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Is there a specific reference in the Bible that points to 2018 as the date of Christ's return?

There is, Daniel 12:12[NIV] where it said "Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end
of the 1,335 days." In the Bible, if days were used in prophecy, it often means years (Numbers
14:34) so, this 1335 days are actually 1335 years

Deciphering Daniel 12:12

Who is this One whom Daniel has said "Blessed is he who WAITS and arrives at the 1,335 days.?

Jesus Christ

I know it because in Psalm 110:1 God said to Jesus "Set thou in my right hand until I make thine
enemies thine footstool" The phrase "UNTIL" implied A PERIOD OF WAITING for Christ before
his return to rule the earth

How long

As Daniel 12:12 has said 1335 years.

When shall we begin to count these amount of time? from the time that the daily sacrifice is
abolished, that is, at the start of the 1290 in Daniel 12:11.

"From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished...there will be 1,290 days"

What date in our calendar? 607 BCE -the year the daily sacrifice is no longer possible to hold
because the temple and the city of Jerusalem at that time has already been reduced to ashes by
the conquering Babylonians.

So 1290+1335=2625-607bce=2018


To check the accuracy of my calculation:

Jerusalem was prophesied to become a desolate place until the expiration of Israel's 70 years
captivity in Babylon. (Jeremiah 29:10)

Babylon falls to Persia October 539 BCE, (Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1946, Vol.2, p.852) Cyrus
ordered the Jews to return to their homeland later that year, so by 538 BCE the desolation of
Jerusalem is no longer in place, countingback 70 from 538 bce would bring us to 608 bce, from
608 bce if we begin to count the 2625 years then the first year of our count would point to 607
bce (like when your birthdate is year 2000, you become 1 year old at year 2001) and the 2625th
to 2018 ce


Blessed is he who waits and ARRIVES at the 1,335 days namely Jesus Christ


"None of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand" Daniel 12:10

"A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not; But knowledge is easy unto him that hath
discernment." Proverbs 14:6



My name is Sunny Kristyano, a former member of the Watchtower Organization but now a
freelance Christian. Since my childhood I was already interested in knowing when the End
would come. No internet back then, no other books available for me to dig on this subject
except the Watch Tower's. But reading Watch Tower's books wont lead me anywhere other
than 1914 a date that according to Watchtower are from British clergyman E.B. Elliot, Robert
Seeley, and Joseph Seiss which Charles Russel -founder of the Bible Student Association- had
adopted and made well known. (Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's kingdom p.134)


According to Russel, 1914 was the year the Gentile Times will end and that his expectation "is
that there will be wonderful manifestations of Divine judgments against all unrighteousness,
and that this will mean the breaking up of many institutions of the present time, if not all."

The "End of the Gentile Times" is interpretation taken from Daniel chapter 4 where according
to it: the heaven high tree was cut down but the stump was left, and bands of iron and of
copper were put on it 7 times, to keep the stump from growing until it was God's time to
remove the bands and let it start growing again. The summary of Watchtowers interpretations
for this are:


7: are the Times appointed by God to keep the tree from re-growing

The Tree represented the rulership approved by God -the Kings in David's bloodline or Dynasty
of David

360: are days of lunar calendar the Watchtower had used in multiplying 7 Times (From the
notion that since "3.5 times" in Revelation 12:14 are equivalent to 1,260 days [12:6] so it was
concluded then that 7 times are also equivalent to 2,520)

607 BCE: is the year of Jerusalem's destruction but Russel thought it was 606 so 7x360=2520-

1914: the year their countdown had finished. Though nothing significant had happen in Israel,
they concluded that the kingdom of David is restored in heaven on that year with Jesus Christ
ruling as king.

There are of course things to be considered before jumping to conclusion. For example, the
morning sunrise and the afternoon sundown that we have seen in the sky and could be read in

Ecclesiastes 1:5 does not mean as what our physical senses have perceive: that the sun revolves
around the earth thereby sun goes up and sun goes down.

"The path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
(Proverbs 4:18)

We need to have an open mind if new evidence were presented contrary to our popular held


The Catholic church had Galileo thrown to prison for disclosing what he have observed in
heaven using his telescope: that the sun did not revolve around the earth rather the earth
around the sun. The church who dismisses God in relation to Exodus 20:4 insisted Gallileo
should be thrown to prison for contradicting Ecclesiastes 1:5. Today however, truth proved that
Catholic is wrong but Galileo is already a casualty of their bigotry.


