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Preventing Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis A Growing Problem

Healthy Bones are Living Tissue

Its no secret that an aging population and

Boomers constitute the largest ever will
have issues with osteoporosis. In fact, at least
4.5 million women 50 and older already have
osteoporosis of the hip. As the population gets
older, those numbers are sure to increase. The
loss of mobility and increasing brittleness of
bones is a dangerous condition as people age.
Unfortunately, prescription fixes only make
the problem worse. The best route is to give
your bones the nutrients they need as early in
life as possible.

Most of the time when we think of osteoporosis,

we only think it applies to the elderly. It doesnt.
Unfortunately, its easy to forget that bones
are living tissue. Bone structure is being
renewed all the time, like a round-the-clock
remodeling project, and its important that
you provide your body with the raw materials
needed to keep the remodeling going strong.
If you wait too long to take care of your bones,
theyll be like that rec room in the basement
with crumbling paneling and soggy carpet.
The point is, we need to do all we can to keep
our bones healthy. Dont put off prevention of
osteoporosis until its too late.

Prescriptions Can Be Dangerous

Those highly-advertised, one pill per month
bisphosphonate prescription drugs dont work.
In fact, theyve been shown to make the problem
much worse. Thats because the way they work
is based on a flawed idea of bone building.

Fortunately, regardless of your level of bone

health (or lack of same), you can use specific
nutrients to improve your bone strength.

Food Choices Can Harm Bones

Normally, specialized cells called osteoblasts
add fresh minerals (primarily calcium, but
others, too) to bone and osteoclasts
remove older bone tissue by breaking down
the minerals and reabsorbing them into the
bloodstream. The two processes are crucial for
health and intricately interlinked.

The body must maintain a balance between

acidity and alkalinity of the blood. If the blood
is too acid, the body releases alkaline minerals
from the bone to compensate. What we eat
makes a big difference.

Bisphosphonates stop the process of

osteoclasts from breaking down minerals. That,
in turn, stops the signal for any new minerals
to come into the bone. So, while these drugs
initially stop calcium and other minerals from
leaving the bones, they also completely stop
the signal that keeps the body from rebuilding
bone. The result? Brittle bones that arent being
recharged with the fresh minerals they need.
Thats why people taking these drugs wind up
with fractures in the femur normally one of
the strongest bones in the body.

Our bodies need the full, natural process:

bones being built with new minerals while old
minerals are reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
In this Terry Talks Nutrition, Id like to explore
a few of those most required ingredients for
strong bones throughout life.

Bone-weakening foods include:

Processed meat
Soft drinks
Grains, like bread and pasta

To your good health,

Terry... Naturally


Osteoporosis is reaching a crisis point as
our population ages, and poor diets do
nothing to improve or strengthen healthy
bones. Prescription measures are not
only less effective than taking a natural
course, they are actually dangerous!
There is a better way.
The right nutrients help you build strong,
new, healthy bones while preserving
the natural process of what is called
bone remodeling. The ingredients I
recommend will:
Increase bone density
Reduce fracture risk
Boost calcium and mineral
absorption into bones
Prevent weak, brittle bones
Here are the ingredients I recommend:
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)

4,000 IU

Vitamin K (300 mcg of Vitamin K1 345 mcg

Avoid these foods to keep your bones healthy,

as all of these food choices tend to pull calcium
from soft tissue and bones.

[as phytonadione]) (45 mcg of Vitamin K2

[as MenaQ7 menaquinone-7])

Calcium (from dicalcium malate

and calcium citrate)

450 mg

Start Building Healthy Bones Now

Magnesium (from magnesium

amino acid chelate)

200 mg

You can have healthy, strong bones throughout

your life, but it depends on the choices you
make right now. First, focus on a diet of natural
foods not processed rich in proteins, fresh
fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates
(and of those, only a small fraction of your
daily intake). Eliminate sugars, sodas, or other
acidic foods. This can do a lot to strengthen
your bones.

