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Box 20j




free., JaiBaieaj BV/l,

iJJea-E' Helpei'-e and Partner^;,

J^-uiuary ^6^ ^9!?''f

haa been an e^^eritfu,! ,^eax' of iti^-if;ies^ new proj^tis.^ sonw cliaapixjxntand cone-lderable achi'?iferaftt.. As 1^56 op^ij ws fed that we aj>=
laat ad
justed, 2iccl:ii:iatedj, and iiitevrratecl dntx^ the life of the chux^'chtis of Ciu-lat in Jamaica,
iirobieiiiti loom larger than they did it
but In geiiex-al the outlook for the

Church of caudst in Jaraica is encoin^agi ig. ue believe thj.t cur tiiae., efforts^ and
I'esourcea will have even iDors fniitfblnt sr. and periaaneiicy.,

Pi-rst, look at the statistics of service (cf.-, aecojt^iaiii^ylng report fo7' firAaacial
stittistics), In the past, year G-rayce ia -io aiid I liave led in the establishioeiit of

one new ccm/j^sgation (lilletson Rd.-; Kingston) sdiich has 12 mejabers, about 20 receiving;
the Lord's cjupper each Lord's (iay,; a Bit le. schoQl with attendance of 45, and attend*^
ance on the Lord's day services in the tiartieso Grayce Mari-j taugtit 1/0 Bible lessons,

conducted a/i cisjht-'day Ikilidays Bible iX'^ool (the first in dVn.naica) j received, sorted^
OlSlC: distributed .^,1 used Bible literature received by four fanaliesa took care of .ill

our bookkeeping^, sliared loi'gely xii tiie c .n:res;fiondsnct:5 and eared for the
I have held four area rallies durin i the year vTitj-i 2b c-orj.iTregatio.ns represented^

ho'irs ij.i the Jamaica Bible Se.ixinuxy., had a two--hc3ur public disiTussioit vrith

the ?th Day missioruiry in Grd,^ Cr-ay-aQj held fiftee/t we^Bcs of evangelistic
aectings, proaciir^d 1b9 sermons; taii^it 1';3 Bible lessons,, attended 54 T]nestiii>:;s or seX
vicesB prepiired :nd conducted a
Institute of one week., tau^it 52 hoifcs in ttiree
U&n^s Institutes, prepared^ numeog;raxjhcd. and distributed ten isaaea of the local

mcvithly paper (5^,000 copies),, prepared^, luplir>ited and maiXed tv^eive newsletters, pre--
pared BO coloi'ed slides for circu3.ation ; n the U,^6o and edited two JAi.iUCAN u1iAliLE2<U2iIiL
besides writing utjcounted personal lettc's oorjcerning the work here..

?ow, let U.S turn our eyes to the fU -ure- Already in 1556 w:^. have two victcries to-

i'exjort-'the start q.j\ the fourth new cong e.c^tiou (Penwood) aiid the opejjxng of a fif
teen Tjdnuts radio broadcast, the first t. jiK the tH-nirch of Chriot has ever been on ih,2

ra.dlo in Janiaica., Qrayce Marie is teach /ig, three Bible cl^msea a week ;ind expects to
begin a women"s class on aXterriate itoday nigfita at 311etson Ed. I hope to .bold to
iT\y plan of Oiie weeK of evangelistic camp igfaug ^veiy moixtti^ a gpal whxclx I exceeded
in 1955 by tiu\?fc weeks iVe are ferventl;\ prayiixg that the eviairelist v/e have con
tacted wriil 1)u able to move to Grand Oayiau in 195^'

This meaiis our work is cut out for ^956 on a big scvile-. Letters of coiaif^idation
arjti inquiry are be^jjining to conie in frot; tlte first radi.o prograBi.. People i.<i Grd.. Gay~

laan are listening to .it, vVe believe it i;, going to be a rnort fruitful mnistTy -aiid
may well accouiit for
of our tiine in ^^956., Shall v/e trv to get iinothcr fifteen
minutes of radio tiirie'^ uould you pray fcr it if it is the Lord's will? .Vould you
Ljcip pay for it?

if it is pOivsibleg we hope to get c le.'ist the. s^ell of a cittircJ-i building up in

I-^rtwood before "the end of the year,

Ptoryh^rr wc. can p-'t it erected, thr;,- sooner '

that work become productive-, If we get yls500 for this X'urposSj we believe wc can
gp;t up soiTx^tliing penaanent t>iou#i not cojrplcted^ It is our plan to loan the money for

the buildirig,, .jitd then hr/e the congj^egat ioii pay it bad: to create a revol-/irig fiiid

for future b>uildingro If th-a^^ folk gj;;t ap a bui?.ding,j they rare able often to pay
back the sum itivested in a few years .-

And still the needs and opportuxiitii.-3 exist which v^e can't touch., A call coinria

from .5 welfiir^-: wo.ri<;er on another of the h^rric-ane Housing cstates'-''l^lease come aiid
hold a Biblp ulLina, Ko 3-c?-i;doao work is 3eiii; cai-ried on h;-reo"

la tixis .-state -are

so'rie lots Wiiioh san be bought for a cluxrxrn building, site, v.-e ujjderstaiiii., Y.'t i,~ ijre
CGni}iletely sche-Julcd -with time and cc-7:?rat ted financiaJlly. .'.lio will help this situa

't\lx i.t C'raj be done^

Jar.aica can ust irore

5ach of you should feol .^jea.sure of satisfaction iii knosiiing

it v/as by
youx' prayers .ji-l ycii ^iftc tir.t tJie abo-c ? report c^jxi be given .vill you C'0,ritiriue to


ill you T .-ie.-: to

-t furth r .purport for tne otj oinr; of this entire niiiictry

for Ghi'ist?

Yo-sr- f llo^; y^r-z.Lint

noiaajiif ticngnd

Jamaica Christian Hussion


Churches of Christ

Goo's Fellow Workers





Box 20



i y

? a

Janrtii Ttf a

A'ojja "I a'cJoO

V. -f ACJii .dHM ttHA -HM

-1 . ;



?! dma .RM

W .*


Cl .'-i .<"iRT-v A-.

Jamaica For Cbrist"


January 19, 1956


''-.avARD ,a:M bl<A-T8MaOHAV3


Ivir. Heirrold I.icParland

Box 968
Joliet, 111,, U. 3, A,

be.'-: ::o-

Dear Brother MoParland,

. ;.;oy OJ t,.

Greetings to you and your co-workers in tl cause of Christ.

Thanks a lot for the recent article on our work here. Vfe ap^eciate

the space. The enclosed check for $10.00 is part of our exprea^on of

thanks for the service you are rendering for the evangelizat^n of the i-vorld.
The Lord has "blessed us thus far in the new year with the beginning of
our fourth congregation in Penwood. The work looks promising. We hope to be
able to put itp at least the shell of a house of vrarship this year in the area
on tiie lovely big lot we have acquired.

The big news is that I have signed a year's contract (renewable) with
Radio JarrBtica (the onl^*- statii^ in the island) for a 15 minute broadcast
on i'i'iday afternoons at k''h5
This station claims a listenership of 400,
000. People in Grand Cayman are hearing the broadcast over medium sliort

wave (3.36 or 4.95 Megs). Perhaps people in the U.S. could pick it up like

^ X'-p'/

Xc noJ:^.caIs^:j-v; oP.t -iu:

rk .V


ei cX uuL-i




rrX 'zji'i.

atr uoX . "'xiUi."

sis iscitr-Xcf

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iiu-C'-.ii-j.. _iJ: ac.'....:;

rrsi'i^^yf 'io s?ii.'Oii a; 'X^ Iltuy-j


q.'. irr o:-

tbtr'zl.rrtxsi.l'tr/.r-sl 'o. .^CJ.




c'-ijveqe .-v-i .ie ovo::' ; X'.iiX eX tsyy -X.- ori'X

Xo:;.:o.X. cud

.'> '^C'x

i'liX i itt;Xs.~.,'.X?.
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iicXe.-iXa .eXnT
.(i-X:-- x ^SiCusr-z
-;...uX-X- ' no
tfzs. LVir-r^J-..- .o.i'jj.i-X :is tlqe "
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rX,.,. 'ic d'.*;) sv^u

X*xo c.
-yj jx ---Iq -X^-'C'C

c^...x. "


V/e believe this is the greatest advancement yet in the w ork in Jamaica.
Chilstiaiis everywhere are listening in,and vre are looking forward to a big
contact throu^ mail. We may develop a Bible correspondence course.
For the present I am preparing the programs and preaching the message.
The native ministers believe that this will l^d influence to their work,
for many people listen to the radio. Those on the radio are believed by

many of the people to have some "recogiition" or "standing", which results in

de ^ Xn'.-"ro:;:wV-5.u x.,.eX'3C"*r3 t-ch' -"X

ii oX
lyiLzz-uuL ~'i. .
rrjs^sil qrii:dJ'.iI ti'iy -r-i "n , y.evc erL-xXel'iri-..r'X'XOco zonz ..oqv-ys:o:qoXevtjX
. c
.lisf.i .'y.^'-j-alX To.-.jnoc

.jSOX XJAi 11

c.'.s^'-ir' Xil-; a'"e-r-e'iu sMX y.ns'X's^t-'zq . -.s 1 ci-ce

ixeiix cx eoiiOi-X'iiu; Jbzi:-! Xlinr s-d& djixiX

t -.iX .no

sit eXXrJ3t.i

Xex'iMC "ic ficujrX

The Lord Christ be with you through the new year and bless with fruit-

^cf i:-x :;;1X c-X SfOi siil

^^g.'xfirisxa'" -xo"'^i.oxXxr-^eoeq"

more i*espect for the message of the Church of Christ.

-XxxpiX XXr.v sLvld

e/.z' 'xc--.

eneibuutx-Ti evixcn sifX

-mem -lol

cvsui ..X slyoeq eriX 'lo ^yL'i;';

a-X!" *ic e-sice- n -cds -.'/l

'sso', v/ea t>sl& .'cuo'ihX x;c-; MXr.-.'


j-'X*::.. b-xc-.i

Xsxx'S..' r:c'2 e'lOcnX 'j.uc"-: uacxilx't

fuliiess your labors for Christ.

^Lc'J lo ovoX vsid .lL

In the love of God,

.>jse.V ^
raon H. ISnsi^

Forwarding Agent: Mrs. Emmett W. Wayne. Box 87. Cincinnati II, Ohio.



.M rios'qit'x'



"... a great and effectual door is opened ... and there are many adversaries..

A Lord's Day Group In Grand Cayman

On The Air!
"The Churches of Christ salute you"

With these words the first radio broad

cast of N.T. Christianity in Jamaica be

gan.-Friday, the thirteenth of January,
was an unlucky day for the devil as the
Church of Christ went on the air. Chris

tians everywhere were elated over the

Cayman Chronicle
One year after starting the Church of
Christ in Grand Cayman, Bro. Ensign re
visited the Church to find it prospering

in the I^rd.

In his twenty-four days

Grayson baptized four young adults, re

ceived one into fellowship, preached
twenty-three sermons, taught sixteen

victory and strengthened in contending

Bible lessons, and held a two-hour public

for the faith.

discussion with the 7th Day Adventist


During the latest Men's Institute the

Jamaican men were strong in their con

viction that such a program would im

preacher (See p. 2). It was one of the

most rewarding and encouraging three
weete in Bro. Ensign's entire ministry.

measurably help the est^Iishment of the

To see the spiritual progress of the

Church in Jamaica. Convinced by their

Adams and the MacTaggarts especially

was in itself a blessing. By the grace of

arguments, Bro. Ensign immediately

went to ^dio Jamaica (our only station)
with a request for time. The manager
was polite but quite certain that all re

ligious time was scheduled. This was the

same old story that one of the other

God these "young" Christians have made

tremendous growth in the knowledge of

God's Word, in personal consecration, and

in personal work.

Their witness has

sh^en the whole island and brought rid

families received when they applied two,

icule, abuse, and slander upon them. It

years ago. Nevertheless, Bro. Ensign

was like a re-enactment of restoration

prayed about it and then wrote a strong

history a hundred years ago in Kentucky

fetter of application on December 13.

or Indiana. The Church of Christ in

Grand Caymari is overcoming the gates

^ough ^e future looked discouraging,

yet Grayson immediately wrote to the
U.S. for iitformation on possible pre

pared programs.