Eager to know 'When' but with nothing in my table except the Bible and the books of
Watchtower's, I tried multiplying 7 times to the calendar that I'd used, to see what would come
up, I've consider this out of the truth that: we're not actually using lunar calendar like the Jews,
Muslims and Chinese. Christian calendar are based on the sun 365 days in a year. So by
multiplying 7 Times in Daniel chapter 4 to 365 I got 2555 years (7x365=2555) I then proceeded
to subtract 607 from 2555 and then to my surprise I got 1948.

I knew from reading Watchtower's previous article that 1948 was the year when biological
Israel was restored so I was ecstatic on what I've found. But because I'm still part of the JW sect
at that time (2003) and have been indoctrinated to believe that the only people authorized by
God to interpret the Bible are the so-called Governing Body (JW were not allowed to entertain
any notion with regards to the Bible except of those that originated from Watchtower's, much
like Vatican in the middle ages who held the believer of Christ's ignorant by not allowing them
to read the Bible) I decide to send my findings to the Governing Body in New York for them to
study and present it to the Lord's people, "not as our own, but as the Lord's" according to
Russel. Russel believed the work of the Bible Student "has been to bring together these long
scattered fragments of truth and present them to the Lord's people not as new, not as our
own, but the Lord's" (Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's kingdom p.49 pp.3)

Sadly, Russel's successor are no longer possessed by the same spirit Russel's have. They became
bigots like the Catholic church. I remember they told me in their response letter "not to talk this

knowledge in public so as not to become an issue in the congregation" they also implied that
these knowledge are from mentally disease individuals.

Submissive to Watchtower, I decide to keep this knowledge from my fellow JW. But the Lord's
word written in Luke 11:33 could not make me feel safe in listening to Watchtower. So I send
this letter to David Allen Lewis a person outside the JW circle. But as I found later on 2008 in his
website like the Watchtower he indicated "no one knows" on matter of the Lord's return.


Of course I'm aware of what was in Mark 13:32. Jesus spoke those word to ward off the apostle
and the rest of the Christians from scrutinizing the things that don't belong in their life time as
the angel said to Daniel when the later inquired things related to the End "Go thy way, Daniel:
for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end." (Daniel 12:9) simply put, when
the time of the end came hidden words will be unsealed that the man of God maybe equipped
with knowledge necessary for salvation.

But though Daniel's lifetime is very far from the Time of the End, the Angel nonetheless did not
left Daniel and his reader no hint 'when' for the Angel said

"And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be 1290 days"

The angel said further

"Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the 1335th"

(Daniel 12:11,12)

But of course interpretation of this words are sealed up, until the time of the end came, then it
will be unsealed by the Father to prepare the bridegroom (Matthew 25:6).

"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, unless he first he revealeth his secret unto his servants
the prophets." (Amos 3:7)

"No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed;
but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light. For nothing is secret,
that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come
abroad." (Luke 8:16,17)


I discarded the Watchtower's 1914 and moved on to the new light 1948 as end of the Gentile
Times. Based by the following reality:

[1] The calendar we used today is solar, consisting 365 days in a year

[2] Israel is undeniably restored in 1948

I therefore concluded that the proper calculation of the 7 Times in Daniel chapter 4 is:


The bottom line: the end of the Gentile times in relation with Israel is year 1948.

How about Jesus Christ?

Well, "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy
footstool." (Psalms 110:1) When Jesus Christ returned to heaven and Israel scatters in the globe
after thrown outside of God's land in A.D 70 spiritually they became a footstool of Christ who
were then had became the ruling King in heaven

But in physical perspective, the enemy -the nation- that impaled the Son of God couldn't be
made a footstool of Christ unless it first appear in the scene after being wiped off by Rome in
AD 70. It does exist again in 1948. God resurrected this dead nation for a chance to embrace
Christ's, and if like in the past' resisted will be turned back to none existence the second time,
forever reduced to dust that Christ may trampled them on his feet in the day of his reign all
over the earth. The statement

"Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool," will then be fulfilled


Watchtower taught that the Heaven high tree represented God's rulership in the earth. The
tree being cut off means the rulership was removed in the earth. The stump banded for 7 times
and the band being removed after the given times is interpreted as the restoration of the said
rulership after the preventive period. I'm into this interpretation except that, though restored
in 1948 the ship don't yet have its ruler. From the restoration of Israel until now never has
Israel had became a Christian. The nation clung to the religion who rejected Jesus and dismiss
his resurrection as a myth.


I think Jesus had visited the earth in 1914 and spent an amount of time parallel to his first
coming. I have this notion because if we count 30 years from 1914 we will arrive to 1944 and
3.5 years from 1944 is 1948.