Zinc (from zinc amino acid chelate)

20 mg

Copper (from copper amino acid chelate)

2 mg

Manganese (from manganese

2 mg

amino acid chelate)

Boron (from calcium fructoborate)

12.5 mg

Lactobacillus Sporogenes

1 billion

(Bacillus coagulans, lactic acid bacteria)


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Preventing Osteoporosis
Secondly the earlier the better maintain
healthy calcium and magnesium levels. If you
have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I
would recommend the ingredients on the chart
on the following page, Essential Nutrients for
Bone Health.


Its never too early to build healthy bones but

its never too late, either. Start with your diet
and the appropriate formulas today, and youll
have the nutrients to keep your bones strong
for a vibrant, active life.

When in doubt, always consult your physician or

health care practitioner. This column is to provide
you with information to maintain your health.




About 99% of the calcium in the body is in the skeleton and teeth. However, quality of calcium is more important than quantity.
I recommend calcium citrate, because it is 40% absorbable, compared to calcium carbonate, of which, only about 10% is absorbed.
A moderate level of 400-600 mg per day is best. Too much suppresses circulating vitamin D.


Magnesium and calcium work together to build the matrix of healthy bones. The best ratio of calcium to magnesium is 2:1. It is
critical for creating osteoblasts that build bone cells. I recommend a readily-absorbable form, such as a glycinate-chelated magnesium.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps build bone density by aiding the absorption of calcium and maintaining normal blood levels of calcium and
phosphorus. It also strengthens knee cartilage.
Older individuals are commonly deficient in vitamin D. Research found that 53% percent of the postmenopausal women in a
clinical study were deficient in vitamin D, and only 17% had sufficient blood levels of the nutrient.

Vitamin K2 from Natto

Natural vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is extracted from the Japanese fermented food, natto. This unique form of vitamin
K has special properties beyond that of traditional vitamin K. It activates osteocalcin, a protein required to bind calcium to the
mineral matrix thus strengthening the bones. K2 also helps the body prevent arterial calcification, actually lowering the risk of
vascular damage. In other words, it helps calcium absorb into the bones and out of the arteries.

Vitamin K1

Vitamin K1 helps the body by helping form key proteins (osteocalcin, matrix Gla protein, and protein S) for bone formation,
growth, and strength.


Manganese helps build bone directly, and supports joint tissue. It activates an enzyme called prolidase, which helps form
collagen. Manganese deficiency is a potential cause of osteoporosis.


Copper helps build collagen on the spinal column and between the joints. Deficiencies in copper slows down bone growth.


While necessary for bone health and mineralization (helping bring the necessary nutrients for strong bones into the tissue), zinc
also helps rebuild and repair torn muscles and other joint tissues, including tendons and ligaments.

Lactobacillus Sporogenes

This probiotic helps create a better digestive environment for calcium absorption.

Boron (as fructoborate)

This plant-based form of boron helps vitamin D absorb better, and supports joint structure. In fact, has been clinically shown
to reduce joint pain due to severe osteoarthritis in just 8 weeks.

(Bacillus coagulans, lactic acid bacteria)


The following two minerals are bone-building essentials.

Silica brings more calcium into the bones, and allows less calcium to leach away from the bones, and keeps the process
balanced. Its the perfect choice for daily, long-term bone building. The best silica is from a dynamic, plant-based source, like
the above-ground parts of the spring horsetail (Equisetum arvense) plant, blended with marine oils for even greater absorption.
This specific silica that I recommend has been shown to boost calcium absorption into the bones by 50%.

Strontium Best taken

separately from your calcium
and mineral supplement.

Strontium is an unsung hero of bone building, and not always included in osteoporosis-preventing regimen. Strontium helps
strengthen bones by boosting formation of healthy bone, while slowing the breakdown of bone. Take strontium in the morning
and your calcium/mineral combination at lunch and dinnertime.

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