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How To Make Your Own German-Style Lager Beer For Only 12c A Bottle! Try our amazing new mini-brewery in your own home for 45 days. If you don't agree the beer you make is better than your favorite commercial beer, ‘welll refund your money and send you an extra $5.00 free! Hello, My name is Bad Weckeser, President of ierhaus Intemational, I, in Ere, Peasyharia ‘an aang new veaktrcughin ome teeing hasheendovpedin ging. Nowitavaibieberen ‘Ameri These satus aerobic ere {aon tank thatallowsyoutobrev rom 4108 /sgallons ‘tber areal lager bor =i jut 28 manutes No mest. Neha "What’ more, the bee actualy tases BETTER than smattcommercl bes. We gurantee it Ad youcan tre in your own tcen for only 2e abot! his vaneng ibe oN shone “ome brew: you say have aed nthe pas Thefavoris ser, coat bodied. wth hak remy head fe aga inch above hei fhe pas. Trealze you're skeptca I dost blame you. So we'd lke tosend you the comple ton aa bas, Theres norsk 0 you ‘TRY OUR BLINDFOLD TASTE TEST ‘Obviouly, leaned «ama of ur ter though the mail But | can send you money $5.00 FREE (in dattontorefunding your ol porch prices etm Shipingcont)if you dow agree this beriseterthan {hecommercial ber you're now drinking, Order the it ndmakeacas:ortwo.Tastetesitagansiyourfavent ‘ommercal ber. you dent agree far sper, just Feturn te Ait Wel end you a fu efund, eur Shipingchargesandan EXTRA SS.) FREE for your i and oul. Ti she fairest way to prove to you Question: HOW CAN ANYONE MAKE BEER AT HOME AS GOOD AS COMMERCIAL BEER? ‘Answer: Tat like asking how Grandma could ake ‘Socks at home as good as th cellophane wrapped Kind youtbuy nthe sipemarke. As you know, home- ‘de predsctoareunully SETTER than thoreoemer= Galcourterpanspe-cake-brad~almox anything "The fat any Americans ave never tated atl breweries and NEVER ase artificial adie like tome US breweries Yet thet ber has more body and favor thanalmostany Amercanorand sight ohou beng watery or sect like some commercia brands "The Bierhaus MinrBrewery uses the tame basic ingredients the Germans we = barley, mal, select hope land water And Biethaus products arnt recipes contain Aoafifcal ingredient of ony kind. Nove, whatever. We offer a wide variety of SPECIAL IMPORTED ingedients .” Halletaue hops, imported from Ger- ‘many and nitrogen sealed in our own packets fr fall for pure bari) malt impone fom the Midas of England special yeast cultures imported from ‘anus mom of Enrope Qustion. SPECIFICALLY - HOW MUCH WILL THE BEER COST TO MAKE? ‘Aner: The Berhaus Mini Brewery can be wed over ‘and overagainfor years Is rua eime investment ‘Allyoutave te dolsrepuchaseas many cansof ngre- ‘iets as you wish. Te onetime cost of the kit iseasly ‘made upby wit yousave on Yourfirstevera brewings ‘Aterta youve payngasitles1esboteforeneot inet bours inthe word - brewed by Yo You an ACTUALLY SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS FACH YEAR ect of mans volume we shi he ingedients directly 0 your home. Th ingens fr ‘nee! pallonbatcnot Gomestc ligt age making totes) tavaiableferaslitleas$7-60,orabout I-12e per 2 bette fexdading caps sipping or Pa Sales {your household consumes about 2 cases of beet ‘ach wo (at $1.0 pr eats) you cam actualy SAVE ‘whopping $522.48 each yar. And youl probably save ‘eveamoreinthe months tocomessthe pie ofcommer- ‘Gal beer continues tors, HOW MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF BEER CAN I BREW? ‘Aner: The Berhans Mini-Brewery includes resis forthe folowing Europeatssle beers "Continental Light Lager - comparable tthe light ‘export European ge and pine beers rom North- {en'Exrope I hats ligt taste tat the tne Soma of hops troughs bshond be le! Yo Sours «+ Berhaor Amer Lager-more body than our ight igernithasght “hopper Tavorand car amber ‘lor Comat cot Gormanond Dah ages ‘eredon te ContnenAnescelntbeerioramone Sho pee the engin German ase © Rian Dank capers excelen