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Curso Intensivo
Pr-Vestibular UFPB 2012

Campus I
(Joo Pessoa)

Lngua inglesa
Elayne Sousa / Maykson Costa / Esdras Jr.

Professor Responsvel: Prof. Dr. Luiz de Sousa Jr. (Chefe de Gabinete Reitor UFPB)
Coordenadora Pedaggico: Sabrina Grisi P. de Alencar
Apoio Pedaggico: Jivago Correia Barbosa
Coordenador de rea: Francisco das C. G. de Lima

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1) (Guia Prtico novo ENEM) Na embalagem de um produto l-se:
Para mais detalhes sobre os nossos produtos, disque 0800-000333000 Night Day ou
acesse nosso site
Pode-se afirmar que:
A) Os servios de atendimento ao consumidor funcionam 24 horas por dia.
B) O atendimento atravs do servio feito em lngua inglesa.
C) A empresa dificulta o contato com os consumidores dos seus produtos.
D) necessrio ter computador para entrar em contato com o atendimento.
E) O atendimento ao cliente feito somente por telefone.
02) (Guia Prtico novo ENEM) Atualmente comum encontrar em embalagens e propagandas de inmeros
produtos termos e expresses em lnguas estrangeiras tais como natural colors e for kids. Isso ocorre
A) no temos, em lngua portuguesa, palavras equivalentes.
B) os consumidores, no Brasil, falam fluentemente lnguas estrangeiras.
C) se imagina que o uso desses termos confere maior requinte aos produtos.
D) houve um aumento do nmero de imigrantes no Brasil nas ltimas dcadas.
E) indiferente o uso de termos estrangeiros para especificar um produto.
03) (Guia Prtico novo ENEM) Na bula de plulas anticoncepcionais l-se:
This product does not protect against HIV infections AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases.
Pode-se afirmar que o medicamento:
A) Protege apenas contra as doenas sexualmente transmissveis.
B) Diminui o risco de contgio da AIDS e de outras doenas.
C) No protege conta a AIDS e outras doenas sexualmente transmissveis.
D) Evita AIDS e outras doenas sexualmente transmissveis.
E) No deve ser usado por portadores do vrus HIV.
04 (Guia Prtico novo ENEM) O texto abaixo :
Sandra Rawson David Osbourne
Request the honor of your presence at their marriage Saturday, the first of December two
thousand and eleven at half past three oclock at Christ Church, Greenwich, and afterward
at the reception Round Hill Country Club.

Carta de notificao de compra de uma casa.

Anncio de festa beneficente em uma igreja.
Alerta ao consumidor de defeito de aparelho.
Nota sobre falecimento.
Convite para a cerimnia de casamento.

05) (Guia Prtico novo ENEM) O Brasil ocupa posio de destaque no panorama turstico internacional,
encantando estrangeiros com suas belezas naturais. Com base no texto abaixo, a praia de Ponta das Canas:
Ponta das Canas Beach Florianpolis, Brazil
Distant 34km from downtown, Ponta das Canas shines for its natural beauty and calm and
usually warm water. Its white sand beach is 1.9km long. Its a good option for water sports.
It is very requested by international tourists.

atrai apenas turistas estrangeiros.

atrai turistas por suas guas frias.
oferece areia teraputica.
dista 34km do continente.
favorece a prtica de esportes aquticos.

06) O texto publicitrio resultado da unio de vrios fatores: psicolgicos, sociais e econmicos, como
tambm do uso de efeitos retricos e icnicos aos quais no faltam figuras de linguagem, tcnicas
argumentativas e mecanismos de persuaso, entre outros. Vrios segmentos da sociedade utilizam esse tipo
de texto em prol de projetos sociais. A International Advertising Association, no texto abaixo, tenta convencer
as pessoas a:

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Ajudar financeiramente.
Divulgar a campanha.
Participar afetivamente.
Doar roupas e alimentos.
Refletir sobre a campanha.

07) De acordo com o texto abaixo:


Bullying no legal, mas no afeta ningum.

Qualquer pessoa pode ser vtima de bullying.
Bullying um problema que s acontece na escola.
Bullying algo normal na adolescencia.
No h como parar o bullying.

08) De acordo com o cartoon ao lado, podemos afirmar que:

a) Todos deveriam usar carros para chegar ao trabalho.
b) Se todos usassem carros chegariam mais rpido ao
c) O uso de transportes pblicos prejudica o transito.
d) Optar por transportes pblicos diminui o
e) Os transportes pblicos na cidade so pouco eficientes.

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09) De acordo com o texto a seguir podemos afirmar que:

a) Diversos insetos prejudicam as plantaes.

b) Os insetos j devoraram 1/3 da comida global.
c) Alguns insetos so importantes para a produo de alimento mundial.
d) Todos os insetos so prejudiciais a sade.
e) O uso de insetos polinizadores muito caro.
10) O texto seguinte :

Keep them in a closed box

Follow instructions

Read instructions by

Light at arms length

Stand back
Never go back to a firework

Never put them in your


Never throw them

Keep pets indoors


uma srie de recomendaes sobre como conservar fogos de artifcio em casa.

uma propaganda de um fabricante de fogos.
uma srie de instrues sobre como acender fogos.
um alerta para o perigo que os fogos representam.
uma proibio quanto ao uso de fogos.

As tiras abaixo serviro de base para as questes 11, 12 e 13.


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Disponvel em: < ga080429>. Acesso em: 12 jun. 2008.

11) Considerando-se as informaes contidas no primeiro quadro, pode-se afirmar que o telefone do rapaz...
A) ajusta o relgio digital automaticamente.
B) foi adquirido naquele dia.
C) envia mensagens de voz gratuitamente.
D) dispe de vrias funes.
12) No terceiro quadro, o termo but expressa
A) agresso.
B) retificao.
C) excluso.
D) recuperao.
13) O elemento lingstico later estabelece uma articulao
A) temporal.
B) proporcional.
C) causal.
D) condicional.
Leia o fragmento textual que segue e responda as questes de 14 a 18 .
Brazil's giant offshore oil discoveries

A key argument of "Peak-Oil" and "Fossil-Fuel" theorists is no new giant oilfield discoveries
have been 3 made in recent years. Oil "experts" are locked into the belief that oil is a fossil
fuel, and pretty soon we are bound to have found and drilled all the oil that ever 6 was.
What about Brazil? The experience of Brazil's offshore drilling is proving that giant new oil
fields are out there, waiting to be discovered, just off shore along the continental shelf.
Petrobras, 9 Brazil's largest oil company is moving Brazil from being nearly 100 percent
dependent on foreign oil imports only some 50 years ago, toward becoming a net oil
exporter in the next few years. How? Brazil has realized spectacular results by developing
the technology to drill 12 ultra-deep offshore wells in Brazil's Barracuda and Caratinga oil
fields, in the Campos Basin some 50 miles into the Atlantic Ocean east of Rio de Janeiro.
Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2008.

