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Acupressure Points for Balancing Fire and Water

Chinese Medicine offers western holistic medical practitioners a

wonderful way to explore health and vitality.
At its simplest level, Chinese Medicine is focused on balancing Yin
and Yang. Acupressure is a technique often used within Meridian

Yin and Yang are the two fundamental aspects of all creation:
thoughts, material objects, emotions, plants, humans, business
enterprises, relationships, everything. For the western mindset, we
can think: two sides of the same coin. The coin is a single object,
yet it is made up of two distinct sides. Without the union of both
sides, we would not recognize the coin. This is Yin and Yang.

In the course of a twenty four hour day, we have day time (Yang),
and night time (Yin). All the moments within this cycle are mixtures
of Yin and Yang. Noon is when the Sun is the highest and is the
most Yang time of the cycle when compared to midnight, the
darkest most Yin time. Notice that Yin and Yang, noon and
midnight, are known in relationship to one another. Taken together,
the movement and relative relationship of Yin and Yang create the
balance of the twenty four hour cycle.

Because Yin and Yang are the basis of all creation, Yin and Yang are
therefore the basis of human life. Chinese Medicine recognizes Yin
and Yang as the elements of Fire and Water. The relative balance of

Fire and Water in the body gives rise to the experience of our body
temperature, energy, metabolism, sexual desire, moods, appetite,
immune function, and more. A simple description of health could be
a harmonious balance of Yin and Yang. Any form of massage
therapy can support the balance of Yin and Yang.

Massage Therapists can easily learn how to add acupressure points

into their collection of massage techniques. By combining just five
acupressure points, a Massage Therapist can support the balance
of Fire and Water within their client, thus supporting their overall
well being. Lets get started.

Where is Fire in the human body?

The Heart Organ System of Chinese Medicine is associated with the
Fire element. The acupressure points used will therefore be located
on the Heart meridian, which is located on both arms and hands.
The acupressure point Heart 7 is located on the palm surface
(anterior) of the ulnar (pinky) side of the wrist crease.

Where is Water in the human body?

The Kidney Organ System of Chinese Medicine is associated with
the Water element. The acupressure points used will therefore be
located on the Kidney meridian, which is located on the abdomen,
chest, and both legs and feet. The acupressure point Kidney 3 is
located on the medial surface of the ankle between the medial
malleolus and the Achilles Tendon.

Gently apply pressure to both Kidney 3 and Heart 7 on one side of

the body and hold for at least three breaths. Pay attention to the
breathing pattern of you and your client while holding these points
and imagining Fire and Water coming into balance. After three or
more breaths, move to the other side and repeat.
Acupressure is an art developed through practice and experience.
Apply pressure to your own acupressure points at different
intensities using your thumbs and other fingers. Notice the different
sensations. Keep practicing and noticing your experience. Also, ask
your clients about their experience. Even if you are not fully trained
in Shiatsu Massage or Chinese Tui Na, you can gain skill in
acupressure by exploring points on your own body first and then
trying your technique with clients.

Three more acupressure points will complete your Fire and

Water balancing.

1. REN 6 (also known as the Conception Vessel) is located about an

inch and half below the naval. This area is close the Urinary
Bladder, which is the paired organ with the Kidney.

2. REN 17 is located on the center of the sternum (breast bone) at

the level of the fourth rib. This point is located very close to the
heart itself, and has a powerful effect on calming the heart. Holding

these acupressure points at the same time helps the Fire and Water
of the body return to a more balanced relationship. Gently apply
one or two fingers to these points and hold for at least three

3. DU 20. While maintaining your contact with REN 6, apply

pressure to the acupressure point DU 20 (also known as the
Governing Vessel). DU 20 is located at the highest point of the skull,
right in the center. Now you are connecting a very strong Yin point
(REN 6) to a very strong Yang point (DU 20). Breath, feel your feet
grounded into the floor and allow your clients energy to flow
through the acupressure points and meridians, thus balancing the
Yin and Yang of their entire body.
Point combinations for balancing Fire and Water:
HT 7 + KD 3 (on both sides)
REN 6 + REN 17 + DU 20
Common ailments that are relieved by balancing Fire and Water:
Use this session to:
Relieve anxiety, short temper, stress induced headaches, insomnia
(symptoms of too much Fire and not enough Water). Also, relieve
fatigue, lethargy, foggy thinking, apathy (symptoms of too much
Water and not enough Fire).

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