aor, Full bodied Sar nat see ikesome ofthe imported ark « Weals sted inpedenstorEnietor Corudanale made rom mpd hops and Engish malas ell ‘Siraarke Bash al Foren extponal 00 ‘Question. IS IT EASY TO MAKE? ‘Answer! Absolutely All ou need is large pot, along ‘Miring spoon and oa special 7 allonanserobie unk Thebarty maltand hopecometo youln aca. Simp) ‘open the can, pour te contents int the large pot add ‘weer ad dentose (upped byw) Heat and str, Pour ‘hemix ist the fermentation tank, add more water and ‘staponthelbd-Attheend of seven day siphon nto any ‘eturabe bots (ve include ho andshutoff and et thebeer age 3weeks (S weeks fordarkale orsiout) We ‘arsupph an texpensvecappe at your opton;or You ‘may purchase one at you local hardware sore, ‘Quation: 18 IT LEGAL TO MAKE THIS BEER ATHONE? ‘Anewer: By Act of Congress (H.R. 1331) effective February of 1979, ty single person IB ears of ape oF ‘older may produce 100 gallons per year tax fee. Ina fowl ftw or mor penton ove 8 thle llons per year tax fee. NO. FEDERAL TicenSelSReGuiRED toed lavamayary You paynotaxonthebeerand oumaysereitinyour home, ‘Question: WHAT'S THE ALCOHOLIC CONTENT OF THE BEER? ‘Aner: Vou ca vary the scobelc coment of thin beer {oyour own tate Youcan makeitas ight ras srong {35 you wish simply by varying the recipe, Tests con Gdcted by an iedepeadent laboratory indicate that our ber contains agmfcandy FEWER CALORIES and FEWER CARBOHYDRATES THAN COMPAR: ‘SOME OF THE ACTUAL LETTERS WE'VE RECEIVED We made our ist bitch ie March... was pod ato weeks but to months we were rationing tt our coset ends ony My hesband year 16 mother en hat lip bowe andswean by ~. fyemade ame bew fr 1S years butt wasnothing ike ‘ti Bea har apnoea Eder Nether MN ‘Stet hat Lam, did't pay much atention to your ad cits Betomy scp, yur bee WAScuyomaie is ‘arocanebod)~juntiteyuraid Thaneforsprestbest = Peake cer Pras WM One the test ar he ever sted. My favorite com- ‘mess er use water compere Young OW Congrove Jr Late Ro, AK ee geting eter ad beter™ J Denis. OF ABLE COMMERCIALLY MADE BEER ‘Bona for those who are weight conscnus, Tigo skepia, lease our Bindfold Taste Test TEST RULES 1. Request the Kit If you're concerned about sending 2 check, jst charge to your Mase: Gard or VISA, Callus at 816-459-300 from 8:30 Soo Eastern ime weeks} 2. Wel shipyour hit by UPS 5 Make one batch of be 4 Let age 34 weeks, 5S. Chita boule Tete it aginst your favorite ‘American beer. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE you dos’ age that our beri beter than the beer youre now drinking, ust pat everythi tack nthe carton and return i tous within 4 ‘ays of purchase date. We NOT ORLY KE- FUND YOUR MONEY - WE PAY THE RETURN POSTAGE" AND SEND YOU AN'EXTRA FIVE DOLLARS FOR YOUR TIME AND TROUBLE THIS IS OUR UN- CONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. Per ou kt amp ond your deck or B95 tends add 6 sakes tan, to Berhaws Min Sever Bene BethatsInernational, Ine, 211 Wee Bih Stet, Ee Pu IS Iyow wah ‘our imported teavy diay capper, please aid 31695. apy, how, and all other accesones are inlode in your it: You pay UPS charges spon delivery. FOR EXTRA FAST SERVICE mrarene cuseacoone oe gn Ee Stee at ‘ORDER YOUR KITTODAY. Risunconditionally guaranteed 10 produce the best eer Yeurve ever sted fr your money back = plus $5.00" ‘©1940, BerhausInernatonal, ne. “a ber beter tang than Premiums hal the cos. Encinedu my verde for dmore is Thank You ‘D SmeierDeiot, MI etre fou varie of our er talthasa supeie Mave and sootness hat supa commertal beet” “ler Cohmbus OH “rnepestasing ber wevecvertaste leant rink any ind tf domestsbet because Tim alert the chemical ni ‘othe bee fwbot any native) damn bother me he 1M. Kilogr—Sierra Visa, AZ “insiutoted my th cto our ber rng wed 8 ‘Ssomacheterthan commerce, ths isthe oly eer that Teer at my home bar F Schmit—Brover Fall PA iH 4ETR-K3I-K168

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