14) De acordo com os estudiosos mencionados no primeiro perodo do fragmento,

A) foram vantajosas as transaes relativas exportao do petrleo bruto nacional.
B) foi perfurado, recentemente, igual nmero de poos de petrleo em mar e em terra.
C) no foi interrompida a busca por petrleo a cinqenta milhas da costa brasileira.
D) no foram descobertos, nos ltimos anos, novos campos significativos de petrleo.
15) No entendimento dos especialistas referidos na linha 3, provvel que
A) sejam logo liberados subsdios para a implantao de projetos.
B) o petrleo restante no planeta se esgote inteiramente em breve.
C) o pas intensifique as negociaes comerciais no exterior.
D) sejam retomadas as pesquisas sobre combustveis fsseis.
16) O fragmento informa que
A) construir grande quantidade de plataformas garantia de crescimento econmico.
B) dar prioridade aos campos petrolferos j descobertos um investimento seguro.
C) o petrleo extrado em terra ainda suficiente para suprir as necessidades do pas.
D) ainda existem campos petrolferos a serem descobertos na plataforma continental.
17) Segundo o fragmento,
A) a Petrobras, atualmente, deveria investir menos na regio prxima Bacia de Campos.
B) a Petrobras precisa operar, efetivamente, nos campos de petrleo situados no oeste do Oceano Atlntico.

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C) o Brasil passar a ser, em poucas dcadas, o maior exportador de petrleo do continente.
D) o Brasil desenvolveu uma tecnologia para explorar petrleo, no mar, em grandes profundidades.
18) Do fragmento, pode-se inferir que a Petrobras
A) foi bem-sucedida em empreendimentos realizados na regio Sudeste.
B) contava, no incio de seu funcionamento, com uma equipe mais qualificada.
C) adota, de pases vizinhos, medidas para minimizar os impactos ambientais.
D) atua ao longo da rea litornea do Rio de Janeiro h cinqenta anos.
Leia o fragmento textual a seguir e responda s questes de 19 a 22.
Brain Rays
For years cancer patients have had recourse to a noninvasive surgical technique in which doctors zap tumors
with focused beams of radiation. The technology was first used on brain-cancer patients because doctors can
easily clamp the head in 3 place, keeping the tumor rock steady. More recently the machines have gotten
better at compensating for the patient's movement from breathing, say allowing doctors to treat tumors
elsewhere in 6 the body. Now doctors at Korea's St. Mary's Hospital are using a device called CyberKnife,
made by Accuray in Sunnyvale, California, to treat patients with severe depression and obsessive-compulsive
disorder. Other doctors think the technique could be useful to treat 9 Parkinson's and epilepsy patients.
Since the radiation creates permanent lesions in the brain, the method is controversial and may take years
to win acceptance.
ELLISON, Jesse. Brain Rays. Newsweek. New York, v. 149, n. 16/17, April 16-23, 2007. p. 10.

19) As tcnicas cirrgicas no-invasivas a que o fragmento se refere foram inicialmente empregadas no
tratamento de
A) doena de Parkinson.
B) convulses epilpticas.
C) cncer cerebral.
D) distrbios respiratrios.
As questes seguintes dizem respeito ao dispositivo CyberKnife (linha 6).
20) H mdicos utilizando-o em pacientes que apresentam
A) leso cerebral.
B) transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo.
C) tumor bronco-pulmonar.
D) dificuldade de locomoo.
21) O dispositivo teve origem
A) num hospital do sistema pblico de sade.
B) na Coria do Sul.
C) nos Estados Unidos.
D) numa universidade da rede privada.
22) Em relao ao uso do novo mtodo, pode-se afirmar
a) H objeo na comunidade mdica.
b) Impede que ocorram leses permanentes.
c) Reduz os riscos de efeitos colaterais.
d) aplicado para tratar quatro patologias.
23) O cartoon um gnero textual que representa uma
situao humorstica, de carter extremamente crtico
retratando de uma forma bastante sintetizada algo que envolve
o cotidiano de uma sociedade. Com base nesta definio, a
narrativa do cartoon abaixo sugere que o professor:
A) pressiona psicologicamente os alunos com relao s suas
B) estimula a conservao adequada de embries de porcos e
C) motiva os estudantes a se prepararem para os testes.
D) questiona os meios de preservao de certos tipos de
E) ameaa os estudantes que maltratarem os animais citados.

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Leia o texto a seguir e responda a questo 24:
The Lost Children
Chorus 2
Michael Jackson
For all the lost children
This is for all the lost children
We pray for our fathers, pray for our This one's for all the lost children, wishing
them well
Wishing our families well
And wishing them home
We sing songs for the wishing, of those who Home with their fathers,
are kissing
Snug close and warm, loving their mothers
But not for the missing
I see the door simply wide open
Chorus 1
But no one can find thee
So this one's for all the lost children
Chorus 3
This one's for all the lost children
So pray for all the lost children
This one's for all the lost children, wishing Let's pray for all the lost children
them well
Just think of all the lost children, wishing
And wishing them home
them well
When you sit there addressing, counting This is for all the lost children
your blessings
This one's for all the lost children
Biding your time
Just think of all the lost children
When you lay me down sleeping and my Wishing them well, and wishing them home
heart is weeping
Because I'm keeping a place

24) A msica um grande instrumento de divulgao cultural, bem como de propagao, disseminao das
ideias e ideais dos seus respectivos autores. Msicas podem assumir funes variadas, como por exemplo,
criticar problemas sociais, cultuar religies, fazer uma abordagem artstica, transpor o mundo criativo de
crianas, jovens e adultos, entre outros. Considerando o tema abordado na letra da msica acima, podemos
afirmar que o autor:
A) exige providncias das famlias quanto ao problema das crianas perdidas.
B) pede ajuda sociedade para abrigar as crianas abandonadas.
C) convida a todos a orar pelas crianas desaparecidas.
D) apela aos pais a no abandonarem seus filhos.
E) sugere uma cano em prol das crianas desprezadas.
"Animal cruelty shows itself in
many ways.
Nearly 20% of abused children in
turn abuse animals. That's why,
when an RSPCA* Inspector discovers
a child is responsible for an act of
animal cruelty, they know it may not
only be the pet that needs help. Often
by alerting welfare organizations,
our inspectors have helped prevent not just animal abuse
but child abuse."
Advertising Agency: The Campaign Palace Sydney, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Paul Fishlock
Art Director: Andrew Town, Thom Davy
Typographer: Thom Davy - Photographer: Andreas
Copywriter: Laurie Ingram
Other Additional Credits: Kristen Castree, Jeremy Graham,
Suzanne King, Amanda Redgrave, David
* Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Disponvel em: Acesso em 12/04/2009 .
25) A Declarao Universal dos Direitos dos Animais afirma em seu prembulo: Considerando que o respeito
dos homens pelos animais est ligado ao respeito dos homens pelo seu semelhante, proclama-se o seguinte:
nenhum animal ser submetido nem a maus tratos nem a atos cruis (artigo 3). Tal declarao tem em
comum com o texto Animal cruelty shows itself in many ways o fato de ambos
A) afirmarem que o desrespeito aos animais conseqncia do desrespeito ao prprio ser humano.

