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Univerzitet u Beogradu

Poljoprivredni fakultt

Seminarski rad iz Engleskog jezika



Danijela orevi,

Uro Stanojevi
ZO 150706

April, 2015.

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................3
2. Varieties....................................................................................................................3
2.1. Bluetta................................................................................................................3
2.2. Bluecrop............................................................................................................3
2.3. Blueray..............................................................................................................4
2.4. Berkley...............................................................................................................5
2.6. Duke...................................................................................................................6
3. Market for blueberries............................................................................................6
4.. Health Benefits.......................................................................................................6
1. Uvod..........................................................................................................................7
2. Sorte..........................................................................................................................7
2.1. Bluta (Bluetta)...................................................................................................7
2.2. Blukrop (Bluecrop)...........................................................................................7
2.3. Blurej (Blueray)................................................................................................7
2.4. Berkli (Berkley).................................................................................................7
2.5. Spartan..............................................................................................................7
3. Trite borovnice.....................................................................................................8
4. Uticaj na zdravlje.....................................................................................................8

1. Introduction
Blueberries hold a special place in the foods of North America, since more species of
blueberries are native to North America than any other continent. While lowbush
berries are native to other parts of the world including Europe, the Mediterranean
and Asia highbush berries were originally found almost exclusively in North
America. Because of its special interest in lowbush blueberries, the state of Maine is
actually the largest lowbush blueberry producer in the world.
European colonists learned about blueberries thanks to these Native American
traditions and brought blueberry species back to Europe. Yet commercial cultivation
of blueberries in Europe has been a relatively recent phenomenon limited to the 20th
and 21st centuries. Thanks to increasing cultivation in the Southern Hemisphere
including South American countries such as Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay as well
South Africa, New Zealand and Australia fresh blueberries are now enjoyed
throughout the year on many of the world's continents (The worlds healthiest foods).

2. Varieties
Blueberry is characterized by several varieties, which grow in different soils, and
therefore have different characteristics. The most common varieties of blueberries
are explained below, there are also some other varieties, early New Zealand River
and late varieties Nelson, Elizabeth and Eliot.
2.1. Bluetta
Bluetta is best early season variety with very good hardiness and very good
productivity. Bluetta plants grow vigorously to approx 5 ft high. The berries are large,
dark blue, firm and have very good flavour. A desirable variety for its earliness and for
( This variety is shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 1: Bluetta. Source:

2.2. Bluecrop
A great blueberry plant for colder climates. Produces big clusters of large, all-purpose
berries perfect in salads or pies, or served with cream. Developed in 1934,
introduced in 1941. Cold-hardy. Ripens in July. Self-pollinating, but will yield larger
crops if pollinated with Jersey or Earliblue ( This variety is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Bluecrop. Source :

2.3. Blueray
Extra-large berries with extra-sweet taste. This abundant, mid-season producer will
give you buckets of delicious, aromatic, light-blue berries that wont crack. Pink
blooms in spring. Scarlet foliage in fall. This variety is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Blueray. Source:

Also an ideal pollinator for most other varieties. Introduced in 1941., ripens in July.

2.4. Berkley
Blueberry Berkeley, Vaccinium 'Berkeley', is a late midseason blueberry and carries
attractive powder blue fruit with a pleasing light flavor and good dessert quality.
'Berkeley' is the most popular home garden varieties. Blueberries are extremely
nutritious and have a high vitamin content. Excellent in pies and makes delicious
jams and preserves. The plants are resistant to stem blight disease. Fruit size is
consistently medium to mostly large and very attractive. The fruit is great eaten fresh
with fine flavor, firmness and appearance. It also exhibits a long shelf life for storage ( This variety is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Berkley
2.5. Spartan
Exceptionally attractive and tasty fruit is often larger than a quarter in size with a
tangy sweet flavor; ripens mid-July. Large, glossy-green foliage becomes orange and
yellow in fall. Small white, bell-shaped flowers proceed the berries. Deciduous. This
variety is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Spartan. Source:

