God, except God? And so
your work takes a new turn. You must sit at the feet of the Father. You must have a twoedged sword as Jesus did; one to reject that which is not; one side to listen in the silence
in which your inspiration is derived completely from the One Self.
Now mind you this is our work for the yearnot for one session. And in this
year, we are to reach a point in consciousness where having been taught by God
through direct submission, we are lifted above the human mind which through its very
construction is geared to presenting us a finite unreal world.
Now suppose you were a teacher of little children. As a human being you would
see them a certain way. You would see them the same way you would see yourself. And
the human mind being what it is, you would see them as other people would see them and
as their mothers see them, and as their fathers see them, and as their brothers see them.
But when you have correctly identified God as the only being, and have done your quiet
work; then you will discover that not only will you see yourself differently, but something
having lifted you higher than your own human capacity will reveal those children to you
in a different light. That, which of them is this moment but an appearance, begins to
reveal to you the invisible spiritual nature of their being. And because: God is always
here, the law of God is always here, the full spectrum of Gods qualities are always here:


and in your realization of Gods presence as their presence and your presence, the veil of
multiplicity, the veil of human discord, the mist of all these things that enter the human
mind is for you lifted.
And you behold them as Walt Whitman beheld them. How he would stretch out
his arms and welcome the children to himself. He was seeing something quit different
than that which a human mind forms as an appearance.
And as Jesus said, Suffer the little children to come unto me. He too was
seeing something quite different than the human eye will see. He was viewing a spiritual
universe: and seeing the law of harmony, the law of intelligence, the law of divine love
functioning invisible to human sense, but real and present and within the realm of
experience to the enlightened realization, which has dwelled with the idea that God is
here now.
Now right where you are (place that statement) God is here now.
And now you have to make a decision. If God is where you are now can there be
a sick body there? Can there be a tired mind there? Can there be somebody who
tomorrow who will be a day older, if God is there now? Can there truly be a problem, or
is not that a remnant in a mind that still persists in being there even though God is there?
Now if God is where you are now, do you have the faith that God can run Gods
universe? Do you doubt that God can run that universe? And, therefore, if you do not
doubt that is there not a second personality there called a human you which is one too
many? Do you see dying daily now as losing that personality which says there is a
human me? That dying daily is the acceptance that God is where you are. And as you
accept it, it is as if the very physical self of you isnt therefor God is there. And


ultimately, there must come the realization that this is the truthGod is there where you
are, and your human selfhood is not there. And as long as you have two there, you are
a house divided. As long as you have a human selfhood there you are The natural man
who receiveth not the things of God, who is not protected by the laws of God. But when
you have overcome the belief in a human selfhood, even in a physical presence, and can
catch the glimpse that God must be where you are, and God must be the substance of
your true being, then you can release yourself from responsibility.
What have I as a human being that I can do better than God? Nothing! Cannot
God run Gods universe? Of course! Then where do I come into the picture? I must
die daily to this belief in a second self other than God-self. For this second self other
than God-self, this human self, is the prodigal. It has left the Fathers house. It denies
the oneness of God. It believes in appearances. It believes in the finite. It believes there
is a human changing me. Good health today and bad health tomorrow! Success today
and failure tomorrow! But, lo I am with you always, and all that I have is thine. We
are One. And to accept this is your true spiritual work. To abide in the idea! To let it
simmer deep within you. To get the feel of it!
And I assure you only as you work day in and day out in the silence with the
reality that only the infinite is real, and then let the various facets of the infinite: guide
you, direct you, teach you and you too will taught of God. And not separated and put
on the left with those who have not found who they are and who God is.
Now so much for words for the moment. This becomes something that no one
else in the whole world can do for you. Translated into Dynamic Living it means that
you take your current problem and you establish it as impossibility in God, an


