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Effects Of Tourism On Native Cultures And Environment

Tourism is one of the most developed and successful businesses that exists
into the Pacific region. It vastly affects the Pacific Lifestyle on a large scale
through the introduction of modern ideas. This essay, however, will go on to
argue and explain all the possible advantages and disadvantages that
accompany with tourism when it is introduced in each region. Firstly it will
explain and state all advantages that are supplemented with tourism and
then secondly it will state and explain all the disadvantages of tourism that
affects the Pacific region.
Firstly, tourism is a major business in forms of foreign exchange into the
country in terms of foreign exchange into the country. It is a billion dollar
industry where from the arrival of tourist till tourist leave, the country is
benefitted. The activities from tourist buying local products bring a major
profits for the government which later use this funds to improve
infrastructure or perhaps build new ones for tourists and local people for
example, road developments take place, construction of hotels and
renovations of antiquated hotels take place, tourism leads to improved
infrastructure and service. (2003, p.g.1). Therefore tourism provides a
huge support in terms of finance directly to the government.
Furthermore, tourism as a large economic sector creates many employment
opportunities for the local inhabitants. With constructions that occur around
the country to boost the tourism levels furthermore, the governments or
private investors are creating various different forms of employments for the
locals. For example, the constructions of hotels to expand tourist
accommodations, the employment is created along with where the under
qualified individuals are assigned a job in hotels as waiters or cleaners. To
add on, the qualified individuals have an opportunity to display theirs
leadership qualities as they are usually selected for higher posts within the
hotel staff and managerial departments creation of numerous
employment opportunities in the host countries (2003, p.g1) .employing,
20000 people and indirectly jobs to many more (Harrison, 2012,p.g1)
Thirdly, the tourism benefits the locals cultures very positively and promotes
and creates awareness to alert people of other culture about the lifestyles
and cultural practices in the pacific region. Tourists are mostly attracted to
the pacific region due to the intense beautiful beaches and the environments
and the local cultures. Researchers found main attraction for tourism in
pacific region: pristine beaches, unique local cultures and friendly locals

(2003, p.g1). Thus through the attraction of tourists, pacific culture is

promoted through awareness programs called external awareness where
tourists are provided knowledge about the island and their lifestyle by the
internet or tour guide. Also the locals benefit by internal awareness created
through interaction of tourist and locals in communities. For example,
external awareness is provided by most of the research done by visitor about
land mass, lifestyle and history. According to South Pacific Tourism
Organization, tourism facilities give most details about each country to give
awareness using art, crafts and dances and practices.
Although tourism has many advantages, this essay also focuses on the
negative that are brought about with tourism. Tourism, on the other hand,
brings in crimes, new diseases and difference in cultures and destruction to
environments and climate.
Firstly, although tourism is a billion dollar business, it dangerous affects the
environment in a different way. To stat one problem is creation pollution by
transportation. Although air transport is the fastest travel mode, it creates
excessive air pollution for climate by the burning of fuel. .. pacific island
countries, tourist come by air, planes use fuel. Indeed air travel is one of the
fastest growing contributor to climate changes (Harrison,2012,P.g 1). Often
through tourism, the natural environment is also harmed in a way that it
exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment due to over-crowding
causing permanent damages in the environment.
However, according to South Pacific Tourism Organization, there are
guidelines introduced to administer to avoid exceeding the carrying capacity
in social, physical, and biological ways.
Secondly, tourism is a major contributor towards crimes in the country. Since
the country is allowing visitors to come into the shores, there can be a rise in
illegal trading of drugs, weapons and rapes and robbery. As modern
technology and items are introduced in the nation, people become more
vulnerable to new things that are being used by visitors without knowing its
effects. For example, drugs and drunkenness can cause violence amongst
people and rapes in the city.
Thirdly, the tourism is perhaps the major contributor towards introduction of
certain diseases to which pacific islanders are not facing yet. Infected
individuals might step into the country with viruses inside them that find the
pacific islands environments, climate and lifestyle suitable to spread
accordingly in a population. For example, introduction of diabetes due to

modern technology was noted as this make life easier and people are
becoming lazier to do activities. According ministerial conference on
environments and developments in asia and pacific prolonged growth of
mass tourism may be accompanied by increase of arrival and spread of drug
and disease, including HIV/AIDS.
To sum up, tourism has a lasting impact on lifestyle and environments.
Tourism has its own positives and negatives but it is up to the people how
tourism affects a civilizations.

South Pacific Tourism Organisation, 2003, Tourism and Sustainable Development In
The Pacific Island, Pacific Island Forum, Sustainable Development Brief 2003, Suva,
p. 1-2
Pacific Islands Report, 2014,Ecotourism Should Be Developed In PNG, (2014 Mar. 5),
Suva, p. 2
Ministerial conference on environment and development in Asia and the Pacific
2000,2000, Tourism, (2014 March.5),
Suva ,P.2

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