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For each subject, the transcript of what was said on each subject can be
found by going to the history page here, and finding the relevant episode.

A? - Amy ?, AB - Ann Bryson, AC - Alun Cochrane, AG - Annabel Giles, AH Andy Hamilton, AM - Andree Melly, AMa - Aimi Macdonald, AMar - Alfred
Marks, AMc - Alistair McGowan, AP - Anuvab Pal, AS - Arthur Smith, AU Arun Uttamchandani, AW - Anona Winn, BB - Bill Bailey, BBl - Barbara
Blake, BC - Barry Cryer, BCa - Barbara Castle, BCr - Bernard Cribbins, BD Blythe Duff, BJ - Brian Johnston, BM - Betty Marsden, BMo - Bob
Monkhouse, BR - Beryl Reid, BS - Brian Sewell, BT - Barry Took, CA - Chris
Addison, CB - Clare Balding, CBi - Carol Binstead, CBr- Cyrus Broacha, CC Charles Collingwood, CCh - Craig Charles, CF - Clement Freud, CFe - Craig
Ferguson, CI - Charmian Innes, CM - Carolyn Marshall, CN - Chris Neill, CQ
- Caroline Quentin, CT - Christopher Timothy, D? - David ?, DC - Denise
Coffey, DG - Dave Gorman, DH - Diane Hart, DJ - David Jacobs, DM - David
Mitchell, DN - Derek Nimmo, DO - Dara O'Briain, Do? - Douglas ?, DT David Tennant, DW - Dale Winton, EF - Emma Freud, EI - Eddie Izzard, ES Eleanor Summerfield, ESl - Emily Slade, ESt - Elaine Stritch, FD- Francesca
Daly, FF - Fenella Fielding, FG - Fi Glover, FM - Fred MacAulay, FS - Frank
Skinner, GB - Gyles Brandreth, GG - Graeme Garden, GJ - Geraldine Jones,
GK - Gerry Kelly, GN - Graham Norton, GP - Greg Proops, GW - Gary
Wilmot, HBl - Henry Blofeld, HB - Hugh Bonneville, HBo - Helen Boaden,
HBu - Hannibal Buress, HD - Hugh Dennis, HH - Hattie Hayridge, HK Henry Kelly, HL - Helen Lederer, HM - Hamish McRae, HW - Holly Walsh,
IB - Isla Blair, IC - Ian Carmichael, IH - Ian Hislop, IM - Ian Messiter, IMc Ian McMillan, J? - Joe ?, JA - Juno Alexander, JB - Janet Brown, JBa - Joan
Bakewell, JBad - John Baddeley, JBe - Jeremy Beadle, JBi - John Bishop, JBr Jo Brand, JBy- Jason Byrne, JC - Julian Clary, JCa - Jo Caulfield, JCal- Jonah
Calkin, JD - Jack Dee, JE - Jenny Eclair, JF - John Fortune, JG - Janey Godley,
JH - Jeremy Hardy, JJ - John Junkin, JL - Josie Lawrence, JLo - Josie Long,
JLy - Joe Lycett, JM - Jean Marsh, JMa - Jason Manford, JMac - Jacqueline
MacKenzie, JMo - Justin Moorhouse, JMu - Jimmy Mulville, JR - Jan Ravens,
JRo - Jonathan Ross, JS - Jim Sweeney, JSe - John Sergeant, JT - Joan Turner,
JW - June Whitfield, JWi - Josh Widdicombe, K? - Kallaivanan ?, KB - Ken
Bruce, KE - Kevin Eldon, KEv - Kenny Everett, KF - Kitty Fry, KG - Kerry
Godliman, KHH - Kit Hesketh-Harvey, KR - Kenneth Robinson, KRo - Kate
Robbins, KW - Kenneth Williams, KWh - Katharine Whitehorn, LB - Lucy
Bartlett, LBe - Lucy Beaumont, LC - Lorraine Chase, LD - Lottie Davies, LF Liz Fraser, LFe - Lynn Ferguson, LG - Liza Goddard, LM - Lee Mack, LP -

Lance Percival, LPu - Libby Purves, LS - Linda Smith, LSh - Leonardo Shaw,
LSi - Lee Simpson, LT - Liza Tarbuck, M? - Mathilda ?, MB - Marcus
Brigstocke, MC - Michael Cashman, MF - Mariella Frostrup, MJ - Miles Jupp,
MJa - Martin Jarvis, MK - Miriam Karlin, MKi - Miles Kington, ML Maureen Lipman, MLi - Moira Lister, MM - Maria McErlane, MMa - Miriam
Margolyes, MMc - Mike McShane, MMe - Malcolm Messiter, MP - Magnus
Pyke, MPa - Michael Palin, MW - Michael Wood, NM - Neil Mullarkey, NP Nicholas Parsons, NR - Nick Revell, O? - Oliver ?, OO - Owen O'Neill, PA Pam Ayres, PC - Peter Cook, PJ - Peter Jones, PJu - Phill Jupitus, PK - Patrick
Kielty, PM - Paul Merton, PMc - Pauline McLynn, PMcC - Pete McCarthy,
PMo - Patrick Moore, PS - Paul Sinha, PSc - Prunella Scales, R? - Rufus ?, RA
- Ray Alan, RB - Rob Brydon, RBa - Roberta Bannister, RBu - Rob Buckman,
RC - Rosa Calcraft, RF - Rebecca Front, RG - Rhod Gilbert, RH - Richard
Herring, RHo - Renee Houston, RI - Robin Ince, RJ - Ruth Jones, RK - Russell
Kane, RM - Richard Murdoch, RMo - Richard Morton, RN - Ross Noble, RS Richard Stilgoe, RT - Russell Tovey, RV - Richard Vranch, RW - Rick
Wakeman, RWa - Roy Walker, S? - Sophie ?, SB - Simon Bates, SC - Susan
Calman, SF - Stephen Fry, SFr - Steve Frost, SH - Sheila Hancock, SK Shappi Khorsandi, SKA - Stephen K. Amos, SL - Sean Lock, SM - Stephen
Mangan, SP - Sue Perkins, SPo - Su Pollard, SPu - Steve Punt, SS - Sophie
Shanahan, SSm - Sarah Smart, ST - Sandi Toksvig, SU - Stanley Unwin, SW Simon Williams, SWe - Suki Webster, TA - Toni Arthur, TAl - Tom Allen, TB
- Tony Banks, TBe - Teddie Beverley, TBl - Tony Blackburn, TBT - Tim
Brooke-Taylor, TH - Tony Hawks, THi - Thora Hird, TO - Tom O'Connor, TR
- Tim Rice, TRo - Ted Robbins, TS - Tony Slattery, TT - Tommy Trinder, TV Tim Vine, TW - Terry Wogan, US - Una Stubbs, VF - Vanessa Feltz, VS Victor Spinetti, VW - Victoria Wood, WE - Wilma Ewart, WF - William
Franklyn, WM - Warren Mitchell, WP - Will Pearce, WR - Wendy Richard,
WRu - William Rushton, WT - William Tyrrell, ZS - Zrey Sholapurkar.

(the) A to Z - 557: PM, SF, CF, LT. 686: GB, CF, GN.
(the) aardvark - 725: TR, SP.
aardvarks - 534: TR, CF, PM.
(the) abdabs - 113: PJ, AM, KW.
above the clouds - J10: JE, ESl.
Abraham Lincoln - 453: PJ, PM, KHH.
absolute bliss - 50: KW, DN, CF.
absolute gravity - 254: PMo, KW, DN.
absurdities - 200: GG, CF.
accents - 726: PM.
accepting unwanted presents - 310: PJ, CF, DN.
achievement - 319: PJ, JBe, CF.
achieving longevity - 767: PM, TH, NP.

Achilles - 628: TR, LS, CN, TH.

Achilles heel - 443: SF, PM.
(an) acid tongue - 651: PM, JC, CF.
acquired taste - 770: GB, PM.
acronyms - 574: SP, TH, KHH.
across the pond - 836: SM, TH, KG.
actors - 394: DN, TR. 523: MJa, GN, CF.
acupuncture - 278: DN, PJ, CF. 546: CF, BC, GN.
Adam's apple - 694: GN, SP, PM.
adders - 345: JBad, CF, DN, KW. 407: DN, CF, PJ.
adding it up - 224: PJ.
admirable virtues - 72: AM, CF, DN.
Admiral Collingwood - 654: CC, SP, TH, PM.
Adonis - 474: DN, JC, PM, CF.
adulation - 167: CF, KW.
(the) advantage I have - 166: AM, DN.
(the) advantages of a greater vocabulary - 823: GB, TH, PM.
(the) advantages of being a woman - 550: JE, PM.
(the) advantages of being female - 44: FF, DN.
(the) advantages of living - 60: CF, KW.
(the) advantages of not being on the telephone - 38: CF, DN, MK.
adventure - 60: GJ, CF.
advertising - 422: CF, WR, DN. TV35: LS, PJ, MM.
advice from my hairdresser - 778: JL, KHH.
advice to a 21-year-old girl - 286: CF, DN, KW.
aerobatics - 86: DN, CF, KW.
aestheticism - 68: KW. 160: CF, AM, KW.
(an) affair I'd like to have had - 329: AMa, JR, KW.
affairs of consequence - 157: CF, DN.
affectations - 216: SH.
affection - 99: CF.
after dinner speakers - 403: CF, TR, DN.
after dinner speaking - 289: CF. 493: CF, PM, ML. 715: CF, DM, SH, PM.
after midnight - 737: GB, JE, PM.
after the deluge - 278: PJ, CF.
Agatha Christie - 838: LT, AC, PM.
age - 78: CF, DN.
(the) age of the dinosaur - 749: TH, AC, PM.
ageism - 554: GN, RN, CF.
agents - TV30: TO, LG, RV, RMo.
Agincourt - 860: JWi, SH, PM.
(an) agony aunt - 840: PM, RK, HW.
agony aunts - TV40: MM, SPu, WR. 521: PM, SF. 715: SH, DM, PM.
Aimee Semple MacPherson - 248: KW, PJ.

Aimi Macdonald - 281: CF, KW, AMa.

air cushions - 309: DN.
(an) air of authority - 579: CF, PM, GN.
air ships - 194: PJ, DN.
air stewardesses - 383: CF, DN.
airport security - 951: MMc, PM.
airports - TV47: LS, WR, MM.
Al Capone - 127: KW, DN.
Aladdin - 229: CF, DN.
Albert Einstein - 139: KW, DN, CF.
Albert Einstein's theory of relativity - 547: PM, JC.
(the) Albert Hall - 856: SC.
alchemy - 341: WF, DN, PJ, KW. 456: KHH, PJ.
Alexander Graham Bell - 419: DN, PJ, CF.
Alexander Pushkin the Russian poet - 271: KW, DN.
alexander technique - 598: TH, LS, CN, CF.
Alexander the Great - 130: KW.
Alfred Hitchcock - 725: SP, TR, PA.
Alfred the Great - 662: PM, GP, CN, CF.
algebra - 426: PM, DN, PJ.
Alhambra - 569: CN, JE, CF, GB.
Ali Baba - 409: PJ, DN, CF.
Alice in Wonderland - 950: GB.
all day breakfast - 665: CN, TR, PM.
all fingers and thumbs - 717: SP, PA, TH.
all human life is here - 493: PM, CF, PJ.
all mod cons - 666: NM, TH, SP, PM.
all the tea in China - 689: SP, GN, PM.
all things bright and beautiful - 666: PM, SP.
allergies - 461: FM, TH, DN. 530: LS, TH, CF.
(the) alphabet - 58: NP, CF, DN.
(the) Alps - 269: JBa, DN.
alternative comedy - 412: JMu, DN, PM.
alternative medicine - 579: CF, LT, GN.
alternative methods of transport - 320: PJ, LG, KW.
alternative remedies - 799: JE, JC.
alternative therapies - 793: SP, PM, LT.
alternative uses of Buckingham Palace - TV3: AS.
altruism - 802: JE, JC, PM, RH.
amateur dramatics - TV35: MC, MM, PJ.
amazing people - 395: CF, WR.
amber - 300: KW, PJ, SH.
ambience - 824: SH, PM, JL, RH.
ambient trip hop - 583: TH, GN, CF.

ambition - 253: KW, SH.

(the) American dream - 570: LS, PM, CF. 711: PM, GB, SP. 766: PM, SF.
American football - 392: BC, DN.
American pronunciations - 631: CN, PM, RB, CF.
American slang - 653: GN, MB, CF, PA.
Americanisms - 777: CC, SP, PM.
amusement arcades - 595: RN, TH.
amusement parks - 777: SP, CC, PM.
amusing guests - 148: DN, PJ, CF.
amusing the baby - 127: DN, CF.
anagrams - 430: CF, WR. 757: SK, RW, GB.
analysing a joke - 824: PM.
ancient Greece - 470: CF, PM, PJ.
(the) Ancient Mariner - 281: KW, CF.
ancient unnecessary unrepealed laws - 288: CF, TR.
Andrew Jackson - 203: KW, CF.
(the) angel - TV8: NR, DN, JF, TS.
(the) angel of the north - 518: LS, PM, CF. 736: LT, PM. TV49: PM, SP, PJu.
anger management - 718: SK, GB, PM, KHH.
animal attraction - 685: KHH, JG, TH. MBR>animal husbandry - 843: SK, GB,
(the) animal I would be if I were not human - 105: CF, KW, PJ.
animal rescue - 439: PM.
aniseed balls - 141: CF, DN.
Anne Robinson - 553: PM, LS, GN.
anniversaries - 25: CF, AM, DN, KW.
annoying drivers - 361: PJ, KW, DN.
annoying habits - 618: CF, PM, SFr.
annual reports - 20: CF, NP, GJ.
answer machine messages - 555: RN, CF. 776: RN, JE, GB.
answering back - 627: CF, PM, LS.
answering machines - 491: BD, TH.
antidisestablishmentatrianism - 526: CF, SW, JC. 642: TH, CF, KRo, JC.
antiques - 70: DN.
ants - 383: CF.
anyone in the third row - 367: PJ, WF.
anyone in this show - 429: WR, TS, CF.
anything - 63: DN, CF, GJ.
anything and everything - 758: SP.
anything I like - 133: DN, CF, KW.
anything you like - 844: PM, GN, RI.
apathy - 572: PM, CF, TH.
aphorisms - 394: PJ, SU, DN.
aphrodisiac - 524: MJa, CF.

apologising - 616: DO, PM, LM.

appearing before an audience - 692: KHH, GB, TH.
appearing in panto - 547: JC, JE, CF, PM.
appearing in public - 45: KW, CF. 228: CF, AMar, PJ.
applause - 20: GJ, NP.
apple pie - 671: SP.
(an) appreciative audience - 154: DN, SH.
applause - 386: LP, PJ.
applying makeup - 722: SP.
apres ski - TV46: TH, GB.
April fool's day - JJAM1: JE, JL.
April showers - TV37: CB, TH, WR, SF. 824: JL, PM, SH, RH.
apron strings - 503: TH, GN, LS, DN.
(the) Arabian nights - 60: CF, GJ. 363: KW.
archaic practices - 291: CF, KW, AMa, PJ.
archers - 555: CC.
arguing with a man - 51: SH, KW, CF.
argument - 227: CF, PJ.
Aries - 183: PJ, BC, CF.
(the) aristocracy - 679: MB, PM, ML.
aristocrats - 478: PJ, CF, KHH, PM.
Aristotle - 763: PM, SP, FG, SF.
arithmetic - 290: TBT, PJ, BT.
(the) ark - 717: TH, SP.
arm candy - 811: GB.
Armand Richelieu - 193: KW, DN.
around the campfire - TV50: JC, PM, SF.
(the) arrest - 503: TH, DN.
(the) arrival of the talkies - 632: PM, CF.
art - 109: KW, CF. 374: SU.
(the) art of being feminine - 105: AM, PJ, CF.
(the) art of blowing your nose in public - 628: CN, TH, TR.
(the) art of doing nothing - 269: PJ, KW, DN.
(the) art of enjoyment - 314: ML, TR, JJ.
(the) art of exaggeration - 709: SP, GB.
(the) art of fencing - TV51: RJ, SP.
(the) art of flower arranging - 646: CF, KRo, JC.
(the) art of gambling - 325: CF, JBe.
(the) art of letter writing - 21: CF, GJ.
(the) art of listening - 77: KW, CF, DN. 619: PM, CF.
(the) art of mime - 658: RN, PM, CF.
(the) art of selling ice creams in the cinema - 795: CC, PA, PM, MJ.
(the) art of studying - 735: DG, JMo, TH, JL.
(the) art of toleration - 181: CF, SH.

(the) art of winning at bingo - 2: CF, CBi.

(the) art of writing - 296: KW.
(the) art of yodelling - 551: RN, TR.
Arthur Eric Roughton Gill - 278: KW.
Arthur's seat - 441: PM, EI, CF. 555: CC.
artificial intelligence - 800: PM, SH.
(the) artistic temperament - 373: PJ, KW.
Ascot - 384: DN, LP.
ash - 224: DN, CF.
asparagus - 795: MJ, PA, CC.
assessing the strength of a chili - 833: AC, PM, LT.
asteroids - 327: KW, DN.
astrology - 54: CF. 235: KW, PJ.
astronomy - 81: CF, DN.
at the airport - J8: SSm, JE, JL.
at the Edinburgh Festival - 699: PM, CF.
at the end of the day - 440: JE, DN. TV42: WR, LS.
Athens - 326: KW, DN, PJ. 346: KW.
atlas - 305: CF, DN. 387: DN, CF.
attack - 197: KW, PJ, CF. 257: PJ, CF.
(an) attack of the hiccups - 312: DN, VW.
attracting attention - 107: PJ, KW.
attracting someone's attention - 539: PM, LS, KHH.
Aturo Toscanini - 306: KW, TR, BJ.
(the) au pair girl - 25: AM, CF.
auctions - 367: WF, CF. 396: WR, BC, CF.
(the) Audean press - 270: KR, MMa, KW.
(the) audience - 532: SF, PM.
audience participation - 687: PM, MB, CF.
August the 11th 1999 - TV37: SFr, CB, TH.
Augustus Gracianos - 229: KW, CF.
auld lang syne - 63: GJ, DN, CF. 496: TH, BD. 577: CF, PM, GN.
auld reekie - 438: PJ, CF, AS, PM. 597: CF. 812: SP, GP.
Aunt Sally - 589: KHH, SH, PM.
auntie - 497: LS, DN.
aunts and uncles - 782: CBr, AP, MB.
Aurora Borealis - 847: RI, PM, GN.
Australia - 8: AW, CF, DN, LB.
Austrian cakes - 393: PJ, TR, DN.
autograph hunters - 134: CF, PJ.
autographs - 15: CF, CI, DN. 343: PJ, KW.
automatic dishwashers - 27: CF, DN.
(the) avant garde - 758: SH, PM, MB.
(the) average household - 676: AC, TR, CN, PM.

(the) average man - 116: AMa, KW, CF. 284: CF, BC, KW, DN.
avoiding a party - 348: DN, MJa.
avoiding answering letters - 223: CF, KW.
avoiding income tax - 73: AM, DN, CF. 567: JC, TH, CF.
avoiding the bill in a restaurant - 70: CF, DN, KW.
avoiding tax - 354: SH, DN. 426: PJ, PM, CF.
award ceremonies - 592: PM, SH, CF.
awards - 209: PJ.
(an) awful situation - 175: CF, DN.
Aylesbury duck - TV2: JH, AS, TS.
Ayr - 457: DN, TH, PJ.
(the) Aztecs - 758: SP, PM, MB.
B movies - 517: LS, PM, GN.
baboons - 660: MB, GN, PA, CF.
baby boomers - 852 - MB, LBe, GB, PM.
babysitting - 130: AM, CF, KW. 518: CF, PM
Bach - 779: CC, PM, SP, JC
bachelors - 637: CF, PM, GB.
(the) back of my hand - 825: RK, RF, PM.
(a) back rub - 765: JE, GN, JL, PM.
back seat drivers - 810: RH, GB.
back to school - 814: JE, JC, PM.
back to square one - 652: LT, CN, PM.
back to the future - 861: JC, SC.
backgammon - 243: PJ, KW, CF, DN.
backhanders - 439: PJ, PM. 574: TH, SP.
backing - 165: DN, CF, AMa.
backing out of the garage - 25: AM, DN, CF.
(a) bad apple - 702: GB, OO, CF.
bad drivers - 391: LP, WR, RM.
bad hair day - 494: JC, DN, CF, PM. TV50: PM, SF, JC.
(a) bad joke - 337: GB, BC.
(a) bad night - 131: SH, CF, KW.
(a) bad practical joke - 317: CF, DN, KW.
baddies - 588: CC, PM.
badgers - 468: PM, DN, JC.
baggage - 720: SK, GB, KHH.
bags - 171: DN, JM, PJ. 412: CF, DN.
(the) bait - 515: TH, PM.
Baker Street - 540: CF, PM.
bakewell - TV15: CF, TS, HL.
bakewell tarts - 541: CF, LS, TH.
baking a cake - JJAM3: JE, JL, JCal, FD.
(a) balanced meal - 207: CF, PJ, KW.

balancing the books - 208: PJ.

balderdash - 101: KW, AMa, CF.
(the) ballet - 55: KW, AMa, CF.
balloon modelling - 591: RN, CF, TH.
ballooning - 376: DN, TR, KW.
balloons - 433: CFe, PM.
ballroom dancing - 590: CF, PM.
ballyhoo - 409: CF, PM. 533: CF, TH.
balmy evenings - 462: PM, DN, MM.
balty - 608: CF, RN.
(a) banana skin - 841: PM, SF, JC.
bananas - TV29: SPo, JSe. 543: TH, JE, TR, GN. 843: MB, JE.
bands - 301: DN, PJ.
bangers - 91: PJ, CF, AM. 181: DN, SH, CF, KW. TV33: GB, TH, PJ.
bangers and mash - 516: CF, PM.
bangs - 230: KW, NP, DN, PJ.
(a) bank loan - 433: DN, CFe, PJ.
(the) bank manager - 17: KW, GJ.
bank statements - TV38: SPo, BC, JSe, BS.
bankers - 10: CF.
banks - 161: CF, AMa, DN. 226: PJ, KW, DN, SH. 367: CF.
banquets - 202: CF, KW.
(the) banyan tree - 841: JC.
bar code - 506: SFr, TS, CF.
barbecue - 349: TA, LPu, KW.
barbecues - 276: PJ, DN. 526: LS, JC, SW. 597: GP, PM, CF.
(the) bard - 682: GN, GB.
(the) bare necessities - 485: GK, PM, TR, CF. 538: PM, SP, CF.
(a) bargain - 175: AM, CF. 280: CF, DN.
barge - 458: CF, PM.
bark - 360: KW, TR, GB.
barking - TV16: DW, TBl, TS, RV. 730: DM, JC, GB.
Barking Creek - TV13: AS, TRo, RV.
barking up the wrong tree - 533: TH, SP, CF.
barley - 348: DN, PJ.
barn dance - 767: SH, PM.
Barnum - 377: KW.
Baron Corbeaux - 280: KW, DN, CF.
bashfulness - 44: KW, CF.
basil - 464: CF, DN, PJ.
bath - 155: PJ, DN, KW, JM. 285: DN, PJ.
bath night - 229: KW, DN, CF. 364: KW, DN.
bath Oliver - 487: PM, DN, CF.
bath time - 533: SP. TV55: JMa, SK.

bathing a baby - 372: SH, TR.

bathing baby - 304: PJ, KW.
bathing the dog - 335: CF, VW, PJ.
bats - 299: DN, CF, KW. 373: DN, PJ. 448: TH, CF, PM.
(the) Battle of Hastings - 559: SH, CF. 668: GP, CN, PM.
(the) battle of the sexes - 525: LS, SW, JC.
(the) Battle of Trafalgar - 719: CC, PM, SF.
(a) battleaxe - 690: PM.
(the) Bay City Rollers - 792: JBy, TV.
BBC - 384: KW, LP, CF.
BBC radio - 416: DN, WR, PM, SFr.
beach huts - 584: LS, CN.
bean feasts - 198: DN, AMar.
beans - 17: GJ, CF, KW. 301: CF, DN.
beards - 790: PA.
bears - 350: CF, KW.
beat boxing - 852: MB, GB.
beating the system - 207: PJ, AM, CF, KW.
(the) Beaujolais - 354: DN, SH, CF.
beautiful soup - 209: CF, DN.
beautiful thoughts - 42: KW.
beauty - 42: SH, CF, KW. 248: CF, KW. 501: DN, SFr, TS. 719: SF, PM, JE.
beauty competitions - 8: CF, DN.
beauty contests - 399: PM, DN, CF.
bedroom slippers - 380: PJ, KW.
bedrooms - 2: DN, CF, SH.
bedside manner - 803: PM.
bedsocks - 387: WR, DN.
bedsteads - 114: PJ, KW, CF.
bedtime - 172: PJ, DN.
bedtime stories - 92: PJ, CF, AM.
(a) bee in my bonnet - 522: SF, PM. 550: JC, PM, JE.
bee keeping - TV54: PM, SP.
beef - 214: CF, PJ.
beefeaters - 713: CF, PM, SH.
Beelzebub - 522: PM, SF.
beer money - 642: CF, JC, KRo, TH.
(the) bee's knees - 668: GP, CN, CF, PM.
beetlejuice - 212: PMo.
(the) bee's knees - 534: TR, CF, PM.
(the) beetles - 271: PJ, KW, RA. 430: AMc, WR, CF. 613: VS. 781: CBr, MB, PM,
before and after - 153: BT, PJ, CF.
(a) beginner's guide - 679: ML, MB, PA, PM.

behaving badly - 433: PJ, PM, DN.

behaviour - 241: AMar, CF.
behind the scenes - 497: DN, TH.
behind the times - 693: CF, PM, LT.
being a bridesmaid - 37: AM, DN, CF.
being a Celt - 617: RB, CF, PM.
being a good loser - TV48: RMo.
being a James Bond baddy - 813: HBl.
being a late starter - 809: FM, GB.
being a mother - 48: MLi, DN, KW, CF.
being a new boy - 90: PJ, CF.
being a punk - 805: KE, PA, PM, GN.
being a rebel - 583: CF, TH, PA.
being absolutely certain - 156: CF, AMar, KW.
being absolutely sincere - 5: DN.
being an only child - 657: CC, SP, PM.
being cut off on your telephone - 149: PJ, WM.
being desirable - 123: AMa, CF.
being done - 441: EI, PM, CF.
being forceful - 288: KW, TR, CF.
being framed - 760: GN.
being frank - 156: AMar, PJ.
being hoist with your own petard - 951: PM, PA, SH.
being house-proud - 732: GN, SP.
being in bed with flu - 14: DN, BM, AM.
being in the wrong place at the wrong time - 816: SM, PA, GB.
being interrupted - 130: PJ, AM.
being interviewed - 343: HK, CF.
being kind to the taxman - 328: CF, VW, KW.
being late - 733: PA, GB, PM, JE.
being laughed at - 450: PJ, DN, SFr, PM.
being made up for a film - 62: KW, CF, DN.
being measured for a suit - 19: KW, CF.
being misquoted - 440: PJ, JE, CF.
being misunderstood - 88: BCa, DN, CF.
being nice - 708: JLo, JC, PM.
being non-commital - 117: AM, DN, CF.
being nosey - 315: KW, GB, PJ.
being on the rampage - 136: PJ, CF.
being photographed through a gauze - 312: KW, PJ.
being politically correct - TV40: LS, WR, MM.
being regal - 795: PM, CC, PA.
being scared - 248: KW, CF, PJ.
being sent up - 48: KW, MLi, CF, DN.

being sincere when you don't mean it - 347: PJ, DN, CF.
being stranded on a desert island - J8: O?, SSm, JE, JL.
being taken for a ride - 446: DN, TH.
being thorough - 138: PJ, CF.
being tickled - 93: PJ.
being treated like a princess - 763: FG, SP, SF.
being undone - 441: PM, DN, EI, CF.
being very serious - 95: CF, KW, PJ.
being virtuous - 143: PJ, SH, KW, DN.
being wise after the event - 734: PM.
bell book and candle - 333: DN, PJ.
bells - 221: PJ, KW, GG.
belly laughs - 535: RN, PM.
belts and braces - 542: LS, JC, KHH, PM.
bending people to your will - 43: KW, CF, DN.
(a) benign dictatorship - 825: AC, PM, RK.
Benito Mussolini - 111: KW, CF.
Benjamin Franklin - 20: CF, NP, GJ.
Bergerac - 468: JC, DN, PM.
Berkeley Square - TV4: TH, RV, TS.
(the) Bermuda Triangle - 340: KW, GB. TV49: PJu, SP.
Bernard Shaw - 66: KW, SH, CF. 646: JC, KRo.
(the) best advice I was ever given - 839: KG, TH, GB.
(the) best advice I've ever had - 565: RN, SP.
(the) best advice my father ever gave me - 717: TR, SP, TH.
(the) best advice my Mum ever gave me - 705: GN, CC, SK, PM.
(the) best bargain I ever had - 571: WR, KHH, TH, SP.
(the) best day of my life - 105: PJ, CF, KW, AM.
(the) best dressed member of the panel - 594: PM, CF, LS.
(the) best excuse - 521: PM, PJ.
(the) best excuse I ever had - 630: CF.
(the) best film ever made - 556: LS, CF, GN, PM.
(the) best game - 294: CF, DN, PJ, KW.
(the) best hour in the week - 30: KW, DN.
(the) best ingredients for breakfast in bed - 824: SH, RH.
(the) best of a bad bunch - 513: PJ, GP, CF.
(the) best philosophy - 164: CF, KW, PJ.
(the) best piece of advice ever given to me - 485: GK, TR, CF.
(the) best part of my school days - 819: TH, PM, GB.
(the) best programme on Radio Four - 590: CC, CF, PM, TH.
(the) best putdown I ever heard - 289: CF.
(the) best sandwich - 671: NM, PM, SP.
best sellers - 548: TR, RN, SP.
(the) best sort of babysitter - 763: FG, PM.

(the) best suspension bridge - 583: CF, GN.

(the) best thing about cats - 651: PMc, PM, JC.
(the) best thing about going to the hairdrsser - 762: JL, PM, JE.
(the) best thing about golf - 857: JG, GB, PM, JLy
(the) best thing about Hollywood - 783: JC, GP, PM.
(the) best thing about Scotland - 616: LM, PM, DO, CF.
(the) best thing about the person next to me - 712: PM, TH, CN.
(the) best thing about Wales - 618: CF, PM.
(the) best thing since sliced bread - 677: PM, JCa, FM.
(the) best thing to do - 173: CF, KW.
(the) best thing to do in the back row of the cinema - 790: PM, CC, MJ, PA.
(the) best thing to do with an egg - 608: RN, LS, CF, GN.
(the) best time to be in Edinburgh - 659: CF, PM.
(the) best use for chocolate - 650: CF, GB, TH.
(the) best use of a beach hut - 594: LS, CF, PM.
(the) best way of entertaining friends - 18: NP, GJ, KW.
(the) best way to eat spaghetti - 510: TH, PJ.
(the) best way to greet someone - 766: SF.
(the) best way to lie - 302: KW, CF, DN.
(the) best way to make up - 761: PM, TH, GB.
(the) best way to spend St Valentine's Day - 648: TH, GB, CF, PM.
(the)best way to travel - 831: PK, SK, GB.
(the) best way to win a bonus point - 566: PM, SH.
better safe than sorry - 483: DN, PM, PJ.
betting - 402: DN, CF.
betting slips - 24: CF, DN.
Betty Martin - 194: DN, KW.
Betty's tea shop - 561: TR, GN, JE.
between the lines - 771: GB, MJ.
beyond the fringe - 677: FM, PM, CF.
biceps - 435: SF, PM, PJ.
(the) big bang - TV14: TB, TS, NM. 798: GB, PM.
big bang theory - 460: PJ, KHH, CF.
Big Ben - TV1: KHH, TH. 544: CF, BC, GN. 684: CF, CN, JL, PM.
big brother - 549: LT, CF, PM.
(the) big cheese - 467: PJ, CF.
big deal - TV31: IB, GW, GB.
(the) big dipper - 27: KW, DN.
big ears - 460: PM, KHH, PJ.
big game hunters - 216: DN, SH, PJ.
big hands - 448: DN, PM, CF.
big heads - 590: TH, CF, CC, PM.
(a) big hit - 471: PJ, NM, DN.
(the) big one - 434: PJ, DN, CF, JE.

(the) big question - 697: TH, IMc, PM.

(the) big society - 742: GB, JBi, PM.
(the) big time - 438: PM, CF, PJ, AS.
(the) big top - 755: PM, LT. 832: PM, SH.
(the) biggest cheapskate I know - 762: PM, JE.
(the) biggest fib I ever told - 345: CF, DN.
(the) biggest fib I've ever told - 789: PM, SP, GN.
(the) biggest laugh I ever had - 202: PJ, CF.
bigwig - 462: DN, PM, MM.
bikers - 732: LT, PM, SP.
bill stickers - 191: DN, PJ.
billiards - 342: KW, CF.
bills - 103: AM, PJ, CF, KW. 386: LP, PJ. 389: PJ, BC, CF. 445: TH, DN, PM, CF.
bimboes - 393: PM, TR, PJ.
(the) binary system - 357: PJ, KW, DN, CF.
binge - 319: KW, CF.
binge drinking - 714: CF, PM, JL, JD.
bingo - 600: GN, RN, TH, CF. 725: TR, TH, PA, SP.
bingo wings - 825: RK, PM.
bird watching - 21: KW, GJ.
birds - 344: MJa, GB, DN.
birds and bees - 70: CF, KW, DN.
birds of paradise - 193: PJ, DN, AMa.
birds of prey - 742: GB, PM, JBi.
Birmingham - 414: PJ, TR, RS.
Birmingham pubs - TV15: DW, TS.
birthdays - 817: PM, JE.
biscuits - J8: JE, SSm.
biscuits in bed - 414: RS, TR, WR, PJ.
(a) bit of a laugh - 166: AM, CF, PJ.
(a) bit on the side - TV41: LG, GB.
(the) bits that get taken out - 178: DN, PJ, CF.
black comedy - 505: PM, RMo, CF.
(the) black country - TV21: DW, HL, TS, CF.
black holes - 217: PMo, CF. 429: PM, TS, CF.
(the) black sheep of the family - 513: PM, GP.
blackjack - 275: CF, LC.
Blackpool Tower - 853: LT, TR, PM, GN.
blancmange - 20: GJ, CF, NP.
blarney - 459: GN, DN, TH.
(the) Blarney stone - 57: NP, DN, KW. 331: PJ, DN, CF, NP. 664: PMc, MB, GB,
Blase Pascal - 285: KW, PJ, DN.
blazers - 369: PJ, DN, KW, CF.

bling - 644: PM, JE, GN.

bliss - 295: PJ, KW. 408: WR, TR, RS.
blithe spirit - 477: DN, CF.
bloaters as enemies - 113: CF, PJ, AM.
blockbusters - 472: PM, GN.
blogging - 682: GN, CF, GB. 723: SF, PM, JE.
Blondin - 255: TT, PJ, CF.
bloody Mary - TV41: LG, KB, RMo.
(the) bloom of youth - 40: KW, DN, CF.
bloomer - 8: AW, DN.
bloomers - 42: DN. 315: GB, DN, PJ.
Bloomsbury - 286: KW. 642: JC, TH.
blow - 365: IH, BC, DN.
blowing bubbles - 309: DN, PJ. TV46: TH, JBr, GB.
blowing my top - 158: SH, CF, DN, PJ.
blowing the whistle - 560: CF, SF, PM, LT.
blowing the whistle on someone - 730: PM, JC, GB, DM.
blows - 226: SH, DN.
blue chips - 274: CF, PJ.
blue plaques - 642: TH, CF, JC.
blue suede shoes - 833: AC, PM.
blue sky thinking - 793: LT, GN.
(a) blue stocking - 473: PJ.
(the) blues - 475: PJ, CF, AS. 548: TR, TH.
bluff - 350: KW, TR, CF.
bluffing - 637: CF, GB, PM. 734: GN, SP.
blushing - 137: AMa, CF, PJ.
Boadicea - 313: GG, CF, KW, DN.
board games - 525: CF, JC.
boar's head - 342: CF, JBad, KW.
boat race - 511: KHH, PJ, JE.
boats for bath time - 305: DN, KW, CF.
bobbins - 749: AC, TH, KHH, PM.
bobby - 455: DN, CF, PJ.
Bob's your uncle - 387: KW, WR. 468: JC, CF.
(a) bodice ripper - 524: SFr, MJa, GN. 681: JE, GB, JC, PM.
body building - 620: PM, CF.
body language - 521: SF, PM, PJ. 667: CA, GN, PM.
boggling - 409: PM, CF, DN.
(a) bogie - 469: FM, CF, TH.
Bognor Regis - 352: PJ, KW, MJa, DN.
boiling the perfect egg - 810: GB, RK.
bollards - 425: DN.
bonds - 463: TH, PJ.

bones - 224: CF, PJ.

Bonnie and Clyde - 830: VF, JC, PM, JE.
boo - 292: JJ, DN, CF.
(the) book I plan to write - 106: CF, PJ.
(a) book I should have read - 339: CF, KW.
booking a holiday - 807: RH, GB, PM.
book-keeping - 856: SC, GB, AC.
books - 46: CF, DN, KW, AM.
books I have read twice - 549: CF, LT, PM.
books I read twice - 73: AM, DN, CF.
books I shouldn't have read - 840: RK, PM, SH.
bookworm - 599: CC, KHH, PM, LT.
(the) boomerang - 634: PM, GB.
(the) boot - 417: PJ, CF, PM.
boot camp - 632: KHH, LS.
boots - 462: MM, CF, PM, DN.
booze - 209: DN, CF, AMa.
boredom - 273: PC, BT, CF.
Boswell - 61: KW.
bother - 142: CF, DN, KW.
botox - 571: KHH, SP, WR.
bottle - 390: PM, RM. 451: JH, DN, TH.
(the) bottom line - 412: PM, DN, CF.
bottoming out - 420: PM, SF, DN.
(a) bouquet of barbed wire - 540: PM, GN, SP.
Bourbons - 861: JC, JL, SC.
bow ties - 645: SP, GB, PM.
bowdlerising - 411: WR, DN, CF.
bowlers - 395: RM, LP, CF.
bowling - 18: GJ, NP.
bowling a maiden over - TV52: MJ, GB, PM.
bowls - 387: CF, WR, DN. 471: PM, NM, PJ.
boxer shorts - 822: GN, HW, PM.
Boxing Day - JJAM12: J?, S?, JL.
boy bands - 714: JL, PM, CF.
boy sopranoes - 809: RWa, GB, FM, TH.
boycotts - 786: PS, RH.
braces - 554: CF, JE.
brain food - 828: PS, SK, PK, GB.
brains - 613: SFr, CF.
brainwaves - 459: TH, PJ, DN, GN.
brakes - 448: DN.
branches - 355: DN.
brandy - 206: SH, DN, PJ.

brandy butter - 359: PJ, CF, KW. 444: CF, DN, SF, PJ.
brass - 457: PJ, DN.
brass monkeys - 689: GN, SP, PM.
(a) brass neck - 737: PA, GB, PM.
(a) Braveheart - 486: PJ, PM, DN. 743: JE, FM, SKA.
bravura - 86: KW, CF, AM.
bread - 624: SP, GN, PM.
bread and butter pudding - 8: CF.
bread or toast - 820: AC, RK, PM.
breakages - 204: PJ, SH, KW.
breakfast - 185: DN, CF. 225: CF.
breakfast in bed - 500: GN, PM, CF.
breaking a code - 62: DN, CF, DC. 761: JC, PM.
breaking a leg - 464: PM, CF.
breaking into Buckingham Palace - TV6: LSi, TS, TBl, JS.
breaking news - 662: CF, CN, PM, GP.
breaking records - 71: DN, CF. 596: CF, PM. 681: JE, PM, JC.
breaking the mould - 511: SFr, JE, KHH, PJ.
breaking the rules - 823: FG, PM.
breaking things - 783: JC, GP, PM.
breaststroke - 364: PJ, KW, DN.
(a) breath of fresh air - TV32: PJ, WR, LS.
breeding porcupines - 508: FM, GN, CF.
brevity - 61: CF, DN, AM.
brevity is the soul of wit - 682: GB, PJu.
brewing - 21: GJ, CF.
bricklaying - 299: JJ, DN. 315: DN, PJ.
brickworks - 259: CF, KW.
bridge - 67: DN, CF, KW. 267: PMo, PJ, AMa. 441: DN, PM, CF.
bridges - 864: GB.
briefs - 405: RM, PM. 424: CF, WR, PM.
bright young things - 503: GN, DN, LS. 606: TH, CF.
Brighton rock - 547: PM, JC, CF.
bringing home the bacon - 533: JH.
bringing the house down - 477: DN, TH.
brinksmanship - 364: SB, PJ, DN.
Bristol fashion - 862: TH, SP, GB.
(the) British climate - 536: GP, GN.
(the) British Library - 750: PM, SH, IMc, GB.
(the) British sausage - 315: PJ, KW. 710: CF, JD, PM, JL.
(the) British sense of humour - 791: HBu, PM.
(the) British transport system - 653: CF, MB.
Broadcasting House - 480: GP, PM, DN. 540: PM, CF. 736: PM, SP, GN.
(the) broads - 242: DN, PJ.

brokerage - 369: CF, DN.

