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Crculo de Derecho Internacional Esquema #1

1. Tema

La poltica exterior de los Estados Unidos de Norteamrica

examinada bajo la teora realista de las relaciones

2. Estructura del trabajo



Breve definicin de la teora realista en las relaciones


Breve descripcin de las relaciones internacionales de los

Estados Unidos a travs del siglo XX y dos dcadas del siglo

Anlisis de las relaciones internacionales de Estados Unidos en

el siglo XXI a travs de la teora realista
o Anlisis de los intereses econmicos
o Anlisis de los intereses polticos

Comparacin de la posicin realista e idealista de los Estados

Unidos en sus relaciones internacionales



3. Bibliografa
a. En ingls:

Worldviews in Foreign Policy: Realism, Liberalism, and

External Conflict
o Abstract: International relations studies have been unable
to determine whether realist or liberal theories better fit
state behavior in various situations, possibly because
these studies have attributed motive and action to the
states rather than to the decision-makers within them.
This article develops a new, more direct approach to

resolving this problem. Hypotheses were tested regarding

conditions under which decision-makers are likely to
articulate a problem representation consistent with liberal
or realist elements of a worldview. This was done by
content analysis of statements about 36 foreign conflicts
by the governments of three 'bystander' nations-the
United States, Canada, and India-over a 16-year period.
The findings indicate that systemic and situational factors
are far more important than domestic factors. States tend
to represent wars in congruence with liberalism primarily
when their security is already assured by another power
or when the conflict does not involve allies, rivals, or
fellow democracies. Thus, most of the expectations of
realism are supported at the psychological level.
o Mowle, T. (2003). Worldviews in Foreign Policy: Realism,
Liberalism, and External Conflict. Political Psychology,
24(3), 561-592. Retrieved from

Obama's Foreign Policy: "Smart Power," Realism and

o Abstract: This article reviews the foreign policy of the
Obama administration with a special focus on the Middle
East. It shows the gap between the lofty rhetoric of the
President, a great orator, and the decisions taken by the
Administration. This gap is the inevitable result of the
normal play of forces in the decision-making process
involving many actors and the interplay of domestic
policies and foreign policy. The author argues that if
Obama's foreign policy is analyzed in electoral and
domestic terms then it is quite wrong to argue, as some
have done, that it is dumb. Smart in electoral terms,
however, does not necessarily mean smart on the
international stage.
o Guerlain, P. (2014). Obama's foreign policy: "smart
power," realism and cynicism. Society, 51(5), 482-491.

Obama, the foreign policy realist

o Abstract: There are many (I'm among them) who see
[Obama] primarily as a foreign policy realist. Especially
after our adventures in Iraq, realism looks a whole lot
better than it once did. I say this as someone who still
thinks that the U.S. needs to stand up for democratic
values and human rights, but also sees military overreach

as a grave danger to our interests and long-term strength.

The principal defense of Obama's stewardship rests on
the idea that, despite some miscues, his realism about
what military power can and can't achieve has
recalibrated America's approach, moving it in the right
A useful place to start this discussion is "The Realist
Persuasion, Richard K. Betts' article in the 30th
anniversary issue of The National Interest, realism's
premier intellectual outpost. Betts, a Columbia University
scholar, argues that realists "focus more on results than
on motives and are more attuned to how often good
motives can produce tragic results. While idealistic
liberals and conservatives alike are often eager to
"support the righteous and fight the villainous, realists
insist that the actual choices we face are "often between
greater and lesser evils.
o Dionne, E. J. (2015, Aug 31). Obama, the foreign policy
realist. Charleston Gazette - Mail Retrieved from