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B) garantirem que os animais no sero mal tratados se o homem valorizar seu prximo.
C) assegurarem o respeito criana e aos animais atravs da implementao de leis de proteo.
D) declararem que no admissvel atos de crueldade do ser humano contra os animais.
E) apoiarem a preservao da integridade dos animais atravs da valorizao dos direitos do ser humano.

Disponvel em Acesso em: 4, set. 2011

26) O uso massivo das redes sociais, notadamente Twitter e Facebook, foi fundamental para agregar adeptos
para a revolta popular que resultou na renncia do ditador egpcio Mubarak, que governava o pas h 30 anos.
Por meio dessas redes sociais, os revoltos, no apenas organizaram as manifestaes, como tambm
informavam a populao sobre os desdobramentos da revolta. Mais do que isso, tornaram-se fonte, em tempo
real, para a mdia do mundo inteiro, que no tinha acesso direto ao que estava acontecendo. O fragmento da
reportagem acima mostra que:
A) O lder da revoluo, Wael Ghonim, foi preso por causa de um tweet annimo.
B) Os tweets de Wael Ghonim provocaram revoltas por parte do governo, que no concordava com suas
C) O lder da revoluo foi libertado e consagrado como heri nacional aps a queda do governo.
D) Apesar de a revoluo ter objetivos bem definidos, no possuiu um lder oficial.
E) Whael Ghonim foi o primeiro a comentar e curtir o tweet sobre a morte de Khaled Said, um empresrio
assassinado pela policia egpcia.

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Disponvel em Acesso em: 5, set. 2011.

27) Propagandas publicitrias esto presentes no dia-a-dia dos seres humanos por todos os lados. Essas
carregam consigo a capacidade de surpreender o leitor de diversas maneiras. A criatividade empregada na
produo de uma propaganda pode fazer com que a empresa ou rgo pblico que a fez alcance seus
objetivos. Diante da imagem acima podemos dizer que:

O governo quer que as pessoas reduzam os gastos com itens suprfluos, a fim de combater a inflao.
A companhia de abastecimento de energia pede que as pessoas reduzam o consumo de energia.
A propaganda acima foi destruda por vndalos que no concordavam com as ideias expostas nela.
A companhia de abastecimento de gua alerta as pessoas sobre os perigos da gua mal tratada.
A companhia de abastecimento de gua alerta as pessoas para utilizarem apenas a quantidade que elas

Brazil World Cup 2014: Preparations face familiar woes

[]It is a familiar tale. With three years to go they are running behind schedule and costs
are rising. But chances are, as usual, they will pull it off at the last minute.

There is a broader point, however. Many of the problems the World Cup organisers are
facing, such as poor infrastructure and red tape, are ones that have been holding back
Brazil's economy for decades.
Disponvel em Acesso em: 5, set. 2011.

28) De acordo com o texto acima, dois dos principais problemas enfrentados pelos organizadores da copa do
mundo de 2014 so:
A) A burocracia e o sinal vermelho dado pelos clubes brasileiros.
B) A pobre infraestrutura do pas e o sinal vermelho dado pelos investidores britnicos.
C) A falta de investimentos nas obras e a falta de infraestrutura das sedes da copa.
D) A pobre infraestrutura e a burocracia do pas.
E) A burocracia e a quantidade de semforos das grandes cidades brasileiras.

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Disponvel em Acesso em: 5, set. 2011.

29) Dez anos atrs os Estados Unidos viviam um dos momentos mais trgicos de sua histria. Em 11 de
setembro de 2001, uma srie de ataques terroristas coordenados pela Al-Qaeda parou o mundo ao fazer o que
era aparentemente impossvel. Terroristas seqestraram quatro avies comerciais, dois deles atingiram as
Torres Gmeas do World Trade Center, o terceiro avio atingiu o pentgono em Virginia e o quarto avio
felizmente caiu em um campo, na Pensilvnia. Ao observar a imagem acima, levando em considerao a
figura de Tio Sam e a frase The permanent Scar, pode-se dizer que:

A data 9 de novembro simboliza uma ferida permanente para os Estados Unidos.

A data 11 de setembro simboliza uma ferida permanente para os Estados Unidos.
A data 11 de setembro simboliza uma cicatriz permanente para os Estados Unidos.
Tio Sam ficou eternizado como o smbolo dos atentados terroristas de 11 de setembro.
A tatuagem no peito de Tio Sam representa a revolta permanente Estadunidense.

Tablets Are the Best Way to Show Textbooks

Tablets are capable of offering enhanced ebooks featuring images, video and audio. These
elements are impossible to include in print or in a standard ebook. Read about music? No
thanks, Ill follow my auto-advancing sheet music as the audio plays. See a picture of Martin
Luther King, Jr. as I read his I Have a Dream speech? I guess thats fine, but with one tap
of my finger, Im watching it. The result is a more integrated learning experience, which is
more engaging for students. This isnt the future this is today.
By allowing students to highlight text, take notes in the margin and access a dictionary
directly within the book itself, tablets are matching (and in some cases, surpassing)
everything that a traditional book print or digital can offer.
Disponvel em Acesso em: 5, set. 2011.

30) Tablets vm se tornando cada vez mais comuns entre os jovens nos dias de hoje. Com esses, possvel
acessar emails, redes sociais, ler arquivos, etc. No entanto, quando o assunto sala de aula, esse tpico
divide opinies. Alguns so a favor, outros so contra o uso desses apetrechos tecnolgicos na sala de aula.
Baseando-se no texto acima, possvel afirmar que a inteno do autor :
A) Dizer ao leitor que os tablets deveriam ser utilizados em sala de aula diante de todas as vantagens que
esses dispem.
B) Provar que os tablets no devem ser utilizados em sala de aula, pois distraem o aluno.
C) Apontar as vantagens e desvantagens de ter um tablet em sala de aula.
D) Justificar que o uso dos tablets deve ser feito restritamente pelo professor.
E) Justificar que o uso dos tablets deve ser feito restritamente pelo Aluno.

