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The translation procedure open by itself ways in finding suitable comprehensions for

literary units. The translation procedure, for rule, should fit the translation result. It is necessary
to mention that there indispensable to exist some logic ties between the translation process and
its results. In the work Mthode de traduction, Vinay and Darbelnet established the confusion
between translation process and translation result. They sustain that strategies are an essential
element in problem solving. Therefore, in relation to solving translation problems, we think a
distinction should be made between techniques and strategies. Techniques describe the result
obtained and can be used to classify different types of translation solutions.[ ,pag.141]
Procedure consists of techniques and skills while the result of translation speaks about
how these were use in practice. An important think that is specified by Vinay is that technical
procedures affect the result and not the process[ ,pag.142]. Therefore, to obtain the result as
expected, there is essential to establish well arranged techniques of translation.
In the specialized literature, there are established different approaches of classifying
translation technique. The first classification of translation techniques that had a clear
methodological purpose was given by Vinay and Darbelnet, in their work Stylistique
Compare du Franais et de lAnglais. There they keep mentioning why the procedure should

be classified as: direct translation and oblique translation. According to the authors, this is only
possible when two languages vocabulary can be characterize through having a large number of
common words, and makes them to be close to each other. So, the authors underline the
following procedures:

Borrowing: a word taken directly from another language. To refer to the business field,
where the Moldavians have the tendency to use foreign terms such as English, the word
manager which was borrowed long time ago, is usually translated into Romanian manager without taking in account that it is a borrowed word. The right translation of

the manager in Romanian is director, the person who is in the top of a company.
Claque. A foreign word or phrase translated and incorporated into another language, e.g.,
sfirsit de saptamina from the English weekend.

In the view of the Vinay and Darbelnet the present classification are taking part from the direct
translation. Further, this paper is going to present the classification into their view of oblique
translation. They support that oblique translations occurs when it occurs when words by words
translation is impossible.

Transposition. A shift of word class, changes into grammatical forms. It happens, in the
function of translator to change from verb for noun, or noun for preposition. But
considering False Friends a barrier this way of translation will take the wrong path. There

is presented the following example: the English word figure usually can be seen as

figura- in Romanian language instead of the correct translation a-si da seama.

Compensation. An item of information or a stylistic effect from the source text that
cannot be reproduced in the same place in the target text is introduced elsewhere in the

target text.
Condensation. These are variations of amplification and economy that is characteristic of
Romanian and English, e.g., English prepositions or conjunctions that need to be
reinforced in Romanian by a noun or a verb. We can consider the following word too
from English, that can be confused in Romanian we the numeral doi or two in English.
E.g., I wish you good luck too, the correct translation in Romanian looks like de
asemenea iti doresc si eu succes. This example point out the changes that had happened

in the process of translation.

Explicitation. This procedure involves the introduction of the information from the source
text that is implicit from the context or the situation. For better understanding, look upon
the following example: the expression white house from English language is translated in
Romanian as casa alba, this is the correct translation but it doesnt have the same
meaning as in the original. Obviously this needs an explication, white house- the location
where the president of United States is situated.
Beside Vinay and Darbelnet, there are some more scholars interested in the procedure of

translation. One of these scholars who were concerned in identifying and classifying techniques
of translation, is known as Eugen Nida. Into his work The Theory and Practice of Translation, he
states different way of analyzing the procedure of translation, called techniques of adjustment. At
this stage, he distinguishes three types: additions, subtractions and alterations.
Inasmuch as this paper is looking for difficulties in translation False Friends. From all
these three types proposed by Nida, according to the translation of False Friends can be
considered available only one of them; addition technique of translation.

Additions. The translator adds up a word or a word-combination in order to specify the

meaning. Nida lists different circumstances that might oblige a translator to make an
addition: to clarify an elliptic expression; to avoid ambiguity in the target language; to
change a grammatical category; to amplify implicit elements; to add connectors.[ ] The
example is as follow, when translating the False Friend crayon, from English into
Romanian, it needs a translation consisting of two words creta cerata, otherwise there
is the probability to be translated in the wrong way.
Nida includes footnotes as another adjustment technique and points out that they have two

main functions: the first one is to correct linguistic and cultural differences. And the second one
is to add additional information about the historical and cultural context of the text in question.

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