(the) Bronte sisters - 829: SH, JLy, PM, KE.
(the) Brontes - 573: GB. 794: JE, TH, KE.
brothers-in-law - 644: JE, GN, PM, CF.
brown ale - 517: LS, PM, CF. 657: SP, PM, CC.
brown envelope - 509: JE, SFr, PJ.
(the) brownies - 5: AM, DN, CF, PSc. 5: DN, CF.
Brum - TV23: DW, WR, LG, TS.
(a) brush with death - 679: MB, PA, PM.
brussel sprouts - 818: PA, GB, SM. J7: A?, D?, JE.
Brussels - 150: CF, AMa. 471: DN, NM, PM. 546: CF, PM, GN.
bubble and squeak - 78: KW. 456: CF, KHH, PM, PJ. TV37: CB, SFr, TH, WR.
537: RN, TH, LS, CF.
bubble baths - 365: KW, BC.
bubbles - 251: PJ, SH. 287: PJ, DN, KW, CF.
buccaneers - 463: DN.
bucket and spade - 674: JC, JE, PM.
bucket shops - 467: GN, PM, CF, PJ.
(the) Buckingham Palace shop - TV4: CF, TH, TS.
bucks - 534: CF, TR, PM.
budget cuts - 739: PM, JE, GB.
budgies - 561: GN, TH, JE.
Buffalo Bill - 375: KW, TR, PJ.
buffer - 506: DN, SFr, CF.
bugging - 85: CF, KW.
bugling - 283: PJ, KW, SH, DN.
bugs - 310: DN, PJ, KW, CF. 355: DN, PJ, KW. 436: PM, DN. 579: LT, CF. 715:
builders - 364: DN, PJ, KW. 417: PM, HL, CF.
building a brick wall - 278: DN, PJ, CF.
building a snowman - 818: GB, PA.
building bridges - 751: JC, SP.
bulbs - 450: PM, SFr.
(a) bull in a china shop - 656: CF, TR, RN, PM.
(the) bull ring - 812: JLy, SP.
bumbling - 125: CF, SH, DN. 242: PJ, KW.
(a) bunch of fives - 551: SP, TR, RN, TH.
bunglers - 329: JR, KW.
bungling - 392: CT, BC, CF.
bunk - 321: BC, GB, CF, KW. 369: DN, PJ, KW. 484: GP, DN.
bunkers - 461: DN, PJ, TH.
bunkum - 448: CF, TH.
burgers - 647: CF, JE, GN, PM.
burglar alarms - 254: DN, KW. 418: WR, DN, CF, PJ.

burglars - 337: GB, KW. 412: CF, PM, DN.

buried treasure - 603: NR, GB.
Burke and Hare - 464: PJ, DN, PM, CF. 813: SP, RK.
burlesque - 231: KW, DN.
burns - 283: KW, SH. 461: FM, PJ.
burps - 402: PM, DN.
busking - 340: GB, DN, MJa. 461: FM, DN.
(a) busman's holiday - 600: GN, RN, TH, CF.
busy lizzies - TV42: PJ, PA, LS, WR.
busybodies - 525: SW, JC, LS.
(the) butchers - 586: WR, LT, PM, CF.
butterflies - 740: SP, LT. 796: AC, JE, TH.
(a) butterfly's wing - 635: PM, RB, CF.
(a) buttonhole - 464: DN, PM.
buying a house - 152: PJ, CF.
buying a second-hand car - 146: PJ, AMa, IC, CF.
by gum - 788: RH, JE, TH.
Cabin fever - TV58: JC, PM, SK.
cabinets - 415: ML, CF, DN, PJ.
Caesar - 784: GB, PM.
Caesar's camp - TV25: MF, DW, TS, TB.
cake - 602: GB, FM.
Calais - 429: PM, TS, CF.
calculators - 331: DN, CF, NP.
calculus - 585: SFr, PM, RN, KHH.
Caliostro - 94: KW.
call centres - 770: SK, RK, PM, GB.
(a/the) call of nature - 604: KHH, PM, CC, LT. 631: PM, CF, CN.
calling the plumber - 176: PJ, CF, SH.
calory counting - 345: CF, DN, JBad.
calypsos - 276: LP, DN, KW.
Camden town - 778: LT.
Camelot - 311: KW, GB, PJ.
camels - 780: JL, KHH, LT.
camouflage - 800: MB, JL.
camping - 26: AM, DN.
camping holidays - 779: PM, JC.
camping in Wales - 821: PM, JL, SH.
(a) camping trip - 695: CF, PM, RN.
(a) can of worms - 505: CF, PM.
canals - 334: DN, JJ, CF.
canaries - 309: DN, PJ, CF.
candle auctions - 128: CF, SH, KW.
candy floss - 152: KW, CF, PJ.

cannons - 91: PJ, AM. 371: DN, KW, TR.

cant - 71: KW, DN, CF.
canteen food - 600: CF, TH, GN.
Canterbury tales - 570: CF, LS, RN. 845: JL, AC, TH.
Capability Brown - 184: KW, DN, PJ.
Capability Brown or his cousin Incapability Smith - 397: BC, DN.
capers - 399: CF. 462: PM, MM, CF.
(the) capital of Scotland - 455: CF, PJ.
Captain Cook - 67: KW, CF, DN, SH. 796: AC, TH, KE, JE.
Captain Vancouver - 542: KHH, JC, PM.
car boot sales - 790: PM, PA, MJ.
caravanning - 860: SH, PM.
caravans - 269: DN, PJ, KW. 567: TH, JC, PM.
(a) carbon footprint - 702: MB, GB, OO.
carbuncle - 462: PM, DN, CF.
cardigan - 430: AMc, DN, WR.
cardigans - TV34: WR, BC, TH. 536: GP, PM, CF. 822: MJ, PM, HW.
cards - 339: CF, LPu. 374: KW, CF, SU, PJ.
careers advice - 787: PM, GB.
caring for a frying pan - 223: CF, KW.
Carnaby Street - 660: GN, PA, MB.
carol singing - 79: LF, CF, DN.
carpentry - 210: PJ, KW.
carpet baggers - 327: DN, PJ.
carrier bags - 279: PJ, DN.
carrier pigeons - 58: CF, DN, NP.
carrying on - 376: KW, DN.
cartoons - 768: PJu, JC.
Cary Grant - 580: TH.
Casablanca - 327: DN.
Casanova - 798: SM, GB.
(a) case of mistaken identity - TV55: PM, JMa. 816: PM, GB.
cash - 427: CF, PM.
cash cards - TV34: BC, TH, SFr, WR.
casing the joint - 482: CF, TR, PM.
castles - 459: DN, PJ. 553: GN, PM, LS. 770: RK, PM, GB.
castles in the air - 24: KW, CF, GJ.
casting off - 525: CF, JC, LS, SW. 827: JE, JC.
casts - 463: DN, TH, PJ.
(a) cat in hell - 685: GB, TH, KHH.
cat lovers - 710: JL, JD, CF.
catch 22 - 852: PM, MB, GB.
catching a bus - 176: SH, CF.
catching a cold - J9: AU, LD, JE

catching conga eels - 305: GG.

catchphrases - 655: PM, CF, PMc.
catchy lyrics - 531: TR, CF, PM.
(a) cathedral city - 842: PM, TH, JL.
Catherine Cookson - 654: SP, TH, CC, PM.
Catherine de Midimechi - 167: KW, CF, PJ, DN.
cats - 117: CF, AM, DN. 403: DN, EF, TR. 532: SF, LS, PM, CF.
cat's eyes - 829: PM, SH, JLy, KE.
cats or dogs - TV55: SK, PM.
(the) cat's whisker - 472: PM, PJ, CF.
(the) cat's whiskers - 385: CT. 638: BB, OO, PM, CF.
cavaliers - 466: PJ, DN, PM.
cave - 319: CF, JBe, KW.
CCTV - 579: PM, GN, LT. 643: CF, TR, PM, SF. 763: SP, SF, FG, PM.
celebrations - 164: AM, KW. 277: CF, DN, KW. 490: DN, KHH, CF. TV41: GB,
KB, RMo, LG.
celebrity - 498: CF.
celebrity spotting - 754: SH, SP.
celebrity status - 755: LT, RN, PM, TH.
celebrity weddings - 568: GN, PM, CF.
cellar - 514: CF, PJ, PM, RV.
cellars - 282: CF. 363: WF, CF, KW.
cellulite - 552: LT.
(the) Celts - 572: JC, PM.
censorship - 187: CF, KW, SH. 254: CF, PMo, KW. 422: DN, WR, PJ. 499: TR,
JE, SFr, PJ. TV31: GB.
centaur - 385: LP, CF, PJ, CT.
cereals - 149: PJ, CF, JM.
ceremonies - 225: CF, RA.
(a) certain age - 568: LT, GN, PM.
certificates - 361: SB, PJ.
chad - 296: CF.
chain letters - 330: CF, JJ.
(the) chair - 368: KW.
chairing a panel game - 544: PM, CF, GN.
chairing this show - 64: SH, DN, KW.
(the) chairman - 94: CF, SH, PJ.
(the) chairman of the board - 769: GB, AC, PM.
(the) chairman's best features - 645: PM, SP, GB, GN.
(the) chairman's best kept secret - 657: TH, CC, PM, SP.
(the) chairman's biggest problem - 636: VS, CF, TH.
(the) chairman's darkest secret - 575: PM, CF.
(a) chairman's job - 184: PJ, DN.
(the) chairman's weak spot - 752: SH, PM.

(the) chairperson - 304: PJ, DN, IM.

chalk and cheese - 538: CF, PM, GN. 646: KRo, JC, TH, CF.
(the) Chamber of Horrors - TV3: AS, TS.
chambers - 174: DN, CF, KW. 407: PJ, DN, PM.
champagne - 344: KW, GB, DN, MJa. 404: PJ, DN.
champions - 245: CF, DN.
chance - 88: KW, BCa, CF. 406: DN, WR, CF. 420: WR, SF, DN.
chancing my arm - 516: PM.
change - 418: PJ, WR, DN.
changing a faulty article - 202: PJ, LF, CF.
changing at Crewe - TV24: KHH, JH, DW.
changing nappies - 45: SH, CF, DN. 611: CC, PM, TH.
(the) changing of the guard - 574: WR, SP, TH.
changing the guard - 32: DN, AM.
changing the sheets - 607: LS, CF.
changing the wheel - 179: PJ, CF.
(the) Channel tunnel - 439: WR, PM, PJ. 566: GN, PM, CF. 830: PM, JE, JC.
(the) chaos theory - 633: CF, TH.
chaps - 591: TH, RN, JE.
character witness - 496: PM, DN, TH.
charlatans - 410: CF, PM, ST.
charisma - 456: CF, PJ. 710: CF, JD, JL, PM.
Charles Dickens - 359: KW. 507: CF, SF, PJ. 756: PM, JC, GN, TW. 863: JWi,
Charles Stuart - 118: KW, SH, CF.
Charles the First - 43: GJ, CF, KW.
Charlie - 77: DN, CF, JMac.
Charlie Chaplin - TV48: GB, RMo, LG.
Charlie Combs - 322: MKi, CF.
Charlie's aunt - 424: CF, PM.
Charlotte Corday - 164: KW, CF, PJ.
charm - 42: KW, DN, CF. 104: CF, KW. 300: SH, PJ, DN. 461: PJ, FM, TH.
charm offensive - 703: TH, PM.
(a) charmed life - 692: TH, JG.
charming the birds out of the trees - 609: JC.
chasing rainbows - 630: CF, LS, KHH. 636: VS, SH, CF, TH.
chat shows - TV44: SFr, WR, BC, TH.
chat up lines - TV51: MB, PM, RJ, SP.
chattering classes - 525: LS, CF.
chatting at Chatsworth - TV18: DW, GN, TS.
chatting up - 469: TH, CF.
Che Guevara - 853: TR, GN, LT, PM.
cheating - 574: WR, KHH, SP, TH. 838: LT, PM, JRo.
checks - 146: CF, PJ. 263: CF, PJ. 447: HD, KHH, CF.

cheek - 137: PJ, KW, CF. 294: DN, CF, PJ. 470: DN, PM, PJ. 581: RN, KHH, PM.
cheerfulness - 459: PJ, DN, TH.
cheers - 157: DN, PJ.
cheese - 821: JL, SH, RH, PM.
cheese rolling - 611: CF, TH. 790: CC, PA, MJ, PM.
(the) chesses of France - 797: SP, PM.
(the) Chelsea Flower Show - 829: SH, JLy.
(the) Cheltenham Gold Cup - 676: PM, TR, CN.
chemist shops - 5: CF.
chemistry - 711: PM, LT, GB, SP.
cherries - 209: CF.
cherubs - 210: KW, PJ, CF.
Chester - 523: SF, MJa, CF, GN.
chewing gum - 539: PM, JC.
chewing the fat - 600: GN, TH.
chick lit - 589: CF, KHH, SH. 725: PA, SP. 837: SH, RK, PM.
(the) chicken and the egg - 861: PM.
chicken vindaloo - TV33: TH, GB, PJ.
chickens - 625: PA.
chicks - 580: PA, TH.
childish behaviour - 825: RF, PM.
child's play - 385: CT, LP.
childrens' presenters - 597: DO, CF, PM.
chillaxing - 833: LT, JRo, PM.
chilli - 380: DN, PJ, CF, KW.
(the) chimpanzee - 592: KHH, CF, SH, PM.
China - 410: DN, CF. 443: PM, JR, SF, PJ. 634: GB, CF, PM.
Chinatown - TV11: JBr, JS, TS.
Chinese medicine - 647: PM, GN.
Chinese restaurants - 1: CF, DN.
chintz - 737: JE, GB, PA.
(a) chip off the old block - 533: TH, JH.
chipmunks - 596: RN, PM, JC.
chippies - 706: JC, HL, CF, PM.
chips - 67: SH, CF, DN. 280: RBu, DN, CF. 318: GB, DN. 446: PJ, JH. 560: LT,
SF, PM. 660: CF.
chivalry - 288: TR, KW, CF, PJ.
chocaholics - TV38: SPo, BC, JSe, BS.
chocolate - 820: RK, RF, PM, AC.
chocolate sponge - 50: MK, DN, KW, CF.
choice - 200: GG, CF. 489: PJ, PM, MM, SFr.
choir - 446: DN, TH.
choke - 400: PM, WR, RM, PJ.
cholesterol - 644: CF, JE, GN, PM.

choose your own adventure - 799: JE, RH.

choosing a frock to suit me - 312: VW, PJ.
choosing a restaurant - 388: CF.
choosing Christmas presents - 818: SM, GB, PM.
chop suey - 408: TR, WR, RS, PJ. 515: CF, TH, PJ.
chopsticks - 388: PJ, KW, DN. 534: CF, AG, PM, TR.
chores - 45: SH, KW. 608: LS, GN, CF, RN.
Christian Doppler - 366: KW, GB.
Christmas crackers - 818: PM, PA.
Christmas decorations - 82: SH, CF.
Christmas party games - 82: KW.
Christmas pudding - 82: CF, DN.
Christmas stocking - 359: PJ, CF, KW.
Christopher Marlowe - 270: KW, CF. 842: TH, PM, JL.
Cicero - 208: KW, WRu.
cider with Rosie - 836: TH, GB.
cigarettes - 73: CF, DN, AM, KW.
Cinderella - 613: PM, VS. 713: DM, SH, PM
(the) cinema going experience - 781: CBr, MB, PM.
circulars - 369: DN, CF. 419: PJ, JJ, CF.
(the) circus - 669: KHH, CF, PM. 780: LT, JL, PM, KHH.
citizens - 479: TH, DN.
citizen's band radio - 317: DN, PJ, KW.
city break - 798: AC, PM, GB.
city of angels - 815: PK, AC, GB, TH.
(the) city of culture - 806: GB.
(the) city walls - 524: CF, GN.
civil servants - 118: PJ.
class warfare - 845: AC, TH.
(a) classical education - 439: LSi, PM.
classical music - 374: SU, PJ, KW.
classics - 369: CF, DN.
(the) classifieds - 604: LT, CC, PM, KHH.
(the) cleaning rota - 740: JSe.
cleaning up my act - 770: PM, RK, SK, GB.
clearing out your clutter - 778: JL, KHH.
Clement Freud - 89: DN. 281: KW, PJ, AMa.
clementines - 863: PM, JWi, JE, SH.
Cleopatra - 165: KW, CF. 785: GP, SP.
Cleopatra's needle - TV6: LSi, JS, TS. 568: PM, LT. 709: SP, GB.
clerihews - 201: PJ, DN. 347: KW, DN, CF.
(the) cleverest man I ever knew - 801: AC, GB, PM.
(the) cleverest person I know - 554: RN, CF, JE, GN.
cliffhanger - 501: CF, DN.

climbing Arthur's Seat - 864: TAl, GB.

clock chimes - 75: DN, CF, KW.
clock watching - 601: PM, GN, CF.
clocks - 211: DN. TV43: SFr, WR, CB, TH.
cloning - TV32: PA.
close relations - 760: PM, JC.
(a) close shave - 510: PM, TH, CF. 539: PM, JC. 829: KE, PM.
closing time - 704: PM, CA, SP.
clothes - 275: LC, PJ, CF.
clotted cream - 648: TH, GB.
cloud nine - 436: CF, PM, DN. 643: SF, TR, PM.
clout - 390: PM, DN, PJ. 392: CF.
cloves - 196: CF.
clowning around - 632: PM, KHH.
clowns - 777: JC, CC.
clubbing - 705: SK, GN, PM, CC.
clubs - 391: RM, WR, CF. 466: DN, PM, NM.
clutch - 365: IH, DN, BC, KW.
cluthching at straws - 555: RN, CF.
clutter - 547: JE, PM, JC, CF.
Clytie - 337: KW, CF.
cobber - 149: CF, PJ.
cobblers - 405: PJ, RM. 611: CF, TH, CC, PM. TV52: LT, GB, MJ, PM.
cobbles - 555: CC, RN, CF.
Cockney accents - TV5: KHH, TS.
Cockney rhyming slang - 498: PM, CF, TH.
(a) Cockney sparrow - 950: PM, AC, GB.
cockroach races - 405: PM, WR.
cockroaches - 367: PJ, WF.
(the) cocktail - 317: CF, PJ.
cocktails - 284: DN, KW. 323: DN, SH, GB. 385: PJ, CT, CF.
coconut shies - 390: DN, PJ, RM, PM.
coconuts - 91: KW, CF.
codswallop - 385: LP, PJ, CF. 424: PM, CF, TS.
coffee shops - 562: SP, TH, WR.
coincidence - 301: KW, DN. 619: LT, JC, PM.
coincidences - 400: RM, WR, PM.
cold - 65: CF, DN, KW.
cold feet - 556: LS. 676: TR, PM, CN, AC.
cold turkey - 603: MM, NR, GB.
Cole Porter - 404: WR, CF, PJ, DN.
collecting silver - 30: CF, DN, GJ.
collections - 366: KW.
cologne - 857: PM.

(the) Colosseum in Rome - 849: GN, TR.

colonial India - 781: AP, MB, PM, CBr.
combinations - 83: DN, SH.
comeuppance - 314: JJ, ML, TR.
comforts - 493: PM, PJ, CF, ML.
comic timing - 612: PM, TH, CF.
comics - 295: TR, CF. 563: PM, LS, CN. 838: JRo, AC, LT.
coming here all the way from Great Portland Street - 307: KW, DC, DN.
coming out balls - 192: SH, DN, KW.
(a) commanding lead - 198: KW.
commemorative bust - 844: SH, RI, GN.
commercial-free gifts - 414: TR, PJ, WR.
commercials - 432: JS, PM, PJ. 543: GN, JE, TR.
common - 467: GN, CF, PM.
(the) common cold - 544: GN, PM, BC, CF.
common misconceptions - TV51: PM, RJ, MB.
common sense - 54: KW, DN. 159: DN, JM, KW. 378: CF, ES, KW. 451: PJ, TH,
(the) common touch - 33: CF, KW. 501: TS, DN, CF.
(the) Commonwealth - 835: GB, SP.
communes - 601: GN, PM, CF.
communication - 241: CF, PJ. 298: PJ, AMa, CF. 374: SU.
(the) commuter belt - 529: JH, TH. 622: CF, GN, LS.
compassion - 208: SH, KW.
competition - 164: AM, CF, PJ. 257: PJ, KW, JW.
compiling a mix tape - 816: PM, GB, PA.
complaining - 806: TH, GB.
complaining about neighbours - 38: KW, DN, MK.
complaints - 428: PJ, RMo, PM, DN.
(the) complaints department - 726: PMc, GN, PM, GB.
composers - 471: PJ, DN, NM.
computerising the kitchen - 35: CF, KW.
computers - 206: SH, DN, PJ. 231: DN, PJ.
concealing mistakes - 76: CF, DN, JMac.
concealing the body - 186: AM, DN, CF. 381: PJ, DN, KW, CF.
concentration - 178: SH, DN, CF. 310: CF, KW. 326: PJ, DN.
concord - 209: CF, DN. 607: GN, RN, CF.
conductors - 274: PC, PJ, CF, KW.
cones - 450: PM, SFr, DN, PJ.
confessions - 136: SH, CF.
(the) confessions of a Radio Four panellist - 832: PM, SH, JLy.
confetti - 106: PJ, CF. 384: CF, KW.
confidence tricks - 333: KW, DN, BJ. 366: GB, CF.
confusing the chairman - 577: GN, SH, PM.

congestion - 586: CF, PM, LT.

conjuring - 96: PJ, CF, SH.
conkers - 129: PJ, KW, CF. 262: DN, PJ, JBa, KW. 747: KHH, AC, TH, PM. 859:
connecting the dots - 824: JL, RH, SH.
(the) consequences of excessive politeness - 822: MJ, GN, PM.
conspiracy theories - 774: TH, GB, MJ.
Constantinople - 56: KW, CF, GJ, DN.
contact lenses - 530: LS, CF, TH. 586: LT, WR, CF.
contemplating my navel - 541: TH, RN, LS.
contemplation - 291: KW.
(the) contents of my pencil case - JJAM5: JL, WP, RBa.
(the) content of my pockets - 562: SP, TH, WR, RN.
(the) contents of my handbag - 270: MMa, KR, KW. 733: JE, PM, GB.
(the) contents of Nicholas's wallet - 779: SP, CC, JC.
continental breakfast - 360: KW, CF.
contortionist - 502: TH, PM.
contract - 377: DN, PJ, AMar.
contrasts - 251: KW, CF.
conventional good looks - 761: PM, JC.
conveyancing - 249: CF, PJ.
convictions - 162: CF, PJ, AM.
coo - 406: WR, CF, PJ.
(the) cooker - 389: WR, CF.
cookery programmes - 803: JL, PM, SH, MB.
cooking - 250: JW.
cooking a goose - 604: LT, CC.
cooking an octopus - 103: CF, PJ.
cooking chicken kiev - 242: CF, DN, PJ.
cooks - 478: PJ, PM, KHH, CF.
cooling it - 190: CF, KW.
Copenhagen - 145: PJ, CF.
copper - 379: DN, KW, PJ, CF.
coping with embarrassment - 776: JE, GB, PM.
coping with interruptions - 830: PM, JE.
corduroy - 617: MB, PM.
corn - 380: PJ, DN, CF. 425: CF, WR, TH. TV16: TBl, DW, TS.
corn on the cob - 863: JE, JWi, SH.
cornets - 217: PJ, CF, PMo.
(the) Cornish pasty - 853: GN, TR, PM.
cornography - 130: CF, KW.
cornucopia - 111: KW, CF, PJ.
correspondence - 490: CF, PJ, DN, KHH.
(the) corridors of power - 839: GB, KG.

corruption - 276: KW, LP, DN, PJ.

cosmic ordering - 660: MB, GN, CF.
(a) cosmopolitan life - 484: DN.
(the) Costa del Sol - 306: BJ, KW, JJ.
costume drama - TV55: HB, JMa, SK.
(the) council - 428: PJ, DN, PM.
counselling - TV33: JBr, TH, GB.
count - 464: PJ, DN, CF, PM.
(the) Count of Monte Cristo - 847: SH.
counting one's blessings - 848: SF, JC, PM, DT.
counting sheep - 512: CF, SF.
counting your chickens - 537: RN. 951: MMc, SH, PA, PM.
(the) country life - 751: PM, SP, JC.
coup de gras - 72: DN, CF, KW.
courage - 127: DN, PJ. TV40: SPu, LS, WR, MM.
courtesy - 596: CF, PM.
courting - 586: WR, LT, PM.
covens - 409: DN, PM, CF. 410: CF, DN.
Covent Garden - TV1: TH, KHH.
cowboys - 207: PJ, AM. 573: GB, CN, CF, JE.
cowboys and Indians - 64: DN, CF.
cows - 420: SF, DN, PM. 474: PM, DN, CF, JC.
crabs - 594: LS, CF.
(the) crack - 482: PM, GK, TR, CF.
crackers - 208: PJ, KW, SH. 359: DN, CF, PJ. 765: JL, PM.
cracking the whip - 711: SP, PM.
cramp - 69: DN, CF.
cranks - TV31: GW, IB, GB, LS.
(a) crash course - 450: DN, PM. 950: SC, GB.
cravats- 755: RN, PM, LT, TH.
crawling - 538: SP, GN, CF. 766: FG, SP, SF.
creating - 47: KW, DN, SH.
creating a disturbance - 296: KW, GG.
creating a precdent - 45: DN, CF, KW.
creating a sensation - 306: JJ, TR, KW.
creating happiness - 277: DN.
creature comforts - 817: LT, JC, PM, JE.
creatures from the deep - 295: CF, KW, TR.
credit - 176: SH, CF, PJ. 430: WR, DN, CF. 583: TH, GN.
credit cards - 180: PJ, AM, DN.
(the) credit crunch - 699: FM, LFe, PM. 793: SP, GN.
creepy houses - 765: GN, JE.
crescent - 494: DN, JC, CF.
(the) crest of the wave - 528: SF, PM, LS.

crime - 406: PJ, DN, CF.

critic - 503: LS, GN.
(the) critics - 174: KW, CF. 250: PJ, KW, JW.
crocodile tears - 541: CF, LS.
crocodiles - 342: JBad, DN, CF.
croissants - 864: SC, GB.
crook - 430: DN, CF.
crops - 474: CF, PM.
croquet - 210: AMar, PJ, CF. 342: JBad, DN. TV37: WR, CB, TH, SFr.
crossed lines - 59: CF, KW.
crossing a zebra - 728: CN, PM, JL.
crossing the Channel - 53: CF, DN.
crossing the Channel by balloon - 250: CF, PJ.
(a) cross-section of the public - 116: PJ, AMa, CF.
crosswords - 421: TH, PM, CF, PJ. 467: CF, PJ.
croutons - 583: CF, GN, TH.
(the) crown jewels - 424: TS, WR.
crow's feet - 557: PM, CF, SF. 849: GN, TR, LT, PM.
crow's nest - 302: DN, KW. 526: CF, LS, SW.
(the) crucible - 863: JWi, JE, SH.
cruising along the Mekong River - 810: GB, RH, PM.
crumpets - 57: NP, SH.
(the) crunch - 714: JD, JL, PM, CF.
crying over spilt milk - 543: JE, GN, TH.
Crystal Palace - 831: PS, SK, GB.
cubism - 154: PJ, DN, CF, SH.
cuckoo clocks - 773: RW, JC, PJu.
cue - 431: DN, PM, CF.
cues - 399: PM, CF, DN, PJ. 461: PJ, FM.
(the) Cullinane diamond - 279: DN, TR, PJ.
(the) cult of nudism - 26: CF, AM, KW, DN.
cults - 521: PJ, PM, SF, MM.
(a) cultural exchange - 781: PM, MB, CBr.
culture - 491: TH, DN, PM.
cunning - 102: PJ, KW.
cupboard love - 738: GN, TH, PM.
Cupid - 303: SH, PJ. 630: KHH.
(a) curate's egg - 583: TH, CF, GN.
curing a cold - 48: CF, KW, DN.
curing ham - 80: CF.
curiosities - 599: KHH, PM.
curiosity - 31: KW. 292: KW.
curling - 39: KW, DN.
current affairs - 152: PJ, CF, AMar. 740: JSe, SP.

curry - 220: SH, KW, AMar.

curry sauce - 477: FM.
(the) curvature of space - 267: PMo, AMa, KW.
custard - 425: TH, DN, CF.
custard pie humour - 428: PJ, DN, PM.
custard pies - 80: DN, KWH, CF. 232: DN, PJ.
customer service - 584: CN, TH, BB. 698: RG, MMc.
customer services - 832: JLy, KE, PM.
customs - 253: DN, SH, BCr. 268: CF, DN. 369: DN, KW. 427: CF, PJ, CQ, PM.
cutting books - 7: CF.
cutting toenails - 807: RH, PM, GB.
cutting the mustard - 817: PM, JC, JE.
(the) Cutty Sark - 651: CF, PM.
CVs - TV46: PJ, JBr.
cycling - 194: DN, CF.
Czar Nicholas the First - 181: KW, SH.
dada-ism - 777: SP, PM.
daddy long legs - 506: DN, SFr, TS.
(the) Dagenham Girl Pipers - TV9: TS, NM, TB.
(the) Dales - 564: JE, GN, TH.
Dale's diary - TV23: TS, DW, WR, LG.
Dallas Texas - 378: PJ, KW, CF.
dam - 437: CF, TH.
dames - 389: BC, PJ, CF.
dance like nobody's watching - 816: GB, PM, PA.
dancing - 45: KW, CF, SH, DN.
dancing shoes - 830: VF, JC, PM.
dancing with Nicholas Parsons - 300: SH, DN, PJ.
(a) dangerous place - 821: PM, RH, SH.
Darby and Joan - 857: JLy, PM.
daring-do - 508: PM, GN.
(a) dark and stormy night - 731: JL, PM, CN, CC.
(a) dark horse - 604: KHH, CC, PM. 629: CF, JC. 800: JL, MB, SH.
(a) dark secret - 745: GB, JE, GN, PM.
darts - 200: PJ, SH, CF, GG.
dates - 126: PJ, CF. 445: PM, DN, TH.
dating agencies - 427: CQ, PM, PJ. 558: CN, LS, PM.
David and Goliath - 769: JBy, AC, PM, GB. TV53: JMa, PM, JL.
David Copperfield - 454: SFr, PM, PJ, DN.
David Hume the one who was born in 1711 - 295: KW, TR, CF.
dawn chorus - 446: DN, JH, PJ.
(a) day at the beach - JJAM1: ZS, KF.
(a) day at the zoo - JJAM4: LSh, SS, JE.
day dreaming - 757: RW, SK, PM, GB.

(the) day I put my foot in it - 498: PJ.

(a) day in the life of a cat - JJAM11: JL.
(a) day trip to Blackpool - 860: SH, JE, PM.
daydreams - 121: AMa, KW, PJ.
(the) days of the week - 20: NP, CF.
daytime television - 599: LT, PM, KHH.
daytime TV - 543: TH, GN, JE.
dead as a dodo - TV26: TS, AS, DW, JS.
dead on time - TV24: TS, KHH.
(a) deadlier sin than the one Derek Nimmo talked about a few weeks back
- 357: CF, DN.
(the) deadliest of the seven sins - 251: SH, KW, CF, PJ.
deadline - 322: MKi, PJ, KW.
deal - 357: DN, PJ. 397: CF, DN. 416: PM, WR, SF. 447: TH, HD, KHH, CF.
dealing - 299: CF, JJ.
dealing with a crisis - 474: JC, DN, PM, CF.
dealing with difficult people - 282: KW, PJ, CF, KEv.
dear diary - 670: MB, PMc, GB.
dear listener - 753: PM, RW, GB.
dear old friends - 166: DN, PJ. TV31: IB.
death and taxes - 847: RI, SH.
debates - 491: BD, DN, PM.
decluttering - 594: GN, PM, LS, CF.
decimalisation - 333: BJ, PJ, DN.
decoys - 374: CF, KW. 377: PJ, DN, AMar.
Deedilus - 260: KW, AMa, PJ.
(the) deep end - 391: LP, WR, RM.
defence - 197: CF, AMa.
(the) definition of a gentleman - 804: PM.
defrosting the fridge - 405: PM, PJ, WR.
defying the laws of nature - 522: SF.
deja vu - 299: KW, JJ, DN, CF. 505: PM, GN, RMo. 568: GN, CF, PM.
delusions - 85: KW, CF.
democracy - 201: DN, PJ.
demonectomy - 64: CF, DN, KW, SH.
demons - 447: CF, TH, KHH.
demonstrating - 85: CF, DN, KW.
demonstrations - 447: KHH, TH.
(a) dent in the car - 205: PJ, AMa, CF, PMo.
dentists - 27: CF, DN. 322: CF. 414: TR, RS, PJ.
(the) dentist's chair - TV44: BC, TH, WR.
department stores - 565: WR, SP, TH.
Derek Nimmo - 2: SH, DN, CBi, CF. 10: CF, BBl, DN. 89: KW, DN, CF. 775: GB,

describing myself to the listener - 313: CF, DN, KW.

desperation - 797: GN, JMa, PM.
detection - 212: PJ, PMo, CF.
determinism - 751: SP, JC.
deviation - 63: DN, KW. 513: PM, CF, PJ.
Diamond Lill - 212: CF, PJ.
diaries - 404: CF, DN.
dice - 316: BC, CF, KW. 372: SH, TR.
Dick Turpin - 83: CF, KW, DN.
Dick Whittington - 717: TR, TH, SP, PA. 802: JC, PM.
Dickenisan London - 820: PM, RK.
diction - 158: CF, SH, DN, PJ. 378: CF, KW.
(the) dictionary - 756: PM, JC, TW.
diet fads - 407: CF. 409: PM, DN, CF.
dieting - 38: MK, KW, CF. 80: KWh.
diets - 425: DN, TH, CF. 562: RN, SP.
(the) difference a day made - 495: PJ.
difficulties - 109: KW, CF.
(the) difficulties I experience on this show - 213: PJ, SH, GG.
digging - 738: GN, SP, PM.
digging peat - 176: PJ, SH, KW.
digging the road up - 402: DN.
(the) digital age - 489: SFr, MM, PJ, PM.
digital radio - 643: SF. 715: PM, DM.
(the) digital watch - 276: PJ, KW.
digits - 461: DN, TH, PJ.
digs - 277: CF, PMo. 398: RM, DN, PM, PJ. 464: CF, PM, PJ.
dim sum - 642: JC, TH, CF, KRo.
Dimitri Shostakovich - 435: PM, SF.
dimples - 454: PJ.
dining on a budget - 840: HW, RK.
dinkies - 569: JE, GB, CN, CF.
dinner ladies - 710: JL, CF, PM, JD.
dinner party etiquette - 744: JSe, SP, PM, LT.
dinosaurs - 518: LS, PM, CF. JJAM3: JE, FD
Diogenes - 353: KW.
diplomatic immunity - 692: GB, TH, KHH.
(the) director's cut - 665: PM, AC, CN.
(a) dirty laugh - 672: DO, ML, PM.
dirty laughs - 508: CF, GN, PM.
dirty tricks - 342: DN.
discos - 568: GN, PM, CF.
discovering America - 694: TH, SP, GN.
discovering my roots - 820: AC, PM, RK.

discovery - 211: AMar, DN, KW.

discs - 366: TR, CF, GB. 394: TR, DN.
disguises - 495: CF, KHH, PJ.
disgusted of Tunbridge Wells - 663: PM, KHH, MM.
(the) dishwasher - 302: DN, CF, PJ.
disposing of orange pips - 19: CF, KW, NP.
disreputable people - 300: DN, PJ.
dissertations - 188: CF, KW.
distractions - 183: CF, DN, PJ.
ditties - 400: RM, PM.
diversions - 302: CF, DN, PJ.
dives - 411: PJ, DN, CF. 425: TH, WR, DN.
dividing household chores - 764: TH, GB.
diving bells - 84: DN, CF.
divisions - 179: CF, PJ, KW.
DIY - 814: LT, JC.
dizzy - 490: KHH, DN, CF, PJ.
DJs - 594: GN, PM, CF. 617: RB, MB, CF, PM.
docks - 404: CF, WR, PJ.
Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde - 105: KW, CF.
Doctor Johnson - 113: KW, CF, PJ. 771: GB, TH.
Doctor Spooner - 115: KW, NP, CF.
doctor theatre - 801: SM, PM.
doctor's orders - 598: CF, TH, LS, CN.
doctor's prescriptions - 14: AM, CF, DN.
(a) doddle - 442: PM, PJ.
(the) dodo - 62: CF, DN, KW, DC.
dog days - 286: DN, BMo. 606: TH, JC, CF.
dog lovers - 765: PM, GN, JE.
(the) dog next door - 41: CF, DN.
dog training - 603: GB, NR, MM.
doggerel - 341: DN, PJ. 372: TR, KW. 429: TS, WR, PM, CF.
dogma - 98: CF, KWh.
dogs - 269: KW, DN, JBa. 356: TR, BC, PJ.
(a) dog's dinner - 467: CF, PM.
dogs I know well - 80: DN, KW, CF.
dogwatch - 28: DN, CF, LB.
doilies - 519: TH, CF, KHH.
doing a good turn - 833: AC, PM, JRo.
doing a runner - 661: RN, TR, PM, CF.
doing away with flies - 237: THi, DN.
doing my nut - 100: KW.
doing my own thing - 90: KW, AM, PJ. 363: PJ, CF.
doing nothing - 25: AM, DN, KW, CF.

doing people - 227: JB.

doing people good - 249: JB.
doing the impossible - 174: BC, DN, KW.
doing the Lambeth walk - TV20: AS, TS, DW.
doing the splits - 68: DC, DN.
doing the tango - 780: JL, PM, KHH.
doing the washing-up - J7: D?, A?, JE
doing two things at once - 602: FM, GB, MM, NR.
dolphins - 188: DN, AM, CF. TV40: MM, WR, SPu, LS.
(the) Dome - 655: CF, JC, PM.
domestic bliss - 804: SP, JMa, PM.
Don Quixote - 168: KW, DN, PJ.
Donald Duck - 229: DN, KW, PJ.
donkey work - 426: DN, PM, PJ.
doodahs - 418: DN, WR, CF.
doodles - 494: JC, DN, PM. 661: CF, PM, RN. 710: JD, PM, CF. 762: JE, PM, JL,
doodling - 560: PM, LT, CF, SF.
door to door salesmen - 280: KW, DN, CF.
doppelganger - 360: KW. 609: TH, SF.
Dorick columns - 488: CF, PJ, PM.
Dorothy Parker - 702: OO, CF, GB.
(the) dos and don'ts of radio - 520: PJ, TH, CF.
Dostoyevsky - 751: SP, JC.
double acts - TV52: PM, GB.
double agent - 514: RV, PM, CF.
(the) double bass - 322: MKi, PJ, CF.
double bill - 515: PM, CF, TH. 820: PM, RK, RF.
double chins - 533: TH, SP, CF.
double deckers - 626: LS, TR, CN.
double Dutch - 629: CF, JC.
double parking - TV4: TS, CF, RV, TH.
double whammy - 441: PM, CF, DN, EI.
double-glazing salesmen - 432: CF, PM, PJ.
doublet - 321: BC, GB, CF, KW.
dough - 760: JC, GN, PM.
down on your uppers - 524: MJa, CF, SFr, GN.
down the back of my sofa - 665: AC, PM, TR.
down the plughole - 532: PM, SF, CF.
down the tube - TV25: TS, DW, TB.
down under - 464: DN, PM, PJ, CF. 695: RN, PJu.
downs - 439: LSi, PM, PJ.
Dracula - 390: DN, RM. 460: KHH, PM, CF, PJ.
drafts - 286: CF, DN, KW. 399: DN, PM, CF.

drag - 51: DN, SH.

dragons - 451: DN. TV46: PJ, JBr, GB, TH. 721: MMc, PS, SP, PM.
drakes - 83: DN, CF, KW.
drawers - 209: AMa, CF, DN.
drawing a blank - TV29: BC, JSe, SPo, BS.
drawing the short straw - TV24: JH, KHH, TS, DW.
dreadful puns - 351: DN, SH, CF, KW.
(a) dream come true - 638: PM, CF, BB. 659: PMc, PM, OO.
(a) dream I've never told anyone about - 819: GB, FG, PM.
dreaming spires - 509: SFr, JE, KHH.
dreams - 459: GN.
dress down Friday - 773: JC.
dressed to kill - 706: PM, CF, HL.
dressing - 131: CF, SH, PJ. 440: CF. 462: MM, DN, PM, CF.
dressing down or dressing gown - 802: JC, JE, RH.
dressing for dinner - 607: RN, GN, CF.
dressing in a hurry - 332: PJ, TR.
dressing provocatively - 748: PM, KE.
dressing to kill - 821: RH, JL, PM, SH.
(the) dressing up box - 841: JC, PM.
dribbling - TV32: WR, LS, PA.
drilling - 619: PM, JC, CF.
drink - 177: DN, KW, AM, CF. 332: TR, KW, PJ. 334: JJ, CF.
drinking games - TV57: GB, TH, LT.
dripping - 396: CF, WR. 402: PM, DN, CF. 462: CF, DN.
driving - 439: PM, WR, LSi.
driving a bargain - 111: JA, KW.
(the) driving test - 376: TR, DN.
(a) drop in the ocean - 828: GB, PK.
dropping a clanger - 466: PM, PJ, DN. 862: GB, SP, TH.
(the) Druids - 687: PM, CF, MB, JE.
drunkenness - 13: CF, CI.
duck - 340: DN, MJa, GB. 513: GP, PM.
duck clippers - 31: CF, DN, AM.
ducking and diving - 663: PM, KHH, MM.
duelling - 335: KW, CF.
dumbing down - 480: GP, PM.
dummies - 225: RA, KW, CF.
(the) dung beetle - TV5: TH, TS, HL, KHH.
(the) dunmo flitch - 235: KW, PJ.
Durdle Dor - 861: JL, PM.
Dutch courage - 580: CF, TH, GN.
Dutch uncle - 500: CF, GN.
(the) duties of a host - 281: CF, KW, PJ.

duvets - TV37: TH, SFr, WR.

(a) DVD box set - 788: PS, JE, TH.
Ealing Studios - TV11: JS, TS, LSi, JBr.
ear nose and throat - 678: JG, MB, PM.
early morning exercises - 325: KW, AMa.
early retirement - 650: CF, GB, PM, TH.
early starts - 785: PM, JC, SP.
earrings - 398: DN, PJ, PM, RM.
earth-like planets - 843: MB, GB.
east enders - 863: SH, JWi, JE, PM.
(the) East India company - 829: PM, SH, KE.
Easter bonnets - TV43: WR, TH, SFr.
Easter eggs - 950: AC, GB, SC.
eastern promise - 519: TH, KHH, CF.
easy ways to lose a man - 15: CI, CF, AM.
eating biscuits in bed - 313: DN, KW.
eating dirt cheap - 261: PJ, DN, CF.
(the) eating habits of the kiwi - 228: PJ, CF, AMar.
eating like a horse - 556: PM, GN, LS, CF.
eating my words - 514: PM, CF.
eating spaghetti - 748: JC, SP, PM. JJAM5: JL, JE.
eating vegetables - JJAM2: JL.
eating winkles - 389: PJ, BC.
eavesdropping - 767: GN, TH. 800: SH, PM, MB.
eccentricity - 625: CF, TH, PA, JC.
eccentrics - 249: KW, CF, PJ. TV46: JBr, GB, TH.
economy - 201: AMa, DN.
ecstasy - 151: KW, DN, PJ. 472: GN, PM, CF, PJ.
ectoplasm - 441: CF, EI, PM, DN.
(the) Eden project - 849: PM, GN, TR, LT.
Edgar Allan Poe - 815: TH, AC, GB, PK.
Edgar Degas - 437: TH, KHH, HD.
Edinburgh nights - 791: HBu, GB, PM.
Edmund Halley - 151: KW, DN.
education - 387: KW, WR.
Edward Elgar - 593: CN, LS, TH.
Edward Lear - 194: KW, DN. 277: KW, PMo, CF, DN.
Edward the Second - 432: CF, JS, PM, PJ.
Edward the Seventh - 207: KW, CF, AM.
Edward the Sixth - 202: KW, LF, CF, PJ.
Edwin King of Northumbria - 436: CF, EI, DN, PM.
effervescence - 160: KW, CF.
egg on face occasions - 327: PJ, DN.
eggs - 259: DN, PJ, KW.

ego - 394: SU, TR, DN, PJ.

(the) Eiffel Tower - 334: KW, CF. 724: GB, GN, SWe.
(the) eighth wonder of the world - 348: MJa, DN, PJ.
elastic - 87: AM, DN. 227: JB, KW, PJ, CF.
(the) elbow - 642: CF, JC.
elbow grease - 501: TS, DN, SFr, CF. 549: SFr, PM, CF.
(the) eldest child - 770: SK, GB, RK.
Eleanor Duce - 266: KW, BT, CF.
electricity - 80: CF, KWh, DN.
electrifying the audience - 353: KW, CF, PJ.
electronic books - 780: KHH, LT.
electronics - 288: PJ, KW, TR, CF.
elephant and castle - 843: JE, GB.
elephants - 40: CF, DN, KW. 755: PM, LT, RN.
(the) eleven plus -805: PM, PA, KE, GN.
elitism - 432: PM, JS, CF, PJ.
Elvis - TV58: JC, PM, SK.
Elvis impersonators - 650: PM, TH, CF.
Elvis Presley - 626: TR, TH, LS. 776: RN, PM. 861: PM, JC.
email - TV34: TH, SFr. 532: SF, CF.
embarrassing friends - 491: DN, TH, PM.
embarrassments - 5: DN, AM. 99: KW. 408: RS, WR, TR.
(the) Emerald Isle - 482: GK, TR, CF, PM.
emergencies - 74: KW, CF, DN, AM.
emergency stop - 754: SP, MB, PM.
Emmanuel Kant - 174: KW, DN.
empathy - 50: CF, DN, MK. 125: DN, CF.
Emperors - 261: KW.
encouragement - 343: KW, PJ.
(the) end of my tether - 666: PM, SP, NM, TH.
(the) end of the century - 513: GP, PM, CF.
end of the pier - 695: PJu, PM, CF.
(the) end of the road - 685: TH, GB, KHH.
(the) end of the world - 668: CF, PM, CN.
(the) end of time - 704: SP, CA, PM.
endangered species - TV47: MM, SPu, LS. 822: HW, MJ.
endorphins - 711: LT, PM, GB, SP.
(the) endurance test - 505: PM, GN, CF.
engines - 394: SU, PJ, DN.
English breakfast - 853: TR, PM.
(an) English country garden - 450: DN, PM.
(the) English Gog and Magog - 124: KW, CF.
(the) English language - 752: SH, GB, IMc, PM.
English literature - 59: KW, DN, AM, CF.

(the) English nanny - 1: CF, DN. 775: RN, PM.

(the) English Riviera - 526: JC, LS.
English slang - 21: KW, CF.
English sparkling wine - 849: PM, LT, TR.
(an) Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman - 806: RWa, GB.
enigma - 497: DN, TH, GN, LS.
enjoying life - 78: DN, CF.
enjoying myself - 133: AM, KW, CF.
enough - 155: JM, PJ, KW.
enough money - 290: PJ, BT, KW, TBT.
(the) Entente Cordiale - 14: CF, DN.
enthusiasm - 53: KW.
entrepreneurs - 492: PJ, SFr, PM.
entymophobia - 203: CF, PJ.
envy - 647: GN, PM, JE.
epics - 356: PJ, KW.
epicureanism - 218: CF, PJ, AMa.
Epicurus - 274: KW.
epitaphs - 484: PM, DN, GN.
equal pay for women - 43: GJ, KW, CF.
(the) Equator - 157: BT, DN, CF.
Erasmus Darwin - 246: KW, SH, DN.
ERM - 434: PJ, CF.
Eros - TV1: TS, TH, KHH. 714: CF, PM, JL.
escaping from a maze - 335: CF, VW, KW.
escaping from an awful party - 803: SH, PM, JL.
escapology - 320: PJ, KW.
Eskimos - 582: CF, PM.
ESP - 338: KW, PJ.
Esperanto - 520: PJ, TH. 595: TH, RN, JE.
espionage - 135: CF, DN, KW.
(the) essential sausage - 234: CF, GG.
essentials - 99: CF, KW, PJ.
establishment - 203: MPa.
estate agents - 426: CF, PJ. 571: SP, TH, KHH.
estate agents I have known - 378: PJ, CF, ES.
estimates - 170: SH, DN.
etcetera - 427: CQ, PM, CF.
(the) eternal optimist - 688: JD, PM, LT, CF. TV49: PJu, SP, PM.
etiquette - TV40: WR, LS, SPu, MM.
(the) etiquette of queuing - 639: RG, JSe, PM.
Eton - TV14: TB, TS, NM, HH.
(an) Eton mess - 807: GB, RK, RH, PM.
Euclid - 251: KW, CF.

