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PSR-7: HTTP Message Meta Document - PHP-FIG

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Recommendations (PSRs)
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PSR-7: HTTP Message Meta Document

1. Summary
The purpose of this proposal is to provide a set of common interfaces for
HTTP messages as described in RFC 7230 and RFC 7231, and URIs as described
in RFC 3986 (in the context of HTTP messages).
RFC 7230:
RFC 7231:
RFC 3986:
All HTTP messages consist of the HTTP protocol version being used, headers,
and a message body. A Request builds on the message to include the HTTP
method used to make the request, and the URI to which the request is made.
A Response includes the HTTP status code and reason phrase.
In PHP, HTTP messages are used in two contexts:
To send an HTTP request, via the ext/curl extension, PHP's native stream
layer, etc., and process the received HTTP response. In other words, HTTP
messages are used when using PHP as an HTTP client.
To process an incoming HTTP request to the server, and return an HTTP
response to the client making the request. PHP can use HTTP messages
when used as a server-side application to fulfill HTTP requests.
This proposal presents an API for fully describing all parts of the various HTTP

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messages within PHP.

2. HTTP Messages in PHP

PHP does not have built-in support for HTTP messages.

Client-side HTTP support

PHP supports sending HTTP requests via several mechanisms:
PHP streams
The cURL extension
ext/http (v2 also attempts to address server-side support)
PHP streams are the most convenient and ubiquitous way to send HTTP
requests, but pose a number of limitations with regards to properly
configuring SSL support, and provide a cumbersome interface around setting
things such as headers. cURL provides a complete and expanded feature-set,
but, as it is not a default extension, is often not present. The http extension
suffers from the same problem as cURL, as well as the fact that it has
traditionally had far fewer examples of usage.
Most modern HTTP client libraries tend to abstract the implementation, to
ensure they can work on whatever environment they are executed on, and
across any of the above layers.

Server-side HTTP Support

PHP uses Server APIs (SAPI) to interpret incoming HTTP requests, marshal
input, and pass off handling to scripts. The original SAPI design mirrored
Common Gateway Interface, which would marshal request data and push it

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into environment variables before passing delegation to a script; the script

would then pull from the environment variables in order to process the
request and return a response.
PHP's SAPI design abstracts common input sources such as cookies, query
string arguments, and url-encoded POST content via superglobals ( $_COOKIE ,
$_GET , and $_POST , respectively), providing a layer of convenience for web

On the response side of the equation, PHP was originally developed as a
templating language, and allows intermixing HTML and PHP; any HTML
portions of a file are immediately flushed to the output buffer. Modern
applications and frameworks eschew this practice, as it can lead to issues
with regards to emitting a status line and/or response headers; they tend to
aggregate all headers and content, and emit them at once when all other
application processing is complete. Special care needs to be paid to ensure
that error reporting and other actions that send content to the output buffer
do not flush the output buffer.

3. Why Bother?
HTTP messages are used in a wide number of PHP projects -- both clients and
servers. In each case, we observe one or more of the following patterns or
1. Projects use PHP's superglobals directly.
2. Projects will create implementations from scratch.
3. Projects may require a specific HTTP client/server library that provides
HTTP message implementations.
4. Projects may create adapters for common HTTP message

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As examples:
1. Just about any application that began development before the rise of
frameworks, which includes a number of very popular CMS, forum, and
shopping cart systems, have historically used superglobals.
2. Frameworks such as Symfony and Zend Framework each define HTTP
components that form the basis of their MVC layers; even small, singlepurpose libraries such as oauth2-server-php provide and require their
own HTTP request/response implementations. Guzzle, Buzz, and other
HTTP client implementations each create their own HTTP message
implementations as well.
3. Projects such as Silex, Stack, and Drupal 8 have hard dependencies on
Symfony's HTTP kernel. Any SDK built on Guzzle has a hard requirement
on Guzzle's HTTP message implementations.
4. Projects such as Geocoder create redundant adapters for common
Direct usage of superglobals has a number of concerns. First, these are
mutable, which makes it possible for libraries and code to alter the values,
and thus alter state for the application. Additionally, superglobals make unit
and integration testing difficult and brittle, leading to code quality
In the current ecosystem of frameworks that implement HTTP message
abstractions, the net result is that projects are not capable of interoperability
or cross-pollination. In order to consume code targeting one framework from
another, the first order of business is building a bridge layer between the
HTTP message implementations. On the client-side, if a particular library
does not have an adapter you can utilize, you need to bridge the

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request/response pairs if you wish to use an adapter from another library.