Eight days later Mr. Hendrika wrote

Bro. Ensign offering him 16 mihutes

(Continued on page four)

of hades.

This time services were also held in a

new area c^led Lower Valley, near Sis

ter Carolyn Bodden's home. TVo or three
carloads of Christians from Georgetown

travelled over the spring-breaking road

to Ihe school building on the nights
(Continued on page four)


Publiihed by Evan9Iist and Mr*.
Churches of Christ (Jamaica Christian Mission)
BOX 20

S.D.A Vs.Christian
The Cayman denominationalists were
trying their best to keep the people from
hearing the non-sectarian gospel. To de

feat their purpose, I decided to use the

Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, B. W. I.

fioneer device of the public discussion.

(U. S. Address: Miss Mildred McClure

c/o River Park Church of Christ
8o3 30th Street, South Bend, 15, Indiana)

wrote to Mr. Klugee, the Anderson, Ind.

Church of God preacher and asked him

We prefer to have all funds and letters tent

to us In Jamaica.

for a public discussion. He flatly refused.

Next I tried the Seventh Day Adventists
and was pleasantly surprised when Mr.

Comm, their missionary, accepted. (La

Other American families 1n Jamaica:
The Donald Freams.

The Woodrow Phiiiipi.

The James Hergets.

Yes, wanted!

A couple of mature

ter I learned he knew practically nothing

about the Church of Christ). He said he

did not want a debate, but only a presen

tation of views. We agreed upon one hour
apiece divided into two sections.

About 300 people crowded into the town

sity of restoring N.T. Christianity. We

hall on the appointed night. The SDAs

were jubilant and cocky, expecting an
easy victory. I spoke first, giving twenty
reasons for bein^ a member of the
Church of Christ. Mr. Comm gave the
usual reasons for being a S.'D.A. Then I
used forty minutes to give twenty-eight

who are here see the greater and great

er need of other workers to evangelize

reasons why I was not a S.D.A. As fact

and scripture toppled the S.D.A. fabri

Jamaica. We have only touched a small


portion of the population. Large areas

angry. Mr. Comm was so upset that he

Christian families of sound judgement,

good educationj proven ability, conse

crated personalities, holy lives, aggres
sive leadership, with plenty of intestinal
fortitude and no doubts about the neces


SDAs became noisy and

have no church of Christ nor any know

rambled and fumbled over his assigned

ledge about the true Church. New fam

topic, "Why I am not a member of the

ilies could any of three large,

Church. ofChrist". Principally,-he.1 at

modem cities in the island and do a not

tempted to refute the reasons I had given.

able work in areas too far from King

It was so pathetic that when I asked for

ston. With the radio pro^am we expect

to contact many new individuals and

groups interested in undenominational

Christianity. We are likely to be embar
rassed by the lack of evangelists to go
out to these groups to visit, teach, set in

a copy of his tape recording, he said he

didn't want to be quoted. Since he was
quite unhappy over the outcome, I of

fered him four nights of real debating,

but he declined.

order, etc.
I am convinced that the restoration

The community's verdict was that the

S.D.A. cause was seriously wounded. The

movement is just starting in Jamaica,

Church was happy and greatly streng

With reinforcements,

thened. The religious community had a

Jamaica can be

covered with the gospel. The work is

new knowledge

hard, sometimes discouraging, challeng

ing, and potentially rewarding. This is

Church of Christ.


respect for

no place for novices, lazy time-servers,

or incompetent failures. We need strong

men and women who love the Lord, the
souls of men and women, and hard work.

We need powerful preachers of the whole

counsel of God.


Do you fit this description? Are you

willing to pray, "Lord, send forth reap
ers even if it includes me?" Consider

Jamaica, dear brother, count the cost,

and then write to us, Box 20, Half-WayTree, Jamaica.

W.0.Comm and G.H.En^inn





"Christmas"Jamaican Style
"Bang" Another huge firecracker ex-

Eloded. Christmas in Jamaica was like

aving services during a bombing.


one seemed to consider the fact that we

were trying to worship God, and they

ought to have the courtesy to be quiet.

For days everyone, even the poorest,

seemed to have money for fire-crackers.
Did you hear the beating of drums
and the shrill piping of the fife which

Pied-Piperlike ^ew that crowd? Those

grotesque faces and strange costumes
are the John Canoe dancere who will

perform throughout the city for a tip.

Last year David cried whenever he saw
them, but this year we persuaded him to
just laugh at them.

For weeks tiny booths about three feet

wide had been erected side by side around

the Parade (square) in downtown King

ston. Here cheap little" trinkets and in

expensive Japanese-made toys were sold.
Just before Christmas multicolored crepe

paper hats were seen everywherepiles

of them for sale along the sidewalks and
one on almost everyone's head.
In. the Parade was a huge Christmas

tree about 30 feet high which had been

shipped from Canada. Throngs surround

ed the Parade ten days before Christmas
when the tree was lighted for the first

time at a special service of caroling and


Everywhere beggars thrust out their

hands almost demanding alms.
drinking, dancing, partying, and merrynlaking the worldly Jamaicans celebrat
ed "Christmas".

Sister Dawes
A Christian woman who loves children

and sees the great need of teaching them

to know Christ is Sister Dawes.
lives in a small room behind the Ewarton

post office, where she is employed; but

every Lord's day she walks over rugged,
unpaved, and often muddy country roadsto teach a Bible class of children.


Polly Ground, Cassava Pond, and Ewar

ton children eagerly await this woman
they Idve and respect

From time to time she plans and pre

sents the children of these congregations
in "concerts" (Jamaican term for pro

gram) of recitations, songs, scripture,

etc. How the children love the used liter

ature from the U.S. she bripgs with her.

On Christ's birthday many were delight
ed with the candy treats you see Sister
Dawes holding in her arms. -One of her

greatest joys is taking Christ to the

backward, country children of Jamaica
who will rise up and call her blessed.


Many Thanks

Christians, on the other hand, reverent

ly remembered Christ's birthday with
special services. Beginning at five o'clock

in the morning, Christians assembled

for early worship. Almost every congre

gation presented a children's program
consisting of scripture, recitations, songs,
and perhaps a play portraying the shep
herds and wisemen visiting the Christ.
For us it was a day of rejoicing because

God so loved us that He gave His Son

to save us from our sins.

The inadequacy of words is never more

apparent than when one wishes to ex

press gratitude. Grayce Marie and I have

been blessed greatly by our association

with Mrs. E. W. Wayne as friend, stu
dent, tfeacher of our children, correspond
ent, and forwarding 'agent. To us she

appears to be one of the most remarka

ble women we have ever known, and oi\e

of the finestj^^ Christians we have ever

worked with. Praise God for such a help


"Oh, close that door, I'm about to

Now because of serious illness in the

family. Sister Wayne is having to give

up her work as our forwarding agent.

freeze. Feel my nose, it's cold. How cold

Our regret is replaced by the hope that

is it? 64? Burr, get another blanket",

said Grayce Marie. Yes, we just had a
spell of winter in summery Jamaica, and

in the future Sister Wayne will be sent

everyone almost froze. Why, it got down


to 58 above zero, the second coldest day

since 1887 when it was 56. Burr,I'm cold.

Thank yout God bless and t\ee you more

and more, Sister Wayne.

to Jamaica to work with us in the radio

ministry and women's







(Continued from First Page)

when the Georgetown hall was not avail

(Continued from First Page)

weekly broadcast at 4:45 on Fridays.

able. The gospel was well received in

Grayson immediately accepted, signed a

renewable year's contract, and paid $280

this area, and the seed sown should pro

the Christians only was producing a pow

down. Since most stores close at 4:00,

this time is excellent for reaching many
people. Radio Jamaica claims 400,000
listeners, and it may be heard on medium
short wave (3.36 or 4.95 Megs) in Grd.
Cayman, perhaps in the U.S. Thousands
of people will be hearing the whole coun

erful effect on the whole community.

sel of God for the first time.

duce fruit later on.


The denominationalists stirred up as

much trouble and opposition as they
could because- the zeal and the truth of

It seems odd that some professing Chris

tians would rather that sinners go to
hell than to become Christians only. Yet
a number of denominationalists attended

the services in spite of a general "^ycott" that was issued by the leaders. The
truth of.God prevails.

Bro. Ensign was able to get in more

personal evangelism this time than last.

Many people were taught in their homes.


For the present Grayson is preparing

the program in Jamaica though some
prepared tape recordings may be used
later. The station charges a production
fee of $4;28 for each tape made. The bill
for the time and the production of tapes
will amount to $880 a year, but redffcs^
to spiritual terms, it means that for each
dollar you invest the gospel will be
preached to 454 people each week. This

The Christians are active in their visita

could be the means used of God to create

tion and in benevolent work. In Cayman,

the Christians only are quite distinguish,

a restoration movement for His Church

able from the Protestants by faith, life,

in Jamaica.

Please prqy daily for this program. If

it' is possible, pledge something for this

and work.

The Church through Grayson contact

ed an evangelist in the U.S. who is wil

ling to move to Grand Cayman. Diligent

search was made for a suitable site for
-a-house-of-worship^ut without success.

Your constant prayers arfe needed for

this valiant band of Christian soldiers.

radio ministry. We believe that this is

the greatest victory yet achieved in Ja
maica with the greatest future before it.
To God be the glory.
Sincere gratitude goes to the River

Park Church of Christ for their great

assistance in getting these papers mail
ed to you. Special thanks go to Bro.
Sherman Nichols, who has come to our
help more than once, and to Sister Mil
dred McClure who has become our bank
ing agent.
Order your Missionary Handbook from

Margie Gressman and Valrie McLaughlin

were two of those baptized.

D. H. Henry, 175 15th Ave E., Eugene,

Oregon, for an excellent view of all mis


Care of River Pic. Choreh of Chritt
33 SOtfi St.,

South Bond, 15, Indiana.






South Bond, Indiana

Mr, ilarrold McFarland

Box 968

Joliet, III,


27 831


Grayson Ensign

y7 y ^

Please complete both sides of this form and mail to reach

Half Way Tree P. 0,

Mission Services, Box 968, Joliet, Illinois by May 21, 1956.

Jamaica, British West Indies

This report covers work of (make any correction needed)?

Report any addition to family in 1955: Name.-



Name of Mission with which associated (if any),

Names and Addresses of endorsing churches (or church). . .

lynchburg, Ohio

First Church of Christ

What is your PRIMARY job on the field? (Write name of each adult, and ONE of these termsor an
other of your own choosing which seems more accurate: evangelist, training preachers, homemaker,
teacher (general education), doctor, nurse, secretarial, Christian journalism, benevolence
frrsysnn hi Knai,gn

Bible teacher (women and children)

Grayce llarie Ehsiga

I I'l' I""iifiKinniir [I'^wTawTi'ffii



Est# 10^ Other churches meeting in homes, etc.

^ Nationals preaching
h Q

Nationals teaching (general education)

_ Q _ Other regular preaching points.

lO ^ Nationals training preachers

Additional Bible Schools

* ? , Nationals preparing to preach

number of Christians in your field

^ I Number of churches started in 1955

Baptisms in 1955

by G, Ensi^s

Church buildings in use

Number of known unbaptised believers

Not clear vdiat is required.

Write below any ideas you have for a 1957 Survey which might be more meanmgful?

(Please fill out other side also)


Ho^ much, livinglink support did you receive in 1955 ({total)

(include pledged support and personal offerings)


adults am


How much did you receive for the work itself in 1955 (total)?
(include pledged support for operating costs, transportation
on field, equipment, supplies, promotion, printing, etc.)


How much did you receive in fimds designated for the

the support of native:
Laborers and skilled workmen
Preachers and teachers
Preacher students

Orphans and aged

How much did you receive in funds designated for assisting
in building NATJTVE churches, etc.
How much did you receive in funds designated for MISSION
building projects (housing, workspace, etc.);

For those traveling in the States (new missionaries and those on furlough):

How much did you receive in total offering while visiting

churches in 1955?