appearance. And it will always be there in one form or another as long as you have not
established; God stands right here now. And then go one extra steponly God. Only
God stands right here. Right now! And hold there until you can feel the unreality of the
problem. Only God stands here now.
You discover there is a power there. A power that you cant quite put your
fingers on! A power that cant be defined in just normal words! But an invisible
power begins to function in your experience. Somewhere the human mind loses its
capacity to separate you from that power. The walls of the human mind dissolve.
And the miracle of Gods presence begins to show your heart how to beat, your
lungs how to pump, the bones and joints how to be healthy and wholesome. Spirit
becomes your living self. I emphasize that the reading of it in a book is meaningless,
or the hearing of it on a tape is meaningless. It is the work that you do within yourself.
Day in and day out! Quietly! Silently! Reverently! And finally Son thou art ever with
me. I am omnipresent. There is no other being on this earth. And as long as there is no
other mind upon this earth in you, the One being will be the law of your being. And
you will show forth the fruits of oneness of living in the knowledge that I and the
Father are One being.
But dont make the mistake of making that your personal property. I and the
Father are one being, and the rest of the world can go fly a kite. Wont work! The one
being that I am, is God. And that One being, that is God, is the only. And, therefore,
that being is the sum and substance of all that appears in our physical universe. But it is
not the physical substance; it is the invisible spiritual substance. And when you withhold
this from another, you will lose it. You cannot withhold it from another. The moment


you withhold this from another, you are denying that God is the only being and you lose
it. Only in the realization of oneness universal can it appear in your life.
Now remember this was a higher wisdom not given to us by human minds. When
we read that The judgment you mete out unto others will be measured unto you in the
Sermon on the Mount, this is a higher wisdom that a human mind thinks it can bypass but
it cannot. The judgment you mete out must be that there: that child, that dictator, that
murderer, that diseased individual, that cripple, that saint, and that sinner are all
appearances. The good is the appearance. The evil is the appearance. For all that is, is
the one invisible being which is infinite and which the world calls God.
Look unto that one being and be saved all ye ends of the earth. For I am the
Lord thy God and I am one. And this will ring throughout the centuries to come as the
reminder to you that whenever you overlook it, ignorantly reject it, consciously or
otherwise; you will be a house divided. But when you live in the Fathers house,
accepting that there is only One, you will find the ability to look at every
appearance with the knowledge that it can have no power. No power for good! No
power for evil! It can have no law to sustain it. There is no activity on this earth
independent of the One being that is God. And your mind will begin to remove its
belief in the reality of these other things, which are not the One Perfect Self,
Now I tried this for myself. And I have witnessed the dissolution of many things
that would trouble a human mind. And then you learn that the only place these things
existed were in the human mind. This was their breeding ground. This was where
the pain came from. This was where the insurmountable problems came from.



Now it narrows down, if you are willing to be taught of God, you have found
the narrow gate. And there isnt anyone in this universe who can stop you from entering
the narrow gate; and suffering it to be so now, you proceed merrily on your individual
way. You are not concerned about the world opinions, or world politics, or world
conditions, they are all of this world. And you are in this world, but you are not of it.
You are letting the world present its appearances. But you are standing on the ground
that God is here now. And in the moment when you have accepted this, that God which
is here now will become your vision. Will become your experience. And you will see
how you can walk through the evils of the world, smoothly, relatively untouched by
Now what differences if we change these words appearance to supply or
employment, or health? God is the law of supply. God is the law of employment. God is
the law of health. The One is self-contained. And there is nothing that can be lacking
in God: neither your supply, your health, your employment, your happiness, your joy,
your peace. Now your anchor remains: God is here now.
Your human tendency will be to try now to think beyond that. You wont be
content that God is here now. You will establish that and then human mind will start
planning things, or thinking things. But your integrity must say wait, God is the only
being, therefore, there is no me here now. God is here now.
Now at that point, you may feel a flowa flow that is in a completely different
direction; and you will know that you have been introduced to a different realm of
consciousness. Now that flow is rather difficult to describe. But your normal flow is that
the world flows into you. You can feel the world flowing toward you. You can feel time


flowing into you. You are a receiver for the world. That is your normal flow. And
although you rarely think about it, you find that you are the reservoir into which the
world flows; and then you try to go out into that world which is flowing into you to
acquire things.
Now all of this is an appearance experience. It is a very subtle form of universal
conditioning, which has recurred in the human consciousness for centuries beyond recall.
Once your anchor is God is here now, that flow of the world into you undergoes a
change. You shall be taught of God. And there is a flow from God within into your
consciousness, which seems to be moving in an opposite direction to the flow of the
world into youinstead of from the outer to the within, there is a flow now from the
within to the without. You stand poised on the threshold of a new direction. A new inner
movement begins to thread the needle within you. You can almost feel this flow from the
within to the without. The whole being of you is moving out.
You are going to send out to the world the light and the spirit of the Father within.
You are going to create your own universe. You are going to let the Father within do the
work. You are standing aside. You are detached from the outer world and letting the
Father within move through, and the teaching is letting the word become flesh. You
are living by the word of the Father. The living word of God is your very being. And
you have no other being than this living infinite word of God: With infinite power. This
infinite mind. This infinite knowing. All is flowing being you.
And harmony begins to displace the various turbulence's that you have been
experiencing. The little fears! The discords! The doubts! They begin to take on a new