Finally, when it comes to server-side responses, PHP gets in its own way: any
content emitted before a call to header() will result in that call becoming a
no-op; depending on error reporting settings, this can often mean headers
and/or response status are not correctly sent. One way to work around this is
to use PHP's output buffering features, but nesting of output buffers can
become problematic and difficult to debug. Frameworks and applications
thus tend to create response abstractions for aggregating headers and
content that can be emitted at once - and these abstractions are often
Thus, the goal of this proposal is to abstract both client- and server-side
request and response interfaces in order to promote interoperability between
projects. If projects implement these interfaces, a reasonable level of
compatibility may be assumed when adopting code from different libraries.
It should be noted that the goal of this proposal is not to obsolete the current
interfaces utilized by existing PHP libraries. This proposal is aimed at
interoperability between PHP packages for the purpose of describing HTTP

4. Scope
4.1 Goals
Provide the interfaces needed for describing HTTP messages.
Focus on practical applications and usability.
Define the interfaces to model all elements of the HTTP message and URI

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Ensure that the API does not impose arbitrary limits on HTTP messages.
For example, some HTTP message bodies can be too large to store in
memory, so we must account for this.
Provide useful abstractions both for handling incoming requests for
server-side applications and for sending outgoing requests in HTTP

4.2 Non-Goals
This proposal does not expect all HTTP client libraries or server-side
frameworks to change their interfaces to conform. It is strictly meant for
While everyone's perception of what is and is not an implementation
detail varies, this proposal should not impose implementation details. As
RFCs 7230, 7231, and 3986 do not force any particular implementation,
there will be a certain amount of invention needed to describe HTTP
message interfaces in PHP.

5. Design Decisions
Message design
The MessageInterface provides accessors for the elements common to all
HTTP messages, whether they are for requests or responses. These elements
HTTP protocol version (e.g., "1.0", "1.1")
HTTP headers
HTTP message body
More specific interfaces are used to describe requests and responses, and

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more specifically the context of each (client- vs. server-side). These divisions
are partly inspired by existing PHP usage, but also by other languages such as
Ruby's Rack, Python's WSGI, Go's http package, Node's http module, etc.

Why are there header methods on messages rather than in a header

The message itself is a container for the headers (as well as the other
message properties). How these are represented internally is an
implementation detail, but uniform access to headers is a responsibility of
the message.

Why are URIs represented as objects?

URIs are values, with identity defined by the value, and thus should be
modeled as value objects.
Additionally, URIs contain a variety of segments which may be accessed
many times in a given request -- and which would require parsing the URI in
order to determine (e.g., via parse_url() ). Modeling URIs as value objects
allows parsing once only, and simplifies access to individual segments. It also
provides convenience in client applications by allowing users to create new
instances of a base URI instance with only the segments that change (e.g.,
updating the path only).

Why does the request interface have methods for dealing with the
request-target AND compose a URI?
RFC 7230 details the request line as containing a "request-target". Of the four
forms of request-target, only one is a URI compliant with RFC 3986; the most
common form used is origin-form, which represents the URI without the
scheme or authority information. Moreover, since all forms are valid for
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purposes of requests, the proposal must accommodate each.

RequestInterface thus has methods relating to the request-target. By default,

it will use the composed URI to present an origin-form request-target, and, in

the absence of a URI instance, return the string "/". Another method,
withRequestTarget() , allows specifying an instance with a specific request-

target, allowing users to create requests that use one of the other valid
request-target forms.
The URI is kept as a discrete member of the request for a variety of reasons.
For both clients and servers, knowledge of the absolute URI is typically
required. In the case of clients, the URI, and specifically the scheme and
authority details, is needed in order to make the actual TCP connection. For
server-side applications, the full URI is often required in order to validate the
request or to route to an appropriate handler.

Why value objects?

The proposal models messages and URIs as value objects.
Messages are values where the identity is the aggregate of all parts of the
message; a change to any aspect of the message is essentially a new
message. This is the very definition of a value object. The practice by which
changes result in a new instance is termed immutability, and is a feature
designed to ensure the integrity of a given value.
The proposal also recognizes that most clients and server-side applications
will need to be able to easily update message aspects, and, as such, provides
interface methods that will create new message instances with the updates.
These are generally prefixed with the verbiage with or without .