How many churches did you visit?

How many miles did you travel in this deputation work?
How much did such travel cost you (mileage, food, lodging)?

Write below any ideas which would make this survey more meaningful for another year.


(Please fill out other side also)

Mrs. Grayce M. Ensign (January

11, 1923 at Kenosha, Wisconsin), Mark

R. Ensign (January 26, 1948 at Cin^cinnati, Ohio), David G. Ensign (July

24, 1952 at Cincinnati, Ohio), Nathan
B. Ensign(June 9, 1950 at Cincinnati,
Ohio), Grayson H. Ensign (May 3,
1921 at Fayetteville, Arkansas).
The Grayson H. Ensign family
serves in Jamaica, now in their first
term there. They received training for
their work as follows: Grayson gradu
ated at the University of Florida with
a B. A. degree in 1942.The Cincinnati
Bible Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio con
ferred an M. A. degree upon him in
1945. He received the B. D. degree
from CBS in 1948. He was elected to

the Honor SocietyDelta Aleph Tau.

He has graduate credit hours taken
in Hama Divinity School, Springfield,
Ohio and the University of Cincinnati.
Mrs. Ensign was Valedictorian of the
1945 class at Cincinnati Bible Semi

nary and was a fulltime professor wheni

he resigned to go to Jamaica.
RiverP ark Church of Christ,South
Bend 15, Indiana and First Church of

Christ, Lynchburg, Ohio sponsor their

work as missionaries. All mall goes

directly to them on the ifield.

Field Address:

Grayson and Mrs. Grayce Ensign

Field Addres^

Churches of Christ

Grayson akd Ws. Grayce Ensign

Box 20, Half Way Tree


Jamaica, British West Indies


Box 20, Ha^Way Tree

Jamaica, Bw^h West Indies

Mrs. Grayce M. Ensign ( JaniP'^l^ 1923 at Kenosha, Wisconsin), Mark E- Ensign (

.1948 at Cincinnati, Ohio), Da-rid G,.Ensign ( July 24, 1952 at Cincinnati, Ohio), Nathan
B, Ensign C June 9, 1950 at Cincinnati, Ohio), Grayaon H. Ensign ( May 3, 1921 at

Fayefeville, Arkansas).


The Grayson H. Ensign family io miooienai'iaj lu Jamaica, now iKH'ulug their first
term there.

They received training for their -work as followsj

Grayson graduated at

the Uni-rersity of Florida with B.A. degreei 1942. The Cincinnati Bible Seminary,

Cincinnati, Ohio confered M.A.^upon him in 1945. He later received B.D. degree from

CBS 1948. He was elected to the Honor Society - Delta Aleph Tau. He has graduate
credit hours taken in Hama Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio and the University of

Mrs. Ensign 'was Valedictorian of the 1945 Class at Cincinnati Bible

Seminary. Broi!^nsign taught se-ven years at the Cincinnati Bible Seminary and was
a full time professor when he resigned to go to Jamaica.
River Park Church of Christ, South Bend 15, Indiana and First Church of Christ,

Lynohburg, Ohio sponsor their work as missionaries. All mail goes directly to them
on the field, there is no forwarding agent.

FOiiulgi'i Addeessj

Churches of Christ ( Jamaica Christian Mission)

Box 20,

Tree, Jamaioa


- I

. -





f List all persons In picture (left to right in order) giving date and place of birth (include year).
Nathan B, Ensign Jime 9, 1950, Cincinnati, Ohio
^ Grayson H, lilnsign May 3> 1921, Fayeteville, iirk.
Mark R. Ensign
January 26, 1948, Cincinnati, 0.
^-"Grayce M, Ensign January 11, 1923, Kenosha, V/is.

^,David G. Ensign, July 24, 1932, Cincinnati, 0.

2. Give correct name used in ^latlon to your work (ours is, e.rfl, l)Iissiort)Se^ices), and full

address on field.

3. Date of beginning of work on this field, and name of first workers.


4. Give forwarding agent (if any), and/or forwarding address (if any) in United States.

5. List schools where trained, with years and degree (if any):

6, List places and length of Christian service before entering mission work (such as teaching,
preaching, etc.)

7. List places and length of missionary service (for illustration: 1st term, Japan, April 1938
to June 1943; 2nd term, Korea, July 1944 to April 1949; etc). In most cases, the
place will likely be the same.

8. Name and address of endorsing (sponsoring) church (or churches).

River Park Church of Christ, South Bend 13, Indiana

First Church of Christ, lynchburg, Ohio

9. If you want copies of the book at $1, please indicate number desired. We will bill if you








a great and effectual door is opened ...and there are many adversaries. "


JUNE, 1956



Proposed House Of Worship For Penwood Rd.

It gives us great joy to announce that

we can,


estimate that the basic

the plans for the house of worship of the




Penwood Rd. Church of Christ have been

$3,500. This is needed now. Our urg

passed by the housing engineer. Through

Sister Fream's artistic ability, we are
able to offer this sketch of the proposed
building. In June we hope to lay out the
plot and begin digging for the founda
tion. From then on. the progress we
make is entirely in your hands.
Truly, the Lord has blessed us every

ent need is for $1,500 to enable us to

step of the way in establishing the


of the Lord

at Penwood Rd.

Now we are ready to erect one of the

most adequate meetinghouses owned by

the Churches of Christ in Jamaica. The
plans call for a reinforced concrete block

structure, sixty-three by twenty-nine ft.

There is a simple wall-tower on the side

for a loudspeaker or bell. The roof will
be twenty-eight feet from the floor to

the apex with no cross beams in ^e in

terior. The floor will be tile, and the
roof of aluminum sheeting.
If we missionaries do all the work

erected for about

make a definite start.

This expenditure



and justifitiable. The building will be

accessible to several thousand people in
new homes. No church building is with
in a mile and a half at the moment.

This building will be almost in the cen

ter of the expanding area of western

Kingston. As planned, the building will

be adequate for a number of years, and
can be enlarged easily.

You will want to have a definite part

in this significant undertaking. It is a

large task and will require many help

ers to complete it. Maybe you would
like to honor some member of your fam
ily, who would rejoice in this important

advancement of Christ's Church, by a

memorial gift. We are earnestly sohciting your fellowship in prayers and fi
nancial gifts, large and small. Why not
write today ?


Pvbliihed by Evangciitt and Mrt.


Churches of Christ (Jamaica Christian Mission)
BOX 20

Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, B. W. I.
(U. S'. Address: Miss Mildred McClure

c/o River Park Church of Christ

8o3 30th Street, South Bend, 15, Indiana)
We prefer to have all funds and lettera sent
to us In Jamaica.

Associated with the Donald Freams

in the Jamaica Christian Trust.

The Right Method-God's

"The Scriptures, rightly divided, are

the all and alone sufficient rule of faith

and practice." This principle is true and

fundamental to all right practice of
Christianity. The Scriptures are clear
as to HOW the world is to be evangel

Neville Pink, Valedictorian

Brother Neville Pink, along with Selbourne Dixon, Frank Crooks, Sydney
Palmer, and Roy Taylor, was graduated



First, our Lord Christ established it as

from the Jamaica Bible Seminary on

March 28. After two years of basic work
in Bible and theology, these young men

an individual responsibility (Mt. 28:18f;

were granted the certificate. Associate

Acts 1:8; 8:4). This individual burden

of Sacred Literature. Bro. Pink was the

for souls is never lifted from the Chris

tian's heart until the day of his death

or ascension with Christ. Second, the

Holy Spirit establishes a congregational

responsibility (Ac. 13:1-4; 14:26-28) in

the sending out of qualifi^ evangelists.

There is no teaching by precept, exam

valedictorian of his class while Sydney


was the salutatorian. About

three hundred people attended the serv

ices on Graduation Day, which were
held in the newly completed auditorium
of the Seminary building.

ple or inference in the N.T. for any or


ganization for evangelism besides the lo

Since Bro. Pink is working with the

Ensigns in the Penwood Rd. Church of
Christ, you will be interested in some
details of his life. Neville was reared

cal Church.

If God foresaw no neces

sity for an extra-congregational organ

ization to effectively evangelize the
world, what can we gain by establishing
such ? The N.T. forcibly impresses us

among Roman Catholics.

He was con

verted to Christ by Bro. Hepburn


with the fact that every Christian is a

York St. Church of Christ, where


"missionary" and every congregation

faithfully served as a teacher for several

was in its entirety a "missionary soci

years. He completed the sixth standard


in school which is roughly equivalent to

eighth grade U.S. This is as far as stu

So be it!

Men with worldly wisdom often find

fault with God's "simple" method and
propose "improvements'. The objections
^hey raise are not inherent wealmesses
if God's plan, but only deficiencies of
functioning on the part of fallible folk.

Intelligently (scripturally) set up and

dents go in government schools. To take

advanced work beyond this requires pri

vate schooling which is expensive.

At the present time Bro. Pink is tak

ing a business training course ir ih

hopes that it may be a means of


functioning, the Church of Christ pre

sents a holy, simple, and invincible body

hood until the Penwood Rd chuixh tn&^

for evangelism.

terested enough to ^ke post-graduate

work in the Seminary. This req^dre?
early rising and a long, five mile up

But the


(societies, fellowships, etc.) have num

erous historical and logical weaknesses
which are congenital and incurable.
How soon will the Churches of Christ

become self-supporting." He is also in

hill bike ride.

Brother Pink has proved him.self as a

awake to present dangers and abide by

capable student, a consecrated Christian,

God's decisions ?

Md a willing worker. He has shown in

itiative in calling in the homes of Pen-

wood as well as conducting a young peo-

pl s Bible class on Saturday afternoons.

Wi^ further guidance, study, and ex-

perience, Bro. Pink should become one

of the best gospel preachers in Jamaica.


Penwood Rd. Holidays Bible School


"A NEXT" H. B. S.

The first week in April was a holiday

for the school children of Jamaica, so

Each day of the H.B.S. the young peo

ple were thoroughly instructed as to

Grayce Marie and Brother Pink took ad

what they must do to become Christians,

vantage of this to hold another ("a next

one" in Jamaican lan^age) Holidays

and when the week was over they could

tell with the aid of their five fingers

Bible School. This time it was held in the

tent at Penwood. Because of the limit

what was required of them for salva

tion. Several teen-agers have made

ed space within the tent and the lack of"

their confessions of faith; but their par

ents have forbidden them to be baptized,

shade trees outdoors, only children 10

years old and older attended. The young

er children begged to come, but they

were assured that a next time they could
attend, A total of 57 were enrolled, with
an average attendance of 42. Everyday
Bro. Pink rode his bicycle several miles

across Kingston to conduct the opening

song services and to assist the students.

After enthusiastic singing, the chil

dren listened for 45 minutes with rapt
attention to lessons about the thrilling
lives of N. T. heroes Jesus, Peter,
Stephen, Philip, and Paul. Then, di -iding into two groups, they thoroughly enii>yed their workbooks relating to vhe
] ssons.

declaring them too young to know what

they are doing or too inexperienced in
sin to repent.

One 14-year old girl, the most atten

tive pupil during H.B.S. confessed Christ
during the evangelistic campaign which
followed; but her aunt and uncle with
whom she lived refused to let her be


After we urged the serious

ness of the matter on them, they wrote

to her mother. Then, before we knew it,

Cavelle had departed to tho country or

had been moved to some other locality.
This is so often our tragic experience in

r-tlost of them never had w rk-

such nuzzles, match ng games, q iz-

F . e( . -'oung Christians, who attf adc , re ularly, were challenged to greater


r. :he following Lord's day T.igh . a

Q: mo stration program was held for .he

paren s. Over 150 crowded into the tent,

stuck their heads through the side cur

tains, or stoo^ in the yard. This H.B.S.

had been a n6w and interesting exper


A dessert specialty of ore of the Ja

maican hotels is banan.i pancakes.

Grayce Marie has tried to copy these,
and our family finds them delicious.

Thoroiighly mash three well-ripened

.-ananas. Ad-.! one egg, a iash of salt,
.nd mix well. If the batt- r seems too
lin, add jilst a little flour to hold the

-.nixture together. Fry on a well greased

hot skillet.

