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Legal Scholarship and Selected Legal News on Same-Sex Marriage

May 14, 2010

Compiled By Michael Ginsborg, MLS
(Proposition 8 and the Right to Marry)

See also:

Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Research Bibliography

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature
Books & More: Same-Sex Marriage & Cohabitation Bibliography, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint.
2010, at 45
Books on Same Sex Couples and the Law (Updated 12-17-09)


Update: Jean C. Love, The Synergistic Evolution of Liberty and Equality in the Marriage Cases
Brought by Same-Sex Couples in State Courts, 13 J. Gender Race & Just. 275 (2010)

Update: Nelson Tebbe and Deborah A. Widiss, Equal Access and the Right to Marry, 158 U. Pa.
L. Rev. 1375 (2010)

Update: Mary Anne Case, A Lot To Ask: Review Essay of Martha Nussbaum's From Disgust
To Humanity: Sexual Orientation and Constitutional Law, 19 Colum. J. Gender & L. 89 (2010)

Update: Matthew J. Hrutkay, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses," but not
your homosexual partners: international solutions to America's same-sex immigration
dilemma.18 Cardozo J. Int'l & Comp. L. 89 (2010)

Update: Scott Cummings and Douglas NeJaime, Lawyering for Marriage Equality, posted May
11, 2010, at Social Science Research Network

Update: D’Arcy L. Reinhard, Recognition of Non-Biological, Non-Adoptive Parents in

Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Utah: A De Facto Doctrine to Protect the Best Interests of the
Child, 13 J. Gender Race & Just. 441 (2010) (abstract)

Update: Ruth Butterfield Isaacson, "Teachable Moments": The Use of Child-Centered

Arguments In The Same-Sex Marriage Debate, 98 Cal. L. Rev. 121 (2010)

Update: Carlos A. Ball, Gay is Good: Morality and the LGBT Rights Movement, 36 N.Y.U.
Rev. L. & Soc. Change ___ (2010)

Update: Paul Benjamin Linton, Same-Sex Marriage and the New Mexico Equal Rights
Amendment, 20 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 209
Update: Myron E. Sildon, Dealing With Divorce And Non Traditional Relationships In The
Family Business, 16 ALI-ABA Est. Plan. 39 (2010) (abstract)

Update:Nancy Ver Steegh, 43 Fam. L.Q. 1069 (2010) (includes section for "Same-Sex Marriage
Issues" for the period between November 2008 and October 2009)

Catherine L. Hartz, Arkansas's Unmarried Couple Adoption Ban: Depriving Children of

Families, 63 Ark. L. Rev. 113 (2010) (abstract)

[Equal Protection — Same-Sex Marriage — California Supreme Court Classifies Proposition 8

as "Amendment" Rather than "Revision." — Strauss v. Horton, 207 P.3d 48 (Cal. 2009)], 123
Harv. L. Rev. 1516 (2010)

Christine Nelson, Same Sex Redux: How did same sex marriage re-emerge as one of the most
vexing social issues facing lawmakers? State Legislatures, Apr. 2010, at 31

Palma Strand, Harvey Milk, Jane Roe, and James Brady: Why Civic Organizing Matters, Maine
L.Rev. Forthcoming, posted Apr. 7, 2010, at Social Science Research Network

Martin Carcieri, Justice Kennedy and Gay Marriage, Western Political Science Association 2010
Annual Meeting Paper, posted Mar. 29, 2010, at Social Science Research Network

Susan Mezey, The Role of State Courts in Adoption and Same-Sex Marriage Litigation,
Western Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, posted Mar. 29, 2010, at
Social Science Research Network

Christopher Burnett, Gay Marriage Initiatives in the States: Incubator of Public Policy or Venue
of Last Resort? Western Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, posted Mar.
29, 2010, at Social Science Research Network

Jennifer Gaboury, The Right to Form a Family: Using Human Rights Principles to Move Beyond
Civil Marriage, Western Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, posted Mar.
29, 2010, at Social Science Research Network

Corey Cook, Preaching to the Choir: The Battle Over Proposition 8 in California, Western
Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting Paper, posted Mar. 29, 2010, at Social
Science Research Network

Janet R. Jakobsen, Queer Relations: A Reading of Martha Nussbaum on Same-Sex Marriage, 19

Colum. J. Gender & L. 133 (2010)

Paul B. Linton, Same-Sex Marriage and the New Mexico Equal Rights Amendment, 20 Geo.
Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 209 (2010)
Jennifer Gerarda Brown, Peacemaking in the Culture War between Gay Rights and Religious
Liberty, 95 Iowa L.R. 747 (2010)

Thomas Charles Berg, What Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty Claims Have in
Common. Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, Forthcoming; U of St. Thomas Legal
Studies Research Paper No. 10-12, posted 04/05/10 at Social Science Research Network

John Roemer, Lawyer Hits Wall in Trying To Get Benefits For Gay Spouse; Obama
Administration Staff Sympathizes With Cause But Say Their Hands Are Tied, San Francisco
Daily J., Apr. 2, 2010, at 1.