Assuming Jesus symbolically returned in 1914 with the time of his presence parallel to his first
coming, then we have to count the years Jesus had before his ministry: 30 years, so
1914+30=1944. We assume 1944 as the parallel of year he was baptized back in the first
century. To continue, after he was baptized followed a 3.5 years ministry. So, 1944+3.5=1948
He was then impaled and later come to life again. Who came to life again in 1948? Israel. Is
Israel the body of Christ in the earth? unless they accept Jesus we could say no. But Jesus had a
spiritual body in the earth --the Christians. What process of restoration did God had made them
subject beginning 1948? --Unity. Christians are divided. God wants to see them become one
again. Are there visible sign of this activity? I see yes through the World Council of Churches,
founded in 1948 by the Christians who longed for the re-unification of the churches, but over
the course of time has led astray and have never meet its goal.


How do you know Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 BCE not 586 as most of the encyclopedias


Simple, the prophecy in Jeremiah 25:11,12 said "And these nations (particularly Israel) shall
serve the king of Babylon 70 years and after 70 years I will punish the king of Babylon and that
nation saith the Lord."

When was this punishment occured?

539 BCE for that was the year when Babylon falls to Persia, (Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1946,
Vol.2, p.852) but this prophecy in Jeremiah 25:11,12 has a greater fulfillment though -where
the Babylon is no longer that of Nebuchadnezzar but that of Revelation 17:3-5 dubbed as the
Great Babylon, but in the meantime lets continue dissecting the truth whether its 586 or 607

So, in continuation, Babylon according to secular sources had fallen to Persia 539 BCE,
countback 70 and you'll find 609 BCE as the outset of count for Jerusalem's 70 years desolation.
Year 609 BCE corresponded to Zedekiah's 9th year reign this was indicated in 2King 25:1, it said

"In the 9th year of Zedekiah’s reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar king
of Babylon marched against Jerusalem with his whole army."

According to 2Kings 25:2,4 "the city was besieged unto the 11th year of king Zedekiah...And the
city was broken up." Destroyed.

If Zedekiah's 9th year coincided to 609 BCE, then his 11th would be to year 607 BCE. -the year
Jerusalem was broken up and burned down according to 2Kings 25:2,4

So you see, the destruction of Jerusalem is year 607 BCE not 586 as most of the encyclopidea
claimed. Take this: 7x365=2555-586=1969. What has happened in 1969? none.

Compared with 607: 7x365=2555-607=1948. What did happen in 1948? the restoration of


Then why do the enclopedias fall to error?


Simple, they do not take the Bible into account.

The strongest evidence that confirmed the accuracy of 607 BCE is its connection to Israel's
restoration in 1948 CE. Concerning this, the law of God recorded in Deuteronomy 15:1 says to

"At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release." "if thou buy an Hebrew servant, 6
years he shall serve: and in the 7th he shall go out free for nothing." (Exodus 21:1,2)

Since this law did not involve the land (in contrast to 'Sabbath for the Land' which has to be
observed upon Israel's entry to Promised Land [Exodus 25:2-4]), this takes effect immediately
after Israel leave Egypt.

Bible chronology points to Nisan 14, 1513 BCE as the date when Israel departs Egypt, thus if
numbered beginning that year, then the first year of the 'week of years' for Israel to observe
will be in 1512. The first 'year of release' (7th year) in 1505, while the 129th to 609.


The year of Israel's departure in Egypt namely Nisan 14, 1513 BCE can be trace by summing the
years from the time they left Egypt up to the construction of Solomon's temple which has a

total of 480 years according to 1King 6:1, the same reference also informed us of Solomon
being in his 4th year reign when the temple was constructed;

Solomon died in his 40th year reign, so from temple construction to his death, 36 years.

Before he died, Solomon at his old age, committed sin, (1King 11:4-7,11,12) and that sin was
continued by most of his successor, until it was ended by God when he allowed the Babylonians
to seize Jerusalem. According to Ezekiel 4:5, that error has amounted to 390 years.

70 years after the climax of that error, in

539 BCE, Babylon fell to the Persians,
Babylon was captured 6 months before 539
BCE could become a complete 1 year, (in
Israel's sacred calendar years were
reckoned beginning Nisan or Abib
equivalent to March April-Exodus 13:4;

Babylon was captured on October,

therefore if all the years from the time
Israel leave Egypt to the fall of Babylon
were summed up, the total years will be
975 plus 6 months

In order to find when the Israelites have left Egypt, the next step is to count back 975 years
from October 539 BCE. (in Israel's civil calendar years were reckoned beginning Tishri or
Ethanim equivalent to September October--The Mishnah, Oxford University Press, 1933, p.188)
Thus, 539+975=October 1514.

