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March 2010

Vol. 11

The role of faith Bookmobile coming to our

Fear imprisons, faith Church Sunday, March 14th
liberates; fear para- from 11 AM to 12:30 PM.
lyzes, faith empow-
ers; fear disheartens, For orders call 1-800-765-6955
faith encourages; fear
sickens, faith heals;
fear makes useless,
faith makes service-
able — and, most of
all, fear puts hope-
lessness at the heart
“of life, while faith
rejoices in its God.”

In this Issue:

Healthy Notes ·············· 3

International Sabbath ····· 7
Outdoor Education ········ 8
Church @ Work ········· 10
Have you ever stopped to think of all the medicines
and vaccines we have today? Just a few years ago
many illnesses that seemed incurable are now treat-
able! What marvelous strides have been made in the
field of medicine! It's mind boggling!

But have you ever thought of how wonderful it would

be if a "medicine" could be found that would cure hu-
man nature's weaknesses and failures, such as con-
flicts, discontent, and unhappiness? Money would be
no object for people to buy that
kind of "cure." And yet, there is a "cure!" God has
provided this "cure." It's Jesus! Through Him our
sins, our weaknesses, our failures, our conflicts, our
discontent, and all unhappiness can be fixed!

We can be changed and renewed by His Holy Spirit

living in us! All the problems we've mentioned above
can be replaced by righteousness, joy, and hope. We
can know peace, a peace that isn't dependent on out-
ward circumstances. This "cure" was provided over
two thousand years ago when our Saviour died for us
and was resurrected. How foolish not to take a big
"dose" of this medicine! You take it by simply asking
for a "dose" in prayer! It's rather simple! Yours for a
daily dose," Pastor and Sharon Webb

Page 2 The Church Courier

Healthy Notes by Glenn Paul

10 Priority Health Goals For

Seventh-Day Adventists

In the early 1970’s USA National Institutes of Health awarded Loma

Linda University 15 million dollars to study why SDAs are healthier
and live longer. Let us remain faithful to the lifestyle we know is

• Remain free of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and other drugs.

• Perform regular meaningful physical activity.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Eat primarily a plant base diet, high In fruits and vegetables
( 5+ servings daily ).
• Eat primarily whole-grain bread and cereals, at least 3+
servings daily.
• Eat nuts or nut butters, at least 5+ servings weekly.
• Drink plenty of water, at least 5-8 glasses daily.
• Keep mentally fit.
• Maintain good relationships with others.
• Maintain constant relationship with GOD.

From the Adventist Health Study

Congratulations to Markley Richards for a great

job on preaching on the Adventure Sabbath.

We are very proud of you!

Vol. 11 Issue 3 Page 3
Adventist Christian Academy -Run-a-Thon
On Friday, February 5th, our School had their annual Run-a
-Thon. Many students were sponsored. We want to thank
the members of our Church that always support our youth
and our School.

This year we raised a little over $3,000 that will help for
some of the things we need. Here’s a list of our students
and how they did in case you sponsored them. You can pay on a tithe enve-
lope, put the word: Run-a-thon and the name of the student, or go directly to
the School. Please make checks payable to the Adventist Christian Academy.

VPK: Joshua Atchinson (20), Elizabeth Billett (20), Isabella Cortes (19), John
Creenan (19), Amelia Cripe (19), Ryan Davila (18), Rocco DeGenova (18), Michael
Hartje (19), Evan Herzel (18), Caitrin Hubbart (18), Quincie Patterson (10),
Nashley Richard (17), Emma Troxell (17), Donald Varanai (18).

Kindergarten: Benjamin Rodriguez (18), Samantha DeGenova (18), Madison

Dibernandinis (16), Bailey Faircloth (17), Sabrina Ferrand (19), Alana Lopez (18),
Raquel Mergal (19), Victoria Nearing (19), Jalise Powell (17), Willie Queen (9).

Grades 1st-4th: Amanda Varanai (20), Franlis Simeoli (17), McKendree Troxell
(14), Bella Herrera (15), Julia Jasinski (15), Kristen Rodriguez (15), Yasmin
Rodriguez (15), Rosalinda Herrera (14), Nathan Cortes (14), Markey Richard (27),
Brittany Rodriguez (19), Madelyn Billet (13), Aiden Ferrand (10), Dalena Ngo (11),
Moises Mergal (24), Evelyn Suarez (18), Noah Cripe (20).

Grades 5th-8th: Mr. Cruz (25), Ashley Howard (32), Liam Montanez (19), Justin
Rivera (27), Santiago Ortiz (13), Nelson Rios (16), Leon Rodriguez (16), Myranda
Rodriguez (17), Shirley Concepcion (17), Benjamin Ladd (20), Katie Koch (16),
Brittany Howard (15).