Alice Ristroph & Melissa E. Murray, Disestablishing the Family, 119 Yale L.J. 101 (2010)

Joanna L. Grossman, Civil Rites: The Gay Marriage Controversy in Historical Perspective. In
Law, Society and History: Essays on Themes in the Legal History and Legal Sociology of
Lawrence M. Friedman, Robert Gordon, ed., Cambridge University Press, 2010. Posted Mar. 18,
2010 at Social Science Research Network

Angela Chrysler, Proposition 8 and the Need For California Constitutional Amendment Initiative
Reform: Tolerance Requires Time and Deliberation, 37 Hast. Const. L.Q. 591 (2010)

Scott Barclay, In Search of Judicial Activism in the Same-Sex Marriage Cases: Sorting the
Evidence from Courts, Legislatures, Initiatives and Amendments, 8 Perspectives on Politcs 111
(2010) (abstract)

Joseph F. Morrissey, Taking Lochner Out of the Closet or Liberty of Contract as a Basis for Gay
Rights, posted Oct. 6, 2009, at Social Science Research Network

Arthur Leonard, New York Recognition of a Legal Status for Same-Sex Couples: A Rapidly
Developing Story, 54 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 479 (2009-2010)

Sonia Bychkov Green, Currency of Love: Customary International Law and the Battle for Same
–Sex Marriage in the United States, Social Science Research Network (03/08/10) (International
Law Prof Blog: The article "will be published this fall by the University of Pennsylvania Journal
of Law and Social Change.")

Bruce E. Boyden, Strategies of Containment: Status Regimes and the American Constitution,
available at Social Science Research Network, Feb. 23, 2010

Dimitry Kochenov, On Options of Citizens and Moral Choices of States: Gays and European
Federalism, 33 Fordham Int'l L.J. 156 (2009)

Annick Persinger, Still pioneers: special social and economic hardships for elderly gays and
lesbians, 21 Hastings Women's L.J. 137 (2010) (abstract)
G.M. Filisko, Just like everyone: inclusiveness efforts seek to make GLBT lawyers - and all
others - feel at home, ABA J., Feb. 2010, at 40 (law firms providing domestic partnership

Michael E. Getnick, A matter of due process, the rule of law and fundamental fairness, NY St.
Bar Assoc. J., Jan. 2010, at 5

Paul Borghs and Bart Eechout, LGB Rights in Belgium, 1999-2007: A Historical Survey of a
Velvet Revolution, 24 Internat'l J. L. Pol'y & Fam. 1 (2010)

Andrew Koppelman, Careful with that Gun: Lee, George, Wax, and Geach on Gay Rights and
Same-Sex Marriage, posted January 11, 2010, at Social Science Research Network.

Same-Sex & Cohabitation: The Legal Issues, "Featured Issue" of ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010
• Charles P. Kindregan, Jr., The Evolution of Same-Sex Marriage, ABA Fam. Advoc.,
Wint. 2010, at 8
• DOMA Damages Same-Sex Families and Their Children, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint.
2010, at 10
• Relationship Recognition Map, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 12
• Peter F. Zupcofska, When Couples Are Same Sex, Drafting Considerations Differ, ABA
Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 18
Sample Premarital & Separation Agreement Provisions, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint.
2010, at 21
• Deborah H. Wald, Dissolving Same-Sex Marital Unions in California, ABA Fam.
Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 22
• Joyce Kauffman, Protecting Parentage with Legal Connections, ABA Fam. Advoc.,
Wint. 2010, at 24
• Jeanne M. Hannah, The Law & Living Together, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 28
• Practicing Pointers on Drafting Agreements, ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 31
• Melvyn B. Frumkes, Taxation of Same-Sex Marriage and Live-Ins, ABA Fam. Advoc.,
Wint. 2010, at 34
• Why Can't My Wife Get a Green Card? ABA Fam. Advoc., Wint. 2010, at 38
• Books & More: Same-Sex Marriage & Cohabitation Bibliography, ABA Fam. Advoc.,
Wint. 2010, at 45

Symeon C. Symeonides, Choice of Law in the American Courts in 2009: Twenty-Third Annual
Survey ["Domestic Relations - Marriage"], 58 Am. J. Comp. L. ___ (2010)

Memos/Letters on Religious Liberty and Same-Sex Marriage, Mirror of Justice Blog, updated

Anya J. Stein, Note: The Guarantee Clause in the States: Structural Protections for Minority
Rights and Necessary Limits on the Initiative Power, 37 Hastings Const. L.Q. 343 (2010)
Chuleenan Svetvilas, Anatomy of a complaint: How Hollywood activists seized control of the
fight for gay marriage. Cal. Law. (Jan. 2010)


Update: Ralph Richard Banks, Why Do So Many People Oppose Same-Sex Marriage? 5 Stan. J.
C.R. & C.L. 357 (2009)

Update: Anne Susskind, Aspiring to gay marriage not the answer, says academic.(American
University Washington College of Law professor Nancy Polikoff). L. Soc. J. (June 2009), at 22

David Lourie, Rethinking Disclosure After The Proposition 8 Campaign, 83 S. Cal. L. Rev. 133

Keith J. Bybee and Cyril Ghosh, Legalizing Public Reason: The American Dream, Same-Sex
Marriage, and The Management of Radical Disputes, Stud. in L., 49 Pol. & Soc'y 125 (2009)
(abstracts and excerpts)

