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- Alumna: Priscila Seplveda

- Profesora Supervisora Jimena
- Ao: 2015


1. Portfolio Introduction
2. Reflective writings1
3. School information
4. Reports
5. Unit plans and lesson plans
6. Learning material (written and/or audio)
7. Evaluation
8. Evaluation instruments
9. Evaluation instruments
12.Learning material


Portfolio Introduction

Nowadays as at the beginning of the societies education has being an essential

part of people lives and the relationship between them. Therefore, the
education is related to the economy and politics of the country and its issues
affect the whole community. The educational system is not able to norm a
society but can help to achieve common goals through knowledge, reinforced
values and attitudes, and skills that make possible a social project. Then,
thanks to this basic tools the community can communicate and understanding
among the participants of the community.
Taking into consideration what has been said this process of conscious practice
of teaching is fundamental because it provides the perfect setting for
reinforcing and learning through playing the role of a teacher inside the actual
school and under the educational system demands. Accomplishing duties,
developing knowledge and classroom strategies, creating materials, planning
and organizing activities challenge the professional and imprints the
characteristics needed to be successful as an active part of the learning
process of the students.
This paper attempts to show the achieved goals during this teaching practice
which lasted one term and was developed under the guidance of two school
teachers and a supervisor. The information and the evidence provided here
give proves of what has been learned and achieved, and show professional
along with personal growth. I provide context, comments, some pictures and
relevant data collected to make the reader participant of my journey.


Reflective writings1

What I have learned:

During this process I have learned that it is easier to say and write than do.
Besides practicing almost everything I read, I have had to improvise and adapt
to the requirements of my student, schools and guide teachers. It has not been
an easy task for me and I feel that I have evolved throughout the whole
I have become more disciplined and accurate, because planning and creating
class materials have turned me into an observer who is always taking notes of
what works and what does not work for my students.
I have developed a more attentive ear which is ready to catch complains and
remarks made by students and teachers alike.
I have to recognize that it was hard to listen to critics but every time I took the
course of action advised I got good results.
I truly believe that the educational system is full of flaws but the teacher still
can make a difference when is committed. Students notice who cares and who
is there to help them learn.
An unanswered questions has to do with the schools administrations, why to
teacher and administrations do not cooperate in having clear rules and why is
it that teachers are treated whit concerns and are not supported in their
decisions. I think that there might be a lack of professional trust, maybe
teachers are no seen as the professionals they are. And schools administrations
are to blind and detached from classrooms.
Now I get how important is to work with other teachers and to understand the
comments they make about students, now I think that every opinion is
important even when it seems subjective. Students tent to take advantage of
every excuse to brake that coordination between colleagues. I used to believe
that students did not notice the dynamic among teachers and administrations
but now I get how some of them even take disorganization as an excuse to
avoid working in class.
I think that as a goal for my future I will try to work with every teacher in the
school, I will try to coordinate my classes with what students are doing in other
classes and reinforce the same aspects other teachers do. I think that I will
continue to create my own materials and class dynamics. I will work with the
school administration and demand a fair treatment.


School information


Liceo Tcnico Alfredo Nazar Feres


Errazuriz Sn Playa Ancha





E-mail contacto:



Orlando Aminadab Rodrguez Brunet


Corp.Munic.De Valparaiso Para El Des.Soc

Institutional information


Reconocimiento Oficial:

Segn Resolucin Exenta 7052 De Fecha 23/09/1981

Administrated by:


Education level:

Educacin Parvularia
Enseanza Bsica
Enseanza Media Tcnico-Profesional Industrial Nios

Total number of students:672

Students average per grade:


Proyecto educativo del establecimiento:

Reglamento de convivencia escolar:

Reglamento interno de evaluacin:

Fee information:


Monthly fee:


Scholarships available:


Caractersticas de formacin del establecimiento

nfasis del proyecto educativo:

Desarrollo integral
Excelencia acadmica

Orientacin religiosa:


Programa de formacin en:

Programa de orientacin
Convivencia escolar
Prevencin de drogas y alcohol
Educacin de la sexualidad
Cuidado del Medio Ambiente
Actividades de accin social

Apoyo al aprendizaje:

Reforzamiento en materias especficas

Asistente Social

Educacin Especial:

Trastornos motores
Trastornos de comunicacin y relacin con el medio
Trastorno Especfico del Lenguaje

Oportunidades educativas:
Educacin Preescolar y Bsica


Infraestructura educativa:

Sala de usos mltiples
Sala de computacin con internet
Sala de computacin sin internet
Sala audiovisual
Cancha de deportes

Conexin a Internet:

Tipo de Conexin: Fibra ptica

Velocidad de Conexin: Entre 20481 y 30720


Baby Ftbol
Tenis de mesa

Actividades extraprogramticas para alumnos:






This is a public school and many of its students have serious social issues. For
high school students there is a system with thematic classrooms, every teacher
is in charge of his classroom and determines how to use it. Primary students
have a single classroom assigned and teachers rotate.
In the first grade in high school there are four groups, A, B, C, D. I observed 1C,
but taught in 1D. The classroom was arranged in groups of six students but

The classroom was decorated about English. With posters and flags, there was
also decoration related to national celebration in September, Halloween in
October, and Christmas in December.
The students used a text created in the school, and listening activities from a
CD. They opened the book on the corresponding page and worked, when they
did not know how to work the called the teacher who answered questions, gave
examples, and told to use the dictionary to learn vocabulary.

The students were supposed to work on the book which had everything

I noticed that the students were allowed to use cellphones in the classroom, to
listen to music and walk around. They could go out of the classroom under their
own responsibility. Discipline was ambiguous in my opinion because students
had impossed a system.
Students tended to violences, verbal and physical. There were three fights
thoughout the term but teachers are not suppose to enterfire, at least I was not
allowed. I discovered that girls were more violent thant boys, even when they
are fewer the girls fighting is more common thatn boys.

