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Lesson Plan Content-Based Instruction

Teachers Names: Katie Harding, Mandeep Ballagan

Date: 6/13-6/17

Grade/Class/Subject: 1 /2




Time Period: 50 minutes

Unit/ Topic: Popular American Culture/Superheroes

Lesson Title: Create Your Own Superhero!

Content Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will (know and do):
-describe what a superhero is/does
-describe different aspects of a superhero
-verbally express different parts of a superhero and what makes a superhero
-Use vocabulary specific to superheroes
Language Objectives:


(grammatical term and/or example,

Future tense: My superhero will help the sick.

1) In future tense describe what your

superhero will do to change the world
2) Create a catchphrase for their superhero

Imperative and present tense: Dont give up; I see

the future;

3) Describe various aspects of their superhero

Review Vocabulary
(previously taught vocabulary that
students likely need review of)


Present tense: Our superheros name is ___. They

can ___. Their weakness is ___. Their personality is
Signal Words
New Vocabulary

(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught

that is critical to an understanding of the


-mind control
-shape shifting

(vocabulary that may need to be taught or

emphasized that link concepts in
meaningful ways, such as conjunctions and
time markers)

-___ minutes are left

-30 seconds left!
-how, what, who, why, where

By the end of the lesson, students will (do X function using Y form with Z vocabulary):
-The students will be able to describe what their superhero will do to change with the world in the future tense with
their strengths and powers.
-The students will be able to create a catchphrase for their superhero in the imperative or the present tense with
vocabulary about their personality, strengths, and weaknesses.
-The students will be able to describe their superhero using the present tense with vocabulary about super powers,
personality, strengths and weaknesses

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations: Include here anything relevant to culture that you will either
incorporate as part of your lesson or that you need to be attuned to in terms of your students background
to ensure a lesson that is culturally responsive.

One thing to emphasize is that they can choose any super power or any characteristic they want.
In addition, many of the high school girls are concerned about success and personal appearance
so we emphasize that anyone can be a hero in real life and discuss the qualities of a real life hero

Materials: Include here all the materials that you need, including textbook titles and the page
numbers you will refer to.

Computer, PowerPoint slides, video clips of superheroes, worksheets to create their own
superhero, access to internet, projector

Lesson Sequence: This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features.
For each step, explain what the teacher will do, the expectation of what the students will do, and how
long the stage should take.

MOTIVATION: Describe how you will build content background and introduce the specific language
functions/forms that you will target.
TIME: __10 min______

The teacher will(specifically what the teacher

-Ask the students if they know about the Avengers
-Tell the students that we are watching the
Avengers trailer and to watch for their favorite
superhero as well as their power, take notes
-Ask for their favorite hero and powers
-Give a reading sample of a comic book, review
the story line and vocab before the students read,
have them read, ask comprehension questions

The students will (specifically what the students

should do in response to what the teacher does)
-Respond with affirmation or negation
-Watch the trailer and pay attention and take notes.
-Answer and say their favorite superhero and their
-Read the comic book, take notes, answer
comprehension questions

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are connecting to the background the teacher
is providing?):
The students will be evaluated based upon their class participation and responses to the questions
and prompts
II. PRESENTATION: Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new content and
linguistic material comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate
questioning, to engage learner strategies, and to assess whether or not students are getting it.

TIME: ___5 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the teacher

-Show multiple video examples and visual
examples that the students are familiar with,
each video has a task that the students are
informed of before the video starts (eg., Listen
for this catchphrase, look for their powers),
show pictures of weaknesses and real life
-Give clear instruction and tasks by repeating,
rephrasing, speaking slowly, and enunciating
-Walk around the classroom while the students
create their superheroes to help with questions
and clarify

The students will (specifically what the students

should do in response to what the teacher does)
-Pay attention so they can answer the questions
after the videos
-Listen to the instructions and ask questions if any
tasks are unclear
-Work together and ask the teacher for clarification
and if they have questions

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are comprehending/using the targeted
language forms as presented?):
The teacher will go to each table, talk to the students, and assess their worksheet to make sure they
are on task and completing the worksheet together


PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful practice targeting the

lessons objectives, the learner strategies you will engage, and the formative assessment you will provide
to gauge whether or not students practice is moving them along closer to the target)
TIME: ___25 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the teacher

The students will (specifically what the students
should do in response to what the teacher does)
-Explain the activity to the class step by step
-Create super powers for their superheroes
and then show the first example of super
-Create their own weakness for their superheroes
-Watch the videos and listen, repeat the
-Explain superheroes weaknesses to the
catchphrases they hear to the teacher, and create
students and show an example of Supermans
their own catchphrase for their superhero
weakness, kryptonite
-Create their superheros personality
-Ask the students if they understand the word
-Create how their superhero will change the world,
catchphrase, explain catchphrase, break
create a name, and draw a picture of their hero
down the word, explain catchy and phrase,
show three video examples of superheroes
catchphrases and have the students listen and
-Explain different personality traits with
examples from superheroes
-Explain, repeat, and rephrase the last part, how
the superhero will change the world, then tell
the students to create a name and draw their
Formative Assessment (How you will gauge whether or not students practice is moving them closer toward
achieving the objective in a meaningful way?)
The teacher will walk around and make sure the students complete each section and comprehend the examples,
objectives, and material

EXTENSION: Describe the student-centered activities you will use for students to further apply language
skills toward greater mastery of the targeted content and language objectives, either independently or
with a group. This should be an opportunity for developing higher-order thinking skills and using language
in communicative ways.
TIME: ____10 min_____

The teacher will(specifically what the teacher

-Explain how the groups will present their
superheroes to one another, including tasks
such as reminding them to speak in English and
to listen attentively
-Explain that there are heroes in real life as well,
that you do not need super powers to be a hero.
The teacher will ask the students to name
heroes in their life and explain why these people
are heroes

The students will (specifically what the students

should do in response to what the teacher does)
-Present their superheroes in English to each other
and pay attention to the other groups superhero
-Think about heroes in their lives and share with the
class their real life heroes and why

Summative Assessment (Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students

achieved the content and language objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the
students will do to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but how you will evaluate what they produce.):

The teacher will check their completed worksheet at the end. The teacher will evaluate
their performances based on their presentation in English to the other groups and the
completeness and correctness of the worksheet in English.

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