Mark Strasser, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts, edited by
Douglas Laycock, Anthony Picarello, Jr. & Robin Fretwell Wilson, 25 J.L. & Relig. 305

Courtney Megan Cahill, Celebrating the Differences That Could Make a Difference: United
States v. Virginia and a New Vision of Sexual Equality, 70 Ohio St. L.J. 943 (2009) (abstract)

Erin N. East, I Object: The RLUIPA as a Model for Protecting the Conscience Rights of
Religious Objectors to Same‐Sex Relationships, 59 Emory L.J. 259 (2009)

Craig J. Konnoth, Created In Its Image: The Race Analogy, Gay Identity, and Gay Litigation in
the 1950s-1970s, 119 Yale L.J. 316 (2009)

Mark D. White, Same‐Sex Marriage: The Irrelevance of the Economic Approach to Law, 6 Int'l
J. L. in Context ___ (2009), posted October 29, 2009, at Social Science Research Network

John R. Dorocak, Recent Constitutional Questions in Taxation: Toward a Legislative Solution to

Constitutional Problems of Same-Sex Couples and Ministers of the Gospel? 19 Temp. Pol. &
Civ. Rts. L. Rev. 223 (2009) (abstract)

Mathias Moschel, Germany's life partnerships: separate and unequal? 16 Colum. J. Eur. L. 237

John G. Culhane, Marriage, tort, and private ordering: rhetoric and reality in LGBT rights (The
Evolution of Academic Discourse on Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Festschrift in Honor of
Jeffrey Sherman), 84 Chi.-Kent. L. Rev. 437 (2009)
Edward Stein, The Accidental Procreation Argument for Withholding Legal Recognition for
Same-Sex Relationships (The Evolution of Academic Discourse on Sexual Orientation and the
Law: A Festschrift in Honor of Jeffrey Sherman), 84 Chi.-Kent L. Rev. 403 (2009) (abstract)

Jane S. Schacter, The Other Same-Sex Marriage Debate (The Evolution of Academic Discourse
on Sexual Orientation and the Law: A Festschrift in Honor of Jeffrey Sherman), 84 Chi.-Kent. L.
Rev. 379 (2009)

Jane S. Schacter, Courts and the Politics of Backlash: Marriage Equality Litigation, Then and
Now, 82 S. Cal. L. Rev. 1153 (2009)

Dimitry Kochenov, On Options of Citizens and Moral Choices of States: Gays and European
Federalism, 33 Fordham Int'l L.J. 156 (2009)

Shahar Lifshitz, Married against their will? Toward a pluralist regulation of spousal
relationships, 66 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1565 (2009)

William N. Eskridge, The Marriage Cases—Reversing the Burden of Inertia in a Pluralist

Constitutional Democracy, 97 Cal. L. Rev. 1785 (2009)

Ruthann Robson, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Queer Rights, and Literature: A
Conversation between the Honorable Michael Kirby [former Justice of Australia's High Court]
and Professor Ruthann Robson, 49 Suffolk Univ. L. Rev. ___ (2009), available at Social Science
Research Network (02/18/10)

Arthur S. Leonard, Exorcising the Ghosts of Bowers v. Hardwick: Uprooting Invalid Precedents,
84 Chi.-Kent. L. Rev. 519 (2009)

Same Sex Marriage in Law and Society: Dartmouth College's Law Day Program 2009
• Beth Robinson, Introduction, 34 Vt. L. Rev. 231 (2009)
• Transcript of Day Panel[Justice Cordy, Justice Katz, & Justice Morse], 34 Vt. L. Rev.
243 (2009)
• Gregory N. Johnson, We’ve Heard this Before: The Legacy of Interracial Marriage Bans
and the Implications for Today’s Marriage Equality Debates, 34 Vt. L. Rev. 277 (2009)
• Jackie Gardina, The Tipping Point: Legal Epidemics, Constitutional Doctrine, and the
Defense of Marriage Act, 34 Vt. L. Rev. 291 (2009)

Frederick Mark Gedicks, Atmospheric Harms in Constitutional Law, 69 Md.L. Rev. 149 (2009)

Rena M. Lindevaldsen, Same-Sex Relationships and the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Reducing
America to the Lowest Common Denominator, 16 Wm. & Mary J. Women & L. 29 (2009)
Geoffrey R. Stone, Same-Sex Marriage and the Establishment Clause, 54 Vill. L. Rev. 617

Mark Strassler, Laycock, Douglas, et al., eds. Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty:
Emerging Conflicts [Book Review], 51 J. Church & St. 373 (2009)

A. Musselman (student author), Due Process and Equal Protection: A Constitutional Approach to
Same-Sex Marriage, 36 N. Ky. L. Rev.1 (2009)

Susan R. Schmeiser, Changing the Immutable, 42 Conn. L. Rev.1495 (2009)

John R. Schleppenbach, Strange Bedfellows: Why Older Straight Couples Should Advocate For
the Passage of the Illinois Civil Union Act, 17 Elder L.J. 39 (2009)

Bennett Klein and Daniel Redman, From Separate to Equal: Litigating Marriage Equality in a
Civil Union State, 41 Conn. L. Rev.1381 (2009)

Sarah Beresford, Abolishing Marriage: Can the Civil Partnership Act Cover It? 30 Liverpool L.
Rev. 1 (2009)