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PSS 1 e 2
Leia o fragmento textual a seguir e responda s questes de 31 a 36.
Brazil, the New Oil Superpower
State-run Petrobras monstrous new oil find has wide-ranging implications for the
South American country, the oil majors, oil services providers, and beyond.
In a recent radio broadcast, Brazils President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva said hes
convinced a higher power has taken a shining to Brazil. That, he said, might explain the
providence of state-run oil company Petrobras, whose colossal new oil discovery could
transform Brazil from a barely selfsufficient producer into a major crude exporter. Petrobras
announced Nov. 8 it has found between 5 billion and 8 billion barrels of light oil and gas at
the Tupi field, 155 miles offshore southern Brazil in an area it shares with Britains BG Group
and Portugals Galp Energy. Tupi is the worlds biggest oil find since a 12 billion-barrel
Kazakh field was discovered in 2000, and the largest ever in deep waters. Perhaps more
important, Petrobras believes Tupi may be Brazils first of several new elephants, an
industry term for outsize fields of more than 1 billion barrels.
Adapted from:

31. The main purpose of this text is to:

a) comment on a huge oil finding that has the potential to transform Brazil into a sizable exporter.
b) prove Tupi field superiority in comparison to the 12 billion-barrel Kazakh production.
c) explain how to turn a barely self-sufficient producer into a major crude oil exporter.
d) discuss the implications of state-run Petrobras new finding for the Brazilian society.
e) inform Tupi real oil production.
32. Which alternative contradicts the ideas in the text?
a) Tupi is the largest oil field discovered in deep waters.
b) Tupi is located at 155 miles from the Brazilian South coast.
c) Tupi could transform Brazil into a major crude oil exporter.
d) Petrobras new oil find will only have implications inside Brazil.
e) Kazakh field oil production is larger than Tupi potential oil production.
33. The sentence, a higher power has taken a shining to Brazil can be paraphrased as:
a) the oil majors will offer Brazil a sit in their table from now on.
b) an influence which is not human in origin liked Brazil.
c) oil services providers liked Brazil immediately.
d) the worlds oil cartel is considered a higher power.
e) Petrobras monstrous new oil find is now shinning.
34. According to the text, it is correct to say that:
a) State-run Petrobras new oil find has very few implications for the South American country, the oil majors,
oil services providers.
b) the new oil discovery will definitely transform Brazil from a barely self-sufficient producer into a major
crude exporter.
c) it is expected that Tupi is just the first of many other Brazilian outsize oil fields.
d) Petrobras is the only company which is going to explore the reserve found.
e) Tupi is the world's biggest oil find of all times.
35. The pronoun That (line 04) refers to:
a) Brazil.
b) radio broadcast.
c) colossal new oil discovery.
d) the providence of state-run oil company Petrobras .
e) a higher power has taken a shining to Brazil.
36. Mark the alternative which matches the definition.
_______________: one of high quality and great importance; great(er).
a) self-suffucient (lines 05-06)

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b) major (line 06)
c) crude (line 06)
d) first (line 10)
e) outsize (line 11)
Read the text and answer 57 to 64, according to it. (UFPB 2011)

Poems for the People - Poems by the People

We all build up a fantasy of what the perfect person should be. As time goes on we realize that we live in a fantasy. Some
are luckier than others to at least get a glimpse of their fantasy. I've been fortunate to get that glimpse

by Virgo

All my life I had built up a fantasy

of the perfect man.
Countless romance stories and fables
helped make that fantasy a reality in my mind.
Searching for that fantasy leads to many
Reality made it clear that there was no such man.
And as the years went by, the fantasy started
to fade away - until I met you.
I had almost given up on the fantasy until
my fantasy became reality,
that reality became you.
Visitor Comments
It is so true, In my point of view too!


I loved this poem. It tells that we all have a fantasy waiting to come true.
This is such a good poem! It deeply touched me.
I love this poem. It explains exactly how I feel about my husband. I thought I would never find
that special him, until He found Me.
oh how I wish I could say the same. but I will remember this poem, that's for


There are 46 Additional Visitor Comments (click to read them)

Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2010. (Texto adaptado.)

57. Considering the characteristics of the whole text, it is correct say that it is from
a) a teen fashion magazine. c) a fantastic modern tale. e) a romantic short story.
b) an interactive virtual site. d) a formal business e-mail.
58. It is correct to say that the message in Virgos poem is:
a) Fantasy may become reality. d) Fantasies need be perfect.
b) Ideal men have to be real. e) Disappointment might cause fantasy.
c) Dreams must come true.
59. According to the story in the poem, it is correct to say:
a) Virgo gave up dreaming about the perfect man.
b) Virgo disappointed the perfect man.
c) Virgo has already found the perfect man.
d) Virgo stopped to look at the perfect man.
e) Virgo designed a fantasy for the perfect man.
60. The verses 3 and 4 Countless romance stories and fables / helped make that fantasy a reality in my
mind. mean that
a) just a few stories and fables helped with Virgos fantasy.
b) only some stories and fables helped with Virgos fantasy.
c) hardly any stories and fables helped with Virgos fantasy.
d) all of the stories and fables helped with Virgos fantasy.
e) too many stories and fables helped with Virgos fantasy.

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61. Virgos poem states that
a) a special man wrote countless stories based on the search.
b) the ideal man became real by the end of the search.
c) romance stories frustrated many women after the search.
d) the perfect man and woman were objects of the search.
e) fantasy became disappointment at the very end of the search.
ATENO: As questes de 62 a 64 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.
62. Considering the visitors comments on Virgos poem, identify the correct statements:
I. One of them says she wont forget Virgos poem.
II. Both Maria and Lena are happy about their husbands.
III. Some of them said they really enjoyed the poem.
IV. Every one of them had a personal response to the poem.
V. None of them explains their point of view about the poem.
63. Considering the visitors comments on Virgos poem, identify the correct propositions:
I. Patrick agrees with Virgos fantasy of the perfect man.
II. Sweetness fantasy of the perfect man became reality too.
III. Bernie felt really moved by the message in Virgos poem.
IV. Lena predicts she will meet the perfect man one day.
V. Maria had a similar experience as the one in Virgos poem.
64. Considering Marias words in the Visitor Comments, identify the correct statements:
I. She said she met her husband.
II. She said she hated the poem.
III. She said her husband was special.
IV. She said her fantasy came true.
V. She said her husband found her.
Leia o fragmento textual a seguir e responda s questes de 37 a 42.
About swine flu
Swine flu is the common name given to a new strain of influenza (flu). It is called swine flu
because it is thought to have originated in pigs, but this is not certain.
The most common symptoms are a fever, sore throat, diarrhea, headache, feeling generally
unwell and a dry cough. In other words, the symptoms are very similar to seasonal
(regular) flu. Most people recover within a week, even without special treatment.
The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It has since become a pandemic, which
means it has spread around the globe. It has spread quickly because it is a new type of flu
virus that few, if any, people have full resistance to.
Flu pandemics are a natural event that occur from time to time. Last century, there were flu
pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968, when millions of people died across the world.
In most cases the virus has proved relatively mild. However, around the world more than
1,700 people have died and it is not yet clear how big a risk the virus is. For this reason,
and because all viruses can mutate to become more potent (stronger), scientists are saying
we need to be careful.
High-risk groups
Some people are more at risk of complications if they catch swine flu, and need to start
taking antivirus as soon as it is confirmed that they have the illness. Doctors may advise
some high-risk patients to take antivirus before they have symptoms, if someone close to
them has swine flu.
People at risk are:

patients who have had drug treatment for asthma in the past three years,
pregnant women,
people aged 65 and over, and
children under five.

To stop the virus spreading

The most important way is to have good respiratory and hand hygiene. In other words,
always sneeze in to a tissue, and quickly put it in a bin. Wash your hands and home and
work surfaces regularly and thoroughly to kill the virus.

