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Research Diary

Indruction:(come from source site)

Online applications are vulnerable to theft of sensitive information because adversaries
can exploit software bugs to gain access to private data, and because curious or
malicious administrators may capture and leak data. CryptDB is a system that provides
practical and provable confidentiality in the face of these attacks for applications backed
by SQL databases. It works by executing SQL queries over encrypted data using a
collection of efficient SQL-aware encryption schemes. CryptDB can also chain encryption
keys to user passwords, so that a data item can be decrypted only by using the
password of one of the users with access to that data. As a result, a database
administrator never gets access to decrypted data, and even if all servers are
compromised, an adversary cannot decrypt the data of any user who is not logged in. An
analysis of a trace of 126 million SQL queries from a production MySQL server shows
that CryptDB can support operations over encrypted data for 99.5% of the 128,840
columns seen in the trace. Our evaluation shows that CryptDB has low overhead,
reducing throughput by 14.5% for phpBB, a web forum application, and by 26% for
queries from TPC-C, compared to unmodified MySQL. Chaining encryption keys to user
passwords requires 11-13 unique schema annotations to secure more than 20 sensitive
fields and 2-7 lines of source code changes for three multi-user web applications.

Before install CryptDB on MySQL DB, First you need to make sure your system have following
packet, my system is:
Intel:P4 3.0G
Ram :1GB
OS:Ubuntu 11.10
Step 1 - Check system's packet on last version
open terminal windows(ctrl+alt+t), enter command in
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Step 2 - Install following packets
all packet need last version
1. Bazaar
2. Bison
3. Gtk-doc
4. Autoconf
5. Automake
6. Libtool
7. Flex
8. Gcc-4.6
9. G++-4.6
11. G++
12 . apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dev libntl-dev libmysqlclient-dev \
libssl-dev libbsd-dev libevent-dev libglib2.0-dev
13. apt-get install \
pkg-config \
liblua5.1-0 \
liblua5.1-dev \
libevent-dev \
libevent1 \
libglib2.0-0 \
libglib2.0-dev \
libmysqlclient-dev \
Step 3 - download Program

CryptDB : git clone -b public git://

MySQL: wget
MySQL-proxy: bzr branch lp:mysql-proxy
Step 4 : Start to Build CytptDB on MySQL
- CytptDB on MySQL(not finish yet) tar zxf mysql-5.5.14.tar.gz
cp -R .../cryptdb/parser/mysql_mods/* mysql-5.5.14/
you can use "ls -al" check file date if it's change
rm mysql-5.5.14/sql/sql_yacc.{cc,h}
cd mysql-5.5.14
mkdir build
cd build
(it will take few time)
(it will take few time)
Step 5 Build MySQL-Proxy
bzr branch lp:mysql-proxy
cd mysql-proxy
sh ./
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --with-lua=lua5.1
make install
if you fails with error "g_debug_hexdump being undefined"
To Do

% patch -p0 <<"EOM"

=== modified file 'src/'
--- src/ 2010-10-28 11:58:51 +0000
+++ src/ 2012-01-10 15:49:27 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
BUILD_CFLAGS = -DLUAEXTDIR="\"$(luaextdir)\"" -DPLUGINDIR="\"$(plugindir)\""
Step 6 Install CryptDB

cd cryptdb/conf
open and change path for MYSRC (MYSRC is set to your mysql folder
path) , then save as <--very important

cd cryptdb

sudo make install

Now, you need to check some ".so" file if it is success to generate

SEE cryptdb/obj folder

it's have six .so file

and then go to cryptdb/obj/udf
you will see, copy it to /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/

Now, you can see cryptdb/doc/README to run cryptdb

if you have any problem about install cryptdb, I will try to help as I can

Normal Human 6:20

27 :
Sayantan's Mukh 20135 1 12:42
Hi, I was trying to install in the said manner. I came across some issues that I couldn't
1. after make in the 'mysql' installation, we don't have to do any 'make install'?
2. during cryptdb install (step 6), 'sudo make install' is returning with "install: cannot create
regular file '/usr/lib/mysql/plugin': No such file or directory' though I did everything the way it
has been written here or in the doc/BUILD in cryptdb.
Can you please help me with this?
Sayantan Mukherjee

Normal Human

201351 10:22

Hi Sayantan Mukherjee
About Q1, you need do "make install", but sorry, I really forget the reason
Q2. you sure you install Mysql "server" and Mysql "client?"

Berthier Paul-Edmond 20135 27 6:10

Hi, I am trying to compile the sources (step 6 make) . I have the following error :
/home/peb/cryptdb-inst/CryptDB/crypto/prng.hh:98:13: error: min was not declared in this
scope, and no declarations were found by argument-dependent lookup at the point of

instantiation [-fpermissive]
In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.7/bits/char_traits.h:41:0,
from /usr/include/c++/4.7/string:42,
from /home/peb/cryptdb-inst/CryptDB/crypto/ope.hh:3,
from crypto/
/usr/include/c++/4.7/bits/stl_algobase.h:187:5: note: template const _Tp& std::min(const
_Tp&, const _Tp&) declared here, later in the translation unit
Can you please help me ?