J.L. Hulstead, Connecticut Licenses Same-Gender Marriages, 22 Benefits L.J. 84 (2009)

Addie V. Kies, Till Proposition 8 Do We Part: The Rise and Fall of Same-Sex Marriage in
California, 12 Rich. J. L. & Pub. Int. 265 (2009)

Justin R. Long, Demosprudence, Interactive Federalism, and Twenty Years of Sheff v. O’Neill,
42 Conn. L. Rev. 585 (2009)

Patricia A. Cain, Contextualizing Varnum v. Brien: A 'Moment' in History, 13 J. Gender Race &
Just. 27 (2009)

Palma Strand, A Civic Critique of Democracy: Civic Organizing as the Generating Force of a
Civic Concept of Law ["Gay Rights and Coming Out"], Social Science Research Network (12/

Suzanne A. Kim, Toward Skeptical Marriage Equality [draft version], Rutgers School of Law-
Newark Research Papers No. 060, available at Social Science Research Network (12-04-09)

Fredric J. Bold, Jr., Vows to Collide: The Burgeoning Conflict Between Religious Institutions
and Same-Sex “Marriage” Antidiscrimination Laws, 158 U. Pa. L. Rev. 179 (2009)

Danielle Johnson, Same-Sex Divorce Jurisdiction: A Critical Analysis of Chambergs v.

Ormiston and Why Divorce is an Incident of Marriage That Should Be Recognized Throughout
the States, 50 Santa Clara L.Rev. 1 (2010) [abstract]
Gerald N. Rosenberg, Saul Alinsky and the Litigation Campaign to Win the Right to Same-Sex
Marriage, 42 J. Marshall L.Rev. 643 (2009)

Laura Beth Nielsen, Social movements, social process: a response to Gerald Rosenberg, 42 J.
Marshall L.Rev. 671 (2009)

Michael A. Helfand, The Usual Suspect Classifications: Criminals, Aliens and the Future of
Same-Sex Marriage, 12 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 1 (2009)

Karen Struening, Looking For Liberty and Defining Marriage in Three Same-Sex Cases, in
Moral Argument, Religion and Same-Sex Marriage: Advancing the Public Good (Gordon A.
Babst, Emily R. Gill & Jason Pierceson eds., 2009)

Emily R. Gill, The Religion Clauses and Same-Sex Marriage, Karen Struening, Looking For
Liberty and Defining Marriage in Three Same-Sex Cases, in Moral Argument, Religion and
Same-Sex Marriage: Advancing the Public Good (Gordon A. Babst, Emily R. Gill & Jason
Pierceson eds., 2009)

Carlos A. Ball, Against Neutrality in the Legal Recognition of Intimate Relationships, in Moral
Argument, Religion and Same-Sex Marriage: Advancing the Public Good (Gordon A. Babst,
Emily R. Gill & Jason Pierceson eds., 2009)

R. Claire Snyder-Hall, Marriage Equality and the Morality of Liberalism : the California
Decision, in Moral Argument, Religion and Same-Sex Marriage: Advancing the Public Good
(Gordon A. Babst, Emily R. Gill & Jason Pierceson eds., 2009)

Sam Marcosson, The Special Status of Religion Under the First Amendment-- and What It
Means for Gay Rights and Antidiscrimination Laws, in Moral Argument, Religion and Same-Sex
Marriage: Advancing the Public Good (Gordon A. Babst, Emily R. Gill & Jason Pierceson eds.,

Fredric J. Bold, Jr, Vows to Collide: The Burgeoning Conflict Between Religious Institutions
and Same-Sex Marriage Antidiscrimination Laws, 158 U. Pa. L.Rev. 179 (2009) [abstract]

Tiffany C. Graham, Exploring the Impact of the Marriage Amendments: Can Public Employers
Offer Domestic Partner Benefits To Their Gay and Lesbian Employees, 17 Va. J. Soc. Pol'y & L.
83 (2009)

Renee T. Hindo, Constitutional Interpretation - Same-Sex Marriage - The Marriage Amendment

to the State of Michigan Constitution Precludes Public Employers From Extending Health
Insurance Benefits to Same-Sex Domestic Partners [National Pride at Work, Inc. v. Governor of
Michigan, 748 N.W.2d 524 (Mich. 2008)], 87 U. Det. Mercy L.Rev. 7 (2009)
Dennis A. Golden, The policy considerations surrounding the United States' immigration law as
applied to bi-national same-sex couples: making the case for the Uniting American Families Act,
18 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 201 (2009)

Kathryn Harvey, The Rights of Divorced Lesbians: Interstate Recognition of Child Custody
Judgments in the Context of Same-Sex Divorce, 78 Fordham L.Rev. 101 (2009), Social Science
Research Network (11/19/09)

Linda Hart, Individual Adoption by Non-Heterosexuals and the Order of Family Life in the
European Court of Human Rights, 36 J.L. & Soc'y 536 (2009), Social Science Research Network

Shannon Gilreath, Not a Moral Issue: Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty, [book review
of Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts], Wake Forest University
Research Paper Series in Legal Studies, Working Paper No. 1504170, posted 11/11/09 at Social
Science Research Network

