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I am a freshly college graduated 22 year old seeking to understand the

international chess board. This blog will serve as a vessel for me to stockpile my
knowledge in tangible printed form while simultaneously providing a method to
hone my writing skills. I am attempting to compensate for my youth and lack of
experience with raw passion and a voracious consumption of literature and high
quality media platforms.
In addition to posts concerning international issues, I will also write about my
personal philosophical beliefs. I believe these subjects go hand in hand as it is
imperative to develop a paradigm capable of properly analyzing complex,
multifaceted problems concerning nation states, individual actors, and numerous
other players. This paradigm is based on intensive exercise of two of mans greatest
faculties, rationality and empathy. These two forces must become dominant over
the lower, baser functions of our primate ancestry (otherwise we are susceptible to
the medias manipulation of our innate herd mentality and the fear mongering fed
to us by demagogues like Donald Trump).
I believe my generation is coming of age at a pivotal time in human history.
The threat of climate change makes geopolitical conflicts and economic tribulations
look petty in comparison. The global generation has access to technology that
interconnects the world like never before, and we have an opportunity to utilize this
to address the greatest danger (alongside nuclear warfare) in the history of

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