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Notes on the workshop:
1. Workshop will be beginner centric. Attendees are assumed
to have zero knowledge on Blender, Unity, & 3D modeling
in general.
I. Introduction to Unity
A. Installing Unity
B. Setting up a project
C. Importing the Standard Assets
D. Opening a Sample Scene
E. Accessing Help
II. Unity Basics
A. Understanding the User Interface
1. Scene View
2. Hierarchy
3. Game View
4. Project Panel
5. Inspector Panel
6. Switching to different layouts
B. Navigating in Scene View 3D Space & transforming objects
1. The Hand Tool
2. Focusing on objects using F or double-clicking
3. Translate, Rotate, & Scale Tool
4. View Cube
C. Game View
1. Play & Pause Button
2. Maximize on Play & Stats
D. Adding GameObjects
1. 3D Objects
2. Lights: directional, point, spot, area
3. Camera
E. Exercise: Create a simple scene with floors, some objects,
some lights, and 1 camera
F. GameObjects, Components, & Inspector Panel
1. Transform
2. Colliders
3. Mesh Renderer

Unity is a cross-platform
game engine developed
by Unity Technologies
and used to develop
video games for PC,
consoles, mobile devices
and websites. You can
create any 2D or 3D
game with Unity. You
can make it with ease,
you can make it highlyoptimized and beautiful,
and you can deploy it
with a click to more
platforms than you have
fingers and toes.

4. Assigned Materials
5. Rigidbody
6. Light Components
G. Creating Materials.
1. Changing colors
2. Assigning materials
H. Exercise: create a scene with falling and colliding objects
I. Organizing Assets: Creating Folders and sub-folders
III. Unity Scripting
A. Monodevelop & Visual Studio
B. Basic Concepts
1. What is a script?
2. Creating scripts and assigning to GameObjects
C. C# scripting essentials
1. void Start () { }
2. void Update () { }
3. Mouse Input
4. Destroy Game Object
D. Exercise: Create a scene where a cube is destroyed when presses mouse click
IV Importing models from Blender (Drag-and-drop)

V. Creating the Gear VR app

A. Create Folders (audio, materials, models, prefabs, scripts)
B. Import Gun model and ShooterSound
1. Parent Gun to Camera
2. Scale objects properly
C. Create Plane, Bullet, BulletSpawn
1. Parent BulletSpawn to Gun
D. Apply different materials.
1. Gun (yellow)
2. Target (Red)
3. Bullet (Green)
E. Create Bullet Prefab
1. Create bullet script
2. Attach script to bullet
3. Playtest an adjust bullet speed
4. Save prefab
F. Create GunShooter Script
1. Create script
2. Attach to Gun
3. Assigning prefabs to references
G. Create Enemy Prefab
1. Playtest if enemy is destroyed when hit by bullet
2. Save Prefab and distribute to different locations

H. Save Scene
I. Getting Ready for Gear VR Deployment
1. Import OSIG file: Plugins/Android/assets
2. Preferences: double check Android SDK and JDK location
3. Player settings: virtual reality supported
4. Bundle Identifier
5. Build Settings: Android & ETC2 (GLES 3.0)

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