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Body Mind Spirit : Neural Web Theory

Frank Maye D.O.M. ( NMD )
California Institute For Human Science
Neuropsychology: Neuroscience and Spirituality

Sam Aganov Phd

March 09, 2014
Body, mind and spirit medicine is an Integral consideration of healthcare for much of 21st
century humanity. Traditions of universal and or shamanistic cultures provide reference to the
web like attributes of consciousness. Scientists speculate upon the interconnectivity of all within
time space and space time. Some philosophers believe that, should 3% of a population learn or
adjust, all within a species will evolve. Our prophetic scientists suggest a universe where
information is transferable by wave and electromagnetic field.
A human complex oscillating biological entity is also a web like structure. Humans
possess neural webs of greater and lesser sophistication. Achievement of individuals, families,
corporations and nations depend upon the robust character of their neural web. This paper


attempts an explanation of who man is and where we may arrive should we chose the
development of achievement as opposed to the psyche of status quo. Human achievement
requires a change in sequencing! A protocol for neural web maturation hopefully lies within
these pages.

Body, mind, spirit medicine is part of a global tapestry which includes practice amongst
indigenous peoples and urban communities upon all continents but Antarctica (Dossey MD,
1999) . Larry Dossey MD in his book Re-inventing Medicine suggests that medicine of the
future will include diagnosis and treatment with non-local reality considerations (Dossey,1999).
Dossey connects earth myth and modern medicine through the understanding that our past
contributes to our present day medical foundation and that our future will present as the
evolution of all that we currently acknowledge as truth. Sam Aganov Phd depicts this
evolutionary process in his book The Neuroscience of Personal Achievement (Aganov, 2012).
Professor Aganov offers Freuds psychoanalysis as an example of a successful therapy which
could not be quantified until the emergence of neurobiology and neurochemistry. Should the
growth of neural web theory submit to graph, the evolutionary curve demonstrates an impressive
development. The future of the neural web theory continues to unfold and its understanding may


hold the key for body, mind, and spirit change. This change may result in the uplift of planetary
consciousness (Kaku, 2005). The new function of thought will utilize a full body neural web
which will take the entanglements of all other interactions into account while participating in
decisions. The new thought is topological and extended neuro-sensing in scope (Bordon,2008).
For purposes of this paper Body will be defined as infrastructure. When discussing the
health of individual human beings, this infrastructure might be further narrowed to physiology.
However, a reference to the body or infrastructure of a nation may present as roads, bridges, rail,
and airports. One might envision the physiology of a nation as its ability to move and nourish its
component parts. The infrastructure of a family unit could be viewed as its overhead costs of
nurturing its individual members as a group. Such an examination includes check books, 401k
plans, home ownership, and budgetary planning. The term Body includes a web that nourishes
the one and the many.
Mind will herein be defined as emotion. The human mind explores the environment
and feels the lack of or harmonization of entropy within its organism (Popp, May 2003). When
looking at chronic illness, the mind produces hormones, cytokines and neurotransmitters which
create or inhibit inflammation (Dossey,1999) . Emotional experiences stored in our cellular
memory were once chemically directed by hypothalamic response and subsequently continue
triggering chemically for decades (AR Bordon , F Maye, 2009). This hypothalamic emotional
fight/flight chemistry influences the bodys infrastructure or physiology. A group mind is present
in families, corporations and nations ("History," 2014) (Tice, 2010). The emotional group mind
influences the comfort zones and eventually the infrastructure of the organization. Mind has a
web of its own and is entangled with body. Do emotions and infrastructure work separately or in
tandem? Let us continue.