Liberalism in a Realist World: International Relations as

an American Scholarly Tradition
o Abstract: The study of international relations (IR) is a
worldwide pursuit with each country having its own
theoretical orientations, preoccupations and debates.
Beginning in the early twentieth century, the US created
its own scholarly traditions of IR. Eventually, IR became
an American social science with the US becoming the
epicenter for a worldwide IR community engaged in a set
of research programs and theoretical debates. The
discipline of IR emerged in the US at a time when it was
the worlds most powerful state and a liberal great power
caught in a struggle with illiberal rivals. This context
ensured that the American theoretical debates would be
built around both power and liberal ideals. Over the
decades, the two grand projects of realism and liberalism
struggled to define the agenda of IR in the US. These
traditions have evolved as they attempted to make sense
of contemporary developments, speak to strategic
position of the US and its foreign policy, as well as deal
with the changing fashions and standards of social
science. The rationalist formulations of realism and
liberalism sparked reactions and constructivism has
arisen to offer counterpoints to the rational choice theory.

o Ikenberry, G., 2009. Liberalism in a Realist World:

International Relations as an American Scholarly
Tradition, International Studies, 46(1, 2), pp.203-219.
b. En espaol:


Primero: En torno a la nocin de realismo poltico
o Sumario: Este captulo tiene por propsito esbozar una
nocin de realismo poltico. Para cumplir con tal meta partir
bosquejando, de manera compendiada, la genealoga del
objeto de estudio desde la antigedad clsica hasta
mediados del siglo xx. En seguida, someter a anlisis uno
de los ms conocidos intentos que se han llevado a cabo
para disipar la vaguedad conceptual de la expresin
realpolitik : el de Hans Morgenthau y sus clebres seis
principios del realismo poltico; despus identificar las
fisuras que tiene el planteamiento de Morgenthau.
Finalmente, propondr algunas ideas para configurar un
concepto de realismo poltico.
o Oro Tapia, Luis R.. El concepto de realismo poltico.
Santiago de Chile, CL: RIL editores, 2013. ProQuest ebrary.
Web. 3 July 2016. Copyright 2013. RIL editores. All rights

La poltica exterior de Estados Unidos hacia Amrica Latina

en el periodo 2001 al 2014
o Sumario: El artculo analiza el comportamiento de Estados
Unidos, en especial su posicin de potencia internacional
para el mantenimiento del orden y la seguridad internacional
durante la transicin entre el gobierno de George Bush y
Barack Obama. La tradicin poltica seala que ste debe
mantener una posicin firme con el propsito de
salvaguardar un sistema internacional en equilibrio. Sin
embargo, dos teoras resultan enfrentadas a la hora de
resolver un dilema de caractersticas internacionales. Por un
lado, Mearsheimer, terico del realismo ofensivo, propone
una actitud de los Estados siempre en competencia, debido
a un sistema internacional en desequilibrio; pero, por otro
lado, la tendencia liberal de Ikemberry seala que el orden
internacional liberal, propuesto por Estados Unidos, no debe
estar ceido a un esquema de competencia radical sino a
todo lo contrario, es decir, a un espacio de cooperacin
internacional que reduzca la tensin internacional. Por esta
va Estados Unidos podra fijar la ruta con Amrica Latina.

o Muoz Snchez, O. A., & Vieco Maya, L. E. (2015). La

politica exterior de estados unidos hacia america latina en el
periodo 2001 al 2014. Analecta Poltica, 5(8) Retrieved from

Ideales democrticos, religin y el destino manifiesto en la

poltica exterior de los Estados Unidos
o La poltica exterior de los Estados Unidos a pesar de sus
orgenes idealistas, se define, de manera usual, como
realista. Sin embargo, ese idealismo siempre est presente
en el manejo de sus asuntos internacionales. Desde el
Mensaje de despedida del presidente Washington, en 1796,
hasta la intervencin en Irak en 2003, los dirigentes
norteamericanos han jugado un juego doble entre el
idealismo y sus modelos democrticos, y el realismo y sus
intereses puntuales. Intereses que pueden ser estratgicos,
militares y econmicos, pero que a pesar de su peso en los
procesos de formulacin y legitimacin de polticas
internacionales, se encuentran sumisos a los ideales
o Aya Smitmans, M. T. (2007). Ideales democraticos, religion y
el destino manifesto en la politica exterior de los Estados
Unidos. Observatorio de Analisis de los Sistemas
Internacionales [OASIS], (12), 143+. Retrieved from



Rodrigo Alonso Taipe Paredes

Crculo de Investigacin de
Derecho Internacional
3 de jul. de 2016

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