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That was written by Ruslan.

Psycho-Technical Exercises
Lock your hands by crossing your fingers (as it is shown on the picture). Close
your eyes, relax and start rotating your thumbs but do not let them touch each o
ther. Try not to think about anything. These moves will help you to concentrate
and divert from your thoughts. Attention is like a watch hand - by doing these e
xercises you will learn to intentionally move the watch hand in the selected dir
ection. It is not easy as it might seem. Attention is very hard to control beca
use it will spontaneously try to jump to something else.
Finger moves will help you hold your attention on the performed exercise. Signal
s from your muscles enter the brain and take away all attention. Attention can not
be directed to more than one object or action at the same time, therefore all o
f the other stimulations will be reduced. This is exactly what we need.
To divert from your thoughts you should concentrate on something else.
You can make this exercise more complicated by rotating your fingers in your ima
Do this exercise for 1-2 minutes.
Make yourself comfortable, relax, close your eyes and concentrate on your breath
ing. Breathe as usual. Just observe the process. The rhythm of your breathing sh
ould not be changed. Try not to think about anything and indifferently observe y
our breathing.
If your breathing speeds up or slows down then you are doing it incorrectly. The
breathing process works without your intentional control, so do not try to cont
rol it - just observe.
Do this exercise for 1-2 minutes.
Bring your palms together, leaving a gap of about half an inch between them. You
should feel warmth with your palms. Concentrate on this feeling. Relax to achie
ve maximum concentration.
If you have any thoughts in your head, try to get rid of them and keep doing exe
Do this exercise for 1-2 minutes.
1. Concentrate your attention on your entire body. Go through it mentally using
your internal vision. You should feel a warm wave in your body following your in
ternal vision. It is an absolutely real feeling. When mentally concentrating on
your body your muscles will become tense and will start sending signals to the b
rain. Those signals are the wave you feel. Go through your body always from the
head down to the legs.

Then concentrate on your right arm, then forearm and palm. Concentrate on your f
inger, then on your fingertip. Hold your attention on the fingertip for a while.
Try to feel the pulsation.
Go through your entire body again. Move the warm wave from your head to your leg
s a few times.
Do the same with your left arm.
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
After a few relaxation exercises you can start doing attention and visual thinki
ng exercises.
2. Choose any object and look at it. Do not think about anything else. All your
attention and thoughts should be focused on this object alone. In a while slowly
focus on different object near the first one. Now, when you realize that you ar
e thinking about something else or even you had a different thought
remove them
as soon as possible and focus on the object again. Do this exercise for 5-10 min
utes. Your goal is to stay focused on the object as long as you can without havi
ng contrary thoughts.
Here is the next step: Turn ON a TV Set or a radio and try to concentrate on som
e item again. It will be much harder because words coming from the TV will be cr
eating images in your imagination.
Also, try to practice using MM while your TV or radio is ON.
Take any newspaper or a magazine and choose a few paragraphs for this exercise.
Look through the text and count all letters a for example. Then do it again but co
unt b . Read the paragraph again but this time count words.
You can choose any letters.
Use the timer to find out how much
the results. Do this exercise with
r is be the same. In the beginning
try will be more successful. Your
tart to make fewer mistakes.

time you need to find one letter. Write down

the same text until count of the chosen lette
you will miss a lot of letters but every next
attention stability will increase. You will s

This exercise trains a few attention characteristics:

Attention stability

ability to hold your attention on something.

Noise-immunity text, while reading, creates images in your imagination. It switc

hes your attention from the exercise (counting letters). You will develop abilit
y to ignore those images. In this case, the text (images) is a disturber and you
need to get rid of it.
Ability to switch attention
you will constantly need to change the letters you c
ount. It is a good exercise to develop ability to switch your attention.
Do this exercise for 5 minutes.
Mental drawing
Mental drawing is actively used in GMS for complicated signs and new foreign wor
ds memorization. It used for fixing digit figurative codes as well.