But according to Exodus 13:4, Israel leaves Egypt 6 months before October that is Nisan
(March/April). Therefore, if we move backward 6 months away from October 1514, then we
could see that the date when Israel departed Egypt is between March April 1514.
But since God' made Nisan (also called Abib) the first month of a year, (Exodus 13:4; 12:2)
hence, instead of March/April 1514 this became March/April 1513.


God told Israel to observe the Year of Release "if thou buy an Hebrew servant, 6 years he shall
serve: and in the 7th he shall go out free for nothing." (Exodus 21:1,2) this takes effect
immediately after Israel leave Egypt.

Bible chronology points to Nisan 14, 1513 BCE as the date when Israel leave Egypt, but Leviticus
25:9 indicates the 7 month to be the starting point for this cycle,

so if numbered beginning the 7 month (Tishri [Sept/oct]) of year 1513 then 1512 to 1511 will be
its first year, but why 1512 to 1511 and not 1513 to 1512?

will its like when you were born say January 2000. January 2000 to January 2001 was not your
first year rather January 2001 to January 2002, So they would say: on January 2001 you are 1
year old and if that happened to be February they would say you are 1 year old plus 2 months,
did you get me?

So 1512 to 1511 will be the 1st year, 1511 to 1510 2nd year; 1510 to 1509 3rd year; 1509 to
1508 4th year; 1508 to 1507 5th year; 1507 to 1506 6th year; 1506 to 1505 7th year=the first
'Year of Release,' while the 129th 'Year of Release' was on Sept/Oct 609/608 BCE. (7x129=903-
1512=609 or 7x129=903-1511=608)


609/608 BCE was very significant because it was the year when God said to the leaders of Israel
"Ye have not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every
man to his neighbour: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the LORD, to the sword, to the
pestilence, and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the
earth." (Jeremiah 34:13-17,21,22)

that declaration of God signifies the beginning of Israel's 70 years desolation, "and after 70
years I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation" (Jeremiah 25:11,12) A date recorded by
secular sources as the day when Babylon was fallen is October 539 BCE -that must be the year
when God punished Babylon. So, by just counting 70 years from the said date backward, we will
find October 609 BCE as the commencement year of Jerusalem's desolation.

On that year, 609 BCE, the record in 2 Kings 25:1 states that Nebuchadnezzar had came to
Jerusalem to destroy the city. Zedekiah the then reigning king in Israel upon knowing that the
said year fell on the 'Year of Release, [129th Sept/Oct 609/608 BCE]' in the hope that God will
save them from their enemy issued a decree calling all his people to release their servants in
obedience to God's will. (Jeremiah 34:8-10)

True to Zedekiah's expectation, God' caused the Babylonian to depart from Jerusalem by
sending against them an army of the Egyptians who came to rescue Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 37:5)
But afterwards, seeing the Babylonians already left, Zedekiah and his princes "caused the
servants and the handmaids, whom they had let go free to return and brought them into
subjection for servants and for handmaids," to provoke God to anger (Jeremiah 34:14-16)

In so doing, God declared a punitive liberty to Israel: "Therefore thus saith the LORD, Ye have
not hearkened unto me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother, and every man to his
neighbour: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the LORD, to the sword, to the pestilence,
and to the famine; and I will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth."
(Jeremiah 34:13-17,21,22)

The declaration of God signifies that Israel would suffer domination from the hands of the
Gentiles. And the only way out is when God proclaimed a liberty for them, this, after the
payment for their sin is remunerated.

The payment for Israel's sin according to Leviticus 26:18 is '7 times.' The phrase 'times' means
years, so 7 times is 7 years. 1 year is 365 days, so 7 years are 2555 days. But in reckoning the sin
of his people God often used 'a day for a year' basis. (Ezekiel 4:6) So 2,555 days means 2,555
years. If these length of years were reckoned starting from the ‘Year of Release’ that Israel had
defiled (609 608 BCE [the 129th Year of Release]) then the first year of our count would fall to
607 BCE while the completion to 1948 CE, the year when Israel was restored.(2,555-607=1948)

Simply put: 539 BCE was backed by almost all encyclopedias, Israel was released 538 BCE, 70
years after 538 is 608 so from this point in time, if you count 2555 years, the first year of your
countdown would point to 607 BCE and consequently will be completed 1948 CE


How do you know the World will end in 2018?


Because 70 years from 1948 is 2018

“Where in the Bible did it say ‘70 years from 1948 is End of the World?’”

