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MS Word Shortcut keys

Ctrl + Spacebar

Reset highlighted text to the default


Ctrl + 0

Adds or removes 6 pts of spacing

before a paragraph

Ctrl + 1

Single-space lines

Ctrl + A

Select all contents of the page

Ctrl + 2

Double-space lines

Ctrl + B

Bold highlighted selection

Ctrl + 5

1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + C

Copy selected text

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Changes text to heading 1

Ctrl + D

Open the font preferences window

Ctrl + E

Aligns the line or selected text to the

center of the screen

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Changes text to heading 2

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Changes text to heading 3

Ctrl + F

Open find box

Ctrl + I

Italic highlighted selection

Alt + Ctrl + F2

Open new document

Ctrl + J

Aligns the selected text or line to justify

the screen

Ctrl + F1

Open the task pane

Ctrl + F2

Display the print preview

Ctrl + K

Insert ink

Ctrl + L

Aligns the line or selected text to the

left of the screen

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increases the highlighted text size by


Ctrl + M

Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + <

Ctrl + P

Open the print window

Decreases the highlighted text size by


Ctrl + R

Aligns the line or selected text to the

right of the screen

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Opens to another open Microsoft Word


Ctrl + T

Create a hanging indent

Ctrl + U

Underline the highlighted selection

Ctrl + V


Ctrl + X

Cut selected text

Ctrl + Y

Redo the last action performed

Ctrl + Z

Undo Last Action

Ctrl + Shift + L

Quickly create a bullet point

Ctrl +Shift + F

Change the font

Ctrl + Shift + >

Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt

and then increases font +2pts

Ctrl + ]

Increases selected fonts +1pts

Ctrl +Shift + <

Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or

lower, if above 12 decreases font by

Ctrl + Shift + F12 Prints the document


Open help


Repeat the last action performed

(Word 2000+)


Open the find, replace, and go to the

window in Microsoft Word


Spellcheck and grammar check

selected text or document


Save as

Shift + F3

Change the text in Microsoft word

from uppercase to lowercase or a
capital letter at the beginning of the
every word

Shift + F7

Runs a Thesaurus check on the word


Shift + F12


Shift + Enter

Create a soft break instead of new


Shift + Insert


Shift + Alt + D

Insert the current date

Ctrl + Backspace Deletes word to the left of cursor

Shift + Alt + T

Insert the current time

Ctrl + End

Moves the cursor to the end of the


Click ,hold and


Selects text from where you click and

hold to the point you drag and let go

Ctrl + Home

Moves the cursor to the beginning of

the document

If double-click a word, selects the

complete word

Triple click

Selects the line or paragraph of the text

the mouse triple-clicked

Ctrl + [

Decrease selected font -1pts

Ctrl + / + C

Insert a cent sign

Ctrl +Shift + *

View or hide non printing characters

Ctrl + <left

Moves one word to left

Ctrl + <right

Moves one word to right

Ctrl + <up arrow> Moves to the beginning of the line or

Ctrl + <down

Moves to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del

Deletes word to the right of cursor

MS Excel Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + B
Ctrl + I

Edit the selected cell

After a name has been
created F3 will paste names
Go to a specific cell. For
example, C6
Spell check selected text or
Create chart from selected
Enter the current time
Enter the current date
Insert new worksheet
Open the Excel formula
Bring up search box
Select all contents of the
Bold highlighted section
Italic highlighted section

Ctrl + K

Insert link

Ctrl + Shift + ;
Ctrl + ;
Alt + Shift + F1
Shift + F3
Shift + F5
Ctrl + A

Ctrl + U
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + 5
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + F3
Ctrl + F9

Underline highlighted
Change the format of
selected cells
Strike through highlighted
Bring up the print dialogue
box to begin printing
Undo last action
Open Excel Name Manager
Minimize current window

Maximize currently selected

Switch between open work
Ctrl + F6
books or windows
Move between Excel work
Ctrl + Page up
sheets in the same Excel
Move between Excel
Ctrl + page down worksheets in the same
Excel document
Move between two or more
Ctrl + Tab
open Excel document
Alt + =
Create a formula to sum all
Ctrl + F10

of the above cells

Insert the value of the above
Ctrl +
cell into cell currently
Format number in comma
Ctrl + Shift + !
Format number in currency
Ctrl + Shift + $
Format number in date
Ctrl + Shift + #
Format number in
Ctrl + Shift + %
percentage format
Format number in scientific
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Format number in time
Ctrl + Shift + @
Move to the next selection
Ctrl + Arrow key
on text
Ctrl + Space
Select entire column
Shift + Space
Select entire row
Delete the selected column
Ctrl + or row
Ctrl + shift + =
Insert a new column or row
Ctrl + Home
Move to cell A1
Switch between showing
Ctrl + ~
Excel formulas or their
values in cells