Spirit for many individuals suggests religious images. When discussing body, mind and
spirit religion provokes concepts of group right and wrong. Each organization maintains the
ownership of all that is correct. The working definition for Spirit in this paper will be purpose.
The goal of an individuals health might be the robust mental, emotional and physical
performance of their physiology. The goal of a family could be the financial, emotional and
human example they contribute to society. A successful corporation that produces a product
worthy of consumption via a work force compelled by enthusiasm which also contributes to the
relief of human suffering might be spirited (goal oriented) (History,2014). Nations with goals
include emotionally balanced citizens and up to date infrastructure. Does Spirit have its web?
Body, mind and spirit for purposes of this paper will be the pursuit of balance for each
component and collective balance for the three. An Integral view is offered as a possible bridge
between the earthbound perspective and the universal inclusion of consciousness (Wilbur, 2011).
Wilbur in his Integral Theory and expanded upon by Thomas Brophy Phd at The California
Institute For Human Science maintains that individuals have an outside view of their world
which includes an internal view. Wilbur and Brophy also suggest the individual perceives
themselves internally and externally exclusive to their development. This paper therefore defines
body, mind and spirit as individual components each with an internal and external set of
responsibilities. Together the group performs internally to the group mission and reacts
externally to a universal responsibility. Through this definition body, mind and spirit pursues
balance or entropy on a macrocosmic and microcosmic scale. Universal, earthbound, species and
individual goals create harmonic infrastructure and emotional balance within the macrocosmic
system (Gaia Theory, 2013). Discord created by any component of the microcosmic elements for
a goal less than harmony demands an adjustment of the macrocosm. The web of the individual,


species, earth and universe are interconnected and in constant interaction within and without. The
Universe appears to allow for non- linear mathematics to interfere thus insuring entropy
(Swanson, 2011) through Chaos (Miller & Miller, 2002).
The spirit of this paper should encourage one to accommodate the expansion of the
human complex biological oscillating entity (COBE) (Bordon, Maye 2009) into larger
macrocosmic webs when considering achievement on both microcosmic and macrocosmic
scales. Does the full body neural web as envisioned through the work of Bordon & Maye et al
(Bordon, 2009) represent a microcosm of how mastery of our neurology might place us in
greater control of what we desire to manifest?
History of a Web and Mankind
The history of mankind is replete with genesis stories written by primitive cultures. Many
cultures reflect either a Spider Woman or a web which protects and connects human beings
(Wigington, 2014). The Hopi are created from the entanglement of the spiders web along with
the solar flares of the sun (Colores/ New Mexico PBS, 2009). Greece produces a story where two
sisters compete for the right to weave the world (Wigington,2014). The Cherokee had the light of
the world captured by a spider. King Saul of Israel as well as Mohamed were both saved from
certain death by a spiders web (Wigington,2014). Humans have equated their creation and
salvation with a web which connects the seen and the immaterial. This interconnectivity exists
today within theoretical physics and spirituality (Pitkanen, n.d) (Sidirov & McMoneagle, July
2003).Non-local reality ( may be cited through NDE as in Proof of Heaven
(Alexander, october 23,2010). Another example on the non-dual nature of the human experience
occurred in the visions of the Dreamer Religion of the Wanapum tribe and their leader
Smohalla (History Link, ). Smohalla maintained a link between this world and the dream world


thus entangling his people in both their past and their future. Today dreaming is studied by
significant scientists who record them and teach wisdom to their clients through them (Krippner,
december 4, 2009) (Moss, march 10, 2011). Dreams are a ticket to enter a non-local world of
parallel universes and web like entanglements. Whole cultures formed from out of clouds and
created history from parallel universes ("Celticlight", n.d) (Kaku,2005). The nation of Ireland
and its mystical beginnings arrived from a cloud where the Tuatha appeared. The pyramids of
Egypt and the temples of Cambodia remarkably were built in the same year (10,500 BC) with the
help of parties unknown (Hancock, 1998). Our history is that of a web of events entangled with
time space and space time as yet not understood! The spirit, mind and body of this home we call
earth has its core entanglement in a web. Should man be made in the image and likeness of God,
might this image include a web!
Gaias Web
The earth is an elaborate biofeedback system ("Gaia Hypothesis," 2006). Solar waves
influence the rotation of earths core and subsequently the Schuman frequency at the surface. Sea
salinity affects our atmosphere. Each component contributes to a feedback loop which has an
effect upon weather and the human experience (Schienle, Stark, & Vaitl, 1998). Some may
conclude that our planet has a neural web. Our 21st century human experience on Gaia includes
the speedy connection of thought through the World Wide Web! Does the biofeedback loop
discussed in Gaia theory along with the internet suggest that mother earth evolves through the
scope, density, strength and speed of its web? Might this explain the rapid development of
human consciousness since our influence on all four elements is more robust with each year?
Human Meridian System


Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete healthcare system which dates back to the
second millennia BC with the emergence of Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) (Zhao, 2004).
Acupuncture is part of a system which also includes herbal pharmacology. Both acupuncture and
herbal treatment are based upon the movement of qi (subtle energy) through a sophisticated web
like matrix called the meridian system (Zhao,2004). There are fourteen meridians which traverse
the body vertically containing a total of three hundred sixty-four anatomical points. Any given
acupuncture point may have as many as four functions pertinent to adjusting the temperature,
repletion or excess of subtle energy or vital force (Morant, 1941). Herbal treatments are also
based upon influence of this energetic web. Dr Motoyama created a device called Apparatus for
Meridian Identification (AMI) which detects the bodys ability to use subtle energy and the
autonomic nervous systems response to subtle energy absorption and back action (Motoyama,
Harada, & Tsuchiya, n.d). During the summer of 2012 while working with the AMI the after
polarization readings (AP) appeared to provide information consistent with five element Chinese
medical findings (Jarrett, 2004). This back action (AP) prompted a curiousity regarding
polarization and hyperpolarization of information across a synapse (Sinacola & PetersStrickland, 2012). Was the AMI producing bioinformation through AP readings that were
autonomic in quality (Motoyama, 1997), five element TCM in linguistics and functional similar
to psychopharmacology (Sinacola,Peters-Strickland, 2012)? Should these two postulations be
promising then a closed circuit electric biological system (Nordenstrom, 2007) might behave
similar to a universal system and therefore polarization and hyperpolarization is both
macrocosmic and microcosmic in universal imperative (Maye, November,2012) (Bordon, Maye
2009). Simply said, a signal of subtle energy or bioinformatics would have a predictable back
action from any starting point within the sentient universal web whether it be confined to a


human complex oscillating biological entity or within free space. William Tiller Phd during the
summer of 2012 announced his working hypothesis that subtle energy travelled at the speed of
light squared (Tiller, 2013). This allows actionable subtle energetic imperative to travel toward
and back from a target almost instantaneously. Does this begin the case for medical initiated
remote inter-action?
The discovery of neutrinos enhanced the argument that Tiller offered regarding the
speed of subtle energy and its inclusion as a fifth force of nature (Tiller, 2013). Neutrinos are
massless and chargeless particles which traverse space at the speed of light squared (Ioannisian,
1997). When neutrinos pass through dense objects like Antarctic ice, they decelerate to the speed
of light and become photons. Photons possess information. We now have particles with mass and
a positive charge. The web of the universe accommodates the creation of light and transfer of
information from the particles of a dark void with zero mass and zero charge. Does this resonate
with the myths of our elders Out of darkness comes light? Creation myths as well as ancient
mystical paths such as the Hebrew Sephir Yetzirah, Japanese Book of Inochi and Daoist Canons
refer to light created from darkness and channeled through an elaborate sacred geometry (Maye,
2013). This geometric channeling when coupled with sound is the protocol for creation
considered as fact by our ancestors and current mystics. Dr Bordon attempted the written
reduction of his ENS experience in a 2009 publication Ultimate Thought (Bordon, july 2009).
Bordon placed 21st century nomenclature to experiences shared by himself and many sages from
years past.
Traditional Taoist Medicine allowed for cosmological influence upon the meridian
system (Jarrett, 2004). They believed that consciousness was centered in the little dipper. They
believed that the polestar is the current center, however a new star takes its place every 3500