pattern. A harmonic rhythm! A harmony that you feel pulsing, really flow and you are
reminding yourself as it does, God is here now.
Omnipresence isnt just something in a book, it is the law of all true life. Only
God is here now. And frequently, you find the necessity to reenter this realization. And
when you lose it, that is a reminder that you must come back to it. Again! And again!
And again! This is your silent spadework within yourself. And this is how you will
ultimately know thyself. To rise up to the realization that this world can never have
power over me. For I am the spirit of God who is here now. And with that I can rest in
confidence in the presence of God.
Now do I outline to that living presence that I have a sore ankle or a different
problem when the presence of God is the only being? Do I make the mistake of
establishing a second being with a problem? Or can I remove that shadow of
personality? There are no more goats around, just those who are being taught by the
Inner Shepherdthe Real Sheepthe Faithful.
Now try looking at things that are finite, slowly and methodically, and see if you
dont feel the sense of power as you realize that these finite appearances can never be
real. See if the ring of truth behind that knowledge doesnt give you the sense of the
Presence of Power: that there is no one or thing or condition that control the good of your
being. The good of your being is not subject to human control or to human conditions.
There is no power external to God being the only being.
And because God-being is the only in you can be no darkness at all. You are
the light. The light of God-being! And although this truth cannot be apprehended by a
human mind, it is the truth of your being and Ye shall know the truth and ye shall live in


the truth. And the truth will have established that the only being on earth which is Godbeing, is always free in every way. Free infinitely! An infinite freedom is the nature of
your true being. No human being has the power to change that: If you are living in the
realization that God is here where I stand, God is there where he stands, God is there
where the world sees this or that, God is infinite everywhere now; and on that you can
stand still and behold the freedom of that realization: whether it is flu bug or any other
Now what we are trying to do today is to build within ourselves a total selfreliance, which seeks no human aid from anyone. And knows that all human aid is a
denial of the presence of God where I stand. Yes, I will accept human aid but I wont go
seeking it. If the presence knows the need that is here and brings that which appears as
human aid, gratefully, we accept it. But it is our own being which is bringing that which
calls itself human aid. It is our own being, which is phoning and saying come down for
this interview tomorrow. It is our own being, which is saying here is the price of
tomorrows groceries. Our own being is the law, and we trust it because we know that
being is God.
Now this is our ultimate truth. It transcends the needs for teachings. It transcends
the needs for studying. It transcends the needs for human conversation. It builds the
consciousness of the presence of God where I stand. It is the most difficult teaching on
the earth, but it is the only one that we are truly seeking if we want the absolute freedom
of knowing our Self.
Now during the intermission, let the words: God is the only being and God is
here now dwell within your heart a bit. It wont take long for you to see their power.


You will find that they make you want to be more still. You will find that they make
conversation seem so unnecessary. And you may find as I have, that you feel that just
thinking humanly is a sort of sacrilegious thing to do when you could be in the silence of
His thought. So dont be surprised if you find changes happening in you. That is the
purpose of knowing thyself. We will pause for a moment and see you shortly.
We know that God is everywhere: but over here, right to my left, we cannot see
God. Does that mean God is not there? We must come to that realization that God must
be there, and that I cannot see God is there. And then over here, could I say that over
here God is not. If God is not there, then God is not everywhere; and God is not
omnipresence. And so God is here, but I cannot see God. And no matter where I look, in
fact, I do not see God. But does that mean that God is not there. It simply means that I
cannot see God who is there. And this you begin to accept as a condition of the human
life. You can look everywhere but you cannot see God, and yet God is there. And now
you must walk over. God is there, I cannot see God; and therefore, my vision is
defective. It cannot see God who is there.
That which is there my vision cannot see what about the things that it does see? If
it is so defective that it cannot see God who is everywhere, shall I believe what it does
see? And then you are beginning to feel that the human senses cannot bring you to the
vision of reality. For God is right here but I cannot touch God. I cannot touch God.
What about these fingers that cannot touch God! Can I believe them when they say this
is wood? They will not say this is God. Why should I believe them when they say this is
wood, or this is velvet, or this is silk? Those fingers that cannot touch God who is here,
they cannot touch reality because God alone is reality. And so my fingers have never


