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Chapter 11 Tripoli, Lebanon, Mustafaa’s office in the Cypress International Bank
Oragi Shomi placed a dossier on Mustafaa’s otherwise empty desk. Mustafaa glance
d at the folder only briefly and raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.
“The Russian leader I believe you will find helpful is in there. If he cannot or
will not assist you, then…then Mustafaa, there is nothing for you in Russia.
“And how do I find this Russian, Oragi?”
“The information to do so is also there. It suggests the use of your government’
s diplomatic pouch and your Ambassador’s good services in Moscow to effect a con
tact and deliver your message. It will be up to the Russian after that.”
Mustafaa stroked his luxuriant mustache which matched his eye color and only mad
e him more handsome, considering again the beautiful oriental spy before him. Wo
ndering what she would do or perhaps had already done,after she leaves his offic
e, he decided to test herdirectly. “Tell me, Oragi, what will you do
“I am not at all sure, Daoudi-San. Perhaps I can stall my other friends awhile l
onger, perhaps not. Perhaps it matters little. I only wish I had longer to accom
plish one thing…the only important thing in my small life.”
“And what would that be, Oragi?”
Oragi considered for a long time before she spoke. She had already thought of te
lling her secret to Mustafaa but was still hesitant. “Do you mind if I smoke? I
know it’s a filthy western habit but we Japanese seem to thrive on the rancid th
ings.” Mustafaa motioned his indifference. Her lighter flickered and after drawi
ng smoke deeply into her lungs she nodded to herself and blurted out, “Iragawa i
s my father and I wish to kill him!”
“What? What are you saying to me?”
“He raped my mother and I am his bastard child. My mother willed herself to die
before I was a year old and my mother s husband who raised me, my socalled fathe
r, did nothing to avenge my mother.. or me. Two years ago I brought about the fi
nancial ruin of my so-called father and he committed suicide. I was already work
ing in one of Iragawa’s subsidiary companies. My father’s financial ruin and sub
sequent death brought me to Iragawa’s attention and then…his advances. I let him
seduce his own daughter in order to get close to him. Now I
am, but only as long as I am useful to him. My fate you see, is what you, not I
Mustafaa was astounded, then perplexed and finally delighted; at least for himse
lf. Oragi, beautifully fragile in appearance, was if anything, astoundingly dang
erous. The right amount of sympathy mixed with affection and…and Iragawa may sni
ff a deadly flower once too often. “I think it is time for me to assist you my d
ear. If your…other friends are convinced that you have gained my trust, you will
be in no immediate danger. Is this not so?”
Oragi without looking up uttered a quiet, “Yes, I suppose that is true.”
“Then how do we convince them? I think if we were known to be lovers and you fed
them some interesting pillow talk, would that suffice?” Oragi stared numbly for
a moment before a tiny smile crept around her small but full lips, indicating h
er interest. “What kind of information do your friends desire most, my new love?

“You make fun of me as your lover Mustafaa but they have other eyes and ears; th
ey will know if we truly are lovers. I hope you will find me not too distressing
in that capacity. To answer your question, the most important information I cou
ld give them is your intentions for Israel. Will many or any Arab states join to
begin a new jihad against the Israelis and if so, when?”
Mustafaa rose and walked to where Oragi was seated, then kneeling at her feet. “
Tonight you will come to my bedroom and tomorrow you may inform your friends tha
t I am indeed contacting various of my more militant Arab brothers about just su
ch a holy war. In a few minutes, after you leave here, I will of course begin ma
king those contacts.”
Washington D.C., Alger Brighton’s Apartment Building
Alger stepped off the elevator on his floor thoroughly pissed at the apartment m
anager who had phoned demanding he return home and turn off the stereo or TV bla
ring full volume in his apartment. He never left anything like that playing, let
alone full blast. Just as Alger approached his door the sounds coming from with
in vanished and a stranger tapped his arm with the remote to Alger’s stereo syst
“Mr. Mueller wishes to speak with you most urgently, Mr. Brighton. Two floors do
wn, apartment 11F. Don’t knock, just walk in, close the door and wait.”
