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Salzburg / Austria

Table of contents
Hello and Welcome 3
About me 3
The 1st Impression 4
What Image Consulting can do for you

What are Color Types 6

The History of Color Analysis

Why is that? 8
Spring Type | Characteristics

Summer Type | Characteristics 11

Autumn Type | Characteristics 13
Winter Type | Characteristics 15
The Color Analysis 17


Hello and welcome my Name is Astrid Feichter, and I am your European Color, Style +
Image consultant, based in Atlanta. Wearing your best colors will make you look younger,
healthier and slimmer. It is my goal to help you developing and fine-tune your personal style
and save you time and money in the process.
With over 20 years of experience in design and a good sense of color and fashion, I have helped
hundreds of people discover their own personal style, organize their closets and simplify their
lives. Born and raised in Salzburg, Austria, my service has helped women and men build
wardrobes that are stress-free, modern and fashionable. My European background and my feel
for fashion will give that special touch to your wardrobe.
I have been trained in Style Consulting and Color + Wardrobe Analysis through COLCO International Institute for Color, Style + Image in Munich/Germany and have been an instructor in
Austria and Germany for many years. Having studied fashion design, marketing and media
design, I worked in these fields for many years helping firms market themselves effectively.
I am excited to show you how to strategically wear colors, lines, prints, textures, and fabrics
that make you look and feel your absolute best the basis for an authentic, successful, and
lasting image!

The 1. Impression
This is not new and you probably have heard this before the 1st Impression is being made in
only 7 (!!!) seconds. No matter how we act or what we say or how we express ourselves, people
will always judge us from our appearance first.
The components of personal charisma, according
to a study of the University of Columbia:

7 % = Subject matter/ content

38 % = Voice

55 % = Nonverbal Signals

55 % of our Charisma, the First Impression we make, is

based on nonverbal signals we are sending, that includes:
Body Language
Facial Expression
Eye Contact
Odor/ Spruceness
Apparel ... The way how we are dressed
The first impression is being made in 7 seconds, and ... sometimes there is no second chance
for the first impression! Lets make a good one!

Image Consulting THE way to look

your absolute

What can Image Consulting do for you?

it is simply THE way to look your absolute best!
What is Image?
First of all ... Its not about wearing a mask ... or a costume! Whats most important is whats
inside. The Balance and Harmonie of our inner being and our Appearance. Dont we all want to
come across as an authentic person? And of course we want to be as attractive as possible.
That is the goal of Image Consulting to be Authentic and feel good about it! Also, to bring our
message across at the right time ... because sometimes there is no second chance for the 1st
Wearing your best colors will make you look younger, healthier and slimmer. Strategically
wear colors, lines, prints, textures and fabrics. Fine-tune your personal and professional style
create the basis for a successful, lasting image and save time and money in the process.
The colors you should be wearing are based on your skin complexion, hair and eye color. There
a 4 color types called Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn which each have there own set of
colors. Together with your figure type, which can be either apple, pear, hourglass or rectangle
this determines the colors and cuts you should wear. No more costly mistakes, you will be able
to shop with focus, according to your individual lifestyle needs, your personal sense of style and
Dive into the world of colors and how you can figure out which colors fit you best.

What are Color Types?

The influence of color in our lives: Every person belongs (because of individual pigment of
skin, hair and eyes) to a certain color type, a family of color tones related to each other in a
harmonious way. We speak of WARM and COLD colors, which are divided into SEASONS.
This color type remains our whole life long, for that reason it is possible, to analyze the individual
harmony of colors for wardrobe, make-up and accessories for each person.
The 4 Color types are:
SPRING This woman looks gorgeous in luminous, delicate colors with warm yellow undertones like the first bright flowers or the fresh grass each spring.
SUMMER Looks outstanding in pastels of the sky and the sea, soft smoky shades with cool,
blue undertones.
AUTUMN Radiates in the very warm, lush colors of fall leaves, with their golden undertones,
as earthy and magnificent as walking through an oriental spice market.
WINTER Sparkles in clear primary colors, vivid, cool and icy, contrasting like an iron blue sky
above a brilliant white snowfield.
Out of a great variety of colors that each season offers, the individual combination of your Skin,
hair and eye color and their brightness determines which colors make you look and feel your
100% best!

