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Section A
[ 20 marks ]
Answer all questions in this section.

1. A blood tests of 30 students in a class were taken. The data obtained is shown in Table 1.
Ujian darah untuk 36 pelajar-pelajar sebuah kelas telah dibuat. Data yang diperolehi ditunjukkan di Jadual 1.


Table 1
Jadual 1

(a) Complete the Table 2 for blood group B. [ 2 mark ]

Lengkapkan Jadual 1 untuk jenis darah B.

Blood group
Jenis darah
Number of students
Bilangan pelajar
Table 2
Jadual 2

(b) Based on the result in Table 2, draw a bar chart. to show the number of pupils against the blood group.
Menggunakan data di Jadual 1, lukis sebuah carta bar bilangan pelajar melawan jenis darah.

[ 2 marks ]
(c) Calculate the percentage of the students with blood group O. [ 1 mark ]
Kirakan peratus pelajar yang mempunyai kumpulan darah O.


2. Diagram 1.1 and diagram 1.2 show an experiment to determine the focal length of convex lenses. Table 2 shows the result of the
Diagram 1.1 dan diagram 1.2 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk menentukan jarak fokus kanta cembung. Jadual 2 menunjukkan hasil
daripada ekperimen.

Diagram 1.1 Diagram 1.2

Convex lens Focal length, f / cm

Kanta cembung Jarak focus, f / cm

Table 3
Jadual 3

(a) State the aim of carrying out this experiment. [1]

Nyatakan tujuan eksperimen ini dijalankan.

(b) From diagram 1.1 and diagram 1.2, complete Table 3. [1]
Berdasarkan diagram 1.1 dan diagram 1.2, lengkapkan Jadual 3.

(c) State the inference that you can make. [1]

Nyatakan inferens yang dapat anda buat.


(d) State the manipulated variable in this experiment. [1]

Nyatakan pembolehubah dimanipulasi dalam eksperimen ini.


(e) Based on this experiment, state the operational definition of the focal length? [1]
Berdasarkan eksperimen ini, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi jarak focus?

3. Diagram 2 shows an experiment carried out to study the effects of three types of antibiotics on bacterial growth.
Diagram 2 menunjukkan kajian yang dijalankan ke atas kesan tiga jenis antibiotik terhadap pertumbuhan bakteria.

Three discs with three different types of antibiotics, X, Y and Z, are placed on the nutrient agar surface. The petri dish is incubated
upside down at 37oC. After two days, a clear area formed around each disc. The diameter of the clear area is measured and recorded
in Table 4.
Tiga cakera mengandungi tiga jenis antibiotik, X, Y dan Z, diletakkan di atas permukaan agar-agar bernutrien. Piring petri itu
dieramkan dalam keadaan telangkup pada suhu 37 oC. Selepas dua hari, satu kawasan jernih terbentuk di sekeliling setiap cakera.
Diameter kawasan jernih ini diukur dan dicatat seperti dalam Jadual 4.

Diameter of clear area / cm 1.2 1.8 1.6
Diameter kawasan jernih / cm
Table 4
Jadual 4

(a)(i) Using Table 4, which antibiotic is the most efficient in controlling the bacterial growth? [1]
Merujuk kepada Jadual 4, antibiotik manakah paling berkesan untuk mengawal pertumbuhan bakteria?


(ii) Explain your answer in 3(a)(i). [1]

Jelaskan jawapan anda di 3(a)(i).


(b) State the variables in the experiment. [2]

Nyatakan pemboleh ubah dalam eksperimen ini.

(i) Manipulated variable:

Pemboleh ubah yang dimanipulasi:


(ii) Responding variable:

Pemboleh ubah yang bertindak balas:

(c) Put ( √ ) on diseases below that can be cured using antibiotics. [ 1 ]
Tandakan ( √ ) pada penyakit di bawah yang dapat diubati oleh antibiotik.

Dengue fever Tuberculosis Goiter

Demam denggi Batuk kering beguk

4. Diagram 3 shows the apparatus set up to study a process carried out by plants.
Diagram 3 menunjukkan peralatan yang dipasang untuk mengkaji proses yang dilakukan oleh tumbuhan.

Measuring cylinder


Water weed

Diagram 3

The apparatus is set up and placed on a football field. The volume of gas released is observed after 5 hours.
Peralatan dipasang dan diletakkan di padang bola. Isipadu gas terbebas diperhati selepas 5 jam.