touched reality. God is real. And my fingers cannot touch God, which is real. My eyes
cannot see God who is real. What do my eyes see if they cannot see reality? This
Now then the nature of living in this world is such that we cannot see that which
is realwhich is God. We cannot touch that which is realwhich is God. We cannot
hear that which is realwhich is God. We are confined. We are locked in. We are
locked in a human experience and the nature of it is its inability: to see, touch,
experience, the presence of the reality, of God.
It is only when you recognize the condition that you know the meaning of
hypnotism. The human experience is one of hypnotism. It knows nothing of our Father.
Now you then have to find your help from another dimension if you want to come into
the experience of reality. And make no bones about it. God in reality is synonymous. If
you want to see reality, touch reality, live and experience reality, you cannot do it with
those senses which to even a child it should be clear that they have no capacity for
cognition of the world of God. Now we wait for our help from another dimension. From
a dimension outside of our three dimensional world. And from that new dimension,
comes the overflow, the spiritual guidance, which awakens the earthling who is asleep to
Now I want to be sure you dont fall into the trap of saying that I know God is
here, and still believing that there is a you separate and apart from that God. We have
had a world full of those who have declared Gods presence while not being able to show
forth God-power.


Now in our belief that God is divine being and I am not, we are not knowing God
aright. God being divine and the One and the only, because God is infinitethat
leaves room for no other; you cannot know Gods presence while you are knowing from a
human idea. And when you have reached a divine consciousness, then you are not
knowing Gods presence as other than your own. And it is on this faltering that the
presence of God is my presence; it is faltering in this particular place where you will
always find the divided house. Something in you will be unwilling to accept yourself as
divine; and to live out of the realization that I am divine; and to trust your own divinity to
be the power and the light.
Now humanly everywhere you go, everything will attest to the absence of God.
Your own mirror will tell that there is a person standing there not God. But if you believe
this you have lost yourself. There is no person standing there. That, which appears as
person, represents the inability of the senses to comprehend the invisible presence of
God, which stands there.
Now can one who is divine in the same breath say that my feet hurt? Do you see
that is the claim that you make? That very claim that you make is the claim of nondivinity. Is that clear? The moment you make a claim, you are claiming non-divinity.
And the nature of spiritual awareness is the knowledge that I am the divine-Self.
Now you cannot claim the divine-Self and make a claim at the same time. One
automatically makes the other impossible. And so this should enable you to catch
yourself. The moment you find yourself making a claim, you should know that the only
reason I am making this claim is because I do not know myself. If I knew myself, I
would know that I am divine-Self. And then in this would I rest and let divine Selfhood,


which is the only power, slowly reveals where the claim had appeared to beonly
divine-Self is.
Now you are coming to grips through this with the nature of the subtleties that can
make even a spiritually dedicated person walk on the wrong side of spirit thinking they
have it, and then suddenly finding the pavement is pulled out from beneath them. Your
claim, or your fear of a claim, or your fear of any future discord in your life, is your
subtle denial of the divinity of your being. And that which you deny yourself to be
becomes a law of your experience.
Now actually your name is writ in heaven. And as you begin to reflect on
various passages of the Bible you will discover, it is almost impossible to find one
passage in the Bible, which is not telling you that there is only one divine-Self. The
complete purpose of the Bible is to reveal the one divine-Self. And with a variation that
is almost infinite: it has given us phrases, and phrases, and phrases in infinite variety, all
saying, there is one divine-Self. And we have missed it. We have tried to understand
this phrase and that phrase, and then the other phrase when they are all saying the very
same thing. And just to give you an idea at random, we will just pick a few.
Abide in me and let me abide in you. Me is the One Self. The One divineSelfabide in the One divine-Self. Let the One Self abide in you. Now God is
always present; but the actual experience of the presence of God can only come when
you realize that God is present. God is where God is realized. And so when you realize
that God is the One Divine-Self, that I am, then you bring into operation the
experience of that which you have realized.


