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Jangan Salahakan Makanan Jika Anak Mengalami Alergi (Do Not

Judge Food if Children Suffer from Allergy)
World Allergy Organization (WAO) 2011s data stated that allergy
prevalence continuously increases at 30%-40% from the total world
population. Speaking at Tanggap Alergi Day (Allergy Response Day)
on Sunday (17/4) in Jakarta, DR. Dr. Herqutanto, MPH, MARS said that
public should not judge foods to cause allergy. He suggested public to
recognize how the allergy occurs firstly. Allergy is caused not only by
public life change, but also publics lack of understanding of allergy.
He added that if allergy does not get early treatments since early
age, it can continue in adulthood.
2. Alergi Tak Bisa Sembuh Total (Allergy Cannot Healed Totally)
Allergy can give negative impacts for people who suffer from it, such
as itchiness, red bumps, respiration problems and even digestive
problem. University of Indonesia (UI) Medical Faculty Department of
Community Medicine head DR. Dr. Herqutanto, MPH, MARS, said that
people cannot be free from allergy. Allergy is a reaction toward
humans immune system which is dangerous. Meanwhile, Allergy and
Asthma Foundation of America stated that milk allergy is the most
common allergy in children in Indonesia, in which one of 25 children
experience cows milk protein allergy. Sarihusada President Director
Olivier Pierredon stated that early preventions to control allergy is
needed, starting from knowing allergy, allergy risks and allergy
impacts, and consulting allergy to doctors.
3. Dutch farmers to make RI cows happier 21/4/16/TJP

4. Mengendalikan Alergi Seja Dini Cegah Anak Derita Asma dan

Rhiitis (Controlling Allergy since Early Age Prevents Children
Suffer from Asthma dan Rhinitis) 18/4/16/
University of Indonesia (UI) Medical Faculty Department of
Community Medicine head DR. Dr. Herqutanto, MPH, MARS, said
that early monitoring toward allergy is needed to prevent
children from asthma dan rhinitis. Parent must be responsive
toward allergy by 3K (Approah to Dealt with Allergy) Kenali
(Know), Konsultasikan (Consult) and Kendalikan (Control). In
Indonesia, one of twenty-five of the children suffer from cows
milk protein allergy.
5. Sarihusada Kembali Raih Global CSR Award 2016 (Again,
Sarihusada Wins Global CSR Award 2016) 21/4/16/
After last year won CSR Leadership award, again, in Global CSR Award
Sarihusada which part of Danone ELN Indonesia won for two
categories: Best Corporate Communication and Best Workplace
Practices. Sarihusada Corporate Affairs head Arif Mujahidin said that
he proud of his company can compete and defeat a number of Asia
companies and Australia. The accomplishment will boost our
motivation to participate in CSR implementation including in
marketing, work, environment and society area. Sarihusada received
the award on Thursday (21/4) in Bali.
Sarihusada Raih Dua Penghargaan Global SCR Awards 2016
(Sarihusada Wins Two Awards in Global CSR Award 2016)

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