Alger watched the stranger walk rapidly toward the stairwell exit. Putting the r
emote in his coat pocket and thinking he would have to disinfect both the remote
and his coat, he turned for the elevators. Along the way to 11F Brighton was de
bating whether to disinfect his entire apartment or only the living room area. S
lowly opening the door, 11F appeared completely dark save for a dimly lit area a
head and to his left. He was appalled to realize his hands were shaking
and he had a strong, sudden urge to urinate. “Do come in, Mr. Brighton.” It was
Mueller’s voice. “Come, come my friend; nothing to worry about. At least from me
, that is.”
Alger wiped the hand that had touched the doorknob and very deliberately walked
forward until Mr. Mueller was in sight, seated in a high-backed Victorian style
chair. Mueller was sipping a cocktail, vodka no doubt, and holding a well chewed
but unlit Cuban cigar.
“Make yourself comfortable Mr. Brighton. I have some interesting news for you. D
o you find it odd that this time information will be given to you and not the re
verse? I find it very odd. Even humorous were it not so serious, for you I mean.

“Are you threatening me,” Alger stammered. “Because if you are I…”
“Now, now my dear friend, why would I want to threaten a valuable asset? I have
arranged this meeting to tell you of a very real and dangerous threat to us both
. Well…to be candid, a little dangerous to me but very dangerous to Mr. Alger Br
ighton, Justice Department special prosecutor. Hmm, Interested Mr. Brighton?”
“I think you are enjoying trying to make me squirm. Well, it won’t work.
Either spit it out or I’ll leave.” Alger suddenly realized he was sweating heavi
ly. Sweating was something he never allowed himself to do (except for those time
s with his special magazines and videos full of lovely naked children). Near pan
ic, Alger leaned forward and squeaked, “What is it. Tell me. I can fix it. I am
a very powerful man and I have many powerful friends. Tell me. Tell me! I can fi
x it!”
Demitri Segorivich, AKA Mr. Mueller, smiled a Cheshire cat smile and snipped off
the chewed end of his cigar in preparation for lighting. Alger detested tobacco
smoke and absolutely abhorred lit cigars. Alger’s eyes widened as he watched th
e flame from Mueller’s lighter tickle the end of the cigar. Nostrils flaring, hi
s mouth in a huge grimace, Brighton twisted in his chair and wailed, “I will be
violently ill if you don’t get rid of that abomination immediately!”
“My, that would be most unfortunate my friend. Perhaps what I’m about to tell yo
u will clear the air…so to speak. Ha! Oh, that was good. Clear the air!” Demitri
allowed himself a few more chuckles. “Oh, you did not find my little joke funny
? Too bad. Poor Alger the algae eater.”
“How dare you?” Brighton demanded. “Where did you hear that awful epitaph?”
“The same place I heard that the NSA was investigating you, Mr. Brighton. The ve
ry same.”
Alger forgot to be ill or outraged about Mueller’s cigar and sat bolt upright. “
The NSA? National Security Agency?”
“Yes, I believe that’s what I said.” Demitri took an enormous puff of his cigar
and blew most of the smoke toward Alger’s ashen face. “It would seem that your A
ttorney General, a Ms. Hardcastle, and her able assistant, a Crystal Medearis, h
ave stumbled across your sleuthing tracks and requested the NSA open your can of
worms. Did I say that correctly, can of worms? You Americans create such graphi
c idioms.”
“Goddamned bitches! Fucking busybody cunts! I’ll have their hearts pulled out an
d stuffed down their throats. I’ll…I’ll…”
“Really, Mr. Brighton! Think a moment. You said yourself you are a powerful man
with powerful friends. Now is the time to put some of that power to good use. I
wonder what would happen should the ‘bitches’, I believe you said, find themselv
es in extreme disfavor with a number of high ranking officials? What if that dis
favor was made known at the highest levels? It is a fact, is it not, that Vice P
resident Rivera harbors great animosity toward Lydia Hardcastle? We also believe
Madam Vice President would be delighted to see a major appointee of the great P
resident Douglass crumble and flee in humiliation. Why don’t you take a little t
ime and see what might be done in your favor, my friend. A word of caution, howe
ver. Do not be so foolish as to communicate from your office or apartment. NSA h
as big ears and tiny microphones. Also no cellular phones,
even should you borrow one from a friend. A child could scan for your voice and
various keywords.”
Alger Brighten sat frozen in his chair. Anger beyond words surged through his ch
est punctuated with flashes of profound fear. The fear punched his bladder and s
trong smelling urine flooded the crotch of his pants.