I am with thee always. The One Divine Self is your being, always. And
really you can go through passage after passage after passage; and always it is saying, the
One Divine-Self is all there is. Remove the shadow of personality, the shadow of a
human self, the shadow of another self, and the shadow of a mind, which perpetuates and
projects another self, and keep abiding in the One Divine Self that you are, and the law
of the one divine-Self will demonstrate to you that this is the truth. Ye shall know the
truth of the One Divine-Self. And the One Divine Self shall make you free.
Now to Sow to the flesh and to sow to the spirit are saying the very same thing.
Unless you are living in the realization of the One Divine Self is my name; you are
sowing not to the spirit; you are sowing to the flesh. But if you are living in the
realization that the One Divine Self is my name, you are sowing to the spirit.
And another place it says, Lay not up treasures not in heaven on earth rather,
where moss and rust can corrupt. That means, never live outside of the realization of
the One Divine Self. But rather lay up your treasures in heaven; be conscious of the
One Divine Self. Now this may seem like an over-simplification, but actually it is the
When you are told not to make your benevolence public Not to pray to be seen
of men, that is the revelation that there is no such self that you can do it with. There is
no human self that can be benevolent. There is no human self that can pray in public.
Such a self is but an appearance without validity. It is the revelation that there is only
One Divine Self. And as long as you are in the belief of personality you may try to
make your benevolence in public. You make try to pray to be seen of men but that is
because you are not aware that you are the divine Self.


And finally if you want to build your house on a rock, your consciousness on a
rock, you will see that unless you are living in the One Divine Self without ceasing,
you are leaving yourself open for the false self to become a victim of its own false
You cannot serve God and mammon. You cannot be a divine-Self and a human
self at the same time. And so forth item for item, you will discover that there is hardly a
word in the Bible that is not saying there is One Divine Self.
And so there comes a point where you scrap all of your human thought; all of
your human striving to figure it all out; all of your human maneuvering; and accept the
fact that you are the One Divine Self. And then stay thereanchored. Now it is going
to be a very difficult thing to stay there anchored. But it certainly will be less difficult if
you know that is your purpose.
Now for this purpose, we have been devising a series of spiritual exercises. We
have decided now to put out a Home Study Course. And in a week or so it will be
announced that there will be a Home Study Course available to every student, and it can
be sent to students anywhere in the country. The purpose of it will be to help you come
into a, an understanding of the principles you must make part of your substance; the work
habits you must make part of your daily activity; and it will be in general a very
comprehensive synthesis of all Infinite Way principles. With you: work study habits, new
spiritual exercises, new obstacles to look at. It will be a synthesis you might say of five
years of my experience. And I am suggesting that those of you who feel the need of a
permanent guide in a clear cut fashion so that you dont have to look through thirty


books, you might consider subscribing to it. The details of it will be in the mail to you
within a week or two.
Now the purpose of this course then, this Home Study Course, will be to establish
for all of us a permanent foundation of spiritual awareness; because this is a prerequisite
to coming into the higher work in which you are fed and taught solely by the spirit.
More and more I have the hope that we will have less and less of this so-called public
lecture work; and more and more of being fed by the Spirit. And we all need this
basic foundation in our own self-divinity as a prerequisite to the higher revelation within.
Now all the disciples went forth to heal and came back elated; they had power
over devils, and they were reprimanded. They thought that because they had said the
name Jesus Christ, they had power over devils. They thought that this was the meaning
of healing in my name. Now all of us here, being disciples, know now that healing in
my name has nothing to do with the name Jesus Christ. My name is the divine-Self. And
when you have established that as your name, you have established yourself as the
offspring of spirit, which could never be separated from itself. Then you are healing in
my name; for it is the spirit, itself, which does the healing. It is your divine-Self, which
feeds and clothes you. It is your divine Self, which lives the perfect life for you. And
that is the meaning of your name is writ in heaven. This divine-Self is the seed, which
contains all that the Father scripturally has promised the Son. And in this divine Selfhood
is your divine Love, your divine Supply, your divine Life, your living Word.
Now can you feel the divinity of your being as self-complete, lacking nothing,
needing no word from the human mind? If you can, you are finding freedom. If you can
feel the power of your divinity, you will remove human thought from those areas of your