years. The acupuncture point on the scalp midway between the apex of the ears (DU20) is the
location where the consciousness of the polestar and human consciousness intersect. Daoist
cosmology also suggests that as the star shift occurs every 3500 years DU20 shifts less than a
mm as does the acupuncture points ST25 1cm bilateral to the umbilicus. Subsequently Du20 was
named 100 meetings and ST25 was named heavenly pivot. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
believes a healthy human has 3500 rhythmic breaths in 24 hours. Five element theory (TCM)
suggests that each of the ten organ systems have an emotion (spirit) infused within as well as a
physiological responsibility (Jarrett,2004) (Morant,1941). The sacred geometry of the Hebrews,
Japanese and Chinese discuss ten dimensions of energetic shift (Maye, 2013).
Hiroshi Motoyama Phd developed a device AMI which was able to interpret the bodys
capacity to absorb an electrical charge of 3 volts BP (before polarization) (Motoyama, 1997). BP
results offer information consistent with health or potential chronic disease. AP (after
polarization) readings are based upon the return signal of ionic transfer. AP results indicate the
health of the autonomic nervous system. These after polarization indications were fascinating.
The five element Chinese Medical diagnostic model appears consistent with results witnessed
during summer lab sessions of 2012 and 2013. Should a significant number of participants in
future studies corroborate this postulation, the psychological healthcare community will have a
testing mechanism of significant value. Subtle energy testing and treatment may become closer
to standard of care in our western healthcare model. The universal web has always existed,
however, access appears to be gaining due to the scope, density, strength and speed by which we
embrace it.
The Extended Mind



Rupert Sheldrake Phd in his book The Sense of Being Stared At (Sheldrake, 2004) and
lectures (Sheldrake, 2014) discusses the existence of consciousness outside of the brain.
Sheldrake believes as I do that the mind can extend itself beyond physiology. He maintains that
morphic fields surround all electrical, magnetic and gravitational fields. He believes that the
human physiology and adjacent biofield also contain a morphic field which can be extended
beyond itself.
Peter Gariaev of Russia first noticed the transfer of bioinformation in the late 1990s
(Pitkanen, 2008). A laser was directed at a leaf and a mirror image of the leaf appeared at a
distance. Gariaev then repeated the experiment with a leaf partially amputated. The entire leaf
appeared at a distance in mirror image. This procedure was named the DNA Phantom Effect
(Pitkanen, 2008). Subsequent experiments later indicated that lasers were able to produce
holographic images of DNA which were also transferrable. Gariaev became known as the father
of the wave theory. Matti Pitkanen Phd furthered Gariaevs hypothesis claiming that every
thought generated by the human mind was stored in time space and space time relative to similar
thoughts and in delivery fashion similar to modern day google (Pitkanen, 2008 ). Huping Hu
Phd, JD elaborated on both the work of Pitkanen and Gariaev agreeing with theirs and
Sheldrakes theories of wave projection through a matrix like universe. Hu added the concept of
Spin which could be assigned to the final manifestation thus being counterclockwise neg. or
clockwise pos. (Maye, 2012). Since Sheldrake suggested that time and information were equal
within an equation, then time might be tickled through information insertion and changes in spin.
Frank Maye D.O.M. (NMD) influenced by the writings of Pitkanen, Gariaev and Hu
began experimenting with DNA samples, bioacoustics capable lasers and ancient linguistic
permutations as imperatives for actionable intent. Initial tests offered hope that malignant



pathology could be time reversed by reproducing the Priore Effect (Bordon & Maye, June
2008). Drs Maye and Bordon pursued this hypothetical track until Bordons passing in 2013.
Sheldrake, Gariaev, Pitkanen, Hu, Bordon and Maye looked for answers regarding the
projection of bioinformation across time space and space time. Bordons work Longevitality
was an attempt to explain his ENS view of the universal web and architecture (Bordon, 2009).
Neural Web and Personal Achievement
Sam Aganov Phd makes the case in his textbook The Neuroscience of Personal Growth
that most if not all self- help and psychotherapy can measure its success through the neural web
theory (Aganov, 2012). Our neural web consists of scope which is the broad base information set
and capacity developed . Scope simply put is the size of the web. Strength entails the frequency
with which a set of neurons fire and subsequently cluster. Density is the clustering of neurons in
groups with similar function. Speed includes the physiologic condition and health of neurons
such as myelin which encourages speed (Aganov,2012). Psychoanalysis, humanistic, NLP, and
behavioral therapy all favored neural web development. One might say that the brain in its
locality, lateralization and function were aligned for personal achievement.
During the early years of this century Dr Angelo Bordon set out to expand the human
physiologic tools necessary to combine the enteric, peripheral, and cortico-thalamic nervous
systems (Bordon,2008) (Bordon,2009). He hypothesized that should these systems be connected
or brought on-line then greater understanding of consciousness might be achieved. He called this
hypothesis and process extended neuro-sensing (ENS) and imagined it a second generation of
remote viewing. He utilized ENS to explore the human biofield which he described in terms of a
cloud similar to what we discuss in internet circles today. Bordon , when discussing the cloud
referred to it as the meisner/anti meisner field which recorded all matter of thought and



experience. He also attempted to map consciousness as he experienced such through ENS.

