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Woman career vs housewifes

A. Background
As an individual, work is one of the activities undertaken by humans in
everyday life. For some of the work that is the actualization of satisfying the ego
boost and work is also the main source for the achievement of one's social status
(Widiyanti and Anorogo, 1993).In general, the work is a mix of a good working
environment, appropriate rewards, benefits, responsibilities, keasadaran and control of
the worker during his work. Besides other things like proper compensation, lifestyle,
individual value systems, health, can affect the level of their needs. Based on the man
that basically want to grow, according to Maslow's theory of basic human needs can
be sorted theoretically, namely physiological needs, safety needs, social needs /
groups, the need for respect and self-actualization needs (Nauli, 2003).
The need to grow and thrive, find identity and realize the potential of
including the need for self-actualization. One thing that is related to the need for selfactualization in the world of work is the development of a career. This was realized by
an individual with a view of social conditions change rapidly, so it becomes
something important career that would lead a person to work so as to achieve a career
(Christiana, 2005). At present the construction period, the involvement of all citizens
both men and women to participate actively in the course of development is needed.
This condition is open greater opportunities for Indonesia to pursue education from
primary to university level, because the building condition, obviously sorely needed
education, in line with the higher education, the women also began interested in
entering the world of work and career (Nauli , 2003). Advances in science and
technology as well as women's emancipation movement is what is alleged to have
spawned the changing role of women. Women already have rights and obligations as
well as equal opportunities with men to participate in all areas of development, as is
evident in the increasing number of working women from year to year.
Work, for women an opportunity to express themselves. Work allows a woman
to express herself in a way that is creative and productive to produce something that
brings pride to themselves, especially if the performance gain appreciation and
positive feedback. Through work, women trying to find meaning and identity
itself,.The bring confidence and happiness. Many women work in Indonesia, which
becomes tough to compete in today's era of development. Various demands push them
for a career, especially for women who have early adulthood. In accordance with the
age of development, they have the task to be completed is starting to work and get
married. In addition, the demands of the economy and high levels of education are
also factors driving them to pursue a career, but not all women are choosing careers
and delay for a family. For the sake of a career still there are some other women who
choose to have a dual role as housewives and office workers. Now it appears that the
pattern of traditional life moves closer to the pattern of life thai is more advanced, so
do not be a new thing when a woman's dual role as a housewife and career woman.
The presence of women in the working world of the benefits and need as partners
men, where women are not only at home but also in working with the channel
potential and talent. Amid the competition with its competitors, the company as a
commercial business entity must seek competent workforce. Some are absolute
requirements submitted by the company, position, judgment and reason. Women as a

labor certainly has a role that must be followed in addition to work in the company,
among others, as one who is still single or as a woman who is married and has a
family (Djuniarti & Imanoviani, 2011). Currently, the number of women who are
eager to develop more and more career. This was driven by the increasing openness of
opportunity for women to obtain higher education and to work in various fields of
work. These advances led to the number of qualified women is on the rise. Although
formal government policy and existing laws provide opportunities for women to
study, develop a career, and get equal treatment, but in reality women are sometimes
encountered many obstacles in developing his career. Constraints can be internal
factors that originate from inside the woman herself, or an external factor that comes
from the outside, or can also be a combination of both factors.
Simamora (2001) also stated that the career is a sequence of positions
occupied by a person during his lifetime. Career is a hierarchy (job) that once held
(held) by a person as long as they work in an organization or company (Tohardi,
2001). Career consists of important changes since the consequences of career success
or failure is closely related to the concept of self, identity, and the satisfaction of every
individual to career and life. One aspect of the quality of work is an opportunity to
develop a career. Career includes a series of position, job or positions that experienced
by individuals during their working life (Djebbari & Dessy, 2005). Career
development refers to the work, and it brings progress, whether by increasing the
reward or salary, or or respect received from colleagues. The more a person's career
develops, it will be considered a success (Patton & McMahon, 2006). According
Rival and Sagala (2009) Career development is the process of improving the ability of
individual work accomplished in order to achieve the desired career. Career
development (such as promotions) is expected by each employee / employee, because
of the development of this career will get the rights better than what previously
obtained both material and non material for example, the increase in revenue,
improved facilities and so forth. While the rights of the non-material for example,
social status, pride and so on (Handoko, 2000). Career development is the possibility
of an employee to be promoted which is connected with the ability, so as to achieve
job satisfaction and can lead to increased achievement and personal development. In
the practice of career development is more of a career plan deploy as expressed by
Handoko (2000), that career development is a privately improvements that do to
achieve a career plan. Individual career can be described as their self-concept, which
includes career perceptions related to the ability and talent, values, motivations and
needs. A review of research shows that career choices are influenced by individual
values, attitudes, and expectations about how work should be balanced with the rest of
life. Individuals are also susceptible to the influence of their families relating to
employment options, which works to prioritize family, or vice versa (Beauregard,
2008). Planning and career development for women can not be separated from the
role of women is so complex. Women as herself, a woman as a child, a woman as a
wife, a woman as mother, and woman as a partner. Single women certainly have a
different plan with a married woman (Powell, 2004). Historically, people believe a
woman's place is in the home, watching her husband and children. Value feminine
traits such as submissive and naturally feared would be lost if women work so that