Mark, Nathan, and David like these

ience for the pupils, and many hated to

see it come to an end. Their repeated
question was, "When will we have a

with either syrup or a mixture of cin

namon and sugar on them. Why not
ask mother to fix them for you some

next one?"

time soon ?


nece^ary, and answering many requests

for information. Many of her days are
spent in the office from early until late.
She keeps our ten-column ledger posted,
balanced, and complete. She prepares the
financial reports once a month and also
the six month summary which is mailed
to contributors. Grayce keeps the card
file of over 2,000 names and the finan

cial file of contributors up to date.


Some of you are mothers of boys,

and you know something of the anxiety,
labor, prayer, and endurance that is re
quired to be a good mother to three of
the liveliest, most independent, highspirited, impish, and

loveable fellows

you ever saw. Then to try and be a

good wife to a dashing evangelist-writ
er-radio preacher-teacher and builder is
to add several dimensions to the task.

Still, with the help of God, Grace Marie

makes us a happy, smooth-running home

where there is a blend of sweet and bit

Grayce Marie

ter, tears and laughter, work and play.


Not so many of you can realize the

In spite of the fact that I am her hus

band, or maybe because I am her hus

task that faces one who has sole respon

band, I feel competent to give a candid

sibility for receiving box after box of

and true picture of this Christian wo

used B.^. literature, sorting it into se


quence and uniformity, and then packag

Grayce Marie is a faithful and hard?

working teacher, correspondent, book;

keeper, mother, wife, home->maker, di^

tnbutor of used B.S. literature, a Chris

tian, and some other things also. As a
teacher, Grayce Marie is thorough in

ing it for distribution to congregations

each quarter. As in other things, Grayce
is methodical and keeps an accurate rec

ord. of the supplies each congregation

gets, thus assuring fair distribution.

preparation and unexcelled in the pre

sentation of enduring Bible truth. At the
present time, she is teaching three wo
men's classes and eight children's clas
ses each month.

Above all, Grayce Marie is an earn

est, zealous, happy, well-grounded and

working Christian. She loves the Lord

Jesus and the work of Christ. She is a







Christianity and holds uncompromisingly

Many of you are acquainted with

Grayce Marie through letters. She takes

sing to all who hear her and know her.

care almost entirely of sending out the

monthly newsletters, adding notes where

to the doctrine of Christ. She is a bles

I thank God for such a help mate, such

a good example of Christian woman
hoodmy wife.


Car* of Rivar Pk. Church of Chriit



833 30th St.,

South Bond, 15, Indiana.



Seurii Band, Indiana

?.*r, !i.".rrold McFarland

Box 96B

Joliet, 111,


"... a great and effectual door is opened ... and there are many adversaries . .


Whitehall To


Constant Springs

June 15 was a sad day for all Chris

tians in Jamaica. Due to ill health, espec

ially of Woodrow, the doctors had urged

June 10th was a notable all-day meet

the family to return to the U. S. Reluc

tantly, the Phillips took a year's leave
of absence in hopes that the Lord might

ing for the dedication of the house of

worship of the Constant Springs Church.
Grayson preached the dedication sermon

enable them to come back to Jamaica,

because he and Woodrow were respon

the land of their labors for more than

sible for this new congregation.

Starting with a Bible school on White

five years.

The evangelists particularly regretted

to see Woodrow leave as they knew he
was one of the strongest preachers and
best teachers here. They knew that his
departui'e weakened the work just when
strength was needed.

hall Ave. in December, 1954, the Ensigns

developed a congregation in this diffi
cult area over much opposition. In eight
months the congregation numbered 29
active members. The B. S. enrolled 80

with a weekly attendance of from 50 to




During Bro. Phillips'

last term on the field,
though his health was
impaired, he was in-

On our slender finan-

ces housing a new con-

gregation is always a "

serious problem. We
S 'yoIJ
moved from the out-

doors into two small

rented rooms, and fin-

a rented






Land for a building


to find

unreasonable in |

A church can
grow only so big in a
tent in Jamaica.

God answered prayers by combining

the Half-Way-Tree church (also without
their own building) with the Whitehall
Ave. church. The members of both con

gregations agreed to our proposal that

a new church be formed, called the "Con

stant Springs Church." Woodrow, Don,

and Grayson cooperated in erecting an

auditorium wing on the Seminary build

ing, seating almost 200. Bros. Phillips
and Thompson continued as ministers of
the new congregation. It was a happy
day for us all to see a stronger congre
gation in an adequate building. (See
page 6 for a picture of the building).
New term of the Jamaica Bible Semin

ary opens September 4.

(started H-W-T
by Hergets).
With the combining of


ally into a large, used

tent on

strumcntul in establish-


gregation with H-W-T,

this congregation grew

fi T

to number 90 members.

jiBf '

Woodrow, with Don,

planned and constructed the auditorium for

the Constant Springs

church, a wing to the Seminary building.
Bro. Phillips also planned and con
structed a concrete block house for mis

sionary use on land adjoining the Sem

inary. Though he did not get to entirely

finish it, it is liveable and the Ensigns

now reside in it.

Besides teaching in the Jamaica Bible

Seminary, Bro. Phillips held a number

of campaigns and sponsored two men's


The entire family has our

prayers in their new work with Ozark

Bible College, Joplin, Missouri. Pray

that God will soon send a needy replace

We arc glad to add new names of those

interested to our mailing list.




Published by Evengelltf end Mre.
Churches of Christ (Jamaica Christian Mission)
BOX 20

Half-Way-Tree, Jamaica, B. W. I.
(U. S. Address: Miss Mildred McClure

c/o River Park Church of Christ

8o3 30th Street, South Bend, 15, Indiana)

We prefer to have all funds and letters sent

to us in Jamaica.

Associated with the Donald Freams

in the Jamaica Christian Trust.

Jamaica Christian Trusi

In May of this year a limited liability
company known as "The Jamaica Chris

tian Trust" was reco^ized by the Jamai

can government. This ended more than
a year's work on the part of the evan

gelists in Jamaica to establish a holding

company to protect the property and

Old Harbour Bay Day

Three miles out of Old Harbour is the

village of Old Harbour Bay (right on the

sea). The largest and most influential
congregation is the Baptist which is up
held and led by the Eric Lords (wealthy

landowners). Through Bro. King, our in

defatigable helper and "unofficial mis
sionary", we were invited to preach in
the Baptist building. The fact that I
had preached for the "Brethren" in Old
Harbour was a help.

Bob, Sister Wayne, Bro. King, and I

went out in the evening and put up the
P. A. system. (We heard later that folk

heard the message a fourth mile away.)

The Church of England dismissed serv
ices, and many/ denominationalists of
various kinds were present. Bro. Bob
sang a solo; Bro. King prayed, and I
preached one hour on "The Unity of the
Spirit". Over 600 people were in the
building; yard, and street.

Many stood

We are satisfied

for the entire service. Afterward scores

of tracts were distributed.

that we have formed as foolproof and

hereticproof a means of holding proper
ty as can be devised under Jamaican law.

The message was well received. 'The

real estate purchased with funds from

American Christians.

Up until now property could only be held

in the name of an individual. This was
Tinsate, unwiser' aiKhwerydangerous.
Now anyone who really wants to protect
pi'operty can deed it to the Trust for use
only by the Church.


Lords were enthusiastic about my coming

back, and mapy townfolk almost de
manded thaU return. Later the Baptist
minister must have cooled the Lords to

ward the undemoninational message be

cause, though the Church asked me to
come back, someone "forgot" to invite


me. However, Bro. King and I had a

This company is only a trust, not a

managing company. The articles forbid
any management of any congregation or

fruitful discussion with the Lords the

other institution which might lodge their

property to protect it. The articles in
clude a clear doctrinal presentation of
N. T. Christianity and preclude any
chance of these properties coming into
the control of denominational or heathen

The original trustees who formed the

company are Don Fream, Woodrow Phil

lips and Grayson Ensign. On June 8,

other day. Though they tend to be "faith

only" and interdenominational, still they
were persuaded enough to say that they
would certainly have me down again.
It is my hope, rather than try to start
a new congregation in Old Harbour Bay

(for which I have neither the time, the

money or the preacher to help) that by

working with the Lords, preaching to the

church, and through the radio to trans
form this group into a N. T. Church.
God's power can do it.

three Jamaican ministers of the Church

were added as trustees: Wm. Ashley, A.

R. A. Hepburn, E. A. Woodstock.
three have stood through years of test
ing. As an American committee of ad

In sending packages to us, value at %

theii retail cost and plainly mark "Gift".

visors, Sherman Nichols, Edwin Crouch,

as a Church of Christ institution is open

and Joe Dampier were elected.

to serious question.

_ Your investment of funds for proper


ties in Jamaica through Don or me will

The Hergets have refused to lodge

their $30,000 Boys' Home in this Trust.

be a protected investment for the (3hurch

of Christ through the years. Any ques

They have formed a trust company of

tions will be gladly answered.

their own with themselves as owners and

managers. Don, Woodrow, and I feel that

this means the Hergets are no longer

working with us. We also feel compelled
to state that the Home should not be
owned by individuals and that its future



"Booby Eggs! Booby Eggs!" Each year
during May and June higglers (women
venders) walk through the streets of
Kingston and St. Andrew selling these

speckled eggs. Usually they have been

hard boiled, so the higgler carries with
her a bowl of salt and pepper to accom
modate her customers who generally eat

their purchases immediately.


Although the vender calls out, "Booby

Eggs", she also sells noddy eggs. Both

are smaller than hen's eggs;

but one,

when hardboiled, is darker than the in

side of a hen's egg. The other is very
unusual in that the white looks like

clear, uncolored gelatine with a peach

colored yolk seen through it. It is over
a year since we had these, so I have for
gotten just which is which.

So many

eggs were sold in Kingston proper the

past two years that higglers did not

come way out to the suburbs to sell their

Each time we inquired about


them, they were sold out. Hence we mis

sed these delicacies thi.s year.

Greeting you with the official Cub sa

lute-is-Cub Scout-Mark Ensign.


During May and June the tern and

the noddy lay their eggs on the cays off
the coast of Jamaica. The Morant Cays

After attending Cub Scout meetings

for several weeks, Mark an nounced one

70 miles southeast of Kingston are the

evening that the following week he would

main source of supply. Private operators,

be invested as a Cub. This meant he

mostly Caymanians, have pel-mission

from the government to collect these and

needed a uniform by then. Since they

can not be purchased ready made, Mark

bring them to the mainland.

and his mother drove to Scout Head

About 150,000 eggs are collected dur

ing this short season, at a rate of about
5,000 a day. Men, in groups of eight to
a team, walk around the tern and noddy
populated cays with boxes in their hands
and "rob" the nests. The tern lays her
eggs (booby) in the sand, whereas the

noddy nests in the bracken. When the

box is filled with about 500 eggs, he
returns to the launch.

At the end of

the day the crated eggs are brought by

launch to kingston to be sold as a deli
cacy to poor and rich alike for about
3d (trupence) each or 4 cents in Amer
ican money.

The Other Day

quarters the next morning to purchase

navy blue materials for shirt and trous
ers, besides all the other paraphernalia cap, woggle, belt, knee-socks, and gart
ers with fancy green tabs. A Christian
woman made his shirt, but she had never-

tailored pants. Therefore, Mark's motherdecided to make them herself so they

would be ready on time.

It was the

first pair of pants she had made, so it

was quite an experience for her, but
Mark was delighted with them.

Parents and friends were invited to

the investment service; .so Sister Wayne,

Brother Bob and all the Ensigns attend

ed. Mark was one happy boy when pre
sented to his Cub Mistress along with

eight others to receive his troop scarf

and become a full fledged Cub. Then the

The other day a plumber came to fix

a broken pipe in our yard. When he

lighted up a cigarette, three year old

older Cubs were gracious hosts as they

seiwed ice-cream and cake to the new
Cubs and their guests.

smoke." The man was puzzled, but when

David kept repeating it, he finally un

The next day Mark begged to wear his

uniform, so we granted that privilege
provided he posed for a picture. We

derstood and put out his cigarette.

think he is a handsome Cub, don't you?