(a) Name the gas released and collected in the measuring cylinder. [1]
Namakan gas yang terbebas dan dikutip di dalam silinder penyukat.


(b)(i) In diagram 3, record the volume of the gas released. [1]

Merujuk diagram 3, catatkan isipadu gas yang terbebas.

…………………………………… cm3

(ii) Calculate the rate at which the gas named in (a) is released. [1]
Kirakan kadar gas yang disebut pada (a )terbebas.

Rate of gas released = …………………………………….. cm3 / hour

(c) State the responding variable. [1]

Nyatakan pemboleh ubah yang bertindak balas.


(d) A second apparatus is set up in a dark cupboard. Predict the volume of gas released in the measuring cylinder. [ 1 ]
Peralatan yang kedua dipasang di dalam almari gelap. Ramalkan isipadu gas yang terbebas di dalam silinder

Section B
[ 30 marks ]
Answer all questions in this section.

5. John who is normal married a haemophilia carrier woman. Their trait inheritance is shown in the Diagram 4.
John yang normal mengahwini seorang wanita pembawa haemophilia. Trait pewarisan mereka ditunjukkan seperti di
Diagram 7.

Diagram 4

(a) Complete the boxes in Diagram 4. [ 2]

Lengkapkan kotak-kotak di Diagram 4.

(b) Identify process M and process N. [2]

Nyatakan proses M dan proses N.

Process M: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

Process N: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

(c) Write down the genotype of the boy who will be suffering from haemophilia. [1]
Tuliskan genotip budak lelaki yang mengidap haemophilia.


(d) Name the type of mutation that occur in this disease. [1]
Namakan jenis mutasi yang berlaku pada penyakit ini.

6. Diagram 5 shows the impulse pathway when a person’s hand accidentally touches a lit candle.
Diagram 5 menunjukkan laluan impuls apabila tangan seseorang tersentuh nyalaan lilin.

Diagram 5

(a) Draw arrows ( → ) to indicate the direction of flow of impulse in Diagram 5. [1]
Lukiskan anak panah ( → ) untuk menunjukkan arah laluan impuls di Diagram 5.

(b) Describe the person’s response or reaction when his hand accidentally touches a lit candle. [1]
Jelaskan tindakan atau reaksi seseorang apabila tangannya tersentuh nyalaan lilin.


(c)(i) Name this type of response. [1]

Namakan jenis respons ini.


(ii) Which part of the body controls this type of response? [1]
Bahagian badan yang manakah mengawal jenis tindak balas ini?


(d) Why is this response important to a person? [1]

Kenapa respon ini penting?


(e) Give one example of an effector? [1]

Berikan satu contoh efektor?

7. Diagram 6 shows the penetrating power of radioactive radiations through different materials.
Diagram 6 menunjukkan kuasa penembusan radiasi terhadap bahan-bahan yang berbeza jenis.

Diagram 6

(a) Name the materials labeled P, Q and R. [3]

Namakan bahan-bahan berlabel P, Q dan R.

P: ………………………………………………………… Q: …………………………………………………………..

R: …………………………………………………………

(b) Name the ray that can penetrate material Q. [1]

Namakan sinaran yang boleh menembusi bahan Q.


(c) Give one use of radioactive Y in the field of agriculture. [1]

Nyatakan satu kegunaan radiasi Y di dalam bidang agrikultur.


8. Diagram 7 shows one of the four strokes in a four-stroke petrol engine.

Diagram 7 menunjukkan satu dari empat lejang di dalam engine petrol empat lejang.

Diagram 7

(a) Name the stroke shown in diagram 7. [1]

Namakan lejang ditunjukkan di diagram 7.


(b) Name the valve that opens in the stroke above. [1]
Namakan injap yang terbuka di dalam lejang tersebut

(c) (i) Name the structure labeled P in diagram 7. [1]
Namakan struktur berlabel P di dalam diagram 7.


(ii) What is the function of the structure labeled P? [1]

Apakah fungsi struktur berlabel P?


(d) Give an example of a motor vehicle that uses the engine in diagram 7? [1]
Berikan satu contoh kenderaan bermotor yang menggunakan engine di dalam diagram 7?


9. Diagram 8 shows a food wrapper on a canned food.

Diagram 8 menunjukkan kertas pembungkus pada tin makanan.