Frederick Hertz, When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-
Sex Marriage (book review), Cal.Law. (Sept. 2009), at 40

Courtney G. Joslin, The Evolution of the American Family, 36 Hum. Rts. [newsletter of the
ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities] (Summer 2009), at 2

Krisin Galles, Human Rights Heroes Evan Wolfson and Mary Bonauto, 36 Hum. Rts. [newsletter
of the ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities] (Summer 2009), at 26

Mary L. Bonauto and Evan Wolfson, Advancing Freedom to Marry in America, 36 Hum. Rts.
[newsletter of the ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities] (Summer 2009), at 11

Shannon Price Minter, Interstate Recognition of LGBT Families, 36 Hum. Rts. [newsletter of the
ABA Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities] (Summer 2009), at 10

Jackie Gardina, The Tipping Point: Legal Epidemics, Constitutional Doctrine, and the Defense
of Marriage Act, 34 Vill. L. Rev. 1 (2009), posted 11/13/09 at Social Science Research Network

Victor C. Romero, Loving Across the Miles: Binational Same-Sex Marriages and the Supreme
MARRIAGE, K. Maillard, R. Cuison Villazor, eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010, posted 10/30/
09 at Social Science Research Network

M.K.B. Darmer and Tiffany Chang, Moving Beyond the 'Immutability Debate' in the Fight for
Equality After Proposition 8,12 Scholar: St. Mary's L. Rev. on Minority Issues 1 (Fall 2009)

Suzanne B. Goldberg, Marriage as Monopoly: History, Tradition, Incrementalism, and the

Marriage/Civil Union Distinction, 41 Conn. L. Rev. 1397 (2009)
Adam Candeub and Mae Kuykendall, E-Marriage: Breaking the Marriage Monopoly, posted 10/
20/09 at Social Science Research Network

John M. Yarwood, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Mini-DOMA States, Migratory Same-Sex

Marriage, Divorce, and a Practical Solution to Property Division, 89 B.U. L. Rev. 1355 (2009)

Ira C. Lupu and Robert W. Tuttle, Same-Sex Family Equality and Religious Freedom. NW. J. L.
& SOC. POL'Y, Forthcoming, posted 10/21/09 at Social Science Research Network

John Culhane, The Short, Puzzling(?) Life of the Civil Union, Boston Univ. Pub. Int. L.J.,
forthcoming, posted 10/5/09 at Social Science Research Network

Ian C. Bartrum, Same-Sex Marriage in the Heartland: The Case for Legislative Minimalism in
Crafting Religious Exemptions, 108 Mich. L. Rev. First Impressions ___ (2009), posted 10/01/
09 at Social Science Research Network

Jenni Millbank, De Facto Relationships, Same-Sex and Surrogate Parents: Exploring the Scope
and Effects of the 2008 Federal Relationship Reforms, 23 Austl. J. Fam. L. ___ (2009), posted
10/01/09 at Social Science Research Network

Sarah Beresford, Abolishing Marriage: Can Civil Partnership Cover It? 30 Liverpool L. Rev. 1

Perry Dane, A holy secular institution, 58 Emory L.J. 1123 (May 2009)

Rachel A. Shapiro, Conaway v. Deane: to have and to hold, from this day forward - Maryland's
unfit marriage to federal equal protection analysis, 68 Md. L. Rev. 957 (2009)

Scott Titshaw, The Meaning of Marriage: Immigration Rules and Their Implications for Same-
Sex Spouses in a World Without DOMA, Social Science Research Network, posted September
11, 2009

Gregory B. Lewis and Charles W. Gossett , Why Did Californians Pass Proposition 8? American
Political Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research Network
(posted Aug. 13, 2009)

Jamal Greene, The So-Called Right to Privacy, UC Davis Law Review, Forthcoming (Stevens
Symposium), Social Science Research Network, Aug. 18, 2009

Gregory B. Lewis and Charles W. Gossett , Why Did Californians Pass Proposition 8? American
Political Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research Network
(posted Aug. 13, 2009)
Kelly Snyder, All names are not equal: choice of marital surname and equal protection, 30 Wash.
U.J.L. & Pol'y 561 (2009)

Todd A. Solomon and Brian J. Tiemann, Smarter Domestic Partner Benefits, HRMagazine, Sept.
2009, at 110.

Leslie A. Gordon, Marriage proposal: Prop 8 suit goes federal, and that worries same-sex
marriage advocates, ABA Journal, Sept 2009, at 18.

Jennifer L. Levi, Marriage equality for same-sex couples: where we are and where we are going
(Part of Symposium: Pitfalls and Promises: Cohabitation Marriage and Domestic Partnerships),
22 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law. 55 (2009)

Nancy D. Polikoff, Law that values all families: beyond (straight and gay) marriage (Pitfalls and
Promises: Cohabitation Marriage and Domestic Partnerships), 22 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law. 95

Gabe Vick, The Defense of Marriage Act: the crossroad of love and legislation (Pitfalls and
Promises: Cohabitation Marriage and Domestic Partnerships), 22 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law.
105 (2009)

Melvyn Frumkes, Taxation of same-sex marriage lives-ins (Part of Symposium: Pitfalls and
Promises: Cohabitation Marriage and Domestic Partnerships), 22 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law.
117 (2009)