David said. "God does not want you to



Bob Allen, Lois Wayne, Joan deGroot

Christian Co-workers

Four Years Old

Working together to make the Elletson

Road Holidays Bible School successful
were Sister Wayne, our former forward'

Since July 24th was David's fourth

birthday, we planned a party with three
little boys invited, Mark had mumps, so
it could not be here. Hope Gardens was

ing ar'ent from Cincinnati, Ohio, on her

selected, but it rained. Freams saved the

first visit to Jamaica; Brother Allen,

who spent his second summer here; Sis
ter deGroot, a British Guianese living in

day by offering their house.

With home-made paper hats on Shawn,
Kenneth, Bert, and David enjoyed ice

Jamaica who was converted recently;

cream, Kool-ade, candies, birthday cake,

and Sister Ensign. Together we spent

hours duplicating pupils' books and pre
paring artwork centered around the

and special favors. David was happiest,

theme,"Our Living Bitile".

ing of school on September 18th, since

however, for this was his first party.

Now David anxiously-awaits the-openit will be his first day there,


What a disappointment was ours to

have rain keep the children away the

"Proud As Punch"

first day so no session could be held. So

as not to miss a day of concentrated in
struction, the school was continued
through Saturday, 99 children enrolled

Although Nathan is only six, he was

allowed to attend Holidays Bible School.

with an average attendance of 77,

a Bible, (Mark had mumps and couldn't

Sister Wayne, assisted by Sister de

Groot who is always eager to learn and
serve Christ better, taught the 7-8 year

He studied hard and brought visitors.

Consequently he led his class and won
attend, lessening Nathan's competition.)
The last day Nathan's eyes grew bigger
and bigger as he discovered he was the

olds while Sister Ensign taught those

lucky leader for the demonstration pro

9-10 and Brother Allen the older ones.


Special points wore given for attendance,

being on time, bringing visitors, learning

daily memory verses, and reciting the
divisions of the Bible with their corres

ponding books. The winner in each class

received a lovely Bible.
At each closing session the children

sat spellbound until those sitting in the

"lucky seats" were revealed. These were

privileged to lead the line of march and

hold the open Bible for everyone to see
as they entered or left at the close.

Since the tent at Penwood limits a

Holidays Bible School to one class, in

April the younger children were prom
ised the next school. Brother Allen went

to Grand Cayman and Sister deGroot re

turned to her position at the bank; so

Sisters Wayne and Ensign, assisted by

Delores Campbell, a



Christian from Penwood, conducted the


29 children between 7 and 9

years of age enrolled.

Average atten

dance was 26. Their curriculum was the

same as the younger class at Elletson



On Tuesday they made crowns to take

home to recall their lesson on Esther.

All marched in a parade as they left.

Wednesday morning all but one return
ed wearing crowns, and Thursday pic-

^res were taken with their crowns on.

Everything they made in connection with
their lessons fascinated them, for this
was very new to all.

Sister Wayne and Brother Bob return

ed to America, but all the children join

us in prayer that God will bring them
back for more Holidays Bible Schools.





Radio Evangelism
The gospel is still on the air!

Aftei seven months oi strong doctri

nal preaching, Grayson is still preach
ing N. T. Christianity to an island steep
ed in sin and sectarianism.

The results

to date have fully justified the expense.

For just one cent, four and a half peo

ple can hear 52 scriptural messages.
Most of the 400,000 listeners would nev

learned- of undenominational

Christianity apart from the broadcast.

Up And Coming Penwood

Eight short months ago we began the
congregation on Penwood Rd. in the
community shelter.


A full schedule of services are

held each week, totaling 26 for the

month. On every consideration this is

the most encouraging group we know


The Christians, though young in

years and in Christ, are zealous, faithful,

and eager soul-winners.


Typical comment: "I always listen to

you because the program is so different
from most religious programs." "I hope

God will enable you to continue to spread

the true gospel seeing there are so many

false teachings in the world today." "I
listen every Friday. It gives me joy in
my soul.

Now we are in our

second tent (the first blew to pieces) and

have 26 members, most of them by bap

It makes me feel to hold on

more to the Lord." Sister MacTaggart

said, "It is the shortest fifteen minutes
on i-adio."

Every effort is being made to fully

evangelize this area with its hundreds of
families without Christ.

Almost every

week someone is baptized. This grow

ing congregation merits your prayers
and assistance.

The building has been

approved, but we are far short of the

$1,500 needed to get a running start. Our

little tent is overflowing now, and yet
140 families will be moving into our area
next month. We desperately need your
help to get up the walls and roof now.
This group attended the dedication at


Though only eternity can reveal the

Constant Springs.

full effect of the program, excellent re

sults have been achieved.

As a direct

result of the radio message, several have

been baptized; three men entered the

Seminary; several denominational con-'

gregations have been entered with the

restoration plea; a number of independ

ent preachers have been contacted; thou

sands of tracts have been distributed;

and denominational leaders are begin
ning to worry.
Grayson is solely responsible for the
financing and preparation of this inval
uable asset to the Church in Jamaica. He

hopes to sign another year's contract in

January, 1957 which requires $880.
"Thank you for listening. Remember to

write Grayson Ensign, Box 20 Half-WayTree.


The Churches of Christ salute



My Fifth Rally


Mark and Grayson traveled out to the

Guy's Hill area on a Lord's day for the
fifth all-day preaching rally that Gray
son has held since March of last year.
The attractive concrete block meeting
house was filled with folk at 10:30 a.m.
When three truckloads arrived from dis

tant congregations, the audience over

flowed onto the platform and out the
doors. 150 folk attended from eight dif
ferent congregations: New Hope, Merryland, Hamilton Mt., Gayle, Phillipsburg,
Carron Hall. Port Maria, and Whitehall.

This was Grayson's first visit in this

area. He found many Christians eager to

Another Day In Old Harbour

Another profitable day was spent with
the "Brethren" in Old Harbour at their

invitation. Bro. King, Mark and Gi*ayson went out for morning Bible school.

Grayson brought the lesson to the 250

receive the Word. Don Fream attended

in the afternoon and brought a message

on how to more effectively establish

Christ's Church. Grayson preached three

sermons during the day:

the Church'- and "The Restoration of the

New Juersalem."

children on Jonahthe man who ran

away from, to, with, and ahead of God.

Then he preached to about 90 folk on
"Why I Should be Baptized". This is a

greatly needed message in Jamaica. The

message was so well received that Grayson duplicated copies for distribution
that evening..

"The N. T.

Teaching about the Holy Spirit," "About

Everyone thought it was another out

standing rally with excellent results in

fellowship and teaching, Grayson has
come away from each of these five ral
lies refreshed in spirit and filled with a
new hope for the woi'k of Christ in sin
ful Jamaica.


In the evening, with a full house and

the P. A, we reached many folk with

the message, "By Grace Are Ye Saved".

Hundreds of tracts and sermons were

distributed. We were all highly pleased

with the sincerity and open mindedness

of these folk^

Bro. King was told that the elders

had agreed that from now on all folk

were going to be baptized for remission

of sins. Several elders said that the
sermon on Grace was the most outstand

ing they had ever heard. Give God the

Car of River Pk. Church of Christ
833 30th St.,
South Bend, IS, Indiana.






NO. 803

South Bend, Indiana

Mr. Harrold McFarland

Box 968

Jollet, III,


(E\}mt\}ts ai (ttlirist
in 3)5iniaica





"Jajsaica For Christ"

Evangelist and Mrs. Grayson h. ensign


October 19, 1956

Dear Brother IlacParland:

Greeting from Jarjaica in the name of the Lord, Three hours ago v/e closed
our quarterly Men's Institute, I thou^t I would get this news off to you in case you
had space for such,



The ninth in the series of quarterly Men's Institutes v/as held by the faculty of

the Jamaica Bible Seminary, Grayson II, Ensigti and Donald DVeam, evangelists, in October,
1956, The four days curriculimi was outlined and prepared by Grayson Bnsigi. A total
of thirty-six men attended some of the classes. For the first time women v/ere invited

to the evening class, and nineteen different women attended the class on "Titus",
Brother Fream taught ten class hours"Pictures of Jesus from John's Gospel";
"How to Plan and Con^ilete Home Calls", and "The Value and Use of the Jamaica Chris

tian Trust, Ltd," Brother Ensign tau^t 14 class hours"Exposition of First Peter",
"Exposition of Titus", "How to Interpret the Bible", and "How to Itoe Effectively
Use Equipment and Personnel to Evangelize Jamaica",
Sister Ensi^i was responsible for providing one main meal each day free of cost
to the men. This was much appreciated by the men who made the most of the opportunity.
Those attending came from thirteen churches. They were able to take home dupli
cated copies of all the classes except the discussion classes, and a number took
extra copies to pass out among other officers in the home congregations. An excellent
spirit of comradeship and an intelligent attention to the lessons tau^t marked tlis
entire four days of meeting. The Lord permitting, another Institute will be held in
February, 1957.

P,S, If you want to give ary credit line &r the

photos we recently sent in to you for the front cover,

I took both of the 8 x 10 pictures.

"Ask of me. and I will give thee the nations for thine inher/tance."

freams and ensigns in jaota ^

.,.. th. p,^, chPl..i.n ,k.

.p.. ,,.ppp.pp.^

o Christ. Some goals have beea reached. Hopeful plans are laid for hew objeotives,


The missionaries in Jamaica have often expressed agreement on a common
goal: self-sufficient, self-supporting, and self-propagating churches of Christ
who can train their own ministry. The only way for this goal to be reached is

through the ^odly leadership of devoted and trained Jamaican preachers. To this
end the Jamaica Bib3^_ Semin^jy is dedicated.

At present, nine Seminary-trained men are preaching regularly in Jamaica,

and one. is preaching in England, Six men are at present enrolled for full-time
training for the ministry of Christ. Donald Fream and GMyfiOh-naagn sharTthe
teaching shhedule at present.

In addition to this preacher-training, the Seminary grounds are always

bustling with other activity. Truly, the Lord has blessed the work in Jamaica

by providing a beautiful campus with an adequate building in the largest city

in Jamaica, where Christian activities of many types can be housed on behalf of
the church of our Lord Jeaus Christ.


Once every four months a special teaching session for men only is held at
the Jamaica Bible Seminary. Men from the country and from Kingston come to

"camp" for four days on cots. Some of them must save money for many weeks to
pay their bus fares, and others have to be content to attend only every other
session. The attraction is spiritual food. From five to ten different subjects
are taught during the four days with a total of about 25 hours of class work.

Donald Fream and Grayson Ensign alternate in responsibility for preparing

these tjieaching institutes, and do all the teaching with the exception of the
afternoon discussion class when local Jamaican leaders are used.

7^^ -U new churches CAnother major undertaking is establishing new congregations in needy areas.

In October, 195^ Grayson Ensign flew to Grand Cayman, an island dependency of

Jamaica, to help the Tom Adams (Christians from Jamaica) to establish the first
church of Christ. An infant church of nine members resulted. Brothers Fream and

evangelized in Cayman during 1955 with several added each time, Grayson
returned twice; the latest visit to help Brother Paul Smith become acquainted

with the work and the church. The Paul Smiths hope to land in Grand Cayman
before the first .of



^ Constant Spring CL,

The next congregation established by the Ensigns was on Whitehall Ave^^*^

Constant Spring, near the Seminary^^rom a Bible school of 25, this congrega^
tion grew to 29 Christians and a B.^with 80 enrolled in
months. Because
Whitehall AveV^^Congregations in a permanent meeting place at a new location.
of financial problems, it was decided to combine the Half-Way-Tree and the

As a result, the "Constant Spring Church" was organized. Phillips, Fream, and

Ensign cooperated in the erection of an auditorjihm wing of the Seminary building

for the congregation. Woodrow Phillips ministered to this church uni,l his, . ^

poor health forced him to return to the U.S.^'in the summer of 1956.^Since then^^

Donald Fream, assisted by Albert Thompson, a Seminary graduate, has been min
istering to the church. There have been I5 additions in the past three months.
The church now has 80 faithful, active members.