The bible did not specifically said 70 years from 1948 will be End of the World. Its like gravity,
you cannot see it by your eyes but you do can see it using your eyes of understanding, you can
discern that there is a gravity because everytime you throw a stone up, the stone would always
falls back to the ground. The same with "70 years from 1948 is End of the World," you can see
that it is there in the bible though not written specifically- because of the following clues:

1: Jeremiah 25:11 said "these nations [Israel] shall serve the king of Babylon 70 years"

2: Jeremiah 25:12 said "and after 70 years I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation"

3: Jeremiah 25:26 "...and ALL the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth"

4: Jeremiah 25:31 "...he will plead with ALL flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the
sword, saith the LORD."

5: Jeremiah 25:33 "And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth
even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor
buried; they shall be dung upon the ground."

By those statements alone every thinking person will understand that those passages are all
referring to End -End of ALL nations and end of ALL evil. Not the literal end of earth as some
might say, "the earth will abide forever" (Ecclesiastes 1:4) God doesn't allow the earth to be
destroyed, instead "those who destroy the earth God will destroy" according to Revelation
11:18 so there is really no such thing as literal end of the earth, only the evil world and its

WHY DO WE COUNT the 70 in Jeremiah 25:11,12 STARTING 1948?

…Because that is the time when Israel had come to life again. Note that prior to 1948 there is
no Israel in the map? that is so because God wiped them off the land, God is so angry on Israel
for their rejection and murder of His Son that he judged to get rid of this nation. Israel was
demolished in 70 A.D. afterwards it no longer exist. The land had became a desolate place. The
apocalyptic prophecy in Jeremiah 25:11 saying "And this whole land shall be a desolation, and
an astonishment" had come true,

But the later part of the prophecy saying

"and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years" was fulfilled later when Israel
was restored in 1948 for how could the nation Israel served Babylon as foretold unless it first
appeared in the scene for the second time? So in 1948 when Israel was restored, the later part
of the prophecy was fulfilled, Israel became a slaved of Babylon


Babylon was well known in the bible because it took captive the people of God, but that was in
time of Nebuchadnezzar. There is a modern Babylon though or Endtime Babylon, recorded in
Revelation 17:3-5 this Babylon were shown as a union of two entity: the Beast and the Whorish
woman riding upon the back of the Beast to imply of their being one, like when two individual
get marriage they were pronounce as one, the woman shown here was supposed to be of God
but her in unison with the Beast makes her an adulterer and a whore in God’s sight.

This symbolic Beast is pointing to the political leaders of this world they were depicted to be so
in that you can’t breathe without making their image -money. Priest, pastors, deacons, elders,
minesters, evangelizers, etc. the supposed to be leaders of God’s people were shown as a
whorish woman because they simply turned blind eye in the system that makes people no
dignity without making money. Both resemble the ancient Babylon for having the same process
namely taking captive the people of God under the wicked system of Satan the Devil.

When Israel was restored in 1948 she too had become a subject of this tyrant government
because even in Israel a person without money could end up a dead meat or became a
wandering madmen scavenging for food to survive.


When Israel was restored in 1948 the prophetic 70 years in Jeremiah 25:11 has begun to count
"And these nations [Israel] shall serve the king of Babylon 70 year"

In Jeremiah 25:12 God said "and after 70 years I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation"

The end of countdown is:


Who is the king of Babylon? of course Satan the Devil. God will eradicate this Virus on 2018

...and ALL the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth.. (Jeremiah 25:26)

…for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations he will plead with ALL flesh; he will give
them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD. (Jeremiah 25:31)

...And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other
end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung
upon the ground. (Jeremiah 25:33)


Jeremiah 25:35 "And the shepherds (religious leaders) shall have no way to flee, nor the
principal of the flock (political leaders) to escape."


Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and
upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

Isaiah 2:17 And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be
made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.


Isaiah 2:18 And the idols (money and religious idols), he shall utterly abolish.


"And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the
threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's
inkhorn by his side; And the LORD said unto him,

Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the
foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst
thereof. And to the others he said in mine hearing,

Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay
utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man
upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary." (Ezekiel 9:3-6)


The lamb’s blood in the doorpost of every house in Egypt is a mark for the Destroyer to spare
the lives on those houses. (Exodus 12:3-12) That was in time of ‘armageddon’ in the days of
Moses. Todays final battle, the lamb that shed his blood for us Christians to be saved is Jesus
Christ. But for one to claim that he is a Christian is not sufficient to win the approval of the Lord,
Christ warned:

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out demons? and in thy name
done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from
me, ye that work iniquity." (Matthew 7:21-23)


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