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02 HTML Code Examples

I will edit and add to this code as you tell me what does and
does not work.

Basic Tags
<html> </html> Creates an HTML document
<head> </head> Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the
webpage itself
<body> </body> Sets off the visible portion of the document
Header Tags
<title></title> Puts the name of the document in the title bar
<meta /> Provides information about the page for search engines and browsers.
The <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-88591" /> is required.
<meta name=author content=authors name /> - provides a search engine
with the authors name.
<meta name=description content=Description /> - provides a description of
the webpage that will be displayed when a search engine shows the pages URL
in a hit list.
<meta name=keywords content=list of keywords /> - provides a list of words
that a search engine should associate with the page.
<meta name=keywords content= this is where you will type in your keywords that are
appropriate to your website>
<!--This is a Comment tag-->

Does not show up on the webapge

Text Tags
<h1> </h1> Creates the largest headline
<h6> </h6> Creates the smallest headline
<b> </b> Creates bold text
<i> </i> Creates italic text
<font face=Arial> changes font to Arial
<h1> <font face=Times New Roman> </h1>

<a href="URL">George Washington</a> Creates a hyperlink
<a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a> Creates a mailto link
<p> </p> Creates a new paragraph same as double spacing leaves a blank line
<br /> Inserts a line break same as single spacing does not leave a blank line
<blockquote> </blockquote> Indents text from both sides
<ol> </ol> Creates a numbered list
<li> </li> Precedes each list item, and adds a number
<ul> </ul> Creates a bulleted list
<center> Centers text or image
<body bgcolor=000FFF>
<font color=FFF066>
Graphical Elements
<img src="filename.???" alt="alternate text" height="number"
width="number" /> Adds an image
<hr /> Inserts a horizontal rule
<hr color=000000>
<hr width=70% color=fff380 size =10>
<object> </object> Inserts an embedded object such as an audio or video clip.
<object width="320" height="260> </object> Sets size of object.
<embed src=cat.swf height=50 width=800> embeds a Flash movie such as your
banner ad and makes the size more like a banner shape
<embed src=Natalie.mp4> embeds a MPEG file created from the Flip camera.
<marquee behavior=scroll direction=right><img src=logo.gif width=300
height=200/> inserts a scrolling marquee
<table> inserts table
<table bgcolor=00ff00 border=10 cellpadding=20 cellspacing=20> inserts color and
<th> table header
<tr> table row
<td> table definition

Create Multiple page website

To create a multiple page website, you will need to link each page together with a
(a href)
Your homepage can be called and saved as Index.html. Your second
page can be called and saved as Products.html. Your code to link the two pages might
look like this:
<a href=index.html>Home Page</a>
<a href=products.html>Products Page</a>

This code will link to your home page

This code will link to your products

A list of W3C HTML tags can be found online at

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