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Value objects provides several benefits when modeling HTTP messages:

Changes in URI state cannot alter the request composing the URI instance.
Changes in headers cannot alter the message composing them.
In essence, modeling HTTP messages as value objects ensures the integrity of
the message state, and prevents the need for bi-directional dependencies,
which can often go out-of-sync or lead to debugging or performance issues.
For HTTP clients, they allow consumers to build a base request with data such
as the base URI and required headers, without needing to build a brand new
request or reset request state for each message the client sends:

$uri = new Uri('');

$baseRequest = new Request($uri, null, [
'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $token,

=> 'application/json',


$request = $baseRequest->withUri($uri->withPath('/user'))->withMethod('GET');
$response = $client->send($request);

// get user id from $response

$body = new StringStream(json_encode(['tasks' => [

$request = $baseRequest
->withUri($uri->withPath('/tasks/user/' . $userId))
->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')

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$response = $client->send($request)

// No need to overwrite headers or body!

$request = $baseRequest->withUri($uri->withPath('/tasks'))->withMethod('GET');
$response = $client->send($request);

On the server-side, developers will need to:

Deserialize the request message body.
Decrypt HTTP cookies.
Write to the response.
These operations can be accomplished with value objects as well, with a
number of benefits:
The original request state can be stored for retrieval by any consumer.
A default response state can be created with default headers and/or
message body.
Most popular PHP frameworks have fully mutable HTTP messages today. The
main changes necessary in consuming true value objects are:
Instead of calling setter methods or setting public properties, mutator
methods will be called, and the result assigned.
Developers must notify the application on a change in state.
As an example, in Zend Framework 2, instead of the following:

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function (MvcEvent $e)

$response = $e->getResponse();
$response->setHeaderLine('x-foo', 'bar');

one would now write:

function (MvcEvent $e)

$response = $e->getResponse();
$response->withHeader('x-foo', 'bar')

The above combines assignment and notification in a single call.

This practice has a side benefit of making explicit any changes to application
state being made.

New instances vs returning $this

One observation made on the various with*() methods is that they can likely
safely return $this; if the argument presented will not result in a change in
the value. One rationale for doing so is performance (as this will not result in
a cloning operation).
The various interfaces have been written with verbiage indicating that
immutability MUST be preserved, but only indicate that "an instance" must
be returned containing the new state. Since instances that represent the
same value are considered equal, returning $this is functionally equivalent,

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and thus allowed.

Using streams instead of X

MessageInterface uses a body value that must implement StreamInterface .

This design decision was made so that developers can send and receive
(and/or receive and send) HTTP messages that contain more data than can
practically be stored in memory while still allowing the convenience of
interacting with message bodies as a string. While PHP provides a stream
abstraction by way of stream wrappers, stream resources can be
cumbersome to work with: stream resources can only be cast to a string
using stream_get_contents() or manually reading the remainder of a string.
Adding custom behavior to a stream as it is consumed or populated requires
registering a stream filter; however, stream filters can only be added to a
stream after the filter is registered with PHP (i.e., there is no stream filter
autoloading mechanism).
The use of a well- defined stream interface allows for the potential of flexible
stream decorators that can be added to a request or response pre-flight to
enable things like encryption, compression, ensuring that the number of
bytes downloaded reflects the number of bytes reported in the ContentLength of a response, etc. Decorating streams is a well-established pattern in

the Java and Node communities that allows for very flexible streams.
The majority of the StreamInterface API is based on Python's io module,
which provides a practical and consumable API. Instead of implementing
stream capabilities using something like a WritableStreamInterface and
ReadableStreamInterface , the capabilities of a stream are provided by

methods like isReadable() , isWritable() , etc. This approach is used by

Python, C#, C++, Ruby, Node, and likely others.

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What if I just want to return a file?

