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1. What is Bolshevik Revolution?

The October Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution,

was the second phase of the Russian Revolution, the first having been
instigated by the events around the February Revolution. The Bolshevik
Revolution was the overthrow of the Russian government, which took place in
the fall of 1917. The Bolsheviks were an extremist faction within the Russian
Social Democratic Labor Party (later renamed the Russian Communist Party)
who seized control of the government and ushered in the Soviet age. The
Bolshevik Revolution is also known as the October Revolution because,
according to the old Russian calendar (in use until 1918), the government
overthrow happened on October 25.
2. Who is the leader of Bolshevik Revolution?
The October
Revolution or Bolshevik
by Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.
Lenin returned from exile when
the tsarist (czarist) rule ended and by a coup against the social-democratic
government of Alexander Kerensky .
The Congress of Soviets, in 1917, was made up of representatives of
local soviets which, in turn, were supposedly elected primarily by workers and
peasants in the various local districts; in reality, the Bolsheviks secured the
delegates by the use of violence and intimidation. In the Congress of Soviets
which met at the beginning of November, 1917, the Bolshevik party had a
majority. This Congress then declared itself to be "the government": that is to
say, it claimed sovereignty and declared that sovereignty was no longer
possessed by the Kerensky government which was based upon the remnants
of the old Russian Duma and had been in power since the February
Revolution. The Soviet Congress then proceeded to enact the chief initial
measures of the new regime and to elect an executive - the Council of
Lenin was dictator of the Soviet state under a system of MarxismLeninism, involving iron control of the party and the people, until his death in
1924. After his death, a power struggle between Leon Trotsky and Joseph
Stalin ostracized Trotsky and brought Stalin to power. Stalin would eventually
have Trotsky assassinated; and his increasing paranoia was manifested in a
bloody series of purges from the mid 1930s onwards.

3. What are the effects of Bolshevik Revolution?

The most immediate effect of the October Revolution was that the
Second Congress of Soviets stamped it with legitimacy by declaring it legal
and transfered the power of the Provisional Government to the Soviets. The
Bolsheviks and their allies the Socialist Revolutionaries enjoyed a clear
majority at the Second Congress. The Congress then formed a Council of
People's Commissars to administer the country in the interim, and passed the
Decree on Land and the Decree on Peace. The former legalized all prior land
seizures by the peasantry, while the latter declared that Russia would seek

peace and withdraw from the First World War. Also, all banks, private bank
accounts, factories and Church property were nationalized, foreign debts
were repudiated, and the 8 hour work day was established.
Perhaps the most significant result of the October Revolution was the
establishment of the Soviet Union and its Marxist-Leninist government, the
first such government anywhere in the world. Communism became one the
key defining elements of world affairs for the remainder of the 20th Century.

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