Jennifer Ritschel-Smith, United States survey on domestic partnerships (Pitfalls and Promises:
Cohabitation Marriage and Domestic Partnerships), 22 J. Am. Acad. Matrim. Law. 125 (2009)

Charles J. Reid, Jr., Marriage in Its Procreative Dimension: The Meaning of the Institution of
Marriage Throughout the Ages, 6 U. St. Thomas L.J. 454 (2009) (abstract)

B.J. Wray, Screening Desire: Same-Sex-Marriage Documentaries, Citizenship, and the Law, 24
Can. J.L. Soc'y 1 (2009)

Penny Booth, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts (Book review), 39
Family Law 645 (July 2009)

Robert D. King, Same-Sex Marriage in New Jersey: A Legal, Business and Social Perspective,
42 Rutgers L. Rev. 73 (2009)

Gregory B. Lewis and Charles W. Gossett , Why Did Californians Pass Proposition 8? American
Political Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research Network
(posted Aug. 13, 2009)
Can State Courts Influence Public Opinion? The Case of Same-Sex Marriage, American Political
Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research Network (posted
Aug. 13, 2009)

Arthur Lupia , Yanna Krupnikov , Adam Seth Levine , Spencer Piston and Alexander Von
Hagen-Jamar , Why State Constitutions Differ in Their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage,
American Political Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research
Network (posted Aug. 13, 2009)

Can State Courts Influence Public Opinion? The Case of Same-Sex Marriage, American Political
Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research Network (posted
Aug. 13, 2009)

Jonathan Hensley, Conservative Christian Cause Lawyering, Pluralism, and Same Sex Marriage,
American Political Science Association 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, Social Science Research
Network (posted Aug. 13, 2009)

Marcia Coyle, Massachusetts case may be key in gay marriage fight, Nat'l L.J. (August 31, 2009)

Courtney Megan Cahill, (Still) not fit to be named: moving beyond race to explain why 'separate'
nomenclature for gay and straight relationships will never be 'equal,' 97 Geo. L.J. 1155 (June

Mario Sullivan, The LGBT Community Continues the Fight for Equal Rights, Young Lawyer,
Feb-March 2009, at 2

David Masci and Jesse Merriam, The Constitutional Dimensions of the Same-Sex Marriage
Debate, Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (July 9, 2009)

Hillel Y. Levin, Resolving Interstate Conflicts Over Marriage, Marriage-Like, and Marriage-Lite
Relationships, UGA Legal Studies Research Paper No. 09-013 , Social Science Research
Network (August 18, 2009)

Katharine K. Baker, Marriage and Parenthood as Status and Rights: The Growing, Problematic
and Possibly Constitutional Trend to Disaggregate Family Status from Family Rights, Social
Science Research Network (July 30, 2009)

Lynn D. Wardle, Restructuring Democracy or Lawlessness? Critical Reflections on In re

Marriage Cases, 14 NEXUS 91 (2009) [Symposium].July 31, 2009)

Patrick J. Egan and Nathaniel Persily, Court Decisions and Trends in Support for Same-Sex
Marriage, The Polling Report (Aug. 17, 2009)

Arlene G. Dubin and Sheila Agnew, As the Same-Sex Landscape Evolves. N.Y.L.J., Aug. 10,
Jennifer N. Hawkins, Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Relationships.(Tenth Annual Review of
Gender and Sexuality Law). 10 Geo. J. Gender & L. 751 (Summer 2009)

Julia Halloran McLaughlin, DOMA and the Constitutional Coming Out of Same-Sex Marriage,
24 Wis. J.L. Gender & Soc’y 145 (2009) (abstract)

Brian Galle, The LDS Church, Proposition 8, and the Federal Law of Charities, Nw.Univ. L.
Rev. Colloquy January-June 2009)

Kenneth McK Norrie, Recognition of Overseas Same-Sex Relationships in New Zealand, 23

New Zealand Univ. L. Rev. 339 (2009)

William C. Duncan, Speaking Up For Marriage, 32 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol'y 915 (2009)

Elizabeth J. Berns, Gay Marriage: A Changing Legal Landscape, New Jersey L.J. (July 27, 2009)

Thomas H. Burrell, Judicial Regimes and Same-Sex Marriage: Enforcing Judicially Determined
Personal Autonomy At the Expense of Majoritarian Democracy, 35 Ohio N. Univ. L. Rev. 619
(posted 04/07/09)

Kimberly N. Chehardy, Conflicting Approaches: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Through

Conflicts of Law, 8 Conn. Pub. Int. L.J.301 (2009)

Elizabeth Burleson, From Nondiscrimination to Civil Marriage, Social Science Research

Network (posted July 20, 2009)

Joanna Grossman and Edward Stein, The State of the Same-Sex Union, Findlaw Forum (parts I,
II and III posted July 14, 2009, July 21, 2009, and August 5, 2009)

Robert J. Hume, Understanding the Impact of State Supreme Courts: An Event History Analysis
of Same-Sex Marriage Amendments. Social Science Research Network (July 15, 2009)

Vivia Chen, The marriage broker: the fight for gay marriage in Iowa changed the nation's legal
landscape - and one lawyer's worldview, 31 American Lawyer No. 7, 67 (July 2009)

