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Article appeared Friday, July 22nd, 2016 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (435)

yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

In a court of law, what is the purpose of a witness? What do witnesses testify? To answer these
questions we may take the help of the Internet. We may even type in the question, what is the
purpose of a witness in a court of law. Without using strict legal jargon, the website {1} The Role
of Witnesses states the following,
Witnesses play a very important role in criminal cases. They help to clarify what
happened by telling the judge or jury everything they know about an event. A witness is
someone who has relevant information about a crime. Both the lawyer for the
government and the accused can require witnesses to come to court to tell this
information to the judge, and sometimes to a jury. {1}
As also mentioned in the website {1}, there are two types of witnesses, ordinary witnesses and
expert witnesses.
An ordinary witness is someone who personally saw or heard something about the
crime. An ordinary witness can be the police officer who made the arrest or a person
who was at the scene of the crime. An expert witness is someone who has special
expertise about an element of the crime. An expert witness can be a doctor,
psychologist, accountant, etc. {1}
Essentially, witnesses are third parties who provide evidence against or in favor of the accused.
They help establish the guilt or innocence of the accused. The testimony given is therefore
regarded as proof and becomes a part of the evidence in the court of law for the purpose of
delivery of the verdict.
Can human intelligence witness other things as well? For example, can human intelligence
witness their own intelligent existence as opposed to that of animals such as the monkeys or the
chimpanzees? Can they reflect on and witness the myriad blessings that they enjoy, e.g.,
benefits of having a tongue that can taste and distinguish between a variety of foods, benefits of
the foods that they enjoy, benefits of having companions, benefits of having a family, benefits of
being able to speak and interpret what others say in an intelligent manner? Can humans look at
the stars, the moon, the sun, the earth and all that there is in the galaxy and ask a question like,
how come these things exist, some with interrelated functions that appear to support {2} the
existence of human beings?
Earth is unique in the Solar System as being the only planet which is able to support life
in all its forms: from basic living microorganisms to highly sophisticated and intelligent
human beings. {2}
Science is witnessing the fact that unintelligent and unrelated systems support life including the
life of human beings in an integrated manner and the fact that this character is unique to planet
Earth. The implication is that the Earth is purposely different differences that allow it to
uniquely fulfill the special needs of all biological life forms that exist. These differences can only
be managed or created by a powerful and superior intelligence that knows the hidden designs
and needs of the myriad of life forms. Despite such compelling evidence, there are scientists
who still insist on denying the truth of the all-powerful Creator. These scientists insist that there
is no evidence that there is a creator and therefore nothing created everything. This is like
saying that a zero (0), i.e., something that doesnt exist can create a one (1), i.e., something that

exists. To help understand the sheer absurdity of Nothing in the scheme of creation of life, Joe
Carter in the web article When Nothing Created Everything {2} writes,
In the beginning was Nothing, and Nothing created Everything. When Nothing decided
to create Everything, she filled a tiny dot with Time, Chance, and Everything and had it
expand. The expansion spread Everything into Everywhere carrying Time and Chance
with it to keep it company. The three stretched out together leaving bits of themselves
wherever they went. One of those places was the planet Earth. {2}
And so Joe continues in the rest of the article {2}, stating all the miracles Nothing has had to
perform including the creation of Time and Chance. The fact is that chance also needs a reason
to engage or to perform! Regardless of the fact that atheists present weak arguments, they still
manage to divert people away from the Creators reality. However, as pointed out in the Holy
That Day shall they (will openly) show submission to Allah; and all their inventions
(false diversions and deities) will leave them in the lurch. [16.87]
On the Day of Judgment, we will all have to face our Maker and of course face the
consequences of our attitude towards Him. The attitude of trying to find logic to deny the
existence of the Creator is classified as ingratitude.
Truly Man is to his Lord ungrateful; and to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);..
[100.6 100.8]
How should He look upon the people who have had the opportunity to enjoy and derive
intelligent satisfaction out of existence and have also misguided others regarding the reality of
the Creator?

16.88 Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the path of Allah for them
will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief.
16.89 One day We shall raise from all peoples a witness against them from
amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy
people): and We have sent down to you the Book explaining all things a guide a
Mercy and a glad tidings to Muslims.
To prove the case against the ungrateful, He will use a variety of human witnesses to testify that
they were indeed warned about what would happen on the Day of Judgment.

16.90 Allah commands justice the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin
and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you
that you may receive admonition.
All Allah wants is justice towards Him and His other creation. Life is an opportunity to feel the
Qualities of the Creator and acknowledge what He has done for us. It is His right to be
acknowledged for the opportunity of life that He has given us.

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