Eugene Henri Paul Gaugin - 226: KW, DN, SH. 269: KW, JBa, DN.
Eujanius the Fourth - 177: KW, AM, CF.
euphemisms - 443: JR, SF.
euphoria - 159: PJ, JM, DN.
eureka - TV39: GW, GB.
(an) eureka moment - 734: GN, SP.
euro - TV38: BS, SPo, BC, JSe.
Europe - 433: DN, PJ.
Eurostar - 768: JC, RW, PJu.
evasivesness - 307: PJ, KW.
Evelyn Waugh - 810: RK, GB, RH.
even the odds - 675: PM, TH, CF.
ever decreasing circles - TV29: BC, SPo, JSe.
Everest - 286: DN.
every trick in the book - 672: PM, ML, PA.
evolution - 35: KW, DN, CF, GJ. 215: CF, MPa, KW.
(the) evolution of intelligence - 847: GN, SH, PM.
exam revision - 827: VF, JC.
examinations - 605: TH, RN, GN.
excess baggage - TV43: CB, SFr.
exchange - 195: PJ, CF.
excitement - 228: KW. 263: KW, CF.
excuses - 143: SH, PJ.
excuses for being late - 1: WE, CF. TV58: PM, SF.
exercise - 78: DN, CF. 419: JJ, PJ, DN. 422: PJ, WR, CF.
exhibitionism - 276: KW, DN.
exhortations - 155: KW.
existentialism - 629: CF, TH, JC.
exit pursued by a bear - 841: DT.
(an) exotic dish - 13: AM, CF, DN.
expense accounts - 380: CF, PJ, DN.
(the) experiment - 495: CF, DN, KHH.
experts - 302: PJ, DN, CF, KW.
explaining a joke - 802: PM, RH, JE.
explorers - 470: PJ, DN.
exploring a hotel room - 836: KG, SM, GB.
expostulate - 456: KHH, PM.
extra virgin olive oil - 445: TH, DN, PM.
extravaganza - 446: TH, DN, PJ.
extreme sports - 600: RN.
(the) eye of the beholder - 823: FG, TH.
eyes and teeth - 482: TR, PM, CF.
eyewash - 119: CF, KW.
Ezra Pound - 239: KW, DN.

fables - 239: PJ, SH. 253: SH, DN.

(the) face in the crowd - 508: PM, CF, FM.
face powder - 197: AMa, CF, KW.
face saving - 301: CF, PJ, DN.
facelifts - 605: GN, TH.
faces suitable for custard pies - 315: DN, GB, PJ.
facial hair - 568: GN, PM. 855: MB, LBe, GB.
facing the music - 695: CF, PM, RN.
fads - 314: ML, TR, JJ, KW.
faggots - 274: CF, KW, PC.
faith hope and charity - 563: LS, KHH, CN.
fair - 421: PM, CF. 442: PM, CF, GP.
(a) fair cop - 628: TH, CN, LS, TR.
fairgrounds - 257: JW, KW, CF. 346: BC, TR, PJ.
(the) fairy on top of the Christmas tree - 79: CF, LF, KW, DN.
fairy tale endings - 622: GN, CF.
fake tan - 656: RN, PM. 789: LT.
fake tans - 594: PM, GN.
fakes - TV48: RMo, KB, GB.
fallacies - 49: KW, SH. 347: PJ, DN, CF.
fallen arches - 71: DC, CF.
falling in love - 353: PJ, HK, KW.
falling off a log - 738: TH, SP, PM.
falling out of bed - 352: KW.
(a) false economy - 542: KHH, JC. 667: CA, CF, PM, GN.
false teeth - 53: DN, CF.
Falstaff - 841: DT.
fame - 653: PA, CF.
families - TV33: JBr, TH, GB, PJ.
(the) family album - 198: DN, CF.
(the) family economy size - 138: CF, KW, PJ.
family get-togethers - 720: SK, KHH, GB.
family history - 786: TH, RH, JE.
family holidays - 769: JBy, GB, PM.
family photos - 789: SP, LT, PM.
family trees - TV39: GW, IB, LS.
family values - 690: JE, PM, CF.
(the) Famous Five - 687: JE, PM.
famous last sayings - 31: AM, CF, DN.
famous last words - 63: CF, GJ, DN. 588: PM, CF, CC. 672: PM, ML, PA.
fan letters - 539: JC, PM, KHH.
fan letters I answer - 349: KW.
fan mail - 133: CF, KW, AM, DN. TV41: RMo, GB, KB.
fancy dress - 380: CF, DN. 499: JE, TR, PJ, SFr.

fancy dress balls - 271: DN, PJ.

fancy dress costumes - JJAM12: S?, J?, PM.
fancy man - 608: RN, GN, LS, CF.
fans - 532: PM, SF, LS, CF.
fantasy - 302: KW, CF.
(the) far side of the Moon - 696: DG, MB, GB.
farce - 246: DN, SH. 379: PJ, DN, CF. 474: DN, PM, CF.
(a) farewell performance - 499: SFr, JE, TR.
farmers - 430: CF, WR.
fascinations - 219: KW, CF.
fashion - 139: SH, KW, CF, DN. 360: TR, CF, GB. 403: WR, DN, PJ, CF. 611: CC,
fashion victim - 505: GN.
fashion victims - 583: GN, TH.
fashionable bed attire - 381: KW, PJ.
fast food - 380: CF, DN. 387: CF. 501: CF, SFr, TS, DN. 807: PM.
Fat Boy Slim - 550: CF, JC, PM.
fat cats - 465: PJ, DN, CF.
fat heads - 111: JA, KW, CF.
fate - 619: JC, PM.
faucet - 488: PM, ML.
faulty equipment - 173: PJ.
faux pas - 62: DN, KW. 383: KW. TV45: LS, MC, PJ, MM. 759: PM, RN, TH.
favourite smells - 14: AM, CF, DN. 784: GN, GB, PM.
fawn - 418: PJ.
fax - 422: DN, WR, PJ.
fear - 230: NP, PJ, KW. 264: KW, DN.
(a) feast for the eyes - 682: GB, GN.
feedback - 614: TH, CF, CC, PM.
feeding - 58: NP, CF, DN.
Fellici Ozini - 228: KW, CF.
fellow feeling - 110: KW, PJ.
feminists - 54: DH, DN, CF.
(the) femme fatale - 820: RF, PM.
(a) fence - 301: KW, DN, PJ. 473: PJ, CF, TH.
feng shui - 502: PJ, PM, TH. 532: LS, CF, SF.
(the) Fenns - 542: PM, LS, JC.
(a) ferret down my trousers - 368: PJ, DN, KW.
ferreting - 470: PJ, PM, DN, CF.
festivals - 479: TH, CF, FM.
festive spirits - 863: JE, PM, SH.
fibbing - 364: PJ, KW, DN.
fibs - 66: KW, DN. 314: KW, TR, ML. 646: KRo, TH.
fiddles - 385: PJ, LP, CF. 410: PM, DN.

fiddlesticks - 122: PJ, CF. 283: DN, PJ, KW, SH.

fiddling - 310: DN, KW, CF. 608: GN, CF.
(a) fiendish mind - 508: GN, FM, CF.
fiestas - 466: DN, NM.
15 minutes of fame - 831: PK, SK, GB.
(the) fifth Beatle - TV55: PM, JMa.
(the) 50s - 629: PA, CF, TH.
fig leaves - 87: AM, DN, KW, CF.
fighting the flab - 596: CF, PM, JC.
(a) figure of speech - 760: TW, JC, PM, GN.
figures - 93: CF, AM.
Fiji - 263: DN, CF. 440: PJ, DN, JE.
filibustering - 72: CF, AM, KW, DN.
filing - 564: GN, TR, JE.
filleting fish - 521: PJ, SF, PM, MM.
fillings - 138: AM, CF. 578: LS, CF, PM.
film - 370: PJ, KW.
(the) film clinch - 280: DN, RBu, CF.
(the) film industry - 58: GJ, CF, NP, DN.
(the) films of Marilyn Monroe - 774: MJ, PA, TH.
(a) filthy night - 425: DN, TH.
(the) final curtain - 686: GN, CF.
(the) final demand - 502: CF, PJ.
(the) final twist - 508: GN, FM, PM.
financial advisers - 592: PM.
finches - 355: KW, WF, DN, PJ.
finding a caterpillar in the salad - 107: SH.
finding a parking space - 806: FM, GB, TH.
finding luggage at the airport - 413: WR, DN, CF, PJ.
fine - 417: HL, CF, PM.
(the) finest human qualities - 54: KW, DN, DH.
finger nails - 13: CF, DN.
finishing school - 362: DN, BC.
fireworks - 834: PM, SP, FS, GB.
First Baron George Jeffries - 421: CF, PM, PJ.
(the) first chapter of my autobiography - 785: JC, SP.
(the) first cheque I wrote - 861: SC, JL.
(a) first class sausage - 187: CF, PJ, SH.
(the) first cuckoo - 951: PM, SH.
(the) first day at the lingerie sale at Harrod's - TV13: TRo, RV, AS, TS.
first impressions - 535: GN, RN, CF.
first nights - 82: SH, CF, DN. 738: SP, GN, TH, PM. 790: MJ, PA, CC, PM.
(the) first of a new series - 168: KW, CF, PJ, DN.
(the) first man on the Moon - 853: PM, TR, GN.

(the) first record I ever bought - 686: PJu, GN.

(the) first sign of spring - 733: PA, GB, JE.
(the) first signs of summer - 764: TH, JC, PM.
(the) first time I appeared in public - 304: KW, DN, PJ.
(the) first time I played Just A Minute - 539: KHH, PM.
(the) first time wearing spectacles - 768: JL, RW.
(the) first woman in space - 828: SK, GB, PS, PK.
first words - 492: SFr, MM.
(the) Firth of Forth - 448: PM, DN, CF, TH.
fiscal cliff - 800: SH, PM, MB.
fish - 268: KW, DN.
fish and chips - TV42: PA.
(a) fish out of water - 661: PM, TR.
fishing - 246: BCr, DN, SH, KW. 344: MJa, DN, KW, GB. 420: SF, WR, DN, PM.
TV30: RMo, LG, RV, TO. 619: LT, JC.
fishing for compliments - 509: SFr, JE, PJ.
fishnet tights - TV41: LG, GB, RMo.
five more things to do during a power cut - 823: TH, PM, FG, GB.
five star review - 678: CF, JG, MB.
five things to do with a potato - 712: PM, JMo, TH.
five uses of the banana - 793: LT, SP, GN.
five ways to get a good night's sleep - 747: TH, AC, PM.
fixations - 244: MP, PJ, DN. 261: PJ, DN.
fixing roulette wheels - 351: CF, DN, KW.
flamboyancy - 98: KW, CF, KWh.
flannel - 429: PM, CF, TS, WR. 515: CF, TH.
(a) flash in the pan - 352: MJa, DN, PJ.
(a) flat battery - 523: CF, GN.
flat feet - 208: SH, PJ. TV48: LG, GB.
flat hunting - 43: CF, KW, DN.
flat sharing - 593: LS, CN, CF.
flat stomachs - 588: CC, CF, TH.
flattery - 468: CF, DN, PM.
fleece - 460: PJ, KHH, CF.
flies - 117: DN, CF, KW. TV32: LS, WR, PJ.
flight - 307: KW, PJ.
flirting - 507: PM, SF, CF.
flirting with disaster - 672: ML, DO, PA.
floating voter - 484: GN, GP, DN.
floral dancing - 169: DN, KW, JM.
Florence - 323: KW, GB.
Florence Nightingale - 762: JL, PM.
Florida - 278: PJ, DN.
flower power - 621: SP, PM, RN, GN. 659: PM, PMc, OO.

fluffing - 428: PM, DN, RMo.

(a) flutter - 470: PM, CF, PJ, DN.
fly on the wall - 498: TH, PJ.
flying a kite - JJAM3: JCal, FD. 831: SK, GB, PK, PS.
flying by the seat of my pants - 478: PM, CF.
flying off the handle - 545: JE, TR, TH, GN.
flying saucers - 199: PMo, PJ, CF. 450: PM.
focus groups - 511: JE, PJ, SFr.
foibles - 61: CF, DN. 480: DN.
follies - 109: PJ, SH, KW. 463: PJ, GN.
following your nose - 714: PM, CF.
(the) folly of youth - 771: PA, TH, MJ.
(the) font of all knowledge - 816: GB, PA, PM.
food allergies - 776: JE, GB.
(the) food of the gods - 815: GB, TH.
(a) fool - 92: CF, AM.
fooling around - 813: PM, SP.
foolishness - 267: PJ, AMa, PMo. 417: PM, HL, PJ, CF. 799: RH, JE, PM.
fools - 246: KW, SH, DN, BCr. 297: KW, PJ, TBT. 372: KW, DN, SH.
(a) fool's paradise - 147: PJ, DN, KW. 720: GB, PM, KHH.
footlights - 401: DN, JMu, TR. 439: LSi, PJ.
footsie - 654: SP, CC, PM.
for what I would like to be remembered - 188: DN, CF, AM.
for what we are about to receive - 693: PM, CF.
forbidden fruit - 484: PM, DN. 673: CA, PM, GN, CF.
forecasts - 416: WR, PM, SF, DN.
foreign hotels - 117: DN, AM, CF.
forever and ever - 698: PM, RG.
forewords - 326: PJ, DN, KW, NP.
forge - 447: TH, CF.
forgeries - 429: WR, PM, TS.
forget-me-nots - 133: KW, DN, AM.
forgetting names - 750: IMc, GB, PM.
forgetting the tagline - 259: PJ, CF, DN.
forging ahead - 380: DN, CF, PJ.
(a) fork in the road - 855: PM, GB, MB.
form - 391: CF, WR, LP.
fortitude - 140: PJ, AMa, CF.
fortune - 224: DN, CF.
(a) fortune teller - 744: LT, JSe, PM.
fortune tellers - 584: LS, CN, BB, TH. 685: JG, GB, TH, KHH.
fortune telling - 339: LPu, KW. 372: DN, KW, TR. 460: PM, KHH.
forty winks - 801: AC, GB, SM, PM.
fossils - 465: PM, PJ.

foul play - 479: DN, TH, CF. 718: GB.

(the) fountain of youth - 666: NM, PM, SP.
four poster beds - 604: CC, PM.
(the) four seasons - TV30: LG, RV, TO, RMo.
(the) fourth Earl Ross to say nothing of his 52 inch reflector - 212: PMo, CF,
(the) fourth wall - 680: TH, PM, CF.
fowl - 239: DN, SH.
fox - 397: BC, DN.
Francis Bacon - 252: KW, CF. 429: CF, PM, WR.
Francois Marie Allouiet - 267: KW, PJ, PMo.
Francophile - 504: SFr, JE, PJ.
Frankenstein - TV56: SM, SP.
freckles - 539: LS, PM, JC.
Frederick Chopin - 531: CF, PM, TR.
Frederick the Great - 88: KW, CF, DN.
(a) free lunch - 536: GN.
free papers - 722: RH, JG, SP.
free speech - 51: CF, DN, KW. 812: GP, SP.
free spirits - 854: SH, PM.
freebies - 614: TH, CC, PM.
freeloaders - 424: WR, PM, TS.
freeze - 287: DN, PJ.
(the) French - 741: SH, RN, TH.
French bread - 802: RH, JE, PM, JC.
French dressing - 801: GB, PM.
French exchange - 821: SH, RH.
French toast - 771: MJ, TH, PA, GB.
frengle - 527: LS, GN.
freshers' week - 716: JMo, TH.
(a) Freudian slip - 808: GN, PM.
Friday - 71: KW, DN, CF.
(a) friend in need - 812: PM.
(the) friendliest one I know - 243: DN, CF, PJ.
friends - 392: DN, CT, CF, BC. 406: CF, DN, WR. 473: FM, CF.
friends I don't like - 189: SH, DN, CF.
friends in high places - 523: MJa, SFr, CF, GN.
friendship - 50: KW, CF. 91: AM, CF, PJ. 335: KW, PJ, VW. TV47: SPu, MM,
fright - 99: KW, CF. 145: CF, JM.
(the) fright of my life - 211: AMar, DN, CF.
frightening noises - 250: PJ, KW, CF.
frightening people - 54: DN, CF.
(the) fringe - 535: PM, CF, GN.

fringe benefits - 597: PM, GP, DO.

fripperies - 458: MM, DN, PM.
frogs - 48: CF, KW. 332: KW, TR, LPu, PJ.
frogs' legs - 232: DN, KW, CF.
frolics - 175: AM, PJ. 396: BC, PJ.
(the) front row of this audience - TV58: JC, SF.
frozen assets - 733: GB.
frozen food - 109: SH.
frozen peas - 856: GB, SC, AC, PM.
fruit - 293: KW, SH, DN.
fruit cake - 676: CN, TR, PM.
fruit cup - 107: CF, SH, PJ.
fudge - 371: PJ, KW. 382: WR, DN, CF, KW. 467: PM, CF. 575: CF, PM, RN.
(a) full house - 195: CF, KW, PJ, AMar. 464: PM, CF, PJ, DN. 575: RN, GP, CF.
(a) full life - 167: DN, CF, KW.
(the) full monty - 497: TH, GN.
(the) full shilling - 505: CF, PM.
fun - 176: KW, SH, PJ. 378: ES.
fun and games - 232: PJ, CF. 383: RM, DN. 396: BC, CF, WR.
fun fairs - 592: CF, SH.
(a) fun guy - 532: CF, SF, PM. 724: SWe, GB, PM.
fun in Scunthorpe - 351: CF, SH, DN.
(the) fun of bath night - 318: KW, SH.
(the) fun of spending - 267: PJ, PMo.
fun on the trampoline - 335: PJ, CF.
fun with snails - 331: CF.
(the) function of a good waiter - 40: CF, DN.
fungus - TV38: BC, SPo, BS, JSe.
funny people - 742: PM.
(a) funny thing happened to me on the way to the studio - 210: AMar, PJ,
funny valentine - 797: PM, SP.
fur coats and no nickers - 805: PM, PA, KE.
(a) fur tippet - 52: KW, AMa.
furry dice - 563: CN, PM, KHH.
future inventions - 315: PJ, KW, GB.
(the) future of radio - 671: PM, TH, SP.
fuzz - 49: CF, DN, SH.
gadgetry - 200: PJ, SH.
gadgets - 690: MB, JE.
gags - 63: CF, KW, GJ. 406: DN, WR.
Galileo - 855: GB, PM, LBe.
gambits - 252: CF, DN.
gambling - 28: KW, LB, DN.

game set and match - 590: PM, CF, TH, CC.

game show hosts - TV11: JS, TS, LSi, JBr.
games - 475: CF, PM, PJ, AS.
(the) gang - 500: FM, PM.
gangsters - 449: PJ, KHH, PM.
gap years - 718: KHH, GB.
garages - 392: BC, DN, CF, CT.
(the) Garden of Eden - 331: NP, CF. 845: JL, TH.
garden gnomes - 400: WR, RM, PJ, PM. 424: CF, PM. TV44: TH, WR, SFr. 542:
(a) garden party - 739: JE, GB.
garden worms - 400: PJ, PM, WR.
Garibaldi - 85: KW, DN, SH. 315: KW, PJ.
gas - 2: CF, CBi, SH, DN. 187: KW, CF, SH.
gas chromatography - 235: MP, PJ, JB.
(the) gatecrasher - 506: TS, CF, DN.
gatecrashing - 7: DN, CF.
(a) gathering storm - 743: SKA, FM, PM, JE.
Gaugin - 785: SP, JC, PM.
gear - 505: CF.
geisha girls - TV31: LS, GB, IB, GW.
Gemini - 189: CF, DN, SH.
genealogy - 353: CF, HK.
Genghis Khan - 862: AH, GB, TH, SP.
genie in a bottle - 805: KE, GN, PM.
genius - 256: KW. 474: JC, PM, DN.
Genoa - 436: DN, CF.
gentleman's relish - TV48: KB, LG.
gentlemen prefer blondes - 115: PJ, KW, CF.
(the) gentleman thief - 499: PJ, JE, TR.
(the) geometric markings near Nascar in Peru - 288: TR, PJ, CF.
Geordies - 425: TH, DN, CF. 518: CF, PM. 654: PM, TH, CC.
George Bernard Shaw - 597: LS, CN, CF, TH.
George Elliot - 218: KW, PJ.
George Peabody - 242: KW.
George Nathaniel Curzon - 273: KW, PC.
Georgian architecture - 766: SP, SF.
gerry-building - 396: WR, BC, CF.
(the) get out clause - 493: ML, PJ, PM.
(the) getaway car - 504: TR, JE, SFr.
getting a break - 22: GJ, CF, KW. 48: MLi, KW. 415: CF, ML, DN.
getting a duck - 205: CF, AMa, PJ, PMo. 238: CF, PJ.
getting a good cup of tea outside of England - 848: SF, PM.
getting a good start - 285: KW, PJ. 330: KW, CF.

getting a little extra - 147: DN, KW, PJ.

getting a lot of letters - 192: CF, SH.
getting a ship into the bottle - 216: PJ, KW, DN.
getting a shock - 299: KW, CF, DN, JJ.
getting a tan - 311: PJ, KW, SH, GB. 581: RN, PM.
getting a thrill - 339: KW.
getting a word in edgeways - 74: KW, CF.
getting abroad for the holidays - 342: DN, JBad, CF.
getting across - 168: PJ, CF.
getting ahead - 82: DN.
getting animated - 378: KW, PJ.
getting at an itch in the middle of my back - 324: DN, JR, KW.
getting away from it all - 704: JC, CA, SP.
getting away with it - 185: BC, CF, KW, DN. 329: JR, AMa, KW, CF. 742: PM,
JBi, GB.
getting booked - 336: LPu, TR, PJ.
getting bubbles into soda water - 18: NP, KW.
getting carried away - 188: KW, CF, AM, DN.
getting comfortable - 125: SH, DN.
getting confused - 405: RM. 452: PJ, PM, WR.
getting cut off - 145: WM, PJ.
getting dressed on a public beach - 38: KW, DN, CF, MK.
getting dressed on the beach - 333: BJ, DN, PJ.
getting found out - 757: SK, GB, RW.
getting frantic - 417: PJ, HL, PM, CF.
getting ice cubes out of the tray - 296: BC, GG.
getting in a flap - 94: PJ, CF.
getting in a frenzy - 278: KW, CF.
getting in a jam - 162: DN, PJ, CF, AM.
getting in first - 480: DN, GP, GN.
getting into bed - 334: CF, KW, JJ, DN.
getting into debt - 89: DN, KW, CF.
getting into hot water - 443: SF, PM.
getting into trouble - 160: KW, PJ, CF.
getting knotted - 121: CF, AMa, PJ, KW.
getting launched on the waters of oratory - 126: KW, PJ, CF.
getting locked in - 338: CF, TR, PJ.
getting locked out - 356: PJ, BC.
getting lost - TV22: RV, TS, DW, CCh.
getting measured for a suit - 179: AMar, KW, PJ.
getting my hair cut - JJAM12: J?, S?, PM.
getting my high heel caught in the pavement - 28: LB, CF, KW.
getting nicked - 174: DN, CF.
getting noticed - 341: PJ, DN, WF.

getting on with other people - 46: CF, DN, KW, AM.

getting out of an awkward position - 291: AMa, PJ, CF.
getting out of jail - 19: CF, NP, KW.
getting pinched - 189: PJ, DN.
getting plastered - 469: TH, CF.
getting ready for breakfast - 206: PJ, DN, SH. 224: PJ, SH, DN.
getting ready for the hols - 170: DN, PJ, SH.
getting ready to go out - 64: KW, CF, SH.
getting ready to go to bed - 8: LB.
getting rich - 215: PJ, CF, KW.
getting rid of ants - 160: AM, PJ, KW, CF.
getting rid of hiccups - 751: JC, PM, SP, KE.
getting rid of wasp's nests - 191: DN, PJ.
getting round Nicholas - 428: PM, DN, RMo.
getting round people - 178: DN, CF, SH, PJ.
getting sent - 231: DN, MP. 286: DN, BMo. TV22: TS, RV, DW.
getting started - 261: KW, DN.
getting stuck in the lift - 328: PJ, VW, CF.
getting stung - 320: KW, LG, DN.
getting the audience excited - 375: KW.
getting the baby to sleep - 311: SH, KW, PJ.
getting the best of an argument - 30: CF, DN, GJ, KW.
getting the best out of your radio - 169: JM, PJ.
getting the bird - 442: PJ, GP, PM, CF.
getting the wind up - 90: KW, AM, CF.
getting the winkle out - 324: DN, KW.
getting to grips - 307: KW, DC, DN, PJ.
getting to sleep - 85: SH, DN. 325: JBe, KW. 418: WR, CF, PJ.
getting up early - 88: CF, DN.
getting up in the morning - 52: CF, KW, DN. 573: JE, CF. J8: JL, JE, SSm.
getting uptight - 358: KW, CF. 388: PJ, CF, DN.
getting wound up - 173: KW, CF, AM. 259: KW, DN.
getting your five a day - 797: PM, SP, JMa.
getting your toe caught in the bath tap - 413: PJ, CF, DN.
geysers - 103: CF, KW. 211: DN, AMar.
(the) gherkin - 437: HD, TH. 706: JC, CF, PM.
(the) ghost at the BBC - 282: KEv, PJ, KW, CF.
ghost hunting - 68: DC, DN, KW.
ghost stories - 698: CF, MMc, RG.
(the) ghost train - 799: PM, JC, RH.
ghost writers - 721: SP, MMc.
ghost writing - 403: CF, DN, TR.
ghosts - 440: DN, JE, CF.
giant strides - 675: DG, TH, PM.

giants - 305: KW, CF.

(the) giant's causeway - 482: TR, CF, GK. 806: GB, TH.
gibberish - 57: NP, DN, KW.
Gilbert and Sullivan - 537: TH, CF, LS.
gin - 293: KW.
ging gang goolie - 678: MB, PM, CF.
ginger - 431: CF, PM. 566: CF, GN.
Giotto - 328: KW.
(the) giraffe - 555: CF, CC, RN, GN.
giraffes - 227: PJ, JB.
girdles - 61: DN, AM.
girl Friday - TV39: LS, GW, GB, IB.
(the) girl next door - 631: PM, CF, CN.
girl power - 485: TR, PM, GK.
girls - 119: DN, CF, PJ.
(a) girl's best friend - 649: LT, KHH, CN, PM.
Girolamo Savonarola - 350: KW, TR.
giving a back-handed compliment - 815: AC, GB, PK.
giving a short address - 53: DN, CF.
giving advice - 205: PJ, AMa, CF.
giving someone the elbow - 796: JE, TH.
giving up smoking - 29: DN, CF. 832: SH, PM, JLy.
giving your all - 504: SFr, TR, PJ.
gizmoes - 442: GP, CF, PM. 514: RV, PJ, PM.
glad rags - 513: GP, PJ. 807: RH, PM, GB.
gladiators - 446: TH, JH.
(the) Gladstone bag - 221: KW, PJ.
Gladys Heginbotham - 221: KW, PJ, CF, GG.
Glamorgan - 446: TH, PJ.
glamour - 404: DN, CF. 410: DN, PM, CF, ST.
(the) glamour of Solihull - TV24: DW, TS, KHH.
Glasgow - 477: CF, DN.
(the) glass ceiling - 488: PJ, ML, PM. TV34: WR, BC. 646: TH, CF, KRo.
(the) Glens of Antrim - 485: CF, PM, GK, TR.
(the) glitterati - 513: PM, CF.
glitz and glamour - 704: JC, PM.
global warming - 709: GB, PM, SP.
(the) Globe Theatre - 798: SM, GB.
(the) glorious 12th - 483: DN, PJ, CF.
glory - 380: KW, PJ.
glued to the box - 756: GN, PM, JC.
gluttony - 244: PJ, DN. 463: GN, TH.
gnomes - 596: PM, CF, RN.
gnu - 619: CF, LT, PM.

goats - 236: DN, PMo, KW, CF.

gobbledegook - 387: KW.
(the) gods of ancient Rome - 780: KHH, PM.
God's own counry - 599: LT, CC, PM.
going about - 363: CF, WF.
going bananas - 382: KW, DN.
going dutch - 476: PM, KHH, PJ.
going for a song - 472: CF, PM, PJ.
going green - 740: JSe, SP, PM.
going off the deep end - 312: KW, VW, PJ. 328: KW, CF.
going off the rails - 628: CN, TH, TR. 857: GB, PM, JLy.
going on safari - 804: GN, JMa, PM.
going on tour - 760: JC, GN.
going over the top - 225: KW, RA.
going south for the winter - 799: JE, PM, JC.
going to the cinema - 585: PM, SFr, RN. TV55: JMa, SK, HB. JJAM12: S?, J?,
going to the dentist - 580: PA.
going to the dogs - 289: BC, LP, KW, CF. 440: CF, JE, PJ. TV6: TBl, TS. TV35:
going to the dump - 785: PM, JC, SP.
going to the gym - 532: SF, CF. 830: JE, VF.
going to the hairdresser - 13: CI, DN, CF.
going to the hairdressers - 550: PM, JE, CF. 750: SH, PM, GB.
going to the library - 649: CN, PM.
going to the local - 175: AM, DN, CF.
going to the optician - 557: SF, CF, PM, LT.
going to the supermarket - 598: CN, LS, CF, TH.
going to the zoo - 634: CF.
going to Zanzibar - 729: JL, JMo.
going too far - 202: KW, LF, CF. 309: KW.
going up in the world - 274: KW, CF, PC.
going viral - 846: MB, GB.
Gol Conda - 223: KW, DN, CF.
gold - 256: PJ, CF, KW. 383: KW, CF.
(the) Gold Cup - 614: CF, CC, PM.
(the) gold rush - 689: PM, TH, GN, SP.
gold shares - 16: CF, DN.
(the) golden age of steam - 496: DN.
(the) golden fleece - 131: KW, CF, PJ.
golden oldies - 624: GN, SP, PM.
(a) golden opportunity - 846: MB, GB.
Goldilocks - 322: KW, MKi, PJ, CF.
golf - 85: DN, CF, KW.

gomphosis - 195: KW, AMar, CF.

good advice - 479: TH, DN.
(a) good bedside manner - 510: CF, PJ.
(a) good buy - 273: CF, KW, BT, PC.
(a) good conversation - 814: JE, PM.
good cop bad cop - 630: KHH, PM, LS, CF.
(a) good date - 425: WR, DN, CF.
(a) good dodge - 469: PJ.
(a) good education - 623: DO, PM, JE.
(a) good egg - 479: FM, TH, DN. 540: SP, GN, PM.
(a) good excuse - TV26: DW, TS, AS.
(a) good fiddle - 248: PJ, KW, CF.
good food - 314: TR, KW.
(a) good hand - 420: DN, SF, PM. 544: CF.
(a) good innings - 813: HBl, SP, PM.
(a) good laugh - 764: JC, PM.
(a) good limerick - 809: GB, TH, FM.
(a) good line - 169: DN, JM.
good luck - 321: KW, CF.
good manners - TV48: LG, KB, GB, RMo. 587: CN, BB, TH.
(a) good meal - 378: CF, KW.
(a) good night out - 388: CF, DN.
good nights - 448: DN, CF.
(the) good old days - 529: CF, TH. 548: TH, TR.
(a) good part to play - 413: PJ, DN, CF, WR.
(a) good party - 433: PM, CFe, DN.
(a) good plot - 657: PM, TH, CC.
good plots - 55: DN, CF.
(a) good read - 498: PJ, PM, TH.
(a) good rebus - 331: PJ, DN, NP.
(a) good role - 266: CF, PC.
(a) good role model - 817: JC, LT, PM.
(a) good rule of thumb - 475: PM, AS, PJ. 535: CF, PM, RN.
good salesmanship - 258: PJ, SH, CF, KW.
(a) good Samaritan - TV38: JSe, BS, BC, SPo.
(a) good service - 301: DN, CF.
(a) good soap - 527: LS, TH, GN, CF.
(a) good subject - 362: BC, DN.
good taste - 478: CF, PM.
(a) good trip - 780: PM, KHH, JL.
(a) good turn - 370: PJ, DN, KW.
good turns - 595: JE, RN, TH, CF.
good value - 435: PJ.
(a) good yarn - 478: PM, CF, PJ.

goodness - 99: PJ, CF.

goose pimples - 677: CF, PM, FM, JCa.
goodwill - 132: CF, PJ, KW.
goody two shoes - 522: PM, SF, MM.
gooey buns - 278: CF, DN.
googling yourself - 814: JC, JE.
googly - 495: KHH, CF, DN.
(the) Goons - 843: GB, SK, JE.
(the) goose - 334: CF, DN. 462: CF, PM, DN.
(the) goose fair - 527: GN, CF.
gorilla tactics - 689: GN, TH, PM.
gorillas - 62: DN, CF. 201: PJ, DN.
gossip - 91: AM, KW. 497: GN, DN, TH. 816: PA, SM, PM.
gossipping - 31: AM, DN, CF.
Goya - 426: CF, DN, PJ.
grace - 46: DN, KW. 465: CF, PM, DN.
graffiti - 255: KW, CF, PJ. 409: DN, CF. 523: CF, GN, SFr. 784: AC, GB, GN.
(a) grand finale - 604: PM, KHH, CC.
(a) grand occasion - 373: KW.
(a) grand opening - 260: KW, PMo, AMa.
grandiloquence - 21: KW, CF.
Granny's cooking - 723: PM, CC, JE.
grant - 264: KW, PJ.
grasping at straws - 659: PM, CF.
grasping the needle - 647: PM, JE, GN, CF.
gratuities - 487: CF, DN, JC.
gravy - 168: CF, DN, KW, PJ.
(the) gravy train - 531: CF, AG, PM, TR.
gread and gutter - 238: RA.
(a) great adventure - 746: TH, RN, SH.
(the) great American novel - 841: SF, JC.
(the) great bed of where - 104: KW, CF.
(the) great British public - TV47: MM, WR.
(a) great catch - 756: TW, JC.
(the) great escape - 452: PM, LSi, PJ.
great escapes - 637: PM, JE, GB.
great expectations - 674: GB, JC, PM.
great inventions - TV50: SF, PM, JC.
great moments - 327: BJ, DN, PJ.
great music - 304: IM, DN.
(the) great nebula in Andromeda - 191: PJ, DN, KW, AM.
great painters - 430: AMc, WR, DN.
great paintings - 294: KW, DN.
(a) great party - 439: PM, LSi, PJ.

(the) Great Piazza Coffee House - 259: KW, DN, CF.

great silent films - 371: TR, PJ, KW, DN.
great strides - 759: TH, PM.
(the) Great Wall of China - 599: CC, PM.
great walls - 445: DN, TH, PM.
(the) greatest influence of my life - 307: DC, DN, KW.
(the) greatest invention of our age - 114: AM, CF, PJ.
(the) greatest President of the USA - 285: JJ, DN, PJ.
(the) greatest woman who ever lived - 283: SH, KW.
Greece - 142: DN, CF, KW. 418: CF, WR, PJ.
greed - 367: PJ, WF.
Greek gods - 401: TR, DN, JMu, CF. 452: LSi.
Greek myths - 523: CF, MJa, GN.
Greek tragedy - 803: JL, SH.
Greeks bearing gifts - 854: SH, MMc, PM.
(the) green belt - TV14: TS, NM, HH. TV17: TS, CM, MF, DW.
(the) green eye of the little yellow god - 249: CF, PJ, KW.
(the) green eyed monster - 512: PM, SF.
green fingers - 514: PM, CF. 622: LS, PM, CF.
green jellybabies - 367: CF, WF, PJ.
(the) green room - 746: TH, SH, RN.
greenhouse plants - 10: RHo.
Greenland - 733: GB, PM, JE.
greens - 383: RM. 421: TH, PM, CF. 473: TH, FM, CF, PJ.
Greenwich mean time - 651: PM, JC.
Gretna Green - 358: DN, PJ. 799: JC, PM.
grey power - 647: CF, JE, GN.
Greyfriars Bobby - 834: GB, FS, PM.
greyhounds - 382: CF, DN.
grim up north - 788: JE, TH.
gripping the audience - 370: KW, AMar, DN.
groceries in Grantham - TV17: DW, TS, MF.
grockles - 648: PM, GB, TH, CF.
gross impertinence - 140: KW, PJ, CF.
grounds - 422: CF, DN, WR.
groupies - 726: GB.
grouse - 432: PM, JS, PJ.
growing a beard - 803: SH, JL.
growing a moustache - 604: PM, KHH.
growing bananas - 819: PM, TH, GB.
growing old - 460: PJ, PM, CF.
growing old gracefully - 584: TH, CN.
growing sprouts - 461: DN, FM, TH.
growing tomatoes - 824: SH, JL.

grumpiness - 647: JE, GN, PM.

grumpy - 573: CF, GB, CN.
grunting female tennis players - 771: TH, GB.
gruntling - 257: PJ, KW.
Guacino - 215: KW, MPa, CF.
Guernsey - 501: DN, CF.
guests who stay too long - 836: SM, KG.
guides - 233: AMar, SH. 466: NM, PM.
guilding the lily - 497: GN, TH, LS.
guilt - 429: TS, CF, PM, WR.
guinea pigs - TV43: SFr, WR, CB, TH. 532: PM, CF.
gunge - 92: PJ, AM, KW.
(a) gut feeling - 745: JE, GN, GB.
(the) gutter press - 570: PM, LS, RN.
Guy Fawkes - 860: JWi, JE.
gym - 467: GN.
habits - 35: DN, CF. 277: DN, CF. 375: DN, PJ. 458: MM, DN, PM.
(a) habitual lie - 825: AC, PM.
hackneyed phrases - 29: CF, DN, GJ.
Hadrian - 102: KW, AM, PJ.
haggis - 436: EI, DN, PM, CF.
hail - 355: DN, PJ.
hailing a taxi - TV5: TS, TH.
hair - 52: AMa, CF.
hair loss - 707: CC, PM.
(the) hair of the dog - 481: PJ, PM, CF. 536: GP, PM, CF.
hairs - 443: JR, PM, SF.
hairy legs - 116: KW, CF, AMa, PJ. TV45: PJ, MC, MM, LS.
(the) haka - 861: JC, JL.
halcyon days - 478: CF, KHH, PM.
halfterm - TV48: KB, GB, LG.
halfwits - 376: TR, KW.
hallelujah - 841: PM, SF, DT.
Halley's comet - 315: DN, GB. 348: KW, DN, MJa, PJ.
Halloween - JJAM3: JE, FD.
hallucinations - 311: GB, KW, SH.
ham - 236: DN, PMo, KW, CF.
ham rolls - 73: DN, KW.
(a) ham sanwich - 799: PM, RH, JE. 848: PM, DT, JC.
Hamlet - 56: KW, DN. 321: KW, CF.
Hampstead to Putney by bus - TV4: CF, RV, TH, TS.
handbags - 639: JSe, PM.
handicap - 98: CF, KW, PJ.
handle - 367: KW, WF.

hand-me-downs - 770: GB, RK, SK, PM. 855: LBe, MB, GB.
handyman - 489: PJ, MM, PM.
handymen - 640: PM, GB, GN, SP.
hang gliding - 200: CF, PJ. TV45: LS, PJ, MM, MC.
hanging about - 158: SH, DN, PJ, CF.
hanging on to your money - 257: KW, JW, PJ.
hanging out the washing - 184: SH, DN.
hanging wallpaper - 180: KW, DN, AM.
hangover cures - 243: CF, PJ.
hangovers - TV35: MC, MM. 523: GN, CF, SFr.
Hannibal - 210: KW, PJ, CF.
happenings - 95: KW.
(the) happiest day of my life - 147: KW, SH.
happily ever after - 673: GN, CA.
happiness - 40: KW, DN, CF. 105: PJ, CF, AM. 337: CF, KW, BC.
(the) happiness index - 786: PS, TH, JE.
happy as Larry - 499: TR, JE, SFr. 621: RN, SP, PM, GN.
happy day - 386: PJ, CT.
happy families - 172: BC, CF, PJ.
happy hour - 552: CF, PM, SFr. 680: TH, PM. TV58: PM, SF, JC.
(a) hard boiled egg - 497: TH, DN, LS.
hard lines - 222: PJ, MP, KW.
hard times - 475: PJ, AS, PM, CF.
(the) hardest lesson of all - 511: PJ, JE, KHH.
hardly anything - 135: KW, DN, CF.
hardy perennials - 603: GB, NR.
Harley Street - 727: GB, PM, JC.
Harold Lloyd - 389: CF, PJ.
harvest festival - 859: TH, GB.
has-beens - 524: CF, SFr.
hats - 111: JA, KW, CF.
(a) hat-trick - 854: PA, PM.
haunted theatres - 345: JBad, KW.
haunting - 447: KHH, CF.
hauntings - 289: KW.
(a) haven - 474: DN, CF, JC.
having a ball - 501: CF, DN, SFr.
having a barbecue - JJAM2: HM, JE, K?.
having a bubble bath - 135: DN, CF.
having a double - TV16: DW, TS, RV.
having a duvet day - 747: TH, KHH, PM.
having a field day - 54: KW, CF, DN.
having a good time in the desert - TV52: PM, LT.
having a knees-up - 648: CF, GB, TH, PM.

having a nice day - 370: PJ, KW, AMar.

having fun - 281: AMa, KW, CF, PJ.
having fun in Farnham - TV21: TS, CF, HL, DW.
having my hair done - 42: SH, DN, CF. 136: SH, PJ. 315: GB, DN, KW. 430:
WR, DN, AMc.
having my photograph taken - 65: DN, SH, CF.
having my picture taken - 271: PJ, KW, RA. J10: ESl, JE, R?, JL.
having the car serviced - 152: CF, KW, AMar.
having the last say - 561: TR, TH, JE, GN.
having women in the show - 188: KW. 291: KW, CF, AMa, PJ.
having your cake and eating it - 813: HBl, RK.
hay fever - 15: AM, CI. 465: DN, CF, PJ. 569: GB, CN, JE. 696: MB, GB, DG.
(the) head and the heart - 848: JC, PM, SF.
header tanks - 366: CF, KW, TR.
health food - 552: CF, SFr, PM.
health food shops - 406: PJ, DN, CF, WR.
healthy scepticism - 658: CF, PM, RN.
(a) healthy start to the day - 796: TH, AC.
Heath Robinson contraptions - 285: DN, JJ, PJ.
Heathcliff - TV34: TH, SFr, BC, WR.
heather - 459: TH, DN.
Heathrow - TV9: TS, NM, HH.
heavenly bodies - 729: JMo, TH, JL.
heavy metal - 449: PM, JE, PJ, KHH. 846: GB, MB.
heavy weather - 494: CF, PM.
hector - 458: CF, PM, MM.
Hector Berlioz the composer - 272: PJ, CF, DN.
hedgehogs - 553: LS, GN.
hedonism - 179: KW, CF, PJ. 376: SH, DN, KW.
(the) heebie-jeebies - 112: PJ, AM, CF.
Heinrich Schwartzburg - 86: KW, CF.
helicopters - 264: DN, PJ, KW, RA.
help - 206: KW, SH.
hemlock - 241: CF, KW.
hen parties - 836: KG, SM, GB.
Henry the Eighth - 78: KW, DN. 605: TH, GN, RN.
herbal remedies - 295: KW. 379: KW, CF.
herbal teas - 593: CN, LS, CF.
Herculenean - 116: KW, CF, AMa.
Hercules - 60: KW.
Hercules and the hydra - 352: KW.
Herman Ebbinghaus - 265: KW, CF.
Hero's fountain - 126: KW, AMa, PJ.
hesitation - 18: GJ, NP, KW. 63: KW. 527: CF, TH, LS.

hey presto - 409: CF, PM, DN, PJ.

hibernating - 446: JH, DN.
hiccups - 383: KW, CF, DN. TV44: WR, SFr, BC, TH. 812: SP, JLy, PM. JJAM1:
hide - 344: DN, MJa.
hide and seek - JJAM3: FD, JCal, JL.
hieroglyphics - 830: JC, JE, PM, VF.
Hieronymus Bosch - 835: JLo, PM, SP.
high fliers - 857: GB, PM.
high heels - 518: PM, GN, CF.
(the) high jump - 542: LS, PM, KHH, JC.
(the) high life - 472: PM, PJ, CF.
high office - 675: CF, TH.
high society - 490: PJ, DN, KHH, CF.
high spirits - 138: KW, CF. 561: JE, TR, GN.
High Street coffee shops - 834: GB, FS, SP.
high summer - 533: SP, CF.
high tea - 127: PJ, DN.
(a) Highland fling - 809: FM, GB, RWa, TH.
Highland games - 575: PM, CF.
(the) Highlands - 470: PM, CF.
(the) highlight of my day - 698: MMc, RG, PM, CF.
highways and byways - 112: CF, KW.
hilarity - 258: CF, SH, KW.
Hillaire Belloc - 600: CF, RN.
Hindenburg Zeppelin - 341: KW, PJ, DN.
hip - 636: VS, SH, CF.
hip hop - 790: CC.
Hipparchus - 345: KW, CF.
hippies - 45: SH, DN, CF. 587: BB, TH, LS.
(the) hippocampus - 708: PM, CF, JC.
(the) Hippocratic oath - 858: JC, JL, SC.
hippodromes - 307: DN, DC, PJ.
(the) hippopotamus - 180: AM, DN, KW.
hippopotomonstosesquippedaliophobia - 766: SF, PM, SP.
(a) hippopotamus's point of view - 69: KW, CF.
hippos - 193: KW, AMa, DN.
hipsters - 843: JE, MB.
His Lordship - 225: RA.
(the) history of Eurovision - 805: GN.
(the) history of the world - 756: PM, GN, JC.
histrionics - 759: LT, RN, PM.
hitch-hiking - TV42: PJ, PA, WR. 806: TH, FM.
hoary jokes - 488: CF, ML, PM.