Grades 9th-10th: Daniel Schiefer (32), Jordan Rodriguez (18), Jacob Cripe (19),
Gabby Menendez (24)

Thank you to all the students, sponsors and volunteers that help counting that

Page 4 The Church Courier

Bible Quiz
Psalm 121 focuses on the assurance of God’s
help at all times. The final two verses (7-8)

“The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will

keep your life.

The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in ….” [NRSV]

Choose the correct ending of the psalm:

A. today and every day.

B. as long as you live a good life.
C. if you ask God to do so.
D. from this time on and forevermore. Answer: D

Think about it…

• “Reach up as far as you

can, and God will reach
down all the rest of the

• God promises a safe land-

ing, not a calm passage.

• It is the heart that gives;

the fingers just let go.
—Nigerian proverb

Vol. 11 Issue 3 Page 5

Second Coming of Christ -
Signs for Keeping Watch by Juan Rivera
We could just shrug our shoulders and casually wait for the Second Com-
ing of Christ. However, Jesus wants us to "keep watch." A great way to
keep watch is to know what the Bible reveals about upcoming events and
compare those to what we see happening today. The key events can be
summarized with the acronym: S - E - C - O - N - D.

S…Sudden. As we saw above, no one but the Father knows when. How-
ever, we do know it will take place "as lightning." (Matthew 24:27)

E…Essential. One of the foundations of the Christian faith is Jesus' sec-

ond coming. It is spoken of by Jesus and many others in the Bible. Jesus
will physically come again for all His believers. Unfortunately, some teach
that Christ "secretly" returned already. As you read what the Bible says
about the Second Coming of Jesus, it will be obvious that it hasn't hap-
pened yet.

C…Christ's Final Judgment. The Bible declares that Jesus will be the
final judge of the world (John 5:22, Acts 10:42 and 2Timothy 4:1).

O…Obvious. It’s going to be LOUD and BIG; the Bible says so; there will
be no mistaking when Christ comes back for His Church! (Acts 17:31,
1Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 and Hebrews 10:27).

N…No One Knows When. God is outside time. God already knows every
prediction regarding Jesus' return that has ever been or will ever be made.
Since Jesus said that no one knows about that day but the Father, NO

Second Coming of Christ - The "D" is for "Doubters"

As we get closer and closer to the Second Coming of Christ, there will be
increasing and widespread doubt about whether Jesus even existed. Peo-
ple will also start wondering if God really exists and believers will leave the
Christian faith (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, 1Timothy 4:1-2, and 2 Peter 2:1-3).
Do you think we're already seeing these signs?

Keep watching and grow closer to God everyday.

Page 6 The Church Courier

International Sabbath
- March 13, 2010
Our International Sabbath cele-
bration is just two weeks
away! The purpose of Interna-
tional Sabbath is not to show us
our differences, even though
our backgrounds are very di-
verse. It is to highlight the
most important things that we
have in common - our love for
the Lord and our faith in the Adventist beliefs. We are brothers and
sisters and God is our Father.

It is amazing to me how we come from all different cultures and

countries and yet at some point in our lives, we have come in con-
tact with God and have been brought into His Family

I hope you will enjoy the International Sabbath and recognize it for
what it is - an opportunity for brothers and sisters to become
closer by learning more about each other. In our Spiritual Body-
Building studies we have learned that we, the members, are the
church. And that we are members in Christ, only if we have love
one for another.

I want to thank Glenn Paul, Omayra Rivera, Seon-Young Howard

and Mark Schiefer for their enthusiasm in catching hold of this idea
after we first saw it at the Tampa 1st SDA Church. Thanks also to
the many volunteers who are willing to carry flags, share their tal-
ents and make food. It has been an exciting experience and we
have learned much.

Martha Getlinger

Vol. 11 Issue 3 Page 7

Outdoor Education @ Camp Kulaqua

On February 16-19, grades 5th to 8th had the opportunity to

stay at Camp Kulaqua and enjoy a very exciting week full of
great education.

I (Omayra), was the chaperone for 5 great young ladies, and

Mr. Cruz for 6 boys.

Some of the classes that the kids had the opportunity to take
were: Fossils, Low
Elements, Horses,
Birding, Nocturnal
In this picture: The NPR
girls raising the flag.
animals, and Indian
Craft. Also, we en-
joyed the very cool
and uplifting worships every day. The kids also
had the opportunity to use the go-carts and fel-
lowship with other schools.
Brittany, Omayra, Myranda, Shirley,
We will try to post some pictures in our church. Katie, Ashley, Xavier, Liam, Mr.
Cruz, Leo, Ben, Santiago, Justin.

What is prayer?
If the Bible is our food, then prayer is our air. It’s the
way by which we draw in the atmosphere of God.

