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English test

1. Fill in the gaps with one word each:

A Handful of Answers.

(10*1=10 p)

A young student of Zen was going to the 1. to buy vegetables for the monastery where he was
studying. On the 2. he met a student from another monastery.
Where are you going? asked the first student.
Wherever my legs take me, 3.. the other.
The first student pondered 4. the answer as he was sure it had some deep significance.
When he returned to the monastery, he reported the conversation to his teacher, who said: You
5 have asked him what he would do if he had no legs.
The next day the student was thrilled to see the same boy coming towards him.
Where are you going? he asked and without waiting for a reply continued, Wherever your 6. take
you, I suppose. Well, let me ask you . . .
Youre mistaken, interrupted the other boy. Today Im going 7 the wind blows.
This answer so confused the first boy that he could not think of anything to say.
When he reported the matter to his teacher, the old man said: You should have asked him what he
would do if there were no wind.
Some days later the student saw the boy in the market again and 8.. to confront him, confident that
this time he would have the last word.
Where are you going? he asked. Wherever your legs take you 9. wherever the wind blows?
Well, let me ask you . . . .
No, no, interrupted the boy. Today Im 10 to buy vegetables.

2. Rephrase the following sentences, using the clues given, and so as the meaning
stays the same.
(5* 4p =20 p)

The police entered the flat. The thieves were not there anymore.The thieves had
I am a bit surprised and sad because you did not tell me the truth. You.
I really dont understand why she didnt warn me. She might.
People 100 years ago couldnt even imagine most of todays bright colours. Most of.
I dont have so many friends as you do. You

3. Ask questions about the underlined parts of the following sentences:

(10 * 3= 30p)

A newspaper reporter is climbing the gate because he wants to take some pictures.
I found these cheap shoes in a little shop in Chelsea.
I've never flown by an airplane.
The car belongs to the Mayor.
The cooks are roasting the meat.
The landlady locks the door after midnight.
The Prime Minister entered the room at 9 o'clock.
The waiters are pouring drinks.
They've been married for ten years now.
We heard an explosion.

4. Write a letter to a friend in which to tell them about a concert you went to. Mention the
performers, the audience, the atmosphere, and how tou felt. (30p, out of which: content:
10p, language: 10p, structure: 10p)
10p given
Total: 100p

Interpretarea rezultatelor testului

Testul a fost aplicat ca testare initiala la clasele a IXa B, si aIXa C.
La test au participat 27(din 30) elevi la clasa a IXa b, si 20 (din 22) elevi la clasa
aIXa C.
Rezultatele la testare au fost dupa cum urmeaza:
Clasa aIXa B- media clasei 5,32.
Clasa aIXa C- media clasei 5,17.
In urma aplicarii testelor, si a interpretarii rezultatelor, putem face urmatoarele
elevii nu au avut dificultati majore in receptarea mesajului
scris, subiectul 1 fiind cel la care cei mai multi elevi au obtinut punctaje bune;
la itemii de gramatic, cei mai ulti elevi au intampinat
dificultati in recunoasterea si operarea cu timpurile verbale, verbele modale,
diateza pasiva, fraza conditionala;
la itemul subiectiv, de producere de mesaje scrise, cei mai
multi elevi au dovedit ca stiu cerintele specifice ale tipului de text vizat
(formule de adresare si de incheiere, de exemplu), dar au mari dificultati in
formularea de enunturi, chiar pe o tema simpla cum este descrierea unui
Nu surprinzator, abilitatile non productive sunt mai bine dezvoltate decat cele
productive, ceea ce presupune necesitatea unei mai atente abordari in vederea
ameliorarii acestui aspect.
Ca masuri de ameliorare, imi propun:
- o recapitulare a principalelor probleme de gramatica studiate in
- o serie de exercitii suplimentare privind verbele neregulate
- o serie de lectii suplimentare bazate pe exercitii de scriere.
Intocmit profesor Violeta Ivanof

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