(a) hoax - 340: KW, DN. 413: DN, WR, CF.

hoaxes - 395: CF, WR.
hobgoblins - 57: DN, SH, NP. 346: PJ, KW, TR.
hobbyhorse - 498: PJ, PM.
hob-nobbing - 758: MB, SP, PM.
hocus pocus - 19: KW, NP, CF.
hogging the limelight - 589: PM, CF.
hokum - 95: CF.
holding my breath - 517: GN, PM, CF.
holding my own - 130: KW, CF.
holding the baby - 577: CC, CF, SH.
(the) hole in my sock - 189: DN, SH, PJ.
(the) hole in Noah's ark - 313: KW, GG.
holiday brochures - 13: CI, CF. 26: KW, DN, CF.
holiday insurance - 400: PM.
holiday postcards - 43: KW, CF, GJ.
holiday snaps - 204: SH, KW, WRu. 670: MB, GB.
holidays - 7: AMa, US, DN, CF. 419: DN, JJ.
Hollyhead - 633: CF, TH, VS.
Hollywood - 15: AM, CF. 94: SH, CF, PJ.
home improvement - 853: LT, GN, TR.
home movies - 84: CF, KW, DN. 233: PJ, SH, AMar.
homemade beer - 353: CF, HK.
homemade wine - 221: CF, KW.
homes - 199: CF, PMo, PJ.
honey - 335: CF, PJ, KW, VW. 842: JL, TH, PM.
Hong Kong - 230: DN, KW, PJ, NP.
honorary degrees - 712: PM, JMo, CN.
(the) honourable gentleman - 852: GB, PM.
hoodies - 651: JC, PM.
hooters - 118: KW, SH.
hoots mon - 659: OO, PM, PMc.
hop picking - 858: JL, JC, PM.
hope - 206: DN, SH. 409: PJ, DN, CF. 438: PM, AS, CF.
hope over expectations - 754: SH, SP.
hopes - 102: CF, AM.
hops - 234: GG, KW, CF. 578: RN, CF.
hopscotch - 659: PMc, CF, PM.
Horatio Bottomley - 142: KW, DN.
hormones - TV35: MM, LS, PJ.
(a) hornet's nest - 20: NP, CF, GJ. 696: GB, MB, CF.
horoscopes - 837: RK, HW, SH.
horror films - 2: CBi, SH. 453: JE, KHH, PM, PJ.
(the) horse - 101: CF, AMa.

horses - 417: CF, PM, PJ, HL.

horsing about - 486: CF, DN, PM.
hose pipes - 653: MB, GN. 787: GN, PM.
hot air - 368: CF, KW. 710: JD, JL, PM.
hot air ballooning - 167: CF, DN, PJ.
hot cross buns - 821: PM, JL.
hot dogs - 48: DN, KW, CF. 636: TH, CF.
hot pants - 624: PM, RN, SP, GN.
hot potato - 666: TH, PM.
hot springs - 280: DN, CF.
hotch potch - 270: CF, KR, KW. 457: PJ, DN, TH.
hotpot - 481: CF, AS.
house breaking - 313: DN, KW.
(the) House of Lords - TV3: TS, AS, AB.
household pests - 177: CF, KW, DN.
housekeeping - 512: PM, SF, CF, PJ.
how bankers could restore their reputation - 753: GB, PM.
how best to colonise the Moon - 35: GJ, DN, CF.
how Father Christmas gets down the chimney - 444: DN, PJ, CF, SF.
how I affect others - 114: KW, CF, PJ, AM.
how I amuse myself - 151: KW, SH.
how I apply my mascara - 103: AM, KW, PJ.
how I avoid it - 186: CF, AM, DN.
how I boiled my Christmas pudding - 132: AMa, CF, PJ.
how I carry on - 199: KW, CF, PMo.
how I choose my clothes - 196: AMa.
how I choose my stockings - 240: JB, CF, PJ, KW.
how I could improve myself - 566: SH, CF, PM, GN.
how I deal with bores - 519: PJ, CF.
how I eat my creme egg - JJAM4: JL.
how I enjoy myself - 46: KW, CF, AM. 227: JB, KW.
how I feel - 51: SH, DN, CF.
how I feel about it all - 115: CF, NP.
how I feel at this moment - 76: JMac, KW.
how I feel in hot pants - 90: AM, KW, CF, PJ.
how I get going - 241: KW, PJ.
how I get my own way - 28: KW, CF, DN.
how I get on - 140: CF, AMa.
how I get rid of the winter blues - 559: GN, PM.
how I got done on my holiday - 190: PJ, AMar, KW, CF.
how I got here today - 163: SH, DN, PJ.
how I grew my beard - 83: CF, SH, DN.
how I hope my epitaph will read - 541: LS, TH, CF, RN.
how I impress my friends - 156: AMar, PJ, CF.

how I improved my memory - 213: GG, SH.

how I keep my body looking this good - 794: KE, TH.
how I keep my house clean - 592: SH, KHH.
how I keep so young - 298: KW, AMa.
how I know when I'm in love - 728: JL, CC, PM.
how I like my coffee - 783: PM, SP, JC.
how I like to relax - 531: PM, CF.
how I like to spend Christmas Day - 444: SF, DN, CF.
how I look in hot pants - 116: AMa, KW, CF.
how I passed the driving test - 175: PJ, AM.
how I prepare for bed - 645: GN, PM, GB.
how I prepare for Christmas - 752: GB.
how I recharge my batteries - 837: RK, HW.
how I remember names - 162: CF, PJ, AM.
how I restrain myself - 152: KW, CF, AMar.
how I spend Sunday morning - 323: SH, GB, DN.
how I spread a little happiness - 832: KE, SH.
how I usually spend Sundays - 606: JC, TH.
how I would describe my personality - 785: SP, GP, PM, JC.
how I would describe myself on a dating website - 783: PM, SP, GP, JC.
how I'd describe myself to an alien - 758: SP, MB.
how I'd like to be remembered - 756: GN, PM.
how it should be done - 165: DN, KW, CF. 178: DN, PJ.
how many kisses on the cheek - 839: SM, GB.
how others see me - 265: KR, TBT.
how people misunderstand me - 492: MM, PJ.
how the other half lives - 496: BD, PM.
how the spring makes me feel - 14: BM, AM, DN.
how they found me out - 345: KW.
how to - 145: JM, WM.
how to accept a compliment - 836: GB.
how to annoy the audience - 550: CF, PM. 789: GN, SP.
how to attract someone's attention - 628: LS, TR. 630: PM, CF, LS.
how to audition - 744: PM, SP.
how to avoid a family argument on Christmas Day - 444: PJ, DN.
how to avoid an emotional crisis while selecting French pastry - 112: CF,
how to avoid catching a cold - 791: JG, GB, HBu.
how to avoid stress - 573: CN, JE, GB.
how to be a thespian - 673: GN, CA, PM.
how to be environmentally friendly - 647: GN, PM, JE.
how to be good - 33: AMa, CF, DN, KW. 41: TBe, DN, CF.
how to be irresistible to the opposite sex - 643: TR, CF, SF, PM.
how to be more confident - 635: CN, PM, RB.

how to be perfectly happy - 28: CF, LB, KW, DN.

how to be the perfect spy - 594: PM, CF, GN.
how to become celebrated - 254: KW, CF, DN.
how to behave when you are stuck in a lift - 625: CF, JC.
how to belly-dance - 778: PM, LT, KHH, JL.
how to bring a boring conversation to a conclusion - 547: JC, JE, PM.
how to budget - 318: DN, GB.
how to build an igloo - 59: AM, CF, KW, DN.
how to celebrate - 185: KW, DN.
how to celebrate your birthday - 572: JC, PM, TH.
how to change your identity - 587: BB, LS, TH, CN.
how to cheer someone up - 640: GN, GB, PM.
how to cheer up a semolina pudding - 351: SH, DN, CF.
how to choose from the wine list - 587: TH, BB.
how to clean a chandelier - 763: SF, PM.
how to complain in a restaurant - 564: TH, TR, GN.
how to cook locusts - 249: CF, PJ.
how to cope with a bore - 758: SH, MB, PM, SP.
how to cure backache - 356: BC, KW.
how to deal with a blocked drain - 264: DN, KW, PJ, RA.
how to deal with a bully - 575: RN, GP, PM, CF.
how to deal with admirers - 705: SK, PM.
how to disguise boredom - 837: SH, RK.
how to do first aid - 578: CF, LS, RN.
how to do well in examinations - 610: TH, SF, PM.
how to eat a crumpet - 26: DN, CF, KW, AM.
how to eat an oyster - 648: CF, TH, GB. 853: PM, TR, GN, LT.
how to eat macaroni delicately and without cutting it - 19: KW, NP, CF.
how to eat spaghetti - 624: RN, PM, SP.
how to encourage salonella - 283: DN, SH.
how to enjoy the rush hour - 787: AC, PM.
how to excel at gossip - 652: CN, LT, PM, KHH.
how to fill a stocking - 818: GB, PA, PM, SM.
how to flirt - 656: TR, RN. 705: CC, SK.
how to frighten this audience - 233: AMar, PJ.
how to get a good night's sleep - 620: PM, JE, CF. 654: PM, CC, TH, SP.
how to get a seat in a crowded train - 24: GJ, DN, KW.
how to get a six-pack - 627: GN, PM, CF, LS.
how to get absolute quiet - 150: AMa, IC, PJ.
how to get an audience - 698: PM, CF.
how to get cracking - 274: KW, PJ, PC.
how to get my own way - JJAM6: JE, HM, K?.
how to get on with your neighbours - 615: LT, JC, PM.
how to get rid of hiccups - 552: CF, PM.

how to get rid of spots - 593: TH, CF, CN.

how to get some - 186: AM, CF, DN, PJ.
how to go broke - 276: DN, KW, LP.
how to greet an ex - 638: OO, PM, CF.
how to hand in your resignation - 578: PM, RN, CF, LS.
how to have fun in a public library - 329: CF, AMa.
how to impress an interviewer - 793: GN, PM.
how to improve the memory - 126: CF, PJ.
how to improve your self-esteem - 655: PMc, CF.
how to influence people - 101: AMa, PJ.
how to iron a shirt - 637: GB, CF, PM.
how to keep warm this winter - 644: GN, PM.
how to light a fire - 856: AC, GB, PM.
how to live a long time - 155: DN, PJ.
how to live to be a hundred years ago - 100: AMa, PJ, CF.
how to liven things up - 141: DN, KW, PJ.
how to look cool - 612: CF, SF, TH.
how to look good in photos - 561: JE, TR.
how to make a Cornish pastie - 572: CF, PM.
how to make a cup of tea - 708: PM, JC, CF.
how to make a fortune - 289: CF.
how to make a fruit cake - 452: PJ.
how to make a million - 440: JE, DN, PJ. 442: PJ, PM, CF.
how to make a million pounds - JJAM1: JL, JE, KF, ZS.
how to make a shoe - 447: CF, KHH, TH.
how to make an umbrella - 231: PJ, KW, DN, MP. 282: PJ, KEv, CF. 452: PM,
how to make friends with a centipede - 340: MJa, GB.
how to make money - 786: JE, TH, RH, PS.
how to make small talk at parties - 765: GN, PM, JE.
How to make the most of a bank holiday - 828: GB.
how to make your own gin - 32: CF, AM, DN.
how to matchmake - 609: CF, SF, TH.
how to open a bazaar - 19: NP, CF, KW.
how to outdo the other panellists - 726: GN, PM, GB.
how to pass the time if you are stuck in traffic - 732: PM, GN.
how to pass your driving test - 862: SP, GB.
how to patch up a quarrel - 838: AC, JRo.
how to perform a Cornish floral dance - 14: DN, CF, AM, BM.
how to pick a good lodger - 734: SP, TH, PM.
how to play the bagpipes - 576: CF, PM, RN.
how to prepare sushi - 829: KE.
how to present a weather forecast - 639: CF, PM, JSe.
how to recognise a real Yorkshireman - 551: TR, SP, RN, TH.

how to recognise a spy - 614: CF, TH, CC, PM.

how to relax - 358: CF, DN, KW, PJ.
how to remember people's names - 555: CF, GN. 731: PM, CN, CC, JL.
how to save electricity - 796: KE.
how to say no - 291: PJ, AMa, KW.
how to scare a small child - 762: GN, PM, JE.
how to score - 581: SFr, KHH, PM.
how to separate the men from the boys - 669: PM, KHH, CF, MM.
how to shrink a human head - 10: BBl, RHo, DN.
how to snub someone - 658: CF, JG, RN, PM.
how to spot a cheat - 634: JE.
how to spot a genius - 735: DG, TH, JL.
how to spot a lady - 611: PM, CF.
how to spot a Londoner - 649: PM, KHH, LT.
how to spot a mature student - 729: TH, JL, JMo.
how to spot an exhibitionist - 653: GN, CF.
how to start a revolution - 820: RK, RF, AC, PM.
how to stay lovely - 16: AMa, DN, AM.
how to stop hiccups - 253: BCr, DN, KW, SH.
how to stop smoking - 154: CF, DN.
how to stop snoring - 217: CF, AMa, PMo.
how to survive a stag night - 657: TH, PM, SP.
how to take a compliment - 536: GN, CF, GP.
how to talk to children - 854: MMc, PA, SH.
how to talk to your GP - 721: PS, SP, PM.
how to tell a story - 751: KE.
how to tell if someone is older than they look - 738: TH, SP.
how to tell the time in the dark - 582: PM, CF, WR.
how to tell when someone is lying - 617: PM, CF, MB, RB.
how to think - 165: AMa, DN.
how to throw a great party - 662: GP, PM.
how to throw a successful party - 778: KHH, LT, PM.
how to treat pregnant ladies - 605: RN.
how to treat the chairman - 622: PM, CF.
how to upset the man next to me - 321: GB, KW.
how to whistle - 680: TH, DG, CF.
how to win an argument - 633: SH. 834: FS, SP.
how to win an argument with a teenager - 821: SH.
how to win at Just A Minute - 101: PJ, AMa, CF.
how to win friends - 101: CF, AMa, KW.
how to win friends and influence people - 538: PM, CF, SP.
how to win points even by underhand means - 577: PA, PM, CF.
how to write a love letter - 730: DM, JC, GB.
how to write your autobiography - 662: CN, PM, CF.

how we survived the Blitz - TV13: TS, AS, TRo.

(a) howler - 437: TH, HD, KHH, CF.
how's your father - 694: SP, TH, GN.
hugging trees - 721: MMc, SP, PM.
hula dancing - 615: PM, CF, LT.
human anatomy - 743: SKA, JE, PM.
(the) human condition - 506: SFr, DN.
(the) Humber Bridge - 585: KHH, PM.
humble pie - 560: SF, PM.
humbug - 469: PJ, TH, CF.
humbugs - 21: GJ, CF, KW. 177: DN, AM.
humming birds - 52: DN.
Humpty Dumpty - 296: GG, CF, KW. 320: LG, DN.
(the) hundred days - 100: KW, PJ.
hundreds and thousands - 100: PJ, AMa.
hunting - 201: KW, AMa, PJ.
hurdles - TV39: IB, LS, GW.
hurricanes - 309: CF, PJ, DN.
hurrying - 322: CF, KW.
husbands - 580: PA, TH.
hustings - 588: CF, CC.
hwyl - 618: VS.
hypoboreans - 225: KW.
Hyerotitus - 176: KW.
hymn singing - TV32: PA, PJ.
Hyperion - 325: KW, CF, AMa.
hypnotism - 35: KW, GJ, CF, DN. 217: CF, PMo, PJ. 296: BC, CF.
hypnotists - 634: PM, GB, CF.
hypochondriacs - 625: TH, CF.
I can never find - 845: PM, TH.
I cannot tell a lie - 684: CN, JL, PM.
I have to make a confession - 788: TH, RH, PS, JE.
I spy - 676: PM, TR, CN.
Iambic pentameter - 841: SF, DT, JC.
Ibiza - TV51: PM, SP, RJ, MB.
Ibsen - 217: PJ, PMo, CF.
Icarus - 289: BC, LP. 574: TH, SP, WR. 799: RH, JE, JC.
ice - 5: PSc, AM, CF.
ice cream - 216: PJ, KW, DN, SH.
ice cream sundaes - 10: BBl, CF.
Iceland - 397: DN, CF.
(the) icing on the cake - TV34: BC, TH, SFr. 536: CF, PM. 666: PM, TH, NM.
748: SP, PM, JC.
(an) icy stare - 727: JC, GB, PM.

(the) ideal flatmate - 796: AC, JE, TH.

(the) ideal garden - 390: RM, DN, PM.
(the) ideal man - 32: AM, KW, DN.
(an) ideal night out - 742: SK, PM, GB.
(the) ideal travelling companion - 541: RN, LS, CF.
(the) Ides of March - 778: KHH, PM.
idleness - 136: PJ, CF, KW.
if aliens landed on Earth - J7: JE, D?, A?.
if I could do it all again - 691: CN, PM, CF, JL.
if I could invite anyone for dinner - JJAM6: JE, HM.
if I could see into the future - 709: PM, SP, GB.
if I entered Britain's Got Talent - JJAM4: SS, JL.
if I had a super power - 837: HW, RK, PM, SH.
if I had a time machine - 681: PM, JC.
if I had a twin - 613: SFr, PM, VS, CF.
if I owned a reindeer - JJAM12: JL, PM, J?.
if I ruled the world - TV39: LS, GB.
if I was a fairy godmother - 787: AC, GN.
if I was sent to the Moon - 106: SH, PJ.
if I were a fly on the wall - 792: JBy, GB.
if I were a pirate - JJAM11: PM, JL.
if I were a robot - 746: RN, TH, PM.
if I were a superhero - 762: PM, JL, JE.
if I were a time traveller - 733: PM, PA.
If I were Harry Potter - JJAM3: JL.
if I were King for a day - 520: CF, PJ.
if I were not a thespian - 271: DN, KW, PJ, RA.
if I were Prime Minister - TV9: HH, TS, TB, NM. J8: JE, SSm, O?, JL.
if I were Queen for a day - 188: AM, DN. JJAM2: RC, WT, JL, JE.
if I were rich - 759: LT, RN, PM.
if music be the food of love - 686: PJu, GN.
if Nicholas was a superhero - 711: GB, PM.
if walls had ears - 544: PM, CF, GN.
if women ruled the world - 616: PM, CF, LM.
if you rick your back - 217: AMa, CF.
igloos - 581: SFr, PM, KHH, RN.
Ignatius de Loyola - 199: KW.
ignorance - 399: PJ, CF, PM. 437: HD, CF, KHH.
ignorance is bliss - 815: GB, AC.
Igor Stravinsky - 159: KW, DN.
Ikebana - 205: CF, PMo, AMa.
(the) Iliad - 191: KW.
I'll see you again - 194: CF, PJ, DN.
illusionists - 653: MB, GN.

immortality - 659: CF, OO, PMc.

(the) impact of cosmic rays on the earth's atmosphere - 231: MP, DN.
impersonation - 397: CT, CF.
(the) importance of art - 14: BM. 606: CF, TH, SF. 775: PM, GB.
(the) importance of eyebrows - 784: PM, GB.
impossibilities - 410: CF, ST, DN.
impressing strangers - 21: GJ, KW.
impressionists - 449: KHH, JE, PJ.
improvisation - 269: DN, PJ, KW.
improvising - 466: NM, DN, PJ.
impulses - 102: KW, CF, PJ.
in a chatroom - 680: DG, TH, PM.
in a pickle - 782: MB, CBr, AP.
in my dreams - JJAM2: JE, JL, RC.
in my toolbox - 739: GB, PM, JE, GN.
in the back of my mind - 663: KHH, PM.
in the doghouse - 580: TH, CF. 724: SWe, PM, GN.
in the mood - 630: PM, KHH, CF.
in the pink - 491: PM, DN, BD. 537: LS, TH, CF.
in the spotlight - 569: CN, GB, JE.
in the stocks - 715: CF, SH, PM, DM.
in the year 2525 - 667: GN, PM, CF, CA.
(the) in thing - 112: CF, KW, PJ, AM. 145: CF, WM.
income tax inspectors - 377: AMar, DN, PJ.
independence - 107: SH, PJ, KW, CF. 120: KW, CF, PJ, AM. 154: PJ, CF, DN.
(an) Indian summer - 698: PM, MMc, RG. 858: JC.
indiscretion - 394: PJ, DN, TR.
indoor games - 15: DN, CI, CF.
indoor plants - 40: JA, DN, CF, KW.
indoor sports - 409: PJ, CF.
industrial espionage - 56: GJ, CF, KW.
(the) industrial revolution - 548: RN, SP, TH. 796: KE, JE.
(the) inescapable truth - 196: PJ, DN, AMa.
inexperience - 109: SH.
infamy - 664: GB, CF.
inferiority complex - 515: TH, CF.
(an) infinite number of monkeys - 686: GN, CF.
infinity - 719: SF, CC, JE.
inflight meals - 386: CF, PJ.
influencing people - 448: CF, PM, TH.
(the) information highway - 506: CF, DN.
innocence - 106: SH, KW, PJ.
innuendo - 160: PJ, KW, CF. 760: JC, TW, GN.
insatiability - 173: CF, PJ, KW.

insects - 584: BB, LS, CN, TH.

inside the glove compartment of my car - 822: GN, PM.
inspiration - 495: KHH, CF.
inspirational flashes - 255: KW, CF, PJ.
(the) instructions - 704: PM.
insurance - 174: CF, KW, DN. 213: CF, GG.
(the) intellectual members of our audience - 357: CF, PJ.
intellectual pursuits - 571: SP, TH, WR.
intelligence - 437: KHH, CF.
interesting briefs - 195: PJ, CF, KW, AMar.
interesting parties - 299: DN, CF.
interior decorating - 649: CN, LT, KHH.
interior design - 802: JE, PM.
interior designers - 706: HL, JC, PM.
(the) international candle - 222: MP, PJ, KW, JB.
(the) international dateline - 191: AM, DN. 217: AMa, PMo, CF, PJ. 803: MB,
Internet dating - 765: JE, GN, JL.
inter-stellar space - 29: KW, CF, DN.
interview techniques - 833: JRo, PM.
interviewing a secretary - 43: CF, DN, GJ.
introducing people - 13: AM, CI, DN.
introductions - 98: PJ, KW, CF.
(the) invention I most approve - 75: CF, KW, DN.
(the) invention of spaghetti - 195: AMar, KW.
(the) inversion of cane sugar - 235: MP, PJ, KW, JB.
invitations - 139: KW, SH.
Irish dancing - 806: RWa, TH.
Irish humour - 298: CF, AMa.
Irish stew - 815: PK, GB, AC.
ironing my smalls - 69: DC, DN.
ironing out the creases at Edgbaston - TV16: RV, TS, DW.
irresponsibility - 64: SH, KW, CF. 213: PJ, SH.
irritating catchphrases - 835: PM, GB.
irritating motorists - 295: TR, KW, CF.
is there a copy of this universe - 236: PMo, DN, CF.
Isaac Newton - 140: KW, CF.
Isaac Walton - 244: KW, DN.
island of Mylos - 358: KW, DN, PJ, CF.
Isle of Dogs - TV1: HL.
it - 16: DN, AM, CF.
it was just an ordinary day - 798: PM.
it-girls - 594: LS, GN.
it'll all come out in the wash - 685: JG, TH, KHH.

it's in the stars - 841: DT, PM.

it's just not cricket - 782: AP, PM, MB.
it's not the end it's the beginning - 848: PM, SF, JC.
Ivan the Terrible - 227: KW, CF.
I've got 99 problems - 739: GN, PM.
ivy - 486: PJ, CF.
Jabberwocky - 502: PJ, PM, TH, CF.
jack - 399: PM, CF, DN.
Jack Horner - 334: JJ, DN.
jack in the box - 476: CF.
Jack Ketch - 252: DN.
jacks - 381: CF, DN, PJ.
Jacques Cousteau - 951: MMc, PA, SH.
jacuzzis - 450: PJ, DN, SFr, PM.
jam - 415: PJ, DN, CF, ML. TV37: TH, CB, SF, WR.
James Joyce - 188: KW, CF.
James the First of England - 250: KW, PJ.
James Watt - 258: KW, CF.
jams - 224: THi. 389: PJ, BC, CF. 618: VS, PM, SFr, CF.
Jane Austen - 543: JE, GN.
January sale - 665: PM, CN, TR, AC.
Japan - 87: CF.
jargon - 346: BC, TR, PJ.
jazz - 105: AM, KW. 197: AMa, KW, PJ. 465: PJ, DN, PM.
jeans - 397: DN, CF. 442: GP, PM, CF. 449: JE, KHH, PM, PJ.
jellied eels - 215: MPa, PJ. 391: WR, CF. 591: JE, CF, TH.
jelly - 256: JB, CF.
jellybabies - 180: AM, DN.
jellyfish - 87: DN, CF.
Jeremy Bentham - 254: KW, CF.
Jerolamo Savaranola - 190: KW, AMar, CF.
Jerome Kearn - 230: KW, PJ, NP.
jersey - 379: DN, PJ, KW, CF. 468: CF, DN, JC.
jesters - 114: AM, CF. 447: CF, KHH, TH.
Joan of Arc - 89: KW. 147: KW, DN, PJ.
jobs for the boys - TV33: GB.
jockeying for position - 651: CF, PMc, PM, JC.
jockeys - 261: KW, CF, PJ.
Joe Miller - 264: DN.
Joe Public - 709: LT, GB, SP, PM.
jogging - 263: DN, PJ, CF. 284: CF, KW.
John Hunter the one who was born in 1728 and died in 1793 - 284: KW, DN.
John Logie Baird - 559: CF, PM, GN.
John MacAdam - 302: KW, PJ, CF.

John Napier - 282: KW, KEv, PJ.

John Reith - 498: TH, CF.
John Seldon who was born in 1584 - 288: KW, TR, CF, PJ.
(a) joke - 426: DN, PM, CF.
(the) joke book - 746: RN, TH, PM.
jokers - 326: DN, NP.
jokes - 411: DN.
Joseph and Etian Montgolfier - 285: PJ, DN, JJ.
Joseph Michael Montgolfier - 94: KW, PJ, SH.
Joseph Priestly - 357: KW, CF.
journalism - 94: CF, KW.
(the) journey home - 520: KHH, CF, PJ.
(a) journey of a lifetime - 480: GN, GP, DN, PM.
jousting - 272: CF, KW.
joy - 49: KW, SH, DN. 110: JA, KW.
(the) joys of caravanning - 705: CC, GN.
(the) joys of wearing a kilt - 792: PM.
Juan Domingo Peron - 279: TR, PJ.
judgement - 167: PJ, DN, CF.
judging a baby show - 33: CF, KW, DN, AMa.
juggling - 449: PM, KHH, PJ.
juggling act - 686: GB.
Julius Caesar - 119: KW, PJ. 619: JC, PM.
jumbo - 384: KW, CF.
jumbo jets - 66: CF, DN, KW.
(a) jumper - 330: DN, JJ.
jumpers - 372: TR, SH, DN, KW. 645: GB, PM.
jumping in puddles - JJAM6: K?, JL.
jumping on the bandwagon - 676: PM, CN, AC.
jumping the shark - 807: PM, GB.
jumping to conclusions - 533: TH.
junk - 496: BD, PM. 634: PM, JE, CF.
junk food - 370: AMar, DN, KW.
junk mail - 389: WR, PJ, BC, CF. 563: LS, CN, PM, KHH. 726: PMc, PM, GB.
(the) Jurassic age - 661: RN, PM.
(the) Jurassic years - 447: KHH, TH, HD.
(the) jury - 389: CF, WR.
jury service - 193: KW, PJ, DN.
just a minute - 95: CF, KW, SH.
Just A Minute in different languages - 822: HW, MJ, GN.
Just A Minute in the year 2050 - 577: MMe, PM, CF.
just deserts - 283: DN, SH, KW. 737: PM, PA, JE.
justice - 200: SH. 214: CF, LF, PJ, KW.
(a) kangaroo court - 691: CF, PM, JL, CN.

kangaroo pie - 316: BC, KW, CF.

kangaroos - 658: JG, CF, RN.
karaoke - 448: TH, DN, PM. 797: GN, PM, JMa.
Keats - 558: CN, LS, KHH, PM.
keeping a bird - 149: WM.
keeping a book - 95: SH, CF.
keeping a chimp as a pet - 795: PM, PA.
keeping a diary - 367: CF, KW. 544: CF, PM, GN, BC. JJAM5: RBa, WP, JL. 827:
keeping a room tidy - 341: PJ, KW, DN.
keeping a straight face - 503: TH, DN. J10: ES, R?, JL.
keeping a watch - 253: DN, KW.
keeping an even distribution of fruit in a cake - 300: PJ, DN, KW.
keeping above water - 224: CF, DN.
keeping baby amused - 397: CT, DN, CF.
keeping control - 177: KW.
keeping cool - 224: PJ, CF. 332: LPu, PJ.
keeping exotic pets - 838: JRo, LT.
keeping fish - 350: PJ.
keeping fit - 1: BR, DN, CF. 222: PJ, MP. 339: HK, LPu, CF. 625: PA, JC, TH, CF.
keeping it real - TV55: SK, HB. 842: PM, AC.
keeping mum - 474: PM, JC, CF. 642: TH, JC, CF.
keeping my figure - 316: ESt. 327: KW.
keeping my legs so shapely - 325: AMa, JBe, CF.
keeping one's temper - 39: KW, CF.
keeping pets - 18: KW, GJ.
keeping pigs - 251: PJ, CF, KW.
keeping prices down - 147: DN, KW.
keeping secrets - JJAM2: RC, JL, JE.
keeping stationery - 402: PM, DN, PJ.
keeping the peace - 54: DN, DH, KW. 66: SH, CF. 435: SF, PJ, PM.
keeping the wolf from the door - 518: GN.
keeping up with the Joneses - 58: GJ, DN, CF, NP. 94: PJ, CF, KW, SH. 553:
keeping up with the neighbours - 811: AC, TH, PK.
keeping wicket - 14: CF, BM, DN.
keeping your eye on the ball - 529: TH, CF, JH.
Kenneth Williams - 89: CF, DN. 281: PJ, AMa, CF.
(a) Kentish lad - 808: KE, GN, PM.
keyholes - 447: HD, TH, KHH.
keys - 318: SH, GB, KW. 407: PM, CF. 420: DN, SF, WR.
(the) Keystone Cops - 188: CF, AM, KW.
kicking off - 172: DN, BC, CF, PJ. 519: PJ, CF.
kids - 646: KRo, JC, TH, CF.

killing time - 688: PM, CF.

killjoys - 629: PA, CF, JC.
(the) kindest thing I ever did - 168: CF, DN, KW.
King Arthur - 768: RW, JL, JC.
King Harold - 123: KW, AMa, CF, PJ.
King James the First's opinion of tobacco - 310: KW, PJ, DN.
king of skiffle - 805: PA, KE, PM.
(the) king of the jungle - 671: PM, SP, NM.
King's ear - 687: CF, PM, JE.
kinky boots - 842: JL, PM.
Kipling - 860: PM, SH.
kippers - 808: KE, GN.
kippers as pets - 113: PJ.
(the) kiss of life - TV29: SPo, JSe, BS, BC. 524: SFr, MJa, CF.
kissograms - 519: KHH, PJ, CF.
kit-cars - 585: KHH, RN.
kitchen gadgets - TV35: LS, MM.
kites - 337: BC, GB, CF. 387: WR, DN, CF.
Klansman - 486: CF, PM.
kneeology - 41: CF, KW, DN.
knees - 237: PJ, DN, CF.
knick knacks - 241: PJ, KW, AMar. 482: PM, CF, TR, GK.
knickerbocker glory - 265: TBT, KW, CF.
knights of old - 126: PJ, KW, AMa, CF.
knitting a cablestitch jumper - 1: CF. 775: JE.
knock knock - 385: PJ, CF, LP.
knowing my onions - 83: KW.
knowing when to stop - 521: MM, SF, PJ.
(the) knowledge - 309: KW, DN, PJ. 454: PJ, PM, DN.
krill - 330: CF, DN.
Kuala Lumpur - 814: JE.
Kubla Khan - 169: KW, JM.
lace - 527: GN, LS, CF.
ladies and gentlemen - 195: AMar, CF.
Lady Godiva - 98: KW, CF.
Lady Hamilton - 211: KW.
(the) lady I saw you with last night - 374: PJ, KW.
Lady MacBeth - 81: PSc, DN, KW.
(the) lady with the lamp - 846: JE, MB, GB.
lager louts - 519: CF, TH, KHH, PJ.
(the) Lambeth Walk - 862: TH, GB, SP, AH.
lambing - 660: PA, MB, CF, GN.
lame ducks - 820: RK, AC, PM.
lampposts - 177: CF, KW.

(the) land of Nod - 854: PA, SH, PM, MMc.

landladies - 57: SH, DN, KW. 621: GN, PM, RN.
landslides - 434: CF, PJ, DN.
(the) language I would most like to speak - 715: SH, PM. JJAM2: JE, WT, RC.
larks - 403: EF, TR, CF, DN.
laser beams - 268: PJ, DN.
(the) last laugh - 487: CF, PM, JC. 665: CN, PM, TR.
last man standing - 670: PMc, GB, CF.
last nights - 121: AMa, PJ, CF.
last orders - 813: SP.
(the) last resort - 663: CF, PM, KHH.
(the) last thing I bought - J9: AU, LD, JE, JL
(the) last time I blushed - 179: AMar, CF.
(the) last time I broke the law - 86: AM, KW, CF, DN. 302: CF, KW.
(the) last time I laughed so hard I cried - J10: JL, JE, R?
(the) last time I played hockey - 33: AMa, DN, CF, KW.
(the) last time I pulled a cracker - 340: GB, MJa.
(the) last time I stood on my head - 289: BC, CF.
(the) last time I went to France - 800: PM, JL.
(the) last time I won something - 697: SK, PM, TH.
(the) last time my husband sawed me in half - 328: VW.
last words - 129: CF, KW. 167: PJ, DN, CF.
(the) latest craze - 727: JC, PM, GB.
Latin - 602: NR, GB.
laughing - 144: DN, PJ, CF, DJ.
laughing all the way to the bank - 801: SM, PM, GB.
laughing gas - 349: LPu, CF, TA.
laughing in the face of danger - 950: GB, SC.
(a) laughing matter - 701: PM, RN, CF.
laughter - 57: KW. 143: SH, DN. 363: CF. 415: CF, DN.
laundrettes - 562: WR, RN, TH, SP.
laurel - 308: BC, LPu, CF, KW.
law - 323: KW, GB, DN. 384: CF, DN.
law and order - 741: PM, SH, RN, TH.
(the) law of diminishing returns - 678: MB, PM, CF.
(the) law of the jungle - 589: PM.
lawyers - 366: CF, TR, GB.
Laxor - 138: KW, CF, PJ.
laying an egg - 159: PJ, JM, DN.
laying it on with a trowel - 521: SF, PM.
laying the lino - 229: KW, DN, CF.
(the) leader of the pack - 808: GN, PA, PM.
leadership qualities - 605: TH, CF, GN.
leading ladies - 624: GN, PM, SP, RN.

leaks - 408: PJ, WR, TR. 446: PJ, JH, DN, TH. 553: CF, PM.
(the) leaning tower of Pisa - 102: CF, AM, KW. 858: PM, JL.
(a) leap year - 688: PM, JD, CF, LT.
leaping ahead - 392: DN, CF.
leaping into the lead - 155: KW, DN.
Lear - 215: MPa, PJ. 478: KHH, PJ.
learning another language - 204: SH, KW, WRu.
learning Latin - 776: GB, JE, RN, PM.
learning my lines - 410: ST, DN.
learning the piano - 839: SM, KG, GB, TH.
learning to drive - 579: GN, LT, PM, CF.
learning to fly - 17: CF, GJ.
learning to play golf - 746: PM, RN, TH.
learning to ride a bike - J7: JL, JE, D?, A?.
learning to swim - J9: LD, AU, JL
leaving on a high - 765: JL, JE, PM, GN.
leftovers - 59: CF.
leftovers in the fridge - 700: SP, JC, PM.
(a) leg pull - 417: HL, PJ, CF.
leg pulls - 134: KW.
legends - 451: TH, DN, PJ, JH. 596: PM, CF.
legs - 203: PJ, CF, KW. 289: KW, BC.
Leicester city - 489: SFr, PJ, PM.
Leicester Square - 794: JE.
Leicestershire - 476: CF, PJ, KHH.
lending a hand - 50: DN, KW, CF.
Leo the zodiac lion - 194: KW, CF, DN, PJ.
Leonardo da Vinci - 70: KW, CF. 687: PM, CF, JE.
(the) lessons of experience - 117: KW.
letter writing - 303: SH, KW.
letters I love - 290: BT, PJ, TBT.
letting go - 499: JE, TR.
letting off steam - 242: CF, DN, PJ.
letting the cat out of the bag - 479: FM, DN, CF, TH. 807: RK, RH, PM.
letting your hair down - 489: SFr, PM, PJ.
Lewis - 858: PM, JC, SC.
Lewis Carroll - 627: CF, PM, LS.
liaisons - 502: TH, PM, CF, PJ.
liberty - 456: PJ, PM, CF.
lie detectors - 339: HK, CF, LPu.
lies - 408: WR, TR, PJ.
life after marriage - 251: PJ.
(the) life and soul of the party - 498: TH, PM.
(the) life and works of Charles Dickens - 549: SFr, LT.

life before mobile phones - 836: KG, TH.

life begins at 40 - 684: PM, CF, CN.
(the) life I wish I had led - 511: SFr, KHH, JE.
(the) life of Riley - 371: KW. 581: PM, KHH, SFr.
life on a lighthouse - 173: PJ, CF.
life on Mars - 859: SP, TH, AH, GB.
life on the ocean wave - 629: PA, JC, TH.
(the) lifecycle of a mayfly - 516: PM, GN.
lifesavers - 107: CF, SH.
lift etiquette - TV58: SF, JC. 805 - PM, GN.
lifting the lid - 521: PM, PJ, SF, MM.
light - 493: ML, CF.
(a) lighthouse keeper - 237: PJ, DN.
lighthouses - 601: LS, PM.
lights - 96: SH, KW, CF.
like a fishwife - 674: JE, GB, PM.
like clockwork - 821: RH, JL, PM.
likeable chimney pots - 343: PJ, HK.
lily - 474: CF, PM.
Lily Bolero - 572: JC, CF, TH.
lily of the valley - 680: CF, PM, TH.
limbering up - 507: SF, PJ.
lime - 218: CF, KW. 335: PJ, KW.
(the) limelight - 213: SH, CF. 353: HK, KW, CF. 422: PJ, DN.
(a) limerick - 756: TW, JC.
limericks - 124: AM, KW, CF. 333: BJ, KW, DN, PJ.
Lincoln Green - 449: KHH, PM, PJ.
Lindbergh's solo Atlantic flight - 273: CF, BT, PC.
Lindisfarne - 463: TH, PJ, DN.
line dancing - 613: CF, PM, VS.
lines - 243: DN, KW, CF, PJ. 311: SH, PJ, GB. 372: KW, TR, DN.
links - 500: CF, GN, PM, FM.
(the) lion and the unicorn - 214: KW, CF.
(the) lion's share - 661: PM, TR, RN.
lip service - 646: JC, KRo, TH.
lipasanas - TV43: CB, TH, SFr.
lipstick - 17: GJ, CF, KW.
Lisbon - 149: CF, PJ.
list - 408: TR, WR, PJ, RS. 418: DN, CF.
(the) listeners - 149: JM, WM, CF.
listeners' letters - 165: KW, AMa, CF, DN. 695: PM, PJu, CF, RN.
listening - 197: AMa.
listening to Radio Four - 819: FG, GB, PM.
literacy - 197: CF, KW.

(the) litmus test - 523: GN, SFr, MJa, CF.

litter louts - 838: AC, PM.
litterbugs - 223: DN, CF, PMo.
little green men - 170: DN, KW, SH. 704: CA, PM.
little known facts about garden worms - 261: CF, DN, PJ.
(the) little people - 66: SH, CF, DN.
(the) little things of life - 126: AMa, KW.
little Titch - 233: AMar, PJ, SH.
little white lies - 527: LS, CF, GN.
live fast die young - 669: MM, KHH, PM, CF.
Liverpool - 394: DN, PJ, TR.
(a) living legend - 652: LT, CN, PM, KHH.
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch - 142: PJ,
DN, CF. 348: PJ, KW. 556: LS, CF, PM.
Lloyds - TV31: GW, LS, GB.
(a) load of old rubbish - 206: PJ, KW.
loans - 431: PM.
(the) local High Street - 662: PM, CN, GP, CF.
(the) local post office - 688: JD, PM, LT.
(the) local pub - 148: DN, PJ. TV55: HB, JMa, SK.
(the) Loch Ness monster - 54: CF, DN, KW. 222: JB, PJ. 273: CF, PC. 440: DN,
JE. 864: TAl, PM, GB.
locks - 370: DN, KW. 376: DN, SH, KW. 576: PM.
lodgers - 460: PM, KHH, CF.
logjam - 483: PM, CF, DN.
loitering with intent - 688: CF, JD, PM, LT.
lollipops - 136: PJ, SH, KW, CF.
lolly - 454: DN, PM, SFr.
London bobbies - TV7: PMcC, TS.
London Bridge - 664: GB, CF. 738: GN, SP, TH.
(the) London Eye - 649: KHH, CN.
London fiddles - TV10: TH, RV, CF, TS.
(the) London Marathon - TV11: TS, LSi, JBr, JS. 655: JC, CF, PM.
London nightlife - TV10: TS, RV, TH.
London pigeons - 826: HW, GN, PM.
London pride - TV5: TS, KHH, TH, HL.
London pubs - TV4: RV, TS, CF, TH.
London telephone boxes - TV9: NM, TB, TS.
(the) London Underground - TV10: TS, RV, TH, CF.
London's finest sight - TV10: RV, CF, TS. 793: PM, SP.
(the) long arm of the law - 627: LS, GN, CF, PM. 724: PM, GN, GB.
long haul flying - 811: PK, AC, GB.
long sentences - 192: DN, CF.
longitude - 695: PM, CF.

loo - TV44: TH, BC, SFr, WR.

looking ahead - 278: CF, DN.
looking forward to the World Cup - 828: PS, GB, PK, SK.
looking in the mirror - 643: PM, TR. J9: JE, AU
looking innocent - 722: JG, RH, SP.
looking peelie-wallie - 603: FM, GB.
looking to the future - 346: KW, PJ.
(a) loose cannon - 732: SP.
loose ends - 493: PM, CF.
loose talk - 619: CF, JC.
Lord Charles - 264: RA, DN.
(the) Lord Mayor's show - TV13: TS, RV, TRo, AS.
Lord Reith - 826: HW, MJ, GN, PM.
Lord's cricket ground - 773: RW, PJu, JL, JC.
losing - 287: CF, DN, KW.
losing at Just A Minute - 433: PJ, CFe, DN.
losing money in a telephone box - 317: PJ, CF.
losing my voice - 304: DN, PJ.
losing one's baggage - 347: DN, CF.
losing the plot - 696: DG, CF.
losing your bottle - 839: TH, GB.
losing your marbles - 707: PM, GN, CC.
losing your rag - 640: PM, GN, GB.
lost for words - TV32: LS, PA, WR.
lost in translation - 802: PM, JC.
lost languages - 491: DN, TH, PM.
(a) lot of bother - 220: PJ, KW, SH.
lottery - 512: SF, PM, CF.
loudspeakers - 512: CF, PM, SF.
Louis Lumiere - 107: KW, CF.
Louis the Fifteenth - 249: KW, PJ.
Louis the Fourteenth - 376: KW.
love - 74: AM, DN.
love at first sight - 714: JD, JL, PM.
love letters - 455: PJ, DN, CF, PM. 551: TR, RN, SP.
(the) love of my life - 94: SH.
lovies - 629: TH, PA.
loyalty cards - 541: CF. 569: GB, CF. 719: JE, SF. 766: SP, SF, PM.
luck - 61: AM, DN, CF. 78: JT.
lucky numbers - 386: PJ, CT, CF.
ludo - 87: DN, KW, AM. 528: CF, SF, LS, PM.
lumpy custard - TV44: SFr, WR, TH.
lush - 488: ML, PM, CF.
lust - 163: KW, DN, SH, PJ.