New Hope CDonald Fream called a special meeting of the remnants of two "dead"

churches and organized the "New Hope Church of Christ," centrally located in
the island. Since this re-orga^nization, the newly formed church has shown
a zeal and faithfulness that has drawn admiration from many other churches in
the area. As a result of their faithful service and showing, a kindly saint in

Oklahoma sent $1,500 to purchase the material to construct a building for the
church. The cement-block building was nearing com^tion in the fall of I956,
and the congregation is rejoicing.

the end," they sing.

"We aire be faithful to

C. A. Morris, a Seminary graduate, now ministers to the

congregation of 66 active members.

^ Elletson Road

Mrs.j^Ensign began afternoon Bible classes in eastern Kingston in July, 195^^

This work grew into two large classes of children.

In January, 1955 the Ensigns

began an additional class on the Lord's day in a chapel building on Elletson

Rc^ad, which was rented from the trustees of a defunct Baptist group.
g five.ryear lease with option to renew.
at once and now has 2? active members.

In August,

A congregation was organized

A.A. Walker, graduate of


working with this congregation also.


Such a splendid opportunity presented ijSnelf in a new area that in JanC/3f^

1956, the Ensigns felt compeliked to enter this field in spite of their already
heavy load.

Meetings were begun in the community shelter on the Penwood

Housing Estate (a government development) while negotiations were begun to buy

a strategic corner lot on Benwood Hoad. Later a laro. t 4.


lot. and claaaee and worship services were inlaseT .e

the building plans lor the house of worship pictured'here.


and wT"
ere thousands will he living as public and private housingP-opla
is developid
around the sxte. The meetinghouse will be almost in the center of the new area
Of wes ern Kingston. With a cosunodious structure, a tremendous worh can be

wood B^church With 25 active members is the largest church7n~ area. The

The Pen-

Ensxgns have full responsibility for erecting the 30 by 65 foot building.


A very signifi^^dievement to date in evangelism has been the weekly

broadcast of N^AiteSanity over the only radio station in Jamaica which
began January 13, 1956. By God's favor, Grayson obtained I5 minutes a week.
Over 400,000 people in Jamaica as well as folkjin Grand Cayman now hear the whole
counsel of God in no uncertain terms. Most of these would never have heard of
undenominational Christianity otherwise. The results have been excellent-

Christians strengthened, scores of contacts with interested folK and contact

with denominational congregations who want further teaching.

Grayson Ensign, assuming responsibility for this work, prepares the pro
gram each week, preaches the nine-minute sermon, and pays for the broadcast.

Because of the real success, Grayson is praying that he can sign next year's
contract in January. For one penny, 236 people hear the gospel.


While the eventual goal is self-supporting churcnes in JaBiaica, only a few

have attained that mark, and in the meantime partial financial assistance is given
to several evangelists in order that they may devote their time to preaching rather
than being forced into secular jobs. Donald Fream is helping eight men in this
way, and through their ministry, not less than I9 churches are being served and

scores baptised.

One of


^ter^ial problems presented to the Jamaica missionaries has

been a means of

the church and school properties for the future use of

the churches of Christ in Jamaica. After years of planning and working, the

Jamaica Christian Trust, Ltd. was finalized for this purpose as a legal entity
in May, 1956. It is forbidden by its constitution to interfere with the management
or operation of the local congregations. Several church properties have already
been, while others are being, lodged in the trust. The Jamaica Bible Seminary was
one of the first properties to be so protected.

The Trustees, who must be members of the church of Christ, are made up of
three American and three Jamaican evangelists. Tbe American trustees are Donald
Fream, Grayson Ensign and Woodrow Pdillips.

on the material side, considerable aid has been given to loyal churches to
assist them with their buildings. Donald Fream was able to provide roofs for

three churches, as well a^the complete new building going up at New Hope. Sev
eral important pieces of property have been acquired: at Gayle, at Decoy, and
at New Hope, which are, all presently being used, and a piece of land in Linstead,
a major town in the island where plans are underway to establish a strong church.
A roomy, comfortable house has been leased in the Guy's Hill area for the Jamaican
evangelist who works with seven churches in that part of the island, while another

house and land has been purchas^ as parsonage for a preacher who ministers to
four churches in and around Majfcen. These properties will all b^sVcure#, in the

A new kitchen and laundry unit were built as additions to the Seminary, to
be used by students, the Mens Institutes, and the Camps. A paved city street
has just been completed from the Seminary to the main road.

All-day preaching rallies and evangelistic meetings have proved effective.

Grayson Ensign has planned and conducted five all-day preaching rallies ih various

districts where a number of congregations could assemble. Approximately 700

people have been reached by the strong doctrinal preaching during these rallies.
The churches have received much encouragement.

During the past year, Grayson Ensign has held eight weeks of evangelistic
meetings in various congregations, has distributed 10,600 tracts, preached 2^2
sermons, taught 134 lessons, taught 192 hours in the Seminary, In the past 50
months, he has driven 53,000 miles.

Donald Fream has visited 22 of the churches in the island to strengthen and
encourage them, and has held five weeks of evangelistic campaigns in which 24 were



Through the ministry of the printed word, thousands are reached with Bible

teaching. "The Jamaica Christian," edited by Sen Fream, is a local paper printed
primarily for the churches, as a medium for reporting news and discussions of
doctrinal subjects. Since last year, the paper has been printed rather than
mimeographed as it was previously, and 12,000 copies have been distributed in



A summer camp program was launched in August^ 1956, with the holding of
the first such camp in the history of the churches of Christ in Jamaica, and
was hailed by campers, teachers, parents and churches as a great forward step
in winning Jamaica's youth for Christ, Thirty-six youngsters from twelve

different congregations scattered through four parishes attended the camp for

a week of teaching, recreation, fellowship, and prayers. Tea were bapti^d as

a result. The Freams are responsible for managing the camps and plan to have
them each year,


I4rs. Ensign has been an agressive worker among children and women. A number

of additions to the churches have come as a result of her classes and Holidays
Bible Schools which she pioneered. Four

were held in the past year with

an aggregate enrollment of 299 children. Some of the time^Grayce has taught

four Bible classes ptfSUweek though she has only three now. This/work for the
future because these children will be stronger Christians than the present
generation. Important help is given to the wog.en of the congregation through
three women's classes a month.

i^s,^Fream has also been active in work among the children, teaching several
weekly Bible classes, organizing a Sunday evening youth group, planning and
assisting in managing a junior camp, and teaching in Vacation Bible School. She
has mimeographed program booklets for use by the churches, written and directed
two Bible plays, and teaches a weekly women's class. Bight youngsters from her
Bible classes have been baptized into Christ during the first nine months of

I'ijj Trip FUTURE

Future plans call for more of the same^only more so. Expansion is partially
dependent upon the addition of new evangelists.

After five

work on the

field, Woodrow Phillips and his family had to return to the tf;"S-r"because of his

deteriorating health. This has made it even more imperative that other quali
fied couples should be found for the work in the island. Pray for this harvest


Addresses on the field:

,,.J)onald Freamj
Box 10, Half Way Tree
Uamaica, B.W.I.

Grayson Ensign>
Box 20, Half Way Tree
Jamaica, B.W.I.

VO jt o|%4^ j (t>^0

December 1956


0EC29 1%6
AT Jaiaaica Bible Seminary, Grayson H. i!insii|^ and Donald Fream recently conducted

; .


the ninth in a serie^of quarterly Men's Institutes. Tliirty-six men attended^

-the foiir-day study progran which was outlined and prepared by Brother dnsigg,
and 19 women>attended the ^ecial evening class on "Titus."

Brother Fream taught 10 class hours: Pictures^f Jesus from John's Gospel,

How to Plan and Gon^ilete Home Galls, and The Value and Use of the Jamaica

Ghristian Trust, Ltd. Brother jSnsit^i^ taught 4-U class hours: Lxposition of First
Peter, Exposition of Titus, How to Interpret the Bible, and Hoifc to more Effectively
Use Equipment and Personnel to Evangelize Jamaica,

Sister Ensigg provided one main meal daily free of cost to the men. Those

attendin^ing came from 13 congregations. Duplicated, copies of all the lessons were
provided for them to take home. Another amilar Institute is planned in February.

Address is Box 20, Half Way Tree, Jamaica, BritMh West Indies, Fseams arehow

ia the States on Furlough and available to speak: address at Route Two, Moore
Haven, Florida,



"... a great and effectual door i$ opened ... and there are many adversaries..



"Glory to God in the highest" sang the angels over Bethlehem that night
when Jesus the Light of the world, came. We men must give God greater glory
than the angels did. Not for angels did He die!
"Christ Jesus came into the world." This rejoiceth the heart, but this is not
the good news. The Son of God came "to save sinners!" He came not to condemn

the world, but to save to the uttermost defiled and guilty sinners. Thanks be
unto God for His indescribable gift!

"Lo, I am with you always!" As we faithfully carry out His commission,

the exceeding precious promise stands fast. "Who shall separate us from the
love of Christ?"

"I come again and will receive you unto myself." How jubilant our hallelu
jahs when He returns for His faithful saints. "Blessed is that servant whom his

lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing." "Be thou faithful unto death, and I
will give thee the crown of life."

Safely through another year God has brought us on His way. As a family,
we give God the glory for the achievements reached, for all physical blessings,
for friends who pray and give for the gospel's sake, for the future with its bright

hopes. "Thanks be unto God, who alway.s leadeth us in triumph in Christ, and
maketh manifest through us the savor of His knowledge." With eyes fixed on
the ripening harvest, we say again, "Our sufficiency is fi-om God." "He that
glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."

"Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways."





Grayce Marie Ensign




lyiRSefUt and Mn.

Churches of r

Smaica Christian Mission)


;;^rnaica, B. W. I.
(U. S. Addi'
c/o Riyi

fth. Mijdred McClure

'i^hurch of Christ

8S3 30ti) St/eef,' ^lQ:B^d, 15, Indiana)

" fupds and letters sent

We prefer- to
to u* !n Jamsti

in the 'Jai

jOonaid Freaips

Americans cannot keep healthy on. Our

family uses all the locally produced
fruits and vegetables available as well
as raising some in our garden. For
health's sake, we must keep a nutritious
diet. Compare these last week's prices
from Miami's supermarkets and our only
supermarket: 2% can peaches, 19c, our
price 56c; Scot toilet tissues, 10c, here

25c; catsup 10c, here 35c; oranges 9c

doz, here 25c; onions, 3c lb, here 11c;
ham 43c lb., here 95c; cabbage 4c lb.,
here 14c; peanut butter 35c 2 lbs, here
$1.07. Soap powder is so expensive we
do not use it.

'"'sn Trust.

Jamaica vs.-Europe
An article in the Oct. 21, 1956 Gleaner

captioned, "By Comparison with Major

It came t^i

ifeention the other

day that

"-^o not know the

truth ahouj; uvfl;

_ litions in Jamaica.

support my iffr

jAer that he did not

).b^'cause my salary

would he adeao'

_p. the U.S. and in

One hrothe^,,!^

Jamaljpai wl^re
lower, such 'aj js

preaching for^T^,

costs were 90%

*7 showed I was
if I were "preach-

ing for moiiey '^d^ jit^ld n^ver have left

the U.S. uwr 7^ last year in the

U.S. I. ea^^^TI ) '.by holding three

Christian jobs.
"both Grayce Marie
and I are l^prl(^i^i,ati'five jobs at half
the salary.?

our iticome, J^i^^d^ures, and business

pi^ctices. It yPutdr.d(e!light us for elders
from syppoi-tingf qphgre^tions to drop

in unannouncea Mid' thoroughly check

everything. We

books for the all-

seeingf Lord; tnerfeJbre, we fear no man's


100 Hour Week

Freams, Philips and we mutually

agreed that $100 per adult and $30 per

child a month was a fair and adequate
salary for pei-sonal expenses. We re
ceive $290 a month or $3,480 a year.
Since our house is bwned by the Jamaica

Christian Trust, our financial position is

comparable to that of U.S. preachers

who make $66 a week and have a par

sonage furnished. Because both Grayce

Marie and I \?ork a 15 hour, 7 days a
week schedule for the Church, we have

a clear consciep^ ip accepting this "sal

ity of Civilized. Countries . . . Food

Prices Here 'Fantastic'," confirms our


The writer compared Jamaican

and European prices: lettuce, spinach

four times higher here than in Europe;
rice 15c lb. here, in Spain 5c; rib roast
56c per lb. here, in England 21c; dressed

chicken 77c lb. here, in England 37c, etc.

