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Cam McBean

Holiday Homework

What the souls and particulars are

If the soul is a particular or a form
A particular, something that is comprised of parts
The forms, the ideas of perfection
That they are pure and unchanging
That they are impure and subject to change
That they must never change are always in the same state
That they may change and may exist in different states
10.The soul is a form, the body is a particular
11.It becomes confused and may start to become a particular
12.By using logic and reason without the bodys influences of sensual
13.That the soul is more like the unchanging form
14.The soul is agreed to govern the body and they agree that the pure forms
govern the particulars
Sensual information
Fickle appearances
Inferior, ruled over

Perceived by logic
Steadfast truths

16.That the soul is indissoluble

17.Is dissolves and becomes a corpse
18.It travels to the afterlife with the other forms
19.It is practicing for death by learning and getting information through logic
20.Divine, deathless and wise
21.By taking in too much data from the body and becoming susceptible to the
things of the flesh it becomes linked to the body
22.When the soul becomes to intimate with the body it becomes to feel
connected and it bears a great weight on the soul. It is then dragged back
to the realm of the living and out of fear wanders the graves and
cemeteries, becoming ghosts
23.The life that it lived previously, not practicing philosophy will grant a bad
new life and body
24.Logical and philosophic, moderation, civil justice and intelligence
25.It forces it to think which separates it from the body
26.Fastens the soul to the body
27.Because their soul is free and wanting to learn

Cam McBean
28.Because the philosophical man knows that his soul is certain to travel to
the afterlife
29.Simmias states that the soul of an instrument is the sound it makes, but
when a musical instrument is deconstructed it is no longer able to make
30.That the soul would eventually die out with the perishing of many bodies
31.Simmias is contradicting himself if he maintains both that the soul is an
attunement and that learning is recollection. The Theory of Recollection
shows that the soul must have existed before birth, but the tune of an
instrument doesnt exist before the instrument is made.
32.That the soul existed before birth and all learning is just remembering
things previously learnt
33.Out of tune is the argument of attunement
34.He believes that the theory of forms is correct and based on the theory of
recollection the lyre objection is rendered useless instrument can be more or less well-tuned
a. Soul exists before body is made
b. every soul is equally soulful, not all tunements are equal
c. the soul governs the body, the instrument governs the tune
37.if anything in the body controls other things
38.that the soul cannot act on the bodys events
39.the idea of something cannot be portrayed perfectly in this world will get out of the way or perish
41.that the opposites will never exist together, there is no even and odd
42.that you will have to change the physical to get the form of the idea (odd,
43.because you had to change the physical particulars to fit the forms, the
forms were agreed to be unchanging, so they are immortal and cannot be
destroyed for the idea of the form shall always exist even if it doesnt exist
in the physical realm
Pg 22.
1. What are forms and what are particulars
2. He means that the compound things can be made up of parts and
therefore can be changed and stripped back. The particulars and the
single and unchanging forms.
3. That the forms are only available for access through logic, the particulars
are available through sense data
4. He means that the soul, as a form controls the body, a particular
5. The soul is unchanging and a form, the body is a composite particular
6. Because it is unchanging and can never die. The soul is the continuation of
the person when their body dies
7. Hades is zues brother who was cast down to rule the underworld as a kind
of devil to zues god
8. Good souls who have studied philosophy will go to the afterlife in heaven
for they are aware of their nature of a form, a bad soul is unaware of its
form and will be cast down to hades in ignorance
9. Philosophy is training for an ignorant commoner isnt aware of the forms
and will not be aware of the afterlife that their soul will be retaining

Cam McBean
10.That the forms cannot be destroyed and exist in another realm in the after

Pg 23
Sensual information
Fickle appearances
Inferior, ruled over

Perceived by logic
Steadfast truths

Pg 24
The argument of the affinity of the souls is that there are the things that we see,
touch, smell (collect from sense data) are the particulars. These things are
imperfect and are susceptible to change. The ideas and perfect versions of these
items are the forms. They exist in a different realm and are what govern the
particulars. For example there is a perfect form of the colour black. This doesnt
work in our world because if there was a complete colour black we would not be
able to perceive and see it for our eyes need light to see. This imperfect version
of black is what we come across in our daily lives and in the realm of forms there
is a perfect black with no light in it whatsoever. This can also be explained in the
idea of a circle. We can never draw a perfect circle, even a computer cannot. But
we all know what a circle is meant to be, this is because it exists in this realm of
forms and we can perceive it through logic and reasoning.
Pg 25
Objection 1-the theory of forms states that there is a perfect form of everything,
this doesnt explain different opinions of something. For example, if there is a
war against china, the theory of forms states that there is a perfect version of
justice, if I feel that justice has been taken in this war, the Chinese may not. This
contradicts the theory that everything is right or wrong in terms of its state in the
realm of forms.
Objection 2- the theory doesnt take into account different functionalities of an
object. If there is a perfect form of a tennis racket, it is a certain size and weight.
The problem with this being i may find this perfect racket to light and small, and
a young child would find the opposite.
In support- this theory explains how we may think of things having rules even
though we may have never witnessed an object that fits these rules. For example
the circle is completely without sides, but we have never witnessed it this way.

Cam McBean
The only way we can perceive it is by thinking logically and coming up with this
Pg 26
1. He characterises the body to be perceptible to wants of the flesh (drink,
eat, have sex with) and that the soul helps to monitored the body
2. He argues that the kind soul is granted the access to the afterlife, but the
body just perishes in the same realm.
3. If the person acts in gluttony and lives a poor life
4. Philosophy is said to be the love of learning and according to Socrates only
the pure may be granted access and a soul that doesnt lean cannot be
5. (see question above)
6. He is saying that the soul cannot be perceived through the sense data that
we use to learn about the particulars and can only see itself through
intellect. Thus rendering itself invisible
7. With each pleasure and pain the soul becomes more confined to the body
and becomes more like a particular (which is a problem with the theory for
souls have been stated as forms which are unchanging but they have just
been stated that they can change here (?))
It can be saved by philosophy and using reason and learning to separate
itself from the body.
Pg 29
Simmias reminds Socrates of his belief that the body is a particular and
therefore, visible and composite, he then compares this body to a harp, stating
that it is also visible and composite. He then states that the soul of an instrument
is its tune and sound. His objection to Socrates it that if you destroy the body of
the harp, the tune will die therefore challenging Socrates belief that the soul will
never die.
Simmias contradicts the view that of Socrates that the soul will live on as the
body dies, he shows this by using his theory of attunement, he does agree with
the realm of forms and the propertie of the forms and particulars however.
Pg 34
1. Socrates seems to state that every human soul is a form, for he says that
it is unperishable and immortal. He also states that the soul can become
attached to the body and almost become a particular. It must be a form to
do this
2. If a soul is a form, it is not composite, therefore it cannot be living for life
is also a form
3. Saying that death is not a form and part of the form life gives indication
for a scale of a form. The problem with this being that if there is a scale
that means that the forms are not pure and ultimate, thus rendering them
not forms
4. No, Socrates states that when a form comes in contact with its opposite it
will get out of the way.
5. Not convinced at all
There are a lot of things wrong with this idea

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