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Year / Sem: III /VI


Time:3 hours

Marks:100 EVEN

arch of span L, the maximum sagging moment occurs at a distance x from

b) 0.25 L

c) 0.234 L

c) 1.5 d) 3

3. Muller Breslau's principle for obtaining influence lines is applicable to

c) Columns only

a) Increase and decrease

b) increase and increase

c) Decrease and increase

d) decrease and decrease

11. The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium

a) 1

d) Beams only

4. The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium

b) 2

c) 3

d) 6

12. The number of independent equation to be satisfied for static equilibrium

in a space structure is

in a space structure is
c) 4

a) 2

d) 6

a) for statically determinate structures only

b) when the system

c) only when principle of superposition is valid



6. Degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin jointed plane frame is given by

c) 3j-r

considering the virtual work of

a) Internal forces only

b) external forces only

c) internal as well as external forces

d) when the system behaves plastically

b) j-2r


13. The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by

5. Castigliano's first theorem is applicable

a. a) 2j-r

d) the spans are equal

of a plane structure is

statically determinate/indeterminate beams and frames

behaves elastically

c) there is no discontinuity such as hinges within the span

structure are respectively to

d) 0.5 L

2. Write the shape factor for the rectangular section

b) 3

b) there is no settlement of support

10. Effects of shear force and axial force on plastic moment capacity of a

ends. The value of x is

a. a) 2

c) The action of applied forces

d)Small deformations of structures

a) the beam is prismatic

1. For a single point load W moving on a symmetrical three hinged parabolic

a) For fixed beams

a)Deflections are linear functions of applied forces

9. The three moment equation is applicable only when

Answer all the questions

b) 2

8. Principle of superposition is applicable when

b)Material obeys hooks law

Part A (20 X 1 =20 marks)


horizontally, then the horizontal thrust

a) is increased b) is decreased c) remains unchanged d) becomes zero



a) 0.211 L

7. For a symmetrical two hinged parabolic arch, if one of the supports settles


d) point loads only

14.The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic system by considering

the virtual work of

a) internal forces only b) external forces only c)internal as well as external

d) lateral forces only
15. Two hinged arch, if one of the supports settles down vertically, then the
horizontal thrust
a) is increased
becomes zero

b) is decreased

c) remains unchanged


Part B (5 X 4= 20 marks)
Answer any five questions
21. Find the support moment MA at A for the propped cantilever for the span
of 12m. Compute the i.l. ordinates at 2m.
22. A three hinged parabolic arch of span 40m and a central rise of 8m
carries a concentrated load of 200kN and 150kN at the distance of 8m

16. select the correct statement

and 16m from the left end and an udl of 50kN/m on the right half of the

a) Flexibility matrix is a square symmetrical matrix

span. Find the horizontal thrust and resultant reaction. 5kN load is

b) Stiffness matrix is a square symmetrical matrix

23. Suspension cable of horizontal span of 95m is supported at two two

c) both a) and b)

different levels. The right support is higher than the left support by 4m.

d) both a) and b) against statement

the dip to the lowest point of the cable below the left support is 5m.there
17.Effects of shear forces and axial force on plastic moment capacity of a structure
are respectively to
a) increase and decrease
b) increase and increase
d) decrease and decrease

c) decrease and

18. The deformation of a spring produced by a unit load is called

a) stiffness b) flexibility

c) influence coefficient d) unit strain

cross sectional area of the cable is 3500mm2. Find the uniform distributed
load that can be carried by the cable if the maximum stress is limited to
24. Find the shape factor for the Diamond section.
25. Write the analysis procedure by stiffness matrix method.
26. Find the flexibility matrix of cantilever beam show in fig. 26 (b).

19.A single rolling load of 8kN rolls along a girder of 15m span. The absolute
maximum bending moment will be
a) 8kNm

b) 15kNm

c) 30kNm

d) 60kNm

20.The maximum bending moment due to a train wheel loads on a simply

supported girder

27. Find the shape factor for triangle when the base is parallel to vertical axis.
Part C (5 X 16= 60 marks)
Answer any all questions
28. A) Using Muller Breslau principle, draw the influence line for bending

a) always occurs at centre of span

b) always occurs under a wheel load

c) never occur under wheel loads

d) never occur at centre of span

moment at the mid-point D of span AB of the continuous beam ABC, the

span of beam AB=6m, BC=4m. Determine the influence line ordinate at
suitable intervals and plot them

B) Determine the influence line for shear at D, the mid-point of span BC

of a continuous beam span of AB=BC=6m.
29. A) A three hinged parabolic arch of span 30m has its supports at depths
of 5m and 10m below crown C. the arch carries a load of 50kN at a

B) Analyse the structure show in fig. 31(b). by stiffness method.
32. A) Analyse the continuous beam as show in fig. 32. (a) by the flexibility

distance of 10m from the left of C and a second load of 60kN at 20m to


the right of C. Find the Reaction, horizontal thrust, Bending moment and

B). Analyse the frame shown in fig.32.(b) by the matrix flexibility method.

Resultant reactions, Nominal thrust, Radial shear.

29. B). A three hinged parabolic arch of span 40m and a central rise of 6m.
five wheel loads of 4,5,5,5,3kN spaced 5,5,3,3,3m in order cross the
across the arch from the left to right with 5kN load is leading. When the
load is 20m from the left hinge. Calculate horizontal thrust in the arch.
Also calculate the bending moment and normal thrust at the section under
the tail load.
30. A)

A continuous beam of span ABC is loaded AB=6kN/m and

BC=10kN , 20kN at a distance 1/3 of span. The support A is fixed and

B,C is pinned, the span of AB=12m, BC=14m.Determine the plastic
B) Find the shape factor of un equal I-section of top flange is 100mm x
10mm, bottom flange of 130mm X 10mm, has a web of 10mm X 100mm
31. A) A two span continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported
over the supports B and C. AB=6m and BC=6m. The moment of inertia
is constant throughout. It is loaded 20kN/m at the span of AB and 40kNm
clockwise moment which is acting mid of B. Analyse the beam by matrix
stiffness method.

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