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hist chapt 11 notes (11.

* Lewis and clark were responsible for documenting plant life, animals, map the
territory through which they would pass and explore
all tributaries of the missouri river
*spanish feared this expedition they believed they would encroach new mexico and
northern new spain.
(response they sent 4 expeditions from santa fe to intercept and or ambush explo
rers it did not succeed)
*Lewis and Clark were directed to establish friendly relations to different trib
esman in welcoming them to america from its
trade goods and make peace
* corps are referred to as "corps of discovery" led by meriwether lewis and will
iam clark aka lewis and clark"
* corps spend first winder in the wilderness 1804-1805 by a mandan village what
is now known as north dakota
* charbonneau a french fur trader accompany the corps as their guide and interpr
eter bringing his wife
shoshone Sacagawea and newborn son.
* sacagawea was invaluable and posed no threat but peace
*Lewis introduced the native tribes the new piece of technology his rifle.
* the corps followed native custom by distributing gifts from, shirts, ribbons,
kettle, and a sign of goodwill
* corps gave tribe leaders medallions in presentation of jeffersons immage and i
nvitation as new ruler in the east
(medallions were seen as peace medals)
* corps reached pacific ocean in 1805 around winter of 1805 and spent winter in
oregon by 1805-1806
* they had returned to st louis by 1806 they had lost only 1 man due to illness
of appendictis
* Lewis was dubbed govenor of louisiana territory before his soon death 3 years
* corps failed to find the all water access to the pacific ocean but had accompl
ished many other goals that jefferson got them to do
* They established relationship with tribesmen of the land and soon after paved
way to fur trade.
* John Jacob Astor established trade in US in oregon
* delegate tribesman did get to meet the president
Adams Onis Treaty:
* Intended to settle problems of florida
* 1819 Amaerican settlers do not fear attack by the spanish troops who were garr

isoned at florida,
* Hostile tribes like creek and seminole raided georgia and fled to florida wild
* these tribe also sheltered runaway slaves and known to have intermarried with
* Sparsely was populated by spanish colonist they also spread to mexico and Madr
id Florida could never be controled by spanish
* march 1818 Andrew Jackon grew frustrated to punish the creek and seminole trib
e raiders. he began to pursue them into international border of spanish florida.
* Under andrew jacksons command he and his men had defeated the tribe and occupi
ed several florida settlements
* U.S later executed 2 british citizens in crimes of acting against united state
* outraged over the US invation spanish government demand a withdraw of jackson
and his troops.
* in the agreement to withdraw John Quincy Adams a US secretary offers to purcha
se colony to the northern neighbors.
* Treaty named after adam and spanish ambassador Luis de Onis made cession of fl
orida while also setting boundary of United States
and mexico in sabine river.
* Adams in exchange gave up US claims of land west of sabine and forgave spain 5
mil debt to US.
* The treaty Upset Americans expansionist
* They were frustrated over Adam of not taking claim to all of texas which they
believed had included the louisiana purchase
* Summer 1819 James Long became a filibuster or a privateer a unauthorized milit
ary adventurer.
* James Long led 300 men in a expedition over the sabine river in attempt to ta
ke control of texas.
* Long succeded in the capture of Nacogdouches and writing the declaration of in
* Also the set up of Republican government
*Spanish in a month later drove Longs men out and he had returned with a small f
*Long was arrested by the spanish and was executed
* Long was known as the first American Filibuster and aimed to seize territory o
ver carribean and central America.

Missouri Crisis and Missouri Compromise:
* Missouri inhabitants petition for statehood in 1817.
* the louisiana purchase had been a big part of missouri and is the first part o
f the acqusition of the petition
* 1818 thousands of settlers flocked to missouri including slaveholders who brou
ght ten thousands of slaves
* status of missouri was taken up to the house of representatives in early 1819
(admission to the union was difficult it brought violence over slaves entering t
he new state)
* politicians tries to avoid issue of slavery ever since from 1787 constitutiona
l convention it was a uneasy
compromise and helped form the three-fifths clause
* this states that the entirety of states free population and 60% of its enslave
d population would be
accounted in establihiong the number of state members in the house os representa
tives and size of federal tax bill.
* the compromise angered northern politicians over the extra population of slave
s would give southern states more votes than they
deserve in the house and electoral college.
* admitting missouri as a slave state thretened tenuous balance between slaves s
tates in senate by giving slave states a two vote advantage.
* ((tallmadge amendment- denouncing slavery as immoral and opposing nations foun
ding principle of equality and liberty (proposed by James tallmadge)
* after missouri achieved statehood enslaved children born there after they reac
hed age 25 they be announced as free))
* southerners in congress rejected the amendment as an attempt to gradually abol
ish slavery not just in missouri
but through the whole union.
(by violating property rights of slave holders and their freedom to take their p
roperty anywhere)
* slavery apologists said they argued that slavery was a necessary evil and it d
oes good to US.
(it generates wealth and left whitemen free to excercise their talents instead o
f doing all the handy work)
* They argued US true destiny to create a empire of slavery throughout America a
nd exand it through the west onwards
* debaters were diveded in sectional lines not party
(exceptions being northners supported the amendment regardless of party, and sou
theners opposing)
"It did not pass crisis over missouri led to strident calls of disunion and thre
at of civil war"
* Congress came up with the missouri compromise in 1820 between missouri and mai