Bordons musings on this topic are described in detail in the chapter entitled The Idiomaterial
Universe (Bordon, 2009). Dr Frank Maye and Dr Bordon brought ENS to the human
physiological neural web when exploring the theories of Bruce Lipton Phd (Lipton, 2008)
within the backdrop of Sheldrake, Gariaev, Pitkanen and Hu. Lipton discusses cellular memory
and connective tissue memory. Suddenly Hamerroffs microtubule theory became very plausible
(Elsiveir, 2014) (Abbott, Davies, & Pati, 2008). Human centrioles emitted ultraviolet light during
mitosis . Might a robust neural web in over unity ENS view mitosis and interfere with a
programmed message of pristine health. The neural web might begin to educate itself. This was
(SBEG) interference within a closed biologic and electric circuit (Bordon, Maye 2009).
Does the neural web described by Aganov present a microcosmic picture of a
communication system older than humankind? Can a robust neural web such as ENS overunity
provide tools worthy of development? Might these tools increase the awareness of
consciousness? Should 3% (Sheldrake, 2004) of the population acquire these skills might
humanitys awareness increase exponentially? The one hundred monkey theory creates a new
Giorgi Lozanov and Suggestopedia
Any modern day exploration of personal achievement, should include a review of Giorgi
Lozanovs work Suggestopedia ("Dr Giorgi Lozanov ," 2014). Lozanov was a believer in the
power of breathing, visualization and biofeedback. He was a trained educator and psychiatrist.
Lozanov was a soviet era authority on the strategic use of parapsychology. His most significant
contribution, however, was the creation of suggestopedia. Suggestion, music, freedom of
movement, yogic breathing and large volume of teaching material became core components of



Lozanovs methods. He believed that teachers should love teaching so as to instill freedom of
movement and correction without guilt. Intonation of reading material was often at different
levels and most often accompanied by music. This increased the harmonics as well as whole
brain involvement. Finally suggestopedia offered students two to three times the volume of
material for review with the group understanding that both teacher and student body were
During the late 70s Angelo Benitez-Bordon became a protg of Dr Lozanov. Angelo,
who would eventually become Dr AR Bordon and developed accelerated learning and training
from suggestopedia while a grad student at the University of Iowa. Along with Sheila Ostrander
Angelo began teaching high school students in Iowa French at an accelerated path (Bordon &
Schuster, 1976). Suggestopedia would become the significant influence of Dr Bordons career.
Meditation, breathing, belief , movement and suggestion were integral to all of his pursuits. Later
Dr Frank Maye included Hemisync Tech ("Who is Bob Monroe," 2014) with the desire to
balance both hemispheres of the brain. Bordon concurred advising that he had spent time with
Robert Monroe and Skip Atwater at the Virginia campus. Bordon and Maye were both martial
artists and believed that martial art forms could be used for direct transmission of information
especially if one or both parties were ENS trained. Dr Bordon believed that information absorbed
internally and externally through as many senses as possible increased both the volume and
speed exponentially. The web being a macrocosm and microcosm had a maestro in Dr Bordon
with regards to the development of scope, density, strength and speed. Dr Maye was positioned
as both student and peer.
Affirmations and Lou Tice