I could notice how alone the teacher felt, he tried to encourage learning and
discipline but it was almost impossible. The school management did not
support his work very much, they suppervised him once, by surprise and
critisisezed him very much. It was heart breaking to see how hard the teacher
tried everyday without being valued by his superiors. I think he had too much
to give but the system did not supported him, on the contrary he was
interrupted and sabotaged Many orders were stupid to be followed and they

changed every day, for example the way the attendance had to be noted in the
class book.


Unit plans and lesson plans

I planned the 3rd Unit for high school students but it was already done in a
better way so I followed the schools plan.

When I worked with 6th grade, I observed that the teacher planned every week
and I was asked to prepare plans that way. (They are attached in the file)
Despite all trouble, I feel the Units were carried out, I would say that at least
the 80% of each planned lesson was fulfill. And students learned even when
they refused with their most effort to work. I know now that I made many errors
and that I should have hooked my students better, but it was really hard to
change the way they had with the guide teachers, and their attitude towards
doing something new was not willing, they liked to be in their comfort zone.
In 6th grade the students were less violent and the classroom was arranged in a
traditional way. Four rows of chairs.


Learning material (written and/or audio)

In 1D Students used the school book and CD, and in 6 th grade the ministry book
and audios. But I prepared my materials and worksheet using the books only as
a guidance. Evidence of my work is the file attached.
It was one of the most challenging tasks I had to perform because it took a lot
of time to choose and adapt the materials, my students were not always
attracted to what I did and, at times, it was a bit frustrating and discouraging to
notice their faces bored and carless.
By the end of the term I felt more confident, although never completely
confident, with what I was doing.
I brought different videos which helped me to get the students attention. But
video music did not work with 1D as much as with 6 th grade.



A. Class evaluation:

a) At the beginning of the practicum

a. Check worksheets in 1D and 6th grade. In 6th grade students
participated in the board and check whether students understood
or not.
b) In the middle of the practicum
a. Tests and checked worksheets.
c) At the end of the practicum
a. Tests, a presentation and paper, the creation of a flyer.


Evaluation instruments

Tests, Worksheets, Classroom participation, a presentation, a paper, a flyer.



a) My main strengths are: I have a good English level, I learn fast, I can adapt
to different situations, I am patient and respectful, I can explain things clearly, I
can relate to my students, I generate my materials and I am able to cover what
my students need, I listen to my students and try to accomplish their
expectations, I get along with people and I help them willingly, but the most
important thing is that I love teaching.
b) My weaknesses are: classroom management is hard for me because my
voice is low but I learned some techniques which helped me through the term.
c) My final mark is: Even I made some mistakes I think I deserve a 7,0 because
I could overcome difficulties and learn how to improve my weaknesses. I also
learned that teaching is a never ending challenge, as Socrates said the
unexamined life is not worth living and I learned to examine myself after
every class. My guide teachers gave me a lot of freedom and did not give me
much advice but I noticed that they helped me learning by myself, my own try
and error.
I also lived what I learned through this years, I put to practice methods and
techniques such natural approach or physical response. I could understand that
every teacher needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but
because they can be even better.



The following reports are requested only in one of the two classes you did the
a) Teachers meeting (Consejo de profesores)
I was not allowed in a teachers meeting but the professor told me that
in a particular meeting the school administration discussed about failing
students and the mass dismissal of many teachers. The teachers who
were not hired for good were supposed to get new jobs.
b) Parentsmeeting (Reunin de apoderados)
About a parents meeting I can report that the teacher told me that the
problematic students had absent parents, and many of them were failing
the year. Good students parents attended and they talked about the end
of the year and the possible activities they were having. They checked
students grades and attendance and schools policies about trips.

This is a picture of the chart of the last meeting, they talked about all
those things mentioned.
c) Class discussion time ( Consejo de Curso)
Professor Thomas told me that during a class discussion time he tried to
talk about serious topics such sex, but his students were too impolite
and unkind. The discussion time were to talk mostly about misbehavior
and bad situations lived in some classes. The 2 Medio was a difficult


Learning material

A file attached with all the materials.



Language learning is complex, if learning a first language is already difficult to

the students is a major challenge to get immerse in another culture and
language. The learning process consists of acquiring a language system, rather
than learning a series of disconnected components. A language system
consists of not only grammatical rules and vocabulary, but also the proper way
to use language, such as requesting information, inviting a friend to a social
event, thanking a person for a kind act, or greeting a stranger.
To be a teacher of English as a second language is even more challenging,
since to be a teacher is hard enough to that we have to add the knowledge of
another culture and set of language systems. In language learning and
teaching an important concept is comprehensible input. Students can only
learn what they understand and in language teaching this means that the
teacher must make content comprehensible.
When we think about motivation, it causes the learning of language because it
addresses the goals and expectations of the learner as well as the teacher. If a
person is only interested in enough grade to pass a course that is all what that
person will learn regardless what the teacher can offer. In this point I think I
have learned the most, because I could focus on motivating my students but
without feeling frustrated when they did not care.
I also could learned that how long it takes to learn a second language is an
important pedagogical issue because the answer depends in part on the
learner's age, aptitude, personality, and motivation, and all of those are limited
in our school system. The only thing I could do was to make the most with what
is available, and I feel like I succeeded.
Many strategies have evolved over the years to teach a second or foreign
language to students but still there is not a fixed recipe and it was the hardest
job to learn what my students needed and also wanted, to read their minds and
pass through their learning barriers were the most challenging taks. There were
good and bad days but all of them were learning days and I am grateful for the

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