women are expected to perform her duties as a wife and mother, in addition to
fulfilling their responsibilities (Aleem & Danish, 2008).
When seen some time back, the role of women in the workforce has not been
too prominent as it is today. They would be expected to be at home to carry out
household chores (domestic work) like cleaning and taking care of the house,
cooking, washing, caring for children, and perform various other household chores
(Munandar, 2001). Had a career also pose a challenge for women because of their
family responsibilities will. So there are some women experience feelings of guilt or
self-serving if they put the interests first career (Domenico & Jones, 2006). Women
with multiple roles can have advantages and disadvantages for individuals, women
with multiple roles can contribute to a more equal relationship between husband and
wife, and improve self-esteem for women. Among the losses that may occur in
women with multiple roles is the demand for additional time and effort, the conflict
between the role of work and family roles, competitive rivalry between husband and
wife, as well as on meeting the needs of the child (Santrock, 2002). In general, the
risks to be faced married women who want to pursue a career development is, neglect
of family, depletion of energy and thoughts, the difficulty of dealing with conflict
between the role of the position as a housewife and against unmarried women, the
frequent occurrence of stress and burden of thinking, as well as reduced time for
yourself (Sudiro, 2011). The purpose of their work also vary, there is a want to just
earn extra income in order to meet the needs of the household economy and improve
their living standards, there are also really want to actualize themselves to develop a
career and achievement in their occupation (Munandar, 2001) .
B. Topic
Being anything in this life is a decision. Includes decided to become a
housewife. The title above is not intended to incite the greatness of a housewife and
career woman, but writing as a sign of separation versus two different careers, ie
housewives and working women who regularly receive salaries. Who says being a
housewife was not a profession?. Housewife it is work that combines patience and
ingenuity of a teacher, an administrator foresight and financial manager, the agility of
a public relations manager, the greatness of a chef, as well as being an event organizer
and concurrent hosts that require a high level aura of charm.
For those who once said "just a housewife", now need to think again. One
more fitting sentence is: Housewife? WOW. Yes, I have to say WOW in uppercase,
because it is not easy to put aside personal ambition and the desire to be recognized a
lot of people, and replace it with a career in the family environment that only consists
of a few people.
I personally had never had undergone both, but in writing this article I
observed and asked with some people who undergo two professions. they say it is
rather difficult to divide the time but try to compensate for the fair. in this article as
much as possible objectively describe all the interesting side of this profession. About
the pros and cons in my opinion it is the assessment of sensitive and highly subjective,
since we can not put a nominal value on something that can not be measured by
money. For example: how much you value in dollars when they hear your child say,
"Mama is the smartest and most beautiful women in the world. Dear papa already
married, so there might be my wife. "To me this kind of statement is Simply priceless.

Work or Career by receiving a monthly salary, bringing direct benefits can be seen
and measured. Promotion and salary increase is a measure of the most objective and
realistic. Good worker deserves to be both. In the world of office work, competition is
food that should be eaten daily, if not displaced and replaced by others. The purpose
of doing the job is to be more scalable, because the comparison and the comparison is
Personnel manager and your boss will directly assess your achievements, your
subordinates even join the assessment, in order to determine the amount of increase in
salary and promotion of what is most likely to be given to you on the achievements
that have been achieved. In many ways, this is much more fair than judging a
housewife who was tired and tired of working all day, but more often hears is "Ma,
hard rice, the meat is less tasty. Unlike oma cuisine. "Or it could be a sentence like
this from your husband," Mom, why his shirt was ironed but not slippery anyway? ".
There is no denying when I heard this, it was instantly the desire for mengatepeli
people !. Based on personal experience anyway.With work and receive a monthly
salary, you directly participate take part in terms of household finances. Not to
mention the matter of science directly and applied in the real world of work, so it feels
fatigue during the school was not in vain and futile. In addition, personal ambition and
self-actualization in general can be directly fulfilled when a woman works and
accomplishments directly measured and assessed by objective standards. There is no
denying, received praise at work by your supervisor, or a sense of admiration of
colleagues and subordinates, would very memboosting ego and boost confidence.
Have certain levels and positions directly written and read in the door of the room and
work table, for many people is a form of recognition that is encouraging. You
admitted you appreciated in the art. It is interesting that the positive things that
Being a housewife is a career choice, where you are constantly tested patience.
Results of a career is not directly visible and dinikmti in the short term, but would
have to wait so many years to be able to begin to see something that appears vague.
Your mind will always be filled with the question whether the investment of time and
effort and all the feelings and emotions you will bring a balanced return?. It's always
about long term investment.
Usually after a few years of living, automatically you will find the right tuning
in the use of time. Many small pleasures that can be obtained without having to ask
permission to leave and reasoned leadership. You can share stories over the phone,
can chat bbm's warm and crisp exchange news with friends, and at the same time
accompany your child to watch a favorite movie. Writing in Kompasiana also one
alternative find personal pleasure. There is one more for me personally, is the
availability of time to be invited to my friend become a photo model in a deepening
amateur photography hobby. Ah, the beauty of life is actually made up of little things
that are enjoyed. Who says housewives lacked challenge?. Try just completed
Mathematics or Physics homework your child, according to the formula formula
which suddenly became like a picture the types of earthworm. Being a housewife or
career woman, each has its own beauty. I am not in a capacity to judge which one is
better. Everything must be considered and decided upon your own. This article
discusses only the truth that the Housewife it is a career choice, where your salary or

bonuses are not paid directly in the form of nominal money, but the investment of
time, energy and emotions are measured from life satisfaction and happiness heart.
Return on investment usually you get after a dozen years.
As a woman, I need a place where I can be a beautiful woman. greatest,
smartest, and the world looked with awe to me as his shaft rotates. Being a housewife
is a shortcut for me to have all of this without having to follow a rigorous selection
process and competition in the election contest universal queen. My home is where
my dalah be universal queen without a crown to wear heavy and oddly shawl. WOW.

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