Luton Airport - TV8: DN, NR, TS.

luxury - 364: KW.
lycanthropy - 846: GB, MB, SK.
lying - 441: CF, DN, EI, PM.
Lymphenburg Palace near Munich - 339: KW, CF, LPu.
(the) M1 - TV21: DW, TS, HL.
M25 - TV1: TH, TS.
Machiavelli - 110: KW, CF, PJ.
machines replacing people - 278: CF, DN, KW.
mackintosh - 479: DN, TH, CF.
Macready - 223: KW, PMo, CF, DN.
(the) Mad Hatter's tea party - 349: LPu, CF.
Madame Tussaud - 559: GN, SH, PM.
madeira - 401: CF, DN, TR, JMu.
Madison Avenue - 62: CF, KW.
Madras - 411: PJ, DN, CF.
magic - 57: SH, DN, NP. 81: PSc, DN, KW. 232: PJ, KW, CF. 332: KW, PJ. 377:
KW. TV30: RMo, LG, RV. 542: JC, LS. 621: SP, PM, GN.
(a) magic carpet - 815: GB, TH, AC.
(the) magic of radio - 559: PM, CF, SH, GN. 747: PM, TH, KHH.
(the) Magna Carta - 848: JC.
magnet - 364: DN, SB.
magnetohydrodynamics - 222: MP, PJ.
magpies - 411: WR, CF, PJ, DN.
Maid Marian - 664: CF, MB, GB.
Maidenhead - TV2: JH, MF, TS.
mail - 638: CF, PM.
mail order - 297: TBT, KW.
makeovers - 558: KHH, LS, PM, CN.
makeup - 50: DN, KW.
making a cheesecake - 7: US, DN, CF.
making a claim - 637: JE, GB.
making a confession - 825: RF, AC, PM, RK
making a collection - 186: CF, AM, DN.
making a cup of tea - 22: CF, GJ, KW. JJAM3: JL, JE.
making a difficult decision - 767: SH, TH, GN.
making a fortune - 408: PJ, TR, WR.
making a good impression - 853: GN.
making a good start - 251: KW, SH, PJ.
making a real fuss - 171: PJ, DN.
making a sausage roll - 326: DN, NP.
making a scene - 381: CF, DN, PJ.
making a silk purse out of a sow's ear - 507: CF, PJ, PM.
making a song and dance - 814: JC, JE, LT, PM.

making a spectacular entrance - 142: KW, CF, DN.

making a spectacular exit - 141: KW, CF.
making a splash - 784: GB, PM, GN.
making an apple turnover - 175: DN, AM.
making an effort - 294: CF.
making an entrance - 18: KW, NP, GJ.
making an exit - 22: GJ, KW. 219: CF, AM, KW, PJ.
making an impression - 723: CC, SF.
making coffee - 50: CF, KW, DN.
making dough - 428: DN, RMo, PJ.
making ends meet - 602: MM, GB, NR.
making enemies - 129: CF, AMa.
making excuses - 100: AMa, KW, CF.
making exotic bread - 299: CF, JJ, DN, KW.
making friends - 17: KW, CF. 129: KW.
making happy faces - 60: KW, GJ, DN.
making jam - 560: CF, SF.
making marzipan - 269: JBa, DN, PJ, KW.
making millions - 645: SP, GB, PM.
making mistakes - TV32: PJ, PA, LS, WR.
making my bed - JJAM1: JE, KF, ZS.
making my mark - 234: KW, CF.
making my peace - 221: PJ, KW, CF.
making myself perfectly clear - 295: KW, TR, CF.
making notes - 153: DN, CF, PJ.
making passes - 46: AM, DN, CF.
making small talk - 668: CF, PM.
making the bed - 31: DN, CF.
making the best of it - 134: SH, KW.
making the most of it - 157: BT, DN.
making the perfect sandwich - JJAM12: PM, J?, S?.
making the whole thing worthwhile - 186: PJ, DN, CF.
making up your wedding vows - 766: FG, SP.
making waves - 467: CF, PM, GN. 634: PM, CF, GB, JE.
making whoopee - 202: LF, KW, PJ.
making up - 258: PJ, CF. 369: PJ, KW. 415: ML, DN. TV23: DW, TS, LG. 531:
AG, PM, CF. 713: PM, CF, DM, SH.
making your own radio set - 191: PJ, AM, DN.
Malacca - 277: DN, CF, KW.
malapropisms - 119: PJ, CF, DN. 655: JC, PMc, CF, PM.
malt whisky - TV48: KB, GB.
Malta - 421: PJ, CF, PM, TH.
(a) man after my own heart - 699: CF, PM, LFe.
man flu - 759: TH, PM, LT.

(the) man in the street - 156: KW, AMar, PJ.

(a) man in uniform - 730: JC, DM, GB, PM.
(the) man on the Clapham omnibus - 481: PJ, CF, AS. 571: TH, KHH, SP.
(a) man walks into a bar - 740: PM, JSe, SP.
(the) man who called on me last night - 196: CF, DN.
(the) man who knew too much - 500: PM, FM, CF.
management courses - 561: TH, JE, TR.
management speak - 787: GB, PM.
Manchester - 475: CF, PM.
Manhattan - 392: DN, CF.
manicure - 564: JE, TR, TH, GN.
manmade fibres - 492: MM, PM.
mannerisms - 177: DN, AM, KW.
manners - 42: CF, DN. 412: PM, DN, JMu. 487: DN, PM. 567: CF, PM.
man's best friend - 482: TR, GK. TV57: LT, PM.
man's place in the kitchen - 381: PJ, KW, DN, CF.
(the) many uses of bubble gum - 1: WE, BR, CF.
map reading - 283: KW, SH, DN, PJ. 808: PA, KE.
Marble Arch - 799: PM, RH, JE, JC.
marbles - 282: KEv. 324: PJ, JR, DN. 385: LP, CF. 471: NM, PJ, PM, DN. 763:
Marcel Marceau - 813: SP.
Marco Polo - 204: KW, PJ. 844: RI, SH, GN.
Marconi - 412: CF, PM.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - 195: KW, AMar, CF, PJ.
Marcus Velius Petocilus - 371: KW, TR, DN.
Margaret Thatcher's handbag - TV12: JF, TS, DN.
Marie Antoinette - TV50: JC, RT, SF, PM.
(the) Marie Celeste - 342: KW, CF.
mariners - 223: PMo, CF, DN, KW.
market - 518: CF, PM, GN.
market traders - 582: WR, CF, PM.
marketplace swindles - 189: SH, CF, DN.
marksmanship - 190: AMar, KW.
marmalade - TV48: GB, LG, RMo. 854: MMc, PA, PM.
married life - 742: JBi, SK.
Mars - 217: PMo, CF. 441: DN, EI, PM. 543: TR, GN.
Marshall Soult - 287: KW, DN, CF.
marshmallows - 315: KW, PJ, GB.
Martians - 456: PM, KHH, CF, PJ.
martins - 243: PJ, DN, CF.
marvels - 326: KW, NP.
Mary Queen of Scots - 438: CF, AS, PJ, PM. 617: CF, MB, PM.
Mary Rose - 318: DN, GB.

mash - 268: DN, PJ.

master of ceremonies - 831: GB, PK.
matches - 21: CF, GJ. 424: PM, TS, CF, WR. 449: PJ, JE, PM.
matching socks - 772: SH, PM, TH.
matchsticks - 747: AC, PM, KHH, TH.
matters of little consequence - 192: SH, DN.
Max Bygraves - 656: PM, TR, CF, RN.
Maximillan the First, Duke of Bavaria - 220: KW, SH.
maxims - 215: KW, CF, PJ.
May ball - 509: JE, KHH, SFr.
me - 126: AMa, CF, PJ, KW. 227: KW, CF.
me and John Logie Baird - 838: PM.
mead - 245: CF, PJ, DN, KW.
meals on wheels - 609: CF, TH, SF.
(the) meaning of life - 794: TH, KE.
(the) meaning of my name - 298: CF, AMa, KW.
meat and two veg - 663: MM, CF, PM.
(the) meat raffle - 772: GN, TH, SH, PM.
mediocrity - 773: JL, JC, RW.
mediums - 807: GB.
Medusa - 85: SH, CF, DN.
meeting your match - 852: LBe, GB.
megabytes - 470: PM, CF, DN.
mementoes - 501: TS, DN, CF.
memoirs - 746: SH, PM, RN.
memorable sunsets - 336: KW.
memorising names - 65: SH, CF, KW.
men - 92: AM, CF.
men with moustaches - 554: JE, GN, RN, CF. 631: CF, CN, PM.
men who wear glasses - 712: CN, JMo, TH.
mending a puncture - 320: DN, KW, PJ.
men's fashion - 402: PJ, DN.
mensa - 461: TH, FM, PJ, DN.
(a) mental block - 656: RN, TR, PM.
mermaids - 664: CF, MB.
(the) merry men - TV17: MF, TS, DW, CM.
messing about on the river - 479: FM, CF, TH.
metalwork - 443: PM, PJ.
metaphors - 545: TR, GN, TH, JE.
(the) metaphysical poets - 825: RK, AC.
meteor showers - 831: PS, PK, GB.
meteorology - 96: SH, CF, KW, PJ.
Methodists - 370: DN.
metrication - 234: PJ, CF.

(the) Mexican hat dance - 282: PJ, KW, CF.

(a) Mexican wave - 534: CF, PM, AG.
mice - 148: DJ, DN, CF, PJ.
Michael Faraday - 368: KW, DN.
Mickey Finn - 526: LS, CF.
microchips - 299: DN, KW, CF.
microwave ovens - 309: CF, KW.
(the) Midas touch - 598: CF, CN, TH, LS. 674: JE, JC, GB.
middle age - 439: PJ, PM.
middle England - 774: TH, MJ, GB.
(the) middle of the road - 607: LS, GN, RN, CF.
midlife crisis - TV37: WR, TH, SFr.
midnight feasts - JJAM4: JE, JL.
migration - 244: PJ, MP, DN.
milking a camel - 354: CF, DN.
milking a cow - 350: PJ, TR, CF.
milking a goat - 382: KW, DN.
milking laughs - 520: TH.
(the) millennium - 467: PJ, PM, CF. TV36: TO, RV, LG, RMo.
(the) millennium bug - 509: KHH, SFr, JE, PJ.
(the) millennium wheel - 546: CF, PM, GN.
miller - 331: NP, DN, CF.
Milo of Critona - 125: KW, CF, DN.
mimicry - 235: JB.
mince pies - 359: CF, DN, PJ.
Mincing Lane - TV12: NR, TS, DN.
mind - 454: SFr, PM, DN.
mind altering substances - 497: GN, DN.
minding my manners - JJAM2: JL, JE.
mineral water - 593: CN, TH, LS.
mingling - 446: JH, PJ, DN, TH.
(a) miniature village - 825: PM, RF, RK, AC.
minis - 118: CF, KW, PJ.
ministers - 415: DN, ML, CF.
mint - 507: PJ, SF.
(the) Minute Waltz - 120: AM, CF. 543: TR, TH, JE.
miracles - 436: EI, DN, CF, PM. 522: PJ, MM, SF.
misdemeanours - 681: JC, GB.
missing letters - 494: PM, DN, CF.
(the) missing link - 227: KW, CF. 689: GN, SP, PM, TH.
mist - 369: CF, DN, PJ.
mistakes - 226: DN, PJ.
mistletoe - 79: DN, LF.
misunderstandings - 181: DN.

(a) mixed bag - 524: SFr, CF.

mixing a drink - 299: JJ, CF, DN.
mobile phone etiquette - 827: JC, JE.
mobile phones - 449: PJ, JE, KHH. 530: CF, GN.
mobiles - TV42: LS, WR.
Moby Dick - 759: RN, TH, PM.
(the) mockers - 591: RN, CF, TH, JE.
model making - 25: CF, KW, DN, AM.
(a) model village - 810: PM, GB, RH.
models - 84: CF, DN. 430: AMc, DN, CF. 433: PJ, PM, CFe, DN.
modern art - 83: SH, DN, CF. 405: WR, PJ, RM. 623: DO, JE.
modesty - 339: KW, HK, CF, LPu.
molehills - 586: PM, LT, CF, WR.
moles - 535: RN, GN, PM, CF. 712: CN, TH, PM.
mollycoddling - 457: TH, DN, FM, PJ.
moments of drama - 306: KW, BJ.
momentum - 215: KW, CF.
Mona Lisa - 381: KW, CF. 589: SH, PM. 840: SH, RK, HW.
Monday - 122: KW, CF, SH.
Monday mornings - 534: TR, AG, PM.
Monet's painting - TV29: BS, JSe, SPo.
money - 439: WR, PM, PJ.
money for old rope - 488: ML, PM, CF.
money making - 42: CF, DN.
moniker - 480: PM, DN, GN.
monk - 259: KW, PJ.
monkey business - 593: TH, CF. 667: CF, PM, CA.
monosodiumglotomate - 116: CF, PJ, AM.
monsters - 474: PM, JC, DN.
monsters of the deep - 368: DN, PJ.
Monte Carlo - 402: DN, PM, CF. 861: JL, PM.
Monte Carlo Casino - 174: CF.
(a) month of Sundays - 702: CF, GB, MB.
(the) moon - 228: PJ, KW, CF. 249: PJ, KW, CF. 537: CF, RN. TV58: SK, JC, SF.
moon dust - 184: PJ, KW, DN.
mooning - 457: PJ, DN, TH.
(a) moonlight flit - 510: PJ, CF, PM.
moose - 256: CF, KW. 410: PM, ST, DN, CF.
more - 241: AMar, PJ, CF, KW.
more haste less speed - 561: GN, JE, TH.
(the) morning after - 684: JL, CN, CF.
morphology - 420: SF, PM.
morris dancers - 728: CC, PM, JL.
morris dancing - 476: PM, KHH, CF, PJ.

Morse code - 279: PJ, TR, DN, KW.

mosquitoes - 352: PJ. 367: WF, PJ.
(the) most amazing thing I know - 227: CF, PJ, JB.
(the) most beautiful word in the world - 763: FG, SP, SF.
(the) most disgraceful thing I was ever caught at - 145: WM, PJ.
(the) most dreadful thing that ever happened to me - 31: KW, AM, CF.
(the) most eccentric person I know - 559: PM, CF, SH. 652: KHH, PM.
(the) most enigmatic person I know - 637: CF, PM, GB.
(the) most exacting dish to cook - 263: CF, PJ.
(the) most extraordinary person I have ever met - 272: KW, CF, DN, PJ.
(the) most ferocious animal on earth - 752: IMc, GB, SH, PM.
(the) most fun I ever had - 104: CF. JJAM5: RBa, WP, JL.
(the) most important thing in my life - 316: CF, ESt.
(the) most incredible thing I know - 312: DN, PJ.
(the) most interesting Louis - 170: KW, DN.
(the) most loveable points of a rhinoceros - 323: GB, DN, KW.
(the) most outstanding personality in this show - 311: PJ, SH, GB.
(the) most pleasing city I have visited - 287: DN, PJ.
(the) most unlikely character in history - 192: KW, CF, DN.
(the) most useful app - 832: JLy, PM, SH.
(the) most useless thing I've ever bought - 751: PM, SP, JC.
(the) mother-in-law - 801: SM, PM.
mother-in-law jokes - 772: PM, TH.
mother nature - 717: PA, TH.
(the) mother of all invention - 854: PA, SH, MMc, PM.
(the) mother of invention - 704: CA, JC, SP, PM.
mother tongue - 511: KHH, JE.
mother's birthday - 244: KW.
motorcycles - 741: RN, PM, SH.
motorway food - 283: PJ.
motorway service stations - 628: LS, TR, TH, CN.
mottoes - 489: MM, SFr, PJ.
Mount Kilimanjaro - 714: JL, JD, PM, CF.
mountaineering - 196: AMa, DN, CF.
mouse mats - 512: SF, PM, CF.
moustaches - 708: JLo, PM
moving - 369: PJ, DN.
moving house - 336: TR, LPu, KW. 555: GN, CC, CF. 620: JE. 811: TH, GB, PK.
moving scenes - 389: CF, PJ.
moving the goalposts - 612: TH, CF, PM, SF. 863: SH, JWi, JE.
Mrs Beeton - 255: CF. 379: CF. 854: PM, SH, MMc, PA.
Mrs Grundy - 201: KW, DN, AMa.
(a) much needed invention - 327: PJ, DN, KW.
muck spreading - TV39: IB, GB, GW.

mud wrestling - 113: AM, KW, PJ. 400: WR, RM, PJ.
muddle - 407: DN, PM, PJ.
muesli - 849: TR, GN, PM.
muffins - 210: CF, KW, PJ, AMar.
mug - 619: PM, LT.
(a) mug's game - 511: JE, KHH, SFr, PJ. 702: GB, OO, MB.
multitasking - 558: LS, CN, PM. 842: PM, TH.
(the) multitude - 124: PJ, AM.
Mumbai traffic - 782: MB, AP, PM, CBr.
mumbles - 613: PM, CF, SFr.
mumbling - 204: WRu, PJ. 388: PJ, DN.
mumbo jumbo - 19: NP, CF. TV42: WR, PA, PJ. 570: RN, PM.
mummies - 478: CF, PM. 534: AG, TR, CF, PM. 718: SK, PM, KHH, GB.
mum's the word - 722: JG, RH, SP.
murder - 212: KW.
murder most foul - 817: JC, LT.
muscle builders - 595: RN, CF.
muscles - 326: NP, DN. 460: CF, PJ, PM. TV36: LG, RV, RMo, TO.
mushrooming - 652: KHH, PM, CN.
music - 69: DC, DN, CF, KW. 384: LP, KW.
music for the soul - 809: TH, FM, GB, RWa.
music hall - 248: TT, PJ, CF. 599: PM, LT, KHH.
music lessons - 744: LT, PM, SP. JJAM5: WP, JL.
musical instruments - 398: RM, PJ, DN, PM.
musicals - 757: SK, GB, RW.
mustard - 520: KHH, PJ, CF, TH.
mutton dressed as lamb - 694: SP, TH, PM.
my accent - 575: GP, RN. 750: GB, SH, PM.
my accolade - 287: KW, DN.
my address book - 546: GN, BC, PM, CF.
my advice to a young girl on her first date - 321: KW.
my advice to the other panellists - 731: CN, CC, JL.
my advice to the person sitting next to me - 605: CF, RN, TH.
my advice to this audience - 163: PJ, KW, DN.
my advice to you - 242: DN, KW.
my alarm clock - JJAM3: FD, JE.
my ambition - 71: CF, DN, KW. 254: CF, KW, PMo, DN. 457: FM, TH, DN.
my appeal - 140: KW, CF.
my Ascot hat - TV14: HH, NM, TS.
my aspidistra - 196: PJ, DN.
my average day - 240: KW, PJ.
my baby - 187: SH, KW.
my bad habit - JJAM4: LSh, SS.
my bath time - 582: PM.

my battle strategy - 728: CC, CN.

my beauty regime - 554: JE, GN.
my bedroom - 7: AMa, CF, DN.
my bedtime routine - 706: CF, PM, JC.
my bedtime treat - 835: SP, GB.
my behaviour - 92: KW.
my best behaviour - 420: PM, WR, SF.
my best chat-up lines - 515: TH, CF.
my best conjuring trick - 70: DN. 290: TBT, KW, PJ.
my best day ever - 208: KW, PJ.
my best dress - 202: LF, PJ.
ny best enemy - 5: AM.
my best friend - 540: SP, PM, CF. JJAM5: JL, JE. 839: KG, GB, SM.
my best ideas - 844: PM, RI, GN.
my best impression - 753: SK, GB, RW, PM.
my best impressions - 522: MM, SF, PM.
my best joke - 148: CF, DJ, DN.
my best journey - 477: FM, TH, CF.
my best points - 52: KW.
my best quality - 642: KRo, TH, JC.
my best suit - 200: CF, SH, PJ.
my bicycle - 390: DN, PJ.
my biggest fear - 660: CF, GN, PA.
my bike - 729: DG, JL, JMo, TH.
my bikini - 177: AM, CF.
my biographer - 255: CF, KW, PJ.
my birth sign - 370: AMar, DN.
my birthday - 40: DN, CF, KW.
my birthday party - 703: SK, TH, IMc, PM.
my briefcase - 46: DN.
my bucket list - TV51: MB, RJ, SP, PM.
my burning desire - 746: SH, RN.
my burning regret - 669: KHH, MM, PM.
my carbon footprint - 713: DM, SH, CF.
my cat - 162: AM, DN, CF.
my celebrity crush - 825: RF, RK, AC, PM.
my cellar - 137: CF, PJ, AMa, KW.
my certificate - 228: AMar, PJ, CF.
my childhood sweetheart - 595: CF, TH.
my comedy hero - 748: KE, PM.
my complaint - 439: WR, PJ, LSi.
my concerns - 504: JE, SFr, PJ.
my considered opinion - 234: KW, PJ.
my cooker - 76: DN, KW, CF.

my current craze - 503: DN, TH.

my daily constitutional - 608: GN, CF, LS, RN.
my daily workout - 732: SP, LT, GN.
my dentist - 687: JE, PM, MB, CF.
my desserts - 110: CF.
my destiny - 189: SH, PJ, CF. 249: PJ, JB.
my diary - 737: PA, JE, GB.
my dignity - 245: KW, DN, PJ.
my disastrous trip to the zoo - 760: PM, JC.
my discourse - 199: KW, PMo, CF.
my doings - 112: PJ, AM, CF.
my dogs - 191: DN, KW, AM.
my dog's got no nose - 848: PM, SF, JC.
my dustbin - 163: DN, SH.
my earliest memory - 125: DN, KW, CF. JJAM6: JL, K?, HM.
my early years - 595: RN, TH, CF.
my eccentricities - 282: KEv, PJ.
my Edinburgh tattoo - 857: PM, GB.
my ego - 715: SH, CF, DM.
my elephant and castle - TV8: JF, TS, DN.
my enemies - 434: DN, JE, PJ.
my energy - 161: KW, CF, DN.
my enthusiasm - 70: KW.
my epitaph - 216: KW, PJ, DN, SH.
my expenses - 720: GB, PM, KHH.
my exuberance - 137: KW, CF.
my eyesight - 783: GP, JC, PM, SP.
my family - 655: PMc, PM, CF.
my family motto - 842: AC, TH.
my family tartan - 699: LFe, PM, FM.
my family tree - 802: RH, JC, PM, JE. 860: JE, JWi.
my famous friends - 789: SP, GN, LT.
my fancy - 81: KW, CF.
my fans - 52: CF, DN, KW. 630: KHH, LS, PM.
my faults - 286: KW, CF, DN, BMo.
my favourite animal - 205: AMa, PMo, CF.
my favourite aunt - 204: PJ, SH.
my favourite auntie - 650: GB, TH, CF.
my favourite author - 194: CF, DN, KW.
my favourite bedtime drink - 859: TH, SP.
my favourite beetle - 586: LT, CF, WR.
my favourite book - 213: GG, CF. 632: CF, PM, KHH, LS.
my favourite cartoon - 755: LT, TH, PM, RN.
my favourite character in Coronation Street - 749: TH, PM.

my favourite children's book - 778: LT, PM, KHH.

my favourite children's programme - 568: CF, LT, GN.
my favourite Christmas present - 444: CF, DN, PJ, SF.
my favourite clothes - 463: DN, TH.
my favourite cocktail - 549: LT, SFr, PM, CF.
my favourite composer - 763: SP, SF.
my favourite cousin - 583: PA, TH.
my favourite dance - 625: JC, TH, CF.
my favourite Dickens character - 708: CF, PM, JC, JLo.
my favourite diet - 724: PM, SWe, GN, GB.
my favourite drink - 139: SH, CF.
my favourite fairy tale - 548: TH, TR.
my favourite festive film - 818: PM, SM, GB.
my favourite figurine - 505: RMo, GN, PM.
my favourite film - 256: PJ, CF.
my favourite flowers - 468: DN, PM, JC.
my favourite gadget - JJAM1: JL, JE.
my favourite game - 855: PM, GB, MB.
my favourite humorist - 108: CF.
my favourite invention - 481: PJ.
my favourite joke - 715: PM, DM, CF.
my favourite made-up word - 764: TH, JC.
my favourite meal - 18: KW, GJ, NP. JJAM2: WT, RC, JL.
my favourite nursery rhyme - 658: JG, PM, RN.
my favourite Oscar Wilde quote - 761: GB, TH, PM.
my favourite pastime in Edinburgh - 791: PM, GB.
my favourite pet - 233: SH, PJ.
my favourite place - 238: CF, KW, PJ.
my favourite planet - 611: PM, CC, CF.
my favourite poem - 629: JC, CF, PA.
my favourite poet - 612: SF, PM, CF.
my favourite proverb - 610: SF, TH, PM, CF.
my favourite pub - 187: SH, PJ.
my favourite pudding - 27: KW, CF, DN. 599: KHH, LT, PM.
my favourite room - 538: CF, PM, GN.
my favourite school teacher - 567: TH.
my favourite season - 620: CF, DO, JE. 779: JC, SP.
my favourite Shakespeare play - 711: GB, SP, LT.
my favourite shoes - 765: JE, PM.
my favourite sin - 679: PM, ML, MB.
my favourite skirt - 293: PM, LSi.
my favourite smell - 537: CF, RN, TH.
my favourite soap - 459: GN.
my favourite sound - 328: PJ, VW, CF, KW.

my favourite spice - 477: TH, CF, DN.

my favourite sport - 28: DN, CF. 104: PJ, KW, CF, AM. 296: CF. 350: TR, PJ,
my favourite spot - 637: JE, CF.
my favourite spot in Edinburgh - 639: PM, CF, RG.
my favourite spring-time activity - 55: AMa, DN, CF, KW.
my favourite square - TV15: TS, DW, CF.
my favourite stockings - 188: AM, KW.
my favourite subject - 111: PJ, CF, JA.
my favourite tree - 847: SH, PM.
my favourite type of restaurant - 324: KW, DN, JR.
my favourite view - 495: DN, KHH. 828: PK, SK, GB, PS.
my favourite Welsh celebrity - 613: VS, CF, SFr. 636: CF, TH, VS.
my favourite word - 553: CF, LS, PM.
my favourite words - 69: CF, DN, KW, DC. 243: DN, KW. 601: CF, PM, LS.
my favourite yoga position - 627: PM, LS, GN.
my favourite zoo animal - 33: DN, AMa, KW.
my feelings - 142: CF, DN, PJ.
my festival guide - 834: SP.
my finest hour - 170: KW, PJ.
my first audition - 31: KW. TV18: TS, DW.
my first bike - 241: AMar, KW. 861: SC, JL, JC.
my first boyfriend - 53: SH, DN, CF, KW.
my first car - 78: CF, DN. 271: DN, KW, RA. 724: GN, PM.
my first celebrity crush - TV54: SP, TH, GN.
my first crush - 47: CF, SH, DN. 787: PM, GB.
my first day at primary school - 633: VS, SH.
my first day at school - 773: JC, JL. TV50: JC, PM.
my first grown-up dress - 10: RHo, CF.
my first job - 542: KHH, PM.
my first kiss - 747: PM, KHH, TH.
my first million - 396: PJ, CF.
my first name - 791: HBu, PM, JG.
my first night - 504: PJ, TR, JE.
my first 70 years - 522: PJ, PM.
my first tweet - 863: JWi, JE, PM, SH.
my first words - 270: CF, KR, MMa, KW. 547: CF, PM.
my fitness regime - 644: JE.
my five a day - 837: HW, PM.
my flamenco dancing - 290: PJ, TBT, KW, BT.
my foibles - 143: KW, PJ, SH.
my following - 125: KW, CF, SH. 289: KW, LP, CF.
my forebears - 46: DN, AM. 357: CF.
my 45th birthday - TV54: GN, SP, PM.

my friend Smith - 153: CF, DN.

my friends - 108: SH, CF, KW. 234: GG, KW, PJ, CF. 434: CF, DN.
my friend's aunt - 257: CF, KW, PJ.
my funnybone - 89: DN. 486: PM, CF, PJ.
my future - 97: SH, PJ.
my galoshes - 325: JBe, AMa.
my gambit - 341: KW, DN.
my garden shed - 758: PM, SH.
my gardening tips - 574: SP, WR.
my geiger counter - 211: DN, KW.
my giddy aunt - 100: PJ, CF, KW. 144: DN, DJ, CF, PJ. 351: DN, KW. 465: PM,
DN, CF, PJ. 560: SF, PM, CF.
my gold spun hair - 320: KW.
my goldfish - 210: AMar, PJ.
my goodness - 118: PJ, CF, SH. 311: KW, GB. 438: AS, CF, PM.
my grandfather's whiskers - 161: DN, CF, AMa.
my great-aunt Augustine - 235: JB, PJ.
my great-great-grandfather - 206: PJ, KW, SH, DN.
my great-great-uncle Ebeneezer's strange habit - 304: IM, DN, PJ.
my greatest extravagance - 670: GB, MB, PMc.
my greatest fear - TV18: GN, SPo, DW.
my greatest mistake - 339: LPu, CF.
my greatest pleasure - 268: PJ, CF.
my greatest wish - TV46: TH, JBr, GB, PJ.
my great-uncle Augustus - 162: DN, PJ, CF, AM.
my guilty pleasure - 830: JE, PM, VF.
my hairdresser - TV40: WR, LS, MM.
my handicap - 44: DN, CF.
my happiest holiday - 286: BMo, DN.
my hare-brained scheme - 486: PM, DN.
my hat - 255: TT, CF.
my headmaster - 646: CF, TH.
my heart's desire - 845: AC, JL, PM.
my hero - TV45: MC, MM, PJ. JJAM2: WT, RC, JL.
my hidden talent - 718: PM, GB, KHH.
my hidden vice - 74: DN.
my high visibility jacket - 771: PA, GB, TH.
my hobby - 119: PJ, DN, CF, KW. 176: CF, SH. 305: CF, DN. 346: TR, KW, PJ.
779: JC, CC, PM, SP.
my holiday - 154: SH, CF.
my holiday romance - 671: NM, PM, TH, SP. TV52: GB, PM, MJ.
my home town - 256: PJ, JB, CF.
my honeymoon - 7: DN, AMa.
my horoscope - 119: KW, CF, PJ.

my hot water bottle - 226: DN, SH, KW.

my idea for Dragon's Den - TV49: SP, PJu, GN, PM.
my idea of a perfect day - 563: KHH, LS, PM, CN.
my idea of bliss - 719: PM, CC, SF.
my idea of heaven - 622: GN, PM.
my idea of hell - 739: GN, JE, PM.
my idea of romance - 583: PA.
my ideal - 262: KW, JBa.
my ideal date - 778: JL, KHH.
my ideal evening - 598: CN, LS, TH.
my ideal picnic - J8: JL, JE.
my ideal tattoo - 639: RG, PM, CF.
my imaginary friend - JJAM2: JL.
my impulses - 236: KW, PMo, DN.
my inheritance - 743: JE, PM.
my inner child - 577: SH, GN, PM.
my inner monologue - 745: GN, GB, PM.
my intellectual approach to the six pips of the Greenwich time signal - 314:
my intentions - 174: BC, CF, DN.
my kitchen - 728: PM.
my last birthday - 199: PJ, PMo, CF.
my last birthday party - JJAM1: ZS, KF.
my last date - 181: KW, CF.
my last driving lesson - 215: MPa, CF. TV20: AS, JS, TS, DW.
my last hat - 207: AM, KW, PJ.
my last public appearance - 193: AMa, DN, PJ.
my last report card - JJAM2: RC, JL.
my last school report - 419: CF, DN.
my last train set - 336: PJ, KW.
my latest acquisition - 151: SH.
my least favourite smell - J7: JL, A?
my left Wellington boot - 168: DN, CF, PJ.
my legacy - 788: TH, JE.
my life - 2: SH, DN, CF.
my life as a tattooist - 655: PM.
my life so far - 108: KW, CF, SH. 197: KW, AMa.
my local - 741: TH, PM, SH.
my lot - 137: AMa, CF.
my love of the absurd - 758: PM, SP, MB.
my lucky day - 688: LT, JD.
my lucky number - 408: RS, TR, PJ, WR. 601: CF, PM.
my lucky stars - 415: DN.
my mate Dan - 798: AC, PM, GB, SM.

my memory - 447: TH, CF, KHH. 490: DN, CF, PJ.

my mental capacity - 198: KW, CF.
my midlife crisis - 659: PMc, OO, PM, CF.
my mistake - 426: DN, CF. 433: PM, DN.
my mistakes - 560: CF, SF, PM.
my mood tonight - 727: JC, GB, PM.
my morning routine - 780: JL, PM.
my most absurd uncle - 232: CF.
my most embarrassing moment - 641: PM, TR, CF. J8: SSm, O?, JE.
my most embarrassing purchase - 513: CF, PM.
my most important discovery - 31: CF, DN.
my most miserable moment - 19: NP, CF.
my most unforgettable character - 27: BM, KW, DN, CF.
my motto - 601: GN, LS. 628: TR, TH, CN. 761: PM, TH, GB.
my muscles - 187: KW, CF, SH, PJ.
my musical abilities - 766: PM, SP, SF, FG.
my mysterious uncle - 769: AC, JBy, PM.
my name - 422: WR, CF.
my name in lights - 756: JC, TW, PM.
my nan - 761: JC.
my nastiest habit - 606: SF, CF, TH.
my natural habitat - 242: PJ, DN, CF. 307: PJ, DN, DC.
my nemesis - TV53: JL, PM, JMa.
my new hat - 542: PM, KHH.
my New Year resolution - 132: CF, KW.
my New Year's resolution - 664: MB, CF. 705: GN, PM, CC, SK.
my next holiday - 298: AMa, CF.
my nickname - 556: GN, CF. 792: TV, GB, JBy.
my nighty - 68: DC, DN, CF.
my obsession - 544: BC, CF.
my old man - 797: JMa, PM, GN.
my oldest possession - 151: PJ, DN.
my Olympic dreams - 777: PM, SP, JC.
my only regret - 853: GN.
my opinion - 63: GJ, DN. 123: CF, AMa.
my opinion of the others - 178: SH, DN.
my other self - 55: KW, AMa, CF, DN. 145: CF, PJ. 266: KW, PC.
my pain threshold - 707: SK, PM, GN.
my party piece - 302: PJ, DN. 503: LS, GN, DN.
my party trick - 690: CF, MB, JE.
my past - 97: KW, PJ, SH.
my patron saint - 698: RG, PM.
my peaches and cream complexion - 150: AMa, IC, CF.
my personal assistant - 767: GN, SH.

my personal evolution - 357: KW.

my pet - 398: PM, DN, PJ.
my pet hate - 559: SH, PM, CF.
my philosophy - 740: SP, LT.
my philosophy of life - 545: GN, JE.
my piggy bank - 238: PJ, KW, CF.
my pleasure - 248: PJ, CF.
my plan B - PM, GB.
my plot - 225: PJ, CF.
my ploy - 240: PJ, CF.
my plums - 312: VW, DN, PJ.
my popadoms - 257: CF, JW, PJ.
my potting shed - 799: JC.
my preference - 153: BT, DN, CF, PJ.
my preparations for Rio 2016 - 794: TH, JE.
my present - 97: CF, SH.
my previous incarnation - 556: GN, PM, CF.
my pride and joy - 633: TH, CF, SH.
my problem - 119: CF, DN, KW.
my problems with this show - 784: GN, PM, GB.
my proclivities - 243: KW, CF.
my profile - 708: JC, JLo, CF, PM.
my proudest moment - 171: JM, KW, DN.
my radio - 139: SH, DN, KW, CF.
my recipe for success - 498: CF, PM.
my relations - 39: CF, DN, GJ.
my relationship with the chairman - 751: SP, PM, JC.
my reputation - 596: JC, PM, RN.
my resolution for this programme - 284: DN.
my reticence - 268: KW, DN.
my rights in this programme - 181: CF, DN.
my robot butler - TV58: PM, JC, SK, SF.
my roots - 651: JC, CF. 793: LT.
my rummage - 125: DN, KW.
my ruthless streak - 736: GN, SP.
my Saville Row suit - TV12: DN, TS, JF.
my scene - 146: AMa, PJ, CF.
my school crush - 750: GB, PM, SH.
my school days - 37: DN, CF, AM. 557: SF, PM, LT, CF.
my school reports - TV42: LS, PA, WR.
my second cousin once removed - TV41: GB, LG, KB.
my second language - 558: LS, CN, KHH.
my secret - 159: KW. 335: VW, PJ, CF, KW. TV25: TB, DW, MF.
my secret identity - 757: RW, GB, PM.

my secret method - 157: PJ, CF, DN, BT.

my secret vice - 213: GG, CF, PJ, SH. 710: PM, CF, JL.
my shyness - 269: KW, JBa, PJ.
my signature dish - 730: GB, JC, PM. 838: JRo, PM.
my silliest habit - 421: PM, PJ, TH.
my singing voice - 647: JE, PM.
my sixth sense - 507: PM, SF, CF. 777: CC, SP, PM.
my skin care routine - 736: GN, LT, SP, PM.
my small role in Lawrence of Arabia - 833: PM, LT.
ny smoothie maker - 846: GB, JE, SK.
my socks - 114: KW, PJ, CF.
my star sign - 531: CF, TR, PM, CF.
my station - 159: KW.
my status symbol - 144: DJ, CF, DN.
my stopcock - 149: CF, PJ.
my strength - 207: KW. 238: KW, RA, CF.
my super power - 692: TH, GB, JG.
my swimsuit - 252: CF, DN, PJ. 398: PJ, DN, PM.
my tactics for winning Just A Minute - 652: KHH, PM.
my talent - 345: KW.
my tallboy - 174: DN, BC, CF, KW.
my tartan underwear - 770: GB.
my teddy - TV42: PJ, PA, WR.
my teens - 790: PA, CC, MJ.
my telephone bill - 563: CN, KHH, PM.
my testimonials - 131: KW, CF.
my thermal underwear - 375: PJ, DN, TR.
my three favourite people in the world - 783: PM, SP, JC, GP.
my ticklish bit - 395: WR, LP, RM, CF.
my ticklish bits - 307: DC, DN.
my time as a butler - 769: PM, GB.
my tips on how to avoid arguments - 818: PA, GB.
my trouble - 173: AM, PJ.
my undoing - 180: KW, AM, DN. 271: KW, DN. 338: PJ, TR, KW.
my unfinished screenplay - 743: PM, JE.
my vegetable patch - 744: SP.
my vibrations - 107: KW, SH, PJ.
my voice - 709: LT, SP, PM.
my wardrobe - TV39: GB, IB.
my wellies - 220: SH, KW, AMar.
my Wimbledon racquet - TV8: TS, JF, NR, DN.
my worst enemy - 2: DN, SH.
my worst fault - 44: DN, CF.
my worst habit - 533: JH, CF. 856: AC, PM, GB, SC.

my worst joke - 442: CF, PM.

my worst journey - 477: DN, CF, TH.
my worst meal - 314: KW, TR, JJ.
my worst memory - 438: PM, AS.
my worst moment - 56: DN, GJ. 258: PJ, SH.
my worst moment on stage - 354: SH, DN.
my worst nightmare - 487: PM, JC, CF. 529: SP, CF, JH.
my worst phobia - 539: JC, LS.
my worst public mistake - 296: BC, KW.
(mystery object - Arsenal Football Club mascot) - TV17: CM, MF, DW, TS.
(mystery object - blood circulator) - TV7: RV, AS.
(mystery object - Chelsea dog) - TV21: CF, TS, DW.
(mystery object - David Garrick's death mask) - TV10: RV, TH, CF, TS.
(mystery object - Derby ram) - TV25: TB, TS, DW, MF.
(mystery object - electrostatic collector) - TV6: JS, TS, TBl, LSi.
(mystery object - fragment of astronomical glass) - TV13: TS, TRo, RV, AS.
(mystery object - hair curler) - TV14: TS, TB, NM.
(mystery object - jellied eels) - TV4: TS, CF, RV, TH.
(mystery object - Laurence Olivier statuette) - TV1: TS, TH, KHH.
(mystery object - mud and water from the Thames) - TV9: HH, NM, TS.
(mystery object - Nottingham Forest Football club mascot) - TV15: CF, TS,
(mystery object - pantomime cat) - TV2: MF, AS, JH, TS.
(mystery object - pit canary) - TV22: RV, CCh, TS, DW.
(mystery object - Queen Victoria's muff warmer) - TV3: GN, AS, AB, TS.
(mystery object - scrubber's clogs) - TV18: SPo, GN, DW, TS.
(mystery object - Sherlock Holmes' moccasin, pipe and magnifying glass) TV16: TS, RV, TBl, DW.
(mystery object - Sir Simon Rattle's grey wig) - TV26: AS, TS, DW.
(mystery object - Southend voting cats) - TV20: JS, AS, TS, DW.
(mystery object - Staffordshire cobbler) - TV24: JH, TS, DW, KHH.
(mystery object - veterinary device) - TV12: TS, DN, NR.
(mystery object - Victorian ear trumpet) - TV11: TS, LSi, JBr.
(mystery object - widow's scold) - TV8: JF, TS, DN, NR.
(mystery object - Yeoman of the Guard hat) - TV5: HL, KHH, TH.
(mystery object - Yorick's skull) - TV23: LG, TS, DW.
mythology - 69: CF, KW.
myths - 460: CF, KHH, PM.
(the) Naismith steam hammer drop forging process - 181: DN.
name dropping - 525: LS, JC, CF. 544: PM, GN, CF. TV49: GN, SP, PJu.
names - 181: SH, CF.
naming names - 678: PM, MB, JG, CF.
nannies - 387: DN, WR, CF, KW. TV41: RMo, LG, GB. 612: CF, SF, TH.
Napoleon - 84: KW. 856: SC, GB, AC.

Napoleon the Third - 197: KW, AMa, CF.

nappies - 383: CF, RM, DN.
Narcissus - 517: PM, CF. 610: SF, TH, PM.
(the) Naska ground drawings - 349: KW.
(a) nasty habit - 742: SK, GB, PM.
(the) national debt - TV39: LS, GW, GB, IB.
national treasures - 760: GN, JC, PM.
(the) nation's favourite - 606: JC, TH, CF.
naturists - 571: SP, WR.
naughty and nice - 812: JLy, GP, SP.
naval displays - 301: PJ, KW, CF.
(the) Navy - 526: CF, SW, JC. 562: WR, SP, TH, RN.
(the) necessities - 145: JM, WM, CF.
needing dough - 58: DN, CF, NP.
(a) needle in a haystack - 630: LS, KHH, PM.
neeps and tatties - 514: PJ, RV.
neighbours - 324: JR, PJ, DN. 387: CF, KW, WR. 491: TH, PM, DN, BD. 576: SL,
Nell Gwynne - 72: KW, CF. 416: PM, SF.
Nelson Mandela - 859: AH, SP.
Nelson's column - 577: SH, PM, CF. 790: GB, PM, DM. 950: PM, GB.
nepotism - 342: DN, CF.
Neptune - 382: KW, WR, CF, DN. 581: KHH, SFr, RN, PM.
nerds - 393: PM, TR.
Nero - 106: KW, CF, PJ.
nerves - 139: DN, SH. 636: SH, VS.
Nessie - 576: RN, PM, SL.
neutral - 325: CF, AMa, JBe.
(a) new broom - 589: KHH, SH, CF. 748: KE, PM, JC, SP.
(the) New Forest - 545: TH, TR, JE.
new man - 504: PJ, JE.
(the) new rock and roll - 508: FM, PM, GN.
(a) new rule for Just A Minute - TV49: GN, SP, PM.
New Year's Eve parties - 727: PM, JC.
New Year's resolutions - 480: GN, GP, DN. 537: CF, TH, LS.
New York - 148: PJ, CF. 322: KW. 416: SF, WR, DN, PM. 650: GB, CF, TH.
Newcastle - 428: RMo, DN, PJ, PM.
news - 290: KW.
newspaper sellers - 650: TH, PM, CF.
(the) next generation - 134: SH, CF.
(the) next series - 287: KW, DN, PJ.
next time - 150: CF, AMa.
Niagara Falls - 177: AM, DN. TV45: LS, PJ, MC.
nibbles - 506: DN, SFr, CF.

(a) niblick - 473: TH, CF.