ne (which were part of massachusets)

*Maine is a free state and missouri is a slave state
* the amendment was rejected
(balance between the free and slave states was maintained through the senate)
* Southerners did not fear missouri slaveholders
*to prevent conflict each time a territory applied for statehood there would be
a line coinciding between the southern border of missouri across of the louisian
a territory
(slavery could exist in the south end of the line but forbidden above except in

American settlers move to TEXAS:
* after the adams oni treaty Spain encouraged Americans to settle their northern
*Texas was sparsely settled few mexican farmers and rachers lived there under co
nstant attack of hostile indian tribes especially the "Comanche"
(they supplemented their hunting and pursuit hourses and cattle)
* To increase non-Indian population in Texas they provide buffer zone between th
e hostile tribes and rest of mexico
*Spain began to recruit "empresarios"
(* empresario- someone who brought settlers to region in exchange for generous g
rants of land. )
* Moses Austin a prosperous entrepeneur reduced to pverty in the "PANIC OF 1819"
(request permission to settle 300 English speaking American residents in Texas)
* Spain agreed to the condidion that the resettled people to convert to roman ca
* deathbed in 1812 of Moses Austin he asked his son stephen to carry out the pla
ns and mexico which had independence from spain of the same year
( he allowed stephen to take control of his grant)
*Spain mexico also wished to encourage settlement in state of Coahuila y Texas a
nd passed colonization laws to encourage immigration
* Thousands of Americans primarily slave states flocked to texas and outnumber "
Tejanos" The mexican residents of the region the soil and climate offered good o
pportunities to expand slavery
and cotton kingdom
*Land was plentiful of generous terms unlike US government Mexico allowed buyers
to pay for their land in installments and no need of minimum purchase

*many whites seemed not only their god given right but their patriotic duty to p
opulate lands beyond missisipi river bringing American Slavery, culture, laws, a
nd political traditions
Texas War for Independence:
* Americans who migrated to texas at the invitation of Mexican government did no
t completely shed their identity or loyalty to US
* They brought American tradition and expectations with them including right to
own slaves
* majority of new settlers were protestant and they were not required to attend
catholic mass Mexico prohibit the public practice of religion and were ignored
* being Accustomed to representative democracy, jury trial, and defendent right
to appear before a judge, white american settlers in texas disliked mexican lega
l system
* provided a hearing by "Alcalde" and administrator who often combined duties of
mayor, judge, and law enforcement officer
* alcalde sent a written record of proceeding to a judge by Saltillo the state c
apital who decides the outcome
* Settlers resented at most two texas representatives were allowed in state legi
* greatest source of discontent was through the abolition of slavery in 1829 by
the Mexican government
* Most American settlers were of southern state and many had brought slaves with
them Mexico tried to accomodate them by maintaining fiction
that the slaves were of indentured servants
* American slave holders in texas distrust Meican government and want texas to b
a a US slave state
* the American dislike of most roman catholicism which was a prevailing religion
of mexico and widely held belief of racial superiority led to regard mexicans a
s dishonest, ignorant, and backward
* belief of their own superiority inspired texans to try to undermine power of m
exican government
* empresario haden edwards attempted to evict people who settled his land grant
before gaining title
* Mexican government nullified its agreement with him
* edward outraged small party of men took prisoner alcalde of nacogdoches.
* mexican army marched to town and edwards troop declard formation of "REPUBLIC
OF FREDONIA" between sabine and rio grande river
* to demonstrate loyalty their adopted country a force led by stephen austin has
tened to nacogdoches to support mexican army edward revolt
collapsed and revolutionaries fled texas

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