Sie sind auf Seite 1von 5

125 gr mentega, lelehkan

125 gr selai stroberi

13 kuning telur

3 putih telur

125 gr gula halus

1 sendok teh cake emulsifier

80 gr tepung terigu

40 gr susu bubuk

+Siapkan 2 buah loyang ukuran 26 x 26 x 3 cm, alasi dengan kertas roti lalu oles dengan
margarin, sisihkan.
+Kocok kuning telur, putih telur, dan gula halus hingga lembut. +Masukkan cake emulsifier,
kocok hingga mengembang. Masukkan tepung terigu dan susu bubuk, aduk hingga rata.
Tuang mentega, aduk rata kembali.
+Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang, ratakan. Panggang dalam oven api atas bawah dengan suhu
180 C selama 10 menit atau hingga matang, angkat.
+Balik cake, oles dengan selai stroberi, gulung hingga padat dan rapi.

6 butir telur

10 gr susu bubuk

90 gr gula pasir halus

1 sdt vanilla essence

1 sdm cake emulsifier

125 gr mentega, lelehkan, dinginkan

70 gr terigu protein sedang

Keju parut secukupnya

10 gr maizena

BC secukupnya

Loyang :
1 buah 30x30x4 ---- aku 24x24x4
2 buah 22x22x4

Cara :
1. Siapkan loyang, olesi dasarnya dengan margarin/minyak loyang, alasi dengan kertas
roti/baking paper. Oles lagi dengan margarin/minyak loyang. Sisihkan.
2. Ayak terigu, maizena dan susu bubuk dan campur semua bahan jadi satu kecuali mentega
cair. Kocok dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi hingga mengembang, kental dan putih (cek
kekentalan dg mengangkat mixer, adonan akan jatuh perlahan, tidak encer).
3. Masukkan mentega cair, aduk balik dengan spatula karet hingga merata dan homogen (aku
pake cara farah queen : lumayan efektif) baru terakhir poppy seed.
4. Tuang ke dalam loyang, ratakan permukaannya. Ambil adonan 3 sm beri pasta coklat dan
atur motif di permukaan adonan. Panggang dalam oven yg sudah dipanaskan 200'C (api
besar) sampai matang dan permukaan berkulit kecoklatan dan cukup kering bila disentuh.
(aku 20 menitan)
5. Keluarkan dari loyang dan dinginkan. Beri filling sesuai selera dan gulung sambil

3 eggs
75 g (3 oz) caster sugar
75 g (3 oz) plain flour, sifted
4 tablespoons raspberry jam
caster sugar for dredging

1. Line and grease a 23 x 30-cm/9 x 12 in Swiss roll tin. Whisk the eggs and sugar until
very pale and thick enough to leave a trail when the whisk is lifted out.
2. Carefully fold in the flour using a metal spoon. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin,
spreading it out very lightly. Bake in a hot oven for 7 - 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile place a clean tea-towel on a work surface, cover with greaseproof paper
and dredge with sugar. Turn the hot Swiss roll on to the paper.
4. Trim off the edges, spread with jam and, using the cloth and paper as a guide, quickly
roll up tightly. Dredge with caster sugar and cool on a wire rack.
Draw round the base of the tin on a sheet of greaseproof paper, snip in from the corners.
Place in the greased tin, overlapping corners, then grease. The paper should be 5 cm (2
in) higher than the tin.

5 nos. eggs
90 gm. castor sugar
100 gm. Plain flour
60 gm. melted butter or cornoil

120 gm. Butter cream

80 gm. chopped roasted walnuts


(1) Whisk eggs and sugar together till light and fluffy.
(2) Add in coffee mixture and gently fold in sifted plain flour, add in melted butter and mix
well until combined.
(3) Pour into a rectangular tray of 10" x 14" and bake at 200C for about 8 - 10 mins.
(4) Remove from oven and leave on wire rack to cool completly.
(5) Mix butter cream with cofee mixture.
(6) Turn sponge cake onto a piece of greaseproof paper, spread coffee butter cream on top
and then sprinkle chopped roasted walnuts on top (leave some walnuts for decoration optional).
(7) Roll gently from the wide end into a swiss roll using paper as a guide to lift cake.
(8) Put into the refrigerator to let it set before slicing.

4 Large eggs whites
35gm castor sugar
4 Large egg yolks
35 gm Castor sugar
1/2 tsp or 2 gm baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
10gm cornflour(sifted)
70gm cake flour(sifted)
1 gm salt
40ml Melted butter/canola oil
40gm milk
1)Pre heat oven at 350F.

2)Beat egg whites cream and sugar(add gradually)till stiff.

3)Add in 30 gm sugar and continue beating till thick and glossy.
4)Beat egg yolks,ovallete and 30 gm sugar till light and creamy.
5)Lightly fold in sifted flour,corn flour,baking powder,milk and oil into the egg yolk batter.
6)Gently fold in egg whites.(Do not overfold)
7)Pour batter in shallow tin lined with waxed paper.

large eggs cup self-rising flour cup granulated sugar, plus extra to sprinkle6
tbsp strawberry jam, raspberry jam, lemon curd, or Nutella 1 tsp vanilla extract

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