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may 2010
Blog.nus FAQs
1. What is Blog.nus?
• Blog.nus is a blog service for the
NUS community.
• Blog.nus is powered by WordPress
Multi-User and hosted by Edublogs Campus.


EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY UPDATE • NUS staff and students can set up
blogs for academic, educational,
researc h and administrative
In this issue... purposes. You can set up a blog for
personal learning, your faculty,
What do blogs, plagiarism prevention and animal behaviour have in common? The
school, department, module or
answer: A lecturer from Biological Sciences, N. Sivasothi, who has used these CIT
NUS-based club.
services in tandem for the LSM1303 Animal Behaviour cross-faculty module. Read on
to find out more about this unusual combination.
3. Where can I set up a Blog.nus
• To set up a blog at Blog.nus, please
visit Click
Student blogging, Evolving guidelines and the Create a blog image or the
copyright Create a blog or a user account link.
plagiarism prevention
4. Is Blog.nus single sign-on enabled?
and animal behaviour I drew up guidelines which reside
online on Google Docs. These were edited
• No, it is not single sign-on enabled.
Your Blog.nus account is separate
immediately after encountering issues each
from your NUSNET ID.
BY N. SIVASOTHI, LECTURER, year and are now relatively comprehensive.
DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL Concomitantly, I receive fewer queries about
5. How do I use the blog?
SCIENCES clarification, and student posts have also
• Blogging is relatively easy. If you
improved. Still, new issues emerge. For
know how to use email and a word
For the third year running, non-biology example, although citations were evident
processor, you should be able to
students who take the cross-faculty module this year, many did not integrate these
get started on your own.
LSM1303 Animal Behaviour are blogging. effectively within their text.
As part of their continual assessment, every
6. I have more questions or need
student in the class of about 200 creates a Comment moderation (which I
further assistance. Who can I contact?
single blog post each. Their blog site, enabled), alerted me to another problem
• Your first stop for assistance should
Blogging about Animal Behaviour is hosted this year - two professional photography
on Blog.nus. sites traced pingbacks to our blog, ironically
alerted through the students’ proper citation.
• NUS-specific Blog.nus FAQs can be
Despite restrictions about 3rd-party use
found at:
Blogging benefits displayed on these sites, students had
persisted. The culpable students replaced the
photos even as I updated the online
Writing an original post encourages • Finally you can also email
guidelines to explain copyright and
students to read and communicate beyond
introduce them to Creative Commons. A
the limits of their project work and lectures. relatively new issue to most of them, I
It also exposes them to their fellow-students’ extended the deadline by a day to allow
efforts which cover a wide range of them to adopt the new guidelines. I also
examples of animal behaviour. thanked the complainant for adding to our
learning objectives!
The blog engine can limit the display of
posts to those tagged with a specific group
number (which the students add, if they Blog.nus
followed instructions)! Teaching Assistants
Beyond plagiarism Mr Kenneth PINTO
(TAs), who visit the blog to contribute
constructive comments to the specific groups Despite the briefings at the beginning
they supervise, merely need to click relevant of term and just before the assignment, the Plagiarism Prevention (TurnItIn)
tags instead of ploughing through 200 posts. odd individual or two will plagiarise, either Mr Prasad IYER
Students quick on the uptake learn another knowingly or unknowingly. Although some
feature of blogs - they can explore the blog TAs can easily spot these, we submit a pdf of
for topics from the syllabus such as the entire site to TurnItIn, an excellent CIT Website
“territoriality” or “mating rituals”. plagiarism detection tool for which NUS has
a license.
Continued on next page...
"In my own experience with Turnitin, I
have found it to be useful in doing
four important things: categorically
e x p o s i n g  c r u d e a n d m a s s i v e
plagiarism; providing a graphic
illustration of general student
practices regarding the use of sources
and the composition of research
essays; providing a graphic teaching
aid to instruct students on the problem
of cut and paste; and sending a
general signal about plagiarism,
academic culture and responsibilities."
Associate Professor Brian Farrell
Department of History

Plagiarism Prevention
1. What is Plagiarism Prevention?
• A service to detect plagiarism in
s t u d e n t s ’ wo r k , p owe re d by
TurnItIn. LSM1303 Animal Behaviour blog screenshot
• Generates an originality report,
flagging possibly plagiarized items Next year I hope to go beyond Biodiversity 2010 blog and Facebook pages.
and highlighting the source. TurnItIn’s policing capability by having The enthusiastic comments on Facebook
• You can submit soft-copies of students check their own content. This will were a great read but faded when the flood
students’ work for checking or set it help them to learn about plagiarism, of last-minute posts swamped the blog!
up so that students can check on paraphrasing and citation.
their own before submitting work. Instead of a single explosion of 100
blog posts at semester-end, rostering groups
2. Who can use the Plagiarism Future directions for weekly blog posts would improve class
Prevention service? and public readership. If synchronised with
• All teaching staff in NUS can use the syllabus, their posts can be integrated
With the practical issues ironed out and
this service. into the lectures. I already include and
filled with enthusiasm, I finally asked the 2nd
• NUS students can use this service acknowledge the rare student-suggested
year ecology students to blog. Ecological
only if authorized by teaching staff. content and have been heartened by the
observations in Singapore was greeted with ‘conversation’ with otherwise quiet
an immediate and wider local audience
3. Where do I access the Plagiarism individuals. Blogging to encourage
when their blog posts were highlighted by
Prevention service? dialogue? We’ll see.
Singapore’s International Year of
• You can access the service at
Article Links
4. How do I use the Prevention
Plagiarism Prevention service? Blog.nus
• Instructions on how to use the
service are on the Plagiarism
Prevention page itself. For further Plagiarism Prevention (TurnItIn)
assistance, email

5. Why is it called Plagiarism Animal Behaviour

Prevention when this service detects
• It is hoped that this service is used Animal Behaviour blog assignment guidelines
in a preventive manner.
• It affords faculty staff a chance to
show students where they have Ecological observations in Singapore
gone wrong and rectify their work
before final submission.
• If faculty staff choose to allow Creative Commons
students to check for plagiarism
before submitting, the students will
be able to correct their work on Article adapted from
their own before submission.

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