In some cases, you may want to return a file from the filesystem. The typical
way to do this in PHP is one of the following:


stream_copy_to_stream(fopen($filename, 'r'), fopen('php://output', 'w'));

Note that the above omits sending appropriate Content-Type and ContentLength headers; the developer would need to emit these prior to calling the

above code.
The equivalent using HTTP messages would be to use a StreamInterface
implementation that accepts a filename and/or stream resource, and to
provide this to the response instance. A complete example, including setting
appropriate headers:

// where Stream is a concrete StreamInterface:


= new Stream($filename);


= new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);

$response = $response
->withHeader('Content-Type', $finfo->file($filename))
->withHeader('Content-Length', (string) filesize($filename))

Emitting this response will send the file to the client.

What if I want to directly emit output?
Directly emitting output (e.g. via echo , printf , or writing to the
php://output stream) is generally only advisable as a performance

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optimization or when emitting large data sets. If it needs to be done and you
still wish to work in an HTTP message paradigm, one approach would be to
use a callback-based StreamInterface implementation, per this example.
Wrap any code emitting output directly in a callback, pass that to an
appropriate StreamInterface implementation, and provide it to the message

$output = new CallbackStream(function () use ($request) {

printf("The requested URI was: %s<br>\n", $request->getUri());
return '';
return (new Response())
->withHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')

What if I want to use an iterator for content?

Ruby's Rack implementation uses an iterator-based approach for server-side
response message bodies. This can be emulated using an HTTP message
paradigm via an iterator-backed StreamInterface approach, as detailed in the
psr7examples repository.

Why are streams mutable?

The StreamInterface API includes methods such as write() which can
change the message content -- which directly contradicts having immutable
The problem that arises is due to the fact that the interface is intended to
wrap a PHP stream or similar. A write operation therefore will proxy to writing
to the stream. Even if we made StreamInterface immutable, once the stream

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has been updated, any instance that wraps that stream will also be updated
-- making immutability impossible to enforce.
Our recommendation is that implementations use read-only streams for
server-side requests and client-side responses.

Rationale for ServerRequestInterface

The RequestInterface and ResponseInterface have essentially 1:1 correlations
with the request and response messages described in RFC 7230. They provide
interfaces for implementing value objects that correspond to the specific
HTTP message types they model.
For server-side applications there are other considerations for incoming
Access to server parameters (potentially derived from the request, but
also potentially the result of server configuration, and generally
represented via the $_SERVER superglobal; these are part of the PHP
Server API (SAPI)).
Access to the query string arguments (usually encapsulated in PHP via the
$_GET superglobal).

Access to the parsed body (i.e., data deserialized from the incoming
request body; in PHP, this is typically the result of POST requests using
application/x-www-form-urlencoded content types, and encapsulated in the
$_POST superglobal, but for non-POST, non-form-encoded data, could be

an array or an object).
Access to uploaded files (encapsulated in PHP via the $_FILES
Access to cookie values (encapsulated in PHP via the $_COOKIE

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Access to attributes derived from the request (usually, but not limited to,
those matched against the URL path).
Uniform access to these parameters increases the viability of interoperability
between frameworks and libraries, as they can now assume that if a request
implements ServerRequestInterface , they can get at these values. It also
solves problems within the PHP language itself:
Until 5.6.0, php://input was read-once; as such, instantiating multiple
request instances from multiple frameworks/libraries could lead to
inconsistent state, as the first to access php://input would be the only
one to receive the data.
Unit testing against superglobals (e.g., $_GET , $_FILES , etc.) is difficult
and typically brittle. Encapsulating them inside the
ServerRequestInterface implementation eases testing considerations.

Why "parsed body" in the ServerRequestInterface?

Arguments were made to use the terminology "BodyParams", and require the
value to be an array, with the following rationale:
Consistency with other server-side parameter access.
$_POST is an array, and the 80% use case would target that superglobal.

A single type makes for a strong contract, simplifying usage.

The main argument is that if the body parameters are an array, developers
have predictable access to values:

$foo = isset($request->getBodyParams()['foo'])
? $request->getBodyParams()['foo']
: null;

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The argument for using "parsed body" was made by examining the domain. A
message body can contain literally anything. While traditional web
applications use forms and submit data using POST, this is a use case that is
quickly being challenged in current web development trends, which are often
API centric, and thus use alternate request methods (notably PUT and
PATCH), as well as non-form-encoded content (generally JSON or XML) that
can be coerced to arrays in many cases, but in many cases also cannot or
should not.
If forcing the property representing the parsed body to be only an array,
developers then need a shared convention about where to put the results of
parsing the body. These might include:
A special key under the body parameters, such as __parsed__ .
A special named attribute, such as __body__ .
The end result is that a developer now has to look in multiple locations:

$data = $request->getBodyParams();
if (isset($data['__parsed__']) && is_object($data['__parsed__'])) {
$data = $data['__parsed__'];

// or:
$data = $request->getBodyParams();
if ($request->hasAttribute('__body__')) {
$data = $request->getAttribute('__body__');

The solution presented is to use the terminology "ParsedBody", which implies

that the values are the results of parsing the message body. This also means
that the return value will be ambiguous; however, because this is an attribute

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of the domain, this is also expected. As such, usage will become:

$data = $request->getParsedBody();
if (! $data instanceof \stdClass) {
// raise an exception!
// otherwise, we have what we expected

This approach removes the limitations of forcing an array, at the expense of

ambiguity of return value. Considering that the other suggested solutions
pushing the parsed data into a special body parameter key or into an
attribute also suffer from ambiguity, the proposed solution is simpler as it
does not require additions to the interface specification. Ultimately, the
ambiguity enables the flexibility required when representing the results of
parsing the body.

Why is no functionality included for retrieving the "base path"?

Many frameworks provide the ability to get the "base path," usually
considered the path up to and including the front controller. As an example, if
the application is served at , and the
current URI used to request it is
/register , the functionality to retrieve the base path would return
/b2b/index.php . This value can then be used by routers to strip that path

segment prior to attempting a match.

This value is often also then used for URI generation within applications;
parameters will be passed to the router, which will generate the path, and
prefix it with the base path in order to return a fully-qualified URI. Other tools
typically view helpers, template filters, or template functions are used
to resolve a path relative to the base path in order to generate a URI for

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linking to resources such as static assets.

On examination of several different implementations, we noticed the
The logic for determining the base path varies widely between
implementations. As an example, compare the logic in ZF2 to the logic in
Symfony 2.
Most implementations appear to allow manual injection of a base path to
the router and/or any facilities used for URI generation.
The primary use cases routing and URI generation typically are the
only consumers of the functionality; developers usually do not need to be
aware of the base path concept as other objects take care of that detail
for them. As examples:
A router will strip off the base path for you during routing; you do not
need to pass the modified path to the router.
View helpers, template filters, etc. typically are injected with a base
path prior to invocation. Sometimes this is manually done, though
more often it is the result of framework wiring.
All sources necessary for calculating the base path are already in the
RequestInterface instance, via server parameters and the URI instance.

Our stance is that base path detection is framework and/or application

specific, and the results of detection can be easily injected into objects that
need it, and/or calculated as needed using utility functions and/or classes
from the RequestInterface instance itself.

Why does getUploadedFiles() return objects instead of arrays?

getUploadedFiles() returns a tree of Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface

instances. This is done primarily to simplify specification: instead of requiring

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paragraphs of implementation specification for an array, we specify an

Additionally, the data in an UploadedFileInterface is normalized to work in
both SAPI and non-SAPI environments. This allows creation of processes to
parse the message body manually and assign contents to streams without
first writing to the filesystem, while still allowing proper handling of file
uploads in SAPI environments.

What about "special" header values?

A number of header values contain unique representation requirements
which can pose problems both for consumption as well as generation; in
particular, cookies and the Accept header.
This proposal does not provide any special treatment of any header types.
The base MessageInterface provides methods for header retrieval and setting,
and all header values are, in the end, string values.
Developers are encouraged to write commodity libraries for interacting with
these header values, either for the purposes of parsing or generation. Users
may then consume these libraries when needing to interact with those
values. Examples of this practice already exist in libraries such as
willdurand/Negotiation and aura/accept. So long as the object has
functionality for casting the value to a string, these objects can be used to
populate the headers of an HTTP message.

6. People
6.1 Editor(s)

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Matthew Weier O'Phinney

6.2 Sponsors
Paul M. Jones
Beau Simensen (coordinator)

6.3 Contributors
Michael Dowling
Larry Garfield
Evert Pot
Tobias Schultze
Bernhard Schussek
Anton Serdyuk
Phil Sturgeon
Chris Wilkinson

Additional Info:
PSR-7: HTTP message interfaces
PSR-7: HTTP Message Meta Document

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2016 PHP Framework Interop Group. Site design by Jonathan Reinink.

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