Prayer is rich and varied. Sometimes we confess our

sins in a prayer of penitence. Sometimes we praise
God in worship and thanksgiving. Sometimes we ask
God for help and grace to meet whatever comes our
way. Sometimes we pray for other people. Sometimes
we’re quiet, knowing that when we stop clamoring and pleading our
case, there comes a sense of God’s reply, some intimation of his will,
some message from him to us.

Remember that nothing God can ever give is comparable to himself. It is

God we seek in prayer. Everything else is secondary.

Page 8 The Church Courier

Faith is the key
In April of 1521, a monk named Martin Luther was put on
trial by the Roman Catholic Church. He had been severely
critical of the pope, questioning the validity of some of the
sacraments and denouncing church corruption. …

At this trial, Luther was convicted of heresy. Anyone caught

following him was to be condemned. But Luther and his fol-
lowers were not crushed — they went on to lead the Protes-
tant Reformation, the movement we commemorate today.
We can be grateful that Luther took a stand for what he believed in and
worked tirelessly to bring the word of God to common people, so that they
could develop deeper faith in Jesus Christ.

Faith was the key to Luther. In his own study and translation of the Bible,
he discovered that faith is essential to an everlasting relationship with God.
“We are saved by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ,” he pro-
claimed. Faith is the attitude that enables us to hang on to Christ, accord-
ing to Luther; it is the way we gain access to the saving grace of God. Faith
is best defined as “trust,” he said; it is a willingness to rely on Jesus
through all the challenges of life.

Pathfinders West Area Camporee

by Justin Rivera

We are so busy these days...after finishing with Outdoor

Education we went right to the Pathfinders Camporee for
the weekend at the Sertoma Youth Ranch. After setting our
camp we were ready for the action.

On Sabbath, we had worship, they talked about the challenges that we have as teenag-
ers. Later, Mr. Pablo had a devotional with us. We had an inspection of our tents and
uniforms, I have to say that it was weird, I’m new at Pathfinders. Thank God I
cleaned up the very inside of my ears before going there, I’m not kidding, they
checked everything! After the inspection “the guy” said: “Sharp uniform NPR”.

We worked at some honors, I did the Hurricane honor, but their were some other hon-
ors like: Electricity, balloons, reptiles, light house, etc.

There were many clubs their and we had the chance to meet some of them. I had fun.
Thank you to all leaders for everything.

Vol. 11 Issue 3 Page 9

Men’s Ministry

The good news is that in

Adventist Christian Academy 2010, March 12-14 and
19-21, the Florida Confer-
2010 Yearbook on sale now. ence Men’s Ministries
Order your copy Dept. will be conducting
today for only two Men’s Ministries Con-
$13. ventions at Camp Ku-
laqua. Men will be able to
choose the most conven-
Order forms at the ient date. The theme will
church office. be: “Port of Call” Heaven.
Brochures are in the
Order before March 31. church office

Gulf Area Women’s Ministry is excited to announce the 3rd.

Biennial Women of Spirit Day

“Women after God’s on Heart”

April 17 @ the St. Petersburg SDA Church
1001 56th St. N

Judge Judith Hawkins, Speaker

Registration @ 9:00 am
Programming from 9:00 - 3:00 pm
Lunch $4.00

Children’s Program Provided 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

Ages 5-12
Lunch $3.00

Mexico Mission: There will be a Mexico Mission in

2010. The dates will be Monday, July 19th through
Wednesday, July 28th. If you have an interest, please
contact Mark Schiefer or the Church Office. More
information to come at a later time.

Page 10 The Church Courier

From the Editors soup and more soup, and a
tea of ginger, garlic, lemon,
When we are sick, a cup of and honey.
hot tea or soup helps us
feel better. For some There is just one remedy
strange reason if your mom when we are sick spiritually.
is the one who prepares it When spiritual sickness is in
if’s more than enough to our souls there is nothing
This newsletter is
bring you to life. Sometimes that we can do but fall on
published monthly
we are not "sick" physically our knees and put our lives
by the NPR SDA
but mentally, emotionally, in Gods hands. He will take
Church. If you
or spiritually. The remedies our souls and by His grace
have any com-
are many and every one can and love will make us feel
ments to make
tell you what works the best full of His Spirit. Once your
about the news-
for them. Probably my ad- mind, soul and body is full
letter, wish to
vice is not going to work for with the Holy Spirit you will
make a donation,
you, either way I want to feel good again. The rem-
share it with you: for stress edy is easy: fall on your or wish to submit
take a two hours nap every- knees and pray! an article, please
day, if you feel sad go and send it to the
have a good time with fam- Alex Ortiz church or to us.
ily and friends, or go to
your favorite place. If you
are with the cold... soup,

Contact Us
Alexander Ortiz Omayra Rivera
727-365-2892 727-372-0052


NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church

6424 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653

Vol. 11 Issue 3 Page 11

NPR Seventh–day Adventist Church
6424 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653

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