Demitri noted and recognized the foul smell. He could not suppress a small smile
as he savored another puff of the fine Cuban. “Stay here for awhile, Mr. Bright
on. No one lives here at present. We will be in contact with you after something
unpleasant occurs to deflect the ‘bitches’, eh? Please do not attempt to contac
t me. Good day Mr. Brighton.”
CNN Special Bulletin: NASA announces all life support systems aboard the Space S
tation have failed. Twenty-six persons feared dead or dying.
Japan News Agency Special Announcement: The Japanese Space Agency will undertake
a daring shuttle rescue for those aboard the Space Station. The new Japanese sh
uttle, Swift Cloud, will convey rescue equipment along with highly trained medic
al and other personnel.
Top Secret Flash Message, Eyes only – the President of the United States, from G
eneral DeBliss: Geosync birds over Washington D.C. and Seattle downed by our kil
ler satellites. Remaining US killer sats have powered down;
suspect enemy action. All missiles launched at enemy geosyncs failed to reach ta
rgets. 12 attacking planes (F22 Ravens) also lost, causes unknown. Further anti-
satellite ops suspended.
Reuters Wire Service Bulletin: Russia and Japan set to announce new defense and
arms agreements with each other and Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Yemen. Sep
arately Iran, Iraq and Libya join in pledges of swift and terrible retribution f
or any attack on any Arab state by Western powers.
CNN follow-up on Reuters bulletin: CNN has confirmed new defense and arms agreem
ents between Japan, Russia and Arab states. Communique just received from Japane
se Defense Force warning Western European nations, Canada, Australia and New Zea
land not to intercede on United States and/or Great Briton s behalf.
CNN International breaking story: France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal join Denmar
k, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Finland in announcing neutrality regarding co
nflict between US/Great Britain and Japan/Russia plus the belligerent Arab state
s. Most Nato nations remain mum. Turkey announces willingness to assist in any p
eace negotiations.
Tripoli, Lebanon, Mustafaa Daoudi’s personnel quarters
Oragi Shomi, shimmering in candlelight and breathtakingly lovely in ceremonial r
ed and gold kimono, completed the formal tea ceremony by offering a tiny cup of
fragrant tea to Mustafaa. Her head was bowed and both arms stretched toward him;
small, graceful hands barely holding the eggshell thin porcelain.
Neither had spoken since Oragi began the tea ceremony. The silence continued unt
il both had sipped and placed their cups down. Mustafaa spoke first. “Oragi, wha
t can I say? Mysterious, enchanting…delicious?” Oragi flushed brightly. “I am sp
eaking of the woman before me, not the tea. The tea was soothing to my palate bu
t your beauty stirs my ardor to a point where other things cry out to be soothed
as well. I fervently hope that lying in my arms will not prove to be only a sac
rifice for the sake of deception.”
Oragi felt a shiver of passion run down her back, dash across her vulva and sett
le with a warm glow low in her belly. Blushing again, Oragi whispered so softly
that Mustafaa strained to here, “Your desire brings joy to my ears, warmth to my
heart and liquid to my loins. I fear I will find a fleeting but wonderful parad
ise in your arms.” Oragi lifted her glowing face to Mustafaa. Tears glistened on
her flawless cheeks.
“A fleeting paradise may be all that either of us shall ever have, dear one. Be
pleased we have one moment of perfect enchantment in our darkest hour.”
Oragi slowly rose from her kneeling position and shyly turning her back, began t
o disrobe in a most enchanting manner. Mustafaa’s eyes were riveted to each deli
ght uncovered by her sensual movements. So fascinated was Mustafaa that he faile
d to notice flashing eyes peering in horror outside his bedroom windows. He also
did not see Ishmere Jamail clasp the small dagger at her waist or see Ishmere’s
lips move in silent promises of bloody vengeance. For the next two hours, Musta
faa saw only paradise; heard only the blood pounding in his ears and felt only s
ilky wet embraces as Oragi engulfed his member with all of her gates to heaven.
The lovely Japanese spy, aglow from the lovemaking, hurriedly slipped through th
e shadows away from Mustafaa’s rooms. Head down and one hand suppressing girlish
giggles, Oragi neither saw nor felt the wavy dagger blade as it pierced her bre
ast and found the blood that filled her heart. She did manage to see hate-filled
female eyes before the pain came…and darkness closed.