P g i n a | 82
(UFPE-2010) Choose the correct answer.
37) The flu is called swine flu because
A) it has common symptoms.
B) people generally feel unwell.
C) it is not certain the flu is originated in pigs.
D) people believe it came from pigs.
E) most people recover within a week.
38). The swine flu appeared
A) last year.
B) this year.
C) last century.
D) next year.
E) in 1,700.
39) What is a pandemic?
A) A virus identified in Mexico in April 2009.
B) A virus identified in Mexico.
C) A virus identified by scientists.
D) A new virus.
E) An illness that spreads all over the world.
40) pregnant women means
A) mulheres pragmticas.
B) mulheres preparadas.
C) mulheres grvidas.
D) mulheres com crianas de colo.
E) mulheres imunes ao vrus.
41) One of the best ways of not spreading the virus is
A) having good hand hygiene.
B) avoiding hand hygiene.
C) not washing the hands.
D) sneezing in the hands.
E) passing the hands on the eyes.
42) The sentence millions of people died across the world in the interrogative form is
A) Did millions of people died across the world?
B) Did millions of people dye across the world?
C) Did millions of people dying across the world?
D) Did millions of people die across the world?
E) Did millions of people are dying across the world?
Read the text and answer questions 57 to 64, according to it.
(UFPB 2012)
Adora Svitak: Tiny Literary Giant at 12
Adora started writing when she was four years old. She hasnt stopped since. At six, Adora
received a laptop computer from her mother, on which she quickly amassed a collection of
hundreds of short stories and hundreds of thousands of words typing at 70 words per minute.
At the age of seven, Adora achieved her dream of becoming a published author with the release of Flying
Fingers: Master the Tools of Learning Through the Joy of Writing. The book featured several of Adoras short
stories, along with her writing tips, typing tips, and advice from her mother. At age 11, Adora published a
second book, Dancing Fingers, with her older sister, Adrianna.
Today, Adora is 12 and she has transformed her writing success into speaking and teaching
success. She has spoken at over 400 schools and presented at the annual TED (Technology,
Entertainment, Design) conference. Shes also planning a conference of her own, for kids and by kids, called
TEDx Redmond. She has been featured on Good Morning America and on CNN. Adora also maintains a blog
and attends an online public school. She is in the eighth grade.

P g i n a | 83
Disponvel em: <>. Acesso em: 02 jun. 2011. (Texto adaptado.)

57. According to the first paragraph, when Adora got a laptop from her mother, she started
a) publishing seventy stories per month. d) typing a great number of stories.
b) reading thousands of stories weekly. e) telling less and less stories online.
c) writing a smaller number of stories.
58. The sentence [...] Adora achieved her dream of becoming a published author [...] (line 4) means that:
a) Adora is having her first book published. d) Adora will have her first book published.
b) Adora may have her first book published. e) Adora should have her first book published.
c) Adora already had her first book published.
59. According to the text, it is concluded that Adora is
a) an indolent child. c) an unpublished writer. e) a limited speaker.
b) a famous prodigy. d) a frustrated kid.
60. The text states that
a) Adoras mother obliges her to write. d) Adoras sister becomes a writer at eleven.
b) Adora presents a talk show on CNN. e) Adora intends to promote her own conference.
c) Adora prefers to teach young children.
61. The title of the text Adora Svitak: Tiny literary Giant at 12 says that Adora is
a) a small girl who writes literary books about a giant named Tiny.
b) a 12-year-old girl who has been successful in writing literature.
c) a young kid who has written about twelve imaginary giants.
d) a 12-year-old kid who prefers technology and design to writing.
e) a great literary writer who has published 12 books until now.
ATENO: As questes de 62 a 64 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.
62. Considering Adoras literary production, identify the correct statements:
I. Flying Fingers made her a published author.
II. Dancing Fingers contained her mothers advice.
III. Dancing Fingers was a co-production with her sister.
IV. Flying Fingers had typing tips together with stories.
V. Dancing Fingers was based on Adoras conferences.
63. Identify the questions whose answers are found in paragraph three of the text:
I. How old is Adora now?
II. What grade is Adora at school?
III. Where has she presented conferences?
IV. How many schools does Adora maintain?
V. Which media has Adora been featured on?
64. Considering Adoras ages mentioned in the text, identify the correct statements:
I. At 4 she began her writing process.
II. At 6 she published her first book.
III. At 7 she became a faster typist.
IV. At 11 she released a new book.
V. At 12 she got to the 8th grade.

Read the text and answer questions 57 to 64, according to it.

(UFPB 2011)
Hands off our rice!
While scientific progress on molecular biology has a great potential
to increase our understanding of nature and provide new medical
tools, it should not be used as justification to turn the environment
into a giant genetic experiment by commercial interests. The
biodiversity and environmental integrity of the world's food supply
is too important to our survival to be put at risk.
Genetic engineering (GE) enables scientists to create plants,
animals and micro-organisms by manipulating genes in a way that

P g i n a | 84
does not occur naturally. These genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can spread through nature and
interbreed with natural organisms, thereby contaminating non 'GE' environments and future generations in an
unforeseeable and uncontrollable way. Their release is 'genetic pollution' and is a major threat because GMOs
cannot be recalled once released into the environment.
Because of commercial interests, the public is being denied the right to know about GE ingredientsin the food
chain, and therefore losing the right to avoid them despite the presence of labelling laws in certain countries.
Biological diversity must be protected and respected as the global heritage of humankind, and one of our
world's fundamental keys to survival. Governments are attempting to address the threat of GE with
international regulations such as the Biosafety Protocol.
GMOs should not be released into the environment since there is not an adequate scientific
understanding of their impact on the environment and human health.
Greenpeace advocate immediate interim measures such as labelling of GE ingredients, and the segregation of
genetically engineered crops and seeds from conventional ones. Greenpeace also oppose all patents on plants,
animals and humans, as well as patents on their genes. Life is not an industrial commodity. When we force
life forms and our world's food supply to conform to human economic models rather than their natural ones,
we do so at our own peril.
Disponvel em: <> Acesso em: 11 ago. 2010. (texto adaptado).

interbreed cruzar
spread espalhar
peril risco
threat ameaa
release liberao
57. The objective of the text is:
a) To justify the use of commercial interests to sell genetically modified food.
b) To advocate in favor of the positive impacts of GMOs on human health.
c) To oppose the creation of international regulations on genetic pollution.
d) To instruct governments on how to survive uncontrollable economic threats.
e) To denounce the dangers of GMOs to biodiversity and environmental integrity.
58. According to the text, it is correct to say that
a) GE manipulates genes, therefore it creates plants and animals.
b) commercial interests promote GE as well as the laws in certain countries.
c) Biosafety Protocol exists in order to protect commercial interests.
d) GMOs spread through nature but we control the pollution they provoke.
e) governments oppose GE because they avoid international regulations.
59. Paragraph 1 of the text affirms that
a) we must increase genetic experiments on nature if we want to live a better life.
b) we have to preserve the integrity of biodiversity if we want to survive in our world.
c) we might put environment at risk if we oppose patents on plants and animals.
d) we can understand nature if we turn it into a giant genetic laboratory.
e) we may provide the world with new medical tools if we stop scientific progress.
60. In paragraph 2, the word Their (line 12) refers to:
a) natural organisms d) genetically modified organisms
b) micro-organisms e) non GE environments
c) future generations
61. In the sentence Greenpeace also oppose all patents on plants, animals and humans, as well as patents
on their genes. (lines 25-26), the expression as well as means the same as:
a) because of. c) and. e) such as.
b) thereby. d) therefore.
ATENO: As questes de 62 a 64 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.
62. Identify the questions whose answers are found in paragraphs 3 and 4 of the text:
I. Why is the information about GE ingredients in food omitted from the public?
II. How many labelling laws are there in certain countries?
III. How must biological diversity be treated?
IV. What safety measures are governments taking to avoid the threat of GE?
V. Who is dealing with regulations related to the threat of GE?

