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Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa

Autonomous Teaching practicum

Grade meeting 1

Grade: 7th
Pre-service teachers: stefania Olaya
Claudia Victoria Gomez
Emerson Alvarez
Daniel Estrada
Brayner Trejos.
Discuss the following questions with your classmates. Remember to use academic jargon
and relate the theory and the practice whenever is possible.
Learners point of view
1. What are the topics have you been covering so far?

Past simple
Verb to be
Comparative and superlatives
Present simple
2. Which topic has been the most interesting for your students? Why? Provide evidence

Brayner says: Comparative and superlatives because teacher introduced the topic
using some super heroes, therefore students enjoyed the activity.
stefania says: the aim of the class was to check the students knowledge about the
vocabulary. They watched a video about a class of professor Girafales and students
have to write the words that the professor pronounced in English.
Claudia Says: Students enjoyed was and were topic referring past tense, and in this
case teacher showed some pictures about famous people and their childhood (What
did they want to be when they were children)
Emerson says: The most interesting topic was about possessives, explanation about
the topic and draw a partners stuff.
3. Which topic has been the most challenging for students? Why? Provide evidence.

Comparative and Superlatives topic because students did not want to participate
during the activities. and they get confused with the comp and sup differences.
Verbs conjugation in present tense because students did not add the s or es to the
Emerson and Daniel did not face a challenge topic, but the challenge for them is
students behavior.

4. How have your students felt when they do not understand a thematic?

Some of the students ask for explanation and to repeat again the instructions,
however most of them do not mind if they understood or not. They are not commited
in their leanring process.
They get frustrated and they ask to teacher to explain the instructions in Spanish.

Teachers point of view

5. Which topic do you consider is the most interesting for you to teach? Why? Provide
Public places because brought flashcards to the class and students were engaged as
well as teachers.
Comparatives and superlatives because teacher introduced the topic using some
flashcards about movies, animals etc ,to compare; Hence student found this topic so
Daily Routine because they describe their own routine and they were interested to
ask partners about their daily routines.
Past of verb to be because teacher introduced the topic using some flashcards about
famous people childhood.
6. Which topic has been the most challenging for you to teach? Why? Provide evidence
The Most challenging topic to teach:
Wh questions because students get confused with each wh question and and they did
not know how and when use them.
Do/Does because students combine verb to be and present simple in all sentences.
7. What classroom management problems have you faced? How have you solved them?

Seating arrangement
The use of cellphones
Some students prefer seat in their partners legs
They eat in class
Students seat in the back of the classroom
They speak too much during the lesson.

How to solve the problems:

Doing observations reports
Move student to different places.
Organize students in rows.

Write a reflective paragraph with the most paramount comments you have
discussed with your partners. (150 words maximum). Do not forget to cite some
authors and make adaptions based on what your partners said Eg. Taken from
Harmer, J (2012) adapted by your classmates surname and initinial of his/her name, in the
autonomous teaching practicum course, Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira (2016)
professor I apologise as I pass the maximum words (words 247)

I have read a lot of theory about how to teach, pedagogical techniques, strategies to
teach English, etc., however, when we use that theory into reality, we can notice that most of that
theory does not work in a real lesson. We know that an English teacher has to teach most of the
lesson in English, and most of the lesson plan has to be carried out during the class, and we
agree with that. However, we wonder about the issue of speaking English in an English class to
40 students in which only ten students want to learn and the others 30 are focused on other
things, but not in learning.
In addition, sometimes we cannot carry out all the lesson plan; as most of the class is
spent in calling the students attention. This event made us feel frustrated and sad, given the fact
that we want to teach the entire lesson in English, but we feel down when we realize that
students do not pay attention to what we are saying.
To sum up, Elias and Schwab (2006) contend that the type of responses applied to
problem behaviors is an important component of the management and discipline process, in
which the teacher has to be persistent in order to develop their behavioral patterns over a period
of time. Consequently, we need to persist with methods that help the learners to acquire the
good behavior, not only to attend the classes, but for their lives.

Elias, M., & Schwab, Y. (2006). From compliance to responsibility: Social and emotional
learning and classroom management. In C. M. Evertson & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook
of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 309341).
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

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