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TITLE: Writing

Curriculum Area: English, Science, Technology, Social Science, Mathematics,

Health & Physical Wellbeing, Arts

Written, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Viewing, Presenting, Visual, Drama, Dance, Music, Living World,
Planet Earth & Beyond, Material, Physical, Time Continuity and Change, Place and Environment, Identity,
culture and organization, The economic world

Values: Excellence, Enquiry, Respect, Caring for the Environment, Curiosity, by thinking creatively,
critically, reflectively, Innovation, Diversity, Equity, Integrity

Key Competencies: Thinking, Using Languages, symbols and texts, Managing self, Relating to others,
Participating and contributing

Thinking Skills: 6 Hats, Bloom’s taxonomy, Creative problem solving, Scamper, Thinkers keys, Y-chart,
CORT skills – PMI, OPV, Graphic organisers

Oral Language Focus:

Strand: Unit Title: Date: Level:

Explanation Term 2 2010 2/3

Specific Learning Learning Experiences: Assessment

Outcome Activities:

Look at examples of explanations. What is an explanation? Write and publish an

WALT: Using digistore examples to scaffold learning
Self assess their
Write an Look at purpose of an explanation. Look at the types of explanation against
explanation explanation—How,Why the WALT’s.

Discuss features of an explanation—Structure, Language (See

English on Line Handout, Exemplars, Arb)

Look at paragraphs of an explanation. Discuss and chart

features needed in an explanation:

• Title,
• Opening statement
• Logical sequence of ideas
• Technical vocabulary
• Present tense
• Editing skills—proofread(spelling,punctuation)

Look at Time connectives needed in an explanation—Then,

as a consequence, first, then, following, finally. Use some of
these in examples.(See Marisa’s cloze activity)

Model and share an/some explanation as a class shared


Model editing to improve and remind editing and

proofreading skills — class example.


Children research and write own explanation using checklist of

format and features needed.

Children complete a self assessment giving examples of how

they achieved each WALT from their explanation.(tick or

Resources (See English on Line Handout, Exemplars Arb)


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