(a) nice cup of tea - 67: SH, CF, KW.
(a) nice set of wheels - 811: AC, GB.
nice things come in small packages - 813: RK, HBl, SP, PM.
(the) nicest one I know - 260: AMa, PMo, PJ.
Nicholas Parsons - TV51: SP, PM, MB.
Nicholas Parsons' Bristol relations - 694: PM, TH, GN, SP.
(the) nick - 301: PJ, CF, KW.
nicker elastic - TV47: WR, MM, LS.
nickerbocker glories - 70: DC, DN.
nickers - 129: AMa, CF.
nicknames - 814: PM, JC, JE, LT.
night at the opera - 494: CF, PM, DN.
(the) night I dreant I painted the Sistine Chapel - 838: PM.
(the) night I forgot my lines - 328: VW, PJ, CF, KW.
(a) night in - 817: JE, JC, PM.
(a) night on the tiles - 148: PJ, DN, DJ, CF.
night school - TV51: MB, SP, PM.
nightingale - 128: KW.
nightmares - 358: KW, PJ, CF. TV42: PA, PJ, LS.
Nijinsky - 354: KW.
nine green bottles - 330: DN.
900 jams - 837: PM, SH.
1984 - 844: GN, SH, RI, PM.
1967 - TV49: PM, SP, PJu.
99 pence - TV31: LS, IB, GW, GB.
(the) Nobel Peace prize - 812: GP, PM, SP.
nodding through - 185: CF, DN.
(a) nod's as good as a wink - 950: PM, AC.
noise - 107: PJ, KW, SH, CF. 161: DN, CF, KW.
noisy neighbours - 793: PM, LT, SP.
nonchalance - 61: KW, CF.
nonsense - 106: PJ, CF. 362: BC, KW.
nonstick pans - 524: MJa, SF, GN, CF.
noodles - 61: AM, DN, CF. 292: DN, CF, KW.
Norfolk broads - 447: HD, CF. 692: GB, JG, KHH.
north of Watford - 500: FM, PM, CF. 620: CF, PM.
(the) North Sea - 587: LS, CN, TH. 858: SC.
(the) north south divide - 633: TH, CF, VS.
Northern Ireland - 5: CF, DN, PSc.
Norwich - 437: CF, TH, HD.
Norwich at night - 519: PJ, KHH, CF, TH.
nosey parkers - 123: KW, CF.
nostalgia - 605: CF, RN, TH. 750: SH, GB, PM.

Nostradamus - 180: KW, PJ, DN.

nostrils - 551: RN, TH, TR, SP.
not going far enough - 202: CF, PJ, KW.
not on your nelly - 801: PM, GB.
nothing - 16: AM, CF, DN. 430: WR, CF, DN.
nothing at all - 127: DN, CF, PJ, KW.
Nottingham lace - TV26: DW, TS.
notwithstanding - 113: CF, PJ.
noughts and crosses - 122: PJ, KW, SH.
novel ideas - 607: RN, CF, LS.
(the) novel inside me - 512: SF, PM, CF.
now I've grown up - 140: AMa, KW.
(the) nub of the matter - 153: PJ, DN, CF.
nuclear energy - 797: JMa, PM, SP.
nudists - 600: CF, RN, GN, TH.
nuisances - 417: CF, PJ, PM.
Nuneaton - TV16: DW, TS, RV.
nursery food - 483: CF, PJ, PM. TV36: RV, TO, LG, RMo.
nursery rhymes - 69: DN, CF, KW. 257: JW, KW, PJ. 445: TH, CF, DN. 539:
nursing a grievance - 170: KW, SH.
nuts - 384: KW, CF, DN. 426: PJ, PM, CF.
nuts in May - 508: CF, PM, FM.
(an) oasis - 469: TH, CF.
objects of desire - 496: DN, TH.
obligations - 128: SH, PJ, KW, CF.
occasions on which I wear earrings - 77: JMac, KW, DN.
(the) occult - 348: KW, MJa, DN.
occupational theory - 684: CN, CF.
(the) octopus - 238: PJ, KW. 579: LT, GN, PM.
(an) odd fact - 353: PJ, KW.
odd facts - 319: JBe, PJ, KW, CF. 383: DN.
odd first names - 450: SFr, PM, DN.
(the) odd job man - 130: PJ, CF, AM.
odd letters - 306: TR, JJ, BJ.
odd letters I have received - 24: DN, CF, KW, GJ.
(the) odd man out - 240: PJ, KW, JB.
(an) odd orchestral instrument - 355: WF, DN.
odd people - 177: CF, DN, KW. 252: PJ, DN, CF, KW.
(an) odd pet - 422: WR, DN.
odd surnames - 454: PM, DN, SFr, PJ.
odd ways to cross the Trent - TV21: HL, CF, DW.
(an) oddball - 438: PJ, AS, CF, PM. 500: PM, CF.
(the) oddities of the English language - 757: PM, SK, GB, RW.

odds - 403: CF, DN, EF.

odds and ends - 44: CF, DN. 677: CF, FM, PM, JCa.
ode to joy - 836: GB, TH.
off the cuff - 545: TH, JE, TR.
off the rails - 563: PM, KHH, CN, LS.
off the record - 663: MM, CF, PM, KHH.
off the top of my head - TV30: RV, RMo, LG, TO.
Offa's Dyke - 702: OO, GB, MB.
offence - 345: DN, KW, CF. 437: KHH, TH, HD.
offending people - 766: PM, SP.
an offer you shouldn't refuse - 789: PM, LT, SP.
(the) office party - 602: MM, GB, NR.
office politics - 580: TH, CF. 668: CN, CF, PM.
ogres - 214: CF, PJ, KW. 269: PJ, DN, KW, JBa. 388: KW, DN.
ogresses - 385: CF, PJ, LP.
oh my goodness - 399: DN, PM, CF.
oil - 281: CF, AMa, KW. 308: KW, CF.
old alumni - 491: PM.
(the) old bull and bush - 856: PM, GB.
old codgers - 414: RS, WR, TR.
(the) old course - 473: FM, CF.
(an/the) old fashioned look - 186: AM, CF. 513: CF, PM.
old father Thames - 624: PM, RN, SP, GN.
(the) old firm - 477: FM, CF.
old gentleman - 87: KW.
(the) old guard - 801: AC, SM, PM.
old habits - 157: DN, PJ, CF.
old jokes - 104: PJ, AM, CF, KW.
old ladies who help me across the road - 331: DN, NP, CF.
(the) old lady of Threadneedle Street - TV3: GN, TS, AB.
old MacDonald - 774: PA.
old masters - 463: TH, DN.
old Nick - 183: DN, BC, CF. 466: PJ, DN. 552: SF, PM, LT, CF.
old seadogs - 525: SW, JC, LS.
old teabags - TV30: LG, TO, RMo.
old time music hall - 223: DN, CF.
Old Trafford - 697: PM, TH, IMc.
Old Vic - 609: JC, TH, SF, CF.
old wives' tales - 144: DN, DJ. 366: KW, CF. 600: RN, GN, CF.
older men - 707: SK, GN.
(the) oldest joke in the world - 7: US, DN, AMa, CF.
olive - 388: DN, PJ.
Oliver Cromwell - 55: KW, CF. 822: PM, GN, MJ.
olives - 111: CF, PJ. 300: DN, KW, SH.

Omar Khiam - 268: KW.

omelette - 321: CF.
omelettes - 56: CF, DN.
omens - 333: PJ, DN, KW. 379: PJ, KW, CF.
on a long train journey - 770: RK, SK, PM, GB.
on a stormy night - 800: JL, PM, SH.
on and off - 678: CF, JG, PM.
on cloud nine - 579: GN, CF, PM.
on my bucket list - 837: PM, HW, RK.
on the fiddle - 757: GB, PM, RW, SK.
on Valentine's Day I received - 755: PM, TH, RN, LT.
on your uppers - 738: TH, PM, SP.
once in a blue moon - 691: CN, PM, CF, JL.
once upon a time - TV53: PM, JL, JSe.
one direction - JJAM5: RBa, WP, JL.
one good turn - 840: PM, SH, HW.
one hit wonder - 811: TH, AC.
(the) one I sit next to - 266: CF, KW, PC.
one in the eye - 681: JC, PM.
(the) one line gag - 286: BMo, DN.
one minute - 578: PM, RN, LS, CF.
one of the seven deadly sins - 347: DN, CF.
one over the eight - 858: JL, PM, JC.
one size tights - 110: JA.
(the) one that got away - 809: FM, GB, RWa.
(the) one way system - 509: PJ, SF, KHH.
one way systems - 611: PM, TH, CC.
onions - 171: JM, PJ, KW.
onomatopoeia - 395: RM. 556: PM, CF, GN.
openers - 394: TR, DN, SU.
(the) opening shot - 338: KW, CF.
opera - 587: BB, CN, LS, TH.
operating a gondola - 263: DN, PJ, CF.
opportunity knocks - 805: PA, PM, GN.
(the) opposite sex - 21: CF, GJ.
opposites - 489: PM, SFr, MM.
optical illusion - 484: DN, PM.
optical illusions - 110: PJ, KW, CF.
optics - 212: PMo, CF.
optimism - 101: PJ, AMa, CF. 617: RB, MB, PM, CF.
oracles - 443: JR, PM, SF.
(the) orchestra pit - 689: SP, GN, TH.
(the) Oregon trail - 291: PJ, CF.
organic food - 619: LT, JC, CF, PM.

origami - 602: GB, NR, MM, FM. 825: AC, PM, RF.
(the) origin of my name - 130: AM, CF, PJ.
(the) origin of the cocktail stick - 343: CF, PJ, HK.
(the) original Iron Bridge - 213: PJ, GG, SH, CF.
orion - 199: CF, KW, PMo, PJ.
ornithology - 16: DN, AM, CF.
Oscar Wilde - 690: JE, CF, MB.
(the) Oscars - 609: CF, TH, JC, SF.
osteopathy - 25: KW, AM, CF. 578: LS, RN.
other drivers - 401: JMu, TR.
(the) other members of the panel - 527: TH.
other people - 170: SH, KW.
other people's bonfires - 310: CF, DN.
other people's children - 614: PM, TH. 805: PA, GN.
other people's hobbies - 815: AC, TH, PK.
other people's manners - 28: CF, DN, KW.
other well-known cooks - 273: PC, CF, KW.
our American cousins - 745: PM, GN, GB.
our chairman's darkest secret - 730: PM, GB, JC.
our feathered friends - 450: DN, PJ, PM.
our kid - 697: IMc, SK, PM, TH.
our one hope - 144: CF, PJ.
out of body experiences - 517: CF, PM, LS.
out of order - 736: PM, SP, LT.
outdoor games - 15: DN, AM, CF.
outdoor swimming - 835: JLo, PM, GB.
outrage - 128: KW, CF.
outstanding things in my life - 260: AMa, PMo, KW.
oven chips - 864: PM.
over Niagara in a barrel - 377: AMar, PJ, DN.
over the hill - 649: KHH, CN, LT. 741: TH, PM, RN.
over the Moon - 648: PM, CF, GB, TH.
over the rainbow - 530: GN, LS, TH.
overdoing it - 277: KW, PMo, CF.
overemotional women - 293: PJ, DN, KW.
overheard remarks - 496: PM, TH.
overnight guests - TV36: RV, TO, LG, RMo.
overwhelming the audience - 279: KW, DN, TR.
(the) owl - 625: JC, TH.
(the) owl and the pussy cat - TV56: PM, SP, SM, MB.
owning a tandem - 769: PM, JBy, GB, AC.
Oxford brogues - 509: PJ, JE, SFr, KHH.
Oxford Circus - 725: TH, TR, PA.
Oxford Street - 586: WR, LT, PM.

(the) Oxford Union - 625: CF, JC, TH.

Oxfordshire - 495: DN, CF, KHH.
(the) oxygen of publicity - 842: TH, AC, JL, PM.
oxymoron - 482: CF, TR, PM.
oysters - 99: KWh, PJ. 193: DN, PJ. 618: CF, SFr, VS, PM. 706: CF, JC, HL, PM.
Oz - 550: JE, JC, PM, CF.
package deal holidays - 348: MJa, DN, PJ. 362: BC, KW, DN, IH.
package deals - 401: DN, TR. 452: PM, WR, LSi, PJ.
package holidays - 295: PJ, TR. 684: PM, CF, CN.
packing - 371: PJ, DN, TR, KW.
packing for a holiday - 612: PM, TH, SF, CF.
packing for the holidays - 703: IMc, SK, TH, PM.
Paddington - 860: PM, SH.
paddling - 41: KW. 303: KW, SH, PJ.
page three - 753: PM, GB.
painters - 409: DN, PM.
painting a master - 442: CF, PM, GP.
painting my toenails - 318: SH, GB.
painting the ceiling - 823: GB, TH, PM.
painting the kitchen - 10: RHo.
painting the town red - 471: PM, PJ, NM, DN.
palace - 490: CF, KHH, DN.
pale - 435: PJ, PMcC, SF, PM.
paleontology - 319: KW, CF, JBe.
Pam - 329: KW, AMa.
panache - 80: KW, CF, DN. 252: KW, DN.
Pandora - 358: DN, PJ, KW, CF.
Pandora's box - TV41: KB, GB. 661: TR, CF, RN, PM.
panel games - 533: SP, TH, JH.
panic - 60: GJ, DN, CF. 77: KW, CF. 268: PJ, KW, CF.
pantomime - 359: CF, DN. 386: CT, PJ, LP, CF. 604: CC, KHH.
pantomime dames - 703: PM, SK. 864: SC, TAl, PM.
(the) pantomime season - 666: TH, PM, SP.
pantomimes - 13: AM, CI, CF, DN. 818: PA, GB, PM.
(the) paparazzi - 633: VS, SH, TH.
(the) paper boy - 772: TH, SH, PM.
paper hanging - 396: BC.
paper tearing - 250: CF, KW.
papering the ceiling - 310: PJ, DN.
paperwork - 823: TH, GB.
(a) parachute jump - 826: PM, GN, HW, MJ.
parachuting - 378: ES, PJ, KW.
paradise - 334: DN. 677: JCa, FM, PM, CF.
paradise found - 840: HW, RK, PM.

paradise lost - 840: HW, RK, PM.

paradox - 365: BC, KW.
(a) parallel universe - 499: SFr, JE, PJ, TR. 602: NR, GB, MM.
paranormal activity - 844: PM.
parasites - 533: JH, CF, TH.
parbuckles - 272: DN, CF.
pardon my French - TV57: GB, TH, PM.
parental advice - 655: CF, PM, JC, PMc.
Paris - 329: CF, KW, JR, AMa. 382: DN, KW. 471: GN, CF.
Paris in the spring - 804: SP, GN, JMa, PM.
(the) Parisian Latin quarter - 210: CF, AMar, PJ.
park - 451: JH, DN.
parking - 41: DN, CF, KW. 297: PJ, KW, TBT.
parking meters - 20: GJ, NP, CF. 292: CF, DN, JJ.
parking the car - 552: SFr, LT, PM.
Parkinson's law - 356: KW, PJ, TR.
(the) parks of London - 736: SP, GN, PM.
parlour games - 500: CF, FM, PM.
parrot fashion - 586: CF, PM, WR.
parrots - 256: JB.
parsley - 495: CF, DN, KHH.
parsnips - 210: PJ, CF.
parsons - 115: NP, CF.
(the) parsons' nose - 18: NP, GJ. 359: KW. 448: PM, TH, CF. 677: FM, PM, CF.
Parsons' pleasure - 483: PM, DN, CF.
Parsons Town - 205: PMo, PJ, CF.
parties I enjoy - 88: BCa, CF.
parts I refuse to play - 288: PJ, KW, CF.
party games - 79: KW, DN, LF, CF. 132: KW, PJ. 719: PM, SF. JJAM4: JE.
party poopers - 591: TH, CF, JE, RN.
passing out - 455: PJ, DN, PM, CF.
passing the buck - 59: DN, CF. 524: SFr, CF, GN.
passion - 81: KW, PSc, DN. 725: PA, TR, TH.
passports - 248: CF, PJ, KW. 349: CF.
Pasteur and wine - 198: CF, DN, KW.
pate - 157: CF, DN. 268: CF, KW, DN.
patience - 144: DJ, DN, PJ. TV36: RMo, TO, LG.
patois - 506: CF, TS, DN.
patriotism - 75: KW, DN.
patronage - 213: SH, CF, GG.
pattern - 493: PJ, ML.
Paul Cezanne - 155: KW, DN.
pauses - 455: PJ, CF, PM, DN.
pawn brokers - 131: PJ, CF.

pawns - 176: CF, PJ.

paws - 340: DN, GB.
paying a visit to the dentist - 8: AW, LB.
paying the bills at the end of the month - 26: KW, CF.
paying through the nose - 552: PM, SFr. 779: CC, SP.
payoffs - 280: RBu, CF, KW.
pea shooters - 322: CF, PJ, KW.
(the) peach - 556: CF, GN.
(the) Peak district - 541: RN, LS, TH. 735: TH, DG, JMo, JL.
peanuts - 131: CF, SH, KW. 239: DN, KW, SH. 409: CF, DN, PM, PJ.
pear shaped - 553: LS.
pearls - 93: AM, PJ, CF.
pearly kings - TV5: HL, TS, TH, KHH.
pears - 99: PJ, CF, KW, KWh. 284: DN, KW. 405: PJ, WR, PM. 431: PJ, DN, CF.
peat - 166: PJ, DN, CF, AM.
(a) peculiar practice - 520: PJ, KHH, CF.
peel - 452: WR, PM, PJ.
peeling an orange - 507: SF, PJ.
peeping toms - TV40: LS, MM, WR.
peeps - TV1: HL, TS, KHH, TH.
pegs - 650: TH, GB.
penguins - 218: PJ, CF, AMa. 537: LS, RN, TH. 646: CF, KRo, TH.
penny pinching - 516: CF, GN, PM.
pens - 298: KW, AMa, CF.
people I don't enjoy - 124: PJ, CF.
people I enjoy - 124: KW.
people I like - 160: AM, CF, KW.
people I shall never forget - 294: KW.
people like me - 139: CF, SH. 603: GB.
(the) people next door - 10: RHo, CF, BBl.
people who send me flowers - 162: AM, PJ, CF.
(the) people you find in a student bar - 735: JMo, JL, DG, TH.
Pepper's ghost - 231: MP, DN, KW.
Percy Biss Shelley - 152: KW, CF.
Percy Harrison Fawcett - 212: KW, PMo, CF.
perfect aim - 739: GN, JE, GB, PM.
(the) perfect alibi - 586: CF, LT, PM.
(the) perfect best man's speech - 763: PM, SP.
(the) perfect breakfast - 66: CF, KW, DN, SH. 592: CF, KHH, SH.
(the) perfect cup of tea - 634: CF, JE, PM.
(the) perfect date - 735: JMo, TH, JL.
(a) perfect day - 426: PM, DN, CF.
(the) perfect excuse - 762: PM, GN, JL, JE.
(the) perfect finish to the perfect meal - 329: CF, AMa.

(the) perfect friend - 37: DN.

(the) perfect guest - 208: SH, KW.
(the) perfect host - 480: GP, PM, GN.
(the) perfect idiot - 37: AM, DN, KW, CF.
(the) perfect lie-in - 778: PM, KHH.
(the) perfect man - 779: PM.
(the) perfect marriage - 764: GB, TH, PM.
(the) perfect murder - 377: PJ, DN, KW. 567: PM, TH, CF, JC.
(the) perfect omelette - 827: JC, JE, PM.
(the) perfect packed lunch - 790: MJ, CC, PM.
(the) perfect picnic - 615: CF, PM.
(the) perfect secretary - 173: CF, AM, KW, PJ.
(the) perfect snack - 622: CF, LS.
(the) perfect Sunday afternoon - 693: LT, JD, PM, CF.
(the) perfect woman - 779: SP, CC.
perfection - 375: TR, KW.
perfume - 237: THi, DN, CF.
Pericles - 255: KW.
(a) perk of my job - 723: SF, PM, JE.
permissiveness - 76: KW, DN.
(the) person I dread sitting next to me on the train - 706: PM, CF, HL.
(the) person I look up to most - 625: TH, JC, CF.
(the) person I should like to play in a movie - 610: PM, TH, SF.
(the) person next to me - 791: PM, GB.
(the) person to my left - 745: PM, JE.
(the) person who should play me in a movie - 610: CF, TH, SF, PM.
personal grooming - 810: RK, GB.
personal hygiene in the 10th century - 826: GN, HW, PM.
personal shoppers - 653: PA, GN.
personal trainers - 631: CN, PM, RB.
pests - 139: CF, DN, KW. TV29: JSe, BC, BS.
pet earwigs - 391: WR, LP, RM.
pet hates - 525: SW, LS, JC.
pet names - 840: RK, SH, PM.
Peter Jones - 281: AMa, CF, KW.
Peter Pan - TV45: MM, LS, MC. 548: SP, RN, TR, TH. 620: DO, JE, PM. TV58:
Peter the Great - 397: BC, CF, DN.
petite pwois - 567: CF, TH, PM, JC.
pets - 107: PJ, SH. 322: PJ. 414: WR, TR, PJ, RS.
pets that should not be kept in a flat - 334: CF, DN, JJ, KW.
petty cash - 353: PJ, KW.
phagocytes - 191: KW, DN.
phantasmagoria - 415: PJ, DN, ML, CF.

(the) Pharaohs - 765: GN, JL, PM.

philatelly - 419: PJ, DN, CF, JJ. 713: CF, SH, DM.
Phineas Taylor Barnum - 411: CF, WR, PJ, DN.
phlogiston - 258: CF, PJ.
phobias - 250: JW, KW, CF, PJ. 352: MJa, DN.
phonophobia - 212: CF, PJ, KW.
photo finishes - 15: CF, DN.
photography - 757: GB, RW, PM
phrenology - 1: WE, DN.
Picasso - 601: CF, GN. 662: CF, CN, GP, PM.
piceformes - 283: KW, SH, PJ.
(the) pickled onion - 722: PM, SP.
pick-me-ups - 132: CF.
picnics - 342: CF, DN.
picture perfect - 814: PM, LT.
(the) pictures - 249: KW, PJ. 386: LP, CF. 494: PM, DN, JC.
pie - 111: CF, KW.
(a) piece of cake - 238: PJ, KW. 297: TBT, PJ, BT. 501: DN, SFr, CF. 951: SH,
(a) piece of my mind - 524: GN.
piercings - 633: TH, CF.
piers - 397: DN, CF, BC.
pie and mash - 609: SF, CF, TH, JC.
pies - 478: PM, CF.
piffle - 427: PJ, PM, CF.
pigeon fancying - 828: SK, GB, PS.
pigeons - 221: CF, PJ, GG. 413: DN, WR, CF.
piggy banks - 128: CF, KW, SH.
piggybacks - 128: KW, CF, SH.
pigs as household pets - 305: GG, DN, KW.
pigs as pets - 381: DN.
pigs might fly - 846: SK, GB, MB.
pilates - 593: LS, CN, TH, CF.
pillow talk - 494: PM, JC, DN. TV35: PJ, LS, MC, MM. 591: JE.
pilots - 591: CF, TH.
pinching - 393: PJ, DN, PM.
ping pong - 157: PJ, DN, CF.
pins and needles - 73: DN, CF, KW.
pipes - 464: DN, PM.
pippins - 448: TH, PM, CF.
pips - 551: RN, TR, TH.
pirate radio - TV6: TBl, LSi, TS, JS.
pirates - 669: CF, PM.
Pisa - 432: JS, PJ, PM.

(a) pistol shot - 347: CF, DN, PJ, KW.

pitching a tent - JJAM11: PM, JL.
pitfalls for a programme chairman - 286: BMo, DN, CF.
pixie boots - 565: SP, TH, RN.
pizazz - 570: PM, CF.
place - 425: WR, DN, TH, CF.
plagiarism - 372: TR, SH, DN.
plain English - 308: CF, KW, LPu.
plain sailing - 656: PM, RN, CF.
plain speaking - 26: CF, DN, AM, KW.
plan B - 745: GN, PM. JE.
plankton - 336: PJ, TR, LPu. 765: PM, GN, JL.
planning - 186: CF, PJ, DN.
planning a gap year - 832: SH, JLy, PM, KE.
planning a stay-cation - 727: DM, GB.
plastic gnomes - 56: CF, GJ, DN, KW.
plastic surgery - 648: GB, PM, TH.
plastics - 88: CF, KW.
plates - 576: SL, RN.
platforms - 631: RB.
play school - 624: RN, SP, PM.
playground games - 795: CC, PA, PM, MJ.
playing a proscenium arch - 609: SF.
playing bingo - 526: CF, JC.
playing by the rules - 531: TR. 782: MB, PM, CBr.
playing it by ear - 521: MM, SF, PJ.
playing Just A Minute without Clement Freud - 184: KW, DN.
playing safe - 124: AM, KW.
playing the fool - 453: PM, KHH, JE.
playing the goat - 456: PM.
playing the market - 122: CF, KW, SH.
playing the ukelele - 834: FS, SP, GB, PM.
playing to the crowd - 679: ML, PA, PM, MB.
playing with my yoyo - 91: CF, AM, KW.
pleas - 361: PJ, DN, KW.
pleasantries - 84: SH, DN, CF. 168: PJ, DN, CF, KW. 485: CF, GK, TR, PM.
pleasure - 67: CF, DN, KW. 204: KW, SH. 262: PJ, DN.
pleasure from music - 285: PJ, JJ, KW, DN.
(the) pleasures of hard work - 53: CF, KW.
(the) Plimsoll line - 179: KW, PJ, CF, AMar.
(the) plinth in Trafalgar Square - 724: GN, GB.
plots - 203: PJ, KW, MPa, CF. 351: DN, CF.
plugs - 430: DN, WR, CF.
plumbing - 321: CF. 439: PJ, PM.

Pluto - 135: PJ, CF, DN. 270: MMa, KR, CF. 324: KW, DN, PJ. 368: CF, DN, PJ,
poaching - 479: CF, FM.
pocket money - 16: AM, DN, CF. 762: GN, JL, PM.
poetic justice - 697: IMc, PM, TH.
poetic licence - 558: PM, CN, LS, KHH. 600: RN, CF. 672: PM, ML, DO.
poetry - 95: SH, PJ, CF.
poetry in motion - 647: JE, GN, CF.
poetry reading - 151: PJ, SH, DN, KW.
poganophobia - 207: CF, AM, PJ.
pogo - 218: CF, KW, PJ, AMa.
pointers - 362: DN, BC.
pointless inventions - 743: FM, PM, JE.
poisonous gases - 845: JL, TH, AC, PM.
poker - 398: PJ, RM, PM, DN. 469: CF, PJ. 712: JMo, PM.
(a) poker face - 744: PM, SP, LT.
Polibius - 336: KW, LPu.
(a) police escort - 728: CN, PM, CC.
policemen - 52: KW, DN, CF, AMa.
policewomen - 53: KW.
poliology - 219: CF, AM, KW.
politics - 83: SH, KW, CF.
polo - 207: CF, AM.
poltergeists - 127: PJ, CF, DN. 401: JMu, TR, CF, DN.
polygamy - 209: DN, PJ.
polystyrene - 68: DN, CF.
Pompeii - 179: KW, AMar. 241: KW.
pomposity - 436: PM, EI, CF, DN.
Pontefract - 172: CF, DN.
poor - 301: DN, PJ.
(a) poor relation - 687: CF, PM, MB, JE.
pop - 420: WR, DN, SF, PM. 484: GN, GP. 531: AG, PM, CF. 584: TH, CN, LS.
651: PMc, JC.
pop goes the weasel - 351: KW, SH.
(the) pop scene - 29: KW, DN, GJ, CF.
popadoms - 388: KW, CF.
Pope Joan - 187: KW, CF, SH.
popular misconceptions - 254: PMo.
porpoises - 226: SH, DN, KW.
porridge - 191: AM, KW. 196: DN, CF, AMa. 479: DN, TH, FM. 610: CF, PM,
SF. 812: PM, SP, JLy.
port - 79: DN, CF. 291: CF, PJ.
porter - 473: CF, PJ, TH.
(the) portrait in my attic - TV50: SF, RT, PM, JC.

poses - 123: CF, KW, PJ.

posh - 632: KHH.
(the) poshest person in Harrogate - 564: GN, TR, JE, TH.
position - 427: PJ, CQ, PM, CF.
(the) position I now find myself in - 115: NP.
positive thinking - 533: CF, SP.
(the) Post Office tower - 859: SP, TH.
postage stamps - 773: JL, PJu, JC, RW.
postcards - 143: PJ, KW, SH, DN. 448: PM, DN, CF, TH.
(the) posters on my bedroom wall - JJAM1: JE, JL, ZS.
postman's knock - 71: DC, CF, KW.
pot pourri - 131: PJ, SH.
potatoes - 374: PJ, CF, KW. 385: CF.
pottering - 459: DN, PJ, TH.
pottering about - 239: KW, PJ, DN.
pottering in the peaks - TV26: JS, TS, DW.
pound - 264: PJ, KW, DN.
pound shops - TV53: JL, PM.
poverty - 224: CF, DN.
powder - 104: AM, KW.
powdering my nose - 526: SW, LS, JC, CF.
power - 105: KW, AM, CF. 305: KW. 331: NP, PJ. 365: IH, BC, DN. 371: KW, PJ,
DN, TR. TV45: MC, PJ.
power complexes - 164: PJ, KW, AM.
power cuts - 626: LS, CN, TR.
power dressing - 544: GN, CF, PM. 774L PA, TH.
power of mind - 346: PJ, KW, TR.
(the) power of speech - 136: CF, PJ.
power struggles - 797: PM, SP, GN.
pow-wow - 520: CF, KHH, TH.
practical jokes - 387: DN, CF. 542: PM, KHH, JC.
pratfalls - 422: WR, DN, PJ.
precision - 126: CF, KW.
predicaments - 128: SH, PJ.
predicting the future - 791: JG.
prediction - 268: DN, KW, CF.
predictions - 454: PM, PJ.
prehistoric man - 716: CN, JMo, TH.
prehistoric woman - 688: PM, CF, JD. 704: SP, JC, CA.
prejudice - 582: LT, PM, CF.
preparing for the worst - 32: DN, CF, KW.
presence of mind - 160: PJ, KW. 411: DN, WR.
(the) present I most like to receive - 124: AM, CF.
pre-show nerves - 792: JBy, TV, GB.

(the) press - 93: PJ, AM. 190: PJ, KW, AMar. 341: KW. 442: CF, PM, PJ. 487: JC,
press reporting - 343: CF, HK, KW.
pressing the flesh - 467: PM, CF.
pretence - 232: CF.
pretentious vocabulary - 726: GB.
pretentiousness - 566: GN, SH, PM.
preventing long telephone conversations - 39: GJ, DN, CF.
previously on Just A Minute - 820: PM, RK, AC.
(the) price of milk - 753: PM, GB, SK.
(the) pricking of my thumbs - 329: KW, AMa, CF.
pride - 163: SH, DN. 238: KW, CF.
pride and prejudice - 558: KHH, PM.
Prince Albert - 400: WR, PJ, PM.
Princes Street - 442: PM, PJ, CF.
(the) princess - 203: KW, CF, PJ.
probability - 185: KW, CF.
(the) problem I had last week - 293: SH, DN, KW.
(the) problem page - 545: GN, TR, TH.
problems - 386: PJ, CT, CF.
(the) producers - 857: JLy, GB, PM.
profits - 229: CF, PJ.
profity - 103: CF, KW.
prohibition - 744: PM, SP.
promises - 190: AMar, KW, CF. 204: KW, PJ.
property prices - 737: GB, PA.
proposals - 22: KW, CF.
pros and cons - 185: DN, CF, KW. 505: RMo, GN, CF.
(the) pros and cons of knitting - 795: PA, CC, MJ.
protests - 139: DN, CF.
my proudest moment - JJAM5: WP, JL.
proverbs - 200: SH, GG, CF. 632: CF, KHH.
prunes - 769: JBy, GB, PM.
prunes and custard - 155: PJ, KW, DN, JM. 158: PJ, DN.
Ptolemy the First - 73: KW, AM.
(the) public eye - 579: LT, PM, CF.
public relations - 26: DN, AM, CF. 673: CF, PM, GN.
public transport - JJAM11: Do?, M?
pubs - 228: PJ, CF.
pudding - 248: KW, PJ, CF. 343: PJ, HK. 515: PJ, PM, TH, CF.
puffballs - 17: KW, CF.
puffin - 341: DN, KW, PJ.
pulling a cork - 75: CF, DN, AM, KW.
pulling a cracker - 82: DN, CF, KW.

pulling faces - 33: KW, CF, AMa.

pulling power - 582: WR, LT, CF, PM.
pulling rank - 681: GB, JC, JE.
pulling someone's leg - 622: PM, CF.
pump room - 494: JC, PM, CF.
pumpernickel - TV39: GB, GW, LS.
punch - 79: CF, DN, KW. 261: DN, CF, PJ. 395: LP, WR, RM. 458: CF, MM, DN.
546: BC, GN, PM, CF. 584: CN, LS.
Punch and Judy - 294: CF, KW, DN.
punch bags - 280: DN.
punctuality - 25: DN, AM. 278: PJ, DN, CF. 350: PJ, KW, TR. 588: TH, PM, CF.
punctures - 396: PJ, CF.
punk - 623: JE, PM, CF.
punks - 375: PJ, KW, DN. 641: CF, SF, PM.
punnets - 427: PM, CQ.
puns - 60: KW, CF, DN, GJ. 114: PJ, KW. 379: CF, KW, DN. 411: CF, PJ, DN.
(the) puppet master - TV56: SP, SM, MB.
puppets - 213: SH, CF, PJ.
puppy love - 595: JE, TH, CF. 731: CN, PM, JL.
(a) purple patch - 715: DM, CF, PM.
putdowns - 538: SP, PM.
putting a bold face on it - 51: KW, CF. 129: KW, PJ.
putting a sock in it - 112: AM, KW, CF.
putting a tent up in the rain - 722: RH, SP, JG.
putting in everything I've got - 166: PJ, DN, AM, CF.
putting on a show - 332: TR, PJ, LPu.
putting on my tights - 201: AMa, KW.
putting one over - 211: DN, CF.
putting one's foot into it - 439: LSi, PM, PJ.
putting out a fire - 144: PJ, DN, CF, DJ.
putting up a shelf - 407: PJ, DN.
putting up a tent - 396: CF, WR, PJ.
putting your foot in it - 777: JC, CC, SP.
puzzles - 311: GB, PJ, SH. 328: PJ, KW, VW, CF.
pyramid selling - 159: JM, PJ.
(the) Pyramids - 410: DN, CF. 546: GN, BC, CF, PM. 548: RN, SP, TR. 862: AH,
Pyramus - 222: KW.
Pythagoras - 22: GJ, CF. 478: KHH, PM. 789: PM, LT, SP, GN.
pythons - 203: MPa, PJ, KW.
quackery - 292: KW, CF.
quacks - 407: PM. 443: SF, JR, PM.
quail - 114: CF, AM, KW.
(the) qualities that make up the ideal man - 109: SH, KW, PJ.

(the) qualities that make up the ideal woman - 109: CF, SH, KW.
quangoes - 460: KHH, CF, PJ, PM.
quanting - 266: BT, PC, KW.
quantitive easing - 755: TH, RN.
quantum leap - 451: TH, DN, PJ.
quantum physics - 748: PM, KE, SP, JC.
quasars - 355: KW.
Queen Hapshepsott of 1500 BC - 243: KW, CF.
(the) Queen of Sheba - 623: JE, CF, PM.
Queen Victoria - 364: KW, PJ.
Queen Victoria's nickers - 266: PC, CF.
(the) question I'd most like to ask - 164: KW, CF.
questions I never ask - 114: PJ, CF.
Quetzalcoatl - 316: KW, CF.
queuing - 560: LT, SF, CF.
queuing at the supermarket - 310: PJ, CF, DN.
queuing up at the Post Office - 39: CF, DN, GJ.
(a) quick exit - 788: JE, PS, RH.
quick thinking - 762: JE, JL, PM, GN.
quiet - 148: PJ, DN, DJ.
quince - 106: CF, KW, SH.
Quinitus Horatius Flaccus Horace - 122: KW, CF.
quiz shows - 721: PS, PM, SP.
quotations - 146: PJ. 503: DN.
quotations worth repeating - 92: KW, CF.
rabbit - 458: PM, MM.
rabbits - 262: JBa, DN, PJ.
racing - 7: CF, US. 102: CF, PJ. 237: CF, DN. 456: DN, TH, FM.
racing day - 386: CF, PJ, LP, CT.
racing snails - 358: PJ, KW.
rackets - 241: PJ, CF. 395: LP, RM, WR, CF. 459: PJ, DN.
radio - 493: PJ, ML.
radio phone-ins - 454: DN, SFr, PM, PJ.
radio telephones - 365: DN, IH, BC, KW.
radio times - 675: PM, TH, CF.
radioactivity - 688: CF, PM, JD, LT.
raffles - 265: CF, TBT, KR, KW. 452: WR, PM.
rag - 390: PJ, DN, PM.
(the) rag trade - 829: SH, JLy.
ragged robins running round ragged rocks - 230: DN, NP.
rain - 236: CF, DN. 368: PJ, DN, CF. 421: PM, CF, PJ.
(the) rain in Spain - 849: LT, PM, TR.
rainbow - 446: JH, DN, TH.
raining cats and dogs - 585: RN, SFr, KHH.

raising the roof - 854: PM, MMc, SH.

ram-raiding - 455: PM.
rambling - 229: DN, CF. 336: PJ, TR, KW, LPu. 535: GN, PM, RN.
random acts of kindness - 830: JE, PM, VF.
rank outsiders - 487: JC, DN, CF, PM.
rap - 491: TH, PM, DN.
raspberries - 454: PM, DN, SFr, PJ. 524: GN, SF, MJa.
Rasputin - 87: KW.
(the) rat race - 664: CF, GB.
rates - 161: CF, DN, AMa.
Ravel's Bolero - 951: PA, PM, SH.
ravioli - 203: CF, KW, MPa.
reading in the bath - 846: JE, GB, MB, SK.
reading instructions - 360: CF, TR.
reading teacups - 70: DC, CF, KW. 154: DN, SH, PJ.
reading the Riot Act - 351: SH, DN.
reading under the bedclothes - 81: DN, KW, CF, PSc.
ready money - 414: PJ.
reality TV - 574: WR, KHH.
rearranging the furniture - 846: SK, GB.
reason - 146: PJ, AMa, CF.
(the) reasons not to go on holiday - 764: PM, GB, TH.
reasons to be cheerful - 817: JE, JC. J9: JL, LD, AU
reasons to eat garlic - 351: CF, SH.
received pronunciation - 855: GB.
receiving compliments - 44: KW, DN, CF.
recharging your batteries - 858: JC, JL.
(a) recipe for disaster - 655: CF, JC, PM.
(the) record I'd like to break - 857: GB, JG.
records - 218: KW, CF. 255: PJ, KW. 385: CF, LP, PJ. 424: WR, PM, CF. TV39:
records I would like to break - 292: CF, KW, JJ.
rectors - 473: TH, FM, CF.
recycling - 194: PJ, KW, CF, DN. 595: CF, JE. 659: OO, CF, PM.
(the) red carpet - 768: PJu, JL, RW, JC.
(the) red devils - 475: PM, PJ.
(a) red herring - 479: CF, TH, DN. 526: CF, TH, LS.
red herrings - 281: PJ, AMa, CF, KW.
red Leicester - TV17: MF, TS, DW, CM. 691: JL, CF, PM.
red letter days - 832: JLy, KE.
red plastic garden gnomes - 203: CF, MPa, PJ.
(a) red rose - 481: AS, PJ, CF, PM.
red roses - TV34: SFr, WR, BC, TH.
red sky at night - 755: TH, PM, GN. 859: GB, SP, TH.

red tape - 98: KWh, CF, KW. 288: KW. 373: CF, DN, KW. 418: CF, DN, PJ.
TV33: PJ, GB, TH, JBr. 582: LT, PM.
reels - 479: CF, FM.
refereeing a football match - TV24: DW, KHH, TS.
reflexology - 449: JE, PJ, KHH. 635: CN, PM, RB.
(the) regatta - 637: GB, JE, PM, CF.
Regent's Park -759: RN, LT, PM.
reggae - TV53: JSe, JL, PM.
regional accents - 693: LT, CF, PM, JD.
reinventing yourself - 641: TR, SF, CF.
relations - 22: KW, CF, GJ. 356: KW, TR. 403: EF, TR, DN.
relatives - 556: GN, PM, LS.
relativity - 138: KW, PJ, CF.
relaxation - 141: DN, CF, KW. 244: DN.
relaxation techniques - 496: DN, PM.
relics - 500: PM, CF.
(a) remarkable occurrence - 274: PC.
(a) remarkable source - 804: SP, PM.
remembering people's names - 784: AC, GN, PM.
removal men - 323: DN, SH.
repertoire - 498: CF, PM.
repetition - 63: CF, GJ.
reports - 134: PJ, KW, SH. 433: PM, CFe, DN, PJ.
reputation - 135: KW, CF, DN.
respect - 615: JC, PM, CF.
resting - 600: TH, CF.
retail therapy - 677: JCa, CF, FM, PM.
reticence - 136: KW, CF.
retorts - 219: CF, KW, PJ.
revelations - 456: PJ, PM, KHH, CF.
revenge - 641: SFr, PM, CF.
reviews - 290: BT, KW, TBT.
revolutions - 74: KW, CF, AM.
rewriting history - 777: PM, JC, SP.
(the) rhinoceros - 299: KW. 346: PJ, BC, TR. 591: CF.
rhubarb - 145: JM, CF, PJ. 549: PM, CF, SFr. 835: GB, PM, SP, JLo.
rhyme or reason - 675: DG, TH, PM.
rhymes - 356: TR, KW, PJ. 404: WR, DN, CF, PJ.
rhyming couplets - 511: KHH, JE.
rhyming slang - 849: TR, LT, PM.
rice pudding - TV46: GB, JBr, PJ.
Richard the Third - 864: PM, GB, TAl.
riddles - 113: PJ, AM, KW. 393: TR, DN.
riding a laugh - 457: TH, PJ, DN.

riding the laughs - 486: CF, PJ.

(a) right carry on - 481: PM, CF.
(a) right cock-up - TV36: RMo, LG, RV.
(a) right hand man - 726: GN, GB, PM.
(the) right moment to sound my buzzer - 185: CF, KW.
Rio - 383: DN, RM, CF.
(the) rites of spring - 843: GB, JE.
(the) river Thames - 700: PM, CA, SP.
(a) road trip with Nicholas Parsons - 861: JL.
roads - 362: KW, DN, IH. 429: CF, PM. 435: PMcC, PM, SF, PJ.
roast duck - 431: CF, PM, DN.
Rob Roy - 379: KW.
robbing Peter to pay Paul - 399: PJ, CF, PM. 431: DN, CF, PM. 482: CF, PM,
Robert Burns - 616: PM, LM, DO.
Robert Houdin - 256: KW.
Robert the Bruce - 597: CF, GP, DO, PM.
Robespierre - 76: KW, JMac, DN, CF.
Robin Hood - 458: DN, PM, CF. 530: LS, GN, CF. 571: WR, SP, KHH. 783: SP.
robin redbreast - 359: KW, CF.
rock and roll - 675: TH, CF, PM.
(a) rock and roll lifestyle - 753: RW, GB, PM.
rockers - 373: KW, PJ, DN, CF.
rocket science - 569: JE, CF, CN, GB.
rocking chairs - 293: PJ, DN.
rodomontade - 103: KW, AM, CF.
role play - 735: JL, DG.
(a) roll in the hay - 672: PA, PM, DO.
(a) rolling stone - 649: PM, KHH.
rolls - 279: DN, KW.
Roman culture - 270: KR, MMa.
Roman dormouse cooking - 374: CF, PJ, KW, SU.
(a) Roman holiday - 811: PK, GB.
Roman London - TV10: CF, TH, TS.
romance - 490: DN, PJ, CF.
(a) romantic gesture - 786: RH, JE, TH, PS.
romantic meals - 731: CN, PM, JL, CC.
(the) romantic movement - 284: BC, DN, CF, KW.
(the) romantic revival - 136: KW, SH, CF.
romcoms - 791: PM, GB.
Rome - 320: KW.
Romulus and Remus - 63: KW, DN, CF, GJ.
room 102 - 680: DG, CF, TH, PM.
(a) room with a view - 857: SC, PM.

roots - 565: TH, RN.

rope tricks - 393: DN, PM, PJ.
rose growing - 65: SH, CF.
rose - 245: DN, PJ, CF, KW.
rosemary - 607: CF, GN, RN.
roses - 94: CF, PJ. 308: LPu, KW. 326: NP. 773: JC, PJu, RW, JL.
rotten guests - 414: RS, TR, WR, PJ.
rotten hosts - 397: CF, DN.
roulette - 218: AMa, CF.
round - 486: DN, CF, PM.
(a) round robin - 504: JE, SFr, TR. 818: GB, PA, PM, SM.
round robins - 184: PJ, SH, KW. 665: AC, PM, TR, CN.
(the) round table - 662: CN, PM, CF.
roundabouts - 129: KW, AMa, CF, PJ.
routines - 504: SFr, JE, TR.
rovers - 580: CF, TH, GN.
(a) royal flush - 817: JE, LT, PM.
(the) Rubiat of Omar Khium - 504: PJ, JE, TR.
rubber - 276: DN, PJ, KW.
rubber plants - 507: SF, PM, CF, PJ.
rubbish - 52: AMa, CF, KW. 93: AM, KW, CF. 754: PM, SP, SH. 780: LT, KHH,
rubies - 58: DN, NP, CF. 184: DN, KW. 650: PM, TH, GB.
(the) Rubik cube - 317: PJ, CF, KW.
ruby anniversary - 685: TH, GB.
rude awakenings - 189: DN, CF, SH, PJ.
rude remarks - 180: PJ, DN, AM.
rude rhymes - 337: BC, KW, CF.
rude words - 159: DN. TV36: LG, TO, RV, RMo.
(the) rudest letter I ever had - 228: AMar, CF.
(the) rudest person I ever met - 502: PM, TH, PJ, CF.
Rudolph Diesel - 294: KW, DN.
rugby - 451: PJ, DN, TH. TV22: CCh, RV, TS, DW. 553: GN, PM.
(the) rule book - 697: PM, SK, TH, IMc.
rulers - 754: MB, SH, SP, PM.
rules - 214: KW, CF. 380: KW, CF, DN. >BR>rules of engagement - 855: LBe,
(the) rush hour - 35: KW, CF. 727: PM, JC, GB.
rushes - 222: JB, MP, KW.
(the) Russian step - 61: DN, AM, CF.
sad films - 43: DN, GJ, KW.
saddling a horse - 326: DN, NP, PJ.
sago - 285: JJ.
sailing - 308: LPu, BC, CF.

sailors - 570: LS, PM, RN.