Diagram 8

(a) State two information that is not displayed on the food wrapper, according to the Food Act 1983 and the Food
Regulations 1985. [2]
Nyatakan dua maklumat yang tidak ditunjukkan pada kertas pembungkus itu, berdasar kepada Akta Makanan 1983
dan Peratauran Makanan 1985.



(b)(i) When buying this product, what should a consumer take into utmost consideration? [1]
Semasa membeli produk ini, apa keutamaan yang perlu difikirkan oleh seseorang pelanggan.


(ii) Give one reason for your answer in (b)(i). [1]

Berikan dua sebab untuk jawapan anda di (b)(i).


(c) Based on the food wrapper, identify the sweetener used? [1]
Merujuk kepada kertas pembungkus tersebut, tentukan pemanis yang digunakan?

Section C
[ 20 marks ]
Answer Question 10 and either Question 11 or Question 12.

10. Study the following statement.

Kaji pernyataan berikut.

A secondary coloured filter only allows its component colours to pass through it
Penapis berwarna sekunder hanya membenarkan komponen cahayanya sahaja untuk melaluinya.

You are given red, blue and green coloured lights, a magenta filter, a yellow filter and a cyan filter.
Anda dibekalkan cahaya berwarna merah, biru dan hijau, penapis magenta, penapis kuning dan penapis sian.

(a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement. [ 1 mark ]

Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk menyiasat pernyataan di atas.

(b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria.
Jelaskan sebuah eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis anda di (a) berdasarkan kriteria-kriteria berikut.

(i) Aim of the experiment [ 1 mark ]

Tujuan eksperiment

(ii) Identification of variables [ 2 marks ]

Pengenalpastian pembolehubah

(iii) List of apparatus and materials [ 1 mark ]

Senarai radas dan bahan

(iv) Procedure or method [ 3 marks ]

Prosedur atau kaedah

(v) Tabulation of data [ 1 mark ]

Penjadualan data

(vi) Conclusion [ 1 mark ]


11. (a) Diagram 10.1 shows two different types of fats.

Diagram 10.1 menunjukkan dua jenis lemak yang berbeza.

Diagram 10.1

Name the two types of fats and state three differences between them. [ 4 marks ]
Namakan dua jenis lemak tersebut dan nyatakan tiga perbezaan antara mereka.
(b) Diagram 10.2 shows the observation of a worker in a rubber processing factory.
Diagram 10.2 menunjukkan pemerhatian seorang pekerja di kilang pemprosesan getah.

Diagram 10.2

Explain a method that enables the worker to coagulate the latex in a shorter time.
Jelaskan kaedah yang membenarkan pekerja itu untuk menggumpalkan lateks dalam jangka masa yang pendek.

Your answer should include the following:

Jawapan anda perlu mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

Identify the problem

Kenalpasi masalah

State the method used

Nyatakan kaedah yang digunakan

Explain the reactions involved in the process. [ 6 marks ]

Jelaskan tindak balas yang terlibat di dalam proses ini.

12. (a) State two characteristics of continuous variations. [ 2 marks ]

Nyatakan dua sifat variasi selanjar.

(b) Diagram 11.1 shows the graphs that represent continuous variation and discontinuous variation.
Diagram 11.1 menunjukkan graf yang mewakili variasi selanjar dan variasi tak selanjar.

Diagram 11.1

Compare the differences between Graph A with Graph B. [ 2 marks ]

Bandingkan perbezaan antara Graph A dan Graph B

(c) Diagram 11.2 shows three types of discontinuous variation.

Diagram 1.21 menunjukkan tiga jenis variasi tak selanjar.
Diagram 11.2

Study the information given in Diagram 11.2 and construct the concept of discontinuous variation. Your answer should be based on
the following aspects.
Kaji maklumat yang diberikan di dalam diagram 11 dan bina satu konsep berkenaan variasi tak selanjar. Jawapan anda
perlumengandungi aspek-aspek berikut.