P g i n a | 85
63. Considering the Greenpeace attitude to GE, identify the correct propositions:
I. They defend biodiversity and the environment from commercial interests.
II. They require respect and protection for biological diversity.
III. They advocate all sorts of genetic manipulation on human beings.
IV. They demand urgent interim measures for labelling genetic engineering ingredients.
V. They denounce the non access of the public to information on GE ingredients in food.
64. Considering the context of the whole text, identify the statements which correspond in meaning to Hands
off our rice and Stand up for your rice of the picture.
I. Fight for the right of preserving our worlds food supply.
II. Protest against all patents on existing life in general.
III. Cooperate with the manipulation of genes in natural organisms.
IV. Contest the interference of genetic engineering in natural crops.
V. Allow scientists to release genetic pollution into Nature.

O texto a seguir referncia para as questes 01 a 03:
Seven decades after Sigmund Freud ran away
from the Nazis, Vienna has turned one of his
dreams into reality: a university dedicated to
psychotherapy. Admissions to the university,
psychoanalysis, have increased rapidly since it
opened in late 2005. "Were the first university
worldwide to offer a complete psychotherapy
degree, which Freud wrote about in 1928 as his
great dream," said Alfred Pritz, founder and
rector of Sigmund Freud University." Were
realizing that now." After an initial intake of
some 40 students, the private college now has
more than 500.

1. According to the text above, its correct to say:


The university was given the same name as the famous Austrian psychotherapist.
The university cannot admit more than 500 students.
The university was based on A. Pritz educational principles.
Sigmund Freud was elected the first rector of the university.
Before the Vienna university opened, students had to go abroad to take a degree in psychotherapy.

2. According to the text, Freuds great dream was:





have a university offering a complete degree in psychotherapy.

be the rector of the Sigmund Freuds University.
study in the first university to offer a psychotherapy degree.
be worldwide recognized as the pioneer of psychoanalysis.
open a university in Vienna in 2005.

According to the text, identify the correct statement:

Sigmund Freud wrote about the Nazis plans seven decades ago.
The Nazis put Sigmund Freud in prison in 1934.
The Nazis adopted some of Freuds ideas about psychoanalysis.
Sigmund Freud and the Nazis fought for the same ideals.
Sigmund Freud escaped from the Nazis in the thirties.

P g i n a | 86

As questes de 04 a 06 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.

Brazil as Worlds Sixth Largest Economy
Brazil is set to become the worlds sixth economy by the end of 2011, if projections by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and two leading economic consultancies, the EIU and the BMI, are
correct. Brazil will overtake the United Kingdom, demoting it to the number seven spot and continuing
a trend up the ranks of global economies after last year leaving Italy behind at number eight.
According to the predictions, Brazils Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will reach US$2.44 trillion by the
end of the year, narrowly outstripping the UKs which is set to reach US$2.43 trillion.
Brazils economy grew by 7.5 percent last year after minimal impact by the financial crisis which most
countries had to weather in 2008-2009.
The Brazilian economy may not have boomed quite as much as was hoped this year, but it is still
expected to grow by at least three percent, and is predicted to grow by a slightly higher 3.5 percent in
2012. This compares with growth in the UK of only 0.7 percent for this and next year.
However, Brazil will have to enjoy sixth place while it lasts, as the EIUs projections also suggest Brazil
will lose the number six spot to India in 2013; however, it will regain the position again in 2014 as it
overtakes France.
By 2020, Brazil should be moving up the table one more slot as it leaves behind European
powerhouse Germany, by which point its economy will be bigger than that of any European country,
and globally only China, the U.S., India and Japan will be bigger.
The figures have not come as a surprise to analysts, whose extrapolations have predicted the rise in
the Brazilian economy for years. However, they have arrived more quickly than many expected
mainly due to the greater effects of the global financial crisis in other countries. ()

Graph showing GDPs of world's leading

economies (not including 1st, 2nd - China, U.S.).

Brazil's economy is set to overtake

that of the United Kingdom by the
end of 2011, photo by Ben Tavener.

Disponvel em

According to the text, choose the correct statements:

I. Brazil has been the 6th position in economy since 2010.
II. Economists say Brazil will pass the U.K. economy by the end of 2011.
III. Brazil became the seventh position in worlds leading economies last year.
IV. Brazilian economy has been decreasing since 2008-2009 financial crisis.
V. Brazils economy grew 7.5 percent after not being affected by 2008-2009 financial crisis.


According to the economists predictions, choose the correct propositions:

I. By 2020, Brazil is set to become the 5th position among the world's leading economies.
II. By 2020, Germany will be the only European country that will leaves Brazilian Economy behind.
III. Brazil will lose rank to India in 2013, but will get it back in the following year.
IV. Predictions suggest Brazil will take Indian position in 2013.
V. Brazilian economy is predicted to grow slightly next year.


According to the text, choose the correct propositions:

I. Brazilian economy fell 7.5 percent due to an international financial crisis.
II. Brazil will overtake the United Kingdom by the end of the next year.
III. Brazil has been one of the eight biggest economies in the world.
IV. Economists had never predicted a rise in Brazilian economy.
V. Brazilian economy rose faster than expected by economists.


P g i n a | 87
Leia o Texto a seguir e responda as perguntas de 7 9.
Having good health
Being health nowadays is something more important than having money. Many are the steps for you to have
good health. Here are some of these steps.


One of the foundations of good health is the right diet food thats right for your metabolism, chosen from
real foods that havent been stripped of their goodness. With a supply of the right nutrients, our bodies have
an amazing ability to repair and self-balance.


Exercise is so important to good health. Think about getting a balance between aerobic, strength and
stretching exercises. But also make sure you're not doing too much exercise. Fitness is a necessary
component of health, but being fit doesn't always mean you're healthy. Allow adequate rest time, and listen
to your body's messages.