Saint Andrew's - 469: CF, PJ.
Saint George - 275: KW, PJ.
Saint George's day - TV33: TH, GB, PJ, JBr.
Saint Martin - 144: CF, PJ.
Saint Nicholas - 132: KW, CF. 818: SM, PA, GB.
Saint Pancreas - 652: CN, KHH.
Saint Patrick - 852: PM, MB.
Saint Swithin's Day - 668: PM, CF.
Saint Valentine - 844: RI, GN, PM.
saints and sinners - TV33: PJ, TH, JBr, GB.
salad days - 462: DN, PM, CF, MM.
sale - 362: IH. 437: KHH, CF.
sale of the century - 597: PM, DO, CF.
(the) sales - 177: AM, KW. 397: CF, DN, BC. 615: JC, PM, LT.
salesmen - 252: DN, PJ.
sally forth - 458: DN, PM, CF.
Salome the dancer - 263: KW, DN.
saloons - 467: PJ.
salt - 379: CF, KW.
Salvador Dali - TV55: HB, SK, JMa, PM.
Sam Goldwyn - 352: MJa, PJ, KW.
sampans - 262: PJ, DN.
Samuel Crompton - 245: KW, CF.
Samuel Pepys - 600: TH. 950: SC, GB, AC, PM.
Samuel Pepys's rude bits - 358: CF, DN.
sand banks - 656: TR, CF, PM, RN.
sand storms - 327: DN, BJ.
sandcastles - JJAM3: JL, JE.
Sandringham - 692: KHH, GB, TH.
Sappho - 374: KW.
sartorial elegance - 814: LT, JC.
(the) sat nav - 804: JMa, SP, PM.
Saturday night - 73: KW.
Saturday night fever - 477: TH, CF.
Saturday nights - 621: GN, SP, RN, PM.
Saturn - 298: AMa, PJ, CF.
sauce - 80: KW, DN, CF. 394: DN, TR, PJ. 471: DN, PM, PJ.
Sauciehall Street - 861: SC.
sauciness - 181: KW, SH, DN.
sausage rolls - 258: SH, CF.
saving - 432: JS, PM, PJ.
saving energy - 636: SH, VS, TH, CF.
saving my face - 306: JJ, TR, BJ.

saving petrol - 345: JBad, KW.

saving power - 277: PMo, DN, CF.
saving things for best - 827: VF, JC.
saving up - 53: SH.
sawing a girl in half - 435: PJ, SF.
sawing a woman in half - 242: KW, DN.
(the) Saxons - 573: CF, CN, JE, GB.
say what you see - 806: RWa, FM, GB, TH.
saying good-bye - 89: KW, DN.
saying no - 404: DN, CF, WR.
saying sorry - TV30: LG, TO, RMo, RV.
scales - 219: AM, KW, CF, PJ. 391: CF, WR.
scam - 501: SFr, TS, CF.
scandal - 392: CF, DN, CT. 463: GN, TH, DN.
(a) scapegoat - 803: SH, JL, PM.
Scarborough - 434: PJ, CF, DN.
(a) scenic route - 856: PM, GB.
(the) scenic route - 740: LT, SP, JSe.
scent - 503: GN.
schaedenfreude - 560: SF.
school - 384: CF, DN, LP.
school days - 261: CF, DN, PJ. 265: TBT, CF, KW. 513: PJ, PM. 538: SP, PM,
school dinners - JJAM1: KF, ZS.
(the) school disco - 603: FM, NR, GB, MM. 793: GN, SP. JJAM11: JL, M?.
(the) school of hard knocks - 676: AC, TR, CN, PM.
school plays - 55: CF, DN, AMa.
school uniforms - JJAM1: JL.
Schrodinger's cat - 816: SM, GB, PM.
science fiction - 700: CA, SP, JC, PM.
scientific disputes - 277: PMo, DN, CF.
(a) scoop - 463: PJ, TH, GN.
scope - 284: CF, DN, KW.
scotch - 470: DN, PM, CF. 554: CF, JE.
Scotch eggs - 45: CF, DN.
(a) Scotch mist - 308: BC, CF, KW.
(the) Scotsman - 465: CF, DN, PM. 677: PM, CF, FM.
Scott Fitzgerald - 720: KHH, PM, SK.
(the) Scottish accent - 791: JG, GB.
Scottish air - 769: PM, GB.
Scottish cuisine - 698: CF, MMc, PM.
Scottish dancing - 792: TV, GB, PM.
(a) Scottish delicacy - 721: PM, SP, PS.
(the) Scottish diet - 575: GP, PM, CF, RN.

Scottish heather - 699: CF, LFe.

(the) Scottish Parliament - 576: CF, PM.
(the) Scottish play - 686: CF, GB, GN.
(the) Scottish side of my family - 496: PM, DN, TH.
Scottish slang - 639: PM, JSe.
Scottish widows - 486: PM, CF.
scrabble - 473: FM, PJ, CF.
scrabbling around - 798: GB, SM, PM.
scraping the barrel - 643: PM, TR, SF.
scraps - 158: PJ, SH, CF.
Scrooge - 769: AC, JBy.
(the) scrubs - TV12: TS, JF, NR.
scrumpy - 583: PA, GN.
scruples - 61: KW, DN, AM.
scuba diving - 303: PJ, SH, KW. 333: PJ, DN.
sea shanties - 525: JC, LS, CF.
seals - 353: CF, KW. 538: GN, PM, CF.
(the) search for intelligent life - 776: RN, PM, JE.
searching - 303: MW, PJ, SH.
seaside postcards - 31: CF, AM, DN. 671: TH, SP.
Sebastian Faulks - 814:LT, JE, JC.
second - 205: AMa, PMo, PJ.
second best - 772: TH, PM, GN.
(a) second bit of the cherry - 565: WR, TH, SP.
second sight - 238: CF, PJ, KW, RA.
second thoughts - 611: TH.
secondhand books - 752: GB, IMc, SH.
secondhand car salesmen - 585: PM, KHH.
secondhand cars - 348: PJ, MJa, DN.
secondhand shops - 701: RI, PM, RN.
seconds - 189: DN, SH, CF.
(a) secret I will never tell - 668: CN, GP, CF.
(the) secret mission - 502: PM, TH.
(the) secret of a good relationship - 534: PM, TR, AG, CF.
(the) secret of eternal youth - 540: GN, SP.
(the) secret of my success - 743: JE, PM, FM.
secret thoughts - 405: RM, PM, WR, PJ.
secrets - 138: AM, PJ.
security - 518: GN, PM, CF.
seeing a man about a dog - 519: TH, PJ.
seeing red - 811: AC, TH, GB, PK.
seeing the dentist - 749: PM, KHH, TH, AC.
seeing your friend off at the railway station - 108: CF, PJ, KW.
self-control - 93: KW, CF.

self-driving cars - 832: PM, SH.

self-help books - 616: DO, LM, PM.776: GB, JE.
self-made man - TV30: RV, LG, RMo, TO.
self-seal envelopes - 408: PJ, TR, WR.
selling - 229: PJ, DN.
selling by telephone - 407: DN, PM.
selling out - 552: LT, SFr, PM.
selling the car - 378: PJ, ES, CF.
sellotape - 858: JL, JC, PM.
(a) sell-out - 791: GB.
sending postcards - 767: TH, GN, PM.
senior citizens - 166: CF, PJ.
(a) senior moment - 602: GB, NR, MM, FM.
sensation - 355: PJ, KW, WF, DN. 438: AS, PM.
sensationalism - 46: KW, CF. 67: KW, CF. 422: CF.
sense - 110: CF, KW.
(a) sense of purpose - 848: DT, SF.
sensible shoes - 495: PJ, KHH.
sensible winter underwear - 104: KW, AM, PJ.
sentences - 344: DN, MJa, KW.
sentiment - 87: DN, AM.
sentimentalism - 311: PJ, KW.
serendipity - 54: DH, CF. 517: CF, PM.
Sergei Popokiev - 231: KW, DN.
sericulture - 360: TR, GB, KW.
service - 372: DN, SH, TR. 494: DN, JC, PM.
services - 427: CQ, PM, PJ.
setting the table - JJAM4: LSh, SS.
setting my video - TV45: MM, MC, PJ.
settling down - 313: CF, DN, GG, KW.
settling up - 313: GG, DN, KW.
(the) seven deadly sins - 540: CF, PM. 732: GN, LT.
seven hills - 503: GN, TH.
(the) seven seas - 576: PM, RN.
(the) seven sisters - 475: AS, CF, PJ.
seven ways to say good-bye - 751: KE, JC, PM.
(the) seven wonders of the world - 274: PJ, CF.
seventh heaven - 473: CF, TH.
(the) 70s - 787: PM, GN, GB.
(the) sewers of London - TV11: LSi, TS, JS, JBr.
sewing - 35: GJ, DN. 220: PJ, KW.
sex - 392: BC, CF, DN.
sex appeal - 72: KW. 549: LT, PM, SF, CF.
sex equality - 216: DN, SH. 246: SH, KW, DN.

sexing a tadpole - 526: JC, CF.

sexist advertising - 367: WF, CF, PJ.
(the) sex-life of a ping-pong ball - 364: SB, DN, KW.
(the) sex-life of the sandhopper - 371: DN, TR.
(the) Seychelles - 375: DN, TR.
shabby chic - 722: SP, RH.
shades - 461: TH, FM, DN.
(a) shaggy dog story - 755: TH, PM.
Shakespeare's globe - 772: SH, PM, TH.
Shakespeare's Scottish play - 827: JE, JC, VF.
shambles - 382: CF, WR, DN. 492: SFr, PJ, PM. 510: PJ.
shang-ri-la - 258: PJ, KW, CF.
sharks - 332: LPu, TR. 354: KW, CF, DN. 393: TR, PM. 428: PM, PJ, RMo. 430:
CF, DN, AMc, WR. 616: DO, CF.
(a) sharp tongue - 596: RN.
shaving - 605: RN, TH, CF.
(the) shed in our garden - 69: CF, KW, DN, DC.
sheep's eyes - 96: CF, PJ, SH, KW.
sheilas - 184: DN, PJ, SH.
shells - 572: TH, JC.
shepherd's pie - TV43: TH, WR, SFr, CB.
Sherlock Holmes - 696: CF, MB, GB. 781: PM, MB, CBr.
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson - TV13: RV, TRo, TS.
shift work - 764: PM, JC, TH.
shindig - 505: GN, CF, RMo, PM.
ship building - 657: TH, SP, PM.
(the) shipping forecast - 445: DN, TH, CF.
ships that pass in the night - 262: KW, JBa, DN.
(the) shires - 492: PM, SFr, PJ, MM.
shockers - 243: CF, DN.
shocking people - 189: PJ, SH, CF.
shocks - 404: CF, WR, DN, PJ.
shooting stars - 293: DN, PJ.
shop assistants - 587: LS, TH, CN, BB.
shopping - 276: DN, PJ, LP. 320: LG, DN.
(the) Shopping Channel - 541: LS, RN, TH, CF.
shopping in charity shops - 787: GN, PM.
shopping online - 631: RB, PM. 723: JE, SF.
(a) short address - 354: DN, SH. 379: DN.
short notice - 421: PJ, TH, CF, PM.
short puff and flakey - 810: RH, RK, GB.
short term memory - 798: PM, GB.
shortening - 118: SH, CF.
(the) shortest night - 516: GN, FM, CF.

shorthand - TV38: BC, JSe, BS.

shorts - 436: DN, CF, PM. 598: CN, LS.
(a) shotgun wedding - 826: GN.
show stoppers - 167: KW, CF, DN, PJ. 235: KW, MP.
showing affection - 175: DN, PJ, AM.
showing off - 82: KW, SH, CF. 797: JMa, SP.
showing the flag - 24: DN, CF, KW.
showing willing - 127: CF, KW.
showing your face - 561: GN, JE, TH, TR.
showmanship - 506: CF, DN, TS.
shrinking violet - TV31: LS, GB.
shuffling - 455: CF, PM, PJ, DN.
shuttle - 360: CF, KW, TR.
sibling rivalry - 680: PM, TH, CF, DG. 840: HW, SH.
(a) sidekick - 827: PM, JC, JE.
sideshows - 240: PJ, JB, CF.
sigillography - 338: KW, CF.
signals - 294: DN, CF.
signing my autograph - 45: CF, SH, DN.
signs - 120: CF, KW.
silence - 5: CF, DN, PSc, AM.
silent night - 132: PJ, AMa, CF.
silhouette - 488: PM, ML, CF.
(the) silicon chip - 277: PMo, DN, CF.
silly songs - 390: RM, PJ, DN.
(the) silver screen - 630: LS, CF.
Simon Bolivar - 378: KW, CF, PJ, ES.
(a) simple devil - 288: CF, PJ, TR, KW.
simplicity - 264: KW.
sin - 99: KWh, PJ, CF, KW.
Sinbad the Sailor - 171: KW, DN, PJ. 289: LP, KW.
Singapore - 373: DN, KW, CF.
Singapore sling - 808: PA, PM.
singing - 158: CF, SH, DN. 258: SH, CF.
singing in the rain - TV31: GW, IB, GB, LS.
singing in the shower - 777: JC, PM, SP, CC.
singing telegrams - 629: JC, TH, PA.
singlet - 321: GB, CF.
(the) sinner from Pinner - TV14: NM, TS, HH, TB.
Sir Benjamin Hall - 361: KW, PJ, SB.
Sir Charles Algernon Parsons - 279: KW, TR, DN.
Sir Christopher Cockerel - 372: KW.
Sir Christopher Wren - TV21: TS, CF, DW.
Sir Francis Dashwood - 96: KW, CF, SH.

Sir Isaac Newton - TV57: PM, LT.

Sir Joseph Wilson Swann - 173: KW, CF.
sirens - 469: PJ, TH. TV48: LG, RMo, KB.
sisterhood - 644: JE, GN.
sisters - 529: SP, TH. 713: SH.
(the) sitar - 841: SF, JC, PM.
sitcoms - 559: GN, SH.
sitting ducks - 548: TH, SP, TR.
sitting on the fence - 197: PJ, KW, AMa, CF. 531: PM, CF, TR.
sitting on the throne - 737: GB, PM, JE.
(the) 1666 fire of London - 308: CF, LPu.
(the) 60s - 559: SH, GN, PM.
sizeism - 589: SH, KHH, CF, PM.
skateboarding - 809: TH, RWa, GB.
skating on thin ice - 545: TR, JE, TH.
(a) skeleton in the cupboard - 722: PM, JG.
skeletons in my cupboard - 760: TW, JC.
skiing - 626: TH, LS.
(the) skin of the custard - 529: JH, CF, TH.
skinny dipping - 635: CF, PM, RB. 771: TH, MJ, GB.
skinny jeans - 803: MB.
skinny latte - 842: AC, JL.
skipping - TV41: KB, GB, LG.
skiving - 588: TH, CC.
skullduggery - 456: CF.
(The) sky at night - 861: PM, JL, JC.
slang - 27: BM. 93: KW, PJ, CF. 208: WRu, KW, SH. 395: LP, CF. TV44: BC, TH,
SF. 752: IMc, SH, PM.
slapstick - 346: TR, KW. 361: DN, SB.
sledging - 826: MJ, PM.
sleep - 135: CF, DN, KW.
sleep walking - 205: PJ, AMa, PMo, CF. 548: SP, TR, TH.
sleeping like a baby - 951: SH, PM.
sleeping policeman - 552: PM, CF, SFr.
sliced bread - 738: PM, TH.
slimming - 47: SH, KW.
slippers - J10: JL, JE, ESl, R?.
(a) slippery slope - 599: CC, LT, KHH, PM.
slips - 64: DN, CF, KW. 434: DN, CF, PJ, JE.
Sloan rangers - TV6: JS, TS, LSi.
slogans - 575: RN, PM.
(the) sloppiest person I know - 189: PJ, CF, DN, SH.
slot machines - 340: KW.
sloth - 551: TH, TR, RN, SP. 783: SP, JC, GP.

(a) small holding - 468: PM, JC, DN.

(the) small print - 152: CF, PJ, KW.
(the) small shopkeeper - 137: CF, PJ.
small talk - 110: KW, JA, CF. 575: GP, PM, CF. 743: SKA, JE.
(a) small world - 543: TR, TH.
smart alec - 518: GN, CF.
smart phones - 783: GP, PM, JC.
(the) smartest person I know - 768: RW, JL, JC, PJu. JJAM4: SS, JL.
smash and grab - 273: BT, PC, CF, KW.
smashing records - 128: PJ, CF, SH.
smelling a rat - 527: TH, LS.
smelly cheeses - TV44: WR, BC, SFr, TH.
smoke and mirrors - 833: JRo.
smoking in the kitchen - 81: CF, DN.
smoothies - 624: SP, PM. 765: JL, PM.
smugglers - 566: SH, PM, CF.
smut - 456: PJ, PM.
snags of show business - 84: KW, CF, DN.
snails - 373: CF, DN, PJ, KW.
snail's pace - 560: PM, CF, SF.
(a) snake charmer - 825: PM.
snake charmers - 240: CF, KW, JB.
(a) snake in the grass - 565: RN, TH, SP. 629: TH, PA, JC.
snakes and ladders - 116: PJ, CF, KW, AMa. 515: PJ, CF.
snakes as pets - 10: BBl, DN.
snap - 201: DN, AMa, KW. 472: PJ, GN, CF.
snaps - 221: GG, CF, KW, PJ. 333: DN, PJ. 381: KW, CF, DN.
(the) snark - 75: KW, DN, AM.
sneakers - 118: SH.
sneezes - 402: PJ, DN, PM.
sneezing - 74: AM, CF, DN. 366: TR, CF, KW. 716: JMo, TH, CN, PM.
snipe - 396: CF, WR, BC.
snobs - TV32: WR, LS, PA. 557: LT, PM, SF.
(the) snood - 585: SFr, RN, KHH, PM.
snooker - 788: RH, PS, TH.
snoring - 352: PJ, MJ, DN, KW. 376: SH, DN, KW. TV36: LG, RMo, TO, RV.
snorkelling - 354: CF, DN, KW.
Snow White and the seven dwarfs - 601: LS, GN, CF.
snowboarding - 708: CF, JC, JLo.
snuggling - 275: LC, KW, PJ. 381: DN, KW, CF.
soap - 382: WR, KW, DN, CF. 713: SH, PM, CF, DM.
soap operas - 831: SK, GB, PK.
soaps - TV47: WR, LS, SPu.
social networking - 712: JMo, CN, PM, TH.

(the) society I would most like to join - 735: TH, DG, JMo.
socks - 225: PJ, CF. 440: DN, JE. 530: GN, CF.
soda water - 240: CF, PJ, KW.
(a) soft touch - 615: CF, LT, PM.
Soho - 711: SP, GB.
soirees - 44: FF.
Solomon Grundy - 201: DN, AMa.
some of my favourite words - 325: KW, AMa, CF.
some people - 170: PJ, DN.
some strange facts about the people in this show - 734: PM, TH, GN, SP.
something for nothing - 65: KW, DN, SH.
something I do only in Edinburgh - 514: CF, PM.
something I haven't told my parents - J8: O?, JL, SSm, JE.
something I wish I hadn't lost - JJAM12: PM.
something money can't buy - 711: GB, LT. JJAM6: JL, JE, HM, K?.
something nice - 150: IC, PJ.
something to write home about - 595: CF, RN, JE.
sonaloomieere - 408: TR, RS, PJ.
(a) song and dance - 701: RI, PM, RN, CF. 781: MB, AP, CBr, PM.
songs I love - 64: KW, CF.
Sophocles - 439: PJ, LSi, PM.
(a) sore point - 546: GN, CF, BC, PM.
sorting myself out - 346: KW, BC.
soul - 377: DN, AMar.
sound effects - 564: TH, JE, TR, GN.
(the) sound of bow bells - 856: GB, AC.
(the) sound of music - 522: PJ, SF, PM, MM. 668: CN, PM, CF.
sour grapes - 468: CF, PM.
South Pacific - 859: TH, SP, AH, GB.
souvenirs - 455: PM, DN, CF.
space - 383: DN.
space games - 303: MW, KW, SH.
space hoppers - 453: PM, JE, KHH, PJ.
space shots - 165: CF, KW, DN, AMa.
space shuttles - 323: GB, DN.
spaghetti - 353: HK, PJ, CF.
spam - 590: CF, PM.
Spanish dancing - 273: BT, CF, PC.
spanker - 215: CF, MPa, PJ.
spare parts - 520: KHH, TH, PJ.
spats - 416: DN, WR, PM.
sparkle - 347: KW.
sparklers - 169: KW, DN, PJ.
Spartacus - 770: PM, SK.

speakeasy - 516: PM, CF, FM.

speakers - 636: TH, VS, SH.
speaker's corner - 710: JL, JD, CF, PM.
(the) speaking clock - 767: GN.
speaking in tongues - 577: JE, GN, CF.
speaking Latin - 625: TH, PA, CF.
speaking loosely - 170: PJ, KW.
speaking to the income tax man - 30: GJ, DN, CF.
speaking Venusian - 199: PMo, CF, KW.
special delivery - TV45: PJ. 836: SM.
special offers - 641: TR, SF, PM.
(a) special skill - 511: PJ, JE, SFr.
spectacles - TV42: WR, LS, PA. 652: PM, LT.
speech habits - 241: KW, AMar, CF.
speed dating - TV57: GB, TH, LT, PM.
speleology - 196: DN, PJ.
spell - 356: BC, TR.
spell Missisippi - 434: CF, DN, JE.
Spencer - 322: KW, MKi, CF.
spending a million pounds - 413: WR, DN, CF.
spending one million pounds - 172: CF, DN.
spice - 524: CF, MJa.
(the) spice of life - 593: CF, LS, CN.
spiders - 98: PJ, CF. 369: KW.
spiders in the bath - 267: AMa, PMo, PJ.
spilling the beans - 528: SF, LS, PM, CF.
spin doctors - 456: KHH, CF. TV45: MC, MM.
(the) spinning jenny - 481: PM, CF.
(the) spirit of independence in me - 232: KW, PJ, DN.
spirits - 402: CF, DN, PJ. 449: KHH, PM, JE.
spitting feathers - 731: PM, CC.
spleen - 190: KW, AMar, CF, PJ.
split infinitives - 517: GN, LS, CF.
splits - 432: PM, PJ, CF.
splitting the bill - 856: AC, PM, GB.
spoiling the goldfish - 330: JJ, DN, KW, CF.
sponge - 458: MM, CF, PM.
sponge fingers - 275: CF, KW, PJ.
spontaenous combustion - 710: PM, JD.
spoofs - 392: CF, DN, CT.
spooks - 22: GJ, KW, CF. 152: CF, PJ, KW. 237: DN, PJ. 340: MJa, GB, DN.
spoon bending - 337: CF, KW.
spoonerisms - 357: DN, PJ, CF.
spoons - 604: PM, CC, KHH, LT.

(a) sporran - 678: JG, CF, PM.

(the) sport I least enjoy - 19: KW, NP, CF.
(a) sporting bet - 824: PM, SH, JL.
(the) sporting life - 477: TH, DN.
sporting women - 246: BCr, DN, KW, SH.
sports - 362: IH, DN, KW.
Sporus - 137: KW.
spot the lady - 262: DN, PJ.
spotted dick - 391: CF, LP, RM. TV36: TO, LG, RMo.
spotting a fake - 796: JE, KE.
spreading alarm - 141: PJ, DN, CF.
spreading rumours - TV56: SP, SM, MB, PM.
(a) spree - 203: PJ, CF, KW.
spring - 334: KW, DN. 388: KW, CF, DN. 426: DN, CF, PJ. 588: CF, TH.
spring clean - 690: MB, JE, PM.
spring cleaning - 800: PM, JL, SH.
spring heeled Jack - 343: KW, CF, PJ.
(a) spring roll - 476: KHH, CF, PM.
springboard - 484: GP, DN, PM.
springing into action - 280: KW, CF, RBu.
springs - 262: JBa, KW, DN.
spurs - TV15: HL, TS, DW.
spying - 460: CF, PM.
square - 635: RB, PM.
squash - 229: DN, KW, PJ. 459: TH, DN, PJ, GN. 580: GN, CF, PA, TH.
Sri Lanka - 340: DN, GB, KW.
(a) stab in the back - 839: TH, KG, SM.
stag nights - 606: JC, SF, TH.
stage fright - 341: WF, DN, KW. 406: WR. 545: TH, TR, JE, GN.
stage presence - 643: CF, PM, SF, TR.
(the) stain on the floor - 355: PJ, DN, KW.
stains - 417: PM, HL, CF. TV7: TS, PMcC.
stalemate - 536: CF, PM.
stamp - 380: KW, CF, DN.
stamps - 411: WR, PJ, DN. 784: AC, GN, PM, GB.
standing around - 237: PJ, DN, CF.
standing in the corner - 354: SH, KW, CF.
standing up for my rights - 196: DN, CF, PJ.
staples - 857: JG, JLy, PM, GB.
star gazing - 864: GB, PM.
star quality - 682: CF, GB, PJu.
(a) starched collar - 809: RWa.
(the) stars - 458: PM, CF, MM, DN. 529: SP, CF, TH. 626: TR, TH, LS.
starters - 195: KW, CF. 734: TH, GN, SP, PM.

stately pile - 495: PJ, DN, CF, KHH.

static - 345: CF, JBad.
stating the obvious - 691: PM, CN, CF.
stationery - 844: SH, GN.
statisticians - 292: CF, DN, JJ.
staying happy - 72: DN, KW. 258: KW, SH.
staying power - 214: KW, CF.
staying up all night - 297: BT, TBT.
staying up late - 794: JE, TH, AC, KE. J10: R?, ESl
steak and kidney pie - 150: PJ, IC, AMa.
stealing the show - 572: PM, JC, TH, CF.
steam rollers - 246: DN, SH.
steel - 503: DN, TH.
steeplechasing - 272: DN, PJ, KW, CF.
Stephen Leacock - 160: KW, CF, PJ, AM.
stepping into the spotlight - 772: PM, TH, SH.
(the) steward's inquiry at Epsom - TV12: TS, DN, JF, NR.
stewed hippo - 328: CF, PJ, KW.
stick - 405: PM, WR, PJ. 434: JE, CF.
stick of rock - 393: DN.
sticking my neck out - 510: PJ, TH, PM.
(a) sticky situation - 573: GB, CF, JE.
(a) stiff upper lip - 597: GP, DO, CF, PM. 731: JL, PM, CC.
(a) sticky wicket - 774: MJ, GB, TH.
still - 256: CF, KW.
stimulating the dozy ones - 257: KW, CF, JW.
stink bombs - 294: PJ, DN.
stirring - 529: TH, SP.
(a) stitch in time - 543: TH, GN, JE.
stitched up - 485: PM.
Stockholm - 146: IC, CF.
stocking - 431: PJ, DN, PM, CF.
stocking fillers - 79: DN, KW, LF.
(the) stocks - 209: DN, CF, PJ.
stomach butterflies - 363: WF, PJ.
Stonehenge - 232: KW, DN. 827: PM, JE.
stoppers - 300: KW, DN, PJ. 412: DN, PM, JMu, CF.
stopping hiccups - 347: KW, PJ.
(the) story I have never told anyone - 123: PJ, CF.
(the) story I'll tell my grandchildren - 864: TAl, GB.
(the) story of Noah's ark - 797: SP, GN.
stout - 463: GN, DN.
stowaways - 350: TR, PJ, KW, CF.
straining spaghetti through a tennis racquet - 47: CF, KW, DN.

strange customs - 51: DN, SH.

strange laws - 347: CF, PJ, DN.
strange noises - 68: CF, DN, KW.
(a) strange thing I saw on my travels - 354: DN, CF.
strangers on a train - TV52: MJ, GB, PM. 801: PM, SM, GB.
(the) strangest thing - 305: GG, DN.
streaking - 172: DN, PJ.
(the) street - 481: PM, CF, PJ, AS.
street parties - 785: JC, SP.
street performers - 857: JLy, PM, GB.
(the) streets of London - 667: PM, CF, CA, GN.
stress - 457: FM, TH, PJ.
stretching my legs - 457: TH, DN, FM. 525: JC, CF, SW.
striking a fresh acquaintance - 27: DN, CF.
striking a happy medium - 42: DN, KW.
striking oil - 124: CF, PJ.
string - 362: KW, DN.
string theory - 829: JLy, KE, PM, SH.
strings - 252: PJ, CF, KW. 282: KW, CF.
strip poker - 614: CF, TH, PM.
strippers - 117: CF.
striving for perfection - 297: PJ, TBT, BT.
Stromboli - 371: DN, TR.
(the) Stuarts - 465: PM, DN, CF.
stuck in a lift - JJAM12: JL, PM, J?.
studies - 469: FM, CF, PJ.
studs - 470: DN, PJ. TV43: WR, CB, SFr, TH.
stuff and nonsense - 97: PJ, SH. 492: MM, SFr, PM, PJ. 665: CN, PM.
stuffing a bird - 359: DN, PJ.
stuffing a chicken - 530: CF, LS, GN, TH.
style - 416: WR, SF, DN.
subjects - 417: PJ, HL, PM.
success - 245: PJ, DN, KW.
successful fibbing - 254: DN, CF.
sucking lemons - 85: DN, CF, KW.
suction pumps in industry - 178: PJ, CF.
suduku - 637: PM, JE.
sue - 211: CF, KW.
suet pudding - 660: PA, CF, GN, MB.
Suetonius - 109: KW, SH, CF.
Suffolk punch - 695: PM, CF, RN.
sugar coating - 738: PM, TH.
sugar daddy - 485: PM, GK, TR, CF.
suited and booted - 815: PK.

sulking - 558: CN, KHH, LS.

summer balls - 469: CF, TH.
summer holidays - 653: PA.
summer loving - 811: GB, TH.
summer season - 510: CF, PM, TH.
(the) summer solstice - 831: PS, SK, GB, PK.
summer time - 725: TH, SP, TR.
sunbathing - 414: WR, PJ. 528: LS, SF, CF.
Sunday - 77: KW, DN, CF.
Sunday lunch - 365: DN, KW, IH, BC. 682: GB, GN, CF.
(the) Sunday papers - 774: GB, MJ, TH.
Sunday service - 618: PM, VS.
sundried tomatoes - 453: JE, PM, KHH.
sunsets - 266: KW, PC, CF, BT.
super foods - 707: GN, PM, SK.
(the) superhero I would most like to be - 623: CF, PM, DO.
(the) superior sex - 121: AMa, PJ, KW, CF.
(the) supermarket checkout - JJAM11: Do?, M?.
supermarket trolleys - 294: PJ, DN.
supermarkets - 393: PJ, TR, DN.
(the) supernatural - 471: PM, NM, DN, PJ.
superstition - 397: CT, DN. 404: PJ, DN, CF.
(the) superstition I always observe - 834: PM, SP.
superstitions - 102: AM, CF. 242: DN, CF, PJ. 463: PJ, DN. 489: PM, SFr, PJ.
563: KHH, CN, PM.
(a) sure laugh - 336: TR, KW.
(a) sure sign that summer is here - 550: JE, CF, PM.
surf riding - 95: PJ, CF.
surfies - 618: SFr, PM, CF, VS.
surfing - 476: PM, PJ, CF, KHH. 794: KE, JE, AC.
surprise parties - 783: JC, SP, GP, PM.
surprises - 90: CF, AM.
surrealism - 493: CF, PM, ML.
sushi - 545: JE, TR, GN, TH. 593: CF, TH. 747: KHH.
suspenders - 577: GB, GN, SH, PM.
suspicious behaviour- 727: PM, GB, DM.
Svengali - 509: PJ, JE, KHH.
swallows - 84: DN, CF.
swan - 466: PM, DN, NM. 531: TR, PM, CF.
Swansea Jack - 618: PM, CF.
swashbuckling - 96: PJ, CF, SH, KW. 407: CF, DN. 436: CF, PM, EI. 608: GN,
swedes - 458: PM, DN.
sweep - TV24: DW, TS, KHH.

sweet Fanny Adams - 259: CF, KW.

sweet revenge - 549: CF, PM.
sweet 16 - 728: JL, PM, CC, CN.
sweet williams - 101: KW, CF, PJ.
sweetpeas - 122: SH, CF, PJ. 396: WR, PJ.
sweets - 435: SF, PMcC, PM.
(a) swift half - 503: LS, TH, GN.
swimming - 350: KW, CF.
swimming in the sea - 762: JE, JL, GN, PM.
swimming lessons - 863: JE, PM, SH.
swimming with dolphins - 773: PJu, JC, RW.
swindles - 292: JJ, DN, CF.
(the) swinging 60s - 692: GB, TH, KHH.
swings and roundabouts - 623: PM, JE.
Swiss Army knives - 519: CF, KHH, TH, PJ.
(the) sword of Damocles - 566: CF, PM, SH.
sword swallowing - 319: CF, JBe, KW.
Sybarus - 135: KW, DN, CF.
Sydney - 777: CC, SP, PM.
symmetry - 284: KW, CF.
sympathy - 113: KW.
synchronised swimming - 555: RN, CF.
Table Mountain - 279: DN, KW, TR.
table turning - 125: CF, DN, SH.
(a) tactical error - 812: PM, SP, GP.
tadpoles - 102: AM, KW, CF.
tagging - 719: JE, SF, CC, PM.
tails/tales - 147: SH, PJ, DN.
(the) Taj Mahal - 351: KW, DN, SH, CF. 370: DN. 407: CF. 854: MMc, PA, SH.
takeaway meals - 332: PJ, KW.
takeaways - 400: PJ, WR. 438: CF.
taking a curtain call - 832: SH, JLy, PM.
taking a diabolical liberty - 275: KW, CF, PJ.
taking a selfie - 816: PA, PM, GB.
taking a taxi - 840: SH, PM.
taking a Turkish bath - 48: DN, MLi, CF. 296: GG.
taking coals to Newcastle - 517: PM, CF.
taking command - 273: KW, PC. 348: KW, DN, MJa.
taking down my decorations - 132: AMa, CF, KW.
taking in washing - 195: CF, PJ.
taking my driving test - 748: PM, JC.
taking notes - 53: DN, CF.
taking photographs - 15: DN, CF, AM. 35: GJ, CF, KW. 357: PJ, KW.
taking risks - 57: DN, KW, SH, NP. 411: WR.

taking sides - 418: WR, CF.

taking stock - 843: SK, JE, GB.
taking the chair - 357: PJ, KW, DN.
taking the first step - 625: PA, TH, JC.
taking the plunge - 478: KHH, PM.
taking the sea air - 499: TR, JE, PJ.
taking the train - J7: A?, D?
taking the waters - 487: CF, PM. 537: TH, CF, LS. 663: PM, KHH.
taking your driving test - 789: LT, SP, PM, GN.
(a) tale of two cities - 767: TH, PM.
(a) talisman - 179: CF, AMar.
talking big - 25: KW, AM, DN. 110: PJ, KW.
talking sense - 47: KW, CF, DN.
talking to myself - 238: RA. TV17: CM, MF, DW, TS.
talking to plants - 323: SH, DN, GB. 370: AMar, PJ.
tall stories - 56: DN, GJ, CF. 216: DN, KW, SH.
tall story - 361: KW, PJ.
tall tales - 641: PM, CF, TR, SF.
taming an elephant - 788: JE, RH, PS.
tamoshanter - 445: CF, DN, TH.
tapas - 635: CF, CN.
tape - 180: DN, KW, PJ.
taps - 231: PJ, KW. 251: SH, CF, PJ.
tartan - 508: CF, PM, FM.
(the) tartan army - 638: BB, OO, CF.
Tarzan - 632: CF, PM, LS.
(the) Tate - 718: KHH, PM, GB.
tatting - 28: LB, DN, CF.
tattoo - 464: PM, DN. 483: PJ, DN, CF.
tattoos - 616: CF, PM, LM.
Taurus - 186: DN, CF, PJ, AM. 324: JR, PJ, DN.
tautology - 690: PM, MB.
tax - 395: WR, LP, RM.
tax haven - 506: TS, SFr.
tea - 726: PMc, PM, GB.
tea for two - 951: SH, PA.
tea with aunty - 115: PJ, KW, NP.
teabags - 59: DN, AM, CF.
teacher's pet - TV56: SP. 852: GB, PM.
teaching an old dog new tricks - 567: JC, PM, CF, TH.
teacups - 267: KW, PJ.
teams - 474: CF, JC, DN.
tear jerkers - 595: TH, CF, RN.
teatime - 391: RM.

teddies - 640: GB, SP, PM, GN.

teddy bears - 130: CF, PJ, AM.
teenage sweethearts - 669: MM, CF, PM, KHH.
teenagers - 598: TH, LS, CN, CF.
teeth - 361: DN, KW, PJ.
telepathy - 406: CF, WR. 411: CF, PJ, DN. 445: PM, DN, TH, CF.
(the) telephone - 5: PSc, AM.
telephone answering machines - 327: PJ.
(the) telephone bill - 413: PJ.
telephone numbers - TV31: GB, IB, GW.
telling phrases - 298: PJ, KW, AMa, CF.
telling tales - 546: PM, GN, CF.
temper - 443: PM, SF, JR.
temperament - 301: KW, DN, CF.
(the) tempest - 822: PM, GN, HW.
temptation - 699: PM, CF, FM.
10 things I hate - 605: CF, RN.
10 things to do during a power cut - 823: PM, TH, GB.
10 things you never knew about Nicholas Parsons - 577: RN, GN, SH, PM,
tension - 256: KW, CF.
1066 - 399: CF, DN, PJ. 412: DN, PM, JMu, CF. 674: PM, GB. 821: JL, RH, SH.
tenterhooks - 426: PM, DN, PJ.
terrarium - 365: BC, DN.
terror - 419: JJ, DN, CF.
(the) terrors of show business - 349: LPu, TA.
testing times - 510: CF, PM.
text messages - 550: JC, PM, JE.
texting - 614: TH, CC, CF, PM. 721: SP, PM.
(the) Thames estuary - 807: RK, GB.
(a) thankless task - 497: TH, DN. 813: PM, RK.
thank-you letters - 538: GN.
that sinking feeling - 557: PM, SF, CF.
(the) theatre of the absurd - 343: KW.
theatrical awards - 406: PJ, DN, CF, WR.
theatrical disasters - 392: CT, DN.
Thebes - 263: PJ, DN, CF, KW.
them - 198: CF, DN.
(the) theory of relativity - 759: PM, RN, LT.
therapy - 553: GN, LS, CF.
there's a first time for everything - 742: JBi, GB.
thermals - 566: GN, PM, CF.
thespians - 58: CF, GJ, DN, NP.
thick and fast - 718: PM, KHH, GB.

(the) thing I can't live without - JJAM5: WP, RBa, JL.