(i) Identify two common characteristics. [ 2 marks ]

Kenalpasti dua ciri sepunya

(ii) Give one other example of discontinuous variation. [ 1 marks ]

Beri satu contoh variasi tak selanjar

(iii) Give two examples of continuous variation. [ 2 marks ]

Beri dua contoh variasi selanjar

(iv) Relate the common characteristics to construct the concept of discontinuous variation. [ 1 mark ]
Hubungkaitkan ciri sepunya untuk membina konsep variasi tak selanjar


Soalan 1

(c) 11 x 100% = 36.67%


2. (a) To show that the focal length of a convex lens depends on its thickness.
(b) 10 cm
(c) Thicker convex lens has shorter focal length than thinner convex lens
(d) Convex lens
(e) Focal length is the distance between the screen and the optical centre of the lens

3(a)(i) Antibiotic Y (ii) It gives the biggest diameter of clear area

(b) (i) Type of antibiotics (ii) Bacterial growth / diameter of clear area
(c) Tuberculosis

4(a) Oxygen (b)(i) 30 (ii) 30/5 = 6 (c) Volume of gas (d) zero / 0

5. XX XXc XY X cY
(b) M: Meiosis N: fertilization (c) XcY (d) gene mutation

6(a) (b) the hand pulls away / tangan ditarik dengan cepat
(c) (i) reflex action (ii) spinal cord (d) untuk mengelak bahaya yang datang secara tiba-tiba/mengejut @
To avoid sudden danger
(e) muscle / gland

7(a) P: Paper R: Lead Q: Aluminium

(b) Gamma / γ
(c) kill or sterilize insect pests / alter plant genes to produce new strains of plants
8(a) Intake stroke / Induction stroke
(b) Inlet valve
(c)(i) fuel injector / spark plug
(ii) To ignite engine / Ignition of engine
(iii) Car

9(a) Logo of ‘halal’ & expiry date

(b) (i) Logo of ‘halal’ (ii) because I am a Muslim and can only eat ‘halal’ food
(i) expiry date (ii) to avoid food poisoning
*** ramai pelajar guna perkataan ‘penyakit’.
Tidak diterima kerana keracunan
makanan bukanlah sejenis penyakit!!
(c) sugar


11. 12.

Soalan 10.

(a) A secondary coloured filter only allows its component colours to pass through it.


Aim: To show that a secondary coloured filter only allows its component
colours to pass through it

Manipulated variables: filters

Responding variables: Colours produced on the screen

Constant variables: size of filter / white screen / type of filter

List of apparatus and materials: Three slide projectors with red, blue, green,
magenta, yellow, and cyan filter, light source,
white screen.


1. Light from a slide projector is fitted with a red filter, and shone onto a white
2. The colour produced on the screen is observed and recorded.
3. Step 1 to 2 is repeated using the blue filter, green filter, magenta filter, yellow
filter and cyan filter, respectively.

Colour of light Colour of filter used Colour produced
on the screen


A magenta filter only allows blue and red lights to pass through it.
A yellow filter only allows green and red lights to pass through it.
A cyan filter only allows blue and green lights to pass through it.

Question 11

(a) The two types of fats are saturated fat and unsaturated fat.

Saturated fat Characterist Unsaturated fat
1. Do not have double bonds in its Chemical 1. Have double bonds in its
molecules bonding molecules
2. It exists as solid at room State at 2. It exists as liquid at room
temperature room temperature
3. It has a high content of Level of 3. It has a low content of
cholesterol cholesterol cholesterol
4. Animal fats are used to produce Source 4. Plant oil are used to produce
it it

1. Saturated fat do not have double bonds in its molecule whereas unsaturated fat
has double bonds in its molecules

2. Saturated fat exists as solid at room temperature whereas unsaturated fat exists as liquid
at room temperature.
Lemak tepu wujud sebagai pepejal pada suhu bilik

suhu bilik.
lemak tak tepu wujud sebagai cecair pada

3. Saturated fat has high content of cholesterol

unsaturated fat has a low content of cholesterol


4. Saturated fat is produced from animal fats

unsaturated fat is produced from plant oil.

(b) Identify the problem: How can latex coagulate in a shorter time?

State the method used: Latex can be made to coagulate in a

shorter time by adding acid.

Explain the reactions involved in the process:

(a) 1. Continuous variation shows normal distribution in its graph
2. Continuous variation will have intermediate range between characters


(c) (i) Two common characteristics: pilih 2

1. The characteristics shown are influence by genetic factors
2. The characteristics are obvious and has a definite value
3. There are no in-between value in the characteristics
4. Their graph will show a discrete distribution

(ii) Another example of discontinuous variation:

Another example of discontinuous variation is thumbprint / colour of the eyes / type of
(iii) Give two examples of continuous variation:
Two other examples are body weight & body height / skin colour

(iv) Relate the common characteristics to construct the concept of discontinuous variation:
Discontinuous variation refers to characteristics which are influence by genetic factor and
are obvious and has a definite value / no in-between value

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