Other Supportive Habits

There are many other lifestyle factors that can determine how well we function, and many of these can be
improved. Some of these factors are:
o Getting adequate water
o Breathing good air
o Having enough sleep
o Taking time for yourself
o Enjoying your leisure activities
o Spending time with friends and family
Therefore, by following these steps, you will probably have good health.
Available at: . Retrieved November, 2011.



Mark the right option according to the text

Exercising is one of the steps somebody must follow to be healthy.
It does not matter what you eat, you just need to consume the right calories to be healthy.
You have to do a lot of exercise to be healthy.
Sleeping is less important than getting adequate water for our health.
Ones lifestyles do not determine his life quality.

Mark the right options according to the text.

The least important exercises are the aerobic ones.
The most important exercises are the strength ones.
The most important exercises are the aerobic ones.
There should be a balance between the three kinds of exercises shown by the text.
A good lifestyle must lack exercises.


Mark the option that best summarizes the texts main message.
A) If you want to be healthy, there are only three steps to follow.
B) A healthy lifestyle lacks good food, exercising, etc.
C) In order to be healthy, a person should follow some basic steps such as exercising and choosing the right
kind of food.
D) Money is the only thing people need to be healthy.
E) A good lifestyle lacks money.


Leia o texto a seguir e responda as questes 1, 2 e 3.

Brazil eases rules on conserving Amazon rainforest
Brazil's Chamber of Deputies has voted to ease restrictions on the amount of land farmers must preserve as
forest. The amended law also grants some amnesties for previous deforestation.
Supporters say Brazil needs land to boost agricultural production, while environmentalists say
destruction of the Amazon rainforest will increase. Wrangling over the final bill is likely, as Brazilian President
Dilma Rousseff indicated she would veto any bill that contained an amnesty.
After months of at times acrimonious debate, the Chamber of Deputies voted to overhaul the Forest
Code, as the legislation is known. Under the current law, 80% of a farm in the Amazon must remain
forested; in other areas, the requirement is lower, falling to 20%. However, in practice, the legislation has
not been widely enforced. It is estimated that 20% of the Amazon, the world's biggest rainforest, has been

P g i n a | 88
cleared, mainly as a result of logging and farming.
Under the new bill, small-scale landowners, who make up the majority of Brazil's farmers, will be
exempt from having to replant deforested land. The legislation must now go to the Senate and then to
President Rousseff, but her spokesman said she would veto any legislation that included the amnesty.
Other changes include allowing the use of previously excluded areas such as hilltops and slopes for
some kinds of cultivation; reducing the amount of land that must be left intact along the banks of rivers and
streams from 30m (100ft) to 15m (50ft) and; allowing farmers to count forest alongside rivers and lakes on
their land as part of their conserved area, so reducing the total amount of land they need to protect or
The changes were proposed by Aldo Rebelo form Brazil's Communist Party (PCdoB), who argued that
the existing rules prevented small farmers from making best use of their land to lift themselves out of
poverty. Farmers' groups backed the changes, saying Brazil, as one of the biggest exporters of soy, beef and
sugar, needed to boost food production in times of high commodity prices.
"None of the world's large farm producers that compete with Brazil - the United States, Europe, China,
Argentina and Australia - obliges its producers to preserve any forest," the National Agriculture
Confederation (CNA) said.
Philip Fearnside of the National Institute of Amazon Research (INPA) said the amnesty would
"legalise the illegal".
"People believe they can deforest illegally because sooner or later all will be forgiven," he told the Associated
But CNA Vice President Assuero Veronez said the changes would not increase deforestation.
"We do not have to cut down one single tree. We can increase agricultural output in already deforested
areas," he told AP. ()
Adaptado de, acesso em 2 de novembro de 2011
ATENO: As questes de 1 a 3 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.

Considering the main changes in the Forest Code, identify the correct statements:
The changes forbid farmers to cultivate on hilltops and slopes.
The new bill reduces the amount of land that must be left intact along the banks of rivers and streams.
The new bill forbid farmers to count forest alongside rivers and lakes in their properties as part of their
preserved area.
IV- The changes would not allow small farmers from making best use of their land to lift themselves out of
V- The changes forgive some previous illegal deforestation.

Considering the INPA and CNA announcements, identify the correct propositions:
Philip disagrees with Assuero concerning deforestation increase.
Philip believes amnesty would not increase deforestation.
Assuero doesnt agree with Aldo Rabelos arguments.
Assuero says the changes wouldnt affect deforestation
Both believe that amnesty would decrease deforestation.

3) Identify the points which are developed along the text:

I- Environmentalists and Farmers opinions to changes.
II- Only the environmental impacts.
III- Both environmental impacts and economical disadvantages.
IV- Statistics referring to deforestation in Amazon.
VI- Economical advantages as well as environmental impacts.
(UFPR-2012) O texto a seguir referncia para as questes 77 a 80.
School Curriculum Falls Short on Bigger Lessons
Now that children are back in the classroom, are they really learning the lessons that will help them
Many child development experts worry that the answer may be no. They say the ever-growing
emphasis on academic performance and test scores means many children arent developing life skills like
self-control, motivation, focus and resilience, which are far better predictors of long-term success than high
grades. And it may be distorting their and their parents values.
In one set of studies, children who solved math puzzles were praised for their intelligence or for
their hard work. The first group actually did worse on subsequent tests, or took an easy way out, shunning
difficult problems. The research suggests that praise for a good effort encourages harder work, while children
who are consistently told they are smart do not know what to do when confronted with a difficult problem or

P g i n a | 89
reading assignment.
Academic achievement can certainly help children succeed, and for parents there can be a fine line
between praising effort and praising performance. Words need to be chosen carefully: Instead of saying,
Im so proud you got an A on your test, a better choice is Im so proud of you for studying so hard. Both
replies rightly celebrate the A, but the second focuses on the effort that produced it, encouraging the child
to keep trying in the future.
Praise outside of academics matters, too. Instead of asking your child how many points she scored
on the basketball court, say, Tell me about the game. Did you have fun? Did you play hard?. Parents also
need to teach their children that they do not have to be good at everything, and there is something to be
learned when a child struggles or gets a poor grade despite studying hard. One strategy is to teach children
that the differences between easy and difficult subjects can provide useful information about their goals and
interests. Subjects they enjoy and excel in may become the focus of their careers. Challenging but
interesting classes or sports can become hobbies.
(Adapted from
77 - Are these statements TRUE (T) or FALSE (F), according to the text?


Schools tend to emphasize academic performance and test scores.

Students should develop life skills, such as self-control, ambition, and competitiveness.
Getting high grades does not necessarily mean that the student will be successful in life.
The emphasis on academic performance is not supported by parents at all.
Long-term success is usually achieved by students who get high grades.