Operating Expenses
Our electricity bill is about $6 a

month. We use one tank of bottled gas

a month, $12.25. Shoes and clothing are
more expensive. Only by using used-

clothing from boxes you sent have we

been able to get by. Clothes get as dirty

here as in Cincinnati and have to be

cleaned more often because of perspira

tion. Medical and dental fees are higher,
and illnesses more frequent. Medical ex

penses were so heavy that all three fam

ilies were forced to let general funds

pay for expenses over 10% of income

($29 in our case). Though used almost

exclusively for business, our phone costs

us $4.90 a month.

All Americans in Jamaica I have

talked with declare Jamaica a most ex

pensive place to live in. Dr. McCulloch,

S. Baptist, told me that he and his wife

were having difficulty living on their
salary. He told his "Board" they should
raise his salary by 10%.
Willing to Learn

Of course, brethren, I am willing to

be taught. If the critical brother(s)

would like to move here and demonstrate

how five can live on $200, we shall wel

ary." We are not ashamed of our work

schedule nor the Lordfs accomplishments

come him. But it strikes me that most

preachers who complain about "mission

any family anywhere.

by their absence from the mission fields.

through us. We invite comparison with

An honest missionary earns his salary

U. Sf< vs. Jamaica

No one living in Jamaica thinks it is

a cheap place to^l^ve. R. J. Blake, estate

owner, wrote in! v the Gleaner, Oct. 28,

1956: "It is a"f4ct that today the cost

of living in Jamaica (together with

chronic unemployment) makes life intol

erable for the.

people in

Jamaica."- The. pldjority of Jamaicans

live on a subrStajidar-d, starch diet which

aries" being "overpaid" are conspicuous

many times over. Yet I must confess

missionary work is profitable as Paul
says, "but godliness with contentment is
great gain."





Wiener Roasts
For days the Christians in Penwood
waited eagerly for September 8th. We

promised a "Wiener Roast" and

none knew what to expect. Some young

men gathered a little wood and cut
sticks, unfortunately only about 2 feet

long. They didn't realize a large bon

fire was required, nor that roasting
sticks should be much longer. Rains
came that afternoon, but about an hour
and a half before we were to meet at the

lot in Penwood, the sky cleared. With

brightened spirits Christians began to

Soon the fire was roaring. An elec

tric light was strung from the tent to

the tail-drop of the station-wagon, which

served as a table. As the fire faded to

glowing embers, Grayson explained just

The Hygienic Food

by careful turning the wiener would

Everywhere in Jamaica are banana

trees. Most yards have one tree while

gradually brown and split open. Grayce

Marie made hot mustax-d (prepared mus
tard is very expensive) and had catsup

small cultivations, even on steep moun

tain sides.

how to put wieners on sticks and how

ready for buns.

Yum! Yum!

Somewhat apprehensively folk took

their first bites. of "hot dogs." Dark

rui-al areas have large plantations or

Really, the banana is a plant, not a

tree; for it has no woody ti-unk. It is

composed of long leafstalks wrapped

tightly together. Each new leaf, rolled

up tightly, appears at the top of the

eyes spai'kled, registering delight. Then

stalk. It unrolls and looks like a large

all began to gobble down this new-found

drooping feather, from 1-2 feet wide and

about 6 feet long. The stalk gi-ows taller

treat. Almost eveiyone devoured four

and would have eaten more had there

been enough. Grape Koolade, also a rar

ity, proved a good thirst-quencher. Ev

eryone liked "that red stuff," too the

Seated ax'ound the campfire we sang






Young and old alike agreed they had a

most enjoyable fellowship.

as new leaves develop.

In about a year a short leaf forms

at the top a sign that the shoot is
forthcoming. Then a pui-ple bud appears.

As its petals di-op off they reveal the

stem and hands of bananas. Best stems
bear 8 or 9 hands. At first the fingers

(individual bananas) point down but

gradually curl upward.

Elletson Road, Too

Huge Production

On October 13th the Elletson Road

young people came to our house for a

wiener roast in the back yard. Although

Bananas are cut while green, are

carefully transported to the nearest ba

nana port, sealed in plastic, placed on

it rained heavily that afternoon, it did

not dampen their spirits nor hinder
plans. A menu and program similar to

small banana boats, and rowed to the

that at Penwood was used only Grayce

000 stems leave Jamaica. Also, Jamai

also prepared a large pot of pop-corn

cans consume tons of boiled gi'een ba

ocean vessel. Some months over 1,000,-

which proved popular. We're quite cer


tain that in the future they'll want their

than any other country.

Suckers (young plants) grow from
the roots of the mother plant, which pro
duces only once. After she is cut down,

socials to be wiener roasts.

The Other Day

Four year old David Ensign slung
his new schoolbag over his shoulder and

marched up the steps to a new adven

ture his first day at school.
Nathan fell at school and cut his





the suckers mature and bear fruit.

The stem pictured is from the first

sucker Grayce Marie planted. It had

eight hands, the first hand having 22

fingers. Grayce Marie points to the first
ripe banana.

head open for the fifth time. Two days

after the three stitches were, removed

and a half years, but he just passed the

he fell from a tree and opened the same

place, requiring two stitches.
Mark has been in school only two

entrance examination for "high school,"

which is usually for children over 9
years of age.



"Dinner is Served"

Bob Allen, Summer Worker, 1956

Institute men get free meal

(and Grayson)

*'Off to Queen's School!"

David's first day.

"Kings and Queens"

Penwood Rd. H.B.S., August, 1956



Men's Institute No. 7

The seventh Christian Men's Insti

tute is now history. These Institutes be

gan in October, 1954, when Bro. Ensign
organized the first one. Since then one
of the American evangelists has planned
and promoted a four-day Bible Institute
for men every four months. Good re
sults have been secured by these meet

As this was Grayson's third Institute

to prepare, the work of preparation was
soon done. Two letters, a month apart,
were mailed out to about sixty individ
uals and congregations. The curriculum
was outlined, and the courses assigned.
Then on the Lord's day preceding the
Institute, heavy rains began to fall and
continued for almost thirty-three hours
with only brief letups. Many country
roads were blocked with landslides, and
transportation was almost halted. How
ever, the rain stopped Monday after
noon, and Tuesday morning a few men
arrived for class.

Penwood Progress
A year ago we happily reported an
"open door" in a new area the Penwood Housing Estate with the down
payment on an excellent corner lot
which we were to purchase from the
government. At that time we were told
that the price would be about $420. In
January, 1956, we began regular serv
ices in Penwood and soon had a congre
gation which grew in ten months to

thirty-three members (26 by baptism),

five now inactive. Building plans for a
concrete block meetinghouse 29 x 63 feet
were drawn and approved by the Hous
ing Department.

Then two mountains got in our way

^the lack of money and government red

tape (increased by opposition from the

denominational Jamaica Council to our

receiving the lot). We considered it wise

planning to have at least $1,500 before
beginning the erection of the building.
This sum would insure a substantial
start on the walls and roof. This much

Bro. Fream taught ten class hours:

"Pictures of Christ from John's Gospel,"
"How to Plan and .Complete a Calling
Program," "The Value and Use of the

is greatly needed for our tent (the sec

ond one) is too small for any expansion
and is extremely temporary.

Jamaica Cljristian Trust, Ltd." Bro. En

the snail's pace at which business is

carried on here. It is one of the most
frustrating things we Americans endure.
In spite of innumerable conferences with
housing officials, no progress was made
until Grayson went to the Minister of

sign taught fourteen class hours: "Ex

positionof 1stPeter," "Exposition of
Titus," "How to Interpret the Bible,"
and "How to More Effectively Evangel
ize Jamaica."

For the first time, women were in

vited to attend the evening class which

was on "Titus."

A total of nineteen

women attended during the three nights

of this class. By Friday thirty-six men
from thirteen congregations had attend
ed some of the classes.

All received

duplicated copies of all the courses ex

cept the afternoon discussion classes.

Some men took home extra copies to

You folk in America cannot imagine


Then we got a shock. The Commis

sioner of Lands evaluated our lot at

$2,044! Through a change in the hous

ing administration, the original seller
was no longer in charge of sales. Bro.
Coke and I had a conference with the

Permanent Secretary to the Minister of

Housing who gave a sympathetic hear

pass out among other officers and teach

ing to our protest. He was impressed by


the pictures contrasting the condition of


An excellent spirit of cooperation

and interest was maintained at a high
level. Bro. Ensign asked the men as to

the lot when we received it and its pres

ent improved state, and the drawing of
our attractive building. Bro. Coke is
quite confident that we shall now be of

the next (after the radio program) sug

gestion they had for the advancement
of the work. They unanimously agrreed
that We should start a Christian high
school to educate men for the Seminary

fered the lot at a greatly reduced price.

work. The social-economic condition in

Church is building up. Since our Sep

tember report to you, we have baptized

Jamaica is such as to cripple a Seminary

without a "feeder" school. Grayson be
lieves this is the next major project that
should be undertaken. It will require ex
pansion of the Seminary and the full

time service of a new family of Chris

tian teachers.

Every day Grayce Marie provided

one main meal free of cost to the men.

The Koolade flowed freely while the hot

patties, boiled green bananas, rice and
curried beef, fish and rice, and bread

As yet no word has reached us.


Though the house of worship still

seems in the indefinite future, yet the
six into Christ, received one into fellow

ship, and four confessors need to be

baptized. We are building the Church,

but we invite your prayers and your con
tributions that we may build a house for
this promising young Church. This work
must go forward under God!

were consumed in huge quantities.

The Ensigns hope to hold another

Institute in February or March, 1957.




Toniglit come with me to our women's

meeting at Elletson Soad, held every

question-box last time to answer from

ime word of God. 1. Is straightening of

second and fourth Monday nights each

hair right? 2. Is it wron^ to leave my

month. Since this is for women only,

husband and to be a Christian because

he is bad? I answer these by scriptural

Grayson and the boys stay home. Well

leave early to pick up several'womeh on
the way. I'll see if Sister Samuels, the
dear Christian widow who lives with us,
is ready.

First, we'll pick up Sister Joan de-

Groot, the youn^ British Guianese who

became a Christian since coming to Ja

Living Testimony

Sister Forrest, a faithful, loving, and





years years old, has been asked to give

a testimony. With a bright countenance

maica. Now we drive about three miles

and eyes sparkling she tells us of her

before we get faithful Sister Mitchell

and her eleven year old granddaughter,
Valda, also a Christian. There they are

although she lives alone.

at the corner. A few blocks awa^y we

in public before, Sister deGroot wants to

niake use of every talent God has given

find four sweet, little, elderly sisters

Saviour who is her constant companion

Although she has never sung a solo

waiting for us Sisters Wilson, Davis,

her; so she sings just before our lesson.

Forrest, and Granham. We'll have to

Currently our lessons are taken from

John's gospel, and tonight we are study
ing chapter five. After teaching this

hurry. Someone might be waiting for

us to unlock. Yes, there are Sisters Craig

and Bowes.


I usually have charge of the service

with various women participating. "Sis
ter Richards, will you kindly lead us in

verse hy verse I present a flannel-graph

resume of the lesson. "Are there any

questions about the lesson?" Sister

Bowes speaks up, "Sister Ensign, you
have made it so clear we have no ques

We sing a closing hymn. Then Siste?

a few lively choruses?" With her clear,

sweet voice she leads from one Jamaican

chorus to another. Then we sing a cou

ple.hymns_from Redemption Song^'To-^

Givens leads in a closing prayer.