life, which you thought up to now needed healing of some kind, or special processing of
some kind. And you will know that the divinity of your being, seeth all things in
The divinity of your being is omniscient you can trust it. It is omnipotent you can
trust it. Walk ye henceforth in the divinity of your being and let the spirit of the Father
indwelling you, be: its own light, its own way, its own power, its own food, its own wine,
its own water, its own employer, its own health, its own abundance. I am come that ye
might have divine life. I am your new consciousness of your own divinity.
Do you see as long as you remain there without intruding with the human mind,
that you are not in separation? And the moment you intrude with a human idea, you are
turning your back upon your own self-divinity. And it is as if in the presence of God, you
turned around and demanded the floor instead. It is only by intrusion on your own
divinity that you lose it. And so you must learn to withhold human thought in the
presence of the divine-Self of your own being.
Some people find it hard not to speak. You have to go beyond that. No
thought that is not fathered by God can bring you the experience of the kingdom of
heaven on earth.
Now we say our folks at home dont know anything about this. When I go home
people there may not know a thing about this. Am I going to feel out of place? Why, No!
The divinity of their being is the same as the divinity of your being. You have no right to
deny the divinity of their being either. That would be human thought. And so when you
go home, you bring with you the knowledge of the One Divine Self, which is every
household. And then what does it matter what others say or do. You know that you are


always looking at the invisible presence of God, and the eye never sees it even when it
sees something good. So why be surprised if you dont see God at home around you.
You could be sitting with ten saints and still not see God. It is the realization of the
presence of God, which is the Power. And nobody can make you stop realizing the
presence of God. If they do, then you are not praying without ceasing.
Now does this not bring the law of God functioning into every facet of your life?
Isnt this the real challenge in the face of the iniquities and in the indifferences of the
world to sow to the invisible spirit of all beings? Isnt this the high form of spiritual
living that we have tried to think we are living? Then what difference if there is a harsh
word? What difference if those around us are unaware? That doesnt change the reality
of God as One being and the only.
But you if you are persuaded by circumstances to deny the reality of the One
being you are falling further than the one who denies it and never knew the truth. We are
not asking the world around us to recognize its own self-divinity. Our function is to do
that for them. Because if I be lifted up, I will lift all men unto me. Instead, if I be lifted
down to the level of all men, then I have no right to consider myself a student of the
Now we are being taught by God and these are the living waters. Deep
within the water of truth, the knowledge that I and the Father are the One Divine Self.
This is oneness without opposite, without separation; and I am slowly being lifted to
cross the firmament. I am lifted up to those water that are called living waters, I am
crossing the firmament of the second day of creation. And just as the dove descended
upon Jesus to announce this day have I begotten thee; so in me as I dwell faithfully in


the infinite divinity of all beings, this dove will descend and pronounce this day have I
begotten thee. You have crossed from the lower to the higher waters; you are above the
firmament. And now within you is pronounced those sacred words, which were not
pronounced in the second day of Genesis because they had to become an individual
experience. In you it had to be realized that you were divine being.
And then it is said as on all the other days of creation and it was very good.
This goodness is declared within you. And now are we no longer living in the husk as
human beings under laws of opposites of good and evil. We are sustained from the
infinite invisible. Our own divine-Self is our substance. We are not living by bread
alone. We are not depending on man for employment or supply. We are not depending
on anything external to our being to make us feel better, or to protect us. I am that Self
which needs no protection. That Self which is its own supply. And now I am growing
thirty fold, and sixty fold. I am the good seed.
Do you see then that right identity faithfully adhered to makes you a disciple of
the Christ? And there is no man on earth, no condition on earth whether it is of the land,
the sea, or the air, that is a power over your divinity realized. There is absolutely no
power external to the divinity of your being, realized. For I in the midst of thee, I am
the powergreater than he that walks the earth. And this is the omnipotence of your
own self-Being. And this is Christ realized.
Now do you see how the world has been kept from God by seeking an external
god in a heaven somewhere? When each of us must follow the path that leads to the
realization of self-Divinity! The place whereon I stand is divine! For it is my being.


And this is how we are going to come over the flu, over the ailment. Over the
threescore and ten! Over the belief in advancing age! Over the belief in becoming
anything! All that you are is already complete and perfect. You are the finished divineSelf now. And the mist, the veil that drops away, are the false human concepts that have
painted another personality which never could permanently be sustained because it
wasnt real. And these are called the husks. These are called the mists. These are called
the false senses. And these drop away! And you find you never left the Fathers house at
all because you cannot leave your true self.
So let us establish these work habits. I am no longer interested in what I can do
for me. Because that is the false personality. I am interested in recognizing my selfDivinity. And to do this, I must eject all the claims that I am not divine. And so I have
one prong in which I am standing firmly and rejecting that which claims I am not divine.
That is one prong of my attack. That which claims I am not divine, I must reject. And
because my human minds claim of divinity is not sufficient, I must deepen into that
realization of divinity, which only comes through transcending my human mind.
And this renewal, this overcoming of the human mind, is my overcoming of the
world. And is brought about by my deepening silences faithfully adhered to consistently
in which, I let another dimension infiltrate my consciousness, I draw from the infinite
invisible. And while I do, I hold in my conscious awareness, the divinity of my being. I
never go into meditation just sitting there like a log. I bring something with me and hold
it there. The conscious divinity of my being! And this is the log you might say on which
the fire will be builtthis log, this awareness of my divinity. And I stand in that divinity
waiting on its expression within me. I withhold all human thought so that I am not