You need to imagine the process of drawing (writing) a simple geometric figures
e.g. letters, signs and digits. Your eyes are moving during the mental (imagined
) drawing. Thus new signs get memorized through the movement in your memory.
You need to make the signs big in your imagination - about 1.5 3 feet in diameter
and about 3-6 feet away.
You can imagine drawing on the writing board using chalk, using finger on a dirt
y window or just on any dirty surface, painting on the wall or using highlighter
with the paper.
Drawing should be performed slowly and a few times for each sign. Sign should ap
pear gradually in your imagination. After drawing is complete try to imagine the
completed sign. Try to see it very clear in its completeness.
For this exercise you can use: triangle, square, circle, rhomb; numbers and digi
ts; letters; Japanese hieroglyphs; short words.
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
Image manipulation
Imagine an empty glass and a box of matches next to it. Try to see these objects
in detail. Do all possible manipulations with them. Move them, place matches in
the glass, glass in the matches, move them around, etc. Add more objects.
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
Image stabilization
Visualize any item, like fork and view it from one angle. It might try to move or
turn, - don t let that happen. Force yourself to keep it in one position. Then mov
e it a little bit, or try to rotate it as slowly as possible.
Do this exercise for 5 minutes.
Image transformation
Imagine some kind of object. Try to transform its form or shape but do not chang
e the substance - a cup should remain a cup and a pencil should stay as a pencil
Example: Imagine a book. Stretch it out. Now we have a narrow book. Make it very
big or very small. Stretch it again and make it wide. Open the book in the midd
le then open it in the beginning. Twist the entire book. Rip one of the pages ou
t .
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
Image modification
You need to modify an image without changing its nature but actively changing it
s type. Example: Car. Imagine a Hummer, then Jeep, Mercedes, taxi, ambulance, fi
re-engine, police car, Mini, tractor and so on
Do this exercise with the different words and images.
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Memory activation
To be able to stabilize the images in your imagination and prevent their fast mo
vement try to recall all possible information from yesterday or from the last mo
vie you have seen. It does not really matter what to choose - the point is to co
ncentrate on something for 5-10 minutes without thinking about anything else. Tr
y to recall it as detailed as possible. Do it as slow as you can - step by step.
If it is too easy for you to do then try to make it more complicated
recall eve
rything backwards.
Woke up. Stayed in the bed for a while, then stretched. Then I tried to recall m
y dream. Slowly stood up and got dressed. Recall every detail, every piece of cl
othing. Recall what you did later, every second. What did you eat, how did you p
repare the food, etc.
After doing this exercise you will start to notice that memory fixes the connect
ions between the images very precisely. The only thing that prevents recollectio
n of all the details is attention instability. If you learn to stabilize the ima
ges in your imagination and go through them very smoothly you will be amazed how
many details your brain can reproduce.
Images that were naturally connected after reading should be recalled in the sam
e manner. Counting the beads is a very good example: you need to do it one by on
e, slowly, smoothly, without skipping.
If you will do this exercise correctly then in 5-10 minutes you will achieve str
ong attention stability in the recall process. Images will become very vivid and
it would seem like a dream coming into reality. Everything around you will be c
overed with a white haze. Auditory analyzer will be partly off. You will hear wh
at people are saying but you will not be able to make sense of it because your i
magination will be concentrated on something else.
Visualize an orange (that is of pure orange color). Imagine that you are slicing
it and notice that the inside color is different. Imagine that you are squeezin
g an orange juice out of it. Visualize that orange juice filling a glass.
Visualize different colors. For example, traffic light with all lights ON: red,
yellow, green. Concentrate on the colors. When you visualize a color try to use
a common model for it: orange, tomato, cucumber, blue sky, grey branch, black pe
at, white paper.
Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

Basically, you don't have to use the psycho-technical exercises when studying GM
S since the memorization and remembering exercises are perfect for training all
psychological processes and provide a sufficient training load for your brain.
But if you have trouble with image representation, connection or association cre
ation, attention concentration (during memorization and anamnesis), we suggest t
hat you do the psycho-technical exercises independently before every GMS exercis
e. The time needed for doing all psycho-technical exercises is about 30 minutes.
ATTENTION! It is not advisable to perform any psycho-technical and GMS exercises
while driving or during any other potentially dangerous activities e.g. crossin

g a road, etc.
You should not perform GMS exercises or recall huge amount of information right
before you go to bed, for it may cause involuntary entrance into hypnotic states

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