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The True Nature of Healing

Working with Universal Life Energy

Theres a natural flow to life beyond judgement of good and bad. It creates circumstances for our optimal
spiritual evolution. Its what a soul yearns for at the deepest levels. It is here right now for every single one of
us if we choose it. There are no mistakes on the spiritual journey, only experiences that invite us to discover
the meaning of existence and to unveil the soul. Each time we feel constricted or out of sorts, is a powerful
opportunity to learn something deeper. With each layer we peel away, inner peace unfolds as we realign more
with the flow of higher consciousness. The more we peel away and let go, the more remember who we are
from a place of wholeness beyond concepts
Nothing on the journey happens by chance. Everything is part of a divine orchestration. So if healing is to be
truly effective, then above all, we are invited to embrace the deeper meaning of our circumstance.
To me, spiritual healing is the return to wholeness at a soul level or in other words, the remembrance and
integration of who we truly are. By remembrance I mean at an energetic rather than an intellectual level. True
spiritual healing takes us to the root cause, that will unravel our blockages at all other levels (physical,
emotional, psychological). We fully heal an aspect of ourselves when it is healed on all levels from karmic
through to physical.

How does healing happen?

In true healing as I experience it a vibration of pure soul resounds outwards, simply being true to its own
nature. This frequency can resound from a person or other sentient life form (such a a tree or animal).
When a person is ready, this vibration will inspire the remembrance of the same depth of universal life energy
within them. Once the frequency is remembered at a soul level, then healing happens naturally from within.
The person then vibrates a similar resonant frequency themselves, which unravels exactly what they are
ready for.
As human beings we might feel that this is too simple or that we arent doing anything much at all. Our true
power is veiled earlier in the journey. True power of energy is beyond concepts, beyond doing and mind led
intention. We cant really underestimate the energy of the resounding soul, reminding us who we truly are and
inspiring us back to wholeness.

Which camp?
Id say there are main two camps in the spiritual healing world.
1. The first is about empowering others to get up, awaken and open their eyes. It does not violate free will. It
may at times be soft and gentle, it may be at other times be incredibly tough. Yet, it seeks only to remind us
who we truly are and to inspire our own soul to animate our beingness in this world.

2. The other camp owns benevolence for its self and thereby creates something it is not. It creates an
alternative reality to escape from the world that we wish to leave behind. It may appear like evolution or
spiritual healing. It just forms another illusionary bubble. Perhaps a more desirable one, but a bubble nonethe-less, isolating us from full self realisation.
We have a choice and have to decide for ourselves which camp we are in and what serves us best. Im not
here to convince anybody. We can only see how we feel and resonate about what is presented for ourselves.

The law of karma

If we take away the pain and suffering of another person, the karma that created it in the first place, will
simply recreate it in another form.
Thats the same with anything. If we have a physical or emotional injury, that is notionally healed and the
original energetic source of disharmony is still there, then the injury will reform again somehow (if not
physically then perhaps even emotionally or psychologically).
Nobody (no matter who they claim to be), can remove the actual karma that causes our suffering for us. To do
that would defy the energy of existence itself. If we do then we do so as an illusionary reality. Others can
assist and inspire us in a way that might catalyse the most profound shifts, yet they cannot remove the
karma. An Energy Worker can help clear the debris once we have broken through the karma ourselves. They
can help you to the gate and perhaps even greet you at the other side, but no-one can walk through it for you.

Freewill and non-violation

Benevolence will often inspire a shift in perception, an insightful break through or even a miracle. It does so
by inspiration.
It does not interfere.
It does not manipulate.
It sends out a frequency that touches the same resonance in others who are ready to awaken those aspects
of themselves.
Benevolence does not effort to awaken higher consciousness in people. It just does so by resonating
outwards, fulfilling itself by its very existence. It is like a trusting that it will go exactly where it is invited.
True spiritual healing is the same. It does not seek to disempower another by manipulating their energy field.
It often awakens a life changing moment of realisation, igniting a recalibration at an energetic and then
cellular level. It simply awakens that which was already in there waiting to be unleashed.

Co-creating together
It may already be in there, but its important to remember that we co-create together. It can be invaluable to
have the support of another on the journey especially one who can dance with the benevolent spiritual
energy of the universe.
So, even if we have to walk through the gate ourselves, we need not be alone.

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