The History of Color Analysis

The term Intuitive sense for color was characterized by the Swiss Artist Professor Johannes
Itten (1888-1967). Itten, a co-founder of the *Bauhaus style taught at the University in Weimar/
He discovered that his students chose colors in their artwork that were in connection with
their individual complexion of their skin, Hair- and eyecolor. After many years of observation,
he published his studies in his book The Art of Color. Professor Ittens theory was soon
acknowledged in the field of fashion, first in the U.S. Therefore, the typology of the Seasons
was born.
The naming has nothing to do with the month of birth or the weather, but with the predominant
coloring and look of each season in nature. Spring and Autumn are warm toned, Summer and
Winter are cool toned.

*The Bauhaus style later became one of the most

influential currents in modern design, Modernist
architecture and art, design and architectural education.
The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent
developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior
design, industrial design, and typography. (Wikipedia)

Why is that?
The color type of a person is determined by a persons Skin, Eye and Hair color. The Skin tone
plays the most decisive role. The basis undertone of the skin is congenitally determined:
hemoglobin, the blood pigment determines whether we have warm or cool toned skin. Also it
is genetically given, how much carotene is being saved from our nutrition. This combination
creates a warm or cool toned skin.

Color Type

The Analysis can be best done from the age of 10 and the individual pigmentation follows us
our whole life long. Please note: UV-radiation causes sun-tan, the melanin production makes
our skin get darker, but the color type does not change.
What makes a color warm and another cold?
Colors become warm due to a mixture with yellow and red, respectively through both of these
shades. Cool colors are always mixed with blue. Its all about the nuances and mixing ration
therefore it is possible to create a very warm blue and a very cool red color!

COOL toned

WARM toned

Spring Type
Your colors are warm, bright and clear
like a field of flowers on a sunny day in
May. Your whole nature is as buoyant and
joyful as your colors. Radiant, full of vitality,
sparkling like a glass of Champagne!
SKIN Warm with golden undertone.
Springs have brightness and glow on
their skin that radiates easily even if
some of them are extremely fair.
Their skin can be
peachy pink
peach-beige or
cream ivory.
can be smooth and clear, but freckles
are more natural to them
has the most rosy cheeks that flush
Deep golden blonde
copper or golden brown.
some dark hairs, probably has
highlights of red and gold
No ash-tone hair
In childhood many Springs are blonde,
ranging from flaxen to honey to strawberry, their hair often darkens with age
Some have dark brown hair
Gray does not look good on Springs, keeping the hair dyed will most likely give them a more
youthful look.
Most often blue, green, or aqua - sometimes eyes as clear as glass
some with a golden cluster surrounding the pupil
Many have blue eyes that appear to be a solid steel gray from a distance, but up close, they
are really blue and have a sunburst of white rays coming from the pupil
Some are brown-eyed, but always golden brown or topaz.
hazel eyes contain golden brown, green and gold.

Famous Springs:
Claudia Schiffer, Nicole Kidman, Goldie Hawn, Mia Farrow, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kate Hudson,
Blake Lively, Taylor Swift, Amy Adams, Christina Hendricks, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Excerpt of the Spring color palette:

Summer Type
Your colors are cool with blue undertone,
powdery like shades of water,
harmoniously converging in a watercolor.
Everything loud, garish and exaggerated
is alien to you. Your whole appearance
looks gentle, feminine and elegant.
Blue undertone
Usually visible pink in their skin
some have very pink skin, with high
color or rose-beige skin
fair to deep rose beige
some are very fair and look pale without a little rouge.
Ash blond to dark ash
Are blonde or were blond in early
childhood turned to light brown
The Summer woman grays gracefully
to a blue-gray or pearly white tone
Summer women often feel the need
to brighten their hair, but especially
they look so very beautiful - not to
far away from their natural hair color,
when wearing perfect colors.
Most often blue, green, aqua or soft hazel
Often cloudy look inside the iris, rather than a clear, transparent color
Many have a gray rim around the iris or soft gray eyes
can have white spots in an irregular pattern inside the iris
some have intensly blue or soft brown eyes
The white of the eye is more creme or milky white, not bright white

Famous Summers:
Grace Kelly, Catherine Deneuve, Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Sarah J. Parker,
Jessica Biel, Hillary Clinton.