Once a high school football coach Lou Tice became a legend in the world of personal
achievement (Pacific Institute, 2014). Upon his passing in 2013 his company Pacific Institute
had corporate offices on every continent except Antarctica. The Miami Police Department
requested that Frank Maye then an employee research Pacific Institute and become educated in
their system. This turned into a several decade friendship between Mr Tice and Dr Maye. The
Pacific Institute maintained clients in government, military, NFL, NBA and fortune 500
companies. The current football super bowl champion Seattle Seahawks are coached by a long
time Lou Tice client Pete Carroll (Carroll, 2011). Lou believed that goals were the spirit of all
achievement. Experiential visualization was the hallmark of world class affirmations which
themselves triggered a teological initiative toward completion (Tice, 2010). Tice believed that
the only interference with success was the establishment of neurologically secured Comfort
Zones. Dr Aganov introduced the concept of mirror neurons in his book Neuroscience of
Personal Achievement (Aganov, 2012) . Mirror neurons may be the neural mechanism most at
play when using affirmations and experiential visualization.
Protocol for Personal Achievement: Neural Web Theory in a Bi-Causal Universe
Personal achievement may be defined as individual, family, corporate or national.
Working definitions for body, mind and spirit have been given. Each category has been further
narrowed so as to provide an understanding of group vs individual applications. This section will
outline a general individual protocol. Please understand that each case deserves a set of slight
variations. Group protocols will be similar and actually demand only slight adjustment.
Extended neuro-sensing (ENS) begins the protocol. Participants learn the necessary skills
to align the brain, peripheral, enteric, and connective tissue (extra cellular matrix). Basic remote



viewing strategies are employed with the adjustment for full body neural over unity. ENS is then
the tool for exploring the individuals web, cellular capacity, cloud and idiomaterial universe.
Affirmations are written for personal growth. They are structured in the first person and
present tense. Words that trigger pictures are used. Pictures that trigger emotions are employed.
Visualization techniques are ENS driven and must be vivid in imagination. Since we are
visualizing in an ENS format all senses are involved and at peak performance.
Martial arts forms are utilized so as to include motion within the learning process.
Remember the Lozanov method where freedom of movement is essential for direct transmission
of information! Liuhebafa is an excellent choice since the movement is in eight directions
encompassing various speeds and heights. Coincidentally Helen Liang when diagnosed with
Lymphoma used this form to heal her body (Liang, jan 1998).
The brain should be entrained through hemisync technology either through the movement
program or during static ENS meditation. Affirmations may be subliminally infused into the
hemisync binaural beats. Finally internal ENS focus may be enhanced by the useage of
bioacoustic capable lasers carrying linguistic messages of ancient languages such as Sanskrit,
Hebrew, Japanese or Gaelic.
The learning of new languages increases neurons. Should the language be learned with
the brain tricked into believing it is the first language, then cellular memory could only be
pristine. Drs. Maye and Bordon were working on this protocol prior to the passing of Dr Bordon.
Sequencing of emotional traumas from early childhood and adolescence were important
to Dr Mayes view of ENS driven health coaching on a cellular level. AP readings from AMI
might provide valuable insight in determining which psychological insults are most profound and
troublesome. Changing the sequencing therefore is essential.



We have defined body, mind and spirit. An Integral approach has been added to the
definition. The web concept has been historically approached. The transfer of information across
Gaia is through the worldwide web. The earths biofeedback loop is web like and designed
through chaos theory to maintain balance. Ancient and yet effective medical systems employ
web like theories called Meridian Theory. This theory connects acupuncture points allegedly
with distant stars. We have explored an extension of the neural web throughout the body and
beyond the mind. Interconnectivity has been evaluated and the case made. The universe has a
macrocosmic web and a series of entanglements which are microcosmic copies.
Personal achievement is based upon the scope, strength, density and speed of the neural
web. We have made a case and provided a potential protocol for extending this neural web to
ENS over unity. Consciousness can be explored with greater scope, density, strength and speed.
Should 3% of humanity achieve ENS might our consciousness dictate what we manifest? Might
our grandchildren survive our foolishness?
Whether an individual searches for their niche, or a family desires to contribute more to
society the answers may begin within these pages. Should the Ukraine, Europe and Russia
function from within the comfort zone of historical location and lateralization, we may
experience the suffering from whence we have been programmed. Should new sequencing be
explored and topological ENS purpose be re-enforced with vivid goals, a new experience might
shine through so as to light the way. Might a goal or purpose experienced with regional
emotional value be the restoration of Ukrainian and regional infrastructure.
Within the syllables of this paper lies the message we all miss! Re-invention of body,
mind and spirit is how we heal and evolve as a species!





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