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Anglais I.

Partie thorique How to write an essay

How to write an essay

Parler des propos de lauteur, de ce quil
The writer tells a story,
recounts an incident, gives an account of a situation, narrates an experience.
- He describes, depicts, draws a picture, gives a description of...
- He sketches, portrays, delineates, outlines a character, a situation.
- He states, poses a problem, raises a question, an issue, a point.
- He takes up a subject, touches upon it, treats it, tackles it.
- He concentrates, dwells, harps on it. / He reflects, meditates on it, ponders over it.
- He places emphasis, lays stress on it, stresses, emphasizes, underlines it.
- He examines, considers, discusses a problem, views it as...
- He maintains, asserts, declares that...
- He alludes to the fact that... / He creates, invents / he illustrates, demonstrates.
- He expresses, utters, gives vent to his own feelings, ideas, views, opinions.
- His purpose is to...
- He considers the arguments, the reasons for and against...
- He analyses the reasons why...
- He looks at both sides of the question / He considers the questions from all angles.
- He indicates, points out the disadvantages or drawbacks on the one hand, and the
advantages on the other hand.
- He objects to, protests against... / He puts forward an idea, and develops it.
- He presents, provides the reader with a wide range of examples, views of...
- He awakens, arouses, excites, compels, stimulates the interest.
- He reports, treats, deals with a large number of cases...
- He manages (fails) to bring his subject, the period alive.
- He succeeds in bringing... in conveying to the reader.
- He relies on particular devices to achieve his aim (effects, aims).
- By means of particular devices, he manages to involve the reader and makes him
participate in the events.
- He appeals to, he makes appeals to the reader's imagination.

Citer des mots ou des ides de

The writer claims that... / would
have us believe that...
- This is well illustrated by the following statement. I quote: "..."
- As the writer puts it...
- In the writer's words / The author, to quote his own words, says that...
- This last point can be illustrated by the writer's own words...
- The writer relies on repetitions.
- The word occurs five times in the passage.
- The capitals signify that ... / in italics
- To sum up / to summarize
- These words are suggestive of, they imply...

Mettre une ide en

- It is interesting to note / observe / remark that...
- What is particularly striking in this passage is that...
- We can hardly fail to be struck / impressed by...
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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay

It is significant that the scene should be set in...

The emphasis falls on...
The character embodies / symbolizes / exemplifies ...
It is a fact that ... / It is beyond question that / there is no denying that...
As we read the text closely / On reading the text
As we have just suggested / hinted / pointed out, ...
If we pay close attention to the text, we see that...

Citer des mots prcis du


At the beginning of our passage

The opening sentence betrays... (reveals, discloses)
Midway through the passage / In the middle of the passage
Towards the end of the passage
All through the passage / Throughout the passage
From line... to line ...
Each of the passage...
For the whole of the first paragraph...
Considering the first passage as a whole / let us consider the first passage...
In the preceding / previous paragraph...
In the following / next paragraph...

Exprimer son point de

I think that

Je pense que

In my opinion,

A mon avis

I feel

Je trouve que

Personally, I believe

Personnellement, je trouve que

it seems to me that

Il me semble bien que

I have the impression that

Jai limpression que

To my mind,

A mon avis

From my point of view / As far as I am


En ce qui me concerne

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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay

I am of the opinion that

Je considre que

I am convinced that

Je suis convaincu que

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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay

Exprimer son accord/

I fully agree with you

Je suis entirement daccord avec vous.

Youre quite right when you say

Vous avez raison de dire que

I share your opinion that

Je partage lide que

I (totally) agree with the author on this


Je suis (totalement) daccord avec sur ce


I am (entirely) of this opinion.

Je suis (entirement) de cet avis.

I am on the same opinion as

Je suis du mme avis que

I share this point of view.

Je partage ce point de vue.

I agree with him.

Je suis daccord avec lui.

I approve on his ideas.

Japprouve ses ides.

I agree with you to a certain extent.

Je suis daccord avec vous jusqu un

certain point.

I cannot agree with X

Je ne suis absolument pas daccord avec X

You are quite wrong when

Vous vous trompez quand

I cant share your point of view on this.

Je ne partage pas

I cannot accept this interpretation of the


Je ne peux pas accepter

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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay

I am sorry but I dont share this point of


Je suis dsol de ne pas partager ce point

de vue.

I dont believe it to be true that

Je ne pense pas que ce soit vrai que

I am afraid I cant agree with you.

Je suis dsol de ne pas tre daccord avec


I dont see it that way.

Je ne vois pas cela de cette faon.

I disagree with

Je ne suis pas daccord avec

If this were true

Si ctait vrai

How could I agree with such a stupid


Comment pourrais-je accepter une ide si

stupide !

Argumenter un texte, dvelopper une

First / firstly / to begin with / in the first
First of all / first and foremost
Secondly / thirdly / then / next

En premier / en premier lieu / tout d'abord /

pour commencer
Avant toute chose

At last / finally
To conclude / in conclusion / as a conclusion

Deuximement / en second / troisimement

/ puis / ensuite / en suivant
Pour finir / finalement /enfin
Pour conclure / en conclusion


At first sight
On second thought
As a matter of fact
For that matter
As a matter of course
In any event
In any / most cases
In this respect

premire vue
la rflexion
En fait
D'ailleurs / du reste
Bien entendu
En tout cas / quoi qu'il en soit
Dans la plupart des cas
De toute faon
A cet gard

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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay

In brief
In short
To put in a nutshell

En bref
En rsum
Pour faire court, en un mot

Connecteurs selon lide


Because of
Owing to
Due to
For (doing sth)
For (having sth)
On account of
Out of (kindness)
Thanks to
That is why / therefore

Parce que
En raison de
En raison de
Du fait de
Pour faire (qq chose)
Pour avoir (qq chose)
tant donn que
tant donn que
Par (gentillesse)
C'est parce que


For (someone) to do (sth)

In order to
In order not to
So as to
So as not to
So (that)

Pour (qq'un fasse qq

Pour ne pas
Afin de / de faon
Afin de ne pas
Pour que / de telle sorte


As a consequence
As a result (of)
So much so that
That is why / therefore
So / thus
Hence (the idea)

Par consquent
Par consquent
En consquence
Par consquent
tel point que
C'est pourquoi
D'o (l'ide)


In addition
Too / similarly
Into the bargain
On the contrary
On the one hand
On the other hand

En outre
De plus
Par ailleurs
Qui plus est / d'ailleurs
De mme
Par-dessus le march
Au contraire
la diffrence de
Alors que (opposition)
D'une part
D'autre part


In case
Suppose / supposing
Even if

Si ou bien
Au cas o
A supposer que
Mme si

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Anglais I. Partie thorique How to write an essay


Or else / otherwise

moins que

Although / though
Despite / for all
In spite of
No matter what (how)
Nonetheless / nevertheless
For all I know

Bien que
En dpit de
Peu importe que
Pour autant que je sache

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