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About the Author

Hi, my name is Curtis K. Chocholous. I am Chairman & Founder

of Pulse; a company dedicated to business leaders and the
people they serve. I am honored that youve taken the time to
read this short but immensely powerful report. In it, you will be
asked three transformational questions wherein the answers are
the keys to becoming an extraordinary leader. A leader who
creates high-performance teams eager to contribute to the
vision of the company and yes, the bottom line.
In this report I have distilled what I have learned as a business
improvement leader with over three decades of leadership
experience in small-medium-large; both private/closely-held and public manufacturing firms.
My consulting clients often seek me out when they sense theres something holding their
company back, but they cant quite put their fingers on the problem. These talented managers
find themselves bogged down in the never-ending day-to-day issues that keep them working
excessively in the business preventing them from working on the business.
Sound familiar? Its easy to get caught-up in the many seemingly important matters of running
a business. However, the real opportunities lie with unlocking the hidden potential of your
team. By working hands-on with employees across many organizations and industries, Ive
helped clients achieve amazing business results. One small manufacturing company boosted
profits more than 20 percent a month. Another company doubled their employee bonus
potential in just 9 months.
I am committed to helping you demystify and simplify the growth of your company while
achieving success and fulfillment on your terms.
To your true success!

Curtis Chocholous


When a leader can truthfully and accurately answer this critically important
question, the power of the 80/20 Principle can then be tapped and exploited
to motivate behaviors that will drive positively focused actions that
ultimately unite organizational oneness in ways of purpose, attitude and
The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.
-Johann W. Von Goethe
In other words, if everything is important, then nothing is. When an
organization has too many urgent and important things routinely in
process, the organization becomes disconnected and disables its ability to
successfully keep real progress in motion.
Too many competing and changing priorities will naturally dilute and weaken
employee focus; steal valuable time, talent and energy, and will
consequently lead to high employee frustration, team dysfunction and an
increased number of low-value-added outcomes. Relationships begin to
wither, trust starts to wane, and as result the organizational community and
business as a whole suffers. In fact, it has been reported that CognitiveOverload costs U.S. Industry $1.4 Trillion annually.
Leaders that fail to set the right priorities and tone for their organizations
accelerate the effects of The Second Law of Thermodynamics that says;
everything in the universe is running down, becoming less organized and
more disordered. In essence, these leaders become the primary source and
cause of compounding distractions, chaos and dysfunction.
Why do so many organizations seem to live in a reactive mode?

There are many reasons, but three major factors are:

1) The leaders in these organizations lack self-management skills and true
leadership capabilities.
2) They have weak leadership management systems.
3) The organizational structure by design counter-acts productive teamwork.
The combined negative effect of these three destructive forces will
dramatically reduce employee relational-capacity, engagement, morale and
organizational potential to the extent and proportion of their existence.
The key to overcoming these three negative factors is to develop and
integrate an 80/20 Leadership Management System into your organization
that will lead to identifying the issues that have the greatest possible impact
on the success of your business. Then invest the majority of your time
working on the one-fifth (20%) of the opportunities that will deliver fourfifths (80%) of the desired results. That is the power of 80/20 simplicity. I
call it 80/20 Leadership.


It is with the heart that one sees rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
-Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Human design and health are intrinsically linked to a persons emotions. You
can really know and master a multitude of facts, but still be miserable if you
are controlled by negative emotions.
Human emotionality has been studied for centuries and understanding how
emotions work is a critical leadership skill as well as a key factor as it relates
to ones success in life. Emotions are commonly found at the heart of most
workplace matters and are manifested as human behaviors in literally 100s
of ways.
Organizational fitness is predominantly a people issue after all, people
really are the company. 80/20 Leadership recognizes that humans are
genetically designed with an 80/20 DNA. Great leaders know and act on this
fact because emotional balance is key in both the workplace and life.
Therefore, it is wise to know how to manage human emotions because it is
the pathway to emotional health and business success.
The human personality is said to consist of roughly four-fifths (80%) emotions and one-fifth
(20%) intellect. To engage in confrontation or even a discussion without taking emotions into
account is to be only 20% effective in your dealings with people. -David Ferguson & Don
McMinn, Emotional Fitness


The 80/20 Principle is simple to understand intellectually, but not so easy to implement
organizationally. -Curtis Chocholous
80/20 leaders know that intellectual preparation is not the same as
emotional readiness. The mind and the heart work at different speeds and
on different timelines. The 80/20 leader is a mission-minded master of
singular-focus who honestly cares about the growth and development of
people and is absolutely driven to improve total enterprise well-being. As
result, the 80/20 leader discovers and realizes more of his/her own hidden
leadership potential while simultaneously elevating and bringing out the best
in others.
Theodore Roosevelts assertion; nobody cares how much you know, until
they know how much you care can be a reality built on authentic words and
actions. 80/20 Leadership provides a way for leaders to engage all their
people on an emotional and intellectual level that motivates them to take
inspired action that consistently achieves positive results.
80/20 leaders realize that their role and purpose is not about them so they
arent obsessed or worried about matters of presentation. Instead, they
diligently pursue an ongoing conversation with their people demonstrating
an earnest desire to make deep genuine connections (i.e., remember,
humans are 80% emotional beings). 80/20 leaders see themselves much
like a flywheel working to maintain momentum. They continuously build and
store productive organizational energy that becomes self-sustaining and
proportional to the growing employee interaction created and fueled by
enthusiasm and focused action.
Buckminster Fuller said, If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, dont bother trying
to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.

The Pulse, 80/20 Leadership Management System was designed and

created to serve the entire leadership team and all of their associates. It lifts
the veil and bridges the gap between embracing 80/20 concepts and making
them real, actionable and transformational in your business. Your greatest
opportunities lie with unlocking the hidden potential of your team. I am
committed to helping you demystify and simplify your company. To your
true success!

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