Go to previous
presentation window
Go to next presentation
Ctrl + F6
Maximize power point
application window
Maximize presentation
Ctrl + F10
Restore presentation to
Ctrl + F5
previous size
Delete character left
Ctrl + Backspace
Delete word left
Delete character right
Ctrl + Delete
Delete word right
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z
Ctrl + N
Open new presentation
Open existing
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + S
Save as
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
Exit power point
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl +D
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Update links
Ctrl + G
Show guides
Shift + Click view button Switch to master view
Ctrl + M
Create new slide
Create new slide without
Ctrl + Shift + M
new slide dialog
Alt+ Shift + D
Add date
Alt + Shift + P
Add page number
Alt + Shift + T
Add time
Ctrl + T
Format character
Ctrl + E
Center paragraph
Ctrl + J
Justify paragraph
Ctrl +Shift +F6

Ctrl + L
Ctrl + R
Left arrow
Right arrow
Up arrow
Down arrow
Ctrl + left arrow
Ctrl + right arrow
Ctrl + up arrow
Ctrl + down arrow
Ctrl + end

Left align paragraph

Right align paragraph
One character left
One character right
One line up
One line down
One word left
One word right
To end of line
To beginning of line
Up one paragraph
Down one paragraph
To end of page

Computer Knowledge for Bank Online

Aptitude Tests

Welcome to MS power point shortcut keys are one of the

important topics in computer knowledge online aptitude tests. In Computer Knowledge for Bank
exams, MS power point shortcut keys will be asked, which is useful for presentation purposes. Many
presentations in seminars and meetings are done with the use of MS Power point. Questions related to
MS power point shortcut keys in bank exams are intended to know your presentation skills. Many of
the MS power point shortcut keys their functions and Computer knowledge online aptitude tests are
provided here for you. Scoring marks in computer knowledge online aptitude tests are very easy and
effective since it doesnt take much time and also answering them doesnt need any big calculations or
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your knowledge by attending our Free Online Aptitude Tests for Bank exams. Keep visiting our
website for more updates regarding Computer Knowledge for Bank exams

Ctrl +Shift +F6

Ctrl + F6
Alt + F10
Ctrl + F10
Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + Backspace
Ctrl + Delete
Ctrl + X
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z

Go to previous presentation window

Go to next presentation window
Maximize power point application window
Maximize presentation window
Restore presentation to previous size
Delete character left
Delete word left
Delete character right
Delete word right

Ctrl + N
Ctrl + O
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + Q
Ctrl + Y
Ctrl +D
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + Shift + F7
Ctrl + G
Shift + Click view button
Ctrl + M
Ctrl + Shift + M
Alt+ Shift + D
Alt + Shift + P
Alt + Shift + T
Ctrl + T
Ctrl + E
Ctrl + J

Open new presentation

Open existing presentation
Save as
Exit power point
Update links
Show guides
Switch to master view
Create new slide
Create new slide without new slide dialog
Add date
Add page number
Add time
Format character
Center paragraph
Justify paragraph

Ctrl + L
Ctrl + R
Left arrow
Right arrow
Up arrow
Down arrow
Ctrl + left arrow
Ctrl + right arrow
Ctrl + up arrow
Ctrl + down arrow
Ctrl + end
Ctrl + Home
Shift + Tab

Left align paragraph

Right align paragraph
One character left
One character right
One line up
One line down
One word left
One word right
To end of line
To beginning of line
Up one paragraph
Down one paragraph
To end of page
To start of page
To previous object

Shift + F4
Ctrl + P
Ctrl + A

To next object
Repeat find or go to
Black or un black screen
White or un white screen
Show or hide the arrow pointer
End slide show
Erase drawing on-screen
Go to next slide if it is hidden
Rehearse with new timings
Rehearse with original timings
Rehearse with mouse-click advance
Change pointer to pen
Change pen to pointer

Computer Basics for Bank Exams

Browser Shortcuts

Welcome to Computer Basics for Bank Exams.

These browsing shortcut keys collected here is useful for browsing purpose, these keys will work in
all web browsers. In online bank exams, computer knowledge section you may face these type of
questions. This shortcut keys are intended to know your browsing skills. You are recommended to
study our bank material on browsing shortcut keys to enhance your chances of cracking computer
knowledge test. You can find good quality of stuff in this site mainly regarding computer knowledge.
Free online aptitude tests will be conducted here to improve your knowledge and time management.
This tests is not only useful for online bank exams, but also for IT sectors. In many interviews you
may face questions on computer knowledge, I suggest you to study our bank materials for your better
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You will be benefited for sure by taking our free online aptitude tests and bank materials. Click here
for computer knowledge bank materials. Click here for reasoning online tests. Hope!! You will like
this material on computer basics for bank exams.

Click here for computer knowledge test

Browsing shortcut keys

Ctrl + 9
Ctrl + Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Ctrl + W
Ctrl + F
Ctrl + T
Ctrl + N
Alt + F4
Ctrl + H
Ctrl + B
Ctrl + P
Alt + Home
Ctrl + J
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + S
Ctrl + U
Ctrl + O
Backspace , Alt + Left Arrow
Shift + Backspace, Alt + Left Arrow

Switch to Last Tab

Switch to Next Tab
Switch to Previous Tab
Close the Current Tab
Find on Page
Open New Tab
Open New Browser Window
Close the Current Window
Open History
Open Bookmarks
Print Page
Go to Home Page
Go to Top of the Page
Go to Bottom of the Page
Open Download History
Bookmark the Current Website
Save the Current Page on your Computer
Open Source Code for Current Page
Open a file from your computer

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