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Natural Flu Fighters

Every year when the official cold and flu
season rolls around, it can feel like the bell
ringing for the start of a wrestling match.
Between antibacterial hand gels and soaps,
plus the constant nagging to get your flu
shot, you might feel overwhelmed.

very effective flu and bacteria fighters. A

great combination to battle viruses uses
Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora),
Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Thyme (Thymus
saturoides), and Bay Leaf (Laurus nobilis)
concentrated plant oils.

In my opinion, flu shots are notoriously

ineffective and can even cause harm in
some people, and the flood of antibacterial
products everywhere has, more than likely,
simply served to create stronger bacteria.
In addition, most commercial antibacterial
soaps contain cancer-causing chemicals.
Hand washing is good prevention, but good
old natural soap and warm water are the
best way to go.

All of these flu-fighting herbs are exciting

and work well together, but one in particular
Ravintsara has tremendous benefits.
Ravintsara is a variety of Cinnamomum
camphora, introduced to Madagascar over
150 years ago. This evergreen tree grows
up to 90 feet tall, and is typically found in
the highlands and southern tip of the island
nation. While the Asian varieties of this tree
are used to provide camphor oil, the trees in
Madagascar have naturalized over time, and
the difference in soil, growing conditions
and climate have given their oils a different
chemical profile. In this case, ravintsara oil
contains high levels of 1,8 cineole (giving it
a scent much like eucalyptus) and provides
powerful immune support.

The reality is, you can catch a flu or cold

any time of year. So what can you do to
avoid the lost work time, inconvenience,
and discomfort?
I have found a natural solution that works,
using the concentrated oils of herbs that
have long been considered to be some of
the best bacteria and virus fighters around.
Concentrated plant oils are up to 100 times
more potent than botanical extracts, and
are some of the most powerful agents
known in natural medicine for increasing
immunity and killing pathogens. In this
Terry Talks Nutrition, we will look at a
formula that succeeds where others fail.

Plant Oils for Internal Use

Powerful and Concentrated

Concentrated plant oils, also known

as essential oils, have long been used
topically for a variety of health issues.
However, there are some specially prepared
concentrated plant oils that are safe for use
internally, and have amazingly potent effects
in the body. These plant oils are verified for
correct plant, species, botanical markers,
and human safety. I would not use a plant
oil internally unless it has been verified. In
this group of potent plant oils, there are

Unlike herbs that work by stimulating

the immune system, ravintsara actually
destroys bacteria and viruses, ridding
the body of these invaders altogether.
Ravintsara is even being considered as
a commercial antifungal agent for other
natural products and foods, because it is
so powerful and much safer than synthetic
There is emerging research on the Asian
varieties of the plant that show strong
potential, so it will be exciting to see if
the Madagascar ravintsara shows some of
the same effects.
Of course, for the immune system, ravintsara
oil is one of my top recommendations
for treating all types of bacterial and viral
illnesses from common colds and the
flue to yeast overgrowth, pneumonia, ear
infections, sinus infections, and more.

To your good health,

Terry... Naturally


If youre worried about the cold and
flu season, dont fall for antibacterial
soaps and lotions and the constant
messages to get your flu shots.
There is a much better way.
Powerful concentrated plant oils up
to 100 times stronger than extracts
are the perfect choice to stop viruses,
eliminate bacteria, and shore up your
immune system. This combination:
Stops viruses and colds
Destroys bacteria and yeast
Boosts your natural immune
Clears sinus infections
Provides a safe, natural, effective
alternative to flu shots
I would recommend the following
ingredients to help stop viruses,
eliminate bacteria, and shore up your
immune system.
A minimum of 200 mg of
this combination of powerful
concentrated oils:
Ravintsara (Cinnamomum
camphora) Leaf Oil
Myrtle (Myrtus communis) Leaf Oil
Thyme (Thymus satureioides)
Flower Oil
Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Leaf Oil

Natural Flu Fighters

Pg. 2

I recommend using ravintsara oil that

has been proven safe for consumption
internally, combined with other strong
botanical ingredients that help fight viruses
and bacteria. But should you need to use
this herbal powerhouse topically, simply
open a softgel and apply.