mixing human and divine. I am preparing a pure house, a pure consciousness where the
divine nature of my being can flow unmolested, untainted by human thought. And here I
rest with confidence. And this I do as often as I can during the day, while rejecting the
physical appearances of the world claims upon me. Always living in the conscious
awareness that God is the nature of all being. All being is the one divine Self.
And I make exercises, spiritual exercises out of this. I practice it. I take
moments that are dull and lifeless, and I put this into practice to make these moments
come alive until I feel that flowing powerthe power of the Father realized.
My peace I give unto you. I give unto you the divine peace of your own being.
Dont look outside for the world peace: My peace is completely different. My peace is
power. My peace is the absence of the worlds claims. My peace is the perfect oasis. My
peace is the living waters of the most high. My peace is the knowledge that you are life
You are divine being. You are not pushed into a physical shape. You are not
pushed into a visible form. You are not pushed into a visible finite margin. Let your
boundlessness flow. You have no place where you begin and no place where you end.
You are infinite divine being. And you must accept it in order to feel Its powerInfinite
Divine Being!
And that means you must feel it above the human mind, which is finite. And this
lifts you out of human thought into universal dimensions where you are not trying to
cling and hold your feet on the ground. You are not trying to shape something according
to your idea or understanding of what it ought to be like. You are letting your divinity
extend into regions you are not aware of. And from these regions it will bring into


manifestation the expression of the laws of harmony in all things. To no man do I

withhold the truth that he invisibly is the One Self.
To the least of these your brethren you must give that great privilege of
recognition that there is the One Self. Whether he is in prison or in the hospital
recognize the invisible One Self. For this is the great golden rule. Whatsoever ye
would have others do unto you, do ye unto them. Recognize the divine infinite selfhood
of all those whom you reach, and this will be your personal attainment within yourself.
You must give it to receive it. And so forgiveness, love: these are flowing from you not
because you are trying to obey Ten Commandments, not because you want to be a good
person, but because this is the law of divinity.
And up here, up here divine love begins to be so different than all argument
concepts. You see, divine love is your recognition of the Allness of God everywhere.
And it only gives back to you what you see. That which you become aware of flows into
your being! Divine harmony is divine love. Divine truth is divine love. Divine peace is
divine love. And to realize these qualities of God in you is to deny them to no one.
To recognize that because God is here now, these qualities are here now! Divine
love must be here now if God is here now. Divine fulfillment must be here now if God
is here now. Your eternal divine life must be here now if God is here now. Now what
are the limitations in your life if God is here now? And so you must drop all thought of
limitations or else you are not accepting the infinite divine nature of all beings.
We are becoming pure at heart now so that we can see him face to face.
Pure at heart, meaning unconditioned mentallyDivinely Pure! Right where you are
this moment only the fullness of God can be for there is no other. Accept it for yourself.


Only the fullness of God can accompany you eternally because there is no other.
Uncondition your mind of any other belief.
Now there you have the work that we will be doing in 1969. The realization that I
am the One Self. And the One Self that I am is the only Self there is. It has no
boundaries, no limitations in time or space. No physical form! It is infinite, incorporeal,
spiritual beingand I am that One. And that is the name of everyone I know. And
whoever will come into this physical world will be an appearance, for the only being is
this one infinite spiritual Self. And as I remain true to it, it will direct its life as mine.
Christ will live my life.
Now I have tried to state these facts in such a way that your mind is confronted
with them. So that if ever you find yourself in a state of separation, it will not be because
you have not been confronted with the truth of being. And those who have heard what
they need, they will be the ones who go forth and never deny that they are the one divine
The cock may crow three times for you, but always you will not pierce the
If you want to make another New Years resolution, it could be then that I become
aware of my infinite eternal Self and learn to be faithful to it.
Happy New Year to everyone!

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