Washington D.C., Office of Willem Gorse, Secretary of State
Leigh Roper flashed her nylons and a dazzling smile at Gorse. “It’s very kind of
you, Secretary Gorse, to allow me a few minutes. I mean especially with all tha
t’s happening right now. As I’m sure you already know, my interview with Mr. Neu
berger of Mid-Atlantic Power was really quite helpful regarding the power outage
Gorse’s eyes, with a mind of their own, slid up and down Leigh’s body. First her
mouth, then down to her thighs, slipping over her knees to slippered feet and b
ack again to start over. He hardly heard a word she was saying. He just sat in h
is swivel chair, bobbing his head and grinning like a teenage boy who has just s
een his first pair of grownup tits.
“God,” Lee-Roy thought. “I bet this asswipe jerks off to TV exercise bimbos ever
y morning before work. Look at the dumb fucker’s eyes! If they move any more acr
oss my body he’ll get a harelip. No, wait! Hot damn, watch this Leigh…uncross th
e legs; now cross them the other way. Just a quick peek at where the panties sho
uld be, nicely shaved. Holy shit, did you see that old fart jump? Now he’s cover
ing up his crotch! Jesus, save me from old wrinkled dicks! The nasty bugger has
a hard-on. Goddamn, this is fun. Wonder if I can give the shitbird a heart attac
Leigh composed both herself and Lee-Roy. “As I was saying, Mr. Neuberger was ver
y helpful but he strongly suggested that you were the person to go to for the im
portant facts…and figures. Secretary Gorse, is something wrong?”
“Yea, the silly bastard has a death-grip on his wild-willy and there’s no blood
left for his other brain, “ Lee-Roy managed to choke out. “You know, the small o
ne. Uh-oh, watch out. He’s going purple! Something is a-popping!!”
Willem Gorse’s countenance underwent a strange series of contortions. Leigh thou
ght he might be having a heart attack. Lee-Roy thought he looked like a constipa
ted idiot trying to take his first crap in five days. Actually Secretary Gorse j
ust had his best orgasm of the year. It was only his third this year, but what t
he hell? Willem thought, “The stupid news tart probably didn t notice anything a
miss. What if she did? At least now he could think” and his first clear thought
was ‘Don’t stand up’.
Moving yet closer to his desk and resting elbows thereon, Gorse pasted on his be
st bullshitter grin and boomed, “I am always available to my fine friends in the
media. I can’t promise much time you know, what with all the shit…oops, pardon
my French pretty lady. I mean all that’s happening at the moment. But, ah…fire a
way and I’ll do my best to bring you in the loop, so to speak…ah. Except of cour
se where National Security interests are concerned. You understand that?”
“Absolutely Sir. No problem at all skirting those issues. Actually, I only have
a couple of serious questions and then maybe one or two not quite so serious one
s.” Lee-Roy howled, “Did you see that? I don’t believe you girl! You made the fa
t fucker’s elbow fall off his desk.”
Leigh gave him a moment to rearrange himself and went straight for the kill, “Ju
st why ARE millions of Americans cowering in the dark fearing for their very liv
es while sadistic, murdering thieves rampage through our cities?. Why
isn’t this government, the richest and most powerful in the world, getting the l
ights back on…like now…like yesterday? Finally, what do the Japanese have to do
with the power outages?” Leigh’s last question was a blind stab but with all the
international turmoil involving Japan, it wasn’t a bad guess.
Gorse stuttered, “Now young lady, your government is working night and day to ov
ercome the obstacles in restoring power.”
Leigh quickly interjected , “What obstacles Mr. Gorse?”
Studying Leigh more cautiously, Gorse leaned forward in a conspiratorial manner.
“Now, don’t quote me on this. In fact don’t broadcast this at all or we will ha
ve two or three times the panic we already have. I’m only telling you this so yo
u will stop digging around. Before you garner just enough facts to royally screw
things up. OK?” Leigh nodded yes. “Right! What we have is some serious sabotage
that effects a lot more than power grids. I’m talking VCRs to missiles and Japa
nese fingerprints are all over every bit of it. You may tell your bosses what I’
ve told you but also tell them they had better keep their traps shut or Douglass
will bust their asses. Now, that’s all I’m going to say so you might as well pa
ck up and go.” Leigh was stunned. Lee-Roy was delirious. Leigh realized Admiral
Bramble held the most important keys to the mysteries. Leigh wanted the next fli
ght out to Thomas T s location. Lee-Roy wanted to go fuck a Boy Scout.

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