Normal Human

20138 1 9:17

what's your c++ version?

Nicole Lopez 2013731 3:10

Hi. I'm having warnings while I'm performing the make command of building cryptdb on
The warnings state that: " dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rule"
Would that still be fine and will not cause future errors?

Normal Human

20138 1 9:21

there's no need to worry; gcc tries to be more law obedient than the actual law.

Nicole Lopez 20138 10 7:44

I would like to consult you about the further installations problem that I may
This is for my thesis requirement.
Thanks a lot.

Normal Human

20138 10 9:01

Can you post error message when you install cryptdb, because I'm not sure your
system detail, you may face some problem that I never meet

Nicole Lopez 20138 11 7:44

I got this message when I entered make on installing cryptdb:
"/home/ubuntu/cryptdb-inst/cryptdb/util/util.hh:93:19: fatal error: mysql.h: No such
file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/crypto-old/OPE.o] Error 1"

Normal Human

20138 11 8:55


You need copy "mysql.h" to "~/cryptdb/util"
try to find "mysql.h"
You need install "MYSQL" client
Use software center or download from MYSQL site
after install mysql client
find "mysql.h"

Normal Human

20138 11 9:03

" "
if you download from this link
it's only have some libary the cryptdb will use
so need download "MYSQL client" yourself

some detail need user to find and install when you use
,and cryptdb's "README" not mention about it

Nicole Lopez 20138 12 12:34

I did what you just instructed me, then I came up with another problem. This time I
do not know where to copy mysql.h file again
In file included from /home/ubuntu/cryptdb-inst/cryptdb/edb/EDBProxy.hh:11:0,
from edb/
mysql.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/edb/EDBProxy.o] Error 1

Normal Human

20138 12 1:27

sorry, I give you wrong answer, you need install mysql server, not mysql client,
this is my fault
Install Mysql:
------------------------------------------------------After install ,use "whereis" or "find" in terminal to find
just like "whereis mysql.h" or "find mysql.h"
then, use cp to copy file to target folder
"cp [mysql.h file path][target folder]"

Nicole Lopez 20138 12 3:04

Okay. How will I resolve the previous error that I posted?
I successfully transferred mysql.h and other .h files to cryptdb/util.
I think the latest error wants me to move the same files to a new directory which is
different to cryptdb/util.
I cannot identify what directory it is. :(

Normal Human

20138 12 3:13

Look like in folder "parser" need mysql.h

the same, move mysql.h to target folder
try to copy mysql.h to ~/cryptdb/parser

Nicole Lopez 20138 13 7:25

I just did your previous instruction to move the mysql.h file to cryptdb/parser
Unfortunately, the error still exists. :(

48ebb568-faba-11e2-bfc5-000bcdca4d7a 20138 1 7:54

Is there an Ubuntu .iso that already has this?

Normal Human

20138 1 9:21


Zhang Xi 2013113 5:14

Hi, thanks for your post! I managed to install CryptDB without errors. However,I have some
problems to run it. I got the following errors when I try to run in a shell:
main/ (execute): mysql_query: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check
the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'NOT EXISTS cryptdbtest1' at line 1
main/ (execute): on query: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS
cdb_test: main/ static Connect* Connect::getEmbedded(const string&, const

string&): Assertion `conn->execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + dbname + ";")'

Do you have any ideas? Thanks

Normal Human

2013113 6:38

looks like you have SQL syntax error when you try to input
1. first, make sure you already startup encrypt mode(follow the manul in crypt)
2.if yes, check your SQL syntax
>>CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " + your_dbname + ";"

shankar 20131224 2:00

root@debian:/home/student# git clone -b public git://
Cloning into 'cryptdb'...
fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

What should i do to escape from this error??

I have no Firewalls installed and no IPtables too.
am using Debian 32 bit OS.

Normal Human

20131225 5:30

I try in Ubuntu 32-bit, it's work

so I think it's Debian network setting cause it
but I don't known how to solve it

shankar 20141 9 2:25

I got the six *.so as you have mentioned. But i am unable to understand how to initiate the
cryptdb, i read readme.txt, but am not getting it. Can you explain it precisely.

Normal Human

20141 9 5:56

Can you show error Msg or something ?

shankar 20141 15 12:02

root@student:/home/student/cryptdb/obj# ls
crypto mysqlproxy test util parser tools
libedbcrypto.a libedbutil.a main scripts udf

VJ@DJ 201455 12:12

Thanks. I have installed the CryptDB and I could run QUERIES. My only issue is, its not using
LIKE / ILIKE clause in the QUERY as defined by .../cryptdb/doc/demo_notes.txt

hi 2016124 3:33
cp -R .../cryptdb/parser/mysql_mods/* mysql-5.5.14/

i have problem with this..showing no such directory


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