"While the ladies are -visiting and put

ting questions into^ the box, I better

night I have asked~Sisler~llIitchell to

gather up iny^materials. Til also unlock"

take us to the throne of grace. I'm

the car so you folk can get in." .The

wondering if you have any requests for

windows are fastened shut; the lights

are out; the front door and gate are
locked; and the car is loaded -with

prayer? We must remember the sick

Sister Rose and Sister Hewitt; also
those who have gone to the country


Thus ends another


Sister Parchment, Cooley, and
obinson. Let's not forget Brother Mil

Meeting at Elletson Road. "See you for

another meeting in two weeks, the Lord

ler in England also."


After a rather lengthy prayer in

comparison to those uttered in the
States, Valda Mitchell, who has been
memorizing scripture to help earn a

The population of Jamaica was 1,553,663 at the close of 1955.

scholarship to camp, quotes Romans 12.

How beautifully she recites it.

Did you know that the symbol of the

English pence d comes from the Roman

Now we have two questions from the



Cr of Rivor Pk. Church of Chriit

833 30th St.,

South Bond, 15, Indiono.






South' Bond, Indiana

Mr. H^rrcld McFarland

Box 963

Jolieb, 111,





Furlough time has come again for
the Fream household, and we hope to
leave Jamaica December 15th, 1956, to

begin our second furlough to the States.

We plan to be touring the churches un
til July of '57. and any churches interest
ed in having us visit and present the
work to their congregation should con
tact us as soon as possible at our Amer
ican address:
Route 2

Moore Haven, Florida.

All our financial obligations on the

field to maintain the Seminary, assist
the churches and ministers, pay taxes

and leases on properties, etc., will con

tinue as usual. All contributions should
be sent to the Florida address where

they will be receipted and acknowledged

George C. Wetlefeldt

and forwarded to their proper designa


Boxes of used clothes and Bible

school material should still be sent to


our Jamaican address.

Brother George Westefeldt (see

next column) will be our replacement in
Jamaica during the months we are in
the States, and intends to return later

(Continued on page Four)

We are happy to introduce to all

friends of the Jamaican work. George

C. Westefeldt. and the Fred Hintzs, new
recruits for the Lord's service in the is
land. Since those of us in this field of

labor have been praying earnestly for

many months for additional workers, we
cannot help but feel that this is God's
answer to our prayers.


Brother Westefeldt graduated with

a B.Th. from San Jose Bible College in
1951 and took two more years work at

the Cincinnati Bible Seminary. He was

ordained to the ministry by the Church
of Christ in Algonac, Michigan, and has


spent five years in the full-time minis

try with rural churches in Ohio and Ken-


He also spent 13 months in Japan

while in the Air Force, and realizes the

life of a missionary is not a "glamorous"

one, but he comes because of a real de

sire to preach Christ to the unsaved. The

following excerpts from a few letters

will give a cross section of the opinion

of well-known brethren.

A group of visiting Christians gather in

front of the little Goshen church build

ing where the preacher, Leslie Williams,




. ,


a Seminary graduate, was ordained to

the ministry in November. Shown in the
moture from right to left, Donald

thorough-going Christian. His age, ed

Fream, Albert Thompson (another

preacher) and Leslie Williams.

I can heartily recommeahim to you ..."

(Continued on page Four)

ucational background and experience are

all favorable to his being a good worker.




Published on behalf of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fream
Missionaries of the Churches of Christ

Box 10, Half Way Tree

Jamaica, B.W.I.

Forwarding Address:
Route 2, Moore Haven, Florida

Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Ensign

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Phillips (on leave}

Mr. George C. Westefeldt

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hintz (recruits)

Are You Interested?

How much do you know about the

problems that face present-day mission

aries on the field?


How much do you

Is the evangelism of the world

the main task of your church, or just a




missionaries are

"odd" but well-meaning folk who are

proper objects of "charity"? Does your
church take a real responsibility in evan
gelizing some , needy area of the world,
or display only a casual interest in a
dozen or so?
The Commission




the church of sending preachers (Rom.

10:15) into all the world (Matt. 18-19,
26:13) is-beginning to be more fully un
derstood and obeyed by more and more


The ever increasing number

of missionaries going out, and the cor

responding number of churches assum
ing full support is concrete evidence of

a reawakening of evangelistic zeal,


As churches are concentrating their

efforts and assuming a greater responsi

bility toward evangelism, the beginning

of the end is in sight for the inadequate
"one night stand" of the missionary on
furlough. More extended meetings are
being held, which gives the church a bet

ter opportunity to know the missionary,

to judge his abilities and effectiveness
for the job he is doing. More time also

enables the missionary to present more

fully his field work and the problems
and obstacles he faces in the task of

winning men to Christ.

This procedure simplifies matters

for both the church and the missionary.

The house of worship for the New Hope

Church going up. Pictures being always

about a month behind publication, the
building now is nearly finished, windows
and doors in, plastering and painting
done. Dedication will be held at an early

The church has about 75 mem


How To Keep
There is a better thing than the ob
servance of Christmas Dayand that is,
keeping Christmas.

Are you willing to forget what you

have done for other people, and to tsmember what other people have done for

you ? Are you willing to stoop down and

consider the needs and the desires of lit

tle children; to remember the weakness

and loneliness of people who are growing

old; to stop asking how much your
friends love you, and ask yourself wheth
er you love them enough; to try to un
derstand what those who live in the

same house with you really want, with

out waiting for them to tell you; to trim

your lamp so that it will give more light

and less smoke, and to carry it in front

so that your shadow will fall behind you;

to make a grave for your ugly thoughts
and a garden for your kindly feelings,
with the gate openare you willing to do
these things even for a day? Then you

can keep Christmas.

Are you willing to believe that love

a smattering of knowledge about several

is the strongest thing in the world

stronger than hate, stronger than evil,

hundred missionaries and their scores of

fields, it can know thoroughly one or

stronger than death and that the bles

sed Life which began in Bethlehem nine

Rather than the church trying to obtain

two. Rather than the missionary spend

ing his furlough time in a wearying
journey of thousands of miles over half
the 48 States to visit a hundred churches

he can make a full report to two or

three, (ideally, one)

The change cannot be accomplished

teen hundred years ago is the image and

brightness of the Eternal Love? Then
you can keep Christmas.
And if you can keep it for a day,

why not always?

But you can never keep it alone.
Henry van Dyke.

over-night, but we can at least make a

start in the right direction. Therefore,

we are preparing a series of informative

(Continued on page Four)

"One who couldn't stand a prayer

meeting here would find no satisfaction
in heaven."



cClttfe ^Wiib^^ionanij
Dreaming Of A
White Christmas
Four little missionaries who have,

never seen a "white Christmas" are hop

ing there will be lots of "that soft,

white stuff" falling this year, because
they are going to the States to be with
Grandmother for Christmas. 'Nita and
Leslie have actually seen snow before,

but they were much too little to remem

ber it, so we can hardly count that. They

are used to Christmas days filled with
sunshine and bright flowers - which is

a very nice kind, really - but they would

like to see the other kind, too. The kind

Mommy and Daddy talk about some

times, with a roaring fire in the fire

place, warm coats and mittens, and
plenty of deep snow for making snow

One thing we know, with or with

"Either and Merdecai, Jamaican ityie"

out snow, Christmas is a wonderful time

because it is so full of God's love; and

the missionaries, big and little, wish for

all of you the happiest Christmas ever!


The king was resplendant in his
shiny satin pajamas and gold paper
crown, and Queen Esther was a pretty
picture, surrounded by her maids dressed
in rainbow hues and ready to do her

Jamaicans have the English custom

of celebrating "Boxing Day" on the day

after Christmas. When we first went to


The play was on, and a house packed

full of interested onlookers leaned for

Jamaica we were very puzzled by this

ward expectantly as the king held out

custom - we thought perhaps boxing

matches were held on that day. Finally,
however, we discovered that it is called

his golden septre to the queen,

"Boxing Day" because people are sup

posed to give "boxes" or presents to

fiostmen, paper boys, etc. and it is a

egal holiday.

All the events took place at the


No one, however, is meek enough to


sparing her from an early death. The

excitement built up to the final scene,
when Esther's arch enemy, Haaman, was
hauled off to be hanged.





where Mrs. Fream's Bible school class

wait until they are offered a gift - oh,

was presenting a play they had practiced

no! They come up boldly and announce,

"I've come for my Christmas gift," so

on for weeks. Then the afternoon the

play was to be performed, rain fell for

hours. Still, so many folk had braved

it is no more a gift, but an obligation

for us, and a general free-for-all for

the weather to come, that the play went

everyone else.

on anyway, two hours late, before an

Not only the postman,

and the paper boy, and the milk-man,

audience of about sixty.

but the man who collects for the paper

and the man who collects for the milk,
both different from the ones who deliver.

Then there is the garbage man, and the

street cleaner, and the man who reads
the meter, and the bread man, and the
coal man, and very likely, even the man
who collects old rags and bottles. People



all who had missed it

urged that it be put on again. Three

weeks later, an excellent opportunity
presented itself when a truck load of 65
persons from two countiy churches, with
their minister, Bro. Williams, came in

you have never set eyes on before will

stop you on the street and say "I beg
yu a Chrismus gift, nhow." "Beggar's
Day" would be a better name than "Box

for a visit, so the play was presented

ing Day."
We think the best way to celebrate

had to stand. No one enjoyed themselves

it, would be to put a picnic lunch in the

"boxes" and head for the hills where no

one could find you!

again for the benefit of visiting friends

as well as the home folk. This time near

ly two hundred were present, and many

more, though, than the boys and girls

who took part in the play. They have
learned the happiness that comes from
living for Christ.



He got along very well with the other

students and was very cooperative in all

(Continued from page One)

of his work with us. He also was a fine

as permanent worker, if it be the Lord's

consecrated Christian . . . so, from our

viewpoint, I could recommend him to


Since we have been rushinfr to make

you as a good Christian student." W. L.

Jessup, President, San Jose Bible Col

"I have known

it to Mother Fream's in time for a fam

ily reunion on Christmas day, We have

Brother. George

Westefeldt for about two and one half

dubbed the big event "Operation Christ

years, and I have found him to be an

mas." Mother Fream lives in



ma, but her children are scattered as far

apart in the U.S. as they can be. Two
daughters live in California, another
daughter in New Jersey, a son in De

troit, Michigan, and we will be driving



will be

bringing their families, and other rela

tives will be there too, so she will have

to "hang us on nails" as the old saying

goes, to make room for everyone.

Mother Fream has won a reputation

for courage the hard way. She lost a leg
several years ago in a terrible car ac

minister of the

that (he) will be a credit to the cause

of Christ wherever he may serve".
Charles P. Hemdon, President, Lexing
ton Christian Bible College.
Since Brother Westefeldt is intend

across country from south Florida. All

her children are married and


It is my considered judgement

ing to be in Jamaica during our absence

from the field, he plans to leave the
States before Christmas, the Lord will
ing. His address in Jamaica will be:

Box 19, Half Way Tree P. 0., Jamaica,


Brother Fred Hintz, who has been

ministering to the church at Glean, Mo.,

spent two weeks during November visit

cident, and hardly had she recovered

ing the island and preaching

from her extensive injuries when her

husband died. However, her indomita

churches. He has returned to the States

ble spirit and faith in God brought her

through it all triumphantly. Now she
holds down a job, manages her own
home, drives her car, teaches a large
Sunday School class in addition to tak

in' the

until he has obtained support for him

self and his family, and hopes to leave
for Jamaica as soon as possible in 1951.

We hope to have more information, in

cluding pictures, of the Hintzs in our
next issue.

ing part in all the other activities of

the churchj^ and civic organizations as



It seems especially fitting that, at

this season of the year which holds such

precious meaning for Christians, we

might all be gathered together again
with the one at whose knees we first
learned to speak the name of "Jesus."

To such a mother, we go.

(Continued from page Two)

(and, we hope, interesting) messages

on missionary methods in general, as

well as the Jamaican field in particular,
amply varied with slides, chalk talks, ex
hibits, open-forum discussions, quizzes,
etc. This program is planned to extend
for three nights. We would like to hear
from any church that would be interest


(Continued from page One)
Woodrow Phillips,

Teacher in Ozark

Bible College.

"He was an above average student.

ed in having us for the three nights

rather than one, and it will be scheduled

where possible, with the first considera

tion being given to the heavier suppor


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