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in vertical compaction, 649-6hjjukku

53 radiographic control of, 653 in continuohhgvjvhjv

us wave, 693 guttapercha, 614-616 Auto?t, 385 chemica
b hjhjhjhjhjl softening of, 630 GT, 385 in con?uent canals, 466 in ?st
hjhjhjulous sinus tract, gcghjg
628 ISO standardized, 616 Realseal, 635 silver, 612 Contraindicationsnhjhjbhjb
for endodontic therapy true, 27
Obtura III, 620-630, 636, 666-667 Obturation bilogical considerations on, 606 co
mmunicating and con?uent canals, 678-685 techniques for, with gutta-percha, 616
chemical softening of guttapercha, 630 continuous wave of condensation, 688-701
Entotwinn, 631 lateral condensation, 616-620 Microseal, 730-746 Resilon, 632-638
Therma?l, 702-726 thermoplastic gutta-percha, 620-630 vertical compaction, 644685 warm lateral condensation, 630 vertical extent of, 667-677 Odontoblasts, 8,
10, 12 OraSeal, 239 Orientation of radiographs, 93 Ori?ce shapers, 381 Orthodont
ic band, pretreatment with, 339 Outer enamel epithelium, 7 Overextension, 672-67
7 Over?lling, 672-677, 723 Overistrumentation, 444, 446, 466
Palpation test, 47 Paper points for working length determination, 448 for drying
the root canal, 452, 463 Paraformaldehyde, 611 Paralleling technique of radiogr
aphy, 83,84 Paramonochlorophenol, 184 Pastes as obturating material, 610 as root
canal medication, 608 Patency, maintaining the apical, 456-458 Pearls, enamel,
20 Peeso reamer, 377
752 Endodontics
Percussion test, 47 Perforation(s) diagnosis of, 450, 453, 455 Periodontal absce
ss, 186 Periapical disease, 160-203 tissues, reparative capacity of, 160 Periodo
ntal ligament injection, 216 Periodontitis apical acute, 185 chronic, 163 reacti
vation of, 184 Peroxide hydrogen 406, 407 urea, 399, 408, 436 Phoenix abscess, 1
84 Plugger(s) Buchanan s, 691 Fittine of, 693 Schilder s, 644, 648 pre?tting of, 654
Polyester, polimers of, 633 Precurvature, 438-440 Predentin, 11 Pregnancy, radi
ation safety in, 117 Premolars mandibular, 287-290 maxillary, 259-265 Preoperati
ve radiographs, 94-103 Pretreatment classi?cation, 332 conservative restorative,
339 indications for, 332 hollow posts, 336 orthodontic, 347 periodontal, 334 pr
osthetic restorative, 335 ProFile instruments mechanical, 379 Ori?ce shapers, 38
1 series 29, 358-362 .02 hand ?les, 365 .04 hand ?les hedstroem, 371 reamers, 37
1 ProRoot in pulp capping, 155 in apical barrier technique, 622 ProTaper instrum
ents, 390-392 technique, 548-563 Pulp calci?cations, 140 capping, 153-157 criter
ia for, 154 with MTA, 155 operative sequence, 156 exposure, 137 healthy, 139 des
eases, 139-153 clinical classi?cations, 139
necrosis, 150 tests, 56-62, 144, 145, 153 Pulpectomy, 148 Pulpitis diagnosis, 14
4 pulp tests, 145 radiographic examination, 145 symptomatology, 144 therapy, 147
Pulpotomy, 148
Quantec ?les, 382, 588-605
Radiography, 66-119 basic principles of, 67 buccal object rule in, 85 diagnostic
, 94 digital, 120-135 errors in, 110 image formation in, 74 image sharpness, 74
image magni?cation, 79 image distorsion, 79 intraoral radiographic techniques bi
secting angle technique, 80 paralleling technique, 83 orientation in, 93 intraop
erative, 104 preoperative, 94 protection in, 115 RC Prep, 399, 409 Reamers, 339
Peeso reamesr, 377 Rinn ?lm holders, 94-103 Rocanal, 611 Roentgen, 2, 66 Root fo
rmation, 14 Root resection, 40-42 Root sheath, 14, 15, 16, 17, 35 Rotary instrum
ents Nickel Titanium FlexMaster, 392 GT Files, 385 Hero, 388 LightSpeed, 383 Ori
?ce shapers, 381 Pro?les, 379 ProTapers, 390 Quantec, 382 Race, 393 Sybron Endo
K3, 389 Steel Enddo-Eze A.E.T. ?les, 379 Gates-Glidden drills, 375 Largo drills,
Index 753
LA Axxess burs, 377 Rubber base adhesive, 239 Rubber dam, 226-243 instruments cl
amps, 228 forceps, 229 frame, 230 lubricant, 231 napkins, 231 No-latex, 226 punc
hes, 228 positioning of, 231-242 Rule, buccal object, 85-93

Sargenti paste, 608, 611 Sealer(s), 610 in vertical compaction, 646 and master c
one placement, 656 preparation of, 654 resin-type, 636 Secondary dentin, 13 Sele
ctive anesthesia, 62 Shape memory, 518, 519 Shaping biological objectives, 429-4
31 mechanical objectives, 420-429 Sharpey s ?bers, 16 Sharpness of image,74 Silver
cones, 612 Smear layer, 410-420 Sodium hypochlorite as irrigating solution, 398
-408 bleaching action of, 407 for disinfection, 405 lubricating action of, 407 s
olvent action of, 399-402 toxicity of, 405 Spreader(s) in cold lateral condensat
ion, 616, 618, 619 in warm lateral condensation, 630 Stabident intraosseous sys
tem, 221 Stellate reticulum, 8 Step-back, 470, 483 Sterilization, of gutta-perch
a, 405 Stop(s), rubber, 429, 430, 440 Strategic endodontics, 40 Stream, acoustic
, 616 System B, 688-701
Terminus, radiographic of the canal, 444, 480, 671 Therma?l, 702-729 Thermal tes
ts, 56-58 Thermoplastic gutta-percha, 620-630 Tomes process, 10 Touch n Heat, 646
Transillumination, 64, 198 Tug back, 650-653
Ultra?l stringe, 630 Ultrasonic ?les, 366 Ultrasonics in access cavity preparati
on, 251 in smear layer management, 416-420 Ultraspeed radiographs, 95, 117, 130
Urea peroxide, 399, 408, 436
Vertical root fracture as a contraindication for therapy, 28 Viscous chelator, 4
09 Vital pulp therapy, 153-157 Vitality tests, 56-62
Working length determination of, 441-455, 598 and patency, 480, 553
X-Tip intraosseous system, 221
Zinc oxide-eugenol cements, 610, 615, 646

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