The thyme I recommend in this combination,

Thymus satureioides, is a different species
than the thyme you may use as a seasoning
or, for that matter, as a natural medicine for
digestion and other ailments. This species
is another strong botanical to have on your
side during cold and flu season.

medicine be your food as Hippocrates

said), are beginning to be appreciated by
modern science. In some ways, we are
slowly catching up and in others, were
offering more advancements in natural
medicine than our forebears could have
dreamt of.

Myrtle (Myrtus communis) is another

botanical used in traditional medicine
throughout the Mediterranean.
leaves from this evergreen shrub produce
a powerful essential oil that is a strong
antioxidant, has been used as an antiseptic
and antibacterial agent, and is excellent for
treating bronchial and lung infections.

As a concentrated essential oil, Thymus

satureioides is also a strong antibacterial,
fighting a variety of strains, including
Staphylococcus aureus (the cause of staph
infections) and Escherichia coli (the cause of
food poisoning and many emergency room
visits by the very young and the elderly).

Fighting the flu, stopping colds, and battling

bacteria doesnt mean you have to opt for
dangerous over-the-counter drugs, vaccines
of limited value, or buckets of sanitizer.
These four simple ingredients give you a
strong defense for the season. I recommend
a 200 mg combination of ravintsara, myrtle,
thyme, and bay concentrated plant oils in a
softgel that you can take once daily, or up
to three times if need be.

Myrtle essential oil has been well-studied

and sold in Europe for more than 75 years.
In fact, during placebo-controlled trials,
people with sinus infections treated with
myrtle concentrated oil felt significantly
better within an average of six days.
Myrtle provides some of the same key
compounds found in ravintsara, including
1,8 cineole. The cineole stimulates tiny,
fluttering projections in the sinus cavities
called cilia to move mucus along more
quickly, helping clear out mucus and drain
the sinus passages.
Myrtle essential oil is strong. In a
scientific study, it held its own against
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the primary
cause of tuberculosis, which has made
an alarming comeback. Additionally,
myrtle oil has been tested as a natural
food preservative for lettuce and tomatoes,
reducing Salmonella counts and opening
up a whole new opportunity for organic
growers. So here again, myrtle shares
something in common with ravintsara,
being a powerful natural preservative.
What a great opportunity for our health!
After all, who wants to use chlorine on food
when you have something this good and
natural instead?

Bay, also known as Laurel (Laurus nobilis),

is an evergreen shrub that, like thyme or
myrtle, is native to the Mediterranean region.
Bay has been shown to fight methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),
and vancomycin-resistant enterococci
(VRE). This is important, because MRSA is
a huge concern in hospitals. Most people
carry some Staphylococcus aureus on the
surface of their skin, but it can enter the
body from cuts or even breathing tubes.
When you hear about people with staph
infections who have recently been in the
hospital, this is what has usually happened.
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci are
another bacteria that results from people
being on antibiotic treatment for extended
periods. While enterococci are found
naturally in the intestines, they can cause
infection, too. If someone is treated with
vancomycin and develops a resistance,
they are even more at risk. The fact that
humble bay can have an effect here is just
further evidence of how truly valuable our
herbal medicines are.
I think its fascinating but not surprising
that the herbs that were held in high esteem
by our ancestors as both food and medicine
(Let your food be your medicine and your

Remember, concentrated oils are strong

up to 100 times more powerful than
herbal extracts, and theyve been certified
to be safe for internal use and contain the
beneficial key compounds you need.
This time of year you cant be too prepared,
so picking up this combination is a must.
After all, 1 in 5 people get the seasonal
flu, and some estimates say that about
1 billion people suffer from colds each year.
You can beat the odds this year with these
tremendously powerful essential oils,
When in doubt, always consult your physician or
health care practitioner. This column is to provide
you with information to maintain your health.

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