Mark the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom.
a) F T F T F.
b) F F F T T.
c) F T T F F.
d) T T F F T.
e) T F T F F.
78 - What did the study mentioned in the text show?
a) Students who were praised for their intelligence did better than those who were praised for hard work.
b) Students who were praised for being smart felt confident when they had to solve a difficult problem.
c) Students who were praised for their effort felt encouraged to keep working hard.
d) Getting an A in a test is more important than working hard in most cases.
e) Students should avoid solving difficult problems and should try to relax.
79 - According to the text, how should parents react to their childrens performance?
a) They should always encourage their kids effort.
b) They should always praise their kids for getting a high grade.
c) They should encourage competition and excellent performance.
d) They should be proud of everything their children do.
e) They should ask their childrens teachers what to do.
80 - Consider the following statements:
1. Parents should tell their children they do not have to be good at everything.
2. Parents should try to praise their children in their everyday life.
3. Being successful at school is more important than outside of academic matters.
4. Students with a higher performance at school are encouraged to win games.
5. Parents should help their kids see the difference between easy and difficult subjects.
6. Easy subjects may become the focus of someones career.
Which of the statements above are TRUE, according to the text?
a) Only 1, 3 and 6.
b) Only 2, 3 and 4.
c) Only 2 and 5.
d) Only 1, 2 and 5.
e) Only 4 and 6.

P g i n a | 90

Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion

Poverty and social exclusion are a major challenge for humanity. According to the Human
Development Report 1997, a quarter of the world's population remains in severe poverty, despite the major
advances in reducing poverty made during the 20th century. At the same time, social inequality,
marginalization and discrimination still exclude many people from full participation in economic, political and
cultural life. While poverty and social exclusion represent common problems to policy makers in both poor
and rich countries, new initiatives have been developed to combat these problems, initiatives which merit
being called "Best Practices".
What are Best Practices? The idea of creating a database for Best Practices is based on the
observation that carefully documented case histories can provide excellent guidelines for policy making and
planning of new projects. The goal of a database on Best Practices is to present and promote creative,
successful and sustainable solutions to social problems arising from poverty and social exclusion in order to
build a bridge between experimental solutions, research and policy.
Best Practices are model projects or policies aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals or
groups suffering from poverty or social exclusion. They are typically based on the cooperation between
national or local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities, the private
sector, and academic communities. They include a variety of activities in all parts of the world:
In England: The Big Issue, a magazine sold by homeless people so they can earn a living and reintegrate into society.
In India: 4,000 women established the Shri Mahila SEWA Sahakari Bank to provide credit at reasonable
rates to self-employed women workers.
In Brazil: the Living Library was created to make reading and writing an everyday activity for poor
children to combat high rates of failure at elementary school.
Calling these activities Best Practices is to suggest that they can and should be replicated, that ideas can and
should be generated from them, and that they can and should contribute to policy development.
From: <> Access on August 18, 2010. (Adapted)
1. Select the CORRECT proposition(s), according to text.
I. Nowadays, criminality is related to social problems like poverty.
II. Twenty-five percent of the worlds population is still in great poverty.
III. Actions are being taken to diminish poverty and social exclusion.
IV. Marginalization is the main cause of economic and political crises.
V. Rich countries can offer solutions for problems such as social exclusion.
2. What does text say about Best Practices? Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
I. They provide ideas for improving the living standards of the underprivileged.
II. They depend on the economic cooperation of many sectors, mainly that of volunteers.
III. They should serve as examples for the planning of new actions to combat social problems.
IV. They are projects aimed only at helping people who live in poor countries.
V. They are ideas that can be used in projects for technological development.
3. As for initiatives to fight poverty and social exclusion, we can CONCLUDE from text that:
I. in England, a big issue was planned for building a community center.
II. non-governmental organizations became the only source of help.
III. the government in India created a bank to help unemployed women.
IV. the use of a database on Best Practices is a good way to obtain strategies for policy making.
V. in Brazil, a model project is being implemented to improve students performance.

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Read the text and answer questions 01 to 08, according to it.
(UFPB 2012)
By Lisa Mabey
I once returned a pair of shoes that was sent to me by accident. I had paid for one pair in the store, and a
second pair was sent to my home by accident. So I took the second pair back into the store, and handed them
to the store clerk explaining the situation. He held the shoebox in his hand in disbelief and just looked at me.
He then thanked me for my honesty and commented that hed never seen that happen before. I was amazed
that such a simple act of honesty was met with such incredulity. Is honesty really that uncommon?
I think there are honest acts all over the place, but perhaps theyre quieter acts. Being honest is much bigger
than just not lying. Its doing the right thing no matter what. Its not rationalizing your actions (because if
youre trying to rationalize, you already know somethings wrong, right?).
Being honest also requires a bit of courage sometimes. I wrote previously about the little boy who appeared
on my doorstep with his dad to tell me about something hed done. I know that took courage, and I
appreciated it immensely. But more than that, he learned that being honest is the right thing to do and you
can feel happy when you are honest. Honest people are people of character and are trustworthy. You want to
be around people you can trust and who you know will deal with you justly.
Dishonesty hurts you and others. It hurts your spirit and your ability to feel Gods influence when youre doing
something wrong. You have to remember that honesty extends beyond others: being honest with yourself and
the Lord are sometimes even more important because your spiritual well-being is on the line.
Disponvel em: <> Acesso em: 5 set. 2011. (Texto adaptado).

01. According to the text, it is correct to say that it is

a) a novel about an honest girl.
b) a testimony about being honest.
c) a play about honesty and courage.
d) a sermon about an honest store clerk.
e) an essay about honesty and lying.
02. According to the first paragraph of the text, it is correct to say that Lisa
a) paid for the second pair of shoes.
b) handed a pair of shoes back by accident.
c) received a second pair of shoes at home.
d) won two pairs of shoes from the store.
e) returned both pairs of shoes to the store.
03. In the first paragraph of the text, the store clerks reaction to Lisas attitude made her feel
a) frightened. d) surprised.
b) delighted. e) relieved.
c) pleased.
04. In the sentence He then thanked me for my honesty and commented that hed never seen that happen
before, the word that refers to
a) the womans rightful act towards the shoe shop.
b) the clerks disbelief at the shoe episode.
c) the womans amazing pair of shoes.
d) the clerks uncommon simple words.
e) the womans accident close to a shoe store.
05. The text states that a dishonest person hurts
a) himself alone.
b) everyone physically.
c) both himself and other people.
d) no one but God.
e) himself only spiritually.

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ATENO: As questes de 06 a 08 apresentam mais de uma afirmativa correta.
06. Considering the quality of being honest expressed in the text, identify the correct statements:
I. Honesty makes people feel happy.
II. Honesty involves you and others.
III. Honesty destroys people around you.
IV. Honesty conquers peoples trust in you.
V. Honesty demands being courageous.
07. Identify the questions whose answers are found in the text.
I. How did the clerk react to the shoe episode?
II. How did Lisa get the second pair of shoes?
III. How must someone treat a dishonest
IV. How did Lisa respond to the little boys attitude?
V. How should people deal with store clerks?
08. According to Lisas opinions about honesty, identify the correct statements:
I. Being honest has to be the best attitude to
II. Being honest may not be that rare.
III. Being honest could be as necessary as being
IV. Being honest wont be concerned with ones
V. Being honest can improve ones spiritual well-being.

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