Rachel M. Zahorsky, Doing "work necessary to win": Lambda Legal lawyer led fight for gay
marriage in Iowa, 95 ABA Journal No. 7, 36 (July 2009)

William C. Duncan, Marriage On Trial [Symposium Article: As Iowas Goes, So Goes the
Nation: Varnum v. Brien And Its Impact On Marriage Rights For Same Sex Couples], 12 J.
Gender, Race & Just. 493 (2009)
Julia Halloran McLaughlin, DOMA and the Constitutional Coming Out of Same-Sex Marriage,
12 Wisc. J. L., Gender & Society 145 (2009)

Gabe Vick, The Defense of Marriage Act: The Crossroad of Love and Legislation, 22 J. Am.
Acad. Matrim. Law. 105 (2009) (summary here)

Martha Nussbaum, A Right to Marry? Same-Sex Marriage and Constitutional Law, 56 Dissent
Magazine No.3, 43-55 (Summer 2009)

John G. Culhane, Marriage Equality? First, Justify Marriage (If You Can), 1 Drexel L.R. 485

Courtney G. Joslin, Interstate Recognition of Parentage in a Time of Disharmony: Same-Sex

Parent Families and Beyond, 70 Ohio State L.J. 563 (2009) / UC Davis Legal Studies Research
Paper No. 178 (posted 06/23/09)

Michele Reichlin, Civil unions under the Maryland era: how the illusion of equality is an equal
rights avoidance, 38 U. Balt. L.Rev. 305 (2009)

Courtney G. Joslin, Interstate Recognition of Parentage in a Time of Disharmony: Same-Sex

Parent Families and Beyond, 70 Ohio State L.J. 563 (2009) / UC Davis Legal Studies Research
Paper No. 178

Aisling O'Sullivan, Same-Sex Marriage and the Irish Constitution, 13 Internat'l J. Hum. Rts. 477

Report and Recommendation to NY State Bar Association on Marriage Rights for Same-Sex
Couples (05/04/09)

Marc R. Poirer, Name Calling: Identifying Stigma and the 'Civil Union'/'Marriage' Distinction,
41 Conn. L.. Rev. 63 (July 2009)

Deb Wald, Shannon Minter, and Courtney Joslin, Recognition of marriages between same-sex
couples performed outside of California prior to November 5, 2008 (posted 06/22/09; referenced

David Novak, Why We Should Oppose Same-Sex Marriage (posted 6/19/09) [based on a
publication forthcoming 98 Cal L. Rev. (2010); commented on here.]

Kerry Abrams and Peter Brooks, Marriage as a Message: Same-Sex Couples and the Rhetoric of
Accidental Procreation, 21 Yale J.L. & Human. 1 (2009)

Further Thoughts on Proposition 8 and Retroactivity: A Response to Choper

Melissa Murray, Marriage Rights and Parental Rights: Parents, the State, and Proposition 8, 5
Stan. J. C.R. & C.L. 357 (2009)

'Activist Courts,' Misleading Wedge Politics and the Tragedy of Proposition 8 (04/09/09)

Edward Stein, Marriage or Liberation-Reflections on Two Strategies in the Struggle for Lesbian
and Gay Rights and Relationship Recognition [Symposium: Updating the LGBT Intracommunity
Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage], 61 Rutgers L. Rev. 567 (Spring 2009)

Nancy D. Polikoff, Equality and Justice for Lesbian and Gay Families and Relationships
[Symposium: Updating the LGBT Intracommunity Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage],, 61
Rutgers L.Rev. 529 (posted 5/23/09)

Mark Strasser, A Little Older, a Little Wiser, and Still Committed [Symposium: Updating the
LGBT Intracommunity Debate Over Same-Sex Marriage], 61 Rutgers L. Rev. 507 (2009)

Carlos A. Ball, Introduction to Symposium: Updating the LGBT Intracommunity Debate Over
Same-Sex Marriage, 61 Rutgers L. Rev. 493 (Spring 2009)

Judith E. Koons, Engaging the Odd Couple: Same-Sex Marriage and Evangelicalism in the
Public Square, 30 Women's Rts. L. Rep. 255 (Winter 2009) (abstract)

Marisa Silenzi Cianciarulo, Same-Sex Couples and the Right to Marry, NEXUS [I have not
identified a citation.]

Justice Grodin: On Amending and Revising the Constitution: The Issues behind the Challenge to
Proposition 8

Jesse Choper: Should Proposition 8 Be Held to be Retroactive?

Fourteen Words that Devastate the Fourteenth Amendment and Equal Protection: Proposition 8
and the Future of Equality

Considering the Legal Effect of Proposition 8 on California's Existing Same-Sex Marriages

A. Weithorn, Can a Subsequent Change in Law Void a Marriage that Was Valid at its Inception?
Considering the Legal Effect of Proposition 8 on California's Existing Same-Sex Marriages (03/
17/09), 60 Hast. L.J. 1063 (2009)

DOMA and the Internal Revenue Code (03/22/09)

Tun Ying, Crying Wolf?: In re Marriage Cases and Charges of Judicial Activism, 14 NEXUS 45
(2009) [Symposium].
M. Katherine Baird Darmer, "Activist" Courts, Misleading Wedge Politics and the Tragedy of
Proposition 8, 14 NEXUS 69 (2009) [Symposium].

