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Lesson Activity: Teaching the Root Word ped and its meaning through visuals and examples.

Lesson: Taught to ELL students in the small-group setting

1. Introduce the root word ped and remind students what root words are
by showing them the Root Word anchor poster. Remind and explain to
students that root words are part of a word that carries meaning. Roots
are usually from different languages and they help us understand the
meanings of whole words. Go over how to pronounce the root word
ped and have students echo the pronunciation to you.
2. Do not tell students the meaning of the root word. Instead explain to
them that they will become language detectives in order to figure out
what the root word ped might mean. Explain to students that you are
going to show them four different words with pictures one at a time.
After you have discussed the meanings of each of the four words, you
will try to figure out what ped might mean together as a group.
3. Show students the word PEDal with a picture of a bike and an arrow
pointing to the pedal. Ask students, What are pedals? How do you use
them? Write down their responses on the card.
4. Next, show students the word PEDicure with a picture of a nail salon
and a person getting a pedicure. Point out the root word and where it is
located. Tell students that one of your favorite things to do before
vacation is to get a pedicure. Then ask students, What is a pedicure?
Where do you go to get one? Why might someone get a pedicure?
Write down their responses.
5. Now, show students the third word: PEDestrian. Have a picture of a
pedestrian crossing the road and point out that the pedestrian is the
person that is crossing the road. Ask students, Why might we call him
a pedestrian? What makes the way he is traveling different from the
way the people in the car are traveling? Write down their responses.
6. Finally, show students the last word: cetiPEDe. Point out that this time
the root word is not in the beginning of the word. Show students a
picture of a centipede. ASK, what do you notice about this critter?
Why might he be called a centipede? (Perhaps also show a picture
with a centipede wearing shoes to show that they have feet) Write
down student responses.
7. Now have all 4 words and cards displayed on the table. Explain to
students, these four words have different meanings, but they all have
the same root word ped What is similar between these words? What
might the root word ped mean? Allow time for discussion between
group members and the teacher. Ask scaffolding questions to allow
students to make the connection that the word ped must have
something to do with feet because of the similarities between the four
words: you use your feet to pedal a bike, you get your feet (toes)
massaged and painted during a pedicure, a pedestrian travels by foot,
and a centipede has 100 feet.

8. Overemphasize the success of the students in solving the mystery by

offering specific praise, I was so impressed at how you all were word
detectives. You looked at each word closely to find the connection.
Restate the meaning of the root word, PED and show anchor chart
with visuals of the four examples discussed.
9. Next, pass out the root word organizer that students are familiar with
to each student. In the center, write the root PED, and write its
meaning together in the meaning column. Show students how to find
the word pedal in the dictionary and read its definition aloud.
Together, fill out one of the four examples by writing in pedal and its
meaning. Also remind students to draw a quick sketch of what a pedal
is and looks like.
After doing the first example together, explain to students that
they will finish the three examples on their own using dictionaries and
the computer. Challenge students to try and find at least one word that
you did not share with them. Students begin to hunt for more words
with ped root word and connect the meaning of the word to the
meaning of the root word. Walk around and help students as needed
and ask probing questions to heighten students understanding of the
root word.
After students have completed their organizers, call them back to
the small-group. Allow students to share examples of the words they
found. Ask students, How does that word connect to our root word?
to get them thinking.
Next, model how to create a sentence using one of the words
from today. Write the sentence on the board: Miss Fords friend
doesnt like getting a pedicure because her feet are sensitive and
ticklish. Ask students, does my sentence help us understand what a
pedicure is? How?
Now, have students pair up to create a sentence on a white
board using one of the words from todays lesson. Allow pairs to share
their sentences.
Lastly, have individual students create their own sentence on a
white board using a different word from todays lesson.
At the close of the activity, pass out an exit slip that asks
students what the root word ped means and its connection to the
following three words: pedestrian, millipede, and pedal. Also challenge
students to share another word with the root ped and how it connects
to the meaning of foot.

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