2.6. Duke
Productive and decorative! A handsome bush with three seasons of interest: white,
pink-tinged spring flowers; large, light blue summer fruit; and vibrant orange and
yellow fall foliage. The large berries, often reaching the size of quarters, are
produced in great abundance and have a delicious, tangy-sweet flavor. Blooms late
to avoid spring frosts. Also makes a very attractive and decorative hedge!
Originates from Beltsville, Maryland, introduced in 1985. Cold-hardy. Ripens late
( This variety is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Duke
3. Market for blueberries
At the moment, 90% of blueberries consumed in Europe come from
Argentina/Uruguay and the other 10% are Chilean or South African. Southern Europe
is a market where the average consumer is familiar with a wide range of fruits;
however, berries, and blueberries in particular, are not very popular in Spain,
Portugal, France or southern Italy (
4.. Health Benefits
Most health research on blueberries involves their phytonutrient content.
Anthocyanins - the colorful antioxidant pigments that give many foods their wonderful
shades of blue, purple, and red - are usually the first phytonutrients to be mentioned
in descriptions of blueberries and their amazing health-supportive properties. While it
is true anthocyanins are pretty spectacular when it comes to blueberries and their
support of our body systems, there are actually a wide variety of health support
phytonutrients found in blueberries (The worlds healthiest foods).

1. Uvod
Borovnice su imale znajno mesto u ishrani u Severnoj Americi, poto se vie vrsta
Borovnica smatra domaim u Severnoj Americi nego na bilo kom drugom kontinentu.
Dok su se nisko bunaste borovnice smatrale domaim sortama, u drugim delovima
sveta ukljuujui i Evropu, visoko bunaste borovnice su izvorno pronaene samo
u Severnoj Americi. Zbog posebnog interesovanja za nisko bunaste borovnice,
drava Maine je ustvari najvei proizvja nisko bunastih borovnica u svetu.
Evropski kolonijalisti su nauili o borovnicama zahvaljujui tradicijama amerikih
domorodaca: Evropski kolonisti su doneli borovnicu kao sortu u Evropu. Ali,
kultivisani uzgoj borovnice je krenuo u 20. i 21. veku. Zahvaljjui poveanoj kultivaciji
uzgoja borovnica na severnoj hemisferi,-ukljuujui zemlje June Amerike, kao to je
ile, Argentina i Urugvaj kao i Juna Afrika, Novi Zeland i Australia, u ukusu sveih
borovnice se moe uivati u toku cele godine na najveem broju kontinenanata.
(Najzdravija hrana u svetu).

2. Sorte
Boravnicu karakterie vie sorti, koje uspevaju na razliitim zemljitima, a samim tim
imaju i razliite karakteristike. Neke od najzastupljenih sorti borovnica objanjene su
u nastavku, pored njih postoje jo i rana novozelandska sorta Reka, kao i pozne
sorte Nelson, Elizabeta i Eliot.
2.1. Bluta (Bluetta)
Bluta je naa najbolja rana sorta sa jako dobrom vrstoom i sa veoma dobrim
prinosima. Biljke Bluta rastu do otprilike 1.7m visine. Plodovi su krupni, tamno plave
boje, vrsti i imaju veoma lep ukus. Poeljna je sorta zbog ranog sazrevanja plodova
i opraivanja drugih sorta borovnica.
2.2. Blukrop (Bluecrop)
Odlina biljka borovnice za hladnije predele. Raa u grozdovima, krupne borovnice
za sve upotrebe (odlina za salate ili pite, ili polsuenje sa slagom). Razvijena je
1934 godine, a u upotrebi je od 1941. Sazreva u julu. Samo opraujua biljka, ali bi
proizvela krupnije plodove ako bi se opraivanje desilo sa sortom Jersey ili Earliblue.
2.3. Blurej (Blueray)
Ekstra krupni plodovi sa izuzetno slatkim ukusom. Ova sorta sazreva sredinom
sezone i daje veliki rod ukusnih, aromatinih, svetlo-plavih plodova, koji nee pucati.
Karakteriu je ruziasti cvetovi u prolee i grimizna boja lia u jesen. Odlian
opraiva za veinu drugih sorti, uveden je u proizvodnju u 1941 godini. Samoopraivajua biljka.
2.4. Berkli (Berkley)
Borovnica Berkli, 'Berkeley', je sorta koja stie na kraju sezone sa plodovima
prakasto plave boje, sa prijatnim ukusom i dobrog kvaliteta za poslasticu (dezert).
Berkley je najrasprostranjenija sorta za uzgoj u batama. Borovnice su izuzetno
hranjive i imaju jako veliki sadraj vitamina. Odline su za pite, demove i slatko.
Biljke su otporne na plamenjacu stabljike biljke. Veliina plodova je od srednje
veliine do uglavnom krupnih plodova koji su veoma privlani (lepi). Imaju i dug vek
trajanja za skladitenje.
2.5. Spartan
Izuzetno atraktivan i ukusan plod je esto i otrog slatkog ukusa, koji sazreva
sredinom jula. Veliki, sjajno zeleni listovi postaju narandzasto ute boje u jesen. Mali
beli cvetovi u obliku zvona sazrevaju do plodova listopadna biljka.