Ronald Steiner, Understanding the Prop 8 Litigation: The Scope of Direct Democracy and Role
of Judicial Scrutiny, 14 NEXUS 81 (2009) [Symposium].

Lynn D. Wardle, Restructuring Democracy or Lawlessness? Critical Reflections on In re

Marriage Cases, 14 NEXUS 91 (2009) [Symposium].

Robin Fretwell Wilson, Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Life After Prop 8, 14
NEXUS 101 (2009) [Symposium].

Jeffrey A. Redding, Proposition 8 and the Future of American Same-Sex Marriage Activism, 14
NEXUS 113 (2009) [Symposium].

Tanya Washington, Throwing Black Babies Out with the Bathwater: A Child-Centered
Challenge to Same-Sex Adoption Bans , forthcoming in 6 Hastings Race and Pov. L.J.

Elizabeth R. Sheyn, The Shot Heard Around the LGBT World: Bowers v. Hardwick as a
Mobilizing Force for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (posted June 12, 2009). 4 Touro
Law Center Journal of Race, Gender, and Ethnicity 2 (May 2009).

Jeff Redding , Proposition 8 and the Future of American Same-Sex Marriage Activism , 14
NEXUS 113 (2009) (posted 06/05/09)

Lesbian Lawyers on the Front, 19 Curve Magazine No. 5, 49 (Jun. 2009) (profiling lesbian
lawyers Jenny Pizer and Kate Kendell) (online text not available as of 6/4/09)

Russell S. Roeca, California's step back.(Proposition 8, a roadblack in the path to

equality)(Editorial), The Los Angeles Daily Journal (May 27, 2009): 6(1)

Laura Ernde and John Roemer, Proposition 8 upheld: experts say same-sex marriage decision
could let voters remove rights from other groups, The Los Angeles Daily Journal (May 27,
2009): p1(2)

Tanya Washington, Throwing Black Babies Out with the Bathwater: A Child-Centered
Challenge to Same-Sex Adoption Bans, forthcoming in 6 Hastings Race & Pov'y L.J.

Richard Salas, In re Marriage Cases: the fundamental right to marry and equal protection under
the California Constitution and the effects of Proposition 8, 36 Hast. Const. L.Q. 545

Louis Thorson, Same-Sex Divorce and Wisconsin Courts: Imperfect Harmony? 92 Marq. L. Rev.
617 (2009) (abstract)
Andrew L. Weinstein, The Crossroads of a Legal Fiction and the Reality of Families, 61 Me. L.
Rev. 319 (2009) (abstract)

Catherine Smith and Jennifer Holladay, A Cautionary Tale: The Obama Coalition, Anti-
subordination Principles and Prop 8, 89 Denver Univ. L. Rev. 819 (2009)

Catherine Jean Archibald, De-Clothing Sex-Based Classifications — Same-Sex Marriage is Just

the Beginning: Achieving Formal Sex Equality in the Modern Era, 36 N. Ky. L. Rev. 1 (2009)

Nancy D. Polikoff, Equality and Justice for Lesbian and Gay Families and Relationships, 61
Rutgers L. Rev. 529 (2009); American University, WCL Research Paper No. 2009-17.

Laura Reidel, Religious Opposition to Same-Sex Marriage in Canada: Limits to

Multiculturalism, 10 Hum. Rts. Rev. 261 (June 2009)

Richard Salas, In re Marriage Cases: The Fundamental Right to Marry and Equal Protection
Under The California Constitution and The Effects of Proposition 8, 36 Hastings Const. L.Q. 545

Amy L. Wax, Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families Under the Law.(Book
review), 107 Mich. L. Rev. 999 (2009)

Laura Ernde, Should California exit the marriage business? As the high court grapples with Prop
8, some wonder if government should stop uniting everyone. The Los Angeles Daily Journal,
Mar. 31, 2009, at 1.

.James L. Musselman, What's love got to do with it? A proposal for elevating the status of
marriage by narrowing its definition, while universally extending the rights and benefits enjoyed
by married couples, 16 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 37 (2009)

State constitutional law - California Supreme Court declares prohibition of same-sex marriages
unconstitutional, 122 Harv. L. Rev. 1557 (2009)

Elizabeth F. Emens, Intimate discrimination: the state's role in the accidents of sex and love, 122
Harv. L. Rev. 1307(2009)

Emily R. Gill, Laycock, Douglas, Anthony R. Picarello, Jr., and Robin Fretwell Wilson (eds).
Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Liberty: Emerging Conflicts (book review),19 L. & Pol. 162

Scott Norton., What's sex got to do with it? A cinematic critique on the arguments against same-
sex marriage, 31 Hastings Comm. & Entertain. L.J. 321 (2009)
Nancy Ver Steegh, Annual Survey of Periodical Literature - Bibliography, 42 Fam. L.Q. 877
(2009) (includes section for "Same-Sex Marriage Issues" for the period between November 2007
and October 2008)

Linda D. Elrod and Robert G. Spector, A Review of the Year in Family Law 2007-2008:
Federalization and Nationalization Continue, 42 Fam. L.Q. 713 (2009) (includes overview of
case law for same-sex marriages)

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