Excerpt of the Summer color palette:

Autumn Type
Your colors are shining like the leaves
on a sunny day in October. Golden, warm,
lush, more mid- to darker tones underline your natural beauty. Autumn women
appear warmhearted and earthbound,
many also mysterious. The personality
of an Autumn woman is as varied as her
color spectrum.
SKIN Has golden undertone
Even a ruddy Autumn is more orange
than blue
either fair, with ivory or creamy peach
skin - the true redhead
fair to dark, often with freckles
golden-beige brunette, skin from
medium to deep copper
very few have charcoal black hair
can be pale or sallow and needs an
orange-tone rouge to come alive
Autumn and Spring can have similar
coloring, but Autumn will usually have
colorless cheeks, while Springs
cheeks will be rosy.
Few Orientals and blacks are Autumns,
when they have a truly golden undertone, most are Winters.
HAIR Can be golden blond as a child, usually darkening as she matures
Redheads, from carrot-tops to auburn or red-brown hair
many are brunettes, having a gold or metallic red cast
few have charcoal black hair
Autumns should cover gray, as it usually turns yellow-gray, and the two-tone look doesnt
look good, especially if a redhead; can be very attractive once the hair gets completely gray.
EYES Mostly brown or green eyes. Brown from dark to topaz, green
often with gold or brown spots in the iris
has often isolated spots, in gold, brown or black
some have clear green eyes, like glass, or deep olive green cat eyes
hazel eyes contain golden brown, green and gold.
few have vivid turquoise or aqua eyes - not a true blue or gray-bue eye color.

Famous Autumns:
Sophia Loren, Cindy Crawford, Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts, Bette Midler, Jessica Alba,
Marcia Cross, Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Vergana, Julianne Moore.

Excerpt of the Autumn color palette:

Winter Type
Your colors are cool with blue undertones,
brilliant and rich in contrast, like a snowfield with a steel blue sunny sky above. You
appear self confident and competent. Your
appearance is attracting, at the same time
mysterious and sometimes aloof. A woman
like you can never be ignored!
SKIN Blue or blue-pink undertone (mostly
more Winters in the world that any other
seasonal type
most have taupe-beige skin, from light to
dark, rosy or plain beige
Most olive-skinned people, blacks and
orientals are Winters (few can be
some have milky white skin + dark hair
(Snow White)
usually no rosy cheeks, comes alive with
pink tone rouge or blusher.
Most Winters have dark hair
some were white-blonde in childhood
Brunettes from light brown to dark charcoal brown, sometimes with few red
Blue-black is typical, salt-and-pepper
or silver gray
Winter is most likely to gray prematurely
of all seasons, and the Winter type grays
very attractively.
EYES Winter eyes are most often a very deep color
can be red-brown, black-brown, or hazel (a combination of gray-brown and blue or green)
gray-blue, gray-green, or dark blue
blue- or green-eyes often show white spots in the iris
with a grey rim around the edge of the iris.
cold seasons show gray-rimmed eyes which means Winter or Summer.

Famous Winters:
Liz Taylor, Cher, Caroline of Monaco, Andie McDowell, Demi Moore, Winona Ryder, Anne Hathaway,
Jeniffer Conelly, Megan Fox.

Excerpt of the Winter color palette:

The best color

in the whole world
is the one
that looks good
on YOU! Coco Chanel

The Color Analysis

When draping scarfs in differnt colors around your neck, do not look at the color!
Concentrate on your face and what the color is doing to your skin:
The Wrong color

makes you look pale or sallow

will accentuate lines or shadows around mouth and nose or dark circles under the eyes

pores may look bigger, freckles may be accentuated, redness comes out

may age your face

will look too strong or too weak, can harden your facial features

the color pops out, pushing your face into the background
The Right Color

smooths and clarifies your complexion

brings a healthy color to your skin

minimizes lines, shadows and circles

makes your eyes sparkle and luminous

your face will pop out, pushing the color into the background.
Note: Depending on how bright or dark your skin complexion is, combined with your eye and
natural hair color, you can either wear the brighter or the darker colors of your seasonal color
palette. Try lighter and darker hues and compare what makes your eyes sparkle, underlines your
complexion and does the most for your skin. Always make sure you stay in your warm or cool
color range. Give the preference to colors that flatter you a 100%, why should you accept less?

Many years ago, I have been inspired by Carole Jacksons

famous Book Color Me Beautiful - which has revolutionized
the understanding of colors in the 80s. This book changed my
life and I realized my eye for color analysis. I never looked at a
face again without immediately trying to figure out their
season! Wikipedia: Carole Jackson

Copyright 2015 by Astrid Feichter

E-book design by Astrid Feichter
Images + Illustrations: David Feichter |
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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