Produktivna i dekorativna. Lep bun za 3 sezone, sa cvetom belo ruiaste boje,
krupni svetlo plavi plodovi, treperavo narandasto-ute boje lia u jesen. Krupni
plodovi veliine (novia od 25 centi) se proizvode u velikim koliinama i imaju
slatkast ukus. Kasnije cveta kako bi izbegao prolene mrazeve. Takoe, ini veoma
atraktivnu i dekorativnu ivu ogradu. Potie iz Beltsvila, Merilend uveden je 1985.
godine. Sazreva kasno u maju i samo-oprasujua je biljka.

3. Trite borovnice
U ovom trenutku, 90% borovnice koje se konzumiraju u Evropi, dolazi iz Argentine /
Urugvaj dok ostalih 10% su iz ilea ili iz June Afrike. Juna Evropa je trite kod
koga je prosean potroa upoznat sa irokim spektrom voa. Meutim, bobiavo
voe, i borovnice posebno, nisu ba popularni u paniji, Portugalu, Francuskoj ili
Junoj Italiji.

4. Uticaj na zdravlje
Veina zdravstvenih istraivanja borovnice pokazuju da sadri fitonutrijente.
Antocijanini - raznobojni antioksidantni pigment koji daje mnogim namirnicama
nijanse plave, ljubiaste i crvene boje obino su prvi fitonutrijenti koji se pominju
kada se govori o borovnicama i njihovom neverovatnom znaaju za zdravlje oveka.
Pored antocijanina koji odlino deluju na oveka, u borovnici postoji veliki broj
razliitih fitonutrijenata koji su takoe znaajno hranljivi.

Blueberry (Borovnica) - A small sweet blue-black edible berry.
Varieties (Sorte) - category that ranks below subspecies (where present) or species,
its members differing from others of the same subspecies or species in minor but
permanent or heritable characteristics. Varieties are more often recognized in botany.
Pollinate (Opraivanje) - Convey pollen to or deposit pollen on (flower or plant) and
so allow fertilization.
Self-pollination (Samoopraivanje) - The pollination of a flower by pollen from the
same flower or from another flower on the same plant.
Bloom (Cvetanje) - The state or period of flowering.
Flower - The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (Cvet).
Frost (Mraz) - A deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other
surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing.
Blight (Biljne bolesti) - A plant disease.
Crops (Usevi) - A cultivated plant that is grown on a large scale commercially,
especially a cereal, fruit, or vegetable.
Phytonutrients ( Fitonutrijenti) - A substance found in certain plants which is
believed to be beneficial to human health and help prevent various diseases.

The worlds healthiest foods..

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