(the) thing I found in the attic - 42: DN.
(the) thing in my attic - 266: BT, CF, KW, PC.
(the) thing in my cellar - 410: PM, ST, CF.
(the) thing that amazes me - J10: JE, ESl
things I can do without - 74: CF, DN, KW.
things I can't finish - 323: GB, DN, KW.
things I collect - 162: DN, CF, PJ.
things I cut out of magazines - 326: PJ, KW, DN.
(the) things I do in the kitchen - J10: R?, ESl, JE.
things I do when nobody's looking - 31: DN, AM, KW. 793: GN, SP.
things I dread - 403: DN, CF.
things I forget - 219: PJ, AM, CF.
things I found in crackers - 79: LF.
things I get called - 221: GG, CF.
(the) things I get let in for - 192: CF, DN, SH.
things I hide under my bed - 349: TA, LPu, KW.
things I keep in jam jars - 360: GB, CF, TR.
things I keep under my bed - 27: KW, CF, DN, BM.
(the) things I know about the other three - 239: SH, DN.
things I make lists of - 327: BJ, DN, KW.
things I must warn my children about - 10: DN.
(the) things I say - 41: KW, DN, TBe, CF.
things I say when I am happy - 33: KW, CF.
things I should never have done - 117: KW, CF, AM.
things I throw away - 8: DN, CF. 162: PJ, AM, CF. 776: PM, JE, GB.
things I want to do in aeroplanes - 334: DN, JJ, KW.
things I would abolish - 37: CF, AM, DN, KW.
things I write in my diary - 32: KW, CF.
(the) things in my deep freezer - 214: LF, KW, CF.
(the) things in my handbag - 224: THi, DN, CF, PJ.
(the) things in my wallet - 22: KW, CF.
things I've forgotten about - 47: SH, CF, KW, DN.
(the) things my friends do to me - 225: PJ, KW, CF.
things of mine refused by garbage collectors - 317: DN, KW.
things of which I am scared - J9: JL, LD, AU
things on the top of the wardrobe - 159: JM, DN, PJ.
(the) things people try to get me to do - 24: KW, DN, CF.
things that amaze - 401: TR, CF, JMu.
things that are best served cold - 725: SP, TH, TR.
things that come through the post - 73: CF, KW.
things that go bump in Nicholas Parsons' wardrobe - TV7: PMcC, RV, TS.
things that go bump in the night - 434: JE. TV25: TS, TB, DW, MF. 476: CF,
PM, KHH, PJ. TV50: RT, PM, JC. 829: KE.

things that make me angry - 109: PJ, KW.

things that make me blush - 8: LB, AW, DN. 550: CF, JE, PM. 775: PM, GB, JE.
JJAM11: M?, Do?, JL.
things that make me laugh - 92: AM, CF.
things that make me sneeze - 547: PM, JC.
(the) things that some people get up to - 48: KW, MLi, CF.
things to do in a train - 95: PJ, KW.
things to do in the bath - 1: DN.
things to do on a rainy day - 839: TH, KG, SM.
things to do on Southend Pier - TV7: TS, PMcC.
things to do with an egg - 517: LS, GN, PM.
things to say to people on first acquaintance - 43: KW, CF, DN.
things worth collecting - 309: PJ, KW, CF.
things worth writing on a wall - 68: KW, DN, DC, CF.
things you should never do in a lift - 568: LT, PM, CF.
things you should never do in public - 787: GN, GB, PM.
things you should never do in the back of a cab - 586: PM, CF.
things you should never do on a train - 592: SH, PM, KHH.
thinking out loud - 509: KHH, JE, PJ.
thinking out of the box - 716: TH, CN, JMo, PM.
(the) third row in this audience - 452: PJ, PM, LSi.
(the) third way - 607: LS, CF, RN.
13 - 401: CF, TR, JMu, DN.
this and that - 147: DN, PJ. 418: DN, PJ, CF.
this audience - 7: DN, CF, AMa. 431: CF, DN, PM.
this great panjandrum - 200: CF, PJ.
this is a recording of my voice - 171: PJ, JM, KW, DN.
this studio audience - 140: PJ, CF, KW.
(the) thistle - 477: CF, DN, FM.
Thomas a'Beckett - 570: RN, CF.
Thomas Hardy - 257: KW, CF. 661: CF, TR, RN, PM.
Thomas Malthus - 365: KW, DN, BC.
Thomas Sidney Cooper the painter - 262: KW, DN, PJ.
those who are listening on their car radios - 312: PJ, DN, VW.
thoughtfulness - 275: PJ, LC, CF, KW.
(the) thoughts of Mao - 49: CF, DN, KW.
(the) thousand and one nights - 506: TS, CF.
3 AM - 208: KW, SH, PJ.
(the) three bears - 328: KW, VW, CF, PJ.
(the) three gorgons - 120: KW, CF, AM, PJ.
three little pigs - 318: GB, DN, SH.
(the) three musketeers - 813: PM, SP.
three of a kind - 670: CF, GB, MB.
three things I have given up lately - 795: PA, CC, MJ.

three things that most enrage me - 761: GB, JC.

three things you never knew about dolphins - 661: TR, CF, PM, RN.
three things you should know about salt - 723: JE, SF, CC.
three ways to pay back your student loan - 729: JL, JMo, DG.
(the) three witches - 169: DN, JM.
three uses for an elastic band - 737: PM, GB.
3-D printing - 819: TH, PM, GB.
thrillers - 590: CC, PM, CF, TH.
thrills - 71: KW, CF. 483: CF, DN, PJ.
throat spray - 16: CF, DN, AMa.
through my telescope - 753: RW, GB.
throwing a party - 50: MK, DN. 412: JMu, DN, CF.
throwing a pot - 306: TR, JJ, BJ.
throwing a tantrum - TV54: GN, SP, TH.
throwing custard pies - 332: PJ, LPu, TR.
throwing my voice - 271: RA, PJ, DN.
throwing the hammer - 809: RWa, TH, GB.
thunder - 284: KW, DN.
thunder and lightning - 553: LS, PM, GN. JJAM5: JE, JL.
thunderbolt - 358: PJ, KW, DN, CF.
thunderstorms - 772: SH, TH, PM.
Tiberius Cempronius Gracas - 240: KW, CF, PJ.
tickled pink - 566: PM, CF, SH. 671: TH, NM, PM.
ticklish situations - 82: KW, DN, CF. 291: AMa, KW.
tiddlers - 478: PJ, CF, PM.
tiddlywinks - 50: CF, KW, DN. 109: CF, KW. 461: PJ, TH, FM.
tidying my drawers - 615: JC.
tidying out my drawers - 77: JMac, CF, KW.
ties - 207: AM, CF. 239: SH, PJ, DN.
tilting at windmills - 845: PM, TH, JL.
Timbuktu - 679: PM, MB, PA, ML.
time - 86: CF, KW. 240: CF, PJ, KW.
(the) time I forgot myself in public - 169: KW.
time saving devices - 594: CF, PM, LS.
timepieces - 814: PM, JC.
(the) times that I wear my bikini - 30: GJ, KW, CF.
timetables - 512: PJ.
tintinabulation - 773: RW, JL, JC, PJu.
(the) tip of the iceberg - 235: PJ, KW, MP. 574: KHH, TH, SP. 673: CA, PM, CF.
tipping - 400: PJ, RM, WR, PM. TV30: TO, LG, RMo. 560: LT, PM.
tipping taxi drivers - TV3: GN, AS, AB.
tipping the wink - 483: PJ, DN, PM, CF.
tips - 312: DN, VW, KW. 591: RN, JE, TH, CF.
(the) Titanic - 809: GB, RWa, TH.

titles - 134: SH, CF, PJ.

to be honest - 794: KE, TH.
to be or not to be - 848: DT, PM, JC.
to be perfectly honest - 701: RN, PM, CF, RI.
to cut a long story short - 803: PM, MB.
to have your cake and eat it - 530: TH, LS, CF.
(a) toast - 183: CF, DN. 453: PM, JE, KHH, PJ.
toasts - TV52: PM, GB, LT.
tobacco - 166: CF.
toddlers - 653: MB, GN.
toffee - 562: TH, RN, SP.
toffee nosed - TV18: TS, DW, SPo, GN.
toilet humour - 699: FM, CF, LFe, PM.
Tolstoy - 268: DN, KW, CF.
Tom Dick and Harry - 282: CF.
Tom Keating - 402: CF, DN, PJ.
tomboys - 709: GB, LT, SP.
tombstone collecting as a hobby - 317: KW, DN, CF, PJ.
Tommy Cooper - 648: GB, PM, CF.
tomorrow - 486: PJ. TV53: JMa, JL, PM, JSe.
(a) ton - 214: PJ, LF, CF.
Tonga - 384: DN, CF, LP.
tongue in cheek - TV40: SPu, LS, MM. 845: TH, PM.
(a) tongue lashing - 810: GB, RH.
tongue twisters - 275: PJ, CF, LC, KW. 345: DN, CF. TV24: KHH, TS. 541: RN,
CF, TH. 638: PM, BB, CF. 752: PM, GB, SH. 782: AP, CBr, MB, PM. TV50: SF,
(the) tonic solfa - 24: GJ, DN, KW, CF.
Tony Slattery's sideburns - TV4: TH, RV, TS.
too much of a good thing - 523: MJa.
toothpicks - 15: CF, AM, DN, CI.
top dogs - 644: GN, PM.
top marks - 179: PJ, KW, CF.
top notes - 78: JT, CF, DN.
topiary - 499: PJ, JE, SFr, TR. 554: RN, GN, JE.
topsy turvey - 121: PJ, CF, AMa.
(the) tortoise - 632: LS, PM, KHH.
(a) touch of class - 807: RK, RH, GB.
toupees - 530: CF, GN.
tourist gift shops - 233: KW, SH, PJ, AMar.
tourists - 103: PJ, KW. 469: FM, PJ.
town criers - 284: BC, DN.
toys I still enjoy - 321: GB, KW, CF.
(the) Trade Descriptions Act - 179: CF, KW, PJ.

trade tricks - 322: PJ, MKi.

traffic calming - 590: CF, TH, CC. 790: DM, JC, GB, PM.
traffic jams - 17: CF, GJ. 693: JD, LT, PM, CF.
traffic wardens - TV10: CF, RV, TH. 569: JE, GB, CF. 787: GB, GN, AC.
train announcements - 778: KHH, JL, PM.
trainers - 451: JH, DN, TH.
training a crab to walk forward - 453: KHH, PJ.
training a crab to walk forwards - TV56: MB, SP.
training a performing flea - 143: DN, PJ.
training your dog - 813: RK, PM.
trampolines - 234: PJ, KW.
tramps - 293: DN, PJ, KW.
tramways - 769: GB, PM.
tranquility - 62: DC, DN, CF.
traps - 252: DN, KW, PJ, CF. 476: KHH, PM, CF.
trash TV - 786: JE, TH.
traumatic experiences - 131: KW, SH, CF.
travel - 251: CF. 384: LP, DN, KW.
travelling by air - 5: PSc, DN.
treachery - 97: PJ, CF.
treading the boards - 687: MB, JE.
treasure hunts - 188: DN.
Treasure Island - 798: PM, GB, SM.
treats - 403: TR, DN, CF.
tree felling - 246: BCr, SH, DN, KW.
trends - 410: ST, DN, PM.
trial and error - 685: GB, TH, JG.
(the) trick - 488: PJ, PM, CF.
(a) trick of the light - 702: CF, OO, GB.
tricks - 239: PJ, KW, SH, DN.
(the) tricks of the trade - 669: PM, CF, KHH, MM.
trifles - 473: CF, PJ, TH, FM.
(a) trip to Ikea - 858: SC, JL, JC.
(a) trip to the dentist - 506: SFr, TS.
tripe - 472: CF, PM, PJ. 716: CN, PM, TH.
trips - 374: CF, PJ, KW.
trivia - 121: KW. 362: KW, BC.
(the) trivium - 234: KW.
troglodytes - 522: MM, PJ, PM, SF.
(a) Trojan horse - 686: CF, GB, GN, PJu.
trolls - 226: KW, DN. 792: PM, GB. 820: RF, RK, PM, AC.
trombones - 367: KW.
(the) trouble with most chairmen - 190: CF, AMar, PJ.
Troy - 253: KW, DN.

trunks - 18: GJ, NP, KW. 461: TH, DN, FM. 641: SF, CF, TR, PM.
truth - 108: SH, KW, CF, PJ.
(a) try - 237: DN, CF.
(a) try at Twickenham - TV6: TS, TBl, LSi.
trychology - 576: RN, SL, PM, CF.
trying - 293: KW.
tryouts - 452: WR, PM.
(the) tube - 540: SP, CF, GN.
Tuesday - 65: KW, DN, CF, SH.
Tuesdays - 437: HD, TH, KHH.
tunnel vision - 485: PM, TR, CF.
turkeys - 601: LS, PM, GN.
(a) turn - 352: DN, PJ.
turning into my Dad - TV53: JMa, PM, JL.
turning the corner - 535: PM, RN, GN.
turning the other cheek - 467: PM, PJ, CF, GN.
turning turtle - 55: DN, AMa, CF.
Tutankhamun - 133: KW, DN, CF. 852: LBe.
TV chefs - 547: CF, PM, JE.
TV dinners - 528: CF, PM, LS. 852: MB, LBe.
TV frights - 297: BT, TBT, PJ.
Tweedledum and Tweedledee - 62: DC, DN, KW. 840: PM, SH, HW.
twelfth birthdays - 77: CF.
twelfth night - 444: CF, SF, PJ.
twelve angry men - 667: PM, CF.
twelve good men - 808: GN, KE, PM, PA.
(the) 20s - TV35: PJ, LS, MC, MM.
twenty-four hour news - 754: MB, PM, SP.
(the) 2012 Olympics - 693: JD, CF, PM.
(the) twilight zone - 472: GN, CF.
(the) twinkle in my eye - 514: PM, PJ, RV.
twins - 582: LT, PM, CF, WR.
twitching curtains - 836: GB, SM.
twittering - 717: SP, TH, PA, TR.
two gentlemen of Verona - 69: KW, CF.
two in the bush - 701: RN, RI, PM, CF.
two left feet - 608: CF, RN, GN. 706: JC, PM.
two of a kind - 495: KHH, CF, PJ, DN.
two sides to every story - 680: CF, TH, DG, PM.
two to tango - 744: JSe, SP, LT.
typecasting - 209: PJ, AMa, CF.
tying the knot - 516: GN, PM, CF.
tyres - 485: CF.
UFOs - 266: PC, BT, CF, KW. 780: LT, JL. 794: AC, TH.

ulterior motives - 772: GN, PM, SH, TH.

(the) ultimate road trip - 751: JC, PM.
umbrage - 106: SH, KW, PJ.
unanswerable questions - 824: RH, PM.
unblocking the drain - 108: PJ, KW.
unblocking the kitchen sink - 86: AM, DN. 338: TR, PJ, CF.
uncle - 121: PJ, CF.
Uncle Tom Cobley - 239: SH, DN, PJ.
uncles - 384: DN, CF.
unconventional sources of energy - 338: PJ, TR, CF.
unconventional weather forecasting - 233: PJ, KW, AMar.
under my bed - JJAM4: JL, SS.
under the influence - 692: JG, KHH, TH.
under the sea - 700: CA, SP, PM. JJAM4: SS, LSh.
undergraduates - 296: CF, KW.
understandings - 181: SH, KW, CF.
(the) unexpected - 207: PJ.
unexpected consequences - 832: KE, PM.
(an) unexpected item in the baggage area - 839: SM, GB.
unidentified flying objects - 835: SP, GB, PM.
uniform - 13: CF, DN.
(the) union - 511: PJ, KHH, SFr.
(the) universe - 699: PM, CF, FM, LFe.
(a) university life - 496: TH, PM, DN.
unpronouncable Welsh names - 169: PJ, DN.
unsolicited mail - 342: JBad, DN. 371: TR, DN.
unusual but delicious fish - 280: CF, DN.
unusual food - 360: CF, TR, GB.
(an) unusual way to cross the Thames - TV1: HL, TH, TS.
unwanted presents - 498: PM, TH, PJ, CF. TV49: SP, PJu, GN.
up the garden path - 855: PM, LBe, MB.
upping the ante - 691: CF, CN, JL, PM.
upstaging people - 580: GN, CF.
urban foxes - 800: MB, SH, PM.
urban myths - 487: JC, PM, CF.
us - 198: AMar, DN, KW.
useful hints - 97: KW.
useful insects - 197: PJ, KW.
(a) useful thingamabob - 390: PJ, RM, DN, PM.
useless household gadgets - 25: DN, KW, CF, AM.
useless information - 5: AM, PSc, DN, CF. 272: PJ, CF, DN.
useless inventions - 208: WRu, SH, KW, PJ.
useless occupations - 39: GJ, CF, KW.
using a telephone - JJAM11: M?, Do?.

utilitarianism - 233: KW.

Utopia - 27: CF, DN, BM.
(the) Utoxiter races - TV23: LG, DW, TS.
u-turns - 565: TH, RN.
vacuum - 472: CF, GN, PJ.
Valentine's Day - 606: SF, TH. 732: LT, SP, GN, PM.
vampires - 739: JE, GB, PM, GN.
vanity - 163: PJ, SH. 460: KHH, PJ, CF.
variety - 322: PJ, KW. 326: KW, DN.
VAT - 591: CF, RN, TH.
vegetarian food - 800: JL, PM, SH, MB.
vegetarianism - 711: LT, GB, PM.
vegetarians - 539: LS.
Venetian doches - 185: KW.
Venice - 333: KW. 368: DN. TV54: GN, TH, SP.
ventriloquism - 767: PM, GN, TH, SH.
Venus - 318: KW, GB, SH, DN. 455: DN, PM, CF, PJ. 589: CF, KHH, SH.
vermouth - 443: PJ, SF, PM.
verse - 407: PM, CF, DN, PJ.
(the) very first telephone - 824: JL, SH, PM.
Vesuvius - 347: DN, PJ, KW.
Viagra - TV46: JBr, GB, TH.
Victor Hugo - 501: SFr, CF.
Victoria - 701: CF, RN.
Victoria and Albert - 579: GN, PM, CF.
(the) Victoria and Albert Museum - 297: KW, PJ, TBT, BT.
Victoria Falls - 819: FG, PM.
Victoria Sackville West - 370: KW.
Victorian inventions - 794: AC, JE, TH.
Victorian parlour games - 333: KW.
Victoriana - 35: DN, GJ, KW.
victory - 565: WR, SP, TH, RN.
video - 422: CF, PJ, DN.
video cameras - 430: DN, CF, AMc.
video games - 307: DN, PJ. 330: JJ, CF, DN.
(the) Vikings - 785: JC, PM, SP.
(a) village fete - 700: SP, PM, JC. 808: KE, PA, PM.
(the) village idiot - 696: MB, DG, GB.
vintage - 735: JL, DG, JMo.
virtual reality - 455: PM, DN. TV40: MM, LS, WR.
(a) visit to the occulist - 215: PJ, KW, CF, MPa.
visiting - 235: PJ, KW, MP.
visual comedy - 852: PM, MB.
vital statistics - 508: PM, FM, GN.

vitamin pills - 541: TH, LS, CF, RN.

vitamins - 734: SP, GN, PM.
vivat rex adwardus sextus - 276: LP, DN.
(the) voice of experience - 807: GB, RK, RH.
(the) voice of new India - 781: AP, MB, Cbr, PM.
(the) voice of the people - 127: CF, DN, PJ.
voice-overs - 707: PM, SK, CC.
volcano - 514: PJ, CF, RV.
(a) voyage of discovery - 756: JC, PM, GN.
waffle - 190: PJ, CF, KW.
waffles - 49: SH, DN, CF. 264: RA, PJ, DN.
waffling - 640: SP.
Wagner - 223: PMo, CF, DN.
wags - 754: SP, SH, PM.
waiting - 167: CF.
waiting for a delivery - 837: PM, SH.
waiting for the phone to ring - 28: DN, CF, KW, LB. 779: JC, PM, SP, CC.
waiting for the whistle - 378: KW, CF.
waiting in a queue - JJAM6: HM, K?.
waiting rooms - 176: CF. 748: SP.
(a) walk in the park - J7: JE, JL.
walking a tightrope - 808: PM, PA.
waking up - 305: DN, CF, KW.
walking on hot coals - 728: PM, JL, CN.
walking the dog - 412: PM, DN, CF. 619: JC, PM.
(a) walled city - 806: TH, RWa.
wallies - 475: PM, AS.
wallpaper - TV32: PJ, WR.
(the) War of the Roses - 703: TH, PM, SK, IMc. 950: AC, GB, SC.
(a) war of words - 679: ML, PA, PM, MB.
wardrobe malfunction - 805: GN, PA.
Warwick Castle - 607: LS, RN, GN, CF.
(the) wash - 539: KHH, LS, JC, PM. 716: PM, JMo, CN.
washing an elephant - 325: AMa, JBe, CF.
washing up - 435: PMcC, SF, PJ.
wasps - 117: AM, KW, DN, CF.
wastes - 403: TR, CF, DN.
wasting time - 419: CF, JJ, DN.
watch - 451: PJ, DN, TH, JH.
watchdogs - 47: CF, DN.
watching paint dry - 480: PM, GP, DN.
water cooler moments - 768: JL, PJu, RW.
water divining - 287: CF, PJ.
water jousting - 279: TR, KW.

water shortages - 220: AMar, SH.

water under the bridge - 546: PM, CF, BC.
waterfalls - 289: LP, KW, CF. 364: DN, PJ.
Waterloo - TV9: TB, NM, HH, TS. 445: DN, PM, CF. 476: PJ, PM, CF. 532: LS,
waving good-bye - 167: KW, CF, DN.
waxing - 726: GN, GB, PM.
(the) way of all flesh - 480: PM, DN, GN.
(the) way the wind blows - 194: CF, DN, PJ.
(the) way to a Welshman's heart - 768: JL, JC.
ways to save energy - 554: GN, RN, CF, JE.
weather - 368: DN, KW, PJ.
(the) weather forecast - 584: TH, LS, CN, BB.
wearing a wig - 819: TH, GB, PM.
wearing funny hats - 38: MK, DN.
wearing glasses - 620: JE, CF, DO, PM. 706: HL, JC, PM.
wearing my other hat - 512: PJ, PM.
weasels - 272: CF, DN, KW.
(the) weather - 22: CF, KW, GJ.
weather forecasting - 830: JC, JE, VF, PM.
weather forecasts - 567: PM, TH, CF. 792: GB, JBy.
weaverfish - 360: TR, KW, GB.
webcams - 603: NR, GB, MM.
wedding photographers - 211: CF, DN, AMar.
weddings - 24: KW, GJ, CF. 633: SH.
weddings I've been to - 68: DN, KW.
Wednesday - 102: KW, CF, PJ.
(a) wee dock and doris - 516: FM, PM, CF, GN.
wee timorous beastie - 491: PM, DN.
weeding - 763: SP.
weeds - 598: LS, CF, TH.
weekends - 71: DN, CF, KW. 204: PJ, SH, KW. TV22: TS, CCh, DW, RV.
weight - 428: RMo, DN, PM, PJ.
weights - 330: CF. 352: DN, MJa.
(the) welkin - 236: PMo, KW, CF, DN.
Wellington - 592: KHH, CF, PM, SH.
wells - 244: DN, PJ.
(the) Welsh language - 556: PM, LS, GN.
Welsh rabbit - 674: JC, JE, GB, PM.
(the) West End - 502: CF, TH.
West End girls - TV12: JF, TS, DN.
(the) West Lothian question - 516: CF, FM, PM.
westerns - 476: KHH, PM.
wet picnics - 232: PJ, KW.

(a) whale of a time - 696: CF, GB, MB.

whales - 206: DN, PJ. 426: CF, DN. 694: TH, GN, PM. 784: PM, GB.
what - 419: DN, CF, JJ, PJ.
what a carry-on - 456: PM, CF.
what appeals to me most - 205: CF, PJ, AMa.
what amazes me - 303: KW, PJ, SH, MW.
what can be crammed into a minute - 48: MLi.
what cheers me up - 658: PM, RN, JG.
what every teenager should know - 644: PM, JE, CF.
what excites me - 75: KW, CF.
what experience has taught me - 165: CF, AMa.
what fascinates me - 433: CFe, PM, DN, PJ.
what frightened me as a child - 690: CF, JE, MB. TV56: SM, SP, MB.
what gets my back up - 714: JD, JL, PM, CF.
what Gladstone said in 1888 - 108: KW, SH, CF.
what Gladstone said in 1894 - 8: DN.
what gives me a sleepless night - 613: PM, CF, VS.
what gives me the horrors - 206: KW, DN, SH.
what gives me the most pleasure - 214: LF, CF.
what goes into my wastepaper basket - 366: GB, TR.
what goes on backstage - 585: RN, PM.
what goldfish think about - 38: DN, CF, KW.
what gravity is for - TV21: DW, TS, HL, CF.
what happened to Anne of Cleves - 59: KW, DN, CF, AM.
what I admire about the Romans - 715: DM, CF.
what I ate last night - 413: CF, DN, WR.
what I bet on - 413: DN, WR, CF, PJ.
what I came here to say - 175: PJ, AM, CF.
what I can do in a minute - 343: HK, KW, CF, PJ.
what I can do in Just A Minute - 551: SP, RN, TR, TH.
what I can do in 10 seconds - 639: JSe, PM.
what I can do with my telescope - 260: PMo, PJ, AMa, KW.
what I can say in a minute - 204: WRu, SH.
what I caught on holiday - TV3: AB, TS, GN.
what I deserve - 192: CF.
what I did on my holidays - 837: HW, RK, PM.
what I did on Richmond Hill - TV2: MF, TS, AS.
what I did today - 364: PJ, DN.
what I dig - 149: PJ, CF.
what I do at midnight - 124: PJ, AM, CF.
what I do best in 60 seconds - 375: TR, PJ, DN.
what I do in a crowded train - 138: PJ, AM.
what I do in the rain - 187: PJ.
what I do to win this game - 256: CF, KW, PJ.

what I do when I wake up in the night - 161: AMa.

what I do when I'm not here - 427: PM, PJ, CQ, CF. 790: PM, PA, CC.
what I do when nobody is looking - 103: KW.
what I do with it - 186: DN, AM.
what I do with old razor blades - 153: PJ, DN, CF.
what I don't talk about - 440: DN, CF, PJ.
what I don't usually say - 145: PJ, JM, CF.
what I dread - 305: KW, DN.
what I dreamt about last night - 587: LS, TH, BB, CN.
what I enjoyed most about this series - 219: KW, AM, CF, PJ.
what I expect - 178: CF, DN, SH.
what I expect of a man - 216: SH, DN, KW.
what I fancy - 216: SH.
what I find a bit tricky - 162: PJ, AM, DN.
what I find most difficult - 151: SH, DN, PJ.
what I find unpardonable - 44: KW, FF, CF, DN.
what I get out of life - 220: AMar, SH, KW.
what I get when I try - 149: JM, WM, PJ.
what I got for Christmas - 132: PJ.
what I have in mind - 178: CF, PJ, DN.
what I have been warned against - 45: KW, CF, SH, DN.
what I have in common with the chairman - 626: TH, CN, TR.
what I have not thought of - 183: CF, DN, BC, PJ.
what I keep in my fridge - 717: TR, TH, SP.
what I keep in my pocket - TV52: MJ, PM.
what I keep in my pockets - 490: KHH, CF, DN, PJ. 833: LT, JRo, AC.
what I keep in my sporran - 535: GN, CF.
what I keep in old jam jars - 353: HK, CF, PJ, KW.
what I keep under my mattress - 502: PM.
what I keep under the stairs - 304: DN, PJ, IM.
what I knew when I was 18 - 329: AMa, KW.
what I know nothing about - 211: AMar, DN.
what I learn from this show - 190: AMar, CF.
what I like - 414: WR, TR, RS.
what I like about cricket - 860: JE, JWi, PM.
what I like about money - 16: AMa, DN, CF.
what I like best - 290: KW, PJ.
what I liked about Elvis Presley - 583: GN, CF, TH.
what I listen to - 234: CF, KW, GG.
what I love about buses - 615: LT, CF, PM, JC.
what I love about Edinburgh - 722: SP, PM.
what I love about France - 589: SH, CF.
what I love about queuing - 581: PM, KHH, RN.
what I love about the Scots - 638: CF, PM.

what I love about the West Midlands - 607: GN, CF, LS, RN.
what I make lists about - 720: PM, KHH, GB.
what I miss about the 70s - 610: TH, CF.
what I most desire - 46: KW, CF, DN.
what I never do - 150: PJ, AMa, CF, IC.
what I never write in my diary - 330: KW, CF.
what I overheard - TV25: DW, MF, TS.
what I pencil in - 451: DN, TH, PJ, JH.
what I put in to improve things - 172: CF, DN, PJ.
what I put into life - 220: KW, SH, PJ.
what I put up with - 265: CF, TBT.
what I read - 442: GP, PM, CF.
what I read on a wall - 183: DN, PJ.
what I really enjoy - 140: AMa.
what I said as I left the house - 146: IC, AMa, PJ.
what I saw in a joke shop - 349: CF, LPu.
what I see in the mirror - 736: SP, GN.
what I see through the hole in my fence - 155: DN, JM, PJ.
what I see when I look in the mirror - 573: CN, JE, GB, CF.
what I shall do with my beard when I have finished with it - 121: CF, AMa,
what I shall leave out of my autobiography - 66: DN, SH, CF.
what I shall never forget - 119: DN, CF.
what I should have done when I was 18 - 319: KW, CF, JBe.
what I stand for - 134: CF.
what I suggest you do - 164: PJ, AM.
what I take down to the beach - 618: VS, CF, SFr.
what I think of my name - 620: PM, JE.
what I think of the chap sitting next to me - 319: PJ, JBe, CF.
what I think of the one next to me - 271: RA, PJ, KW.
what I thought you said - 173: AM, KW.
what I want for my birthday - 292: DN. 324: DN, JR.
what I was given for Christmas - 705: PM, CC, SK.
what I was good at at school - 193: AMa, DN.
what I was like as a baby - 623: DO, CF, PM.
what I was like at 35 - 577: CN, SH, CF, PM.
what I wear in bed - 528: PM, CF, LS. 721: PM, SP, PS.
what I wear under my kilt - 555: GN, CC, CF.
what I won't stand for - 192: KW, SH, CF, DN.
what I would do with a million pounds - 537: TH, LS, RN, CF.
what I would do with Battersea Power Station - TV8: DN, NR, JF, TS.
what I would exhibit at the Chelsea Flower Show - TV14: HH, NM, TB, TS.
what I would like to give up - 438: PJ, PM, CF.
what I would like right now - 169: PJ, DN, KW.

what I would love to do right here - 440: PJ, DN, JE, CF.
what I would play in an orchestra - 707: PM, SK, GN.
what I would say if I were not on the air - 148: CF, DN.
what I would say to a mermaid - 621: PM, RN.
what I wrote on a wall - 183: BC, CF.
what I'd be doing if I wasn't doing this - 516: FM, PM, CF.
what I'd do on the Moon - 60: DN.
what I'd really like to talk about - TV43: TH, SFr, WR.
what I'm doing here - TV20: DW, TS, AS.
what I'm hiding - 173: KW, CF.
what I'm thinking about - 173: PJ, CF.
what I've got in my attic - 777: PM, JC, SP.
what I've got on my ipod - 660: CF, PA, GN, MB.
what is expected - 184: SH, DN.
what it's like - 153: CF, DN, PJ.
what it's like the first time - 172: BC, DN, PJ.
what lives at the bottom of my garden - TV53: PM, JMa.
what lurks under my bed - 761: TH, PM.
what makes a hippo happy - 796: TH, JE, AC.
what makes me blow my top - 301: PJ, DN, CF.
what makes me blush - 471: NM, PM, PJ.
what makes me burst with pride - 250: KW, CF, JW.
what makes me come over all unnecessary - 337: KW, BC, GB.
what makes me excited - 313: KW, DN.
what makes me fall about laughing - 316: CF, BC, KW, ESt.
what makes me furious - 503: GN, TH. 749: AC, TH, KHH.
what makes me laugh - 212: PJ, CF, PMo. TV20: JS, DW, TS, AS.
what makes me sneeze - 635: RB, PM, CF.
what Marilyn means to me - 795: MJ, CC, PM.
what money can't buy - 682: PJu, GB, CF.
what more people should do - 295: CF, KW, PJ, TR.
what my aunt gets for Christmas - 359: DN.
what my body language is telling you - 615: PM, CF, LT.
what my horoscope predicted today - 792: GB, TV, PM.
what my scales tell me - 527: GN, TH, CF.
what Nicholas keeps in his wallet - 749: KHH, AC, PM, TH.
what not to say to the Queen - 612: SF, TH, CF, PM.
what not to say when you meet the Mayor - 623: PM, CF, JE.
what others find irritating about me - 720: KHH, GB, PM.
what our audience loves - 310: KW, DN, PJ.
what Peter Jones thinks about the last speaker - 229: PJ, CF, KW.
what pleases me - 421: CF, PJ.
what pleases me most - 466: PJ, NM, PM.
what sends me - 51: KW, CF.

what shall we do with a drunken sailor - 744: SP, PM, LT.

what shocks me - 402: CF, PM, DN.
what should be locked up - 379: PJ, KW.
what Socrates said - 33: DN, KW, CF.
what the actress said to the bishop - 489: PM, MM, PJ. 609: TH, SF.
what the butler saw - 112: AM, KW. 691: JL, PM, CF.
what the butler saw at 10 Downing Street - TV2: TS, JH, MF.
what the Greeks had a word for - 156: KW, CF.
what the last contestant said - 232: PJ, CF.
what the perfect hotel should provide - 278: DN, KW.
what the Romans do - 40: DN, JA. 154: CF, DN, PJ.
what the well dressed man wears in bed - 299: CF, KW, JJ.
what they may find on Mars - 39: DN, CF.
what they say about me - 130: CF, AM, KW.
what this audience needs to know - 514: RV, PJ.
what thrills me - 55: AMa, DN.
what tickles my fancy - 486: DN, CF.
what to buy in a jumble sale - 1: BR, CF.
what to do for cold feet - 30: DN, CF, GJ.
what to do if you get your big toe caught in the bath tap - 32: DN, CF, AM.
what to do when sleep is impossible - 19: NP, CF, KW.
what to do when you get stuck in the elevator - 29: DN, CF, KW, GJ.
what to do when you oversleep - 730: JC, GB, PM, DM.
what to do when you've ricked your back - 27: BM, DN, KW.
what to do with spare time - 24: GJ, DN, KW, CF.
what to do with the hole in the donut - 141: CF, PJ.
what to do with your vitality - 32: KW, CF, AM, DN.
what to give somebody who already has everything - 810: PM, RK, GB, RH.
what to look for in a good second-hand car - 41: DN, CF, KW.
what to look for when buying a dog - 75: AM, CF.
what to put on a muffin - 416: PM, DN, SF.
what to reply to how do you do - 37: DN, KW.
what to say to a friend in hospital - 277: KW, PMo.
what to sell at a jumble sale - 7: US, DN, CF.
what to take away for the weekend - 14: AM, BM, CF. 30: DN, GJ, CF.
what to take on a picnic - 10: DN, RHo.
what to tell the children about the birds and the bees - 28: CF, KW.
what to wear on the radio - 847: PM, SH, GN.
what upsets me most - 187: PJ, KW, CF.
what went on behind the gymnasium - 345: DN, CF, KW.
what will happen this evening - 209: AMa, CF, PJ, DN.
what you can find in my local library - 766: SP.
what you keep under your bed - TV2: AS, MF, TS.
what you see in the looking glass - 26: KW, DN, CF.

what your name says about you - 558: PM.

what's fishy - 437: TH, KHH, HD, CF.
what's in a sausage - 155: JM, DN. 415: PJ, CF, DN.
what's in my fridge - 443: PJ, JR, PM.
what's in my handbag - TV15: HL, DW, TS.
what's in my pocket - 154: DN, SH, CF.
what's wrong with a hairy chest - 577: SFr, SH, GN, PM, CF.
wheel clamping - 729: TH, JMo, JL.
whelks - 255: CF, KW.
when all is said and done - 225: CF, KW, RA, PJ.
when Father papered the parlour - 60: DN, CF, GJ.
when I am King - 700: PM, CA, SP.
when I do my nut - 367: KW, PJ, CF.
when I grow up - JJAM5: JE.
when I met my hero - TV55: SK, PM.
when I sat down at the piano - 147: PJ, KW. 227: PJ, JB, CF, KW.
when I was in prison - 667: GN, CA, CF, PM.
when I was seven - 44: CF, DN, KW. 113: AM.
when I was very small - 142: PJ, DN, CF.
when I wear a top hat - 13: DN, AM, CF. 775: PM, GB, JE.
when I worked as a meteorologist - TV57: PM, GB, LT, TH.
when I'm cornered - 207: KW.
when it's my go - 212: KW.
when it's my turn on the bumper cars - 171: DN, KW, PJ, JM.
when less is more - 507: PJ, PM, CF, SF.
when my big end went - 355: WF, PJ, KW, DN.
when sitting in the dentist's chair - JJAM3: JCal, FD.
when someone scratched my new car - 185: BC, DN, CF.
when the car breaks down - 328: CF, VW, PJ.
when to apologise - 829: JLy, SH, KE, PM.
when we meet again - 245: DN, KW, CF, PJ, IM.
when you weren't looking - 673: PM, CA.
where I get my inspiration - 32: KW, CF, DN.
where I grew up - 786: RH, PS, TH.
where I hang my stocking - 444: DN, PJ, CF, SF.
where I live - TV7: AS, RV, TS.
where I put my Christmas cards - 132: KW, CF.
where I took my holiday - 453: PJ, JE, PM, KHH.
where I would be tonight if I were not here - 826: MJ, GN.
where I would go if I owned the Tardis - J9: LD, AU, JE
where it's at - 497: LS, GN, TH.
where Just A Minute can be enjoyed - 488: PM, CF, ML, PJ.
where the money goes - 183: PJ, CF.
where to draw the line - 38: KW, MK, DN, CF.

which animal I'd bring home from the zoo - J7: D?, JE, JL.
whims and fancies - 112: KW, AM, PJ, CF.
whinging - 404: DN, WR, CF, PJ.
whiplash - 525: JC, CF.
whippersnapper - 536: PM, CF, GP.
whippersnappers - 664: MB, CF, GB.
Whipsnade Zoo - TV11: JBr, LSi, JS, TS.
whisky - 806: FM, GB.
whisky galore - 864: GB, TAl, PM.
whispering - 640: GB, SP, PM.
whistle blowers - 609: SF, TH.
whistle blowing - 614: CC, PM. 650: GB, TH. 816: SM, PA, GB, PM.
whistles - 259: DN, CF.
whistling down the wind - 734: PM, TH, GN.
(the) white cliffs of Dover - 950: SC, GB, AC.
(a) white elephant - 476: PJ. 670: GB, MB, PMc.
white lies - 493: CF, PM.
(the) white shark - 261: DN, CF.
whitewash - 122: SH, PJ, CF.
Whitstable oysters - TV12: NR, JF, TS, DN.
whiz kids - 536: CF, PM, GN.
who I would hate to be - 431: PM, PJ, DN, CF.
who I would like to be - 431: PJ, DN, CF, PM.
who I would like to have been - 779: SP, JC.
who I would like to kiss under the mistletoe - 444: PJ, CF, DN, SF.
who I would most like to be other than myself - 37: KW, DN, CF.
who I would prefer to be - 838: PM, LT, AC.
who is buried under Platform 10 at Waterloo Station - TV26: TS, AS, DW, JS.
who knows where this may lead - 703: PM, IMc, TH.
whodunnit - TV51: SP, MB.
whoppers - 156: PJ, CF, AMar.
why babies cannot be astronauts - 757: PM, GB.
why cheating never pays - 774: TH, GB, PA.
why Dad knows best - 747: AC, PM.
why elephants can't jump - 253: BCr, DN, KW, SH.
why geese fly in a V formation - 819: PM, TH, FG.
why good cooking is a mark of civilisation - 104: AM, KW, CF.
why I am loveable - 146: AMa, PJ, IC, CF.
why I am never on time - 838: LT, JRo, AC.
why I am not winning at the moment - 169: PJ, DN, JM.
why I am so well informed - 270: KW, CF, MMa.
why I am so popular - 39: CF, DN.
why I believe in fairies - 29: GJ, CF, DN, KW.
why I don't live in King's Cross - 163: DN, SH.

why I enjoy dancing the can-can - 100: AMa, CF.

why I enjoy myself - 175: CF, DN.
why I hate London - TV7: RV, AS, TS, PMcC.
why I hate roller coasters - 833: PM, JRo, AC, LT.
why I like men - 39: GJ, CF, DN.
why I love Derby - 729: DG, TH.
why I love each and every one of you - 669: CF.
why I love Just A Minute - 683: CF.
why I never rely on a single source - 606: TH, SF, CF.
why I never use Cockney rhyming slang - 582: PM, CF, WR.
why I should be knighted - 265: KW.
why I'm not in the National Portrait Gallery - TV10: TS, RV, CF.
why I'm seldom wrong - 114: CF.
why I've given up stockings in preference for tights - 29: GJ, DN.
why I've given up the harp - 300: PJ, KW, SH, DN.
why Just A Minute has lasted so long - 577: HBo, PM, GN, CF, SH.
why Norfolk is so flat - 520: CF, KHH.
why opposites attract - 649: PM, LT, CN, KHH.
why Oscar Wilde decided to live in Tight Street - TV14: TS, NM, HH, TB.
why parrots don't sneeze - 255: TT, CF, PJ.
why poems should rhyme - 773: PJu, JL, RW.
why radio is better than TV - 736: LT, PM.
why television will never catch on - 681: PM, JC, JE.
why the dinosaurs died out - 785: GP, JC, PM, SP.
why tomorrow must be better - 230: PJ, KW, DN, NP.
why we are here - 847: PM, GN, RI.
(a) wicked thing I did - 363: KW, PJ.
wickedness I enjoy - 335: VW, KW, PJ.
wigs - 644: CF, JE, GN.
(the) wild card - 503: DN, TH.
(the) wild west - 260: PJ, AMa, PMo, KW. 562: TH, SP, RN, WR. TV56: PM, SP.
407: PM.
wildlife - TV46: GB, JBr, PJ. 549: CF, SFr, PM.
Wilhelm Furtwangler - 416: SF, PM, DN.
will power - 657: PM, TH, SP, CC. 682: PJu, CF, GN.
William Bligh of the Bounty - 429: TS, CF, PM.
William Hogarth - 198: KW, CF, AMar.
William McGonigal - 658: JG, CF, RN, PM.
William Morris - 219: KW.
William Pitt Earl of Chatham - 236: KW, DN, CF.
William the Conqueror - 161: KW, AMa, CF, DN. TV54: TH, PM, SP, GN.
willy nilly - 708: PM, JC.
Wilmot Earl of Rochester - 373: KW, CF, DN.
wimps - 382: DN, CF, WR.

(the) wind - 106: KW, CF.

wind instruments - TV34: SFr, BC.
wind power - 253: SH, DN. 445: CF, TH, DN.
window shopping - 413: WR, DN. 515: PM, PJ.
wine - 74: CF, AM. 361: SB, PJ, DN. 380: PJ, DN. 419: CF, DN. 651: PMc, CF.
wine women and song - 20: CF, NP, GJ.
(a) wing and a prayer - 672: PA, PM.
winkles - 41: KW, CF. 293: SH, DN, KW.
winning - 120: PJ, CF, AM, KW. 283: SH.
winning a competition - 788: PS, TH.
winning friends and influencing people - 496: TH, PM, DN.
winning ways - 222: KW, JB.
winter pyjamas - 374: PJ, CF.
winter sports - 758: MB.
winter woollies - 21: KW. 373: PJ, DN, CF.
wire coat hangers - 303: PJ, SH.
wisdom - 465: DN, PJ, CF. 571: TH, SP, KHH.
wisecracks - 366: GB.
(the) wisest thing I ever heard - 164: CF, KW, PJ, AM.
wit - 47: CF, DN, KW, SH.
witchcraft - 72: AM, DN. 265: KR, TBT, CF. 303: KW, MW. 432: CF, PM, PJ.
witches - 388: DN, CF.
wits - 251: SH. 376: DN, SH, TR.
witticisms - 338: CF, KW, PJ, TR.
(the) wives of Henry the Eighth - TV52: GB, PM, LT.
wizardry - 49: DN, CF.
wizards - 307: DN, DC, KW. 308: BC, LPu, KW.
(a) wolf in sheep's clothing - 627: LS, CF, GN. 808: PM, GN, KE, PA.
Wolfgang Amadeus Cristosossom Mozart - 143: KW, DN, PJ.
Wolverhampton in November - 804: GN, JMa, SP.
wolves - TV15: DW, TS, HL, CF.
(the) wombles - 588: PM, TH.
women - 152: AMar, PJ, KW.
women in authority - 115: KW, CF.
women in comedy - 741: RN, SH, TH, PM.
women in trousers - 115: CF, NP, PJ.
women's beauty parlours - 133: CF, DN, AM.
women's football - 120: CF, PJ, AM.
women's lib - 97: SH, CF, KW.
women's rugger - 413: CF, WR, PJ.
(a) wonderful moment - 452: LSi, PM, WR.
wonders of the world - 361: DN, SB, KW.
woodwind - 263: KW, PJ.
woodworm - 263: PJ, KW, CF.

woofers and tweeters - 517: PM, GN, CF.

word processors - 320: DN.
(the) world record I would like to break - JJAM4: JL, JE.
words borrowed from the French - 681: GB, PM.
words per minute - 685: KHH, JG.
work - 387: WR, CF, DN.
(the) work of William Shakespeare - 624: GN, SP, PM.
working for the opposition - 519: KHH, TH.
working from home - 528: LS, PM, CF. 733: JE, PM.
working the system - 529: JH, SP, CF, TH.
working on an oil rig - 617: MB, CF, PM.
working out - TV23: WR, DW, LG. 708: JC, JLo, PM.
(the) world cup - 848: DT, PM.
(the) World Service - 562: TH, RN.
(the) world's greatest invention - 660: MB, CF, PA, GN.
(the) world's greatest picture - 331: CF, DN, NP, PJ.
(the) world's most beautiful building - 309: CF, DN.
worms - 539: LS, PM, JC. 552: LT, PM, CF. 764: GB, PM, JC.
(the) worst book I ever read - 760: GN.
(the) worst Christmas cracker joke - 444: SF, PJ, CF.
(the) worst film I ever saw - 350: TR, CF, KW.
(the) worst hotel I ever stayed in - 572: TH, PM, CF.
(the) worst night of my life - 538: PM, CF. 721: PM, SP. 785: SP, JC.
(the) worst putdown I ever had - 780: KHH, JL, PM.
(the) worst smell in the world - TV54: SP, TH, GN, PM.
(the) worst thing about the 1980s - 744: LT, SP.
(the) worst thing I ever did in my kitchen - 84: SH, CF, KW.
(the) worst thing I have ever eaten - J9: JE, AU. 862: SP, GB, AH.
(the) worst thing in this studio - 158: DN, CF, SH.
(the) worst way to greet someone - 766: SF, FG.
(the) worst website I know - 607: CF, GN, LS, RN.
(the) wow factor - 647: CF, PM, GN. 849: LT, GN, PM.
wreckers - 572: CF, TH, PM, JC.
wrestling - 233: SH, KW. 468: PM, DN.
wrinkles - 733: JE, GB, PA.
writer's block - 484: PM, GN, DN. TV58: SF, JC, PM.
writing a book - 727: DM, GB.
writing a letter - JJAM6: K?, HM.
writing a letter of apology - 794: TH, AC.
writing a letter of complaint - 626: CN, LS, TR.
writing a thank you letter - JJAM3: FD, JCal.
writing an opera - 205: PMo, PJ.
writing books - 17: CF, GJ, KW. 344: GB, DN, MJa.
(a) writing desk - 847: GN, PM.

(the) writing on the wall - 287: PJ, KW. 500: GN.

writing thank you letters - 13: DN, CI, CF.
(the) wrong end of the stick - 501: SFr, CF, DN.
(the) wrong note - 675: CF, TH, PM, DG.
(the) wrong number - 510: TH, CF.
wrong numbers - 443: PJ, SF, JR.
yawning - 592: KHH, SH, PM.
(the) year ahead - 427: PJ, PM. 556: CF, PM.
yellow lines - 207: AM, CF, PJ.
yesterday - TV47: SPu, MM, LS, WR.
yesterday's news - 836: TH, KG, GB.
yin and yang - 607: RN, GN, LS, CF. 615: PM, LT.
yobboes - 389: BC, WR.
yodelling - 20: CF, GJ.
yoga - 540: GN, PM.
York - 515: CF, PM.
Yorkshire - 386: CT, CF. 497: LS, TH.
Yorkshire pudding - TV32: WR, LS, PJ. 581: KHH, PM, RN.
Yorkshire puddings - 786: TH, JE.
you - 363: PJ, CF.
you and yours - 658: RN, CF, PM.
you can take a horse to water - 782: CBr, PM, MB.
your mum - 678: PM, CF, MB, JG. TV56: MB, SP, SM.
your recommended daily amount - 852: LBe, MB.
your schooldays - 7: AMa.
your word against mine - 786: TH, PS.
youth - 166: PJ, DN, CF.
youth and experience - 950: AC, PM.
youth clubs - 645: PM, GB, GN, SP.
(the) youth of today - 603: MM, GB, FM, NR.
yoyo - 499: SFr, PJ.
zeitgeist - 484: GN, PM.
Zen Buddhism - 662: GP, PM, CN, CF.
zero - 209: PJ, DN, CF.
Zeus - 557: SF, CF.
(the) Zieman effect - 244: MP, PJ.
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